Maslenitsa game scenario. Competitive game program "Shrovetide"

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Competitive program.

Target: create conditions for acquaintance with the traditional folk holiday "Maslenitsa".


  • Introducing children to folk art, folk customs and traditions of the Russian people.
  • Formation of ideas about the features of the national holiday "Maslenitsa"; about the nature of folk games.
  • Education of an aesthetic attitude to folklore.

Age and number of participants: 8-11 years; 35 - 45 people

Form of organization of children's activities: competitive program

Event progress

Buffoon 1.

Attention attention!
Come on, fair people!
Our horn is calling you!

Buffoon 2.

Attention attention!
Ordered up to you
Bring the decree at this hour,
prepared by myself
Our Mother Winter:

Buffoon 1.

"Every year, this number,
As the sign says,
Whether it's a city or a village -
Come out for a holiday"

Buffoon 2.

Surely everyone should
To be on the wires of Winter!
Don't resist
Good mood.

Presenter: Hello dear guests!

So the holiday has come, so revered in Russia, which came to us from distant pagan times - the holiday of the Russian Maslenitsa.

Buffoon 1.

Oh, Maslenitsa - wryneck,
We welcome you well!
Cheese, butter, pancake
And ruddy pie!

Buffoon 2.

Our soul is Maslenitsa!
Come visit us:
ride on the hills,
Roll in pancakes
Mind to have fun
Enjoy speech.

Presenter: This ancient folk holiday is celebrated in the last week before Lent, which lasts seven weeks until Easter. Shrovetide is the most fun and noisy holiday, dedicated to seeing off winter, when you can have fun from the heart, spend all kinds of entertainment and entertainment. In the old days, snow palaces and fortresses were built on this day, ice slides rolled out, funny booths for buffoons and fist fights were arranged. The name of the holiday arose because, according to Orthodox custom, meat can no longer be eaten before Lent, and dairy products are allowed to be consumed. Here they bake butter pancakes. They are baked as a symbol of the sun, the coming spring. But Maslenitsa is not only pancakes, this week every person should help drive away winter, wake up nature.

Buffoon 1.

Like butter week
Pancakes flew into the ceiling.
Oh, my pancakes, pancakes,
Pancakes oil...

Buffoon 2.

Wide Shrovetide!
We praise you
We ride on the mountains
We eat pancakes!

Buffoon 1.

Hey chick girls
Sing ditties,
Sing it fast
To please guests.


Like butter week
Pancakes flew from the table
And cheese, and cottage cheese -
Everything flew under the threshold!

Butter has come to us,
Who will ride us?
Andryusha in the yard
Sivka disappears.

My friend and I were walking
The mountain was covered with cheese,
All covered with pancakes,
Topped with oil.

Oiler - white-legged,
Hold on a little
For a week for a day
For a single hour.

Father bought a handkerchief
On the back of the head is a flower;
Now the fashion for scarves,
Flowers on the back.

If there were no water
There would be no mug
If there were no girls.
Who would sing ditties?

Buffoon 2.

Shadow, shadow, sweat,
Above the city is a wattle fence.
Get under the fence
Everyone who is not too lazy to play!

Skomorokh 1.

Cheer up the winter, daring guys!
Good fellows mischievous!

Presenter: Show your strength, dexterity and gallant prowess! Which team is more dexterous will receive a gift from Maslenitsa. In order not to make a mistake in the calculation, we will put on a bunch of bagels (drying) for each team. Whose bunch is longer, that team will win.

So, to business!


1. Testicle

Transfer 1 egg in a spoon from one bowl to another by each player of the team. The team that will transfer all the eggs quickly and not break will win.

2. Winding up the rope

Participants from two teams wrap themselves with ropes 10 m long, and then unwind. Then the next players. Until the team wins.

3. "Cockfight"

Opponents, standing on one leg, push each other with their shoulders, trying to force one another to stand on both legs.

4. Snowball fights against winter

The target has a hole twice the diameter of the sandbags.

Opponents from 4 - 5 steps hit the target with a "snowball".

The winner is the one who makes the most hits. Each player has 3 attempts.

5. Guess the riddles:

Made from boards
And put on a belt
And this dish keeps
Summer harvested from the garden. (barrel)

If I am empty
I forget about you
But when I bring food
I won't pass my mouth. (a spoon)

He puffs like a locomotive
It is important to keep the nose up,
Noise, cool down.
Invite the seagull for a drink. (samovar)

What is poured into the pan
Yes, they bend four times? (pancake)

Pot-bellied, nosy
Nozzle on the stove.
Then all of a sudden
Sang the song. (kettle)

unapproachable in appearance
Standing akimbo,
And inside, look
Treat inside! ( sugar bowl)

It might break
It can also weld
If you want, into a bird
Can turn. (egg)

6. Tug of War

Russian folk games

1. Handkerchief game

Maslenitsa plays with children. The children walk, holding hands, in a circle, Maslenitsa moves towards them in the inner circle. Humming:

And I'm Maslenitsa
I'm not a stepdaughter
I walk with a handkerchief
I will come to you now.

The children stop, and Maslenitsa says, standing between two children:

On the shoulder is a scarf
Who will run faster?

The children, between whom Maslenitsa stopped, run around the circle (outer), return to their places, take a scarf. The winner is the one who runs to Maslenitsa faster.

2. Game "Carousels"

We continue the fun
Weight running on a carousel.

Ribbons are attached to the training. Children take the ribbon with one hand and go first in one direction, and then, changing their hand, in the other. The hoop is held by an adult. You can “ride” on the carousel under the traditional text:

Barely, barely, barely, barely
The carousels spin
And then, then, then
Everyone run, run, run.
Hush, hush, don't rush
Stop the carousel.
One-two, one-two
And so the game began.

3. The game "Blind Man's Buff"

Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Bunny jumped on a stump,
He beats the drum loudly
Invites everyone to play blind man's blind man.
The game "Zhmurki" is being played.

Game progress. The player is blindfolded, taken away from the players to the side and turned around several times. After these words, the participants in the game scatter, and the blind man's blind man catches them.

4. The game "Zhmurki with a bell"

Game progress. By lot (counting) they choose the "blind man's blind man" and the player he will look for. "Zhmurka" is blindfolded, and another child is given a bell. The participants of the game stand in a circle. "Zhmurka" must catch the driver with a bell. Then a new pair of players is selected. "Zhmurok" can be several. The children standing in a circle warn the "blind man's buff" against meeting each other with the words: "Fire! Fire!"

5. "Traps"

Several "traps" are selected from among the players (2 people each). Standing in pairs facing each other, they raise their closed hands, forming a collar, or "traps", through which the rest of the players run, holding hands.

The "traps" form a circle and are open while the music is playing (or the tambourine sounds). On a signal (whistle, loud bang, stop of music), the "traps" are closed, i.e. hands are lowered, detaining those caught between the hands.

Those caught join hands with the participants of the "trap", forming a circle of 3-4 people. They again raise their hands, and the chain of the rest of the players again runs in a circle, running through the "traps". They close again and again until only 2-3 caught, the fastest and most dexterous, remain.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

6. "Earth - water - sky"

(or "Beast - fish - bird")

The players must know the names of fish, birds, animals, so that the game is more fun and active. In the first and second versions of the name, a correspondence is guessed: sky - birds, water - fish, etc. All children are welcome to participate in the game. The players sit or stand in a circle facing the center. In the middle of the circle - the leader with the ball (preferably stuffed).

The leader pronounces one of the words of the name of the game and immediately throws the ball into the hands of any player. He catches the ball, names the appropriate animal, for example, a fox or a bear with the word “beast” (“earth”), and returns the ball to the leader. If the participant in the game did not have time to name or incorrectly named the animal, failed to catch the ball, then he receives a penalty point or gives a phantom (any small object).

The host throws the ball to new players, trying to keep everyone on their toes in anticipation of the ball and the need to quickly name the right animal. The ball can be thrown twice to the same player. When a group of participants with penalty points accumulates, the game is interrupted to play forfeits, and those with penalty points are given a fun group task: to sing, dance, portray pantomime, etc. The game then continues with a new host.

The host can only throw the ball by saying the word "ground" or something else.

You can not repeat the names of animals.

7. Playing with the Sun

In the center of the circle is the “sun” (a cap with the image of the sun is put on the child’s head). The children say in unison:

Burn, sun, brighter -
Summer will be hotter
And the winter is warmer
And spring is sweeter.

Children go in a round dance. On the 3rd line they come closer to the “sun”, narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th line they move away, expanding the circle. To the word "I'm burning!" - The "sun" catches up with the children.

8. The game "Drag the rope"

2 hoops are placed on the floor and a rope is pulled from the middle of one to the middle of the other. The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams. The hoops include one person from each team. On a signal, they run and change places. The first to run into the opponent's hoop and pull the rope out of another hoop is considered the winner. After the first pair, the second runs, the third, and so on until the last.

9. The game "Ring"

All players line up. The buffoon has a ring in his hands, which he hides in his palms and then tries to quietly pass to one of the guys, while saying:

I'm burying gold
I bury pure silver!
In a high tower
Guess, guess girl.
Guess, guess, red!

The one standing last is looking for the ring, and the buffoon says: "Guess, guess who has the ring, pure silver." If the participant guessed who has the ring, then he becomes the leader.

Buffoon 2.

Shrovetide, goodbye
Come back this year!

Buffoon 1.

Maslenitsa rolled away,
good beauty,
Until next year
Until cheese week.
And you stayed here
Enjoyed playing!

Buffoon 2.

Sit down at the tables now
And eat pancakes!
Here comes the end of the holiday!
Who sang, danced - well done!

Extracurricular activity on the topic: Maslenitsa in elementary school in grade 1

Target: to acquaint students with Russian folk traditions and rituals, with the history of the holiday.
Developing: to develop the creative and athletic abilities of schoolchildren,
Educational: the formation of a friendly team, familiarization with Russian folklore.

The course of the game program

Leading: Hello, friends! What are you all here for?
Wide Maslenitsa -
Raw week!
You came dressed to us
Meet spring.
Bake pancakes and have fun all week
To drive the cold winter out of the house!

