Is it possible to throw silica gel filler into the toilet. What filler can be flushed down the toilet? Video: Comparison of fillers

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The problem of toilet training a kitten, unfortunately, is known firsthand to many owners. It is very rare that an animal enters the house with all the appropriate skills. In most cases, good habits have to be cultivated. In order for the efforts not to go in vain, the first thing to do is to choose where and how the cat will “walk”.

Street, tray or toilet?

This is the main question, the answer to which will largely depend on further actions. Undoubtedly, the use of a shared toilet by a pet has a lot of advantages. First, the economy. No need to buy cat litter (silica gel, sand, sawdust, etc.), the tray itself and accessories for cleaning it. Secondly, convenience. There is no additional source of infection in the house. However, not every cat will agree to use a regular toilet. Yes, and not every hostess wishes to keep it constantly with the lid open (otherwise, nothing else). In addition, due to negligence, the animal may fall into the water or slam the lid on its head, after which it will become wary of the source of its troubles and may begin to behave outrageously. Walking a cat on the street is also not for everyone. Most owners are against their pet stomping their clean paws on asphalt, earth, or roaming around basements. Therefore, many choose a tray.

What are the fillers?

Many animals use empty trays. This is economical, but unhygienic. After all, the cat steps with its paws into its own feces, after which it spreads them across the floor, furniture and other objects. So it's better to spend a certain amount on backfill for the tray than to risk the health of your family members. Moreover, in any specialized store they are offered in the widest range. Globally, fillers can be divided into clumping and crumbling. The former, under the action of moisture, form a tight connection (like a stone), the latter, on the contrary, fall apart, turning into dust. The clumping ones include mainly clay and silica gel fillers, and the crumbling ones are pressed. There are also combined options containing various granules. They are usually used as a transitional option to accustom the animal to new material. In addition to the composition, the fillers also differ in the size of the granules (there are small, medium and large). They are chosen depending on the age, size and preferences of the animal.

If you answer the question from the point of view of chemistry, then this is a fairly simple compound, or rather, a dried gel of silicate acid. It is obtained by colloidal mixing of silicon dioxide with water. But it is not the chemical, but the physical properties of this substance that are of interest. More precisely - the ability to absorb moisture.

Silica gel has a porous (hydrophilic) surface. Due to this quality, it is often used for drying air or other gases. In boxes with shoes, clothes, appliances, paper bags with transparent crystals inside are often found. This is silica gel. The material has received a fairly wide application, from household to industrial.

In addition to water, silica gel adsorbs many other compounds. Therefore, it is often used to trap harmful substances. Relatively recently, silica gel has been used for cat litter, and quite successfully. It is also an excellent catalyst for chemical reactions.

Which filler is best?

As mentioned above, the main options for hygienic filling for trays are clay, sawdust and silica gel. Filler for choosing can be very difficult. Each material has both advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the final decision is still made by the animal, and he is not worried about sanitary conditions and price characteristics.

If we consider clay filler, then it is good for its low price, but it does not cope very well with odors. As a rule, a lot of grains accumulate around the tray, and in the process of “digging” the animal creates a whole cloud of dust, which is not very convenient. In addition, cats sometimes swallow pieces of litter, which is hardly useful.

Another, more popular version of pressed sawdust is very popular with the animals themselves. Affordable price and ease of disposal (flush it down the toilet after use) made it popular. In addition, it is sawdust that is often additionally flavored, which cat owners like so much. But, unfortunately, they do not absorb liquid very well, so the contents of the tray have to be changed quite often. Yes, and there is a lot of garbage from them, animals take away small particles throughout the apartment. Often they cause allergies.

Silica gel cat litter is more expensive than both clay and wood. But in the end, it turns out to be more economical, because, due to its high absorbent qualities, it is changed much less frequently.

Advantages of silica gel filler

Firstly, this material itself is very light. This advantage will certainly be appreciated by cat owners who know what it takes to drag a 7-10 kilogram bag of clay or sawdust up to the 5th floor without an elevator.

