Holidays in the country in winter. Picnic in nature? Why not

It is a mistake to believe that in winter there is no work other than snow removal in the country. Of course, the summer resident gets a little respite, but there are also enough things to do. After all, their yield in the next season depends on how fruit trees and berries overwinter.

In winter, the main danger to plants is frost and rodents. The best insulation is snow, and when it is not enough, the root system can freeze. It is necessary to throw more snow from other areas into the trunk circles.

Heavy snowfall also becomes a test for planted trees, and not only fruit trees, but also conifers, because branches can break under the weight of snow, especially wet ones. Gently tap the branches to shake off the snow. Even in autumn, conifers are tied with twine diagonally from the crown down to prevent bending of the branches. Otherwise, sagging branches may never return to their original place and the appearance of your Christmas trees or juniper will deteriorate.

Rodents in winter become frequent guests in the country garden - they really like the bark of trees. Deprived of protection, trees either die or bear fruit poorly in the future. A wire mesh with small cells 130 cm high can become protection against uninvited visitors. If you block the entire area, then it must be buried 30 cm into the ground (this measure will save you from digging); if only trees, then the fence is not dug in, so as not to damage their root system.

More economical folk methods suggest wrapping the trunks with non-woven material or hiding them behind plywood, you can also additionally use tar or carbolic acid to coat the trunks - their smell will scare away rodents. Trampling snow around trees helps to avoid mice raids - this procedure is carried out every time after snow falls.

It is necessary in winter, especially in February, when the sun begins to warm more strongly, to check for the presence of whitewash on the trunks, since frost holes that appear from sunburn lead to the formation of cracks in the bark and other damage.

garden care

It is easier with a garden in winter - only planted, carrots and other vegetables, as well as perennials, require attention. Periodically, it will be necessary to check the condition of the shelter of plants and, if necessary, correct it. The same applies to perennial crops, because some need to be covered warmer so that they do not freeze out, while others, on the contrary, can sweat from excessive heat.

If a greenhouse is built in the dacha, then snow will also need to be removed from its roof after snowfalls so that it does not break through the film or push through other coatings.

household chores

When the cottage is rarely visited in winter, the rest of the winter work is done in a city apartment, for example, sorting and preparing seeds, sowing them for seedlings. While there is time, you can plan out the places for planting crops in the spring, so that later in a hurry you do not miss important points. It is also a high time to stock up on the necessary fertilizers and growth stimulants.

With permanent residence in the country, cases are added. Finally, you can carry out a general “cleansing” of the country house, throw away unnecessary things and update the situation by making some cute and cozy homemade little things with your own hands: you can knit beautiful rugs, sew new curtains or potholders, update old furniture. Moreover, there is a reason - not far off.

The time has come to thoroughly repair tools and containers for the future harvest, and it is imperative to make and hang feeders for feathered forest dwellers on the site. Then the baited birds will take up the destruction of harmful insects already in the spring. And from pieces of bacon hung on branches, there is a double benefit - titmouses adore it, but its smell repels hares.

And of course, in winter, a cottage is needed for winter recreation and entertainment. Both adults and children are full of exciting activities: ice fishing, skiing and sledding. And how much fun it will bring to all family members gambling in snowballs, building a snow fortress or an ice slide.

Invigorating frost and clean air add appetite, and wonderful views of winter nature inspire you to create beautiful photos. So winter is not meant for boredom at all - and there will be work in the country, and you can relax in an interesting and fun way.

Many are sure that with the end of gardening, you can forget about the dacha until spring. But this is real blasphemy, because here, in the fresh air, far from the hustle and bustle and stress, you can have a great time throughout the winter! The dacha is an ideal place not only to meet the New Year and celebrate Christmas Eve, but also to plunge into absolute relaxation every weekend. Here you will not be disturbed by either the neighbors who decided to have a crowded noisy party, or the noise of cars, or unexpected guests.

