Someone is eating sorrel. Causes of the appearance of green bugs on sorrel. How to treat the plant and how to prevent the threat? Aphid species on sorrel

The sorrel aphid is ubiquitous. A small insect establishes colonies of several thousand individuals. For the entire warm season, it gives up to 20 generations. It feeds on the juices of plants, causing deformation of the leaves, loss of the vitality of the culture. How to deal with aphids on sorrel is one of the most common questions among gardeners and gardeners.

Who do you have to deal with

To defeat the enemy, you need to collect more information about him. The sorrel aphid is a small insect with a body length of not more than 2.5 mm. From spring to early August, a young female generation is born. Fertilization is not required to prolong the genus.

The sorrel aphid prefers to lay its eggs on weeds from the buckwheat family. In the spring, larvae appear from them, which develop at a rapid pace. After 2 weeks, a new generation of aphids appears.

On a note!

You can notice the presence of aphids on sorrel by the appearance of the plant. The leaves become coarse, turn yellow, spots appear. Upon careful examination on the stems, black dots are visible on the back of the leaves - this is the aphid. If you leave everything as it is, the pest colony will grow at a rapid pace. The plant weakens, gets sick, dies.

Fighting methods

You can also get rid of aphids on sorrel with professional preparations. When choosing a method, one should take into account the period of infection, the number of insects. Safety must always come first.

Do not use insecticidal preparations with a validity period of up to 20 days. Before the harvest, the poison must be completely dissolved. In the case of sorrel, this is problematic. Since the crop is harvested every 1-2 weeks.

Folk methods

How to treat sorrel from aphids, everyone asks a question at the sight of a large colony of pests on a crop. It is not necessary to run to the store for an effective drug, you can cook it yourself. The amount of the required solution is calculated based on the size of the beds with sorrel. Recipes are given based on 1 liter of water:

  • Dissolve in cool water 1 tbsp. spoon, salt, add laundry soap to make the product viscous. Treat the plant with a spray bottle, paying special attention to the stems, the bottom of the leaves. Repeat the procedure after 3 days.
  • You can fight oxal aphids. The arrows are scattered on the beds, a solution is prepared from the cloves. Mince the garlic to make 1 cup. Add water. Leave to infuse for a day. Add . The plant should be treated early in the morning or late in the evening. The procedure is repeated after 3-5 days.
  • Dilute woody in cool water. Concentration does not play a special role. Add soap base. Spray the plant with the solution. Sprinkle dry ash between rows. For the destruction of pests, one procedure is enough. Instead of ash, you can use tobacco dust.

It is allowed to fight with folk remedies against aphids on sorrel in any period of the growing season. Before using greens for food, it is enough to wash the leaves well under running water.

The most effective preparations for aphids on sorrel are Strela, Fitoverm. To prepare the solution, the concentrate must be dissolved in cool water. This must be done immediately before processing the culture.

It is necessary to think about protecting sorrel from aphids in advance, without waiting for the active action of aphids. It is necessary to remove weeds in a timely manner, dig up the soil twice a season, spray the plant with biological products or solutions according to folk recipes 1 time in 14 days for prevention.

Sorrel is the source of the very first vitamins that we get in the spring. This unpretentious, devoid of whims of a perennial plant pleases us with strong green leaves on the thawed earth. They contain a lot of vitamins, iron, organic acids. It is for a record amount of vitamin C and a pleasant sour taste that many people love sorrel, they often use it in salads and first courses. It has a general strengthening effect on the body, traditional medicine uses it in the fight against various diseases, but there are also contraindications to the use of this wonderful vegetable. But gardeners sometimes face such an unpleasant problem as sorrel pests.

It would seem that sorrel leaves are so sour that not a single pest will tempt them. But with the beginning of summer, they can surprise the summer resident with a change in color, holes, then it is already clearly visible that someone else will harvest the crop - the leaves are so strongly eaten. Unpretentious bushes that easily endured the winter may stop growing and even dry out in the middle of summer.

Video "Protection of plants from pests"

Informative video with useful tips for protecting plants from pests.

leaf beetle


If an aphid appeared on the site, and it first settles on shrubs or trees, then this is a direct threat to the leaves and the entire sorrel plant. The aphid eats the leaves of bushes and trees while they are young, as soon as they become coarse (or there are none left at all), the aphid prefers to move to the garden, vegetables become its goal, and among them sorrel. The aphid reproduces very quickly, lives on the underside of the leaves, sucks the juice out of them. The result is yellowing, withering of greenery, weakening of the roots, death of the plant.

