How to communicate with the subconscious. Contact with subconscious. Important moments of practice

Go to more complex work techniques with subconscious. First of all, learn to communicate at the subconscious level. Do not even try to use these techniques consciously. Consciousness will not cope. You will only convulsively eet and m-bleed. For the successful application of these techniques, learn how to apply them before you begin to communicate. Before conversation, you need to sit down and tune in to how you will behave. Put the tasks to the subconscious. During the conversation, do not think about these tasks. The subconsciousness itself knows what to do.

Success among people is possible only if you know how to communicate with them. No communication - no success. But the biggest problem is that during communication you must reach a conscious result, so consciousness is already employed. And it is possible to effectively communicate only by the subconscious. Of course, you are familiar with people who are easy to get acquainted and communicate. But it is rare. Most people are not easy communication with strangers.

The presence of another person already acts on us. Here you are sitting one in the reception and read the magazine. You are calm. But another person came to the reception center. Everything has changed immediately. Ease is lost. You tightened without even starting communication. Notice, you have not even joined the conversation, but already strain. How difficult is the process of communication! You need to communicate with a feeling of lightness and comfort. First you need to deal with what makes us most of all during communication.

Scales of communication

You go to the room where important people are sitting: academician, boxing champion in boxing, millionaire and winner of the beauty contest. Well, you jumped there. How will you feel? Does not, are somewhat cut, than if your familiar Petka, Vaska, Dimka and Mashka were sitting in the room.

What gives this listing of titles? It lifts a person over you. And you become less and less. Cut up to the size of the mouse and you can only fade into the corner so that you do not come. Titles are similar to the girks thrown into the scales. "Laureate of the All-Russian Competition" - and the girome is added to the scales of your interlocutor.

And now imagine that the laureate is you. And you can loudly declare: "I am a bronze medalist of the competition" Filatelists on the swords! "Do you think it became better? Yes, the interlocutor will immediately decrease in size. But how will it affect the relationship? They will become extremely tense. What to talk to you With this insignia? In essence, titles are cells separating people.

The conversation is effective if the balance of communication is settled. Pride and self-esteem are the abyss that lie between people. The bridge through the abyss is only those general views where people play equal. It is easy to start a conversation with the seller, because the seller, and the buyer play on the equal. They are jointly engaged in trade. Although here the inexperienced seller can break communication, getting into a pose: "I know what you should buy." Balance is broken. Buyer runs away.

The best way immediately and easily establish relationships is to play equal. Talk with any person on the same level. Not higher. But not lower. He is a man - and I am a man. And all the papers with titles let it burn with a blue flame.

The main secret of the behavior of people

Only being on the same level with the interlocutor, you can break through insulation. In this case, the conversation becomes penetrating and sincere. You will be easy to communicate with people if you find out the main secret: everything that a person does, he does for one thing - to experience some feelings.

And in this, people differ very little from each other. From the janitor to the president, all people equally want to experience feelings. They are distinguished by the fact that the president has more mechanical devices to generate feelings. Armored car, airplane number one, a suitcase with a nuclear button - all these things serve to generate a feeling of their uniqueness and exclusivity.

I flew to the country - and the ramp of the aircraft meets a group of brave guys with guns. How! President arrived to us! But it is not known what is better. Maybe if the ramp of the plane meets you the best girl in the world, then this gives a much greater sense of exceptional? After all, she loves you exclusively, and the guard of honor - who will be ordered. And the tight fog over the river, silence, fresh air and fishing rod in the hands give more calmness than nervously running around the bodyguards. Therefore, loud ranks, big ranks, thick packs of money - this is nothing more than a rubber woman. Good, if only there is no real. But the elasticity of the body, a loving view, a gentle touch is a real currency that will never depreciate.

Real feelings people appreciate more than anything else in life. From here follow the rules for skillful communication. When communicating with people, you can call in them: negative feelings. And then people will avoid you; No feelings. And you will be a nondescript shadow that will be ignored; Positive feelings. People will reach you; Horseship. Ignite them, and you will become idol.