Here you can relax, sitting comfortably near the fireplace in a comfortable chair with a blanket on your knees and a book or a cup of hot coffee (cocoa, mulled wine, etc.) in your hands, and at the same time not worry that someone will suddenly disturb you. True, in order to avoid such interference from the outside, it is better to first turn off all mobile phones in the house.

Preparing the cottage for the winter

First of all, take care of a comfortable pastime in the country, for which you need to heat the house well before you come to it. After all, even if you are going to spend the night in it for only one night, after outdoor games in the fresh air, bath procedures, hunting and skiing, you want to return to a warm house where you can warm up, relax with family and friends over a delicious dinner and, in the end , just sleep well.

It is best that in the house, in addition to a stove or a wood-burning fireplace, there is also an electric convector or fan heater. Their presence is especially important in small country houses, since with the help of such electric heaters you can quickly heat a small area. Also, infrared heaters can be used as electric heating, for example, warm rugs, presented in two variations - wall-mounted (in the form of a panel) and floor, which can be placed directly under the carpet.

If possible, it is better for you to arrive 2-3 days earlier and start heating the house. We will reveal to you one little secret that has been tested by many summer residents more than once: before you start heating the building, open the windows (even in the most severe frost) and arrange a draft for 5-7 minutes. Now you can start heating: believe me, it will take several times less time to heat the house.

Another tricky move is to have electric sheets or electric mattresses in the country, with the help of which you will quickly heat up the bed, and at the same time dry it.

In the absence of free time, you can call the board of the DNP - here they will be happy to help you resolve this issue, and at the time of your arrival the house will be ready to receive its owners and guests.

The period of snowfall is the best time for leisure in the country

The ideal option is to come to the dacha immediately after or even in time for a snowfall: you seem to be in a fairy tale and you can admire all the beauty of freshly fallen snow, gleaming and sparkling under the sun's rays or under the moonlight. True, in this case, leisure should be combined with outdoor activities: take a long stick and walk with it through your possessions, knocking off the snow that has stuck to the branches.

This is where the working moments end, and it's time to make a fire in the yard or install a barbecue, where you can warm up your hands after frosty winter walks, and cook fragrant barbecue! In order not to have to fiddle with making a fire for a long time, use pre-prepared dry firewood, and if you don’t have any, you can buy it on the way to the dacha in a supermarket or at a gas station.

Winter outdoor fun

While the fire is burning, arrange fun winter games nearby. Dress warmly and start snowball fighting, building an ice slide or building a snowman. If children came with you to the dacha, then any of these games will be accepted by them with delight! And imagine building a snow fort or a hut - this is a wonderful way to warm up and have a great time not only with children, but also in the company of your friends. And what a great photo shoot you can arrange against their background!

And summer residents living in the "Dubrovsky Forest" were triple lucky! After all, they can go on winter fishing or hunting in the Zabolotsky hunting farm, not far from which the village is located. Why don't you have an active holiday?

After returning from the hunt, it's time to take a steam bath, and if you have one on the site, you are lucky! After all, bath procedures are not only pleasant, but more importantly, they are a trouble-free folk remedy for the prevention of colds, strengthening immunity and cleansing the body. Add to the procedures in the steam room diving and rubbing with snow - and here is the perfect way to harden the body. If such a heroic feat is beyond your power yet, then it will be quite enough to simply douse yourself with cold water right in the bath (but not in the steam room!).

Ensuring your own safety

Since summer cottages are often located near forest areas, it is very important to know and remember the rules of behavior in the winter forest. It is quite easy to get lost there in winter, so when you go hiking or skiing in the forest, be sure to take a fully charged mobile phone with a GPS navigator with you. Most Muscovites know how to use it, and if you don’t know how, there is a lot of information on the Internet on this topic, study it well before going to the country. As a last resort, call your friends who are resting with you together, or to the board of the DNP - they will definitely look for you.

If there is snow, then you can orient yourself in your own footsteps - so you can return to where you came from.

It is very important to avoid frostbite, so if you feel that you are starting to freeze, do some active exercises that will involve both legs and arms: circular rotations of the arms, intensive running in place, bending forward, backward and to the sides, frequent and quick clenching-unclenching of fists, etc.

