Small motility of hands in children of preschool age. Development of small motility from older preschool children

Consultation for parents "Development of small motility for younger preschoolers"

Kichigina N.A. - educator of the highest qualifying category MADOU №18 "Kindergarten" Ladushka "
Description: This consultation will be useful to parents and teachers of Dow. She introduces a variety of games that develop a small gentle of the child's hands. These games do not need to be purchased in the store, they can be made independently at home from girlish materials and successfully use in everyday activity.

The problem of the development of small motility of the child - the thin movements of the brushes and fingers in psychology and pedagogy is of great importance and is regarded as one of the indicators of the mental development of the child. THEM. Siechens wrote that the movement of a man's hand is inherited inheritance is not predetermined, but arise in the process of education and training as a result of the formation of associative ties between visual sensations, tangible and muscle in the process of active interaction with the environment.
At the tips of the children's fingers are the nerve endings, which contribute to the transfer of a huge number of signals into the cerebral center, and this affects the development of the child as a whole. All methods of development of small motorbers have a beneficial effect on the body.
What do you understand under the term "petty motorcy"?
Small motorika - A combination of coordinated nervous system actions, often in combination with a visual system in performing small and accurate movements with brushes and fingers and legs.
Most modern children have a common motor lag, especially in children of urban. Unfortunately, the problems with coordination of movements and shallow motility, most parents learn only before school. It turns into a forced load on the child: besides the assimilation of new information, it is still necessary to learn to hold in naughty fingers a pencil. Therefore, in kindergarten, and of course at home it is necessary to create all the conditions contributing to the development of small motility.
Why do you need to develop a shallow motorcy?
The benefits are obvious:
- precise movements of fingers, brushes, coordination of the activities of bone, muscular and nervous systems activates the brain zones responsible for the motor projection;
- the proximity of these departments to the speech zone improves the formation, the development of speech in young children;
- the larger the load on the fingers, the more often the child makes small, accurate movements, the earlier the crumb will learn to speak;
- Small motility is associated with motor, visual memory, coordination. Regular exercises improve thinking, increase attention, develop observation;
- The exact movements will come to children of any age in study, everyday life.
I suggest your attention to the development of small motors that can be engaged at home.

Finger games.
A large role in the development of small motility in early and younger preschool age is given to finger games. Many vintage fun with fingers are known in Russia: Pestushki, booms, sweat. Games with fingers are very fascinating. They are simple, emotional and do not require any devices and special training. They can play anywhere - on a walk, on vacation, in line for a doctor, in a long trip. This is an interesting game form, thanks to which, the rhythmic organization of the poetic text and movements correlated with it, involve the child in the performance of an adult show.

Pyramids, cubes of any size, designer.
Even at 8-9 months, kids will easily cope with this task. After a year, complicate the exercise so that the child remembers the size, and not only the order of the abnormal, yellow or blue rings. It will take a pyramid with rings of one color.
Design games are held with a child in order to form mental processes and perceptions, enriching sensory experience, coordination of movements and the development of small motility. Games contribute to the upbringing of concentration, visual and auditory attention, the ability to achieve results, teach to the careful handling of toys, learn to act on the show of an adult, follow his actions, imitate them.

Game in dolls.

Children are dressed, undressing "daughter", make a lot of small movements with fingers. Such games contribute to the development of not only small motility, but also the development of elementary self-service skills (buttons and unbuttoning buttons, laundry zagging).
Coloring, drawing.
At first, the result is not as important as the process. Permanent control of lines, repeating movements within a certain area on a sheet of paper have a positive effect on the development of motility, improve coordination.

Plasticine games.
The larger interest is the work of a child with plasticine. Children really like to repeat over adults movement, working with this new plastic material for them. This contributes to the development of the agreed movements of the child's hands, and ultimately affects the development of speech and thinking of the baby.

Games with clothespins.
Games with clothespins for children belong to the modular gymnastics, which implies classes with objects that themselves do not understand, but of them you can do other things. With the help of such gymnastics, a brush and two fingers are being strengthened and develops, which will later be actively involved in the letter.
How to play with clothespins?
The simplest example of the didactic game with clothespins can serve as when you need to open and close the clothespin, accompanying this action by poems about animals. It may be fox or crocodile, goose or stork, cat or dog. Short rhymes about these animals, which will be accompanied by this movement, will help voice the clothespin and it will bind, meow or click the beak.
Another example of the game lies in the direct application of the clothespins. And then the goal of the game with the clothespin will be combined with a role-playing game, when the baby will need to raise puppet clothes on the rope and consolidate it with a clothespin.
For the development of imagination, it is worth offering a child a set of clothespins and simple geometric shapes. First you need to show how you can make a sun, flower, little man, and then the most child
Suggest collect yourself.

