How to perfume women with eau de toilette. Perfume and toilet water: where to apply

Every woman has her own secret, a personal mascot dressed in a glass bottle. Of course they are spirits. A perfume composition that complements or creates the image of a woman, leaving behind a veil of exciting and captivating aroma. In the arsenal of a girl, there are always at least a few favorite and proven fragrances for any situation - office, meeting with friends or a romantic date. fashion time will tell you how to properly apply perfume so that the fragrance is your faithful assistant in achieving your goals.

“At any moment of my life, spirits accompany me ... I would rather forget my glasses or the key than leave the house without perfume,” the actress talks about her addictions Catherine Deneuve. We are accustomed to apply one name to all perfumery - perfume. The composition of perfumery is almost the same: alcohol, water and perfume composition. But depending on the proportion of the content, the classification and durability of the aroma changes.

The highest category is perfume (Parfum/Perfume/Extrait) - 20-30% perfume composition and 90% alcohol. The composition of perfumes includes the most expensive natural ingredients. As a rule, perfumes are produced in small bottles of 7 or 15 ml.

Toilet perfume, or eau de parfum (Eau De Parfum/Parfum De Toilette) - 15-20% perfume composition in 90% alcohol.

Eau De Toilette - 6-12% perfume composition and 85% alcohol.

Cologne (Eau De Cologne)
- 3-5% aromatics and alcohol 70-80%.

After Shave Lotion
- the concentration of fragrant substances is about 2-4%.

Persistence of the fragrance depends not only on the concentration of perfume, but also on the correct application of the fragrance on the skin.

Pour femme

A few drops of refined aroma will warm you in bad winter weather or refresh you on a dry summer day. The most important thing in choosing and applying a fragrance is the appropriateness of the situation and moderation. It is better if the aroma is weakly expressed and is heard only in close proximity to you than it will inform others about your appearance long before entering the room.

The legendary founder of the eponymous cosmetic and perfume brand Estee Lauder always called perfume invisible cosmetics. She advised to spray perfume into the air and pass through the cloud of fragrance. Small drops of perfume will settle on your outfit and hairstyle, and your favorite scent will unobtrusively accompany you throughout the day.

“Women who do not use perfume are very self-confident women, because the train of correctly selected perfumes that stretches for a beautiful lady always accompanies the image created by her, playing not the last, and sometimes even the first role in creating this image,” once said the splendid mademoiselle Coco Chanel.The designer gave the world the main fragrance of the 20th century Chanel #5 and recommended one of the nicest ways to apply - wherever you want to be kissed.

It is necessary to apply aroma only on a clean body. Other scents can drown out delicate perfume notes, so try to choose deodorants without strong scents. One of the biggest mistakes many women make is rubbing fragrance into their wrists. Perfume should be applied dotted with fingertips or a cap with a cork.

One weightless drop on the wrists, elbows, a light touch on the shoulders, the back of the earlobes and the hollow on the chest. The skin in these places, on the pulsating sections of the veins, is the most tender and warm. The fragrant notes of the perfume will slowly unfold and envelop you in an elegant trail.

Perfume can show its moody side when it gets on clothes, so be very careful when applying fragrance to woolen or fur items. Perfume can leave an oily stain on light-colored clothing, so you need to apply it from the inside, to the lining.

Pour homme

The main mistake of men lies in the excessive application of perfume. The main purpose of the fragrance is to attract attention, to win people over on a subconscious level, but the smell of perfume that is too sharp and hits the nose negatively affects perception.

As we said above, the most important thing is moderation. If you applied Arctic Fresh aftershave, Sea Breeze deodorant and added a couple of drops of perfume, then the mixed scent will kill all life within a few meters in diameter. Be discreet in applying and combining fragrances. You can choose a complete care line of one perfume brand (deodorant, lotion, eau de toilette) or replace the deodorant with another one marked “100% fragrance free”.

Do not put on perfume before sports, on a very hot day, when you know that physical activity is ahead of you. In no case do not apply perfume to the armpit area!
The fragrance stays on clothes for a long time, you can apply a little perfume, for example, on a scarf or scarf, which will leave a light scent trail. But do this if you use the same fragrance for body and clothes. The combination of different flavors can create either an interesting mix or an unimaginable cacophony.

Some Helpful Tips

1. Store perfume in a dark, dry place out of sunlight. Remove them from the dressing table, where you habitually put after purchase. In this case, the evaporation of alcohol and the oxidation of perfumes when combined with oxygen will occur much more slowly.