The nature of the Moscow region enchants with the discreet beauty of hilly fields, birch, aspen and oak groves, pine forests, the smooth surface of winding rivers and streams, clear lakes, the aroma of meadow grasses and various flowers. Our life is inseparable from nature, which pleases us in all seasons.

In the Moscow region, around numerous summer cottages, there are many picturesque places, forests with evergreen spruce and pine, which delight so much with their snow caps in winter, many beautiful rivers, ponds and lakes. In winter, there are many sunny days, the frost invigorates and so you want to breathe fresh frosty air.

If you do not have a cottage, do not despair! You can rent a dacha for the weekend in one of the summer cottages in the Moscow region. You can go to the dacha for a vacation with the whole family, with friends or for a romantic meeting.

Holidays at the cottage with the family.

When going to the country with children, be sure to dress warmly, bring warm blankets and blankets with you. Take a supply of groceries, sleds, skis and don't forget to take a camera, which will help you to leave photos and memories of a great time with loved ones and friends for a long time. If you have a dog, then take it with you.

If the dacha is not heated, immediately upon arrival, melt the stove and fireplace yourself, which will help you warm up quickly .. In winter, you will not be bored in the dacha - there are a lot of different entertainments. You can frolic from the heart, playing snowballs with children, you can build a snowman or a snowman, build a snow tower, go skiing and sledding. Especially a lot of joy will be brought by a dog that will frolic in the snow, and children flushed with frost will run after it in sparkling snow.

The dog can also ride children on a sled, which will give them a lot of fun. If a lot of snow has fallen, you can build a small ice slide by throwing snow together and watering it with water. The next day the hill will be ready. Children will be delighted to ride down the hill on an ice rink or sled.

On a charming winter evening, it is good to warm yourself by the fireplace and look at the crackling logs and the fire, which you can admire endlessly. You can sit at the table, drink fragrant tea from a samovar with your favorite bagels. Kids can watch their favorite Good Night show. Their sleep, after playing in the cold, will be strong and long.

Holidays in the country with friends.

Not a single vacation with friends is complete without a fire, without kebabs or barbecues, which everyone loves so much. It is very difficult to kindle a fire in the cold, it is better to think about it in advance and prepare dried firewood. The aroma of barbecue, a blazing fire and juicy barbecue with wine in the cold, in a bathhouse or in a cozy house by the fireplace, covered with a blanket, will remain in your memory for a long time. Friends will also remember a steam room in a bath with a birch broom, rubbing with snow or dousing with melt water after a bath - this has been popular in Rus' since ancient times.

In the evening you can listen to music, dance, play cards or dominoes. Fans of outdoor activities can rent a dacha with an ice skating rink in the winter for weekends. Skating or playing hockey is a very good entertainment for men. Thrill-seekers can shoot at targets and compete with each other in accuracy. The view of splendor - all the trees in the snow, white fluffy snow, silence all around, create a wonderful mood and someone may want to write poetry or draw a winter landscape.

Holidays in the country for lovers of winter fishing or hunting.

One of the activities and entertainment is to sit with a fishing rod on the banks of a river or lake near the hole. This is a great vacation that soothes and allows you to relax your soul. In advance, you need to prepare clothes, tackle, an ice ax and a portable light chair or a fisherman's box with a seat and compartments for fish and tackle. Even if you didn’t catch a fish, you can tell stories to your friends all evening about what a big fish you have off the hook more than once.

Lovers can go hunting.

If there are foxes or hares in the forest, then you can go into the forest in search of their tracks. In the forest you can meet elk, marten, squirrel, admire them and feed them. If you didn’t manage to shoot game for lunch, this afternoon walk through the forest will still bring you a lot of pleasure and impressions. On the second day off, you can go for a walk in the forest on skis with your family or friends, or visit a neighboring small village. You may be lucky enough to buy natural products there, which are hard to find in the city.