The subconscious is present in the body always. For example, it can be said: "The man has lost consciousness," but the subconscious will never be lost, even during alcohol intoxication. When we sleep and consciously do not control our body and consciousness, during a deep trance or hypnosis, the subconscious is always present. If you learn to establish contact with the subconscious and want to get any information from it, it will be enough for you to ask him about it. The answer will appear in the form of impressions, images, emotions. In addition, the subconscious can help direct the confluence of the circumstances in the right direction. This is a very effective and efficient method. Did you pay attention to the interview with famous actresses, singers and show business stars? Often you can hear such a phrase ": ... In the cinema, I turned out to be by chance ..." or "_yain was going to be a singer, it's all the case." This is the work of the subconscious: perhaps the man wanted to be rich and famous, just really wanted and often thought about it. By writing his desire "on herring", he thus activated the program to fame and money, and the subconsciousness provided the case at his disposal, which was not misused. The subconsciousness in this case acts as "waving butterfly wing", it starts barely noticeable, barely tangible mechanism - a thin and long chain of causing links, actually occurring, which as a result give you the opportunity to be at the right moment in the right place.
It should be realized that our youngest person is a separate independent being. He has his own life, his own idea of \u200b\u200bexistence and its own experiences. According to many people's healers, not only the subconscious, but each organ and each cell is also an individual essence. "The human body consists of organs, each of which is a certain consciousness. It can be said that these are certain creatures with their plans, desires and destinations. Every internal body wants something, has its own opinion, with something agree, and there is no something with something, something is pleased, and sometimes he is missing something. Organs can communicate with each other. The same can be said about cells. Each of the cells and each community of cells have their own life. All of them are trying to transfer information to the main center to report their desires. Inside the organs are constantly exchanged information and energy exchange, as their work depends on their own interaction. In addition, each cell and organ are influenced by certain planets, elements, have a connection with a certain type of minerals, plants "(V. T. Lobodin).
It is unlikely that anyone will argue with such a definition that a person is a "microcosm". Its organism can be compared with the state where there is a hierarchy and everything is subject to certain laws. And if we assume that the head of such a state is the king is our consciousness, then in this case the subconscious of the cardinal, also an important figure. Their actions can be either agreed or disassembled. Since "like attracts the like", then the attitude of a person to the world around the world, what is his