Monday is a meeting.
Shrovetide is coming dear!
Our guest of the year!
On painted sledges,
On raven horses.
Maslenitsa lives for 7 days,
Stay for many years!
Monday is the first day
"Meeting" his people called.
On this day, a scarecrow of straw was dressed up in a girl's outfit and taken through the streets. They treated him kindly.

Game number 1 "Pancakes" Frying pan in hand. Run to the pancakes (cardboard circles), put the pancake in the pan and run to the start. Pass the baton to the next team member. The team that brings the most pancakes wins.

Leading: Day two - games.
On Tuesday, games and fun began.
For flirting, the fellows invited the girls to ride a sleigh from the mountain, eat pancakes, play games, and dance to the accordion. So now we're going to play a little.

Game number 2 "Sled". The song “My Sleigh” sounds (The girls sit on a bag filled with straw, the boys roll them. The team that transports all the girls faster wins).

When you hear the good news
Clap your hands
And if not very good -
Stomp your feet.
Spring has a birthday today! (claps)
Let's eat pancakes and cookies! (claps)
Winter please leave soon! (claps)
The last ruble is ready to scroll here! (Stomp)
For the game I will give you a box of chocolates! (claps)
You open it, and there is nothing there! (Stomp)
The women, the girls all kindled the hearths! (claps)
Pancakes for everyone, pancakes for everyone! (claps)
Pancakes with honey and jam! (claps)
Not pancakes, but food! (claps)
Sweet pancakes with stuffing! (claps)
And others with pillows! (Stomp)
And others with shells! (Stomp)

Leading: Well done guys, they did a great job.

Wednesday gourmet.
From that day on, pancakes were baked - yellow, round, hot as the sun. And on this day they enjoyed pancakes and other Shrovetide dishes.
And on a tasty environment
Invite guests to dinner!
And when the family got together, they guessed riddles. And now we will find out which team is better solves riddles.
1. He flies from the sky in winter,
Don't go barefoot now
Every person knows
What is always cold ... (snow)

2. Everyone is afraid of him in winter -
It hurts to bite.
Hide your ears, cheeks, nose
After all, on the street ... (frost)

3. Loose snow melts in the sun,
The wind plays in the branches
Ringing bird voices
So it came to us ... (spring)

4. Maslenitsa - deliciousness!
Let's bake pancakes in the morning.
To them - sour cream and jam
And, of course, ... (caviar)

5. With caviar and sour cream -
All of them are delicious!
Nozdrevati and blush-
Our suns - ... (pancakes)

6. Yellow, round, fragrant
And it tastes so good!
Only mom bakes
And he jumped right into his mouth! (Damn)

7. We rest all week,
We treat everyone with pancakes.
We see off the winter cold,
And we welcome spring with warmth. (Shrovetide)

8. Pancakes are baked all around,
They give us plenty to eat,
We burn the effigy of winter,
And we invite spring to us. (Shrovetide)

9. We see off the winter with her,
And we meet Spring-Red,
She bakes delicious pancakes,
What is this lady's name? (Shrovetide)
Rewarding children with emblems.

Leading: Thursday.
And on a wide four
Play all day!
And Thursday of the oil week was called “broad”, “let's walk around”, “turning point”. There was a fun fair that day. With tambourines, rattles, balalaikas and harmonicas, cheerful buffoons walked around the fair, amused people, and sang songs.

Game 4 "Zhmurki with a bell"
Game progress.
By lot (counting) they choose the "blind man's blind man" and the player he will look for. "Zhmurka" is blindfolded, and another child is given a bell. The participants of the game stand in a circle. "Zhmurka" must catch the driver with a bell. Then a new pair of players is selected. "Zhmurok" can be several. The children standing in a circle warn the "blind man's buff" against meeting each other with the words: "Fire! Fire!"
Leading: Friday
And on Friday my mother-in-law
Feed pancakes not skinny!
Friday of the Shrovetide week is called "Teschina Vecherny".
A folk proverb said: “A mother-in-law has a beloved son-in-law.” On this day, sons-in-law invited their mother-in-laws to visit for pancakes and pies and treated them to glory. In addition to pancakes, other treats were prepared.
And I also prepared a treat for you.
"Yum-yum", "yum-yum-yum" say if you like,
"Fu-fu", "fu-fu-fu" - if you don't like it. Let `s start?
Crispy buns (“Yum-yum, yum-yum-yum”)
Slippers overwhelmed ("Fu-fu, fu-fu-fu"),
Puff pies (“Yum-yum, yum-yum-yum”)
Boiled boots (“Fu-fu, fu-fu-fu”),
Cheese balls (“Yum-yum, yum-yum-yum”)
Napkins are greasy (“Fu-fu, fu-fu-fu”),
Gingerbread delicious (“Yum-yum, yum-yum-yum”)
Crispy apples (“Yum-yum, yum-yum-yum”)
Spicy herring (“Yum-yum, yum-yum-yum”)
Filthy mushrooms ("Fu-fu, fu-fu-fu"),
Spruce cones (“Fu-fu, fu-fu-fu”),
New stools ("Fu-fu, fu-fu-fu"),
Ripped pockets (“Fu-fu, fu-fu-fu”)
Carload of three sour cream (“Yum-yum, yum-yum-yum”)

Leading: Saturday at a fun oil week was called "sister-in-law gatherings." On this day, a young daughter-in-law invited her parents to her husband's house. Young daughters-in-law and sister-in-laws gathered on this day: they gave each other gifts, ate, played games and, of course, danced.
Game No. 6 “Basket shoes” (children dance and pass bast shoes to each other in a circle. As soon as the music stops, whoever has the bast shoes in their hands leaves the game. The losers are invited to get a colored token from the box. Thus, the children are divided into teams.)

Leading: Sunday.
On Sunday, “forgiveness day” or “forgiveness Sunday” - they arranged a farewell to Shrovetide. On this day, all people asked each other for forgiveness for earlier offenses and tried not to keep any evil in their hearts, and in the evening the whole world went to the hillock behind the village. Where an effigy of Shrovetide was burned - a symbol of winter that has ended. And they sprinkled ashes on the ground for a new rich harvest.

And take a walk on Sunday
Yes, and see off Maslenitsa.
And then do not demand -
Slurp empty cabbage soup!
After the butter dish - post -
Bite the tail of the radish!

The game "Masha-confused"
Children participating in this game stand in one row, join hands, thereby forming a chain. On the right side of the chain, a leader is assigned, who, on command, starts running with a change of direction, and the entire chain begins to follow him. However, no one except the leader knows the direction of movement, so it is quite difficult to maintain balance and not disconnect the chain. The further the player is from the leader, the more difficult it is for him to maintain balance, not fall or break the chain. The one who falls is out of the game. The main thing in this game is to hold out until the end.

Leading: To make Shrovetide return next year, let's all say the magic words together: "Shrovetide, goodbye, come that year!"

Shrovetide is a holiday that the Russian people have traditionally celebrated for many years. Songs, dances, customs that people observed when seeing off winter and welcoming spring - all this is very interesting and fun. Take advantage of the scenarios provided by elementary school teachers and introduce children to this national holiday.

The design resembles a Russian hut: there are embroidered towels on the walls, an image of a Russian stove on the front wall, a tong, a poker nearby, a spinning wheel, a table with utensils at a distance, benches (benches) along the walls, and a homespun rug on the floor. The children and the presenter are in Russian folk costumes, the girls have needlework in their hands, the boys have Russian folk musical instruments: balalaika, spoons, rattles, rubel.

Leading. Hello dear guests! We gathered today to remember the Old Russian holiday, to rejoice, to have fun, as our grandfathers had fun at Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa - cheese week - is celebrated seven weeks before Easter. She was always looked forward to. In the Belgorod region, supplies of cheese, butter, and sour cream were already ready in a week. Everyone who returned to the village from a trip was asked: “Are you bringing Maslenitsa?” Each day of Shrove Tuesday has its own name:

  • Monday - "meeting";
  • tuesday - "play";
  • Wednesday - "gourmet";
  • Thursday - "revelry", "wide";
  • Friday - "Teschina evening";
  • Saturday - "sister-in-law gatherings";
  • Sunday - "forgiveness day."

The children look out the windows in anticipation. Shouts are heard: "Soon?" - "Don't hurry!" The first girl goes out the door - "into the yard" - and immediately returns, leading the guests behind her. Two boys carry Shrovetide - a straw doll in a blue fur coat, a white scarf, in bast shoes, seat her on a prepared bench.

Girl 1 ():

Oh yes, Maslenitsa, it enters the yard, The wide one enters the yard! And we, girls, meet her, And we, red ones, meet her!

Girl 2 (bowing, bowing):

Oh, yes, Shrovetide, stay for a week, Oh, yes, Shrovetide, stay for another!

Girl 3():

Maslenitsa-wryneck, We meet you well With pancakes, With loaves, With dumplings!

And we stole the Shrove Tuesday, stole, leli, stole. We repaired cheese and butter, We repaired, poured, repaired. We covered the mountain with pancakes, We covered, lay, covered. They poured oil on top, They poured it, soul, watered it. As from cheese the mountain is steep, The mountain is steep, lyoli, the mountain is steep, And from the butter the mountain is clear, The mountain is clear, lyoli, the mountain is clear.


The hostess appears at the oven, depicts baking pancakes. An accordion sounds, the ensemble performs the Russian folk song "Pancakes". The performers of the song sit on the benches. The hostess puts pancakes on the table.

Boy 1(towards the audience).

Well, guys, who ate pancakes, Gained strength, Come out, show, brag, measure yourself with Silushka!

The girls line up on the left and right sides of the hall, the boys in the center.

Power fun

(Conducted by the host.)

Competition 1. Get the prize.

Two people are involved. Put a carpet 2ґ3 m on the floor. On the one hand - the participants, on the opposite side - the prize. On command, the boys crawl towards the prize in a plastunsky manner. The first person to take the prize wins.


Competition 3. Pushing (popularly - a fistfight, "cams").

Teams line up opposite each other along a line drawn at a distance of 40-50 cm behind each team. On a signal, the opponents rest their palms on each other's palms. The one who pushes the opponent over the line wins. The presenter gives prizes. The girls greet the winners.