"Mosaic" - This is an original, fascinating, developing game for children of all ages, combining the elements of the designer, board games, puzzles and set for creativity.
The value of mosaic in the development of children.
- Mosaic develops a small movement of hands (acting with small details, the child prepares his hand to the letter. It is very important for the preparation of children to school and its further teaching);
- develops and improves sensory standards (color, form);
- develops mental processes: attention, memory, thinking, imagination, fantasy, speech;
- develops the cognitive activity of children, the desire to accept the information interested in the child, and act in accordance with it independently, with the manifestation of elements of creativity;
- develops structural abilities (the ability to act according to the scheme, sample);
- develops mathematical abilities in children: account, spatial orientation;
- develops artistic taste in children, due to bright, colorful, aesthetic and unusual compositions;
- contributes to the upbringing of such important qualities of a person's personality, as purposefulness, independence, perfection, patience, accuracy, and most importantly, lays a creative start.

Puzzles every year are becoming increasingly popular. And this is not surprising! Baby and children of senior preschool age are played in this game, and adults.
This is an excellent educational toy and a good way to spend time along with the child. What should be the very first puzzles? They should be very simple: from two to four large details. The items that the child collects should be well acquainted. It is desirable if it is one major item, for example, your favorite fabulous hero of your baby. As soon as the child learn how to collect puzzles of 4-6 details, it can be bought by more complex versions of this game. If, from early childhood, the child collects puzzles, then by 3 years the baby will be able to collect puzzles of 24 elements.
The game of puzzles affects the development of the baby:
develops small motility of hands and coordination of movements;
develops logic;
forms the skills to develop a strategic solution of problems;
Development and accuracy;
develops imagination and fantasy;
develops attention and memory;
Learn to make decisions yourself.

Games with covers from plastic bottles.
What games can you come up with covers from plastic bottles and jars? In fact, a lot, the main thing is to assemble your collection of covers of different colors and sizes and carefully look at them. The covers have several useful properties that make them versatile toys:
have a simple form;
have from one to three changeable signs: color and size are obvious, and one more - the material from which are made (most plastic, but there are tin, rubber and other);
They are easily accessible.
Games with colored lids will teach kids to navigate in the color scheme, they will give a concept about the magnitude, will contribute to the development of shallow motors of the hands, will teach the logical tasks, they will operate creative abilities.
You can play such games with one child and with a group of children. The teacher plays with young children, and older children can play independently.

The arrival of a child to school means another new period in the life of a preschooler, who is called "educational activities" and will be leading activities throughout the entire period of study. Start of study is a difficult stage in the life of children of preschool age: these are new relationships, new responsibilities, new contacts. Adaptation of children to the school makes it easier for the studies of psychologists, their stay in kindergarten. "Immature schoolchildren" who visited the kindergarten are halier than "home children."

Development of shallow motility hands of preschool children

One of the mandatory tasks, among the many tasks of preparing children to school, is the development of shallow motors of the fingers of preschoolers. In a kindergarten, the development of small motility of the hands of preschoolers is formed in classes on the visual arts, in the process of designing and performing labor actions. We are put by educators in front of children and special tasks of the type: to circulate geometric shapes at points, various lines, the contours of animals, animals, birds.

At home, parents must create their children for the premises of visual activities (drawing, modeling), design, manual labor, as well as be sure to teach the guys to some types of domestic work. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the child already knows something that he is better turned out. Thus, you are stimulating the interest of the child to written exercises. All of the listed types of classes contribute to the development of shallow motors of the fingers in children. It is desirable that your baby come to school with a "mature" motoric. What is Mature Maturity? This is the dexterity of fingers and hands, as well as clear coordination of their movements.

Development of shallow motility hands and tasks

The purpose of the development of shallow motility hands:

  1. Preparation of the child's hand to the letter (development of coordination of the movements of the hand and eyes, motility brushes and finger hands).
  2. Improving the movement of the hands of children, we develop attention, thinking, memory, speech, auditory and visual perception.
  3. To form in children the ability to act in accordance with the verbal instructions of adults.
  4. Rise the ability to work in accordance with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe manufacture of souvenirs, details of suits, various kinds of applications and so on.

The tasks of the development of shallow motility hands for children - to form skills of training activities, prepare the hand of the child to the letter, support the children's initiative in independent games and classes.

Development of shallow motility hands from preschoolers

If there is no agility and clear coordination of the movements of the fingers and small muscles of hands, you need to do the following exercises:

  • Massage hands;
  • Fingering gymnastics and finger games.
  • Writing, modeling, skilling work with scissors, tying and lacing. Button sticking and so on.
  • Designing (work with various mosaics, small objects, types of manual labor), making crafts from paper and cardboard, natural material, various types of sewing (including)
  • Circuit contours of objects, geometric figures by points, chest, various types of painting, hatching, etc.

