How to apply for early retirement. How to summarize the periods of work, giving the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension. For a working citizen after dismissal

Who is entitled to early unemployment pension and how to get it?

The other day, our regular reader Olga Dudintseva contacted the editorial office of MK. “I am 52 years old,” the woman said. - At work, at first I was threatened with a layoff, but then the employer told me to quit of my own free will, otherwise he would fire me under the article. However, it is difficult to find a new job at my age, and I heard that if I quit my job of my own accord, then I will not be able to claim early unemployment benefits. Is it so?"

What is an early unemployment pension? To whom is it due and in what cases will it not be given? We asked these questions to Nadezhda Semenova, deputy head of the PFR office for the Vladimir region.

- Nadezhda Mikhailovna, who can apply for an early unemployment pension?

According to the current Federal Law of April 19, 1991 No. No. 1032-1 as amended on 10.01.2003 No. 8-FZ "On employment in the Russian Federation" in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 32 at the suggestion of the employment service authorities, in the absence of employment opportunities, unemployed citizens may be offered early retirement. In accordance with Art. 3 of this law, the unemployed are able-bodied citizens who do not have work and earnings, are registered with the employment service in order to find a suitable job, are looking for work and are ready to start it. The decision to recognize a citizen as unemployed is made by the employment service authorities at the place of residence of the citizen no later than 11 days from the date of presentation to these authorities of a passport, work book or documents replacing them, documents certifying his professional qualifications, a certificate of average earnings for the last three months for the last place of work.

At what age can you get an early unemployment pension, and is the length of service important in the case of early retirement?

Early retirement can be offered to unemployed men under 60 or unemployed women under 55. At the same time, they must have insurance experience of at least 25 and 20 years for men and women, respectively. An early pension may be granted for the period before the age giving the right to an old-age labor pension, but not earlier than two years before the corresponding age. That is, for men - upon reaching the age of 58, for women - upon reaching the age of 53. In this case, the person must express his consent to receive an early pension.

- Does the reason for dismissal from work play a role?

Early retirement is granted to those who were dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization or the reduction in the number or staff of the organization's employees.

Nadezhda Semenova

That is, our reader Olga is right that she will not be given an early pension if she quits, as the employer insists, “of her own free will”?

The reader is not eligible for early retirement because she is 52 years old. And the pension we are talking about can be established no earlier than the age of 53.

- In addition to the age when early retirement is not yet due to the unemployed?

In several cases. Firstly, during the period during which the citizen retains the average salary, taking into account the severance pay at the last place of work. Secondly, in the case of two refusals of a citizen from the proposed suitable work for the last period of unemployment. Thirdly, during the period of suspension of the payment of unemployment benefits or reduction of its size (the issue of early retirement in this case can be considered no earlier than one month after the expiration of the suspension of payment of unemployment benefits or reduction of its size). And, finally, in the event that an unemployed citizen has already been offered an early pension, which he refused.

That is, if a person applying for an early pension came to the stock exchange, he was offered a vacancy for a janitor and he refused it, they will not give an early pension?

This question is better to ask the employment service specialists. But, as I said above, if a person is offered a job, and he refuses it, and twice - from two different suitable jobs, then he is not entitled to early retirement.

Is it true that the amount of the early pension is less than the labor old-age pension? Will it be the so-called “minimum pension”?

Early retirement for persons with the status of an unemployed person may be offered by the employment service authorities, and the authorities of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, on the basis of their referral, may assign an old-age pension as an unemployed person ahead of schedule. The calculation of an early labor old-age pension, appointed at the suggestion of the employment service, is carried out in the same manner as the ordinary labor old-age pension.

- If a person has a working disability group, he cannot apply for early retirement?

A citizen belonging to the category of disabled persons, in order to resolve the issue of recognizing him as unemployed, additionally presents an individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person, issued in the prescribed manner and containing a conclusion on the recommended nature and working conditions.

A person receiving an early pension cannot have other income: for example, from renting out his own housing, selling vegetables and fruits from the garden, needlework?