Farewell fireworks before leaving the cottage will delight children and will be remembered for its beauty for many years. After a great weekend at the dacha and a boost of energy for a whole week, you will want to go out of town more than once and be sure to buy a land plot and build a dacha in one of the environmentally friendly and beautiful dacha villages in your native suburbs. The Land of Russia company will be happy to help you realize your cherished dream.

People who live in cities, and especially in metropolitan areas, sooner or later get tired of the city. The city is dirty and slushy. Constant movement, noise and running around lead to fatigue and severe headaches by the end of the working week. Winter weekends on the couch, watching TV, are not always enough for a good rest. Over time, this fatigue accumulates and health problems appear. Very lucky are those who can go to nature on the weekends in the winter, or go to the village to visit relatives. Rest in silence in nature with friends, or fishing in the same village is much better to relax and calm people. But weather conditions may not always allow this type of recreation, and it is problematic to constantly travel to the village (especially if it is far away). Therefore, the most convenient and optimal option from all sides would be a winter vacation with friends in the country.

Winter cottage entertainment can be divided into three categories:

1. Active sports.

These are well-known skiing trips, hunting, winter fishing. Having been hunting or fishing, even in the case of minimal luck, you will be able to share your impressions with each other all evening and the tales that come to mind about shy hunters and boastful fishermen. With the help of regular skiing, you can work out your body as if you were regularly attending the gym. Of course, if you and your guests fool around a little on the track once, this will not lead to any sports results. But for immunity weakened in winter, it will be an excellent help. And, if hunting and fishing are more suitable for the male half of the company, then, skiing, both “boys” and “girls” will happily remember their childhood.

2. Exotic.

With the help of the residents of the nearest village, you can organize a horse ride for your guests or family members. Today, horseback riding and horseback riding are returning to their former popularity. After all, when communicating with an intelligent animal, you not only feel the novelty and benefits of an unusual occupation, but also become infected with such a noble and so long gone aristocracy. Fans of extreme sensations can shoot at a target or set off fireworks. Of course, it will be difficult to organize a stealing or oncoming target in ordinary country conditions. But the fight for the target "into the smoke" among your guests will be serious. Having chosen these types of entertainment, try not to scare the already small neighbors in the country this season.

3. Traditional.

If you have a sauna in your country house, you can sit and warm up with your friends in the sauna. And after all the events, eat barbecue in the house near the fireplace. Bath has long been considered a folk remedy for any disease and just a pleasant procedure. To some extent, it is. If all conditions are met. First of all, the health benefits. Rest is a rest, but you should not forget about health. It has long been scientifically proven that the bath not only strengthens the immune system, but also helps to cleanse the body. But what about the ancient Russian tradition of diving into the hole immediately after the steam room? It's not only fun, but also useful. If there is no hole, then you can safely dive into the snow and rub it. Although the majority still prefer not to run out of the bathhouse at all in winter. You can douse yourself with cold water in the bath itself, or dive into a barrel or pool if available.

If there is a fenced area with a canopy next to the bathhouse, then you can organize barbecues. Barbecuing is a ritual in itself. True, unlike a trip to nature, it is better to spend it not on a fire, but in a barbecue. So it's safer and more reliable. Yes, the skewers taste better. After cooking, kebabs can either be sent to the table in the bathhouse or in the house.

In the house after the bath, in the late afternoon, you can sit at a large table or near the fireplace and chat. It is in it that it is best to gather after a bath and walks in order to do not so active rest in a quiet and calm atmosphere. The best option is to play cards.

You can play the well-known "fool", but it's not so interesting. Although many people like it. You can find it somewhere on the Internet or just remember children's fortune-telling. Everyone in childhood at one time guessed, and indulged in other things in this style.

If playing cards does not suit you, you can play "crocodile". The rules are simple, and no training in the game is required: a person goes to the center of the room and begins, silently, to show the hidden word or phrase. The rest are trying to figure it out. The most important thing is not to ask questions, but to the one who shows, to be silent and use only gestures. It's a really fun game, especially on a Saturday night when everyone is already tired and happy. It does not require a lot of strength, but the pleasure is the sea.