Exercises for the development of shallow motility hands for children

I would like to stay on your finger gymnastics, which is useful for the development of shallow motility of hands, which is closely related to many centers of the cerebral cortex. The children with which they are engaged in finger gymnastics, they learn to write faster, better say, have good memory, more accurate coordination of movements, strength and dexterity of hands, are rather calmed after stress. I will give your attention, as an example, the exercises on the small motorcy of the hands of preschoolers, which teachers of kindergarten "Ryabinka" use in their work:

Games for the development of shallow motility hands of preschoolers

  • Finger games for the development of small hand-type motor skills - "Two cheerful goose", "We welded soup", "fingers greet", etc., besides the game with reading poems.
  • Various hatching, coloring.
  • Mine of clay and plasticine.
  • Games with clothespins, small toys, glomers.
  • Collecting puzzles, designers.
  • Designing, manual labor.

Also, for the warm-up of hands and fingers, offer your kids to break off the sheets of paper into small pieces in the form of squares, rectangles, circles, twigs, etc. Next, let the children fold from these little pieces various patterns on a sheet of paper or skid. Interesting appliques from torn colored pieces on the themes "Chicken", "Bear", "Wolf", "Fox", "Owl" and so on. These animals fluffy and appliques with the help of tearing look very original and beautiful. As possible, let's give children the opportunity to work with scissors, let them paint pictures in coloring books, stroke the drawn geometric shapes, figures of animals, birds, animals, tinted, weave products and so on.

Recently, the word "creativity" has become fashionable, it means about the same as "originality", "non-standard", "originality", even more simply - "Creativity". The child must be learned by creativity and creation. This will help him further study at school, as well as in adulthood.

In preschool age, the child studies and comprehends the world around you constantly. The main method of collecting information in this period - touch. The child seeks to touch everything, stroke, grab, taste. Adults must maintain this desire to provide toys of toys of different types (soft, solid, smooth, rough, cold, etc.), objects for research, fabric. Then the baby will receive the necessary resources for development. Scientists have proven that the speech of the child and its sensory bodies are directly related. It follows from this that in order for the child to speak well, it is necessary to develop his hands.

Many children's physiologists and psychologists devoted to the development of small motors and psychologists. For example, the authors of O.A. Novitskaya, V.V. Svyntar, Yu.A. Sokolova describe specific techniques for the development of small motility children. S.E. Bolshakova and A.A. The tapens provide full recommendations for the formation of movement skills and differentiated movements of the fingers of the hands from preschoolers.



Communication of shallow, speech and general motility has been studied and confirmed by many well-known scientists. They concluded that the development of thin movements of the fingers of the hands is especially closely connected with the establishment of speech. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce techniques for the development of shallow motility using finger games.

It is noted that that is why when a person cannot express his thought or explain something words, he uses gestures. Conversely: When a child writes or draws focusing, he involuntarily helps himself, sticking out the language.

MM Koltsova, a well-known researcher of the speech of children, writes that historically, in the course of the development of mankind, the movement of the fingers of the hands was always closely related to the speech function. Primitive people first communicated gestures, the main role here was given to his hand. The development of the functions of the hand and speech occurred in parallel. MM Koltsova concluded that the formation of brain areas responsible for the formation of speech occurs under the influence of kinesthetic pulses from the hands, and rather from the fingers. This fact must be used in working with children and where it is developing in a timely manner, and where the lag on the face, the delay in the development of the motor side of speech. Speech development is recommended to stimulate by training the movements of the fingers of the hands.

The child's speech is developing approximately by such a way. First, thin movements of the fingers are developing, then articulation of syllables appears, further improvement of speech reactions consists in directly dependent on the intensity of training of the movements of the fingers. Therefore, there are all grounds in order to consider the brush of the hands as a speech organ - the same as the articulation apparatus. From this side of the question, the projection of the hand is another speech area of \u200b\u200bthe brain.

The importance of the development of shallow motility is that the whole future life of the child will also require accurate coordinated movements of fingers and brushes that are necessary to draw, write, dress, perform many different actions.

It is also proved that the thought, and the child's eye moves at the same speed as the hand. This means that systematic exercises in training of the movements of the fingers is a powerful tool for improving the health of the brain. Thin motor skills - the basis for the development of all mental processes (memory, attention, speech, perception, thinking).

To teach a child to speak, you need not just to train his articulation apparatus, but also to develop a fine motility of hands, improving the connection between the hemispheres of the brain and the synchronization of their work.

What do you mean finger games in the development of petty motors of the preschooler

Finger games are a dramatization, a demonstration of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with fingers. The organization and holding with preschoolers of the Games contributes to the development of small-handed hands from them, their motor coordination improves, stiffness and severe are overcome. Finger games can be called universal didactic developing material. The technique and meaning of the Games is that the nerve endings of the hands have an action on the brain of the child and the activation of brain activity occurs.

