How to put on a prenatal bandage. What is important to know when wearing a bandage. Overview of species and recommendations for use

It is necessary to use a bandage during pregnancy when there is a need to support a heavier belly. It reduces the feeling of fatigue, relieves back pain, maintains the position of the fetus inside the uterus.

This underwear Reasonable use Quality
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Wearing is prescribed more often from the second half of the term, it is not necessary to use this device without special recommendations.

Why is it needed

Health experiments, especially in pregnant women, are not recommended. Although many wore a bandage during pregnancy, whether it is needed in a particular case, the woman herself decides together with the doctor.

There are indications when its use will help solve problems. Then a specific type is assigned, up to writing a prescription. There are also contraindications in which harm can even be done.

First trimesterWearing a special bandage is prescribed extremely rarely, from about 10-11 weeks of pregnancy, with pathologies of the abdominal muscles (for example, discrepancy after a previous pregnancy), back, spineThe presence of an allergic reaction to materials, a subjective feeling of discomfort
Second trimesterPain in the muscles of the back, the threat of miscarriage or premature birth, pathology of the cervix, its prolapse or the presence of scars, abdominal surgery for a year and a half or later, pinching of the sciatic nerve, multiple pregnanciesSame as first trimester
third trimesterThe same as in the second, plus the risk of transverse or breech presentation - a bandage during pregnancy will keep the baby "in place"The same, plus the wrong position of the fetus (will prevent him from turning)
After childbirthNot required. Helps to quickly restore the shape, promotes the "return" of the internal organs "in place". It is possible to prescribe a special variety after caesarean sectionTransverse seam after cesarean, diseases of the digestive system, kidneys, skin diseases

The presence of indications during pregnancy does not mean that it is necessary to wear an uncomfortable bandage. Suffering in uncomfortable underwear, even orthopedic, will be more harmful than problems that can be solved in other ways. Contraindications make its use impossible.

On the contrary, when the doctor does not recommend wearing a bandage, but it is convenient for a woman and necessary during pregnancy, there are no categorical prohibitions other than those indicated in the table. Reasonable use, for several hours a day, is not capable of damaging the muscles. For such a period they will not be weakened, contrary to some erroneous assertions. And for a woman working, leading an active lifestyle, this tool will bring the necessary relief.

What is the use of a bandage during pregnancy.

  1. Subjectively makes the stomach "lighter", this is especially important for multiple pregnancies.
  2. Reduces the tension of the spine, small pelvis.
  3. Removes back pain.
  4. Reduces leg fatigue.
  5. Helps prevent stretch marks if they are associated with weak abdominal muscles. But during pregnancy, these troubles often appear for other reasons, so often there is no need to wear a bandage if there are no other indications.
  6. Does not allow the uterus to descend prematurely.
  7. Reduces the risk of threatened miscarriage.
  8. Helps to keep the fetus in the correct position.

How to choose a model

Appearance is not the main thing, quality is desirable. It is important that the bandage does what it is needed for during pregnancy. The device should gently support the stomach, without causing inconvenience.

There are three main types that pregnant women use.

  1. Panties or shorts. It is a specially designed model of underwear, with a high waistline and an elastic band running in front under the belly and at the back at waist level. Such a bandage can be worn during pregnancy instead of regular underwear, it is invisible even in summer, there are insulated models for winter (see photo). The advantages of such a model are ease of use, invisibility, and a wide range. The disadvantage is the need for daily washing, although it can be worn over regular swimming trunks.
  2. Belt. It looks like a wide elastic band with a sticky fastener. It allows you to adjust the size. Often there are adjusting valves so as not to stretch the belt too much. It is necessary to properly wear such a bandage while lying or standing; during pregnancy, it is especially convenient in the summer, since it covers a very small surface of the body. Wear it over underwear, tights, trousers. Valves, Velcro can stand out under clothing, stick to it.
  3. Universal. This type is used before and after childbirth. Made in the form of an orthopedic belt. One side is much larger than the other, it has supporting bones and a rigid padding. During pregnancy, such a bandage is worn with the wide side back, after childbirth it is turned. This is the best option for a problem back, and it also gives good savings to the family budget. However, after giving birth, you may need help to fasten the sticky fastener on your back.