You can complete the holiday program in the country: music and dancing; watching a movie together reading aloud a good bestseller; leisurely conversation under the stars.

| published on October 06, 2011

Winter dacha is wonderful, even if not everyone agrees with this. Of course, there is snow and cold around, but we will definitely figure out what to do in the country in winter to drive away boredom and have some fun.

The topic for this material was inspired by the first cold weather, which in many regions of our country has already been felt very well. But this is not a reason to lose heart, because the winter cottage is not only very beautiful, but also full of surprises, fun games and entertainment that you can organize for your family and company. Today we will move a little away from the usual winter vacation in the country - barbecue in the cold and walks in the fresh air, and move on to a more active part, the basis for which needs to be prepared now.

So, the organization of winter holidays in the summer cottage and how to make it exciting and memorable.

We build an ice rink in the country

This theme will help to organize entertainment not only for children, but also for adults, because each of us has a desire to skate, play hockey with friends or just fool around a bit at the rink. Now you can organize this not only in specially equipped rooms that grow like mushrooms in every city, but also on your own territory, where no one will have to pay for time and no one will limit your entertainment.

What is needed in order to build an ice rink in the country? We decided not to spend a lot of money, since it can take quite a lot of money to implement all the interesting ideas, but to manage with our own imagination and creative thoughts. So let's get started.

Preparation should begin in the fall, when the soil is still amenable to a shovel. We need to dig a small hollow for pouring water. Only 3-5 cm deep is enough, if only the water lingers in the so-called reservoir.

Choose the area of ​​​​the rink yourself, but also think about the consumption of water, because it will take a lot to fill the rink. We have experience in building such an original thing, but then it was a 10x10 m skating rink. In general, let's say right away, who is afraid of not calculating the forces and costs, can safely build a skating rink for children, where such an area is not needed, or another design from the following list, but we will complete this project.

Having dug a hollow, we need to thoroughly trample its bottom in order to create a density through which it will be more difficult for water to go into the soil. Many summer residents will laugh in our face, because the water will still go away and the result will not be an ice rink, but a continuous dirty mess, but believe me, we know exactly what we are talking about.

The next task will be to buy a film and solder it at the seams in order to get a continuous sheet for the area of ​​​​the future ice rink. We need it precisely in order to lay the bottom and ensure maximum water retention in an artificial reservoir. Buying a film will not be expensive, soldering it is also quite simple, and it should be stored in a folded state until the first frost.

With the onset of the first real frosts, we arrange watering of the area under the skating rink. You do not need to spend a lot of water, just so that it leaves the soil a little. Thus, from time to time flooding the skating rink, we form a small layer of well-frozen soil, which can be achieved in just a couple of days.

Next, we spread the film on the site for the future ice rink, press down on the edges and try to leave fewer air bubbles, because there the future ice rink will crack. We level the film and fill it with water, and again expel the air. In severe frost, you can work every hour or two, allowing thin layers of water to turn into ice. Under conditions of medium difficulty, the skating rink is filled in 2 days, sometimes within 4-5 days, it all depends on your desire, water pressure and frost.

As a result of hard work, you can get a skating rink of the required area and good thickness so that the skates do not stick into the ground under the weight. All the given parameters can be changed for yourself, the main thing here is the idea and the possibility of its implementation.

Snow hill at the dacha

It’s very good if your dacha is on a relief landscape, then you won’t need much work, but if the terrain is flat, you will have to start cooking in the fall. By the way, this idea can be perfectly combined with geoplastics, if you suddenly decided to transform the relief of a garden or other part of a summer cottage, because the hills prepared for landscape changes can become the basis for a hill.

If the cottage is completely flat, then it will be necessary to build a hill in the winter, unless, of course, enough snow falls. An alternative can only be serious preparation with the transfer of soil and the construction of a hill, but this is very long, unbearable, expensive.