When a child will learn at school, his muscles shallow motility must be well developed. Finger games are an excellent assistant in preparing a child's hand to writing and developing coordination. And in order to simultaneously develop a child's speech, you can use different small numbers, rhymes and songs for the same games. Teachers and parents can even "shift to fingers" any poetic works, i.e. To speech to come up with the movements for fingers, first simple, and then complicate them. Playing in finger games, the child gets a lot of diverse sensory impressions, he develops the ability to focus and attentive care. Similar games form good relationship between the child and adults.

Finger games are developing a small motorcy, which not only has a beneficial effect on the development of speech, but she also prepares the child's hand to writing and drawing. Games finishchiki develop the brain of the preschooler, stimulate the development of speech, fantasy, creative abilities. The better the child is working with his fingers and the whole brush, the better he says. Why is this happening? The fact is that the hand has the largest "representation" in the cerebral cortex, so it is its development that an important role is given in the formation of a brain and the formation of speech. Therefore, the verbal speech of the child begins precisely when the movements of his fingers reach a certain level of accuracy. Child's handles prepare the soil for the further development of speech.

All nations have finger games for a long time. In China, for example, use exercises with metal and stone balls. Regular classes with these items develop the memory, the activities of digestive and cardiovascular systems, develop coordination of movements, eliminate emotional tension, develop agility and strength of the hands, support the vitality of the entire body. And in Japan, exercises for palms and fingers using walnuts are common. Great action has rolling the hexagon pencil between the palms. And in Russia, all babies have always been taught to play "Soroki-Beloboku", "Ladushka" and "Goat Hogatu."

In the use of finger games you need to adhere to two principles of learning - this is "from simple to complex" and "independently according to the abilities." This approach will help solve several tasks in the game associated with the development of creative abilities at once:

  • Finger games will give food for mind;
  • They create conditions that are ahead of the development of abilities;
  • Playing independently, the development of the child is more efficient;
  • Finger games can be diverse in content, they do not tolerate coercion and form a medium for joyful and free creativity;
  • Playing these games with children, moms, dads and grandmothers, grandfathers imperceptibly acquire the most important skill - to restrain, do not interfere with the child to think independently, to make the decision itself, do not do for him what he can and should do.

Practice has shown that if you enter your finger games in developing classes daily, then the pace of mental development increases. It is clear that one finger games will not achieve the desired results. This is just one of several means of the development of small motility and speech. And this tool will be the more efficient and more useful than the smaller the contradictions will arise between the principles that are based on these games, and the principles on which the entire system of handling children in the family and in kindergarten is created.

Varieties of finger games

Finger games are divided into groups according to their content and destination:

Games - manipulations

These are games that develop imagination when a child in each finger sees a certain image.

"Soroka-Beloboka", "This finger wants to sleep," "Ladushka-ladushka", "Family", "Follows went for a walk", "Once, two, three, four, who live in my apartment?", "We divided the orange "," Finger-boy, where have you been? "

Scene finger exercises

This group includes exercises that allow children to portraye furniture and transport, birds, domestic and wild animals, trees, insects.

"Fingers greet", "Rake", "Flowers", "Tree".

Fingerning exercises Kinesiological (brain gymnastics)

"Kulak-rib-palm", "horizontal eight", "ring", "symmetric patterns".

Finger games, including self-making fingers and hand brushes

Traditional massage movements are used here - rubbing, kneading, plugging, pressing (from peripherals to the center).

"We wear gloves", "Let's wash your hands under a jet of hot water", "Soldering cabbage", "geese hips the grass", "I warm up", "hammer".

In order for self-massage to the brushes, there was more effectively, you can use a massage ball, walnut, chestnut, pencil.

Theater in hand

These games develop memory and attention, increase total tone, remove emotional tension.

"Tale", "Butterfly", "Octopus".

The use of different groups of finger exercises and games helps to improve pronunciation from preschoolers and enrich their vocabulary; prepare a hand to a letter; develop patience, attention, ability to restrain when necessary; show creativity; stimulate fantasy; learn to manage your body, confidently feel in the system of "bodily coordinates", which prevents the appearance of neuroses; Feel joy from understanding without words, realize the possibilities of non-verbal communication.

Principles of conducting and learning finger games in Dow

In order for the use of finger games to develop small motility and speech, it is necessary to adhere to certain principles of their holding:

  • Exercises must be performed with the child, demonstrating their own passion for the game;
  • During the repeated executions, children sometimes begin to pronounce the text partially (most often the beginning and end of phrases). Over time, the text is remembered completely, children pronounce it entirely, correlating their movements and words;
  • All exercises need to be gradually replaced by new;
  • Games that you like most can be repeated periodically;
  • Do not install several complex tasks in front of children (for example, voice the text and show movement). Children are limited to the scope of attention, and if the task is impossible, it can weaken the interest of children to the game;
  • It is impossible to force a child to the game, you need to figure out why he refuses to play. First you need to eliminate these reasons, you can simply change the game.