Secondly, the silica gel cat litter is partially changed every 2-3 days, and completely after 2-3 weeks. It turns out both economically and conveniently. Those who are obsessed with cleanliness are also recommended to choose a silica gel filler. Reviews of this material, regardless of the manufacturer, say that the traces of his stay in the room are almost imperceptible (which cannot be said about sand, clay or sawdust).

In addition, the granules perfectly absorb not only moisture, but also odors. So it will never be possible to detect a cat's tray by its characteristic "aroma" if this particular material is used in it.

About the disadvantages

Ideal things in this world, as you know, do not exist. So even silica gel cat litter, despite all its advantages, has a number of disadvantages. First, cost. A small bag of translucent granules will cost several times more than a large (and heavy) bag of sawdust. True, taking into account the economical consumption, it turns out not so expensive, but still it is the price that scares many.

Secondly, some animals are afraid of him. More precisely, the sounds that silica gel is capable of making. from this material rustles loudly when the cat digs in it (most animals simply cannot do without it). But the worst thing is the hiss. When liquid is absorbed, the process occurs so rapidly that it is accompanied by rather loud, frightening sounds. Undoubtedly, over time, the cat gets used to hissing and rustling, but at first it may experience some discomfort and even stress.

The third thing that stops cat owners from buying silica gel is its composition. If everything is clear with sawdust, sand or clay, then many do not know what this material is made of and consider it a complex (and harmful) chemical compound. Undoubtedly, the crystals themselves are not more toxic than ordinary sand. True, if swallowed, they can be dangerous (there is a risk of dehydration). And the specific smell of silica gel, which is not perceptible by humans, sometimes simply scares away animals.

Is it possible to accustom a cat to a new filler?

Sometimes this is necessary. For example, if the animal got into the house, being accustomed to clay or sawdust, and its owner considers this not too hygienic and prefers to use silica gel. Veterinarians and professional breeders recommend making any changes gradually. This applies to food, and the toilet, and other points. That is, if the cat is accustomed to pressed sawdust, and the owner does not like it, the ideal option is to continue to pour them in, gradually adding silica gel. As soon as the animal ceases to concentrate its attention on the crystals, their number is increased. Thus, gradually it is possible to completely switch to silica gel cat litter. At the same time, the owner will be satisfied, and the animal will not experience much stress.

Mode of application

Silica gel filler is very easy to use. The contents of the package are poured into the tray and, after a few days, lumps are removed from it with a special spatula, trying not to touch the dry crystals. After 2-3 weeks, it is recommended to completely renew the filler. When combined with sawdust, it is better to change the contents of the tray daily or as it gets dirty.

What is the best tray to use?

There are also a great many of them: closed and open, deep and not very deep, with and without a lattice. There are even stylized for all kinds of interior items. However, when choosing a tray, do not forget about its intended purpose. In addition to aesthetic qualities, it should also be practical. First of all, this is the ease of access of the animal, its convenience, as well as the ability to easily wash the container or change the filler.

The shape and depth of the tray are purely individual moments and depend on the size of the animal, as well as its behavior. For example, if the cat likes to rummage heartily in the filler, you should not choose a container that is too small, otherwise the crystals will be scattered throughout the room. For such cases, there are trays with high sides or even a roof. Animals sitting on the very edge or even the edge of the dish should be offered a flatter form so that the cat does not turn it over under its own weight. In general, you can start with a universal "basin" of medium depth, and then experiment and observe.

In fact, a toilet for an animal, as well as for a person, is a rather intimate and strictly individual matter. Therefore, it is better to choose the number of trays, their shape, and fillers so that both the cat and its owner are comfortable. In this case, the apartment will always be clean and there will be no unpleasant surprises.

09/05/2018 0 3 349 views

In some cases, it is difficult to get rid of the used substance. This procedure requires attention and care. Can you flush cat litter down the toilet? This is acceptable in some situations and depends on the composition of the substance.

What kind of material can be lowered at home? In some cases, it is better to pour the contents into a bag and take it to a container or garbage chute. To determine the optimal method of disposal, you should understand the constituent substances that contribute to the absorption of moisture and the smell of cat feces.