2. The official shelf life of perfume is from 3 to 5 years. Unopened packages of perfume will keep the scent longer.

3. Never put perfume on jewelry and bijouterie, try to avoid getting perfume on earrings or chains. Alcohol can cause an oxidation reaction, spoil the veil of fragrance and seriously damage the jewelry.

4. If the perfume is unstable, then apply a little fragrance every 4 hours.

5. Do not hunt for profit by buying perfumes in online stores of dubious origin, subway crossings and small shops that do not sell perfumes.

Skin type, place of application, season, air humidity - a number of factors that affect the durability and sound of perfume. How to extend the durability of your favorite fragrance? How to apply perfume correctly and on what places on the body so that the fragrance will sound in all its beauty?

Applying perfume on the wrist and behind the ears

It is traditionally believed that perfume is best applied to pulse points, such as the wrist, where the skin is warmer because it is warmed up by blood, and therefore the fragrance is revealed better. Indeed, this is a good way to wear a fragrance, but there are some drawbacks to consider.

First of all, it concerns hygiene. So, if you often ride public transport, hold doorknobs, come into contact with money, and then wipe your hands with wet wipes or wash them, then applying perfume to your hands is not recommended: the fragrance will mix with other smells, and from frequent use of soap and napkins will change its sound.

On a note!

If during the day you lead an active lifestyle, go to public places a lot, then try not to apply fragrance to those parts of the body that get dirty and come into contact with household items.

The area behind the ears is another traditional way to apply perfume, as the skin in this area is also warmed up by blood and the scent releases faster.

If you want a subtle and delicate fragrance to come from you, then one of the best ways to apply perfume is not on the skin, but on the hair: in this case, any fragrance will sound much lighter. This method is also suitable for applying rich and “heavy” aromas - their sound will become quieter.

Applying perfume to your hair also helps to "hide" the scent. For example, if the dress code does not allow wearing bright fragrances in the office, then you can sprinkle your hair with perfume, collect it with a hairpin or elastic band, and then the fragrance will only subtly remind you of yourself. At the end of the working day, you can loosen your hair, and then your favorite smell will break out.

Applying perfume to your hair is a way out for those who have even the most persistent smell quickly disappear. It happens that the skin literally absorbs any fragrance, but the hair, on the contrary, holds it much better.

You should not spray perfume on your hair itself, since almost all perfumes contain alcohol, which will dry them out. Natural perfumes, consisting of phyto essences, should also not be applied directly to the hair, so as not to stain them. It would be more correct to spray the perfume into the air and pass through this fragrant cloud so that the perfume settles on the hair with a light veil.


Do this procedure before getting dressed so that the fragrance sits only on the hair, and not on outer clothing.

Instead of regular perfume, you can use a special hair perfume. You can find alcohol-free versions of your favorite scents in our range of curl fragrances. For example, Chance Chanel perfumed veil, niche fragrance Byredo Gypsy Water Hair Perfume, hair version of the famous perfume in the form of mist La Petit Robe Noir by Guerlain. Miss Dior fans can also find Miss Dior Hair Mist, a lighter version of the legendary fragrance.

Hair mists can be used in conjunction with perfumes to enhance their sound: some brands produce a perfumed pair - perfume and mist for use together.

Many people prefer to apply fragrance on the neck and décolleté, or on the back of the neck, which is hidden by hair. This way of wearing the fragrance is one of the most popular, but some nuances should be taken into account.

Do not apply fragrance to exposed areas of the body, such as the neck and décolleté, during the summer, especially if you have a skin type I or II. Be aware that perfumes containing alcohol and oils can increase your skin's sensitivity to UV light. For the same reason, you should not apply perfume before going to the beach: this is fraught with the appearance of age spots, freckles and an increase in the number of moles.

Keep in mind that the skin of the neck is thin and delicate, so you should not spray it daily with an alcohol-based perfume so as not to overdry the epidermis.

The same applies to the inner bend of the elbow: the skin here is very sensitive, and applying perfume can cause a reaction in the form of redness or itching.

Smells and clothes

One of the secrets of applying fragrance is to the lining of a jacket or women's jacket. In this case, the smell will have a more “intimate”, quiet sound. This method is suitable for those who do not want to distract others with their spirits. Moreover, if you have a collection of your favorite fragrances and an extensive wardrobe, you can change your look and style by choosing your own perfume for each outfit.

Perfumes can also be applied to clothes if they change their sound on your skin: on clothes, the fragrance will be exactly the way the perfumers created it.