Stages of learning finger games

  1. First, the adult shows the game to the child.
  2. The adult shows the game, simultaneously manipulating the hand and fingers of the child.
  3. The child and adult perform at the same time movement, adults at this time pronounces the text.
  4. The child performs movements with an adult (if necessary), and an adult pronounces text.

So, the development of shallow motility in the Dow is necessary, as it allows you to develop a child's speech, the ability to let a letter, a thin motoric, which is necessary throughout life. Finger games are only one of several ways to develop a brain area responsible for the petty motility of the preschooler. It should be used along with the rest of the methods.

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

Sapozhkovsky kindergarten number 3

Sapozhkovsky municipal district

Development of small motility children of junior preschool age



Pokranova S.A.

r.P. Sapoch



3. "Filter Theater"



This methodological development contains guidelines for the conduct of directly educational activities with children 2-5 years old using didactic benefits "Hungry beasts", "Finger-Filter Theater", collections of tubes and rubber bands.

Development is designed to use educators in preschool educational institutions with children of junior preschool age.

Methodical development on the topic "Development of small motility children of junior preschool age using Mary Montesorrrie technology" is aimed at solving the requirements imposed by federal standards.

Famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: "Sources of abilities and taking children - on the tongs of fingers. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, the finest streams that feed the source of creative thought ".

"The hand is a tool of all tools," I concluded another Aristotle. "The hand is a kind of outdoor brain," wrote Kant. A large stimulating effect of the function of the hand is celebrated by all experts studying the activity of the brain, the psyche of children.

Science has proven the existence of communication between the development of small motility and speech in children. Small motility - a set of coordinated actions of nervous, muscle and bone systems, often in combination with a visual system in performing small and accurate movements with brushes and fingers and legs.

The value of small motility is very large. A child who has a high level of development of small motility, can logically argue, he has memory, thinking, attention, coordination, imagination, observation. A coherent speech is also directly related to the full development of speech, as the centers of the brain responsible for the motoric and speech are located nearby.

It is known that about a third of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe motor projection in the cerebral cortex occupies the projection of the hand brush. Therefore, the training of fine movements of the fingertips has a big impact on the development of the active speech of the child. A good small motility in a child will allow him to make accurate movements with small handles and thanks to this he will quickly begin to communicate using the language. As a rule, if the development of the movements of the fingers corresponds to age (norm), then the development of speech is also within the normal range, if the development of fingers is lagging behind and developing speech.

The development of small motility in children is a long continuous process, during which the child knows the world, begins to communicate with him, dexterity is recruited and even starts talking. Therefore, to teach a child to speak, experts recommend not only to train his articulation apparatus, but also to develop the movements of the fingers of the hands, and to start an active training of the child's fingers from ten-month age, thereby stimulating the relevant brain departments, and more precisely its centers responsible for speech And the movement of the fingers.

In early and younger preschool age, you need to perform simple exercises: to fasten and squint the buttons, tie the laces, select seeds, plant sticks, etc.

In a senior preschool age, work on the development of small motorbers and coordination of movements should become an important part of the training for school, in particular, to the letter.

Systematic exercises for training fingers are both a means of improving the health of the cerebral cortex.

The development of small motility skills is also important because the whole further life of the child will require the use of accurate, coordinated movements of the brushes and fingers, which are necessary to dress, draw, write, and also perform a variety of diverse domestic action.

Small motorcy develops drawing, modeling, applique, laying out patterns from mosaic, finger games and gymnastics, designing from small parts, etc.

For the development of accurate manual coordination, it is important that the preschooler constantly engaged in various types of hand-made activities.

1. Didactic game "Hungry beasts"

Purpose: Developing the skills of capturing with fingers of small items.

Main goals:


integ pupils by playing, cause the desire to feed animals, fairy-tale heroes.


to improve speech

fasten the ability to imitate animal sounds;


Form of work:

Didactic game "Chicken"


Beans, metal tray, plastic jar with a chicken image on the lid, a picture depicting a rustic courtyard. (Drawn dog, chicken, chickens, cat, cow).

Stroke Game

Educator: Let's look at the picture. Who is drawn here? Name. I will now tell you a riddle, and you find an animal or bird in the picture.

The pieces she pecks

And the testicles we carry

Chickens says: ko

Do not go far.

That's right, it is a chicken. How does she say? "Ko-Ko". In the picture, the chicken is calling chickens to bounce the grains. And we are with you feed the chicken.