Even the most suitable bandage during pregnancy can cause inconvenience for the first few days. But if on the third or fourth day of wearing it is still “felt”, all the more pressing, rubbing, then it was chosen incorrectly.

Reasonable use

Rules for choosing a bandage during pregnancy.

  1. The size is selected according to the circumference of the waist and hips in the most
  2. wider places. There are no universal dimensional lines, so these parameters are indicated on the packaging.

  3. You need to purchase at a pharmacy, a specialty store or, alternatively, in a consultation. There should be a choice, a competent consultant who will help you take the right measurements. He will also tell you which model to choose during pregnancy, depending on why you need a bandage. It is better to try on a few, move around in them.
  4. Shorts should have a wide elastic band, the larger it is, the better the effect.
  5. The belt must also have a sufficient width, the denser it is, the more comfortable it is to use (it will not slip, roll).

Correct way to use

You need to start wearing a bandage when unwanted sensations appear during pregnancy - heaviness, fatigue, back pain. This happens around the fourth month, with an intensive increase in the size of the abdomen.

They take it off just before the birth. There is only one exception - if the bandage prevents premature descent of the fetus. In this case, stop wearing at 38 weeks.

If a woman needs to wear a bandage during pregnancy, it is important to learn how to put it on correctly. It is not difficult, especially since instructions are always included in the package.

The most difficult situation is with those models that are put on lying down. At home, this is easy to do, but when you need to go to the toilet at work, problems begin. Solving them is simple - just lean back slightly, press your stomach a little with your hand and fasten the Velcro.

There are different sizes

It is important to remember that even the most comfortable bandage, which is worn correctly, cannot be around the clock. In general, without fear, use it up to six hours a day. If necessary, wear all day every three hours, remove the belt for about half an hour. Under no circumstances should you sleep in this device.

There are situations when during pregnancy harm from a bandage is possible, even if you started wearing it without problems. It is necessary to urgently loosen or even remove the device in such cases:

  • there was a feeling of excessive pressure;
  • not enough air, shortness of breath appears;
  • the baby is worried, kicks a lot.

Whether it is worth using this device at all, when to start, how much to wear it, a woman is quite capable of deciding on her own. Provided that there are no critical situations, and the doctor does not prohibit. Correctly chosen, reasonably used, the bandage is not capable of harming either the mother or the unborn child. A

When a woman carries a baby under her heart, her body goes through many changes. Sometimes they make it difficult to perform daily activities and interfere with an active lifestyle. Often, pregnant women encounter strong ones while moving. In such cases, doctors recommend the mandatory wearing of a supporting bandage. Such a belt can really lighten the load, but it must be able not only to choose the right one, but also to wear it correctly.

How to put on a bandage?

There is no need to think about purchasing a belt before 19-22 weeks.

However, it is necessary not only to choose a model suitable for yourself, but also to figure out how to put it on correctly so as not to harm your well-being and not turn the bandage into a useless thing. Thanks to a few simple tips, every woman will cope with this manipulation:

  • It is best to take a recumbent position for maximum comfort. Thus, the bandage is easier to tighten.
  • Before putting on the belt, you need to relax and lie down for about twenty minutes. Perhaps the baby will move to the upper abdomen. Due to this, the load on the bladder will be much less, which will have a good effect on the well-being of the expectant mother.
  • In order for the bandage to perform its function, it must be applied in such a way that the pubic bone is captured. The main thing is that the pressure on the stomach should not be too strong, but it should not sag either.
  • After the belt is securely fastened, it is recommended to lie down for ten minutes. During this time, the body will have time to get used to it a little - and the discomfort from wearing will noticeably decrease.
  • Cleanliness is very important to ensure 100% hygiene.
  • If the operation brings severe discomfort for several days, then this should be alarming. Perhaps the belt is not worn correctly or does not fit according to the anatomical features. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

In addition to these tips, it is important to know what you should never do:

  • The bandage must be worn over underwear. This will reduce discomfort, and the belt will not slide down.
  • It is strictly forbidden to sleep in it. At rest, this device is absolutely not required. If this recommendation is neglected, then the blood vessels may be compressed. This will definitely not benefit the unborn child.
  • If you put on a bandage while standing, then the load is not distributed properly. Instead of the desired relief, you can get back pain and strong pressure on the uterus.
  • The belt is undesirable to wear throughout the day. Every two hours it is better to take it off for a while so that the body rests from dense tissue.
  • It is up to her doctor to decide whether a pregnant woman needs a bandage or not.