The payment of early pension is terminated in case of employment of a citizen. If he is an individual entrepreneur and sells handicrafts, then he cannot be considered unemployed and the payment of early pension is terminated.

Suppose a person receives an early unemployment pension for two years, the time is right to receive an old-age pension. Will it be given automatically or is it necessary, as it is necessary for everyone who has reached retirement age, to apply with a corresponding application to the Pension Fund?

Upon reaching the age giving the right to establish an old-age labor pension, the payment of an early pension, appointed in accordance with the norms of the Law of the Russian Federation of 19.04.1991. No. 1032-1 "On Employment in the Russian Federation", is terminated. An old-age labor pension is assigned according to the rules of Art. 19 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. No. 173-FZ "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" - from the date of application for it, but not earlier than from the date of the emergence of the right to the specified pension. The day of application is considered the day of receipt by the body providing pensions of the relevant application. Such an application can be submitted in advance, but not earlier than a month before the retirement age (60 and 55 years for men and women, respectively).

It is believed that this age is optimal for sending a person on a well-deserved rest. However, experts are increasingly saying that this is not the case. On average in the world, a person is sent to retire if he is over 60-65 years old. And it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman - the conditions for all are equal.

Optimal age for retirement

As for men, the issue of raising the retirement age threshold is rather complicated. This is due to the fact that the average life expectancy of representatives of the strong half of humanity in Russia is only 60 years. And this means that many will not even have time to retire. Therefore, raising the retirement age for men is simply inappropriate.

As for the ladies, their average life expectancy is about 73-75 years. And this means that retirement in the prime of life - at 55 - is not always justified.

Naturally, we are not talking about cases where a woman has serious illnesses. If the lady is healthy and energetic, she can safely continue to work on.

Preferential pension

About 34% of the total, according to the Ministry of Social Development, belong to the category of beneficiaries. The concept appeared due to the fact that there are a number of industries where the age for employees to take a well-deserved rest is noticeably lower than the generally accepted one.

So, for example, a standard exit to a preferential pension should be made 5 years earlier than usual, i.e. women at 50, men at 55. However, there are industries that are equated to the category of harmful (hot shops, chemical industry, etc.). Such workers are offered even more benign conditions. The retirement age in this situation dates back to 50 years for men and 45 years.

However, in order to receive such a benefit, you need to work in production for a certain number of years. For women, this period is 7.5, for men - 10 years.

In addition, mothers with many children, parents of disabled people, disabled people themselves, workers of emergency rescue services, etc. have the right to a preferential pension. According to statistics, 73% of preferential pensioners continue to work, receiving both a pension and a salary.

What is planned to be done

For several years now, rumors have been circulating in society that the government plans to raise the retirement age. The parliamentarians themselves are trying to come up with various other schemes that will solve the pension problem with minimal losses for the budget and citizens.

For example, one suggestion is to find ways to encourage later retirement. In this case, options for increased rates to the pension part, etc. are offered.

From some legislators, there is a proposal to limit the payment of pensions while they attend work.

So far, of all the proposed initiatives, the people have not chosen a single suitable one - one that would satisfy everyone. However, the search for an ideal solution is still ongoing. And perhaps soon a consensus will be found.

In world practice, the determination of the retirement age by gender is carried out in different ways. Retirement of a woman in Russia legally occurs at an earlier age than is legally fixed for men.

general facts

Starting from 2019, the country introduced a phased increase in the retirement age.

According to the changes, Russian women will be able to retire on a general basis at the age of 60. But this will be only in 2028. As for the transition period, the retirement age will increase annually until the specified indicator is reached.

What types of maintenance are due to disabled women

The reform of the OPS system has led to the fact that the basic principles for assigning maintenance upon the occurrence of an insured event have changed. Now the main one looks like this:

  • upon the onset of disability, everyone receives income compensation proportional to their own contribution to the formation of the PFR solidarity budget.

Nevertheless, insured persons belonging to the weaker sex need to earn a certain amount of:

  • work experience;
  • pension coefficients (points).
Attention: the main condition for receiving any type of maintenance from the budget of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) is joining the system of compulsory pension insurance (OPS).

Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 describes all types of pension assignments that are provided to insured persons. These include:

Attention: women can count on any type of compensation for lost income, provided they meet the criteria laid down in the norms of Law No. 400-FZ. Download for viewing and printing:

Criteria for assigning insurance content

To be eligible for this type of benefit, the following conditions must be met:

  1. reaching the age limit for compulsory participation in labor activity:
    • 60th anniversary for women;
    • preferential, in accordance with regulatory documents;
  2. availability:
    • insurance experience (10 years in 2019);
    • 16.2 pension points (the number is gradually increasing to 30 in 2025).

The threshold of seniority is also systematically raised. By 2024, it will reach 15 years. For comparison: before the OPS system, it was necessary to officially work out only 5 years.

Separate points in determining the length of service

Entries about the periods of work in the work book do not guarantee the inclusion of this length of service in the calculation of the pension. This can happen due to incorrect filling of the work book by specialists. For example: corrections, incorrect numbers and dates of orders, unreadable stamps of organizations, etc.

Confirmation of these periods of work will be either an extract from the individual personal account of a citizen or a certificate of experience of archival institutions, organizations.

Attention: all contributions for the period from 01/01/2015 have been calculated, converted into points and paid to the personal accounts of citizens.

The next fundamental condition is the number of points. They depend on two parameters:

  • period of work experience;
  • amount of contributions transferred at that time.

The larger the specified parameters, the higher the sum of the accumulated coefficients. And the potential content depends on it (the formula is given below) upon the occurrence of an insured situation.

Youth advice: it is necessary to find a job officially so that by the old age you do not have to worry about the loss of income.

Grace periods giving extra points

The above principles for determining the size of a pension are unfair. While caring for a baby, a woman is not able to fully work. The legislator found this injustice relevant. It is taken into account in the law No. 400-FZ. So, there are grace periods for which pension coefficients are calculated.

These include:

  1. care for each child up to one and a half years (accounted for by one of the parents);
  2. care for ;
  3. caring for disabled adults:
    • overstepped the 80-year threshold;
    • the disabled;
  4. periods of receipt;
  5. while living with a spouse - in a place where it was impossible to get a job in the specialty, including outside the country.

Attention: in order to stimulate the birth rate, more points are awarded for each subsequent child:

  • for the first - 1.8;
  • for the second - 3.6;
  • for the third and subsequent - 5.4.

Who is eligible for early retirement?

Article 30 of Law No. 400-FZ lists categories of citizens who, in certain situations, receive privileges for obtaining insurance content.

These include females:

  1. Spent in hot shops or in underground conditions. Criteria for grant application:
    • reaching the age of 45;
    • the presence of a minimum length of service of 7.5 years in the specified conditions;
    • insurance experience of at least 15 years.
  2. In the categories below, a woman must have at least 10 years of professional experience and at least 20 years of insurance experience. After the onset of the 50th anniversary, women who worked:
    • in difficult conditions;
    • on the railway or in the subway (some positions);
    • female drivers driving:
      • trucks in mines;
      • ground transport for transportation of passengers;
      • tractor;
      • construction vehicles;
    • in exploration parties;
    • in the fire department.
  3. If there is a certain length of service, age is not taken into account when assigning a pension:
    • rescuers;
    • and other healthcare workers;
    • persons of creative professions;
    • civil aviation pilots;
    • miners, women employed in underground work;
    • employees of the civil navy.
Attention! Periods of work in hazardous and hazardous industries are included in the special length of service with the mandatory accrual and payment of an additional rate of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. It is extremely important that the employer accrues and pays insurance premiums at additional rates in a timely manner, otherwise the length of service in the relevant types of work will not be taken into account on the individual personal account. This will hinder the formation of the right to early appointment of an old-age insurance pension.

At the moment, mothers with many children have early retirement benefits - if you have 3, you can apply for a pension at 57, with 4 - at 56, with 5 or more - at 50.