Aphids provoke the appearance of another pest - a spider mite, which is evidenced by a web that begins to appear on inflorescences or young leaves. Prevention can be the expulsion of ants from the site, which diligently care for aphids and protect them. It’s good if ladybugs or lacewings settle in the garden - they can save vegetables. They fight aphids with infusions or decoctions of tomato greens, burdock, dandelion, garlic. You can apply an infusion of ash mixed with laundry soap.

sorrel sawfly

This insect with two pairs of wings also gives several generations over the summer, which actively feed on sorrel greens. The closer autumn is, the more damage it causes, caterpillars of the oxal sawfly eat the leaf completely, leaving only a skeleton of veins. It hibernates as an adult insect under plant debris. It is possible to save a bed from it only if there are no weeds on it, and plant residues do not cover the ground. And the tincture of chamomile pharmacy will help to fight - they make an infusion, add laundry soap to it, spray the sorrel in a week.

winter scoop

A butterfly with brown, very dark, almost black wings appears at the end of May, it brings a lot of trouble to the gardens, as its caterpillar feeds on vegetable leaves. It grows up to 5 cm, leaves large holes on the sorrel leaves, and closer to autumn gnaws plants near the ground. Winters in the soil, loves deposits of plant residues. To get rid of it, you need to dig deep into the soil in the fall. She is distracted from the sorrel by placing or hanging vessels with molasses or something fermenting at a height of 1 m above the ground.

Then there is a chance that she simply will not notice him, which means that she will not settle her voracious offspring on him. To defeat the winter scoop that settled in the garden, an infusion of burdock is perfect. They need to treat the plants 3-4 times a week.


If a click beetle wound up in the garden - a small creature (up to 1.5 cm), then the sorrel is in trouble. It hibernates in the soil, with the beginning of summer the females lay their eggs almost at the very surface. The larvae, and these are wireworms, develop underground for a long time - 3-4 years, feed on the underground parts of plants. The drier the earth becomes, the deeper they burrow into it, feeding on roots. Pupation occurs at a depth of up to 15 cm.

Wireworms love acidic soils, an abundance of weeds. If we do not allow the growth of weeds, especially wheatgrass, deacidify the soil, dig it well to a depth of 20 cm, do not leave sorrel to grow in one place for many years, then there is a chance to protect it from the larvae of the click beetle. These larvae leave wire passages in root crops, they are very fond of potatoes. With it, you can distract the wireworm from the sorrel by spreading the cut potatoes between the plants on the surface.

Slugs can also harm sorrel greens if it is too wet in the garden. They are fought with tincture of bitter pepper. Sorrel roots are often undermined by bears, if they are already wound up on the site. But it doesn’t mean at all that all diseases and pests will attack your sorrel at the same time. With proper care, it usually grows well and pleases its owners with vitamin leaves.

Video "How to get rid of aphids on any plant"

Demonstrative video on how to get rid of aphids on any plant.

In order to decide what you can spray sorrel from pests with, you need to find out who attacked him. No matter how carefully this plant is cared for, it is quite likely to be attacked by pests.

Pests and diseases of sorrel

Like any other plant, sorrel has pests. They mainly affect young and succulent leaves, but can attack the roots.

  1. Leaf beetle. Eats through holes in sorrel leaves. The eggs are laid on the underside of the leaves. More than two generations of the pest can develop during the summer.
  2. Sorrel sawer. Eats all the pulp from the leaf, leaving only the veins. It causes the greatest damage to the crop closer to autumn.
  3. Aphid. Reproduces quickly. Over the summer, up to 15 generations can develop. Lives on the underside of the leaf. It sucks the juice from the plant, after which the leaf curls, turns yellow and dies.
  4. Winter owl. Butterfly with almost black wings, attacks in late spring. It gnaws large holes in the leaves.
  5. Naked slugs. Leave behind traces of silver. Sheets eat away at night with high humidity.
  6. Wireworms. Click beetle larvae. They feed on the underground parts of the plant. If the topsoil dries out, they go deeper into the ground.
  7. Medvedka. It lives in the soil, very rarely crawls to the surface. Can fly and swim. The sorrel damages the underground part. The plant dries up and is easily pulled out of the soil.
  8. Mildew. It manifests itself in the form of spots of a blurred contour with a touch of gray under the leaves.
  9. Rust. It is characterized by brown-yellow spots appearing on the leaves of the plant. On top of the spots, dark brown spores are formed.