Who needs to wear a bandage?

When it comes to the appointment of a special support belt, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the reasons why you need to wear it:

  • With significant problems of the spine.
  • When a girl is carrying twins, it is often impossible to do without a bandage.
  • Stretch marks are a big problem for women. This device significantly reduces the risk of their occurrence.
  • When the expectant mother leads an active lifestyle or continues to attend work in position.
  • With insufficient physical preparation (weakness of the abdominal muscles).

Which bandage to choose, and how do they differ?

Fortunately, manufacturers have made sure that women can choose the belt that suits them. But each type, in addition to advantages, also has disadvantages, which you must be aware of. Most commonly sold:

  • Universal bandages. They are designed to be worn both during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. This enables significant cost savings. This type is characterized by a significant width and elasticity, which helps to fix the position of the child well. Reliable Velcro fasteners are made in such a way that the belt does not unfasten during movement.
  • Panties. This bandage is very easy to wear and put on. It stays on pretty well and doesn't cause any discomfort. A huge disadvantage will be the need for frequent washing. It is also impossible to take it off in time, being out of the house.
  • Belt. Differs in the small sizes and the increased durability. This type supports the lower abdomen and does not squeeze the blood vessels. It is virtually invisible under clothing, and there is always the opportunity to loosen the belt if necessary.

In conclusion, it is important to say that wearing a bandage should not cause pain and significant inconvenience. The expectant mother must trust her feelings, which will not harm the fetus and her own health. A properly selected and worn belt will help you easily spend time outdoors and do household chores.

Expectant mothers have many needs due to their special position. In this article, we will talk about the bandage, which contributes to the delicate support of the tummy and ensures the correct position of the crumbs in the uterus. How to choose, wear and put on, as well as the benefits and contraindications of the bandage, read further in our article.

Functions of a bandage for pregnant women

Bandage for pregnant women - a special elastic belt. It helps to reduce stress on the spine, relieves fatigue and makes you feel lighter.

A well-chosen bandage for pregnant women also makes it possible to avoid stretch marks on the skin and preserve the beauty of the body while carrying a baby. The bandage perfectly supports the muscles and prevents them from sagging. A bandage after childbirth is very useful: with its help you will quickly get in shape.

How to choose a bandage for pregnant women

To date, there are several types of bandages, for example, some of them look like panties with a high fit. The difference between a bandage and regular underwear in this case is that the lower front part is an elastic insert that perfectly supports the expectant mother's tummy. The back of the brace helps support the back muscles. They are made from microfiber, so if you are not allergic to synthetic fabrics, you can safely wear such a bandage.

One of the most popular is the bandage for pregnant women in the form of a belt - a universal option for expectant mothers. The belt is adjustable, so you can wear it during pregnancy and after childbirth. In appearance, the bandage resembles an elastic band, tapering towards the edges. While carrying the baby, they put it forward with the narrow side, and after the birth of the child - with the wide side. The bandage belt is worn over underwear, so it does not cause discomfort. The combined type of bandage allows you to wear it both during and after pregnancy. It is the most popular among expectant mothers.

There are bandages that are made from materials of the "second skin" type. They allow the skin of the expectant mother to breathe due to the coating of cotton or other "breathable" fabrics, such as viscose. The product is considered more perfect: it is made in the shape of a tummy and is worn on a naked body.

The most important rule in this case is the selection of the size of the bandage. Of course, the doctor should help you decide this question. To choose the right bandage yourself, you need to measure the volume of the hips under the tummy with a centimeter. These data will allow you, according to the dimensional grid, to purchase a bandage in size.

Be sure to try on the maternity bandage before you decide to make a purchase. It is advisable to choose from several bandages from different manufacturers to make sure that you choose the right one.