Girl 4.

Well done, daredevils! They showed Silushka, Show your mind! Find out from Maslenitsa when to sow bread, When to harvest, when to pick mushrooms and berries?!

  • Bad weather on Sunday before Shrovetide - to the harvest of mushrooms.
  • If it snows on Shrove Week, there will be a good harvest of buckwheat.

Leading. Pancake week! Oh, is it true?

Pancake week. True true!

Leading. Hey boys! Daredevils!

boy 2 ():

Hey girly girls! Sing ditties!

Leading. Thanks girls for the fun stuff. And now, good guests, sit down comfortably - it's time to eat pancakes!

Girl 5.

Our Shrovetide dear A little bit stood: We thought - seven weeks, And Maslenitsa - seven days!

Boy 3.

Avdotya Izotievna! Pancake week! Deceived us! On Great Lent Gave a radish tail!

Girl 6(breaking the news):

Shrovetide Week She flew to Rostov, On the stumps of the village, She ate Pancakes, She ate another one, I trotted home!

Boy 4(regretfully):

Yes, Maslenitsa is moving out of the yard, Kurguzaya, Kurguzaya From the courtyard. Her girls leave to visit.

Girl 7(referring to Shrovetide):

Yes, Maslenitsa, And stay for a week! Yes, kurguzaya, And stay for another!

Pancake week.

Yes, girls, I'm afraid of fasting!

Girl 8.

Yes, Maslenitsa, Lent is still far away!

boy 5.

Ah, Maslena, Maslena-polyzuha! She licked pancakes and stacks - On plates, on plates.

boy 6.

And we saw off our Maslena, Sighed heavily over it: - Oh, Maslena, Maslena, come back, Stretch until the Great day.

All participants in the performance line up in a circle, sing the song “And we rolled Maslenitsa”. Two boys take an effigy of Shrovetide, lift it on their shoulders and, while singing, wear it in a circle, dancing. Two girls set up a campfire in the center of the circle.

Oh, we rolled Shrovetide, Rolled, poured, rolled, Lost our dear, Lost, poured, lost, And we dug into the hole, Buried, poured, buried. Fly, Maslenitsa, until the raid, Until the raid, lyoli, until the raid. And for the summer we will dig, we will dig, lyoli, we will dig.

Children (chorus

Leading. We became participants in a fun, perky holiday. How much love the Russians put into it! It reflects the breadth and generosity of the soul of the Russian people. We came into contact with a truly Russian tradition, a moment in the life of our ancestors. I hope that a spark has lit up in the soul of each of you, or maybe just a spark so far. I want them to warm your soul, feelings, make you think about yourself, about your loved ones, about our native land.

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"Scenario of the game program "Hello, Maslenitsa!""

Hello, noblewoman Maslenitsa!

Shrovetide is a holiday that the Russian people have traditionally celebrated for many years. Songs, dances, customs that people observed when seeing off winter and welcoming spring - all this is very interesting and fun. Take advantage of the scenarios provided by elementary school teachers and introduce children to this national holiday.

Scenario 1

The design resembles a Russian hut: there are embroidered towels on the walls, an image of a Russian stove on the front wall, a tong, a poker nearby, a spinning wheel, a table with utensils at a distance, benches (benches) along the walls, and a homespun rug on the floor.
The children and the presenter are in Russian folk costumes, the girls have needlework in their hands, the boys have Russian folk musical instruments: balalaika, spoons, rattles, rubel.

Leading. Hello dear guests! We gathered today to remember the Old Russian holiday, to rejoice, to have fun, as our grandfathers had fun at Maslenitsa.
Maslenitsa - cheese week - is celebrated seven weeks before Easter. She was always looked forward to. In the Belgorod region, supplies of cheese, butter, and sour cream were already ready in a week. Everyone who returned to the village from a trip was asked: “Are you bringing Maslenitsa?”
Each day of Shrove Tuesday has its own name:

    Monday - "meeting";

    tuesday - "play";

    Wednesday - "gourmet";

    Thursday - "revelry", "wide";

    Friday - "Teschina evening";

    Saturday - "sister-in-law gatherings";

    Sunday is "forgiveness day".

The whole week was called "honest, broad, noblewoman Maslenitsa."

The children look out the windows in anticipation. Shouts are heard: "Soon?" - "Don't hurry!"
The first girl goes out the door - "into the yard" - and immediately returns, leading the guests behind her. Two boys carry Maslenitsa - a straw doll in a blue fur coat, a white scarf, in bast shoes, seat her on a prepared bench.

Girl 1 (spreads his arms in a wide gesture, points to Maslenitsa):

Oh yes Maslenitsa, it enters the yard,
Wide enters the yard!
And we girls meet her,
And we, the Reds, meet her!

Girl 2 (bowing, bowing):

Oh, yes Maslenitsa, stay for a week,
Oh, yes Maslenitsa, stay for another!

Girl 3(with a loaf in his hands, referring to Maslenitsa):

We treat you well
With pancakes
with loaves,
With dumplings!

Children line up in a circle. The Russian folk chant "And we stole Maslenitsa" is performed. Children walk in a circle, making movements with their hands to the beat of the melody. One girl plays the role of Maslenitsa in a circle:

And we celebrated Shrovetide,
They pushed, they pushed, they pushed.
We made cheese with butter,
They started, they started, they started.
We covered the mountain with pancakes,
They littered, they licked, they licked.
Topped with oil,
Watered, soul, watered.
As from cheese the mountain is steep,
The mountain is steep, lyoli, the mountain is steep,
And from the oil the mountain is clear,
The mountain is clear, loli, the mountain is clear.

Leading. Good people, stop grieving grief, pancakes need to be baked.

The hostess appears at the oven, depicts baking pancakes.
An accordion sounds, the ensemble performs the Russian folk song "Pancakes". The performers of the song sit on the benches. The hostess puts pancakes on the table.

Boy 1(towards the audience).

Well, guys, who ate pancakes,
Gained strength
Come out, show off, brag
Measure your strength!

The girls line up on the left and right sides of the hall, the boys in the center.

Power fun

(Conducted by the host.)

Competition 1. Get the prize.

Two people are involved. Put a 2-3 m carpet on the floor. On the one hand - the participants, on the opposite side - the prize. On command, the boys crawl towards the prize in a plastunsky manner. The first person to take the prize wins.

(If the celebration is held in a sports hall, this competition should be replaced by rope climbing. Arrange insurance.)

Competition 2. Tug of war.

Competition 3. Pushing (popularly - a fistfight, "cams").

Teams line up opposite each other along a line drawn 40–50 cm behind each team. On a signal, the opponents rest their palms on each other's palms. The one who pushes the opponent over the line wins.
The presenter gives prizes. The girls greet the winners.

Girl 4.

Well done, daredevils!
Silushka was shown
Show your mind!
Find out from Maslenitsa when to sow bread,
When to clean, when to pick mushrooms and berries?!

Children list folk signs about Maslenitsa:

    Bad weather on Sunday before Shrovetide - to the harvest of mushrooms.

    If it snows on Shrove Week, there will be a good harvest of buckwheat.

Leading. Pancake week! Oh, is it true?

Pancake week. True true!

A group of boys performs a Russian folk dance to the tune of the song "Lady". Those seated clap their hands.

Leading. Hey boys! Daredevils!

boy 2 (goes to the center of the hall, addresses the girls):

Hey girly girls!
Sing ditties!

The girls come out, dancing, line up in a semicircle in front of the hall (closer to the image of the stove), sing ditties.

Leading. Thanks girls for the fun stuff. And now, good guests, sit down comfortably - it's time to eat pancakes!

Several girls offer the audience pancakes, tea, kvass. At the end of the “meal”, girls and boys come out to the middle of the hall and turn to Maslenitsa.

Girl 5.

Our Maslenitsa dear
She stood for a while:
We thought - seven weeks,
And Maslenitsa - seven days!

Boy 3.

Avdotya Izotievna!
Pancake week!
Deceived us!
For Great Lent
Gave a radish tail!

Girl 6(breaking the news):

Shrovetide week
I flew to Rostov
She sat on the stumps
Ate pancakes,
Another ate
Hurried home!

Boy 4(regretfully):

Yes, this is Shrovetide
Moves out of the yard
Kurguzaya, Kurguzaya
From the backyard.
Her girls visit

Girl 7(referring to Shrovetide):

Yes, Shrovetide
And stay for a week!
Yes, curvy
And welcome another!

Pancake week.

Yes, girls
I'm afraid of fasting!

Girl 8.

Yes, Shrovetide
The post is still far away!

boy 5.

Ah, Maslena, Maslena-polyzuha!
Licked pancakes and stops -
On plates, on plates.

boy 6.

And we saw off our Maslena,
They sighed heavily for her:
- Oh, Maslena, Maslena, come back,
Stretch until the Great Day.

All participants in the performance line up in a circle, sing the song “And we rolled Maslenitsa”.
Two boys take an effigy of Shrovetide, lift it on their shoulders and, while singing, wear it in a circle, dancing. Two girls set up a campfire in the center of the circle.

Oh, we rolled Maslenitsa,
Rolled, lyoli, rolled,
Lost your dear
Lost, loli, lost
And we dug into the hole
Buried, poured, buried.
Fly, Maslenitsa, before the raid,
Until the raid, lyoli, until the raid.
And in the summer we will dig
We'll dig, we'll dig, we'll dig.

At the end of the singing, Maslenitsa is set in the middle of the circle, symbolically rolled up to Semik.

Children (chorus). Maslenitsa, send us a good harvest! Send us prosperity!

Those present sit on benches.

Leading. We became participants in a fun, perky holiday. How much love the Russians put into it! It reflects the breadth and generosity of the soul of the Russian people.
We came into contact with a truly Russian tradition, a moment in the life of our ancestors. I hope that a spark has lit up in the soul of each of you, or maybe just a spark so far. I want them to warm your soul, feelings, make you think about yourself, about your loved ones, about our native land.