Spraying sorrel from pests

When fighting pests that affect sorrel, you can use both solutions with a chemical base and without chemistry. When spraying plants with poison, it is important to remember that in most cases it is impossible to do this immediately before collecting leaves. All procedures aimed at the destruction of pests and the fight against diseases are recommended to be carried out in the autumn, when the crop is no longer harvested.

The use of chemicals when spraying sorrel from pests:

  • hexachlorane dust is used against the sorrel sawfly;
  • a solution of anabasin sulfate with the addition of soap is diluted in water at the rate of 15 grams of the drug and 40 grams of soap per 10 liters of water. Apply with the defeat of sorrel aphids;
  • a solution of washing powder or chemicals such as "Phenoxina PLUS" have a detrimental effect on the bear;
  • sorrel is sprayed with Bordeaux liquid 10 days before harvesting the leaves in case of damage by downy mildew.

You can spray sorrel from pests with solutions prepared from natural ingredients:

  • infusions and decoctions of burdock, dandelion and tomato help defeat aphids;
  • spraying sorrel with a solution of pyrethrum powder will protect against attack by a leaf beetle;
  • against slugs use tincture of bitter capsicum. For 5 liters of water, take 0.5 kg of crushed pepper and insist 2 days. 200 g of concentrate is enough for a bucket of water;
  • burdock is used against winter scoops. Freshly cut leaves are filled to 1/3 of the volume of the bucket and poured with water. Insist for 72 hours. Filter and apply 3-4 times a week;
  • chamomile will help in the fight against the oxal sawfly. 1 kilogram of dry or 3 kg of fresh chamomile is poured into a ten-liter bucket, and poured with hot water. After 12 hours, dilute with water - 1: 3 and add soap at the rate of 40 grams for every 10 liters.

Sorrel, like most other crops, is often affected by a huge number of various diseases. In order to protect this wild-growing grass, known since prehistoric times, from various misfortunes, it is important to know exactly how they manifest themselves - only in this case, the fight against ailments can give positive results. So, what does this sour green handsome man have?

powdery mildew

Perhaps this is the most harmful ailment of all that handsome sorrel can get sick with. Symptoms of powdery mildew can be found on all its aboveground organs - an extremely unpleasant whitish powdery coating appears on them, densely dotted with tiny dots of the pathogen's fruiting bodies - cleistocarps.


This attack appears on the undersides of sorrel leaves in the form of slightly chlorotic blurry spots, covered with a disgusting grayish coating. Infected leaves are deformed and stunted. They thicken, curl down, turn pale and become brittle and wrinkled.

The young parts of the growing sorrel are especially loved by this misfortune. And the fungus that causes peronosporosis spreads with the help of colorless oval-shaped conidia through wind and raindrops.

To overcome this devastating disease, about ten days before the start of harvesting oxalic leaves, the crops are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid.

Rust on sorrel leaves

As many as three varieties of rust rage on sorrel. The most common is Puccinia acetosae, which initially appears on the stems, petioles and leaves of sorrel in the form of orange or yellowish rounded small spots. Gradually, they swell, and after a while they burst, releasing a myriad of harmful orange spores.

In the case of the mass development of the ill-fated disease, the growth of sorrel is significantly weakened, and the presentation of the leaves is completely or partially lost, as a result of which the leaves often become unsuitable for consumption. Rust is especially harmful in the temperate climate zone.

Proper agricultural practices and the introduction of phosphorus-potassium supplements will help reduce the sorrel's susceptibility to rust.

Sorrel ovulariasis

Sorrel leaves gradually begin to become covered with tiny grayish-brown spots equipped with dark purple borders. And from the lower sides of the leaves, the development of fungal sporulation of a light gray color begins. Affected leaves slowly turn brown and quickly dry out.

white spotting

This fungal disease affects the flower stalks, petioles and leaves of sorrel. On young leaves, single spots painted in off-white tones appear, framed by thin dark rims. And on their bright areas, you can see randomly scattered small black dots. Gradually, the number of spots increases, and they begin to merge, covering the leaf blades completely. Infected leaves turn brown and, having dried out, fall off. The main source of infection are the remains of unhealthy plants.

Gray rot of sorrel

Another fungal disease that attacks sorrel during dense plantings and during wet seasons. However, sometimes it can also appear during storage of fresh leaves. Brownish spots form on oxalic leaves attacked by the ill-fated gray rot, increasing in size at lightning speed. Plant tissues flabby, soften and become watery. And after a while, the infected parts of the leaves rot, turning into a dusty thick gray coating. The spread of infection occurs through spores.