Other privileges to reduce the retirement age

Article 32 of the designated law establishes preferences for mothers and women with disabilities. They are:

  1. Assigned insurance content for old age:
    • :
      • due to a military injury - the retirement age is 50 years;
      • according to the vision of group 1 - the retirement age is 40 years;
      • patients with pituitary dwarfism (Lilliputians) and disproportionate dwarfs - the retirement age is 40 years.
  2. Women workers who have 12 years of experience in the Far North or at least 17 years in areas equivalent to the regions of the Far North, who have raised two children, are granted a pension after the 50th anniversary.
  3. At the age of 45, a woman who permanently resides in the northern territories and has worked for 20 years receives the right to rest:
    • hunter;
    • reindeer herder;
    • fisherman.
Attention: all of the above preferential conditions must be documented.

The formula for calculating the pension content

The methodology for determining the amount of monthly payments to pensioners is given in article 15 of the said law. So, paragraph 1 of this article contains a formula for calculation. She is like this:

  • StP \u003d IPK x StIK + BV, where:
  • StP - the amount of the desired benefit;
  • IPC - the number of points accumulated for labor activity (including preferential ones);
  • StIK - the ruble value of one point, determined at the time of grant assignment;
  • BV - the basic or fixed part, the size of which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Important: the formula uses constants:

  • point value;
  • base payout.

Their size is determined by law and is subject to annual indexation.

In 2019, their values ​​are as follows:

  • the cost of 1 b. = 87.24 rubles;
  • the size of the base part is 5334.19 rubles.

It should be noted that the last constant increases in preferential situations. These include:

  • the presence of dependents and their number;
  • experience in the Far North (at least 15 years);
  • and in equivalent territories (from 20 years).


Irina Sergeevna will be entitled to a pension in July 2019.

  1. She will apply with a corresponding application to the FIU department, providing all the necessary documents.
  2. Among the papers are three certificates of the birth of her children.
  3. Irina Sergeevna has accumulated 120 points on her personal account in the OPS system, as she has accumulated 21 years of experience.
  4. In addition, for the upbringing of each child up to a year and a half, she is entitled to additional:
    • (1.8 b. + 3.6 b. + 5.4 b.) x 1.5 g. \u003d 16.2 b.
  5. Thus, in total, Irina Sergeevna had 136.2 points.
  6. The pension allowance is calculated for July 2019 according to the above formula:
    • 136.2 b. x 87.24 p. + 5334.19 rubles. = 17216.23 p.
Download for viewing and printing: Attention: if a citizen applies for a pension later than the deadline set by law, then her appointment will increase due to the application of bonus coefficients.

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What documents are submitted to the FIU

In order to exercise the right to receive insurance benefits, it is necessary to notify the FIU of your desire. For this:

  1. An application is submitted to the local branch, drawn up in the prescribed form.
  2. Documents proving the right are attached to it. Namely:
    • passport (and residence permit for foreigners and stateless persons);
    • SNILS;
    • work book with an insert (all available copies);
    • official data on income for any period of employment carried out before 2002 (60 months according to the Labor Code without gaps);
    • additional papers:
      • certificates of the birth of children;
      • certificate of the presence of disabled dependents;
      • data on the implementation of care for disabled citizens and more.
Important: if a woman is not entitled to an insurance benefit, she will be offered to apply for a social one. But the right to payments will arise no earlier than 5 years after the generally established retirement age. In 2019, the social old-age pension will be assigned upon reaching the age of 65.

Procedure for consideration of an application and payment of maintenance

PFR specialists act according to the approved methodology. Here are its main provisions:

  1. A citizen can apply for the realization of the right to pension payments at any time.
  2. The application is considered within 10 days, subject to the provision of all necessary documents.
  3. Three months are given to finalize the package of documents.
  4. The day from which the money will be credited is the date of writing the application, but not earlier than the right to payment.
  5. The pension is paid monthly, in a convenient way for the client:
    • it is determined at the time of application;
    • if desired, the method can be changed to another by writing a new application.

You can receive funds:

  • in the branch of the Russian Post enterprise;
  • through banking transactions to a personal account (card);
  • through a specialized organization that delivers money (if it has an agreement with the FIU).
Attention: if necessary, a pensioner can entrust transactions with money to another person. This happens on the basis of an official document - a power of attorney.