inner world. The world will beat you as long as you beat the world. The world will love you as much as much you will love the world. Therefore, it is important to carry out events that customize the body for love and joy, and be in Lada with yourself. Consciousness may impose the subconscious to launch the mechanism of the disease. For example, you do not see the exit of a difficult situation, responsibility or requirements are too large, you are struggling to themselves, your consciousness knows that "Lying does not beat" and launches such a program - "lie down and pain." In this case, it is certainly a valid reason for lying and inactivity, because if you lie just like that, it means to recognize himself defeated and surrender. And on the part it seems that you are tired, the body has exhausted and fell ill.
Consciousness does not know how to feel and experience joy, and tears pour it under its impact. It hardly comprehends your inner experiences. He is not clear the feeling of "paradise pleasure". Thanks to him, you can think, desire, rationally think, make logical conclusions, solve various tasks. Everything that concerns feelings is the kingdom of the subconscious. The saying "heart will not order" means the lack of influence of rational thinking on feelings. Emerson said: "Be careful to what chooses your heart, for you will get exactly." He meant the importance and importance of the selection, since mostly a person gets more often what the subconsciousness wants. Therefore, it is very important to "catch" the first, barely catchy impulse, because it will be a subconscious choice, then you will begin to weigh, compare, analyze and as a result, make a conscious choice, which is not always true and, ultimately, can lead to psychological problem. Consciousness constantly supports contact with the outside world, its communication with the environment does not know borders. Consciousness is in contact with the outside world of people and subjects through their knowledge of the world, his laws and conditions. It is a kind of translator of modern social traditions and subservice for subconscious. The subconscious mind is locked in a cage. Although it takes a lot of information from the outside world, but only you yourself are the only interlocutor for him. Very rarely, in special conditions, with the help of a specialist you can contact each other at the subconscious level intentionally. Spontaneously such contacts arise from very close people in the spirit of people and with close creative alliances when people "on the same wave" did not have time to think - the other was already announced, one chant - the other has already started the implementation.
The subconscious is not a specific opinion about anything, it leads our fate, respectively, by our same beliefs and statements and creates certain situations, based on our choice of words and ideas. It grabs any word that is said and by us, and other people (even if it is not uttered in our address), including radio and television. Our age is considered a century of information. Imagine a huge flow of daily news that you allegedly pay attention to, from all this stream, the subconscious minds forms the reality of your life today and for the future. Add to this daily, hourly chaos of thoughts in your head. To determine their jumble, make a simple exercise: for hours, think only about those things you currently do. After an hour you will understand the difficulty of such an exercise. And now imagine whether your subconscious mind is at the level of such accumulation of excess information to understand and allocate dominants, your actual desires, and give them "good" and the opportunity
implementation? To this should be added to such phrases that your subconscious can literally confuse. For example, you decided to get rich, wrote the appropriate affirmation for profit and repeat it regularly, and at the same time, let's say, someone will answer the offer to someone to buy something: "I have no penny! I can't afford any expenses! " In fact, there is a penny, even, maybe 5 kopecks, or ruble, or a dozen. And the subconsciousness knows it. It turns out a clear deception, which will go to the deception and affirmation about the wealth, besides, such a phrase, said with a certain energy, and therefore, after streaming, may be based on a lack of money. You yourself destroy your life position by deceiving the same subconscious.
The subconsciousness gives information to signals, images, dreams. People who know how to decipher such information well possess good intuition. They say about such: "He has a sixth sense." The ability to listen to your inner voice is the ability to listen to your subconscious. The message of the subconscious can also be learned to decipher. Perceiving such images and symbols, we must try not to get under the influence of logical thinking of the left hemisphere of the brain, which is more conscious to consciousness. Most often, our brain hemispheres work independently of each other. The left hemisphere is used in logical, real thinking, analysis of problems and situations, solving mathematical and other tasks, including everyday. As mentioned, this hemisphere is headed by consciousness. The right hemisphere is responsible for figurative thinking, emotions, imagination, intuition. Our education, secular education and lifestyle lead to the fact that most people use the left hemisphere more often. Dominance you have a particular hemisphere to check. If you are left-handed, then the right hemisphere dominates if right-handers are left. There are people who have an inter-stroke asymmetry weakened, that is, the dominance of one hemisphere over the other is practically leveled, they are called ambitrators (or ambiters), the skills of the right and left hand they are developed equally. These people are one of their kind, they are easily given both sensual information and mental actions. To reveal the abilities of a person, it is necessary to combine the activity of these hemispheres, that is, to actually combine the possibilities of consciousness and subconscious. The synchronization of the brain hemispheres is also obtained in cases where a person is in a state of relaxation (the state of complete muscular relaxation) or meditation (meditation - from Latin thinking, mental action, the purpose of which is to bring human psyche into the state of deposit and concentration; meditation is accompanied by bodily relaxation, The lack of emotional manifestations, abundance from external objects). The same result gives simultaneous work with two hands, for example, writing the same words: right hand, as we usually write - from left to right, and with your left hand - on the contrary, to the right left, repeating the return slope of the handwriting (mirror letter); Drawing in the same way of circles or other geometric shapes, simultaneous actions with two hands produced in the air. For example, make circular rotations with a brush right hand forward-back, and left - on the contrary, in the opposite direction. Such exercises activate both hemispheses of the brain, as a result, any logical thinking will be supported by the "internal insight" or the manifestation of intuition.

Communication with the subconscious - an important skill. Its value is manifested not only when interacting with people, but also to establish connections with its inner world.

What opportunities gives communication with the subconscious?

The person who studied the art of communication with the subconscious, always stands out among others, and the differences concern only positive parties: it is easier for him to work on a good job, it is easier for him to find a tongue with the team, make new, good friends, etc.

But it is equally important to be able to negotiate with yourself, in our highest "I" - with the subconscious.

Having learned this brilliant secret, you will learn to establish a connection with the subconscious, which will help you to feel and know something surprising and unpredictable, will tell you the right way out of the circumstances and highlighted in the implementation of all intended goals ...

We ourselves create our reality²! This brilliant statement is responsible immediately to many questions. We are not aware of the fact that our inner strength is really able to work wonders and should actively apply in practice.

What gives this method?

This method can completely change your life, and it is absolutely without exaggeration. You will not once thank the Universe for this unique and rarest opportunity to communicate with the subconscious. Surely, most of you do not even suspect which prospects will be revealed by a person who has comprehended by these knowledge.