A maternity bandage can be purchased at a pharmacy or a store that sells clothes for expectant mothers, but shopping online is not a very suitable option. It is only possible if you have already tried on a certain model in the store. Sometimes shopping online can save you a lot of money.

How to properly wear a maternity bandage

Putting on a bandage can cause some difficulties at first: the doctor must show how to put it on correctly. The donning scheme is quite simple: lie on your back, slightly raise your hips and fix the belt. It is also necessary to remove it while lying down.

If it becomes necessary to remove or put on a bandage, but there is no way to lie down, then you need to lean back, raise your tummy with your hand, press it and fix it with a bandage. If the bandage is put on correctly, it does not cause undue pressure and discomfort - only relief.

The belt is put on obliquely: the bandage runs along the top of the waist, hips and goes down under the stomach, resting on the hips, and in the front part captures the pubic bone. A properly worn bandage will stop noticing you in a few minutes. It is better to wear a maternity bandage over underwear to ensure comfort, and a bandage for durability.

How to put on a bandage for pregnant women - Video:

When to start wearing a maternity bandage

The bandage for pregnant women has a number of indications:

  1. Backache.
  2. Curvature of the spine and osteochondrosis.
  3. Weakness of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.
  4. Re-pregnancy.
  5. Polyhydramnios.
  6. Rapid enlargement of the uterus.
  7. Multiple pregnancy.
  8. Risks of termination of pregnancy.
  9. The low position of the head before the onset of the 36th week of pregnancy.
  10. Low-lying placenta.
  11. Swelling in the legs and varicose veins.

Contraindications for wearing a bandage

The obvious advantages of bandages for expectant mothers do not exclude the presence of a number of contraindications. Your doctor should warn you about the dangers of a bandage, who individually approaches the issue of selecting this product for each pregnant woman. So, the main contraindications:

  • malposition;
  • if the expectant mother underwent abdominal surgery during pregnancy;
  • with problems with the digestive tract;
  • in the presence of allergic reactions to synthetics;
  • with kidney problems and excessive swelling.

Bandage care

Even though the maternity bandage is worn over underwear, it needs to be washed frequently. Bandages in the form of panties are generally washed every day. Washing must be done by hand in cool water using delicate detergents, which will maintain the elasticity of the product. Frequent washings provide for the presence of two or three bandages for change.
It is necessary to dry the bandage in a towel in the unfolded form.

Postpartum bandage

The bandage after childbirth ensures proper blood circulation in the pelvic organs. After its restoration, the figure will quickly return to the desired shape. The postpartum bandage supports the back muscles, which require such support after childbirth no less than during the bearing of the baby. The uterus also contracts faster.

By the way, this bandage can be worn a few hours after childbirth. It is also fastened in a supine position.

There are contraindications for wearing a postpartum bandage:

  1. Special stitches after caesarean section.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Kidney diseases.
  4. Skin allergies.

The right size and type will help pregnant women feel comfortable even in the later stages of gestation. This accessory will help a woman to fix a growing tummy, maintain normal development of the baby's internal organs, and also reduce the likelihood of pregnancy. In order for it to bring only benefit, you need to know how to put it on correctly and how much to wear. Only a serious approach to business will provide you with a positive result.

Despite the imaginary harmlessness of this accessory, you need to use it for its intended purpose, because the process of bearing a child requires care in details. In fact, there is nothing to support yet, so it will not bring any benefit. Thus, the question arises, from what period can be worn. Its main purpose for pregnant women is to prevent the baby from moving in the womb. Only closer to, at the 32nd week, the child takes a stable position. The correct presentation of the fetus is considered head down, but at any time it can change, which will become an indication for.
As a preventive measure for such an outcome, doctors prescribe a special supporting corset to “fix” the baby. It is recommended to wear it no earlier than the third trimester. Starting at week 39, the bandage support should only be worn for long walks or household chores that require activity.

At a later date, the stomach drops, because the child is approaching the "exit". In the case of multiple pregnancy, "support" should already appear on. This advice is also applicable to polyhydramnios.

Did you know?For many pregnant women, the foot increases by 1-2 sizes.

When to start wearing a bandage during pregnancy

To wear a bandage or not - the woman herself must decide, with the exception of special instructions from the doctor. Most often, pregnant women wear it because of the back, heaviness in the stomach. This accessory helps to facilitate the activity of the expectant mother, maintain the tone of the abdominal muscles. There are medical indications when wearing a retainer is mandatory.