In order not to have problems with documents, they must be checked. It happens like this:

  1. Before the date of the onset of the right to pension maintenance, it is advisable to go to an appointment with a PFR specialist with a work book.
  2. The employee will review the records and identify those that are in doubt.
  3. They will have to be confirmed by archival certificates.
  4. In addition, the specialist will tell you what other documents you need to provide to confirm the benefits.
  5. It is recommended that you listen carefully to the advice and follow everything exactly.
Important: in the absence of a reaction to the comments from the future pensioner, the PFR is obliged to assign an allowance on existing grounds. It may be less than expected.

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At the state level, the existence of social support for all citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached a certain age is implied. But it should be remembered that in some cases early retirement is possible. To implement this procedure, some important conditions must be met.

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Who has the right

The Early Retirement Act allows you to receive an appropriate cash payment until you reach a certain age.

For women and men it differs:

At the moment, there are about 30 different categories of people who, according to the current legislation, are entitled to early retirement.

Moreover, in most cases, the fundamental reason is extremely difficult and stressful working conditions. Therefore, there is a premature loss of labor qualities, deterioration of health.

First of all, this category includes citizens who carry out their labor activities in the Far North, areas equated to it. Also, hot work experience goes to those who carry out all the work underground - these are miners, other specialists.

There may be other reasons for premature retirement. They are connected precisely with the social insecurity of citizens.

  • who are parents of many children;
  • who became unemployed due to a reduction in the enterprise, its complete liquidation;
  • persons with disabilities or who are educators of children with disabilities.

But even in such cases, there are a number of certain conditions, the fulfillment of which is strictly mandatory. For example, a mother with many children has the right to retire early only if 5 or more children are born.

At the same time, the process of education itself should last at least 8 years. At the same time, work experience is a must.

But its value must be at least 15 years. Premature retirement can only be carried out after 50 years. In this case, the presence of a coefficient of more than 30 is required.

Moreover, if there is an experience of 12 years in the conditions of the Far North, and the total length of service is 20 years, early retirement is possible after the birth of only 2 children.

The state is quite loyal to various unprotected segments of the population. The presence of various kinds of nuances reduces to the very minimum the likelihood of fraud with pension savings, early retirement.

Conditions for this

For early retirement, it is necessary to fulfill a fairly extensive list of a wide variety of conditions.

Upon reaching a certain age, as well as the development of experience, the following categories of persons have the right to retire early:

  • disproportionate dwarfs;
  • visually impaired;
  • who received a disability as a result of an injury during military service.

An early pension is mandatory for citizens who bring up a disabled person from childhood until they reach the age of 8 years.

In this case, for parents, the retirement age is reduced by as much as 5 years:

It must be remembered that the mother has the right to transfer her right to a pension to her husband. In this case, his retirement age will come from 55 years.

To implement this procedure, it will be necessary to submit a special application directly to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Only if all the conditions are met, it will be possible to implement the procedure of the type in question.

What documents are required

To apply for the type of pension in question, you will need to apply directly to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Moreover, it is obligatory at the place of registration of the most potential pensioner. Finding the address of the location of this institution is quite simple. This can be done via the Internet, on the official website of the FIU.

To obtain the type of pension in question, it will be necessary to collect the following package of documents without fail:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • photocopies of all pages of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation - without fail notarized;
  • work book - if any;
  • military ID or a document replacing it;
  • certificates of average wages for the last 5 years.

The entire set indicated above is basic. Depending on the reason for early retirement, as well as various other FIUs, other documents may be required.

They may be:

  • confirmation of the presence of a disability group;
  • confirmation of being dependent on any of the family members;
  • confirmation of the presence of an appropriate amount of work experience;
  • certificate of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation, availability of work - as well as outside of Russia;
  • certificate of change of surname or other passport data;
  • the result of a medical examination on the assignment of a visual disability, as well as on the presence of any serious illness;
  • about the fact of the birth of a child of a certain category and his upbringing until he reaches 8 years of age;
  • about belonging to the national minorities of the Peoples of the North, confirmation of activities in the Far North.