Scenario 2

Equipment. Drawing of the sun, ribbons, posters (proverbs and days of Maslenitsa), a frying pan, a bowl, a painted towel, bells, white stuffed balls - snow, Russian folk costumes, costumes of animals and buffoons.


The buffoons run onto the stage.

Buffoon 1. Farewell, people, with longing!

Buffoon 2.

A common, worldly holiday!
And yet the most important!
Family holiday, home!
Conducted in a strict order for a long time:
Not by us, but by smart ones!

Buffoon 3. Maslenitsa is an ancient ritual!

The boy rides on a poker through the hall to the stage and from the stage, pronouncing the words.

Student 1.

Farewell, cold winter!
Come, red summer!
Come on harrow!
I'm going to plow!

Children shouting "Wow!" run to the stage. They get up in bunches.

Student 2 (rises up and screams):

Are you my soul, Maslenitsa!
quail bones,
Your paper body
Your sugary lips
Sweet speech!
Come to visit me
To the wide yard
ride on the mountains,
Roll in pancakes
Cheer up your heart!

Student 3 (picks up):

Are you, my Maslenitsa,
red beauty,
blond braid,
Thirty brothers sister,
Forty grandmothers granddaughter,
Three mother's daughter
Ketochka, yasochka,
You are my quail!
Come to me in the tesovy house
Have fun with your soul
Mind to have fun
Enjoy the speech!

Student 4.

Come, honest Maslenitsa,
wide noblewoman,
On seventy sledges
On a wide boat
To feast in the city!

Student 5. Something is not going Shrovetide! How will we celebrate spring without her? Let's call her together!


Dear guest, Maslenitsa,
Avdotyushka Izotievna!
Dunya is white! Dunya is ruddy!
The scythe is long three-arshin!
Ribbon scarlet two-and-a-half!
New fashionable white scarf!
Blue coat, red patches!
Bast shoes are frequent, big-headed!
The footcloths are white, whitewashed!
Come, Maslenitsa, visit the wide yard!

Student 6.

Shrovetide is coming, dear,
Our guest of the year!
Yes, on painted sledges,
Yes, on raven horses!

Shrovetide enters with a retinue of forest animals (wolves, hares, foxes, a bear).

Skomorokh 1(somersaults before Maslenitsa).

Hello dear Shrovetide!
Hello dear guests!
We are always happy to have fun with you
On the holiday of seeing off the cold winter
And meeting the red spring!
How long have you, Maslenitsa, come to us?

Pancake week. Just for seven days.

Animals from the retinue introduce the days of Maslenitsa.

The first day, Monday, is a meeting. The sedate people began the Maslenitsa meeting with a visit to their relatives. By the first day of Maslenitsa, slides, swings, booths for buffoons were arranged. The trading people set tables with sweet dishes.
The second day, Tuesday, is games. Well done invited the girls to ride the slides, the girls of the fellows invited them to eat pancakes.
The third day, Wednesday, is a gourmet. Mother-in-law invited sons-in-law for pancakes.
The fourth day, Thursday, is broad Thursday. Rode through the streets with songs on troikas.
The fifth day, Friday, is the mother-in-law evening. Sons-in-law treated their mother-in-laws to pancakes.
The sixth day, Saturday, is the sister-in-law gatherings. The sister-in-law is the sister of the husband. The daughter-in-law invites her relatives and separates the guests into sister-in-laws.
The seventh day, Sunday, is the farewell, or Forgiveness Day. They go to bestow godfather with godfather. In the evening, relatives and friends ask each other for forgiveness. They say: "Forgive me, please, if I am guilty of anything before you." Forgiveness consisted of a kiss and a low bow.

Pupil 7 (frustrated):

Our Maslenitsa dear
It didn't take long for us to:
We thought - for seven weeks,
But it turned out - for seven days.
And what did you come with, Maslenitsa?

Pancake week. Meet me from time immemorial satiety and contentment. The richer Maslenitsa is celebrated, the richer the year will be.

Student 8. We greet you with a round dance.

Children lead a round dance and sing a Russian folk song "We were in a round dance."

Children (chorus):

Tinka, Tinka, give me a blink, -
An extra buttery piece!
Shrovetide, don't be stingy
Share your buttercream!

Pancake week.

Baking pancakes is a tricky business:
I will dissolve the kvass on the bottom,
I'll put the pot on a pole.
My bowl will be full, full,
Full-full, even with edges.

There are a lot of secrets you need to know about baking pancakes. The dough was placed on snowy water, in the yard, when the moon rose. And they also said:

Month you month
Your golden horns
Pull out the window
Blow on steam!

Animals in aprons carry out a bowl covered with an embroidered towel. Praise the dough.

Beast 1. A good dough was born, it's time to bake pancakes from it! Come on, guess what I'm doing:

On a bald man I'll drop a drop of oil,
I'll slap on the bald spot.
I’ll bald and I’ll bring it back again.

Beast 2. Bake pancakes!

And who is Ivan Gromokov?
I got on my horse and rode into the fire.

Beast 3. Pan.

The Russian folk song "Pancakes" is performed.

Skomorokh 2(sings).

The first pancake is lumpy,
And the second - acquaintances,
The third pancake - distant relatives,
And the fourth is for me!

Pancake week. Alright you guys got ready to meet me! And amuse me with a fable, a game, a riddle!

Buffoon 3.

Two greedy bear cubs
They sat on the bitch.
One was holding a pot,
The other kneaded flour.
Once! Ku-ku! Two! Ku-ku!
Both sank into agony.
Were not in flour
And at the grandmother in cottage cheese.

Girl. Fedul, what pouted his lips?

Boy. Yes, the caftan burned through.

Girl. So sew!

Boy. There is no needle.

Girl. Is the hole big?

Boy. Yes, one gate remains.

It sounds like laughter. Spoons run out.


Hey gay! Honest people!
Look out your gate
Look here soon
And you will see spoons.
Eh, chok-chok-chok!
Snap your heel
Sink another
Have fun, honest people!

Children play on spoons.

Boy. And who came with you, Maslenitsa?

Pancake week. My friends! Name them.

Animals from the retinue make riddles.

Not a lamb and not a cat,
Wears a fur coat all year round:
Fur coat gray - for the summer,
For winter - a different color. ( Hare.)

cunning cheat,
red head,
Fluffy tail - beauty.
Who is it? ( Fox.)

Sleeping in winter
In the summer the hive stirs. ( Bear.)

Who is cold in winter
Wandering angry, hungry? ( Wolf.)

Pancake week (appeals to children). And who knows the sayings about me?

The students answer.

- Not life, but Maslenitsa.
- Not everything is Maslenitsa for the cat, there will be Great Lent.
- Maslenitsa walks for seven days.
- We ask for mercy to us about Maslenitsa with our good, with an honest stomach.
- Malanya got married at Maslenitsa, she thought and wondered to get married, but Malanya didn’t know that Maslenitsa only puts the young on display.
- Maslenitsa is a mess, money is a trap.
- Maslen is afraid of bitter radish and steamed turnip.
- At least something to lay down from yourself, but to hold Maslenitsa.
- There was Shrovetide at the yard, but I didn’t go into the hut.
- Without pancakes, there is no Maslenitsa.
- On Forgiveness Day, like on Easter, everyone kisses.

Pancake week. Or maybe someone knows the signs associated with Maslenitsa?

The students answer.

- A thaw with frosts on Forgiveness Day - to the harvest of mushrooms.
- What a day of Maslenitsa is red - in such this spring wheat.

Pancake week. Thank you! You prepared a good meeting for me!

All (chorus). Shrovetide - close the winter, unlock the spring, meet the red summer.

Everyone is eating pancakes.

Lyudmila KRUPKO,

Scenario 3

Equipment. A scarecrow of Maslenitsa, a gate, pancakes, a trio of horses and a sleigh, a fire, firewood, straw.


Painting 1


Hurry to the holiday, Russian people!
Whatever you come with, it's nice.
Meets you with a low bow
Sun god - Yarilo!

Good fellow. Here are those on! You call for a visit, and he himself placed the guards and hung the lock.

Governor. These gates are not simple. And only the one who gets the golden keys will open them. And you need to look for these magical keys for everyone who came to the holiday, and look from Monday to Sunday - the whole wide Maslenitsa. Who will look on Monday?

Good fellow. I'll look for.

Governor. Thank you, good fellow!

Picture 2

Yarilo(with a bow). Hello, good fellow! Please come into my domain. For being the first to come to our holiday, I award you a badge of special honor. This sign gives you the right to taste pancakes in the first chamber, which is called "Meeting". Come and you, good people!
But before that, I would like to ask you a few humorous questions. From time immemorial in Russia, people were revered as smart and resourceful. I want to see if you have lost these abilities?

    Why are pancakes round? ( Sun symbol.)

    What does Boris have in front, and what does Gleb have in the back? ( Letter B.)

    Why used to draw roosters on a towel? ( To get up earlier.)

    Where is the end of the world? ( In a dark room.)

    A grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, one fell. How many eggs are left? ( No one.)

You made me happy, my heart!
Have fun, eat pancakes!

Scene 3

Behind the scenes, the song “Sowing, blowing snow” sounds.

Nastasya. Hey Barbara! Come out! The sun has set. It's time to start Maslenitsa!


Yes, here we are, Nastasyushka, here!
Eh, there are no snowballs at hand,
It's embarrassing to tears!

Nastasya. Varya, you sing!

They sing the song "Lamb Sleeves".

One of the girls. Hey girls, let's go outside!

Marya (comes out with pancakes). Hello, girls! Get some pancakes!

Girl 1. Thank you, thank you, Mary!

Girl 2. Oh good pancakes!

Girl 3. Yes, what ruddy, oily!

Nastasya. Stop, girls! The first pancake - in the field for the harvest!

The song "Pancakes" is performed.

Scene 4

A trio with bells appears on the stage.

Avdey. Whoa! Stop, strays! We've arrived!

Yarilo. Our dear guest Maslenitsa! Welcome to the wide holiday, arranged in your honor!

An effigy of Maslenitsa is carried out of the sleigh. The song "And we are living through Maslenitsa" is performed. Children bow to Shrovetide, treat her with pancakes. The first verse of the song "Hello, winter guest!" Is performed.