These include:

  • pregnancy with several children, when the spine receives a double load;
  • pain with pinched spinal nerve;
  • transferred operations in the abdominal cavity shortly before pregnancy;
  • scars after operations;
  • low presentation;
  • poorly developed abdominal muscles;
  • risk of pregnancy.
With excessive physical activity of a pregnant woman, it is simply necessary to use fixative underwear. The orthopedic product will help to avoid overwork and problems in the development of the child. Moms who have not gained much weight over the entire period of pregnancy, and the tummy does not bring them any special difficulties in moving, do not understand why support is needed. If you feel light in the body, then you do not need to make useless acquisitions.

Important! A suitable belt size is the main condition for its effectiveness and comfortable wearing. Don't take it for granted. You can determine the desired size if you add 5 cm to the volume of the abdomen at the level of the navel. Remember that the retainer should not squeeze or hang on you.

How to put on a bandage for pregnant women: instructions with a photo

On the packaging of any elastic product, instructions are written on how to properly wear fixative underwear for pregnant women. However, often they do not quite accurately describe the whole process and subtleties, therefore we will come with general recommendations.

  • Put it on lying down, breathing deeply. This is done for the comfort of the child inside the abdomen, the safety of his internal organs.
  • Lift the buttocks with the help under the thighs, do not tighten the bandage too tightly. When you lie down, a palm should pass between it and it.
  • Check that the product rests against the pubic bone and fits when you are standing.

How to determine if the brace is on correctly

If you've followed the instructions but aren't sure if you've put on your brace correctly, there's an easy way to check. First of all, a correctly worn product will not bring discomfort from wearing. It should cover the pubic area, pass under the abdomen and down the buttocks. A dangling bandage will not bring the desired result, but it should also not be overtightened.

Most often, to learn how to properly wear a bandage for pregnant women, you just need to follow the instructions for use, watch photos and video tutorials on using special underwear. But it is safer to take it with you to an appointment with a gynecologist in order to get professional recommendations.

Important! After putting on the elastic product, gently roll over onto your side and stand up. In no case do not make sudden movements!

You can get additional advice from your gynecologist. The doctor will tell you which type of product is right for you personally, and also warn you about possible contraindications.

How to wear a bandage for pregnant women: what not to do in a bandage

Experts warn that the continuous wearing of a corset disrupts the blood circulation of the fetus. Give yourself time to move around and take a break from the fixation by removing the bandage every few hours. In addition, you can not make sudden movements and tilts, this will bring discomfort and squeeze the child.

In no case do not leave it at night, remove it for the period of daytime rest. In the supine position, there is no emphasis on the spine, and pressure on the abdomen can damage the fetus. As for whether it is possible to sit in it, doctors are still arguing how to do it right. Some are sure that it is dangerous to wear a bandage for pregnant women, while others insist on the opposite. Therefore, listen to yourself, if you are comfortable sitting in special underwear, then this will not bring any harm to the baby.
In the use of a corset after childbirth, there are much more exceptions. It is not recommended to wear an elastic retainer in case of:

  • restrictions due to caesarean section;
  • violations of the digestive system;
  • , renal failure;
  • and damage to the skin.

How much to wear a bandage pregnant

Despite the many benefits of wearing support underwear, it is not recommended to wear it non-stop. Be sure to remove the latch for the time of night or day. If the use of a fixation belt is prescribed for you by a doctor, you will have to use it until the baby is born.

In other cases, it is not necessary to wear it throughout the pregnancy. In order to prepare the uterine and abdominal muscles for childbirth, the use of a corset should be reinforced with special sports exercises for pregnant women.
Let's figure out whether it is worth leaving the latch on time. Those who are accustomed to exercising before pregnancy will find it much easier to bear the stress, so they will not need support. However, beginners may feel unpleasant pain, so an elastic product will be useful for mobile pregnant women. It is best to learn how to wear a bandage correctly and how much from the attending gynecologist.

Did you know? In all pregnant women, internal organs increase - the liver and heart, the sense of smell is aggravated 11 times. This is how nature takes care of the expectant mother, protecting her from dangerous products.