The art of communication with the subconscious!

The experience of communicating with his subconscious is the amazing moments of self-knowledge, clean truth and St. Revelation.

Subconscious is ... You can give a suitable definition. But if you think globally, then, in fact, this is the cosmic mind of the Universe, the Holy Essence, soul, intuition (or the sixth sense) ....

This is your spiritual guide that has limitless power and knowledge. Call it as you please. You can even give the name to your assistant.

What is useful and significant communication with the subconscious?

Communication with the subconscious gives the following advantages:

  • Over time, any requests and requests will be executed almost instantly.
  • You will learn how to get the right answers as quickly as possible and efficiently.
  • Your will increase several times.
  • You will find a faithful and permanent friend who will help you, without requiring anything in return.
  • Your self-esteem and conceit will increase progressively.
  • You will greatly free yourself from everyday worries and experiences.
  • You will have the possibilities of spiritual growth and self-development, self-knowledge, you will discover new talents and abilities.
  • You will gain powerful protection against unexpected troubles and large-scale difficulties.
  • Good luck and well-being will chase you.

When you connect to the subconscious, you install direct contact with the entire universe, so recharge the energy flow from the higher forces.

And most importantly! You do not have to do anything, just enough to ask your holy aspiration about help. Soon, you will be pleasantly amazed by the results.

Step-by-step instruction!

Practice can be carried out anywhere, ever, and as you like. Just keep it in strict secrete! When you need help in implementing any need, do the following operation:

1. It is necessary to calm down, enter into a state of pacifications. Relax psychologically and physically (when there is an opportunity) and let go of your thoughts, emotions and experiences.

3. When a feeling of clean and genuine love comes, the channel will turn into. Now simply from the pure heart should ask the subconscious of help in solving your question or problem. To contact him with respect, and say about your feelings (with time you can order).

It's enough! Brilliant, right? Handling the practice in a state of trance³ or euphoria, its effect will significantly increase.

What rules should you stick?

  • No need to repeat the request a hundred times a day, it is enough to make a request once.
  • No need to constantly think about how, where and when your request is executed. The subconscious will provide the best option and a way to make a goal. You can even "forget" about your request. This item is required for everyone!
  • Do not be afraid to make big requests (although you initially start with a small one), the subconscious mind does not know the limits.
  • It is advisable to put only those goals that will serve to you or others and in the execution of which you really need.
  • If you have changed my mind to execute the goal, just notify the subconscious about it. The technique works only with the absence of voltage!

The art of communication with the subconscious and receipt of answers?

This is your best and indispensable friend. Remember this. You can communicate with it when you like, preferably before bedtime and awakening. Ask him about everything you wish. You can do at least a hundred requests for the day. Share with him the most intimate and personal moments, and he will help you in solving every question.

If you want to ask about any subconscious, just do it. You mentally (intuitively) get an answer or later in some unexpected or in the usual way. In general, you will realize that you have already answered.

Talk to the subconscious mind mentally or out loud (when you are alone). It is always there, it is always inside you and ready to help.

And in conclusion, remember one gold statement: "God is not over you, he inside us"! Successful to your practice, friends!

Oleg Fillish

Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Subconscious - an outdated term applied to designate mental processes leaking without displaying them in consciousness and in addition to conscious management (Wikipedia).

² Interesting and useful information about managing reality can be found

³ Trans - a number of changed states of consciousness (ISS), as well as the functional state of the psyche, binding and mediating conscious and unconscious mental functioning of a person, in which, according to some cognitive-oriented interpretations, the degree of conscious participation in the processing of information (