When applying perfume to clothing, check to see if it leaves stains. To prevent clothes from getting dirty, perfume can be sprayed on the inside seams. The fabric must be natural - on a synthetic fabric, the aroma can change beyond recognition.

One way to apply a rich fragrance is to the body under clothing. For example, a thick oriental or sweet perfume can be worn under a shirt.

An unusual way to wear a fragrance: if you use oil perfumes, then you can wear them in aroma pendants - these are ceramic pendants that even come in the form of natural stones. When in contact with the skin, they heat up, the aroma enhances its sound.

If your favorite perfume wears off quickly, you can fix it on your skin by applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly to the sprayed area.

To keep the perfume on your skin as long as possible, do not rush to leave the house immediately after applying it: allow 10-15 minutes for the alcohol to evaporate and the fragrance to open.

Properly applying perfume, you will achieve a longer and more beautiful sound.

In order to extend the "life" of your favorite smell on your skin, you can use a few simple rules:

1. Any - be it perfume, perfume or toilet water on the skin ceases to sound much faster. Therefore, if you have dry or normal skin, before wearing your favorite fragrance, do not forget to moisturize the places where you apply it.

It's great if you can pre-moisturize your perfume lotion or body cream in the same direction as the perfume. For oily skin this is not required.

2. Make it a rule to suffocate immediately after water procedures - a bath or shower. On freshly washed skin, after its pores have opened, the smell will last much longer.

3. Pay attention to the concentration of the smell - this also determines how the aroma will be "long-playing". Perfumes last longer than eau de parfum, and in turn, eau de parfum is more durable than eau de toilette.

4. After applying the fragrance to the skin, do not rub it, let it dry naturally. The perfume has several stages of "sounding" - when the top notes sing first, then the middle notes, and after them the lower, base notes. If, after application, the perfume is rubbed, you can easily break this sequence and deprive the fragrance of its individuality.

5. In order for your favorite perfume to retain all its qualities for as long as possible, store it in a dry place where the sun's rays will not fall on the bottle.

6. Comparing the varieties of fragrances in terms of their persistence, pay attention to the fact that musky, chypre and woody are more persistent than floral, marine or fantasy ones.

In addition to the rules, there are a few more nuances that will not be out of place to remember.

A fragrance that you have been using for a long time, your sense of smell may no longer perceive as brightly as before. Therefore, you should not immediately sin on the manufacturer and unstable perfume, it’s just that your nose could get used to the smell, but this does not mean that others around do not feel it.

If you want a new fragrance for yourself, try to go shopping in the morning. In the morning and afternoon hours, the nose will do this job better. And try not to sniff a large number of perfumes - the optimal amount is three smells in one go.

You can apply perfume on the wrist, in the hollows of the elbows, behind the lobes of the ears, on the chest - where there are pulsating points. The temperature of the skin at these points is higher, and the pulse will help the smell to spread better.

And you can also put a drop of perfume on a comb and comb your hair - a thin train will follow you like a queen's cloak.

If you want to be in a fragrant cloud, do as Estée Lauder recommended to do - spray the perfume in front of you at a level above your head and enter the fragrant cloud.

Perfume is a strong female weapon that can defeat all men on the spot. The main thing is to use it skillfully so as not to turn its action against yourself.

How to apply perfume correctly so that the train lasts longer. General recommendations

  1. The body must be clean, as is the hair. Oily skin holds the fragrance less and reveals it in a different way, distorting the real smell.
  2. You need to apply perfume on clothes correctly so as not to leave stains that are difficult to remove. It is necessary to spray perfume at a distance of half a meter and immerse the dress in the resulting cloud.
  3. The fragrance should be applied with a fingertip, if there is no dispenser, and do not pour the contents onto yourself from the bottle.
  4. The smell of perfume should be felt by people who are nearby within an arm's length radius.
  5. It is worth applying perfume in places where the pulse is felt, just a few drops in the area of ​​​​the knee and elbow bends, on the wrists.
  6. One and the same perfume cannot be used for all occasions and different seasons.

Favorite perfumes sooner or later begin to become boring, so periodically they need to be changed to a similar aroma.

In order for perfumes to last for a long time, they must be stored properly, it should be a dry, dark, cool place, but not a refrigerator, a closet or chest of drawers will be ideal.

Before you start to figure out how to apply perfume correctly, you should first learn how to choose them. Because it is very difficult to find your fragrance from the variety of perfumes.