To avoid the appearance of gray rot, the soil on which sorrel grows is mulched with peat, and in the immediate vicinity of the plants it is pollinated with fluffy lime or ash, spending 10–15 g of a life-saving remedy for each bush.

The sorrel leaf beetle loves to feast on the leaves of young sorrel. It's easy to recognize him. A shiny bug of a greenish or bluish hue, ranging in size from 4 to 6 mm. Belongs to the chrysomelin family. In a sexually mature female, the abdomen swells strongly. Because of this, she moves rarely and slowly. The wings during this period cover the abdomen only partially.

The pest hibernates in the depths of the soil. At the end of May, the bugs begin to mate and lay yellowish or orange eggs. Leaf beetle larvae are dirty yellow in color. They intensively eat leaf parenchyma. Only the upper skin of the leaves remains intact. Fully sated, the larvae pupate in the soil, and after a week, young bugs can already be observed on the sorrel.

In central Russia, two generations of pests appear per season, while in the south there are several. You can also meet pests in Central Asia, the United States, the Caucasus, Turkey and Korea.

Causes of the leaf beetle

Sorrel is one of the few crops that are perfectly protected from pests due to the presence of acids in the roots and leaves. However, among insects there are lovers of this plant. Bugs appear in any weather, they love young sorrel leaves, and as a result of their invasion, the crop loses its attractive appearance or is unsuitable for food.

What harm does and can such foliage be eaten?

The leaf beetle causes considerable damage to the crop. It gnaws holes in the foliage, while eating away pieces of fabric.

If pest control is not carried out, the sorrel crop will be lost. After the appearance of insects, it is advisable to treat the greens with folk or chemical means. If the treatment was carried out with special chemicals, such sorrel cannot be eaten.

How to get rid of sorrel bugs?

The fight against oxal bugs is a must. But it is complicated by the fact that plants are eaten almost entirely. Therefore, it is undesirable to use chemicals for processing.

Assemble by hand

If the sorrel has grown a little, you can collect the bugs by hand. Adults 3-4 mm long are very conspicuous. They are collected in a strong salt solution or in a solarium. The yellow eggs laid by the female on the reverse side of the leaf are also laid there.

Folk methods without chemistry: how and how to treat a plant?

You can get rid of the pest in folk ways. There are several of them:

  • Treatment of growing crops with a mixture of tobacco dust and ash, mixed in a ratio of 1: 1.
  • Dusting the leaves with hot ground pepper.
  • The use of herbal infusion. Grate 0.5 kg of garlic arrows and pour three liters of water. The solution is kept for three days. Then dilute it in 10 liters of water.
  • Infusion of tobacco leaves.
  • Digging beds and aisles.
  • Throwing spandbond on a plant. Thanks to this, the sorrel leaf beetle will not be able to get to the delicacy and an early good harvest will be obtained.
  • Spraying with a solution of garlic and laundry soap.

You can mow the affected sorrel and burn the tops. Thoroughly water and feed the bed, and then sprinkle with ashes. Sorrel grows well and gives a rich harvest of clean foliage.

Is it possible to fight with chemicals and how to spray?

As for various chemicals, it is undesirable to use them on sorrel. If there are too many bugs on the site, you can treat the culture with drugs such as Bitoxibacillin or Fitoverm.

Also, gardeners acquire Agrovertin, Iskra bio. But you can spray the culture two weeks before the collection of leaves. So, bitoxibacillin can be purchased from 30 rubles per bag. And for a bag of "Fitoverma" you will have to pay 20 rubles. Whereas 5 ml costs 20 rubles, and 50 ml costs 199 rubles.

Fitoverm is practically harmless to humans. Two days are enough for the drug to disintegrate in fruits and culture. They can be eaten after two days. It almost instantly paralyzes bugs. Insects stop moving, feeding and reproducing.

How to use Fitoverm:

  1. The water-soluble concentrate is diluted in water and adjusted to the required volume by dilution in water.
  2. Garden plants are treated at the rate of 2-10 ml of the drug per 1-4 liters of water. But for more information on how to dilute the drug for a particular culture, you need to read the instructions.
  3. Treatment with a solution should be carried out early in the morning or late in the evening in dry, calm weather.

How to prevent the appearance of a pest?

If timely measures are taken to combat the leaf beetle, the sorrel will delight the owners with a rich harvest.

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