Other documents may be required. A complete list of all necessary always depends on the specific reason for premature retirement.

Early retirement for men at age 58

Today, early retirement is possible for men at the age of 58 and even earlier. But usually this is possible on the basis of professional criteria. Some professions imply the fact of reducing the border of the retirement age.

Currently, the legislation refers to this kind of professions:

  • teachers and other pedagogical workers;
  • employees of various medical institutions - state;
  • theatrical actors, as well as various kinds of workers of spectacular performances;
  • employees of crews servicing locomotives, as well as truck drivers in underground mines;
  • employees of teams of machine operators operating in ports during all kinds of loading operations;
  • performing work on seafarers;
  • managers of urban passenger transport;
  • engaged in the extraction of minerals on a full-time basis;
  • employees who carry out regular flights on civil aviation ships;
  • employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, fire service.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that for all the categories of persons indicated above to retire, certain conditions must be met.

These include the following:

  • the presence of a certain work experience in production;
  • insurance experience;
  • certain age.

A separate category of citizens who retire early are those who were directly involved in conducting flight tests in the flight crew. Moreover, regardless of the type of aircraft - aircraft, space rockets, etc.

But at the same time, it is necessary to have:

  • pension coefficient in the amount of 30;
  • values ​​of ordinary civil service:

When reducing

A separate category of citizens are those who retire earlier due to reductions. This moment is approved at the legislative level - Federal Law No. 1032-1 of April 19, 1991.

But in this case, it is also necessary to fulfill certain conditions - in order to receive a pension of the type in question. All of them are reflected in the above legal document.

These conditions today include the following:

  • if the reduction procedure itself for any reason was implemented immediately before retirement - within 2 years;
  • if the reduced citizen has already fully developed work experience - first of all, this parameter is determined by working conditions (those who worked in the Far North go on vacation faster than others);
  • directly, the employees of the employment service apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for a certain applicant due to the lack of a suitable job for him.

At the same time, it is necessary to focus on exactly the length of service that corresponds to the working conditions.

To obtain the status of a citizen who has the right to retire earlier than the period established in the standard case, it will be necessary to contact the employment service. This institution will issue a special certificate without fail.

After that, all the necessary documents are collected and transferred directly to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of permanent registration of a citizen. There is a one-month deadline for applying for an early pension.

Upon dismissal by agreement of the parties

One of the forms of termination of an employment contract is possible if there is an appropriate agreement between the parties - the employee and the employer.

This procedure has some peculiarities. It should be remembered that having signed an agreement of the type in question, the employee no longer has the right to withdraw it. This will be possible only with the appropriate consent of the employer.

Dismissal due to the reduction or liquidation of the enterprise implies a large number of different guarantees. First of all, this applies specifically to severance pay, as well as the opportunity to retire before reaching a certain age.

At the same time, dismissal by agreement of the parties does not imply this - it is necessary to remember that fact.

It often happens that an employer simply wants, by forcing his employee, to sign a letter of resignation of his own free will, by agreement - simply wanting to save money.

Since the agreement itself does not imply the fulfillment of any obligations from the employer. The conditions for terminating an employment agreement in such situations are far from always favorable.

Therefore, if there are 2 years or less left before retirement, there are no special prospects - it is the reduction that should be sought. Since only in this way it will be possible to retire early.

If the employer puts pressure on his employee, he will need to apply to the labor inspectorate, the court. That way the problem can be resolved.

The specified list of requirements is enshrined in law "About insurance pensions", but they are introduced gradually. In order to receive an old-age insurance pension, 15 years of insurance experience will be required for those leaving for retirement after 2024. For 2016, the insurance experience is 7 years, for 2017 - 8 years, for 2018 - 9 years and then until 2024 incrementally.

In the complete absence of seniority (or lack of necessary for appointment), instead of an insurance pension payment, social pensions can be assigned.

  • persons aged 65/60 years, as well as citizens of other states and stateless persons who have lived in Russia for at least 15 years and have reached the above age;
  • citizens from among the peoples of the North aged 55/50 years, permanently residing in the regions of the Far North and equated to it on the date of establishment of the pension.

