Baby of polymer clay. Baby of polymer clay how to sculpt a babe of polymer clay

In this master class Baykova, Anastasia will show how to make a charming baby from plastic.

Polymer clay Fimo Puppen (500 gr) or Fimo Classic No. 43 (50 gr)
Dental stacks and sewing needle

We form from a piece of plastic ball. For the first time it is desirable to take more - about 2 cm in Diamere.

At the place of the future face in the middle we plan a needle Cross and divide the lower half into 4 equal parts.

The average horizontal line is the place of future eyebrows. The length of the nose is 2 lower parts. rolling a small sausage, glit and confuse stack, forming the outlines of the nose

We press the places of the eye

On the cheeks and forehead add small pellets and smooth out

We have a needle mouth, eyes and nostrils

Add a cake under the spout - it will be lips. The upper lip will be a little fierce

Introduce and form the outlines of the lips and folds under the eyes

Add a cake on the chin and recall the borders

We form eyebrows. Stack of moving a little clay from his forehead. Do not forget that they should be on the site of the central horizontal line, which they painted at the beginning. The contour of eyebrows and the corner of the mouth set the mood to our baby.

The size of the ear (at the scene) should be the same value that the distance from the eye is cut to the tip of the nose (if you look into the profile)

We go to the kitchen to drink tea and after 15-30 minutes the fresh look asses the head. If everything suits, then you can proceed to the bodypay.

1. Lepim torso at the rate of 2: 1 (to the head)
2. Roll over the sausage. It will be hips.
3. Delim Popolam
4. Depending on the posture, we glue to the body.

5. Gently smoothed
6. 7. I added a little on the ass and smoothed.
8. Rice sausage for the leg and feet.

9.10. We cut and make a fold on the place of future heels.
11. - 13. Cut off too much.

14. Roll over the sausage for the fingers of the legs. (Although, you can pick up and cut the scalpel.)
15 -16 Cut your fingers and attach to the foot.

17. Gently smooth your fingers.
18. We glue the shin on the place of the knees. !!! Shin and feet need to do a little less than it turned out.
19-20 hand sausages.

21. You can sculpt a hand from solid sausages or just as the shin separately.
22. I chopped a brush and made cuts for your fingers. Of them formed a cam. More often to the fingers separately, like a feet.
23. Almost ready. Ears are poles last. I didn't burn this baby, since it was constantly distracted by shooting and it turned out too chumat.
Thanks for attention!

Blog of the author : Baykova Anastasia

We bring to your attention the process of making a baby from polymer clay.

For making baby you will need:

Polymer clay;
- sewing needle;

Dental stacks.

Baby of polymer clay step by step:

Form the ball from a piece of plastic. It is desirable for the first time to take more - approximately two cm in diameter (photo 1-2). At the place of the future lyrics in the center, notice the cross the needle and divide the lower half into four equal parts (photo 3).

The average horizontal line will be the place of future rods. The length of the nose will be two lower parts. Shot a small sausage, stick and adjust the stack, forming the outlines of the nose (photo 4-5).

Produce Places of Eye (photo 6). Add small pellets on the cheeks and lobby and smooth (photo 7-8).

Note the needle mouth, eyes and nostrils (photo 9). Add a cake under the spout is future lips. The upper part of the sponges will be a little fond (photo 10-11).

Print and form the outlines of sponges and folds under the eyes (photo 12-13). Add a border on the chin and crumple the borders (photo 14-15).

Form your eyebrows. Stack slide a little clay from the forehead. Do not forget that they should be located on the site of the horizontal central line, which was drawn at the beginning. The corners of the mouth and the contour of the eyebrows will be asked the mood to the future kid (photo 16).

The ear size (in the connection places) should compile the same value as the distance from the cut of the eyes to the tip of the nose (if you look into the profile) (photo 17-18). Relax about 15-30 minutes, and then turn your head with a fresh look. If everything is satisfied, you can begin to the torso lyclification (photo 19-20).

Getting Starting the body of the body at the rate of 2: 1 (to the head) (photo 21). Roll off the "sausage" for the hips (photo 22). Divide in half (photo 23). Stick to the body depending on the posture (photo 24).

Gently label (photo 25). Add a little clay on the ass and schedule (photo 26-27). Roll off sausage for feet and legs (photo 28).

Cut and make a fold on the site of future heels (photo 29-30). Cut everything too much (photo 31-33).

Roll off the "sausage" for fillers of legs (you can also slightly press and cut the scalpel) (photo 34). Cut your fingers and cut to the foot (photo 35-36).

Polymer clay - bright, soft material for modeling. It turns out very beautiful crafts. Children pose from polymer clay with great pleasure, because Unlike plasticine, in order to make something, do not apply a lot of physical effort. Roll out the parts made of polymer clay for even 2-year-old children. The process of smearing no one will leave indifferent!

Polymer clay modeling is a very useful occupation. She develops a shallow motorcy; creative, figurative, spatial thinking; As well as imagination, perfection and hard work, and that is not unavailable, in a game form.

Pluses of polymer clay modeling:

1. It is safe material material that is not scary to give children to hand;

2. From polymer clay, surprisingly beautiful crafts are obtained;

3. availability of material;

4. The material is completely non-toxic;

5. Polymer clay does not leave dirty divorces on his hands as ordinary plasticine does.

6. Crafts from polymer clay can be decorated with an apartment or christmas decorations.

For inspiration, the curious world prepared several examples with detailed instructions for you, crafts from polymer clay.


Mouse in the cap

Pink Owl

Yorkshire Terrier

Wise iodine


Hamster with cherry
