How to develop attention in children. How to determine which aspect of attentiveness needs to be developed in a child. Games for the development of the child's attention

As a rule, parents understand perfectly well that good attention is one of the most important conditions for successful learning. That is why among parental instructions at the beginning of the school day, it is most often you can hear: "Be careful! Do not be distracted at school! Gather at the lesson! Listen to the teacher! "

For poorly spending schoolchildren, such appeals become very familiar. However, if a child really has problems with the development of attention, the requirements of "be more attentive" here can not do.


To begin with, parents need to understand possible reasons for the insufficient attention of the schoolchild. We list the most common of them.

Attention deficit syndrome with hyperactivity.

Children having a similar diagnosis are distinguished by excessive motor activity, impulsiveness, weak focus, high distractions. Difficulties with the organization of their behavior and deduce attention, as a rule, are brightly discovered long before entering school. The situation of school learning only aggravates their problems. The parents of such children require limit patience and a sequence in relations with the child. They must exercise their educational practice in close contact with physicians, teachers and psychologists, as children with attention deficit syndrome need special complex correctional and developing work.

Chronic somatic diseases, child soreness.

Children with weak health are distinguished by high fatigue, low efficiency. The reduced function of their attention may be due to the general weakening of the body. Such children need mandatory compliance, dosing of loads, rest (day-friendly sleep is desirable). In compliance with these conditions that reduce the influence of physical and physiological restrictions, such children may have good attention.

Individual features of the nervous system.

The properties of the highest nervous activity affect the development of all properties of attention: for students with a strong and movable nervous system, the attention is more characteristic, well-switched and distributed. Students with an inert and weak nervous system are more characteristic of unstable, poorly switched and distributed attention. Knowing the main features of the nervous system of the child, parents can help him in the development of such qualities and skills of attention, which is amenable to workout: skills to maintain attention, switching and distribution.

Overwork and overload.

The life of a modern child is filled with many duties. Usually, the working day of the schoolchildren is not limited to the framework of the actual training sessions, and includes a visit to a variety of circles, sections, studios, etc. (while not all of them, the child visits on their own request). Often the schedule of the functioning of the student is painted from morning to evening so tightly that the student is hardly hard to prepare homework. There is practically no time for a full-fledged vacation at the same time, children are poorly poured. Physical, psychological, information overloads inevitably lead to a decrease in working capacity, increasing the inattention and scattering of children.

Age restrictions in the development of attention.

The attention of children of younger school age may not be sufficiently perfect in the age of the age characteristics of general mental development. Attention at this age is indeed weakly organized, it has a small volume, poorly distributed and unstable. The reason for this is the insufficient maturity of neurophysiological mechanisms that ensure the processes of attention, control over the performance of activities.
Not to find, perhaps, not a single junior schoolboy, in whose notebooks from time to time there would be so-called errors "by inattentive". Throughout training in elementary school, significant changes occur in the development of attention, there is an intensive development of all its properties: sharply (more than 2 times) increases the amount of attention, its stability increases, the skills of switching and distribution increases.

By 9-10 years, children become capable of keeping enough and perform an arbitrarily specified action program. It is believed that the youngest school age is the most favorable for targeted development of the child's attention.

Insufficient motivation of performance. It is well known that even a small child can show enviable attentiveness and focus, if he is engaged in the fact that he is very interesting. And if children could only do what they like, adults would not have had to worry about the development of children's attention. As a rule, we are talking about the inattention of children when they are required to perform something low-attractive, not very interesting and not sufficiently significant.

Often, in the role of an attractive occupation, an academic work is in the role: a child who is inattentive in school lessons or when performing homework, can with attention to studying that it is not connected with study (long enough and focus on playing, watching TV, engage in computer, etc.) . In these cases, we can talk about insufficient development at the schoolboy of cognitive learning motivation, providing its full-fledged inclusion in training activities. However, training sessions are often truly routine and monotonous, not always able to awaken themselves and support the cognitive activity of the child.