Can I retire before retirement age?

In connection with the peculiarities of the performance of some work, pensions may be assigned earlier than the generally accepted age. Possibility of retirement ahead of schedule provided in the following cases:

  • When working in industries with difficult or harmful working conditions (for example, in hot shops). The list of specialties that allow attributing production to this category is fixed by law. Such citizens have every right to retire for 5 years before, and in some situations - on 10.
  • If the worker worked in the territory Far North, preferential pension provision is established earlier for 5 years. And if the work was carried out in the specified territories in production with difficult or harmful working conditions, then there is an opportunity to take advantage of a double benefit - to reduce the retirement age according to two criteria at once.
  • For health reasons - citizens who have been established disability in the manner prescribed by law.
  • If a citizen is recognized unemployed provided that the employment service does not have the necessary vacancies and the opportunity to employ this applicant.

The right to early appointment of a labor pension

Some persons, determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, have the right to early retirement. In particular, the following can count on it professional categories of citizens:

  • public transport drivers;
  • miners and other specialties of workers employed in the mining industry;
  • health workers;
  • women men who are part of the crew of different types of ships;
  • teaching staff;
  • creative people.

The right to retire early has also been granted to a number of categories of persons, regardless of their work activity, for example, mothers of many children, certain categories of disabled people and citizens with certain diseases. Also, this opportunity exists for northerners, that is, for people who worked or lived for a certain period of time in the Far North.

Preferential harmfulness pension (List 1 and 2)

There are two fairly large lists that list industries, professions and positions that make it possible to retire early. List No. 1 includes 22 such productions, and List No. 2 - 32. But the difference lies not only in quantitative data.

List No. 1 contains a list of industries with the most difficult and harmful working conditions. It:

  • All types of work underground(geological exploration, mining in mines and mines, laying subways and tunnels, etc.).
  • Work in hot shops(glass-making, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, production of ceramic products by firing, etc.).
  • Works with very unhealthy and severe working conditions associated with oil refining, the production of electrical equipment, the production of ammunition, etc.

List #2 includes:

  • mining(construction of tunnels and subways, open pit mining, etc.);
  • work in difficult and hazardous conditions(food and light industry, production of medicines, extraction of gas, peat, oil, etc.);
  • work in transport(railway, city, sea, aviation).

Reducing the retirement age

For men who have worked in professions from List No. 1 for at least 10 years and whose insurance experience is 20 years, the retirement age reduced to 50 years. Women on this List are entitled to early retirement in 45 years if there is an experience of 7.5 years of work in a particularly hazardous industry and 15 years of insurance experience. If employees worked in the above industries for less than half of the annual norm of working time, then they are given a pension according to List No. 2.

According to List No. 2, early retirement is due to men in 55 years(experience in insurance - 25 years, experience in "harmfulness" - 12.5 years), and for women - in 50 years(insurance experience - 20 years, experience in "harmfulness" - 10 years). Medical workers (30 years of experience - in the city and in the countryside - 25 years), teachers of municipal educational institutions (with 25 years of experience) are also entitled to receive preferential pensions.

List of individual professions that give the right to early retirement

In addition to the above professions and positions, a preferential pension is available to:

  • pilots;
  • firefighters;
  • skydivers;
  • logging and rafting workers;
  • ballet, theater and circus artists;
  • emergency rescue workers.

Another industry in which a huge number of people work, and which should be separately noted - construction. List No. 537, approved by the Government of Russia on July 18, 2002, includes both management positions and working specialties.

Groups working in construction are legally entitled to receive early retirement:

  • brigade stonecutters and masons;
  • roofers and bitumen workers;
  • machinists of pavers of asphalt concrete;
  • masters and foremen of construction and installation works.