Winter (takes the stage).

What I see, I can't believe my eyes!
You came to see me off in March!
Now I wave my hand - the blizzards will howl like a beast!
Blizzards are white, fly all to me!


Stop Winter!
The people are tired of the blizzards.
He is waiting for warmth and light.
Get up in a round dance, call your friends!
What do you say to me?


Hey guard! All to me!
Let's get ready for war.

Music sounds. Winter is leaving. Avdey enters without sandals.


Girls! Butter is coming!
Who will ride us?
Avdey has no bast shoes
Sivka disappears.
Well, get in the sleigh!

Yarilo. Wait, Avdey! You see how many people are willing, but there is only one sleigh!

Avdey. But what about?

Yarilo. And now we will invite the mummers. Let them amuse us, amuse us, and only then they will ride in sledges.

Chastushkas are performed.
The Guide and the Bear with a tambourine enter the stage.

Guide. Come on, Mikhail Ivanovich, let's go to the round dance, now it's our turn to dance! Amuse guests, sleep! ( The bear shakes its head negatively.) Will you dance for candy? ( Bear nods in agreement.)

The dance "From under the oak, from under the elm" is performed.


I rode on Maslenka,
Broke three sleds
The crow tortured the horse,
And ride the cutie.
Sit down, honest people, let's go!
But, strays!

The songs "Ukhar-merchant", "Like our gates" are performed.

Good fellow.

While we sang and danced
Evil forces Yarilo stole.
We are sick of the cold,
I want the sun to warm the earth.
Let's call Yarilo!

All. Yarilo, come!

Good fellow. Yarilo is silent. What if he was lured into an ice fortress?

Winter enters the scene.

Good fellow.

This is your work, you can see it right away!
Eh, there are no snowballs at hand,
It's embarrassing to tears!

Guys (from the hall). How - no? We have them apparently-invisibly!

Boy 1.

Yarilo return! Let Yarilo go!
Oh, it looks like we can't get away from the fight.

Boy 2.

Well, guys
Smear your heels with sour cream!

Winter is hiding. The game "Hit the target" is being played.
During the game, children capture Zima, Voyevoda, guards, release Yarilo with Maslenitsa.

Yarilo. Oh, and frost froze us, Zimushka tried!

Good fellow. Stop, friends! Forgiveness day with us! It's time to celebrate Maslenitsa!

Scene 5

Children with Yaril and Maslenitsa go on stage and sing the song “Farewell, Maslenitsa!”, bow, cry.
On the stage, an effigy of Maslenitsa is planted in a fire, straw, firewood are thrown and they sing: “Burn, burn clearly!”

Girl 1.

Farewell, Shrovetide-pinwheel!
Great Lent is coming
At home they sit down for dinner -
Served from a radish tail!

Girl 2.

The carnival burned
The whole world is fed up!
Deceived, let me down
Didn't live a year
Made it to the post.

Girl 3.

Carnival, farewell!
Come back this year.

The guys throw pancakes into the fire.

Children (chorus). Burn, pancakes, burn, Maslenitsa!

All participants gather on the stage, perform the first verse of the song "Tatarka", then bow and leave the stage.

Scenario 4

Equipment. Costumes for the participants, cards with riddles, signs and proverbs, names of the days of Pancake week, a bowl of pancakes.



Attention! Attention!
Ordered up to you
Bring the decree at this hour,
dictated by herself
Our Mother Winter:
"Every year of this number,
As the sign says,
Whether it's a city or a village,
Come out for a holiday!
Surely everyone should
To be on the wires of winter!

Leading. February and March in Russia are critical months. It seems to be still winter, but everyone knows that it is moving towards the end. It seems that the sun is still low above the horizon, but everyone knows that the day has gone to gain. And the main difference between winter and spring is the sounds. Winter howls with snowstorms, whistles with blizzards, crunches with soft snow, and when the sun warms up, drops will ring, streams will flow. And whose other voices announce the coming of spring, what do you think? That's right, bird singing tells us about it. It used to be that even roosters at the end of winter sing louder and more cheerfully - they smell warmth. And at the end of winter, people celebrated the merry Shrovetide holiday. Maslenitsa is the most cheerful, wildest and truly universal folk holiday. She has many other names: Honest, Wide, Cheerful, Semikov's niece, Obyedukha, Cheese week.


Maslenitsa forgives winter
Cold life ends!

Rook, Magpie and Black Grouse arrive.

Leading. Hello dear guests! We are very glad to see you! Rook - you are a spring bird, a loud-mouthed bird. One of the first you appear in the spring. Help us to call the merry Maslenitsa - let the winter leave soon, take the cold with it!

Rook. Crack, crack! I frost the first enemy. The sun calls the bird's song, invites the spring to visit, makes the winter go away ( screaming loudly at first, then quieter). Krak, krak, krak, krak ( sadly)! No, I cannot call the beautiful Shrovetide alone.

Leading. But what are we to do?

Rook. We need to contact our assistants.

Leading. And who are these helpers?

Magpie. Remember, in a Russian folk tale, winged, furry and oily lived and lived in one hut. So I think: if we all get together with them and call, Maslenitsa will certainly hear and then it will definitely come.

Leading. But first, tell us who are your friends? The characters in the fairy tale are winged, furry and oily. It is clear that the winged ones are you, and who are the furry ones?

Rook. Guess yourself. Here's a hint for that:

pointed ears,
Pillows on paws
Mustache - like a bristle,
Arched back.
Sleeps during the day
Lies in the sun
wanders at night,
He goes hunting.
Who is it?

Leading. Guys, did you guess who it is?

Children. Cat!

Leading. And what's with the cat? How can a cat call Maslenitsa?

Grouse. And there is such a popular sign: if the cat washes his face with his sweetheart, wait for the guests. Here Maslenitsa will come to visit us.

Leading. Right, right! So let's call your furry one soon! How to call a cat, guys? What do you need to say for this?

Children. You have to say "kiss-kiss-kiss".

Leading. Let's all say these words together Everyone calls the cat). Kitty Kitty Kitty!

The Cat, the Cat and the Kittens appear.

Cat. Moore! Who is calling us, why do you need us?

Leading. Hello! Welcome to visit us! Kitty, there you are, how important and fluffy! Cat, and you are kind and soft! And your kittens are so wonderful and mischievous! Can you help us to invite a merry Maslenitsa to visit us? I really want to say goodbye to winter soon!

Grouse. I know a true sign: when you wash your muzzle with your paw, wait for the guests on the threshold.

Cat. We are happy to help you! But Maslenitsa is a special guest. One thing can attract her - the long-awaited solar heat.

Leading. But you yourself know - with warmth, things are not very good with us. Little while the sun is shining, the nights are long, the days are cold.

Cat. So, our first task is to help the sun. And for this, at the end of winter, small symbols of the sun were baked from dough - pancakes.

Magpie. Ah, that's the point! Now I guessed what it was about. We are winged, you are furry. And the ones you're talking about...

Cat. That's right - oily! These are the real Shrovetide pancakes. We will call them together with the guys. Help, guys, and well - in chorus! ( Shouting all together.) Pancakes!

Shrovetide pancakes run in.

Pancake 1. Wow, barely made it! We hear, somewhere they remember us, we think: why did we need it? Not otherwise - they decided to call spring!

Leading. But first, we want to call Maslenitsa - after all, it is she who separates winter from spring. Maslenitsa warmly and the sun brings, and blizzards and frosts go away until next year.

Damn 2. Correctly. But Maslenitsa is a capricious girl. She loves to be called for a long time, praised, praised and lured with delicious treats.

Damn 3. So are you guys ready? Who is ready to call Maslenitsa?

Barker. Gather, people, for the Maslenitsa veche!

Look out the window!
There are little kids
Waiting for your light
Cakes roll,
They are waiting for you!

Student 1.

Dear guest Maslenitsa!
We missed you so much!
We know: when you come -
Winter is over.

Student 2.

If Maslenitsa comes to us -
So, look forward to happy holidays,
Remote fun from morning to night,
Raspoteshny jester fun.

Student 3.

We pull the straw from the roofs,
We will make a Shrovetide doll,
Let's go with her to ask with bows -
Come visit us!

Student 4.

And just sweeter Maslenitsa
Treat - delicious pancakes,
Pancakes are delicious, ruddy,
With egg, butter, sour cream.

Student 5.

With a warm pancake, the guys will run
Ask for more sunshine
And pancakes will brag:
Buckwheat pancake, oatmeal pancake,
Who has what.


Eh, the area is wide,
With fairground noise!
greetings to all
From small to large!
Come on, aunty,
You, swan, give,
You give me a pancake -
With a mitten wide!

Merchant 1. Where did you see pancakes? Maslenitsa has not yet come, the pancakes are not yet ready.

Merchant 2. Look how fast you are! Pancakes have not yet been set, the dough is not spoken. Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done.

Merchant 1. You first try our riddles!

Merchant 2. And then the pancakes will ripen!

    Traders make riddles to children.

    The tablecloth is white
    The whole world is dressed. ( Snow.)

    Pure and clear, like a diamond, but there are no roads. ( Ice.)

    Draws without hands, bites without teeth. ( Freezing.)

    What grows upside down? ( Icicle.)

    Black, nimble,
    Shouts "krak" - the enemy of worms. ( Rook.)

    What is poured into the pan

    Yes, they bend it four times. ( Pancakes.)

    Lukerya scattered silver feathers,
    Twisted, swept up, the street became white. ( Blizzard.)

    A golden apple rolls on a blue dish. ( Sun.)

    Not alive, but breathing. ( Dough.)

    Ladies to eat - grumbles,
    I won’t give anything - it’s silent. ( Pan.)


We continue the fun
And now we call all of you
For a fun dance.

Children perform a dance to a Russian folk tune.


Merchant 3. Oh, you and the haste! I wanted pancakes!

Merchant 4. You listen to what people say.

Tradesmen read to children proverbs and signs about winter, about Maslenitsa.


We live, we live and we don’t know grief:
We eat, drink and sing ditties.

Girls perform ditties. The Cat enters, brings in a bowl covered with an embroidered napkin.