And then, others, non-recreational, motives come to help in the organization of educational activities of the child and maintaining his attention: a sense of duty and responsibility, the desire to get a good mark, to give the praise of an adult or to avoid punishment and others. In all these cases, we are talking about demand from Child arbitrary attention, i.e. Directions, concentration on the process of activity, carried out consciously, with the help of a volitional effort.

In this way The increase in the care of a schoolboy is directly related to the development of its full-fledged cognitive activity and interest in intellectual activity, the development of the motivational sphere as a whole, as well as volitional qualities. The solution of these difficult educational tasks requires sufficient time and considerable effort from parents.

Interested participation

Consciously caring about the development of the attention of the child, the parent itself should be attentive to the child, to exercise sincere interest in his classes, his life. After all, the involvement of the child's involvement contributes to any purposeful activities. How to celebrate the authors useful for parents of the book about the attention of schoolchildren O.Yu. Ermolaev, TM Maryutina and TA Meshkov: "Few adults think about what, offering a child to look for mushrooms, collect on the banks of the pebble rivers, choose the desired mosaic or designer details, they are thereby contribute to attention training."

The development of the child's attention, its ability to target, organized activities is quite a long-term, but necessary for full mental development.

In this difficult work, parents can come in handysome special exercises and tasks aimed at training different properties of attention.

We give only some of them.

Development of the concentration of attention.

The main type of exercise is the corrective tasks in which the child is invited to find and cross out certain letters in the printed text. Such exercises allow the child to feel what it means to "be attentive", and develop the state of the internal concentration. This work should be carried out daily (5 minutes per day) within 2-4 months. It is also recommended to use tasks that require the selection of signs of objects and phenomena; Exercises based on the principle of accurate reproduction of any sample (sequence of letters, numbers, geometric patterns, movements, etc.); Tracking of confused lines, search for hidden figures, etc.

Increase the amount of attention and short-term memory.

Exercises are based at the memorization of the number and order of the arrangement of a number of items presented for a few seconds. As the exercise is mastered, the number of items gradually increases.

Training of attention distribution.

The basic principle of exercises: the child is offered simultaneous execution of two multidirectional tasks (for example, reading the story and counting pencil strikes on the table, performing the correctional task and listening to the plate with a tale entry, etc.). At the end of the exercise (after 5-10 minutes), the effectiveness of each task is determined.

Development of focusing skill.

For the development of this property, attention is proposed, for example, the fulfillment of the correct tasks with alternating the rules for crossing letters.

A variety of games and exercises on the development of attention are widely represented in psychological and pedagogical literature. The underlying condition that needs to be followed by parents during such work is that classes with a child must be systematic.

The tasks on the development of attention can be offered to children in the form of games, competitions and conduct not only the time settled for this, but also by the way, for example, on the way to the store, for a walk, during the preparation of dinner, etc. The most important thing in such classes is the interest of adults, their attention to the most child, its successes and achievements.

Here are some more games for the development of children's attention:

" What changed ? " Put 3-7 toys before children. Give a signal to cover your eyes, and at this time, remove one toy. Opening his eyes, children should guess what toy is hidden.

" Find differences " Show the guys two almost the same drawing and ask to find than one drawing is different from the other.

« Find the same" In the picture, children must find two identical objects.

"Ear-nose " According to the team "Ear", children must capture the ear, on the team "Nose" - a nose. You also perform with them a team action, but after a while begin to make mistakes.

« Dwarfs and giants" Similar to the previous game: on the team "Dwarfs", children are squatted, the "Giant" team get up. The tutor performs movements along with everyone. Teams are divided into a breakdown and at different pace.

"Zamri. " At the tutor signal, children must measure in the same position in which they were at the time of the signal. Loses the one who moves, he takes his dragon to him or he leaves the game.

« Repeat after me" Under any reader, you rhythmically perform simple movements, for example, clap your hands, kneeling, keep your foot, nod your head. Children repeat the movements for you. Suddenly, you change the movement for them, and the one who did not notice it on time and did not change the movement, dropping out of the game.

"Cokers". Children get up in a circle. Running runs or walks behind a circle with a handkerchief with hand and imperceptibly puts the handkerchiefs from someone behind his back. Then he makes another circle, and if during this time the new owner will not appear, it is believed that he lost. The one who will notice the handkerchief in his back should catch up with a leading and await. If this manages, the leading remains remains. If not - leads the second.