How to remove a prenatal bandage

Just like putting on, take off the prenatal bandage while lying down. However, pregnant women who rarely sit at home will have to adjust to doing so in a standing position. Standing, you need to lean back, slightly raise your stomach, and, fixing a comfortable position, gently pull off the corset.

It is better to wear supportive underwear over panties, then it will last you much longer and bring more comfort.

Universal bandage for pregnant women

If you do not want to buy two different corsets for the duration of pregnancy and period, choose a universal one. This is a two-sided orthopedic belt, reinforced with a powerful lining and bones.
Consider how to wear a universal bandage for pregnant women. Its design is disproportionate: one side is much wider, because before childbirth it is put on with the wide side back, and after it is the other way around. This is due to the fact that during the bearing of a child it is necessary to provide maximum support for the back, and after that for the stomach. The size of the product and the degree of contraction is regulated by the side Velcro.

Did you know? The absolute record for the number of births belongs to the British Elizabeth Greenhill. She gave birth 38 times and gave birth to 7 boys and 32 girls.

If you are interested in how to properly put on the FEST universal bandage for pregnant women, then the principle is no different from that described above. Information on this issue is also necessarily present on the packaging and the official website of the manufacturer.

When do you need a postpartum bandage?

The name "postpartum bandage" speaks for itself, so you need to start wearing it immediately after the birth of the child. This will help to restore elasticity to the muscles, tighten the skin, relieve pressure on the back and tighten the overall appearance of the figure. The use of an elastic product is prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist, based on the state of health of the mother and how the birth went.
Postpartum bandage underwear is made of durable fabric with a dense insert for fixing the tummy. Comfortable fasteners and a tape that wraps around the waist help to adjust the product to your own figure and securely fix the right places.

How to care for orthopedic products

In order for the bandage belt to serve you as long as possible, proper care is necessary. There are basic rules for cleaning the bandage:

  • do not wash the product too often. Manual cleaning is necessary only as it gets dirty;
  • use exclusively cold water, otherwise the elastic will stretch;
  • do not wash the product with powders, it is better to take ordinary soap;
  • dry the fixative only in a horizontal position;
  • Wear supportive accessories over your underwear. This will help keep them clean longer.

Important! One bandage is designed for only one pregnancy. For younger children, you will have to buy new ones. Moreover, you should not wear someone else's worn product.

Contraindications for use

There are very few serious contraindications for the use of bandage underwear during pregnancy. The bandage helps to maintain muscle tone, fix the presentation of the fetus in the womb, and facilitate the movements of the expectant mother.
Control the wearing time of the product: every four hours you need to take it off for half an hour so that the body has time to rest. However, it is worth considering the uniqueness of each female body, so you should consult a gynecologist.

Now you know how to put on a pregnancy bandage correctly, and what precautions doctors put forward. Do not rely only on the instructions from the package, grab the purchase for an appointment with your doctor, he will clearly demonstrate and teach you how to properly handle the product. Then any pregnancy will cause only positive emotions.

Many experts advise wearing a bandage or corset during pregnancy. In the prevailing majority of cases, it turns out to be useful not only for the woman, but also for the fetus. Nevertheless, today the opinions of doctors on this issue differ. Our article will help you figure out how to wear a bandage correctly, which option is better, and why it will be needed during pregnancy.

Varieties of bandages

Currently, two types of bandages for pregnant women are considered the most common. In addition, there are combined models that can be used during the period of gestation and after the birth of the baby. Let's take a closer look at the most popular varieties:

  1. Model in the form of panties. Already from the name you can guess that the bandage resembles high underpants, in front of which there is an elastic band. You will not provide much support for your lower back to them, but fix the fetal head from premature lowering and reduce the risk of stretch marks on the anterior abdominal wall. Only a few of them have fasteners located on the sides to regulate the size. In addition, it can be worn over underwear, which most women forget about. To properly fix the uterus, dress should be in the supine position.
  2. Model in the form of a belt or ribbon. Several options are available: a regular belt, with an elastic band and a combined model. The most popular model is with an elastic insert, which is recommended to be worn both during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby. It is worth noting that during the period of bearing a child, the wide part of the corset helps to strengthen the lower back, and the narrow part is located under the tummy. After the birth of the baby, the belt is worn as follows: the wide part is forward, the narrow part is back. Side fasteners make it possible to adjust the size and better fix the belt in the desired position.