Children take one bell with a tray and feed the chicken.

Educator: Guys, a chicken was placed and thank you.

Supplement: In addition to the chicken, children can also feed other animals or scoic characters.

2. Didactic game "The most deft"

Purpose: the ability to stretch the elastic bands to put it on the neck of the bottle or a cardboard tube.

Main goals:


integ pupils game.


to improve speech

continue work on enrichment of the vocabulary stock.


to form in children an understanding to comply with precautions with objects and continue to develop the ability to act with them;

Stroke Game


I want in your palm

Put quite a little

Breeze blow

Petal from Vasilka.

Rainbow colored rainbow

Sleeps of stars night.

Today we will arrange the "most deft" contest. But for this we will not run or jump. This is a contest for our fingers. They have guys should be strong, flexible. We have bottles and colored gum. Task for Competition: You need to put on the neck of the bottle on the neck.

3. "Filter Theater"

Game traffic:

Today we will arrange our little theater. And you will be actors yourself. But we will not need costumes. Only your fingers. (Children disassemble paper dolls and put on their fingers).

From the finger the theater is played by the scene based on Russian folk fairy tales "Teremok", "Rack". The educator offers children to play the dialogs among themselves. A feature of finger theater is that children are provided freedom of action. The educator can offer to children to improvise. Fabulous heroes talk to each other, play hide and catching and catching, hiding in the houses.

4. Fairy tales, painted by children together with parents

Good bee.

The bee lived on the forest gland. Her name was Zhuzh. She loved to fly with lifts-other bees and sniff flowers. Once the Zhuza flew home and tired. She sat on a dandelion to relax. And suddenly heard someone crying. It was a little ant, his name was Kuzya. He was completely baby and got lost. Kuzya did not know where his house was. Then Zhuza took an ant and raised high in the sky. Then Kuzya saw his house and no longer cried. Zhuza delivered an ant home.

Harmful terrible

In one kindergarten she lived. She was small and always hid under the closet with toys. Nobody saw her in the afternoon. At night, when the kindergarten closed, and everyone went home, she crashed out from under the closet. She scattered everywhere cubes, cars and dolls. Still afraid took paints and all the pacas. In the morning, the children came to the kindergarten and were surprised: "Who is it all namusoril and scattered?" They caught up with that it was harmful. The children decided to make friends with horror and evening put her candy. When the children went home, they horrged ate a candy. She changed his mind to be harmful and became good. Since then, it was scared at night she chinila a broken toy and glue torn books. And the children left her sweets every evening.

As elephant launched a rocket

Once the elephant decided to fly to the moon. He went to the store and bought a rocket. It was a big rocket. Elephant took paint and painted the rocket in red. It was a favorite color of the elephant. He also did in the rocket of the window to look at the stars. Ilonian sat in the rocket and flew. So that the rocket flew very quickly, the elephant stuck the trunk from the window and began to blow with all his might. So the rocket flew to the moon. Then she returned home. And the elephant allowed all friends to ride on her rocket. Because he was kind and not greedy.

Baby named Lyolik

He lived a baby Lyoul. He loved to play hide and seek. Once he played with friends. It was necessary to hide. Lyolik hid under the bed. He lay quietly. Nobody could find him. Lyolik lay for a long time, and wanted to eat. When Lyolik got out from under the bed, it turned out that everything about him had already forgotten and sat down dining. Lyolik laughed and said: "I am best able to play hide and seek!" And also sat down dining.

5. Didactic game "Spider"

Task: be able to wind / wind the cobweb on a wand, while not confusing the cob.

Stroke Game


The network is a big splash spider

He has eight hands.

I have only two

Do not weigh so deftly to me.

Suggest children to help spine to collect a web. To do this, you need to hide the clashes on the sticks. The game can participate simultaneously 8 people.

6. Didactic game "Mouse"

Purpose: Development of winding skirt with two hands, turning into the fingers or rotating the hand with a brush.

Task: be able to wind / shut a tail on a stick.

Stroke Game


The mouse is a small animal.

Do you know where she lives?

Maybe next to you?

Maybe right behind the wall?

Suggest a child to twist a long mouse tail on a stick. At the end of the tail - the mouse itself. Option game: Competition. Who climbs the tail of the mouse faster.


The purpose of this work was the development of small motility in children of junior preschool age.

Results: Pupils have motivation to activities: improvisation, dramatization. They became active and inquisitive, developed the ability to communicate with each other, secured the presentations of animals, secured the ability to act and talk according to the scheme, to use the objects, in a relaxed setting, acquired new skills.


1. The child of preschool age is able to communicate with the surrounding adults through the first attachments, with the help of loved ones, the world of items opens and learn how to handle them correctly, I experience my own, separate from I other people, begins to understand speech and makes the first attempts to speak , it is becoming more independent and persistent. At the beginning of the second year of life, the child begins to walk, requires adult rights to explore the world.