« Edible - inedible" Driving throws the ball, calling any item. The ball should be caught only if the subject is edible.

"Game with flags " When you raise the red checkbox, children must jump, green - clap your hands, blue - walk in place.

Many parents are wondering how to develop attention from a child. And not for nothing! A sufficient concentration of attention not only provides success in learning, easy socialization, but also will protect the baby from random drops and other unpleasant things.

Let's see for a start with what we understand under attention. Attention - This is a mental process by which a person concentrates on some environmental features relative to other objects and events. Wherein concentration of attention - This is the duration of time when a child can focus on some kind of idea or activity.

In this article, we will consider the norms of concentration of attention in children, as well as give examples of games to develop attention.

The norms of concentration of attention in children

In young children, attention is very inconstant and all the time goes from one item to another. If you intend to develop your child's attention, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the norms of the focus of attention of children by age.

  • 2 years - 4-10 min
  • 3 years - 6-15 min
  • 4 years - 8-20 min
  • 5 years - 10-25 min
  • 6 years - 12-30 min
  • 7 years - 14-35 min
  • 8 years - 16-40 min
  • 9 years - 18-45 min
  • 10 years - 20-50 min

You see that the scatter is quite significant. This is due to the individual characteristics of the child's development. At the same time, the concentration of attention from a particular child should increase with age for 2-5 minutes for every year of life.

It should be noted that the brain of the child does not develop by itself. It has a great influence of the environment and the nature of the home environment. Dynamic television programs and ultra-quality video games that have become the norm today, do not contribute to the development of attention. Children are easily fond of them, but their overweight can lead to a deterioration in the concentration of attention and aggressiveness.

How to develop attention from a child: important conditions

Let's figure out how we can provide a child with a medium that contributes to the development of attention.

1. Fresh air. Make sure the child has enough time for. Studies show that there is a direct relationship between physical exercises, an intelligence coefficient (IQ) and academic performance. Encourage the development of large motility, which:

  • catch-up
  • hyperships
  • football,
  • bouncers, etc.

2. Breath. Children with bad concentration often have shallow and ineffective breathing. Without a sufficient amount of oxygen, the brain and body cannot function properly. Toys that encourage continuous exhalations are excellent simulators to improve the respiratory function of the child. These include:

  • bubble,
  • whistles
  • wind instruments
  • ball balls (their inflation),
  • as well as the games described in the article.

3. Needlework. Handwork is an ideal tool that allows you to improve the concentration of attention, visual-motor coordination and gain problems of solving problems. Depending on the hobbies and the tendencies of the child, it can be:

  • sewing dolls
  • knitting toys
  • beadwork,
  • assembly and painting of wooden models of aircraft, ships, etc.

4. Develop not only the concentration of attention, but also social skills, sports excitement and will to victory. Also a good choice will be: puzzles, puzzles, logical games.

5. Reading. Child as soon as possible and do it regularly. Reading time should be limited to the capabilities of the concentration of your child's attention. After reading, ask the baby to retell the story. Encourage it to use sequence words: then, after that, at this time, in the past, then. Ask about the possible options for continuing history.

Choose the works that like the baby and are of interest that reading has become a favorite ritual.

6. Help. Attract the child to cooking and helping home. Let him assign him to feel a significant assistant. It will also be useful to start a pet, whom the child wants, and part of the responsibilities for the care of a new family member to impose on a child.

7. Support. If a child does not work out something, do not rush to do it instead. Be nearby, encourage, keep it faith in your abilities. So you teach the child to endure disappointment and try again and again until the skill will be mastered.

In addition, there are many game techniques for the development of attention. Some of them can be found in print publications: or collections of tasks for the development of a child of various ages. This is all known:

Want to play with a child easily and with pleasure?