Subconscious. With the subconscious, it will not work out. It does not operate in words and logic to which we are accustomed. To communicate with the subconscious, in principle, no one needs. This we can sleep, think about something, relax or work. And the subconscious is never sleeping. Another thing is that we were not taught to pay attention to the inner voice. And thus just talking to our subconscious. That is, if you start to make a stupid actions from your point of view, if you are not sure and feel dissatisfaction, it means that your consciousness, the mind does not find a response with your own subconscious. So, you live in contradiction yourself, do not do what you want. Our framework. Only your subconsciousness knows what you really want. Man is initially limited to frames. Tradition, decency, our complexes and other objective and subjective rules of society completely tear the relationship between our consciousness and subconscious. We say, we think, we are doing only what will cause the approval of our acquaintances. Everybody makes love to someone else's opinion. And in fact, if you dig in your feelings, "we don't need it at all. Each person has their own, distinct, principles for each person. Thinking and conclusion occur in different ways. Therefore, everyone cannot please. Be sure to have several people who will convince you. "Conversation" with subconscious. To understand what the subconsciousness "says" is "says", we must listen to your intuition, to your desires. Consciously we cannot force our second, I will express an opinion on a particular reason. The subconscious "speaks" with us constantly. For example, you have a premonition of something bad or good. This is your second I try to warn about the upcoming events. Other manifestations of subconscious. The subconscious can issue still small hallucinations (as simple as the keys). Usually we climb the eyes to get rid of the vague. Or shaming your head to drive a picture from nowhere. And in fact, your subconscious sect is a specific sign, a warning. Another one of the manifestations of the subconscious is a sense of presence. When it seems to you that someone stands behind his back, or watches you, or is indoors with you. Such "otherworldly" phenomena may be an embodiment of some thoughts, the events created by you, but unconsciously subconsciously. Each of these cases can be easily found an explanation if you "are friends" with your second, you understand what you are warned or reported. Dreams and subconscious. The subconscious is often talking to us through dreams. With the help of familiar images, it creates scenes of dreams. Decipherating your dreams, a person will always be warned about the upcoming events in his life or in the life of close people surrounding. That is, your dreams are always told, helping to behave in real life. "Strapping" subconscious. Therefore, I can't agree with the expression "to work out the subconscious". How can I change your unconscious with a stupid and limited framework conscious? Rather, it can happen on the contrary: listening to his intuition, following its own temper, a person will succeed faster, will be able to fulfill his desires faster. Working methods with subconscious. There are many techniques for working with your subconscious. The same method is not suitable for people without exception. Each person who achieved success in the knowledge of his second I have the right to say that it is his technique faithful and acts trouble-free. And it's not about my skepticism. The fact is that we are all different. Learning to live together with the subconscious. To learn how to live together with your subconscious, you can try several ways offered. It will not be worse. It will take a sufficient amount of time, because no one can say immediately and unmistakably, what a path leads you to you yourself. General in all methods is a developed imagination and a meaningful understanding, which is happening in reality and in your unreality. Try, experiment! Listen to yourself, your intuition! With love, Svetlana

If you can not solve some vital task for a long time, contact your subconscious. It knows everything. There are situations when it is impossible to make a choice, relying only on logic. Imagine: you suddenly offered a new job. On the one hand, it seems that there is, that is, you are quite satisfied. On the other - why not try something new? It is good that the salary is higher there, but it is bad that you will have to do uninteresting things ... And no matter how much you paint in two columns "for" and "against", the situation does not clarify.

Even more difficult in personal affairs. Suppose a man made a sentence. You do not have anything against marry him. But do not feel delight ...

photobank Lori

Scientists argue that our consciousness can perceive 15 units of information per second. Through the subconscious over the same time takes up to a billion. It catches what is not expressed in words, what is worn in the air. A man who made you a proposal, once packed the foot of the kitten. You could see it the edge of your eyes and immediately forget. But somewhere deposited: this person is able to be cold and cruel.


Everyone has it. Just some people access to the subconscious is more open, and others are difficult. But it's not so difficult to getting into it.

1 step. Declare your subconsciousness that you seriously intend to find an answer to the question that you are worried. Suppose you are thinking if you change your job. Look for any information about it. Find out everything about what you have to do in a new place, get to know people who perform the same duties in other firms, try to find out the prospects. Do not attempt to logically comprehend this information - just collect them.

2 step. Give the subconscious time to ripening. Stop thinking about your problem. Walk, relax, bathe in the bath. It is in this state that people fall.

3 step. This and the following steps are best done before bedtime or immediately after waking up. Flee the fact that you have a powerful subconscious, which knows the answers to all questions. That it is ready to help you.

4 step. Formulate clearly what you achieve from the subconscious. Using our example: "Do me go to another job?" Then tell me: "Now my subconscious tells me ..." Repeat these phrases of times ten times to feel that the process went.