Early retirement for various social categories of citizens

The working-age category of the population was considered above, but there is also a certain list of persons who have the opportunity to enter a well-deserved rest before the established age - the right of these citizens is determined by social circumstances. These include:

  • mothers of many children who gave birth and raised 5 children up to eight years old, and at the same time they must have 15 years of work experience.
  • Parents of disabled children whom they raised until they were eight years old. Early retirement comes earlier by 5 years in the presence of seniority (15 years - mother, 20 years - father).
  • Guardians of disabled children, whom they kept and raised up to 8 years. They have the right to receive pensions earlier by 5 years.
  • Persons who have become disabled due to war injury and worked for 25 years - men, 20 years - women. They retire 5 years early.
  • Disabled people of the 1st group for vision with an experience of 15 years for men and 10 years for women. They go on a well-deserved rest even earlier: at the age of 50 - men, at 40 - women.
  • Citizens who are disproportionate dwarfs diagnosed with pituitary dwarfism with a work experience of 20 years for men and 15 years for women: men become pensioners at 45, women - at 40.

Pension in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas

Citizens who live in the regions of the North, and persons who previously worked in these regions, regardless of their current place of residence, are granted the right to:

  1. on the preferential old-age insurance pension;
  2. on the fixed payment increase to one of the types of pension insurance: for old age, for the loss of a breadwinner, or for disability.

Early retirement granted:

  • Citizens who worked in the North 15 years or 17 years in areas that are equated to the north. They can retire 5 years earlier with a total of 25 years for men and 20 years for women.
  • Indigenous residents of the Far North who worked as commercial fishermen, hunters and reindeer herders for 25 years for men and 20 years for women. Go to retirement 10 years earlier than the general term.
  • Women who have given birth to 2 children or more and worked for 12 years in the North or 17 years in an area equated to the north, with a total experience of 20 years.

The fixed payment to the insurance pension is increased by the regional coefficient, which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the entire stay in these areas. When a citizen leaves their localities for another place of residence, the amount of pension provision is considered without taking into account this coefficient.

Social pension for the small peoples of the North

To establish a social pension for these citizens, there are certain conditions:

  • age 55/50 years for men and women, respectively;
  • belonging to the small peoples of the North.

Since January 1, 2015, a new condition has appeared - permanent residence in the areas of residence of the small peoples of the North.

To establish a social pension, a person must have a document that confirms belonging to the small peoples of the North. Such a document is a passport or a birth certificate, which indicates nationality. If this information is not in the documents, they are confirmed by a certificate issued by the community of indigenous small peoples of the North.

When this category of persons leaves for a new place of residence in an area that does not belong to the areas of residence of the indigenous peoples of the North, the payment of a pension is suspended, because. the right to this type of social pension provision is considered lost.

Early retirement pensions for unemployed citizens

Unemployed citizens can apply for a pension ahead of schedule, if observed a number of conditions:

  • in accordance with the established procedure, the employment center recognized the citizen as unemployed;
  • the employment service does not have the opportunity to employ a citizen;
  • the citizen was fired because there was a liquidation of the enterprise or the activity of the individual entrepreneur ceased, the number or staff of workers was reduced;
  • the availability of an offer from the employment center on the early establishment of a pension for the unemployed;
  • insurance period of the unemployed: 20 and 25 years (for women and men, respectively) and, if necessary, the length of service in the relevant jobs;
  • the minimum number of pension points (in 2018 - 13.8 points);
  • reaching a certain age;
  • application of a person for early retirement.

The PFR issues an early pension to the unemployed at the request of the employment service and with the consent of the citizen no earlier than 2 years before the right to an insurance pension on preferential terms appears, including.

In the event of the above circumstances, the old-age insurance pension will be established:

  • men with 58 years old with insurance experience of 25 years;
  • women with 53 years old with 20 years of experience.

When to contact the Pension Fund for an appointment?

Making an early pension requires a careful approach from the pensioner. timely preparation necessary documents and certificates - the key to receiving a well-deserved pension without problems and delays.

The pension provision is established from the date when the citizen applied for it, but not before the right to receive the provision appeared. The day of circulation is the date when the PFR receives all the necessary papers along with the application. When sending them by mail, the day of circulation is the date on the postmark.

The fact of acceptance of documents is confirmed by a receipt-notification issued to the person. If the documents are sent by mail, a receipt is either handed out or also sent by mail. Missing papers should be submitted within 3 months from the date of application.