Types of cat litter

Different manufacturers independently determine the qualitative composition of their products. In pursuit of originality, developers try to keep up with each other and take into account all the needs of pets and their owners. Over time, many options have appeared that differ in composition and properties.

from wood

After the ingress of moisture, the absorbent material first delaminates. Wood substances act on the principle of a sponge, which does not release the accumulated moisture, but turns it into a clumping mass.

  1. The relatively low price makes this species affordable if there are several pets and more materials are required than when one animal lives in the apartment with the owners.
  2. In small kittens, exposed to a strong influence of external factors on their health, wood formulations do not have an allergic reaction.

The downside of this type is the fragility. You will have to take out or flush into the toilet after the pet up to two times a week, otherwise the unbearable smell will spread throughout the apartment and enter the entrance. Conflict with neighbors is unavoidable.

When choosing a filler, it is recommended to choose a material with a natural smell. A common reason why a kitten refuses to go to the toilet on its own is a slightly noticeable to us, but unbearable orange or lemon smell for a cat.

Fillers of excellent quality, rarely found on the shelves in supermarkets. It is easier to purchase this species at a pet store where Japanese-made goods are sold. Easily soluble in water. The material that is optimal in all respects is worth the money that merchants and resellers ask for it.

More often on the shelves of stores there are similar fillers. They do not differ in cost from paper ones, but such material should be taken out once every few weeks. There is practically no smell from using this substance as a cat litter.

From mineral components

Such a composition is suitable for prolonged use, the liquid quickly turns into a lump, preventing the stench from spreading, and helps to quickly clean the tray.

Substances that make up mineral compositions for cat litter:

  • bentonite clay;
  • zeolite;
  • vermiculite.

Clay filler perfectly adsorbs and leaves no smell in the apartment.

Substances of natural origin decompose perfectly in water. It will not be difficult to dispose of them using the toilet.

Benefits of using corn fillers:

  • can be thrown into the toilet;
  • suitable for kittens with allergies to chemicals.

Negative points:

  • the particles cling to the cat's paws and are scattered around the living space;
  • smell bad after a couple of days.

Soy filling trays:

  1. They do not stick and have enough weight to stay in place throughout the entire period of operation.
  2. Great at keeping bad odors out.
  • difficult to find in the store;
  • the price is several times higher than the average cost of adsorbents for the tray.

What species can be flushed without fear of clogging the toilet?

In order not to be afraid of stagnation in the sewer, you need to be aware of which fillers can be flushed down the toilet.

These include:

  • paper;
  • vegetable.

Corn, paper - washed off and do not clog sewer pipes.

Wood is easily disposed of at home only in small doses and quickly. If you fall asleep first, and press the button after a few minutes, you will have to call a locksmith. Large batches of the substance, which are thrown into the toilet as a whole, will bring negative consequences a little later. But it will be difficult to get rid of these troubles, since the congestion forms in the pipes.

Silica gel has the same properties in water as wood filler, but the consequences of a silica gel plug deep in the pipe cannot be technically eliminated. The part is subject to replacement at the personal expense of the owner of the cat.

It is impossible to flush mineral fillers into the toilet, since at the moment of contact with water the material turns into a stone state. The blockage can only be removed from the toilet with the help of a specialist. In case of failure, you will have to change part of the sewer to a new one.

Video: is it possible to flush cat litter down the toilet?

Animal Waste Disposal Rules

It is unacceptable to allow pollution of the natural and residential environment. There are a number of recommendations for the disposal of pet waste.

  1. You must carefully read the labels on the packages, follow the instructions.
  2. When choosing a filler, rely not only on the possibilities of your own budget, but also on the inclinations of the household.
  3. If the grandmother is used to throwing the contents of the cat's latrine into the toilet, it is better to try and get paper or soy filler. It will cost less than repairing sewer pipes.
  4. If it is not possible to take out a plastic bag with wood filler from the apartment, several lumps should be flushed into the toilet with a break of half an hour.
  5. This procedure is not recommended to be carried out too often.
  6. Wood or clay fillers can be placed in the compost pit, mixed with grass. In the future, it is proposed to use the contents as a fertilizer for growing fruits on the site.