How not to make a mistake with the purchase

  1. Going to the mall for perfume should be “clean”, that is, without applying perfume to yourself.
  2. It is better to make a purchase during the day, when the brain recognizes aromas more easily, and rely only on your sense of smell.
  3. You can smell several fragrances at once, but only three of them should be dripped onto a special paper, then choose one and put it on your wrist.
  4. The alcohol stain formed on the hand from perfume should not be rubbed with the intention of opening it as soon as possible, you need to wait until it evaporates in order to feel other notes of this fragrance.
  5. The sound of perfumes is not revealed immediately, at least after twenty minutes. It is better to go home after applying them to clothes, neck, collarbone and see how the fragrance manifests itself during the day. Then it will become clear what are the density, durability and plume of this perfume. It happens that a thin, soft aroma lasts for a long time, and a sonorous, screaming one quickly disappears.
  6. It must be borne in mind that all spirits open in different ways, some do not change over a long period, others open gradually.

After acquiring your fragrance, you need to know where to apply perfume correctly.

Places to apply

  1. Neck below the ears.
  2. Wrists.
  3. Popliteal areas and areas of the elbow folds.
  4. Ankles.
  5. Places at the temples.
  6. Collarbone.
  7. The center point of the chest.

Here's how to properly apply women's perfume, because they are different.

How to use dry perfume

  1. First, they need to be warmed up by rubbing with simple hand movements on the skin.
  2. Then apply to the places of pulsation.
  3. reveals itself on heated skin after water procedures.
  4. They are applicable for an aroma lamp, and they can also be put in a locker with linen, for the formation of a light and pleasant smell.

Applying dry perfume to the body will also depend on the consistency. If the texture is soft, it is enough to run over them once and take the desired portion. Solid perfume, reminiscent of a wax candle, will have to be rubbed with a fingertip several times. You can use a sharp or cotton swab to dial the right amount, then rub the perfume with your hands and apply to pulsating places.

Perfume in a pencil is the most convenient option. Take out a small amount and apply directly to the skin. The bar is also easy to use, just rub it on a wet body.

oil perfume

Perfume oils can be diluted with alcohol, which is more correct, or mixed with an odorless base oil. But you can also apply it.

They should also be stored in a cool, dry place so that the sun's rays do not penetrate.

It is not recommended to apply them to the skin and hair in extreme heat, because natural oils can cause allergies. It is better to drip on and pin to the wrong side of the clothes, or put a piece of fabric with applied perfume in your purse.

How to apply perfume for a long lasting effect

  1. Care must be taken when using, because the oil base can cause stubborn stains. To do this, you need to apply two or three drops on the outside of the palm, this will be enough for the fragrance to reveal the hidden notes and remain on the body for a long time.
  2. For greater effect, they must be applied to the popliteal fossa, as well as to the inner elbow bend.
  3. In general, they are applied according to the “triangle rule”, these are places at the temples and a dimple under the throat.

The main thing is not to overdo it when using any perfume, because a high concentration can cause a headache and an allergic reaction and even nausea.

Therefore, you need to know how to properly apply perfume so that there is a train.

  1. You should not spray perfume in the neck area, because the aroma is poorly revealed there due to the temperature regime, and this can be harmful to health. Vessels are located deeper, not in pulsating places. And perfumes begin to sound on warm areas of the skin, behind the earlobes, on the shoulders, on their inner sides, and so on, where they should be applied.
  2. You can put a few drops of perfume on a comb and comb your wet hair, or with your fingertips touch the hairline at the temples, this will keep a pleasant train for a long time.
  3. For greater effect, you can spray underwear with perfume from the wrong side (at the seams), so the fragrance intensifies and the clothes remain clean.

Now it is clear how to apply perfume correctly. It is also worth knowing that the bottle must be closed tightly after use so that the aroma does not evaporate. You can not store perfume in the open sun, this leads to a change in the formula and smell.

  1. It is better to use a couple of drops of perfume than to overdo it.
  2. The aroma spreads from bottom to top. This suggests that it is better to apply them not only behind the earlobes, but also on the popliteal region, and on the wrists.
  3. If there is a desire to spray clothes, it should be remembered that woolen and fur items can retain aromas for years, so it is better not to do this at all. Perfume stains may remain on light fabrics.
  4. It is good if all perfumery cosmetics are sustained in one fragrant line.
  5. Do not use the bottle for more than three years.