5 step. Calmly and happily wait for a response. You can feel it in the form of confidence: you need to do this. Or in your imagination there is a picture - let's say you are on a new job, and you ... good or bad. It is not excluded that you do not work from the first time. But the more often you will train, the more specific answers will become receiving.

This is also a message that directs man his subconscious. Anyone of your dreams concerns only you, whoever you dream. As you know, everyone sees dreams. But there are people who do not remember them. As a rule, these are those who do not give values \u200b\u200bto their dreams. However, you can program the brain for a dream.

1 step. Before you fall asleep, tell me: "Today I will dream of dreams, and I will remember them." Repeat this phrase at least 20 times.

2 step. Put next to the bed of a sheet of paper and handle. If you wake up among the night and remember something from your sleep, write down at least two or three words.

3 step. Waking up in the morning, stake in a half-weather state: You may be able to grasp the rest of the dream. Then write it down too. A few days of such a careful, respectful attitude towards dreams, and they will not only come to you every night, but also begin to bring interesting information. Of course, to solve a dream is not so easy: the subconsciousness speaks with us the language of images. Various dreams here will not help. If only because each of us has its own associations. For example, the train for someone is a symbol of travel, freedom, vacation. And for a person who goes to work every day in the train, he personifies the routine. But even if you have not yet learned the language of your subconscious, you can ask him to some difficult situation to send you a "prophetic" dream.

4 step. Waking up, try to remember the atmosphere of sleep. You were alarming, scary or vice versa - comfortable? Do you feel relief, horror, confidence or tide of strength? This may contain the answer if you want to know only "yes" or "no".

5 step. Sit into a secluded place where no one bothered you, go back to the atmosphere of sleep and mentally talk to his characters. If you are pursued by the monster, ask him: who is it? What did you want? Why chased you? Answers may surprise you.

6 step. Remember what your dream ended. Was the problem solved? What lies for this completion?

Talking pattern

1. Take a sheet of paper, pencil, relax. Mentally formulate a question. Natalia, for example, asked: "Why can't I build a relationship with any man?"

2. Lower your hand on a sheet of paper and let it "herself" draws anything. (It is better to even make your left hand if you are right-hander). Natalia for some reason turned out a man in a helmet.

3. Look at each of the details of the drawing and write the first thing that comes to mind. "War", "Fear", "Brain", "wound" - words that came up in the minds of Natalia.

4. Try to tie them together, given your question. "I'm afraid a man can hurt me. And therefore I am in a state of war with a strong floor. As Kakaya protect the head (brain), so I hide my thoughts and feelings from them. Perhaps, because of this my secrecy, a man and do not want to build relationships with me, "Natalia's message has been decrypted.

Automatic letter

1. Prepare a blank sheet of paper, handle. Relax, achieve the familiar thoughts of thoughts in the head stopped.

2. Set the question to your subconscious. Inna lived in a state of stress all the time, and on this basis he earned a bunch of diseases. Deciding to try the technique of an automatic letter, she asked: "What should I do to calm down?"

3. Record all that will come to mind. Inna has such words: "Hermit", "from Kutuur", "House", "Evening"

4. Try to interpret what they wrote. Inna was a shy man and all his life struggled with this "disadvantage": chose a profession associated with communication, was friends with a lot of people, frankly talked about himself. The words that the subconsciousness suggested to her shook her. She always sewed well and loved this thing. Inna quit from work and began to take orders for tailoring. As soon as she stopped raping her nature, endlessly forcing himself to communicate, calm was settled in her soul.

Self-developing plot

Relax, close your eyes, make some deep breaths and exhale. Word the question you want to ask the subconscious. Give yourself a setup: "When I take up to 10, I will get the answer." Start count without trying to imagine what it may be for the picture. Allow the plot to develop until it exhausted himself.

Alina lasted one friend to his firm. When the girl applied this technique to work with the subconscious, she saw the face distorted by angrily of this his acquaintance. "What nonsense," Alina thought. "She is a completely peaceful man, besides herself calling me to the company." And a month later, it was found that the friend conceived to shift the director, and she needed a "support group". Alina broke up with a new job, and with his acquaintance.

Play with signs

If the question you want to decide is not too fateful, you can use the technique that does not require special conditions and tension. Word what you want to ask (Suppose: "Go to Turkey on vacation or relax in the country?"). And tell me: "Tomorrow from two to three will receive information that will help me make a choice."