  • Compare 2 pictures and find 3-5-10 differences (depending on the age of the child)
  • Find all frogs, protein, mosquitoes, etc. on the picture
  • Find pairs of objects
  • Shadow and object
  • Find an excess object in a row
  • Coloring on numbers
  • Graphic dictations

Games for the development of the child's attention


This game helps to significantly increase the concentration of attention and memory. And also helps children develop intelligence and cognitive abilities.

Repeat rhythm

Separate the child with simple rhythm palms and ask him to repeat. When the kid can cope, complicate the rhythm, connecting cotton on the legs, cotton on the furniture, patching, click with your fingers.

Observe the rules

You voiced the child a certain rule. For example, when I drum quickly - you need to walk quickly when the drum slowly - go slowly. If the child coped, complicate the task: when the drum quickly - go slowly, when slowly go fast.

Another option can be walking or jumping into music rhythm. As the skill is absorbed, let's go to walk / jump without falling into the tact.

If you are doing the software, the following option is suitable: to raise your hands on the word "apple" and put on socks, the word "strawberries" is to sit down. You say the name of the word, trying to confuse the child, and he tries not to make a mistake.

Or such a task: for one cotton - jumps a hare, two cotton - walks like a duck, on three cotton - growl like a wolf.

Three tasks

This game helps to expand the scope of attention. You give a child in a row three instructions that he must perform in the sequence that you asked him. For example:

  • Bounce two times
  • Call some flower
  • Come to a wooden subject

When the child can cope, let's tasks more complicated:

  • Clap so many times how old you are
  • Name wild animals
  • Touched to the subject to the letter to

The number of tasks can be increased to 4-5 and complicate them depending on the age and development of the child.

Crouching letter

If your child is familiar with letters, give him the following task. Take any text with a large font and ask him to cross all the letters about, or to shit, and p emphasize. This task not only contributes to the development of attention, but also prepares a child to the test "Correcting Sample" before entering school.

When a child does or plays, try not to tear it from classes and do not switch to another type of activity until the task or the game is finished. It's all about the "interruption of activities", as psychologists refer to it. This phenomenon is developing when it is impossible to complete any case for one of three reasons:

  1. switching to another occupation (the child drew, and you turned on cartoons);
  2. it is forced to urgently react to other signals (and the sister screamed from another room);
  3. impossibility to continue the activity (the child read, and you repaid the light).

If this happens constantly, then the nervous system is depleted, and in the future it will focus everything is more complicated, that is, the time of the concentration of attention will not increase, but fall.

We hope that our advice will help you have fun to hold classes with children and educate attentive, harmoniously developed kids!

How do you develop the child's attention? Tell me in the comments!

How to teach a child care? Scattered children are not only grieved by parents and teachers, but also do not be delighted with their weakness. You can also develop good memory, but do not everyone know when to start doing this and what methods there are.

When to start working care in children

It happens, school teachers declare that the student is catastrophically inattentive, irreparably lags behind in study, and the moment when it was necessary to pull up memory and attentiveness, missed. Parents hear such unpleasant, but the main question is when you need to start doing it so that it is not too late?

The human nervous system is formed about the pubertal age, that is, up to 12-13 years. To this age, the brain ends its organic development, and therefore the possibilities for improving conscious functions are reduced.

Then it will have to work with what is - to keep memory in a tone, not to give concentrations to fall below the critical level. The lion's share of efforts should be sent to training under the age of 12, and the earlier to start, it will be better and the easier the learning process will go.

For admission to primary school, the baby is already needed to develop minimal skills of the concentration of attention and logical thinking. Another important moment for the first-grader is a stress from the flow of knowledge that feels on it in the first grade along with an avalanche of impressions.

The process of adapting to the school environment takes a lot of strength, including mental. The first-grader will be much easier to learn if his attention will be well developed before school.

Use the simplest techniques from the first years of life, deepen the concentration and memorization skills in 3-4 years. In 5-6 years, teach together with the future schoolboy as many poems, mysteries and proverbs by heart. In the younger school age, help cope with the workload of classes and maintain their desire to learn and use new knowledge.

Memory and attentiveness: how to develop them from a child

Development of care is closely related to memory. To work well well, it is necessary to include three factors in the process: a bright impression is sufficient to memorize, then the repetition, and the latter - the occurrence of a simple and understandable association that will launch the reactive recovery process.