Cat. The best treat for Maslenitsa is pancakes. Well, the guys called Shrovetide, praised her and persuaded her! Now let's try to lure her into visiting with a good treat.

Pancake 1. Let's prepare a treat for Shrovetide together. I’ll start putting pancakes, talking dough, and you guys don’t just sit there, repeat the words after me.

Leading. So we are ready! Guys, now we will repeat with you for Shrovetide blinks every line of a magical conspiracy. But first we would like to ask you, Rook, Magpie, Black Grouse, Cat, Cat and Kittens, to help us. Come on, Rook, Magpie and Black Grouse, you will start calling Shrovetide, and you, Pancakes, continue. And you, Cat-purr, Cat-soft paws and kittens-naughty, try with might and main with your paws - cleanly wash your face, invite the guest to the doorstep. Do you agree?

All (chorus). Agree!

Damn 2. Only we forgot about one thing - Maslenitsa still loves, so that in her honor songs were sung and dances were sung. After all, when they lead a round dance, they become in a circle, and the circle is also a symbol of the sun.

Damn 3. Previously, it used to be that horses were specially harnessed and several times around the villages they went around in circles - let the Sun see how we are waiting for him, we won’t wait.

Leading. Songs and round dances, you say? Well, our guys have prepared a fun round dance for Maslenitsa!

Barker. Walk, people, walk with all your heart!

Children lead a round dance and sing a song.

I'm already walking across the field, and I'm walking,
I wear a golden loach, and I do.
I don't know where to put the loach,
I don't know what to do with gold.
I will put the loach on my left shoulder,
And I'll put it from left to right.
I'm going to the girl, I'm going, I'm going,
Kiss and go away.

Leading. Oh, how beautifully you sang and danced! Well, now you have the floor. Are you ready now to ask for Maslenitsa, to persuade, to invite you to visit?

All(chorus). Ready!

Leading. Then start!

Rook(flapping its wings).

Guest, guest Maslenitsa,
Sister to the red sun!
Hurry to us soon!


Are you my soul, Maslenitsa,
Your sugary lips
Sweet speech!


Come visit us, Maslenitsa,
To the wide yard
ride on the mountains,
Roll in pancakes
Cheer up your heart!

kittens(washing your face).

Shrovetide will come to us - mur, mur, mur.
So, it will be a good year - mur, mur, mur.
So, there will be a harvest - mur, mur, mur.
There will be happiness over the edge - mur, mur, mur.

The pancakes make mysterious passes over the bowl.

Pancake 1. Now it's our turn to start making pancakes. Repeat after us, guys, every line of the spell.

We'll light the fire.

Damn 2. We'll fire up the coal.

Damn 3. Pour the dough with a spoon.

Pancakes(chorus). You bake soon, pancake!

They take a napkin from the bowl - under it is a stack of ruddy pancakes.

Rook. Ah yes, we have friends, here are craftsmen so craftsmen!

Cat. Hope we get some food.

Leading. Everyone will get their own pancake, but only at the end of the holiday. And now - listen! Hear: the music sounds - it's Shrovetide coming to visit us!

Barker. A week was supposed to be in Maslen

There is - to hiccups,
Yell - to hoarseness,
Sing - to the strain,
Dance until you drop!

Children sing the song "Like on thin ice." Everyone clap their hands. Maslenitsa and the Sun enter.

Leading. Hello, dear guest Maslenitsa! How glad we are to see you! We look forward to seeing you every year. Everyone is already used to it: Maslenitsa has come - which means spring will come soon.

Pancake week. Hello guys! Hello and you, good friends: winged - Rook, Magpie and Black Grouse; furry - Cat, Cat and Kittens and Shrovetide pancakes! Look who came with me!

Leading. Oh yes, we had assistants today! Aye well done! Well, guys, let's thank the winged, furry and oily ones. What important guests they helped us to invite! Introduce us your companion, Maslenitsa. The heat comes from it, like from a fire!

Pancake week. That's right, it's the Sun, my good friend and relative! It came to visit us to prove that the time has come for winter to leave for its cold reserved country, taking blizzards and frosts with it. And all people need to remember the approach of spring.


Spring will come
The earth warms up
People will come out to work in the fields in the spring.
The plowman will plow
Throwing grain in the field
The kids come running to help him.
Long days in spring
They won't get bored.

Leading. With you, we are always happy to have fun at the holiday of seeing off the cold winter, meeting the clear spring. How long have you, Maslenitsa, come to us?

Pancake week. I came to you for only seven days. We will tell you about each of these days with the Sun.
Monday was called "meeting". On this day, the children ran out into the street, sculpted a snowman from the last snow, built snow slides and arranged snowball fights. So they said goodbye to winter, prepared to meet spring.

Sun. Tuesday was called "tricks". On this day, children and youth put a scarecrow depicting Maslenitsa in a sleigh and drove it around the villages. In addition, they drove down from the mountains on sledges, sledges, and rode horses. When it got dark, the youth organized parties where they sang, had fun, and danced.

Pancake week. Wednesday was called "gourmet". On this day, mothers-in-law treated their sons-in-law with pancakes. To bake pancakes, you had to know a lot of secrets. The dough was placed on snowy water in the yard when the moon rose. And at the festivities everyone sang songs.


Where the song flows
Life is easier there!

The song "Like on Shrovetide Week" is performed.

Sun. Thursday was called "wide", or "walk around-fours". The fun intensified. They walked with songs and harmonicas, arranged round dances. We went to the ice slides, where we sat down in a crowd on large sledges and rolled down the mountain. It was believed that the further you slide, the longer the flax will be born. In the evening the mummers came.

Pancake week. On Friday and Saturday, gatherings were arranged, which is why these days were called that. They also went to visit relatives for pancakes. Everywhere the lights of booths shone, they sold tea, pancakes, sweets. And Pancakes will tell you about the last day.

Pancake 1. On Sunday, people said goodbye to Maslenitsa. This day was called "seeing off" - Forgiveness Day. They built snow towns. On Sunday, these towns were taken. Everyone came to watch this fun.

Damn 2. Skating, songs, harmonica sounds, noise and uproar on the last day continued until the evening, when, at the end of all the undertakings, they saw off Maslenitsa, that is, they burned an effigy depicting it, outside the village, on the nearest hill - exactly where they met Maslenitsa.

Damn 3. To do this, they arranged a huge fire from dry branches and straw outside the village. The effigy was brought to the fire on a sleigh, and then solemnly brought to the place of burning. They burned an effigy with singing and loud cries. The inhabitants of several villages participated in this ritual - all together they formed a circle and sang.


I heard songs from you
And it’s weak to start dancing?
Cheer up, honest people,
Get in the dance!
The sun will be brighter
Your body will get hotter!

Children sing a song.

You are goodbye, goodbye
Our Carnival!
You are goodbye, goodbye
Our wide!
You didn't come on Wednesday
And not on Friday
You came on Sunday
Fun all week long.
You came with good
With a hoppy beer
With pancakes, pies
Yes, with pancakes.
We're rolling down the mountain
From dawn to dawn.
And today, Sunday,
Our fun is over.
Bye Bye,
Our Carnival!

Pancake 1. Throwing straw on the fire, the children repeated: “Maslenitsa, goodbye! Come back this year!” When Shrovetide was burning, they noticed how the smoke was coming. If it rose like a pillar, then it foreshadowed a good harvest. If smoke drifted along the ground, it was a sign of crop failure.

Damn 2. Everyone threw pancakes into the fire: “Burn, pancakes, burn, Maslenitsa!” The guys, smeared with soot, tried to stain others as well.

Damn 3. The undertakings and fun continued only until the evening of Forgiveness Sunday. As soon as the bells began to ring for Vespers, the fun ended. After the evening service, everyone forgave each other's offenses, asked for forgiveness from relatives and neighbors.

Pancake week. Thank you, Crispy Pancakes! All of you are correct. And how are you meeting me and the Sun, what are you going to treat me with?

Leading. Let's treat, as it should be, hot pancakes.


Oh, Maslenitsa-wryneck,
We treat you well
Cheese, butter, kalach
And a baked egg!

Pancake week. Well done! You have prepared a good meeting and good farewell for me!

I walked with you
Now sit in the sleigh.
Sang and danced -
Painfully I'm tired.

Maslenitsa and the Sun(with a bow). And now say goodbye to us, treat yourself to pancakes!

Maslenitsa and the Sun are leaving.

Leading. Let's sing and dance a cheerful dance round dance "Like ours at the gate"!


All eyes on us
We're going to dance now!

Children and guests dance and sing a song. The holiday ends with a treat.