If you are not sure when to start wearing a special bandage during pregnancy and whether it is necessary to use it at all, consult your supervising obstetrician-gynecologist.

When to use?

Wearing a bandage should be considered when the intensive growth of the tummy begins. As a rule, this is observed in the 4th month of gestation. Estimated time is 20-24 weeks. At the same time, it can be used both earlier and later, depending on the characteristics of the course and management of pregnancy. It is especially useful for women who lead an active lifestyle and are often on their feet. With it, you can reduce the load on the spinal column and reduce pain in the back.

Arguments for"

Why do I need a special bandage during pregnancy? There are a lot of positive aspects from wearing a special support belt. We list the most basic nuances regarding why you should wear a bandage during pregnancy:

  • It helps a lot with childbearing.
  • Reduces back pain.
  • Redistributes the load on the spinal column.
  • Prevents the development of stretch marks on the anterior abdominal wall.
  • Prevents premature lowering of the fetal head.
  • Reduces the risk of miscarriage.
  • Great support if you have weak abdominal muscles.
  • Quite convenient to use.

Some experts believe that the use of a bandage during pregnancy leads to a weakening of the abdominal muscles, which lengthens the process of their recovery after childbirth. Therefore, it should only be recommended when necessary. What are the medical indications?

  1. Intense pain in the lower back.
  2. Risk of miscarriage.
  3. Underdevelopment of the cervix.
  4. Low location of the fetus due to weakness of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.
  5. Surgical interventions on the uterus (for example, caesarean section).
  6. Intervertebral hernia.
  7. Multiple pregnancy.

Arguments against"

A considerable number of doctors believe that in the absence of direct evidence, it is not necessary to wear a bandage. The female body may well cope with the bearing of a child without additional funds. As for stretch marks, the bandage cannot cope with this problem, since their appearance is associated with hormonal changes and a decrease in skin elasticity. In addition, there are contraindications. For example, in late pregnancy, the fetus makes movements to take the correct position. The bandage will provide a significant obstacle to this.

In any case, when in doubt whether you need to wear a special bandage during pregnancy, it is better to ask a specialist.

How to choose a model?

If you choose the right bandage, you can not worry about the safety of the pregnant woman and the fetus. It should not press and cause discomfort. When choosing a support belt, you should focus on the circumference of your hips. At the same time, when choosing models in the form of panties, as a rule, we take one size more than your usual underwear. What you should not do is to buy a bandage without trying it on. If possible, wear several models and choose the one in which you are most comfortable. Today they can be bought both in pharmacies and in specialized departments of stores for pregnant women.

Wearing rules

Ask your doctor or consultant to show you how to properly position the brace on your body. Often, the instructions for use do not correctly illustrate this process. It is better to take it off and put it on in a lying position with slightly raised hips. In this position, the baby puts the least pressure on the abdomen. What other recommendations for wearing a support belt can be given:

  • Properly worn support belt does not cause any discomfort. After a while, you may not even feel his presence. Usually getting used to wearing a belt comes within two days.
  • It is necessary to adjust the size with the help of fasteners when you are already standing.
  • As the tummy grows, adjust the tension of the bandage so as not to put too much pressure on the abdominal wall and not harm the baby.
  • Despite all the usefulness, it is not recommended to wear it all the time. Take a half-hour break every 4 hours.
  • If you are going to sleep or rest, be sure to take it off. Regardless of the model, try to wear a bandage over your underwear.
  • If it is prescribed according to indications, it should be worn immediately before childbirth.
  • It is advisable not to take it off when doing fitness or exercise.
  • Active training without a support belt can cause back pain.
  • In case of any changes in the condition, be sure to seek advice and assistance from a specialist.
  • After childbirth, the bandage begins to be worn at least a week later. In the case of a caesarean section, it can be used almost immediately after surgery.

Do you need a bandage during pregnancy - this is decided exclusively by a highly qualified doctor.