In practice, it looks like this. If you need to learn a poem, first read it out loud, try to make it emotionally and expressive as well as you can. Then discuss the read, ask questions on the text, ask what you liked, pay attention to unusual words and interesting expressions - by this you turn on logical thinking.

Repeat verses several times. Then, when you check the schoolchildren, use the hints: Mimic, gestures to help remember the text.

The memory works better through one or two channel perception - the auditory, visual, engine. How to increase care at your child? Your task is to find out what way he remembers the information better - when he reads, listens or hesitates text. Of course, for a larger effect you need to use all three channels, but it is focusing on the presenter.

Way to remember information to scattered children

An interesting method, how to increase the power of memorization is to repeat the information at certain intervals. Ask a schoolboy to speak heard after 1 minute, then repeat after 5 and 20 minutes. Remind and re-check the text after 4 hours, then after 1 day and after 3 days.

This technique works not only with school tasks, but with any set of information - words, pictures or actions. Adults can also use this mnemonic reception to remember important things.

Scientists who have developed this method claim that if you add a few more repetitions to the cycle - after 1 week, 1 and 3 months, you can remember the information for life! Do not be broken in this way and in the case when you want to teach the baby or to remember your requirements, tips and instructions.

How to instill a child attentive care

A good concentration and power of memory is needed not only for study. The abutation makes the life of a person and everyone who surrounds it is harder. Often, the own inattention and its consequences are mistakes, forgotten orders, lost things, the incorrectly understood guidance of parents - grieve children and take away confidence in their forces.

Strong diffraction may even cause constant depressed mood and child depression. You can fix the situation and support forgetful baby you can only show him how to cope with the problem, and taking advice to respect myself even after serious misses.

Be sure to show on your example, how to use reminders (notes, marks, checklocks in a notebook), teach to put the necessary things to a prominent place, carefully check the portfolio, recalculate the delivery in the store, leaving extinguishing the light, check whether household appliances and so on are turned off.

Such simple and life habits will help instill the adjacent, which is so lacking inattentive children.

If you want a son or daughter to grow organized and collected, then efforts are required not only from them, but also from you. Children do not know how to take care of how best to remember what adults tell them is at the moment your task is at the moment.

Try to give instructions so that they are easy to take into account:

  • before you say something important, make sure that the baby happens - looks into your eyes, is not distracted by toys, it does not turn away, it does not run away from the room;
  • never shout in the time - it guarantees that he will forget about what you said;
  • speak simple words, constantly check if the baby understood you, let him repeat the said you, perhaps also explain in his own words;
  • do not increase the voice and do not speak irritable tone - the negative emotions "turn off" consciousness, and the child will most likely remember anything;
  • after this, add motivation: Explain simple words that it is very important for you and must be done.

If all items are followed, it will increase the likelihood that the child will remember your requests and everything will make it right. In addition, a favorable psychological attitude has a positive effect on self-esteem, so that the baby will be comfortable and calmly after talking to you, and he will not allow mistakes due to the instigated.

Health care improves attentiveness

A comprehensive approach solves the problem how to develop care from a child.

Do not limit you only to the tasks to improve memory, use as much as possible of useful tips as possible, so that children's ability to good concentration is quickly fixed and grew:

  • use exercises to improve all types of memory that are currently available to you and are suitable by age: reading children's and simple adult memories of memory, the decision of children's crosswords, pictures-maze, all kinds of rushes, etc.;
  • regularly include natural sources of antioxidants in the children's diet - delicious and useful juices, especially grape, in which there are also a lot of glucose, perfectly feeding the brain;
  • provide a tower a motor load suitable for temperament and as a state of health - sports section, dancing, fitness for children, swimming;
  • teach it to use mnemonic techniques (start with repeating out loud), first the simplest, then you can master the techniques more comprehensive;
  • help observe sleep mode, consult with a school nurse or pediatrician to determine how many hours you need to your baby;
  • relaxing massage sessions are particularly good with a lack of attention in a hyperactivity complex;
  • together with the doctor, discuss whether to drink a course of polyvitamins.