Knowing all these simple rules for applying perfume to the body, many mistakes can be avoided. And finally: if one perfume is constantly used, our sense of smell gets used to this aroma and we stop hearing it, but this does not mean that others do not feel it.

Yves Saint Laurent said that even the most complete and perfect image must be supplemented with perfume. They give charm, charm, perfection and chic. The aroma of perfume should attract attention, attract like a magnet. Every self-respecting woman knows how to properly apply perfume. Sometimes just one drop is enough to leave a good impression.

Perfume guide

Many of the fair sex are interested in whether it is possible to use perfume. Leading perfumers say that it is not only possible, but also necessary. Of course, you can’t swim in fragrant water, take pity on those around you, because everything should be in moderation.

Before we figure out how to use perfume, let's look at the main types. There are many varieties of perfumes in the perfume industry, but there are three main types:

  • oil;
  • alcohol;
  • solid.

It is alcohol perfumes that are very popular. Over time, the alcohol evaporates, which reveals a special aroma. In turn, alcohol spirits are divided into several subspecies:

  • perfumes (perfume);
  • Eau de Toilette;
  • cologne;
  • sports water;
  • Eau de parfum.

Interesting! The lower the concentration of alcohol in perfume, the more persistent and long-lasting aroma they have.

Rules for using perfume: perfume etiquette

Perfume complements any image of a woman. Each representative of the weaker sex chooses the fragrance that suits her. Remember one rule: do not pour perfume, the aroma should not be concentrated. Over time, you get used to the smell, but others do not.

General rules

No matter what type of perfume and fragrance you choose, remember a number of golden rules:

  • Never mix different fragrance notes. In addition to perfumes, women use creams, body lotions, and antiperspirants. Try to choose products that are similar in aroma. Otherwise, the blend of odors will turn into an explosive mixture.
  • Each perfume must be used at a specific time. In summer and spring, choose light scents, but in winter and autumn, you can use warm and rich scents. The same goes for the time of day. In the morning and afternoon, a fresh scent should come from you, and in the evening you can use more concentrated perfumes.
  • You need to apply perfume only after water procedures. Take a shower, wash off today, and only then use perfume. Mixed with the smell of sweat, fabric conditioner and other fragrances, you will leave an impression, but not entirely positive.
  • Perfume can be applied to clothing, but with great care. For example, furs and clothes made from natural fabrics can keep the smell for up to one year. But synthetic products distort the original flavor.
  • On a note! Do not abuse the application of perfume on clothes. Perfume can leave stains and yellow marks on the fabric.
  • Perfume should be properly stored in a closed bottle and in a dry place. After the expiration date, the use of perfume should be discarded.
  • Don't rub perfume on your skin. This action will destroy the aroma. It is better to apply perfume with a sprayer or with gentle dotted movements.

Revealing the aroma of perfume

The above knowledge for the correct use of perfume is not enough. You also need to remember which places to apply perfumes so that their aroma opens up as much as possible and is preserved for a long time.

Let's study the body map:

  • Wrist area, neck and behind the ears. It is in these places that the blood vessels pass closest to the surface of the skin. Also, the smell lasts longer due to body temperature.
  • On a note! If you are interested in learning how to use pheromone perfumes, remember that they must be applied to these same places, as well as to the chest and just below the navel. This is how Eastern art interprets.
  • Perfectly retain aroma and curls. Put some perfume on your hair, just don't mix fragrances.
  • For the longest time, perfume retains its fragrance on the back of the neck. You will be able to leave your invisible footprint indoors.
  • Elbow and knee bends. These parts of the body are rarely used for applying perfumes, but they help to retain the fragrance for a long time.

On a note! To feel the fragrance of perfume for a longer time, it must be applied to pre-moistened skin. It is better to use an unscented body lotion or with the same scent as the perfume.

Features of using certain types of perfume

Almost all types of perfumes can be applied to the above areas. As already mentioned, alcohol-based perfumes are considered the most popular type of perfume.

Many representatives of the weaker sex are interested in how to use oil perfumes. They can be applied to any part of the body, except for the area behind the ears. It is in this part that the sebaceous glands function most actively. Excessive production of sebum can distort the aroma.

Important! Never apply oil perfumes on curls and clothes.

Often, girls use dry or so-called solid perfumes. How to use dry perfume? Solid perfume is applied in the same way as alcohol perfumes. Here only it is necessary to choose a dosage with special care.

On a note! Solid perfumes can give an unusual and unobtrusive fragrance to the interior of a car or any room in the house.