The Department of Education of the Administration of the City of Nizhny Novgorod Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children Children's (Adolescent) Center "Arina" Methodological development of the entertainment program "Wow, Maslenitsa" Audience: students of the structural unit of the children's (teenage) club "Constellation" 8-12 years old , parents Venue: structural unit of the children's (teenage) club "Constellation" Date: March 2014 Author-compiler: Kochetova Natalya Leonidovna, teacher - organizer Nizhny Novgorod 2014 Purpose: Development of interest in Russian culture. Tasks: To expand students' knowledge about folklore holidays, customs and traditions of the Russian people. Raise the desire to take an active part in folklore holidays. To develop the creative abilities of children and adolescents. Characters: - First buffoon - Second buffoon - Cockerel - Maslenitsa - Baba Yaga - Cat - Rook. Preliminary preparation: Studying the history of the holiday, the traditions of the Russian people, learning texts, folklore and folk songs, round dances, preparing costumes and scenery, baking pancakes and sweets, brewing tea, recording folklore and Russian folk songs and melodies. Costumes: Russian folk - for Maslenitsa. The cockerel is dressed in a scalloped hat, multi-colored tail and wings made of material. The cat has a hat with ears, a fur vest and mittens. Buffoons in colorful shirts, striped trousers, buffoon hats with bells. Baba Yaga in a skirt with patches, a short fur coat, a scarf, bast shoes or felt boots. Equipment: For competitions: a rope, bags, 2 pillows, a large Russian-style scarf for the Golden Gate game, 2 logs, a broom. For decoration, a screen in the form of a painted gate is used, a samovar stands on an embroidered napkin on which bagels hang, pancakes in deep plates are covered with towels, a wide bench, large Russian-style scarves are attached in the background of the stage. For musical accompaniment, an accordion and a music center are used. Progress of the event Buffoons are sleeping on the bench, leaning against the Cockerel on both sides. Russian folk melody sounds. A group of guys takes out Shrovetide on a sled. Shrovetide remains, the children run away. Maslenitsa: (wails). Ah, I, bitter grief, Tearful and wet! But where will I take my beauty from here? (turns to the cockerel): Petya, Petya, Cockerel! Golden comb! Why don't you, Petya, let the buffoons sleep? Musical accompaniment "Call - stonefly" The cockerel wakes up, crows, pushes Skomorokhov. Cockerel: Sluggish - ate, Fall asleep, anywhere. And at Shrovetide for a week Forget about the bed. I will crush their sides, Do not wake up yet! Buffoons wake up. Buffoons: We are funny - Raeshniki, Buffoons-mockingbirds, We'll lie to you from three boxes And again we'll go for a walk! Dance of Skomorokhov to the song "The Moon Shines" Maslenitsa: (stomping foot). You are loafers on Mondays, And on Tuesdays you are recluses, Only on Wednesday you will wake up for dinner, Yes, on Thursdays you will have a bite in the evening. And as Friday begins to back away, So on Saturday you go to work, And all week - empty talk and empty talk! Buffoon 1: (bow to Maslenitsa). Forgive us, angry mistress, Uncombed, unwashed, Twisted, twisted Yes peppered! Buffoon 2: Let's serve you Not as a burden, but as a friendship! Musical accompaniment "Saratov tunes" Cockerel: (to the music, climbing to the dais) Hey, good gentlemen! Please come here! Do not be stingy, do not dress up, Look at Shrovetide! Dove merchants! Young ladies - hawys! Order clerks! Brawlers and bullies! Headmasters and centurions! Lazy people and workers! Dear audience! Please ruble! Buffoons: Under the last king of Peas We were respectable buffoons! (Children are thrown onto the stage) Come on, pay us a tax From each half-pair of boots! Children: And we will pay off! Round dance "The young lady went for water" Song "Lady" Maslenitsa: I, the Shrovetide-nurse, Today is the birthday girl, The quick-witted woman is not modest, Not an assistant in work, I ate - buffoon, Gulena-gulevka Under pancakes and under sour cream! Buffoons: As if on a carnival for a week Pancakes flew across the sky, There was a large flock of them, Only we didn’t get them, And as we sat down at the table - A hundred flew in at once! Song "Pancakes" Buffoon 1: You heard they all ate our suns! Buffoon 2: Everyone ate, not a single one was left! Know that there will be no spring! (crying) Cockerel: Oh, you inconsolable howlers, funny buffoons, burst into tears, hearty ones! Buffoons: Here we will pluck you already, and in cabbage soup! Cockerel: I, Rooster, have nothing to be afraid of in the meat-fare week! If you haven’t eaten a meat-eater, you know, I’ll crow before Easter! Buffoon 1: Well, we won’t eat it, so at least we’ll pluck feathers! The cockerel is running, Buffoons are trying to catch him. The rooster is caught. The cat comes out. Cat: Come on, I'm replacing your Cockerel! Buffoon 2: And what will we change for? Cat: For nuts, for nursery rhymes, for riddles, for treats! The cat makes riddles. Puzzles. Was white and gray-haired, Came green, young. (Winter and spring) Bel, but not sugar, No legs, but walking. (Snow) Old grandfather, he is a hundred years old, He ran along the shore - he paved the whole river. (Frost) Transparent as glass, And you can't insert it into the window. (Ice) White carrots grow smartly in winter. (Icicle) Who changes clothes 4 times a year? (Earth) Auntie is cool, White and gray-haired, She carries a cold in a bag, Cold shakes on the ground Snowdrifts sweep, Covers the earth with a carpet (Winter). Without arms, without legs, And the gate opens. (Wind) Dawn-dawn, Red maiden, Grass releases, Dew spreads. Rides sideways, With a plow, a harrow, With spring water. (Spring) Break the ice - take the silver, Cut the silver - take the gold. (Egg) Cockerel: I, the Rooster, Ran with all my might, Until Shrovetide Week, so that they didn’t have time to eat! Music sounds. The rooster runs away. Cat: Oh, woe to me, a vorkut cat! They'll send me to hell! Not all cat Shrove Tuesday - There will be Great Lent. They will give neither milk nor butter, But only a radish tail. I don't like empty cabbage soup. So, Maslenitsa, do not seek! Music sounds. The cat "locks" Maslenitsa, hides it behind a screen. Buffoons: Glorious guests, marvelous people, Turn your face to the right We begin now Sports Competitions of daredevils. We will play games, We will help out Shrovetide. Contests: 1. "Running on a log". 2. "Cockfight". 3. "Running in bags". 4. Pillow fight. 5. "Tug of war". Buffoon 1: We brought different treats in honor of the holiday: Gingerbread cookies and bagels For a respectable audience. There is no better joy for children than sweets. Children are rewarded with sweets. Buffoon 2: At Vanyushin's Gate Winds, winds a round dance. People are gathering at the Vanyushin Gate. The game "Golden Gate" begins! Russian folk game "Golden Gate" (gate - scarf). Buffoon 1: Golden Gate They don't always let in: The first time is forgiven, The second is forbidden, And the third time we won't let you through! Buffoon 2: Come out, people, Get into a round dance! We will sing a song, We will meet the red spring! Song-round dance "Vesnyanka" Music sounds. Baba Yaga comes out, eats a gingerbread. Baba Yaga: Hello, guys, Igor, Vanyatka, Natasha, Dasha, Verunka and Mashka, Olenka, Polenka Genochka, Kolenki ... Bow to you, good people, Cheerful and good Greetings from Leshy, Ugh, you are from summer, from summer, I met with him in the swamp, Ugh, - in flight. When I hurried to you, I made everyone laugh And my name is Maslenichka. Buffoon 1: Wait, something you don’t look like Shrovetide, You don’t have the same face! Do you have a passport? Baba Yaga: Here is my passport, look. "Baba Yaga is appointed by Maslenitsa for a whole week" Buffoon 2: That's what, Baba Yaga Bone leg, You are not Shrovetide, You are a swindler. Baba Yaga: I'll take a broom then I'll sweep all the roads! Baba Yaga broom relay: I'll give you a present in honor of the holiday. Hey, perky singers Yes, agile dancers, Come out in a circle Yes, call your friends! Performance of the song "Oh, I got up early." Baba Yaga: I'll patch up the holes in the scarf, And I'm tipsy from you guys, I'm flying away, Into the dense forest on a broomstick. Farewell! Don't be bored! Music. Baba Yaga flies away. The cat comes out. Cat: Hey, funny entertainers, Parasites and loafers, Didn't forget anything, Didn't lose anyone? Buffoon 1: (recollecting himself) And where is our guest, Maslenitsa, The scythe is long, three yards long, The scarlet ribbon, two-and-a-half, The scarf is white, new-fashioned? Cat: I'll let Shrovetide go, If I get a ransom. Buffoon 1: How can we pay off? What do you want to enjoy? Cat: I want to stretch the bones, Dance with the kids. Let's dance - Shrove Tuesday! Buffoons from the hall invite children and adults. Dance "Kamarinskaya" At the end of the dance, the Cat returns Maslenitsa and leaves. Buffoons: Today we have fun! Shrovetide continues! Come on out, kids, it's time for us to play! The game "Burn, burn, clear!" Rook flies. The buffoons are holding him back. Buffoons: Hey, rook, don't fly past! You are the first bird, spring, loud-mouthed. Help us drive away the winter, call the red spring to visit! Rook: Crack, crack! That's right, I'm winter's first enemy. Crack, crack! I’m calling the sun soon, I’m waiting for the red spring to visit! Brighter, sun, shine! You melt the snow with hot rays! You can help the sun too. Buffoon 1: How is that? We are not animals, we are not birds, we can only have fun. Rook: I will teach you now: Hurry up and start dancing! It will be hot and then, The snow will melt without a trace. Dance to the Russian folk song "Oh, you canopy, my canopy" Rook: I still have a lot to do. That's it, Buffoons, I flew! The rook flies away. Musical accompaniment "In the upper room". Buffoon 1: Wow! And it really got hot! Oh, yes, Maslenitsa is entering the yard, Oh, the wide one is entering the yard. Buffoon 2: Shrovetide, Shrovetide, You are not a woman, not a maiden, Not a straw widow - She loosened her sleeves, Rolled her lips - She became wider across herself. Buffoon 1: Towards Maslenitsa Cook wheat and buckwheat, Egg, and cottage cheese Yes, fish pie! Buffoon 2: And on the second day All and sundry Prepare a sleigh and a swing, So that they fly to the sky! Buffoon 1: And on a delicious Wednesday Invite guests to dinner! Buffoon 2: And on a wide fours Walk four times! Buffoon 1: And on Friday, mother-in-law Feed pancakes not skinny! Buffoon 2: And on Saturday - knick-knacks - Zolovka gatherings! Buffoon 1: And on Sunday, take a walk, Yes, and see off Maslenitsa! Buffoon 2: We didn’t eat pancakes for a whole year, We wanted pancakes. We kneaded pancakes, They rose for two hours. We ascended, puffed - The stove was ripe. Buffoon 1: And for pancakes - a treat. If you like this treat, say: "yum-yum-yum", and if you do not like "fu-fu-fu". Game "Treat". Crispy buns ("yum-yum-yum"), Slippers filling up ("fu-fu-fu"), Puff pies ("yum-yum-yum"), Boiled boots ("fu-fu-fu"), Cheese balls ("yum-yum-yum"), greasy napkins ("fu-fu-fu"), delicious gingerbread ("yum-yum-yum"), crispy apples ("yum-yum-yum"), spicy herrings (" yum-yum-yum"), Filthy mushrooms ("fu-fu-fu"), Spruce cones ("fu-fu-fu"), New stools ("fu-fu-fu"), Torn pockets ("fu- fu-fu"), Three wagons of sour cream ("yum-yum-yum"). Buffoon 2: Maslenitsa, don't be stingy, Share your oily pancake. Maslenitsa: Baking pancakes is a difficult task. I'll dissolve the pot on the bottom, I'll put the pot on the column. Will my kvashonka full-full, Full-full, with smooth edges! Buffoon 1: Where are the pancakes - here we are! Maslenitsa: Help yourself, people! Buffoon 2: Open your mouth wide! Music. Buffoons treat everyone with pancakes. Everyone is invited to perform ditties. Chastushki. 1. My black-eyed dressed up for a long time: I almost drowned in the bowl - I held on to the edges. 2. Why didn't you come, dear? Or did you not find pants? You would have put on your grandfather's clothes. Yes, you would have come and sat. 3. I was told at the market, That the guys are cheap: For a penny, three dozen - The best. 4. Milenka has black trousers And the same jacket. Another will wink at him, He runs like a fool. 5. Oh, my dear, I'll console you: I'll buy a bunch of pretzels, I'll hang on you. 6. Denis climbed a birch And hung on a branch, And everyone thought - swing - And they swayed for two weeks! 7. As in Shrovetide week Pancakes flew from the chimney! Whoever wanted, he grabbed - He flew across the sky for them! 8. Walk, Matvey, don't be sorry for Bast shoes! The old man will put on a bast, weave new bast shoes! Buffoon 1: You, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, Our Maslenitsa! You did not come on Wednesday, and not on Friday. You came on Sunday, All week fun Skomorokh 2: You came with good, With cheese, butter and egg! With pancakes, with pies, Yes, with pancakes! Buffoons: Maslenitsa, goodbye! Come back this year! Recommendations to the organizers of the holiday 1. The holiday can be held both indoors and outdoors. 2. Russian folk games, songs, round dances, competitions are selected at the discretion of the program organizer and can be replaced. 3. Previously, conversations are held with the children to get acquainted with the history of the holiday, the features of its holding, and the time of the event. 4. It is necessary to learn songs, round dances, dances with children in advance. 5. The text of ditties, riddles can be chosen at the discretion of the organizer. 6. During the program, it is better to use musical accompaniment - button accordion. 7. Together with the children, a Shrovetide doll is made. 8. At the end of the holiday, all participants can burn a stuffed rag doll, organize horseback riding. References 1. Agapova I.A., Davydova M.A. Folklore holidays at school. Autumn and winter: scenarios for festive events in primary and secondary grades / I.A. Agapova, M.A. Davydov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. 2. Mikhailova M.A. And at our gates there is a cheerful round dance. Folk holidays. Games and entertainment / Artist V.N. Kurov. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy, Kº: Academy Holding, 2001. 3. Russian folklore traditions: classes and activities in grades 5-7, entertaining materials / ed. O.V. Kuftina, O.P. Vlasenko. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. 4. Ulanova L.S. Festive wreath: Scenarios of holidays of the Russian national tradition for secondary schools. - M.: TC Sphere, 2001. 5. Cherenkova E.F. Scenarios of holidays, competitions, quizzes in elementary school. - M .: LLC "ID RIPOL classic", LLC Publishing house "DOM. XXI century", 2007. 13