These simple and, possibly, obvious tips will help develop the attention of the baby not only by motivation, but also through improved physical health.

Hello, dear parents! Recently, one of my client complained that her son is terribly scattered, nothing has time, constantly admits mistakes by inattention. I thought, probably many parents face with this problem. Today I suggest you to talk about how to develop care for a child for 10 years, what exciting tasks can help, how to deal with what difficulties from your Chad and what needs to be remembered with additional classes.

Let's figure it out

Teachers are constantly complaining - the current children are completely inattentive. What they mean by this, I, honestly, do not quite understand. Maybe the child simply quickly switches attention from one process to another, and this does not suit the teacher. Or a boy can not keep his attention immediately on two tasks.

Believe me, the teacher can say a lot. To listen, of course, it is worth it, but do not join your offspring immediately, do not swear without silent to the end.

First, all the children are individual, develop in different rates, do not compare with others.

Secondly, intellectual abilities can and need to develop. Attention, memory, perfection, thinking, imagination, and so on. It all depends only on your desire to help your baby.

Let's try to understand what includes attention.

The first is a concentration. How good the person has to focus on the desired object or at a certain job. Here we are just talking about scattered if the skill is poorly developed.

The volume and distribution are responsible for how many facilities can simultaneously hold people in the attention. The child has 10 years old, five or more objects are considered the norm.

Another aspect of attention is stability, as long as a person holds attention to one object or process. Remember that even in an adult person after twenty minutes of monotonous work, attention is reduced. What to talk about kids.

The last component, but no less important - switching. How fast the child can stop doing one thing and start a new one. How quickly he replaces the direction of its attention from one object to another.

Now you understand that the phrase "you are inatimate" is very non-specific and vague. That does not work? For a long time to hold attention to one process or hold several objects at once?

When you understand what you need to work, then you will become much easier to choose the right exercises.

Several exciting tasks for you and your child

The game is to notice the difference. You choose a few items, put them in a row, ask the child to remember, then he turns out, and you change some objects in some places, something at all clean and ask the baby to tell what has changed. This game can be changed at your discretion. First choose some objects and gradually increase.

Certain letter. You are reading text, and kids must write out all the words containing a certain letter. But it is important that the meaning of the text is correctly understood. To do this, you can ask to retell in your own words.

From and to. Draw a square and divide it on the cells. In them you enter the numbers of the ruzy. The task is to name all the figures in order. It is possible to complicate the task, coloring the cells with different colors by adding letters and so on what you have enough fantasy. You can put the letters next to the numbers so that a certain phrase is as a result, for example: you coped perfectly!

Old good games. Never forget about checkers, chess, backgammon or random. These games are developing not only attention, but also logic, critical thinking, the ability to plan in advance, the miscalculation of the opponent, a choice of several options. Use of such games mass. The main thing is to interest the child.

On the contrary. You get up opposite each other. When you raise your hand, he must sit down, you apply your hand to my head, it jumps and so on. First, choose a small number of televitations. And do not confirm yourself. This task is very fun to make the whole family.

Cipher. You prepare a pre-alphabet number in which words are hidden. Toddler's task Find all messages. It can be separate words or a whole sentence. For example: Ayolashytygschzchzchzchzchzchotnikovporky! - Key: Ayolash yougshzsch excellentfreight create!

Important moments

When you do with the child remember: do not scold him for mistakes, be calm and vigilant, look for tasks that like you too. You work together, you are a couple and you both should enjoy the process. If the Son sees that it is extremely uninteresting to you, it's boring, it will not pay due attention to the classes.

Exercises should be done regularly. It makes no sense to work out today, then in a month and return to it in six months. Every day or every day do at least one task. In addition, you will get a bigger result, you will be easier to track progress.

Very important: The child must understand what is required of it. I sometimes did not always understand in 12 years, which teacher demands from me, saying: you are inattentive. What do children do at this moment? Look at her, on the board, write something to the notebook?

Be concrete with your chal. Does not understand the first time, nothing terrible. Try to explain in other words, give an example.