2. Features of preschool children are related to the fact that at this age they are laid the foundations of the knowledge necessary for the child in school. Pre-school age is the period of development of a child from 3 to 6-7 years, when further physical development and the improvement of the intellectual possibilities of the child occur. Therefore, at this age, inquisitive interests should be developed and educated in children, interest in work, to teach a child to dress yourself, wash, clean the bed and game corner, listen and highlight the sounds in words, dealing with it arithmetic, should introduce a child with the concept " number".

3. The foundations of small techniques are laid at an early age, which will help the child to learn objects, play with them, feel. The development of shallow finger motors is useful and there is a direct relationship between the exact movement of the fingers and the formation of speech, the effect on the entire body as a whole develops.

4. The peculiarities of the development of small motility in children of preschool age is that children are very sensitive to this type of activity, which allows them to learn patience and prettiness, be persistent and curious. Exercises with the participation of hands and fingers in children of preschool age harmonize the body and mind, have a positive effect on the activity of the brain, simple hand movements help to remove mental fatigue, improve the pronunciation of many sounds, develop a child's speech, the child's mind is at the tip of the fingers.

List of sources used




4. From birth to school. Approximate basic primary education program / under. ed. NOT. Veracses, TS Komarova, MA Vasilyeva. 2 e. - Edition, connection. and add. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2011. - 336 p.

5. Krusenchuk O.I. Finger games. SPb.: Publishing House Limit, 2005.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: "The child's mind is on the tips of his fingers."

In my work with children, I accumulate experience on the topic "Development of small motility of hands in children of preschool age," because This problem remains relevant in kindergarten.

Fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors sending pulses to the central nervous system of a person. At the hands of hands there are many points, massaging that can be affected on the internal organs, reflexively with them related.

To solve this problem, I apply various techniques that contribute to the development of petty motility of preschool children.

The targeted, systematic and systematic work contributes to the formation of intellectual abilities, has a positive effect on the speech zones of the cerebral cortex, and most importantly - contributes to the preservation of the physical and mental health of the child. And all this directly prepares him for successful school education.

This material discusses the characteristic feature of children of preschool age, which techniques can be used to successfully develop children's speech, what value is a speech of an adult, which factors and techniques contribute to the development of a child's child's speech.



"Development of small motility hands in preschool children"

In my work with children, I accumulate experience on the topic "Development of small motility of hands in children of preschool age" because This problem remains relevant in kindergarten.

Known teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky belongs to saying: "The child's mind is on the tips of his fingers."

"The hand is a tool of all tools," said Aristotle yet.

"The hand is a kind of outdoor brain!" - wrote Kant.

Fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors sending pulses to the central nervous system of a person. At the hands of hands there are many points, massaging that can be affected on the internal organs, reflexively with them related.

The human hand movements are formed in the process of upbringing and learning as a result of associative connections arising from the work of visual, auditory and speaking analyzers.

The development of small motility of the hands in children of preschool age allows you to develop speech activity, form the coordination of the movements of the fingers of the hands and prepare a child to school.

Psychologists, physiologists, physicians, teachers constantly emphasize that the formation level of small motility largely determines the success of developing the child of fine, constructive, labor and musical skills, mastering the native language, the development of the initial writing skills.

The level of development of small motility is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for school education. Usually a child who has a high level of development of small motility, can logically argue, he has enough memory and attention, connected speech. Teachers note that first-graders often experience serious difficulties with the mastery of letters.

In preschool age, it is precisely preparation for the letter, and not learning him. And the preparation should begin long before entering school.

Parents who pay due attention to the exercises, games, various tasks on the development of small motility and coordination of the movements of the hand, are solved at once two tasks: first, indirectly affect the overall intellectual development of the child, and secondly, they are preparing to master the letters skills that In the future, it will help to avoid many problems of school learning.