State Educational Institution "Children's Home", Orsk, Orenburg Region


game program "Maslenitsa"

Roznichenko N.V.,

teacher - organizer

Orsk - 2017

Scenario of the game program "Maslenitsa"

Target: preservation of folk traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa.


1. To acquaint pupils with folk outdoor games held for Shrovetide week.

2. Develop creative abilities, the ability to work in pairs.

3. Cultivate respect for folk traditions

Members: junior schoolchildren



Buffoons - 4 people

Pancake week


Sound equipment

Wooden horses - 2 pieces

Pillows - 2 pieces

Frying pan - 2 pieces

Pancakes cut out of cardboard - 8 pieces or more

Bags - 2 pieces

Event progress


Attention! Attention!

Carnival festivities open

Cavaliers and ladies, we invite you to visit us.

Buffoon 1.

Come here people and left and right

We celebrate Maslenitsa with jokes and fun.

Move the kids, clap your hands

After all, now it is not good for anyone to grieve.

Buffoon 2.

To us, here! Gather people!

A lot of interesting things are waiting for you today

Games, fun, wonders of wonders

Hurry, there are enough gifts for everyone.

Buffoon 3:

Let's enjoy the glory

Have fun honest people

And we think well

The Masleny holiday will pass!

Skomorokh 4

Happy Maslenitsa, we congratulate you!

The time has come for the pies to rule.

Without pancakes, the farewell of winter will not work,

We invite you to a song, a joke, to joy!

Buffoon 1.

And what, honest people!

Let's call Maslenitsa to our round dance!

Skomorokh 2 : And now you all shout, Shrovetide all call! Repeat after us!

Buffoons and Matryoshka

And we are waiting for Maslenitsa

We don't leave the yard.

Come Maslenitsa

To the wide yard

play, sing

ride on the hills,

Roll in pancakes!

Background music sounds, Maslenitsa comes out.

Pancake week

Hello good people, but funny!

Hello kids, funny kids.

I am your empress - noblewoman Maslenitsa.

I came to amuse you, amuse

And congratulations on the holiday!

Anyone who is not stupid.

Who is lower, who is higher, who is to the right, who is to the left!

The empress - the noblewoman Maslenitsa loves all of you and now she will take a nap with a gift.

To whom a song, to whom a dance, to whom a marvelous tale!

Everything is for you! All for show!

Right now!

Buffoon 3:

Oh you Shrovetide beauty

We welcome you well!

Pies, cheesecakes,

Yes, fun ditties!

Groups sing 1 ditty.Chastushki

Like Shrove Week

Pancakes flew from the pipe.

Oh my pancakes


Come on, come on
For ruddy pancakes.
This Maslenya week -
Be happy like us!

I'm ready for Maslena
Eat 50 pancakes.
I'll eat them well
I'll try to lose weight.

Wide Maslenitsa,
We praise you
We ride on the mountains
We eat pancakes!

Have fun honest people
Stuffing your belly.
This is Shrovetide
Celebrating Maslenitsa!

Skomorokh 4

We suggest not to stand, we invite you to play!

When you hear the good news

Clap your hands

And if not very good -

Stomp your feet! Deal?

The game "Clap, stomp"

Spring has a birthday today! (clap)

We eat pancakes and cookies. (Clap)

Winter please leave soon! (Clap)

The last ruble is ready to squander! (stomp)

For the game I will give you a box of chocolates! (Clap)

You open it and there's nothing there! (stomp)

Grandmothers and girls all kindled hearths! (Clap)

Pancakes for everyone, pancakes for everyone! (clap)

Pancakes with honey and jam! (clap)

Not pancakes, but food! (clap)

Pancakes sweet stuffed. (clap)

All with downy feathers! (stomp)

And others with pillows! (stomp)

And others with shells! (stomp)


Let's keep having fun

The stream is already flowing.

Terms of the game "Brook"

All children are divided into pairs. Each couple joins hands, stands in one column and raises their hands up, forming a gate. The host takes the handkerchief in his hands and begins to walk between his raised hands, choosing a pair for himself, and then stand in front of the column. The player left without a pair continues the game, choosing a new pair for himself.

To the song of N. Kadysheva “A stream flows, a stream runs ...”

Skomorokh 1

And the next competition for those

In whom power plays for winter fun.

We invite everyone to ride fast horses!

Game "Jumps"

Number of participants: 2 teams of 8 - 10 people.

Props: 2 wooden horses.

Game conditions: each participant must ride a horse to the designated place and return back. Then pass the horse to the next player. The first team to fulfill all the conditions of the game will be the winner.

Skomorokh 2

We continue the festivities

Fun competitions.

Invited to the "cockfight"

Brawlers are brave, skillful to push!

(Players are selected, they are given a pillow in one hand)

We stood shoulder to shoulder to each other - one!

Pulled one leg - two!

One hand behind your back - three!

Terms of the game "Cockfight": The task of each player is to knock down the opponent with a pillow so that he stands on two legs. The main thing is not to hit the pillow on the head.

(The game "Pillow Fight" props - 2 pillows)

Buffoon 3

The holiday will continue

And entertain all the guests!

We invite teams to take part in the run, but not simple, but in bags

Competition "Running in bags"

Props: 2 bags.

Conditions: in the bag, jump to the designated place and return back.


And now, now, let's start the dance

Come here people

The one who dances, that forward!

Dance competition for all teams

The teams are dancing the dance of the Lady, Apple, Lezginka, Gypsy.


I have a younger sister

Baking pancakes is a craftswoman.

I baked six piles of them.

Seven cannot eat them.

And four sat down at the table,

Gave space to the soul

looked at each other

And they all ate pancakes.

Game conditions.

I propose to see what kind of housewives and masters you will be. 2 couples come out. One of the pair throws pancakes (made of cardboard), the second one catches them with a frying pan. Whoever catches the most pancakes wins a prize.

It's a fast song about pancakes

Pancake week:

Thank you, kind, hospitable people.

Thank you all for a good meeting, for a glorious holiday.

The time has come to say goodbye to you.

I wish you all good happiness, clear sun,

Have a wonderful day, soft bread on the big table!

Peace of light in our native land!


Maslenitsa leaves

Skomorokh 1

Light the fire guys!

Burn, burn, clear!

To not go out!

So that all adversity

Gone like bad weather.

Everyone sings in a round dance by the fire

Burn, burn, clear!

To not go out!

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing.

Spring is coming to us

The sun is bringing you along!

Skomorokh 2

Well don't you be sad

And ask each other for forgiveness.

On the last and most important day for Maslenitsa, relatives and friends before the festive dinner ask each other for forgiveness for big and small offenses. Don't forget to do it too.

Matryoshka In the meantime, fasting has not yet come, we invite you to taste ruddy pancakes, fragrant tea. We wish you all bon appetit.

Buffoon 3

Here comes the end of the holiday!

Who sang, danced - well done!

We invite everyone to full tables, drink a cup of sweet tea, and enjoy hearty pancakes.