People say: laziness is the engine of progress. But only not in the case of disposal of this kind of waste. It will be easier for oneself, neighbors, the family budget and the cat to dispose of standard litters in the usual way, using a garbage chute or a tank in the yard.

For those who wish to throw cat waste into the toilet, a filler made of paper and soy fibers is perfect.

Cat litter greatly simplifies the life of the animal owner, but the question often arises of where to put the used material. The answer to the question of whether it is possible to flush cat litter down the toilet is rather ambiguous, because a mistake can have extremely unpleasant consequences.

By understanding whether cat litter can be flushed down the toilet, pet owners can make their lives much easier. The thing is that some types of fillers are strictly forbidden to be washed into the sewer system due to the fact that they contain substances that absorb water. Thus, once in the sewer system, the filler substance will absorb water and swell, forming a serious blockage in the toilet bowl or in the riser. There are 3 main types of cat litter on the market, including wood, mineral and silica gel. Whether cat litter can be flushed down the toilet depends on what type of cat litter is being used by specific people.

For example, under certain conditions, wood filler can indeed be flushed down the toilet, which is often indicated on the packaging of the material. The thing is that in water, wood pellets made from compressed sawdust of coniferous trees are first of all stratified and only after a long period of time begin to swell. Wood litter can be flushed down the toilet, but only in small amounts. Thus, to neutralize the contents of the tray, it should be washed off in small portions, and it is advisable to take a break of at least 30 minutes so that the previous portion is already washed out of the riser due to the fact that the neighbors from above continue to use the sewer at this time. Considering that many types of wooden cat litter pellets do not sink well, only a small amount can be completely eliminated from the toilet by flushing, and they will not cause clogging. Thus, several times it is possible to completely dispose of the contaminated contents of the cat litter.

If you try to dispose of a large amount of wood cat litter right away, not all of the material will immediately be flushed down the drain. During the filling of the cistern with a new portion of water, the filler can form a plug in the toilet, which will not be easy to remove.

However, people do not always use wood filler, which has a number of disadvantages. It is worth considering in more detail whether it is possible to flush the filler into the toilet if the main material for the manufacture of cat litter is a mineral base or silica gel. Mineral filler has many advantages, including that it quickly absorbs moisture and forms a lump, which does not allow unpleasant odors to spread. However, flushing such a filler into the toilet is strongly not recommended, since upon contact with water it quickly forms a lump, which will clog, if not the toilet, then the sewer riser. Filling the mineral filler from the tray into the toilet bowl, that is, in large quantities, in almost 100% of cases leads to the formation of a cork.

Recently, more and more people have started using silica gel filler. This filler, as a rule, is used by people with a high level of income, as it has a fairly high cost. This substance is very convenient, because when moisture gets on it, a chemical reaction immediately occurs, due to which the granules quickly swell. When you try to wash off even a small amount of such a filler, a monolithic plug is formed in the toilet or in the pipes located down the riser, which will be extremely difficult to remove. There are cases when such a plug had to be removed along with the pipe section in which it was stuck. In order to avoid the occurrence of serious blockages of the sewer, it is worth refraining from disposing of this type of cat litter in the toilet bowl.

On the packaging of many types of fillers, the manufacturer indicates that the substance is absolutely safe for the environment and cannot cause water or soil pollution, but this does not mean that it will not cause sewer blockage if you try to flush it down the toilet.

Many people believe that flushing the filler into the toilet allows you to get rid of the problem, but you need to remember that it is this action that can cause significant sewer blockages, which will be extremely difficult to eliminate without the help of specialists. It is best to refrain from flushing cat litter into the sewer system, as if the house has an old sewer, the risk of contamination will increase significantly.

The problem of disposal of the filler for the cat's "latrine" is a real headache for the owners of mustachioed-striped pets. Naturally, the most convenient option is to flush the used material down the toilet rather than collect it in a bag and then throw it away. Some manufacturers of such products indicate that the filler can be disposed of by descending through the sewer. In reality, however, the picture is far from being so rosy. If you throw a large amount of any filler into the toilet, it can cause a blockage. It turns out that instead of saving time and energy, we get a rather serious problem, the resolution of which will take a lot of nerves. After reading this article, you will find out which filler can be flushed down the toilet and whether it is worth doing it in principle.