THEM. Siechens wrote that the movement of a man's hand is inherited inheritance is not predetermined, but arise in the process of education and training as a result of the formation of associative ties between visual sensations, tangible and muscle in the process of active interaction with the environment. The development of the movements of the brushes and fingers without items of young children for early ages has been attached great importance to the folk pedagogy, since the development of small motorbers included in the diverse labor processes, and children from the Small years prepared for their implementation. For this, kids as preparatory exercises were offered various fingers with functions. An interesting game form, the rhythmic organization of the poetic text and movements correlated with him, involved the child in the performance of an adult actions. Consider some games and exercises that will help strengthen the hands of the baby, develop the coordinated movements of the hands, differentiated the movements of the fingers. During these games, the following movements are developing: grabbing: a child learns to capture the subject of correlating actions: a child learns to combine two subjects to imitate the movements of the hands of an adult: This skill lies at the basis of the formation of many useful skills of manual action of the movement of brushes and fingers. In addition, shallow motility classes will have a beneficial effect on the overall development of the child, will help him become more independent and confident. As well as conducting classes to strengthen the shallow motility of the hands contributes: the development of grabbing; the development of agreed movements of both hands; the development of accurate and differentiated movements of the brushes and fingers of the hands; formation of manual skills (unchending and fastening of lipuchku, buttons, buttons, lightning); the development of tanging; Development of thinking and imagination. In early and younger preschool age it is useful to perform simple exercises accompanied by a poetic test ("Soroka-Beloboka et al.) Development of elementary self-service skills (buttons and unbuttoning buttons, laundry tie, etc. Thus, finger games and exercises, as well as Massage is characterized as one of the ways of developing the speech of children and prepare them to school. Development of small motility fingers of the fingers is possible only in gaming activities, because the game is a leading activity in the younger preschool age. The game is realized and conscious of the most primitive actions with objects, of course The child has difficulty mastering manipulative activities, in this case you need to not forget to praise the child, thereby creating a situation of success.

Simple hands movement help to remove the tension not only with the hands themselves, but also relax the muscles of the whole body. They are able to improve the child's thinking and speech.

In general, the better the fingers work, the whole brush, the better the child says.

Performing various fingers of hand exercises, acquire good mobility, flexibility, disappears stiffness of movements.

In addition to finger exercises, there are various graphic exercises that contribute to the development of small motorbers and coordinate the movements of the hand, visual perception and attention. The performance of graphic exercises in preschool age is very important for a successful mastering by the letter: "Dorisui and Drawous himself", "circle patterns", "continue pattern" and so on.

To achieve positive results in the development of the child, it is impossible to limit ourselves to only the work carried out in the walls of the kindergarten. Parents are the most interested and active participants of the educational process. Any productive activity is perceived by the parents positively. Children are very proud of their achievements, carefully apply to crafts, tell parents about how they did them. Children's parents are familiar with the technology of hatching children's teaching technology, many have acquired books with samples. Parents expressed their observations that children, engaged in hatching, became more prettier, neat.

Thus, one of the effective means of acquaintance of parents with the peculiarities of speech and motor development of children is their participation in classes in the evening, where you can get acquainted with the methods and techniques of work. Adults are trained with finger gymnastics, self-making hands, gymnastics for eyes and breathing. At joint classes, parents can help their children, and most importantly - emotional contact between them is created.

Method of shallow motility simple. The most favorable period for the development of intellectual and creative possibilities of a person - 2-9 years, when the bark of the large hemispheres is still not completely formed.

In preschool institutions, teachers use accumulated experience in this direction and the basic principle of didactics: from simple to complex. A selection of games and exercises, their intensity, quantitative and qualitative composition varies depending on the individual and age characteristics of children. It is believed that for the versatile harmonious development of the motor functions of the brush hand, it is necessary to train your hand in various movements - on compression, stretching, on relaxation.

Starting work with children and putting a goal, parents and teachers confidently and purposefully go ahead to its achievement. Having developed its methods and techniques for this and, using them in working with children, a positive dynamics will be noticeable, and the main thing will develop the ability of children to properly use cutlery (a cup, spoon), to dress it yourself and undress, wash and wipe hands thoroughly Children quickly learn to use scissors, tassel, pencil.

In preschool age, the main activity is a game. Significant experience accumulates a child in the game. From his gaming experience, the child draws the ideas that he binds with the word. The game and work are the strongest incentives for the manifestation of children's independence in the field of language; They should be primarily used in the interests of the development of children's speech.

A good tool to stimulate speech are games and exercises on fine motility hands.

The formation of touch skills and shallow motility occurs in various types of objective activities. For example, during the modeling of clay, plasticine is particularly well developed by small motor skills, the muscles of the fingers are strengthened, thin movements of the hands and fingers are produced, the skills of the tactile survey are fixed, especially during the modeling of nature. It is also very useful for the development of fingers of hand activities such as appliquancy modeling, drawing, composure of applications, work with scissors, designing from small parts, mosaic, work with stamps. For the development of fingers and various grip, small children need to draw thick colored shallow, and elder children - smallstands. For children, it is important to draw pencils, paint and play with your own hands. Children need to be resolved, first of all, use various materials that stimulate their tactile and kinesthetic abilities, that is, clay, paint for drawing with fingers, dough, sand and water. Such materials are also trained by hand brushes, causing strain and relax

Purposeful, systematic and systematic work on the development of small hands in children in preschool children contributes to the formation of intellectual abilities, has a positive effect on the speech zones of the cerebral cortex, and most importantly - contributes to the preservation of the physical and mental health of the child. And all this directly prepares him for successful school education.