A neighbor's tractor can help here, or maybe your own, a mini-tractor or even a loader, which can make a good slope in a couple of hours. It will need to be done at a slight angle, well tamped and wait for the snow to form a slide and sledding and skiing.

Construction of an ice palace in the dacha courtyard

Nothing needs to be done here in autumn, frost and snow should be expected. Closer to the first frost, start preparing building material - ice bricks. It is very simple, because it is enough to collect a large number of juice bags, rinse them and, having collected water, put them in the freezer. Of course, if the refrigerator is small, then the bricks will have to be prepared in several stages. But there is a plus here, because each batch of material can be made in a different color, tinting the water with paints. As a result, you can get multi-colored bricks and build an amazing and summery rainbow house among snowdrifts. Paradox, but real.

Construction is simple, you just need to prepare the base for the structure. This may be a site cleared to the ground or a layer of snow well trampled down and spilled with water. The structure is installed during a hard frost, the solution is ordinary water, which allows the ice material to freeze to the previous layer.

After the construction of walls from original bricks, it is possible to sprinkle water from the sprayer inside and outside the building to create an ice crust on the surface, which gives additional strength to our structure.

It will be most correct to build an ice castle of the correct shape, but if you are sure that you can create a structure without collapse, the shape can even be changed to a hemisphere.

Site for winter battles in the country

Who doesn't play snowballs in winter? Is it the one who does not like snow at all and constantly sits at home, or the children whom strict parents do not let into the cold. We have the right to participate in such games and involve our friends and children in them. It remains only to build a site for the winter battle and wait for the snow. Why is such a platform needed? Yes, everything is simple, because shooting snowballs at each other on flat terrain is not particularly interesting, and running around the utility yard or winter garden is not very correct. By building special trenches, ledges and barriers, you will create a cool training ground that is interesting and complements the fun.

No projects or special tools are needed here - just a couple of shovels, strong hands and a little time. Having marked out a playground for games, it is necessary to dig special ditches or small trenches on its opposite sides, and arrange elevations. All subsequent work will take place when the snow falls, because now it is he who is the material for construction. Build trenches, protective sections and even dugouts, because the kindest war is ahead in the fresh air and the frost that pinches your cheeks.

The construction of any snow or ice structure in the country takes a lot of strength and energy, but all costs are compensated a hundredfold by unbridled fun and positive emotions.

Do-it-yourself ice skating rink in the country (video)

It is not difficult to build an ice hut, a snow slide or a skating rink in the country with your own hands, especially with enthusiasm. Believe me, literally a couple of days of the contribution of forces, and then several months of good mood. Of course, you can come up with many more winter activities in the country - snowballs, sack riding, snow labyrinths, etc., but it's up to you, if you wish. We will work on new and interesting material for each reader of the site, and we wish you to dress well and have great fun in the winter in the country! If problems arise in the winter in the country, then this material will help.

Reviews and comments

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Irina41 06.12.2013

For some reason, there was a stereotype that a country house is only for the summer. But this is not at all the case, unless of course there is heating in a country house. Every year we go to the country for the New Year holidays, and just on weekends, and have a great time. The most important thing to throw out of your head - the cottage is only for summer time.

Sasha 14.09.2014

Well, in winter, it’s best to go sledding or skating. But of course, sledding is a much more popular means of transportation, especially downhill. This is the coolest thing that can be in winter, it’s a pity that our winters are short and now it’s stupidly impossible to even ride a little downhill at breakneck speeds)

Sveta 10/12/2015

As a child, our family lived in the countryside. We had a big garden with old trees. Dad tied a rope to the branches, inserted a plank - the swing is ready. A homak was also tied directly to the trunks of trees. And in winter, the father of the neighbor boys used a bulldozer to shovel a huge mountain of snow - there was no shortage of snow then. And they rode from this mountain on what, and played king of the mountains.

Anastasia 23.03.2016

The best and most affordable winter entertainment for children in the country is sledding and skiing from a hill. And in order not to be bored riding, you can arrange various obstacles in the form of small bumps and jumps.

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