There is only one correct answer to the question: “Is it possible to flush cat litter down the toilet?”. It all depends on what material the filling is made of. As already mentioned, any of its types can cause violations of the patency of sewer pipes, but some materials tolerate flushing better, while others worse. Let's take a closer look at the most common options.


For its manufacture, pressed sawdust is used, sometimes with aromatic impregnations. When moistened, the wood first delaminates and then gathers in lumps. The benefits of wood fillers include:

  1. Relatively low price.
  2. Ecological cleanliness, the absence of substances harmful to health.
  3. Ease of disposal (it is much more convenient to get rid of it).

The disadvantages include the need for frequent replacement. If you do not replace the filling of the tray in time, then after 4-5 days you will be disturbed by unpleasant “aromas” from the side of the cat tray.

Important! Practice shows that it is better to buy fillers without flavors. Fruit tree shavings have a natural, pleasant odor and are good at masking stool odors. Artificial fragrances, on the contrary, form an unbearably nauseating “ambre” with cat urine. In addition, the smell of citrus repels the animal.


The basis of the mineral filler (for example, katsan) is bentonite clay, as well as other substances with good absorption capacity (vermiculite, zeolite). The mixture clumps when wet and can be easily removed with a special scoop.

Important! The main advantage of clay materials is that they not only absorb liquid well, but also absorb odors.

silica gel

This is the most modern and practical option, the only drawback of which is the relatively high cost. You can change such a consumable once every 2-3 weeks, there is practically no unpleasant smell. But this filler is undesirable to use for kittens, because they gnaw on granules, and this can harm the health of the baby.


Unfortunately, paper-based filler is not often found in retail. Japanese products are considered the best here. It can be found on the websites of special online stores selling Japanese pet products. The only drawback is the high price.


Like paper, vegetable fillings (such as corn) can be disposed of down the drain. But, unfortunately, that's where their benefits end. The following are the downsides:

  1. The filler is light, which means it spreads throughout the apartment.
  2. Poorly neutralizes odors (2 days - and unbearable stench).

Important! This option can be used if the pet is allergic to all other types of materials.

A separate type of vegetable fillers is based on soy fiber. Unlike corn, they have excellent performance. The disadvantage of the same as paper products is the high price.

How to dispose of litter, or what kind of cat litter can be flushed down the toilet?

It all depends on how this or that material behaves in contact with water:

  • Wood pellets quickly soak when in contact with water. If you flush a small amount of sawdust pellets down the toilet, there will be no problems. However, an attempt to wash off a large amount of filler at once, as a rule, ends in failure. Water from the tank is clearly not enough to wash away a lot of sawdust. While the water fills the tank, the sawdust has time to be compressed into a rather weighty cork.
  • The mineral filler is knocked down in a dense lump almost instantly. It is for this reason that you should never flush the contents of the tray in the toilet. An exception to the rule is an attempt to flush small lumps down the drain. In this case, unpleasant consequences can be avoided. If you decide to pour all the filler from the tray into the sewer immediately, then the congestion inside the pipe is guaranteed. And it will be quite problematic to destroy it. Thus, the answer to the question: “Can the clumping filler be flushed down the toilet?” - negative.
  • Silica gel is used economically, it absorbs odors perfectly, but problems can arise with the disposal of pellets in the toilet bowl. When a large amount of material is poured into the sewer, the substance swells. The blockage does not occur in the toilet itself, but in the sewer pipes located below. It will be impossible to remove such a plug.
  • Paper filling is perfectly disposed of in the toilet, is one of the most environmentally friendly and safe options. This toilet flushable cat litter is a godsend for lazy owners.


Thus, there is no need to create difficulties for yourself with your own hands. Do not flush substances that are not intended for this into the sewer. Paper and vegetable fillers are exceptions that prove the rule. Disposing of the filler in a plastic bag for garbage does not take much time, and it is not worth the risk in vain.