I recommend reading you and your child a book " 200 Task on Rezkalku and Logic" There you can find useful information on the development of thinking and intelligence, as well as a bunch of fascinating tasks that you can solve the whole family.

I think you will be very interested in the article "". Confidence in itself is very helpful to achieve their tasks, boldly go to your dreams and not be upset because of mistakes. Teach this your child.

How does the inattention manifest themselves from your baby? What tasks is it difficult for him to cope? How do you help?

Attach a little effort and you will notice a huge result!

In assessing the ability of children to concentrate, it is necessary to consider the formation and development of different types and properties of attention in ontogenesis. From birth, children tend to show involuntary attention - caused by external factors and independent of the will of the child himself.

However, for any learning, arbitrary attention is necessary - the ability to focus on the extension of will, on its own initiative, which is not congenital quality and needs special training. Its especially important is its presence for school sessions, which suggest a fairly high level of independence, work in the team and many distracting factors.

Therefore, by 6-7 years, parents need to teach children on their own to concentrate efforts in classes and subjects, to develop attentiveness.

Properties of attention and their impact on the quality of education

Distinguish such properties of attention as:

  • Volume - the number of objects, information perceived at the same time;
  • Distribution - the ability to simultaneously perform several tasks;
  • Concentration (stability) - the degree of concentration in one lesson;
  • Switching - the ability to transfer attention from one object to another.

All these properties are needed by a person both in everyday life and in training.

If you think that your child has difficulties with care, first need to find out which properties he needs to develop. Most often it is a concentration and distribution. For their training, there are a number of effective exercises that will help teach a child to independent work and prepare it for the features of schooling.

It is important to remember that it affects the children's ability to concentrate mental effort: the general physical and psycho-emotional state, the characteristics of the temperament, the presence of interest in the proposed classes, the conditions in which the child is studying.

Presentation: "Development of attention from a younger schoolboy, signs of attention deficit. Questionnaire" Wise Thoughts of Education "

General conditions for increasing concentration

  • Try to get rid of extraneous stimuli. In a room where children are engaged in, it should be quiet, it is necessary to remove bright or moving objects from the field of view.
  • Make a job as a list of the most simple actions so that the child understand the essence of the task as best possible. The clarity of the goal contributes to better concentration and more rapid achievement.
  • Participate in class on a par with children. Your emotional and intelligent response will give them interest in performing tasks, reduce children's insecurity in their forces. Try to avoid general negative assessments, think and speak constructively.
  • It is necessary to avoid pauses in classes, if the child is passionate about the process. Thus, you relive it from the need to re-concentrate thoughts on learning times over time after forced breaks.

Good affects the development of concentration, the presence of hobbies or hobby children. Children, with interest to perform some actions, it is easy to teach to transfer this skill to other classes necessary for study.

It is also help to gradually increase the level of concentration of the task, slightly exceeding the complexity of those that were given before.

Presentation: "Development of attention"

Exercises for improving the concentration and distribution of attention

The story and the meaning load of the exercises will depend only on the imagination of parents and children's inconsistencies, but several types of classes on the general methods can be distinguished, which are used in them:

  • Exercises for the development of memory, consisting of memorizing a number of objects or words. Parents offer children sequences and ask them to reproduce. The length of the sequence should increase gradually when children begin to easily cope with the previous level.
  • Independent compilation of sequences. It may be the restoration of events in time (for example, by pictures with the time of year or the transfer of actions that children make every day before bedtime), drawing up the figures from items following the example of parents, verbal ranks.
  • Finding items for specified characteristics. So, the kids can offer during the walk to notice and point to all red cars, and senior preschoolers - additionally calculate their quantity.
  • Games with text. As a rule, verbal exercises are given to children the most difficult. To help them get comfortable and remove the voltage, you can suggest finding certain letters in the text or complicate the task, asking to say which letters is missing.

Parental involvement is very important to improve the efficiency of learning and child interest in classes. One of the most successful approaches is a joint solution to the tasks, giving exercises the nature of the competitiveness.

In addition, you can ask for children to check how you ourselves cope with the tasks proposed - such a change of roles concentrates the child's attention sharply and gives classes a new meaning.