"Music of the winds" or feng shui bells. Bell in Feng Shui: ringing protection of your territory

feng shui wind music

Now quite often when entering a house, office or store, you can see feng shui pendants hanging on the door from pipes or feng shui bells. They are also called wind music feng shui. They often fit well into the interior, as they are very beautifully decorated and look quite aesthetically pleasing, but still their main advantage is the cleansing of space. These "beautiful little things" reduce the level of negative energy in the room and help resolve conflicts. Hang feng shui "wind music" recommended to those places where there are fluctuations in the air, so that these feng shui bells periodically rang, making pleasant and useful sounds. They are also sometimes called air bells, or wind chimes, or Chinese bells. In order to choose the right air feng shui bells you need to first determine what you want to get from them and of course you need to choose the right direction for placement.

What should be the feng shui bells or "wind music"?

feng shui bells

Due to their design, these are vertically suspended hollow tubes, between which there is a “pendulum tongue” (it strikes the tubes) and the whole structure makes a pleasant melodic sound. feng shui bells perfectly convert negative energy into positive energy in the cavities of their tubes. These are the basic rules of "correct" bells - HOLLOW tubes.

The next thing you need to pay attention to when choosing this talisman is the material from which it is made. There are metal (aluminum, copper, brass or even silver), wooden or bamboo, glass or ceramic (porcelain), clay.

Number of tubes in "wind music" feng shui just as important. In China, it is believed that bells with seven, eight or nine pipes sound best. Looking ahead, I want to say that they are also found with a different number of tubes (two, three, four, five, six) and are also widely used. But we'll talk about this later.

Where to hang "wind music"?

to protect 5 tubes

Before answering the question "where to hang?" you need to decide for yourself what you want from this talisman. With it, you can protect your home from negative energy or use it to activate energy in a particular sector.

For guard:

  • In places where energy stagnates and it needs to be given movement (these can be places formed by sharp or right angles of the walls of the room). Periodically touch the “tongue” of the bell so that a pleasant melodic ringing is “born” and the talisman works in full force.
  • In long narrow corridors or if the door is opposite the window, in this case, the energy flows in a swift stream without stopping in the room. Hanging the “wind music” feng shui here, you will help the positive energy to linger and dissipate around the house.
  • Outside, for example, if there are “secret arrows” outside the window (to neutralize feng shui bell hung in the window opening).
  • Above the front door, to cleanse the energy "coming" into the room.

According to the general rules of feng shui, to protect the room from sha qi, “wind music” should be placed as follows:

For protection in traditional Feng Shui, air bells with five tubes are usually used.

To activate:

Sector Helpers and Patrons (northwest) for the acquisition of support in life - metal wind music feng shui with 6 tubes.

Sector of Love (southwest) to improve existing relationships or to attract new ones - ceramic (porcelain) "wind music" with 2 tubes.

Sector of Children and Creativity (west) for the implementation of creative plans, for improving relationships with children or if you wish to have a child - a metal air bell with 7 tubes.

Career Sector (north) for career advancement. Obtaining new opportunities for self-realization in the service or changing jobs to a better one - metal feng shui wind music with 6 or 7 tubes.

wind music metal

Sector of Study and Self-Improvement (northeast) for self-improvement or successful study - a ceramic air bell of 8 tubes.

Family Sector (east) to improve relations in the family and with their surroundings - a wooden "wind chime" with 3 tubes.

Wealth Sector (southeast) to improve the financial situation - a wooden "wind chime" with 4 pipes.

Sector of Success (south) for success and realization of oneself in life - wooden "wind music" from 9 pipes.

The number of tubes must match the number of the selected sector.

One of the most powerful feng shui talismans is the bell. This home amulet will not only attract good luck in business, but also cleanse the house of negative energy. In order for the magical power of this talisman to work, you need to know a few tricks for handling it.

Where to hang a bell in feng shui

If you want to protect your home from uninvited guests, negativity, damage and the evil eye, it is recommended to hang the bell right above the front door. It’s good if it rings when the front door moves. The ringing will dispel all the evil intentions of the thoughts of all strangers entering the house.

If you want to attract luck in love then hang a bell in the bedroom. According to Feng Shui, this room symbolizes family relationships and personal life.

If you want to good health hang a bell by the window. It will protect you from all ailments coming from the street.

If you want to raise money, Feng Shui recommends hanging a bell in the kitchen, preferably over a door or over a dining table.

How to activate the feng shui talisman

Activating the talisman is an important step in attracting good luck. If you just hang a bell, then it will just hang, delight you with its ringing, but no more. In order for it to work, it must be charged. To do this, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy and hang the talisman on a ribbon.

  • To attract love, the talisman is hung on a red ribbon.
  • To attract money, the bell must be hung on a green ribbon.
  • For good luck in business, use a blue ribbon.
  • To attract health and money, use a green ribbon.

As you tie the ribbon, think about what you want to attract into your life. Be sure to imagine your happy future and the result you want to achieve.

These simple feng shui rules for attracting good luck to your home will help you fulfill your desires and change your life for the better. And remember, if after a while the bell began to ring sadly and plaintively, immediately remove it and hang a new one! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Feng Shui air bells often decorate apartments and offices, and at the same time delight the ear with a gentle melodic sound. However, in addition to these functions, even the smallest Feng Shui bells play an important role as amulets, protecting us and our homes from evil spirits. This tradition has been going on for many hundreds of years, but until now, Chinese bells, which are so pleasant to listen to, improve the energy of our homes.

Wind chimes are hollow tubes made of different materials, inside of which there is a tongue that gives rise to a pleasant melody. Even small ordinary bells are also a talisman and a talisman. Bells not only drive away evil spirits, dissipate negative energy with their “singing”, but they are also a money talisman, because their sound is so similar to the ringing of coins.

Where to hang bells in Feng Shui

Naturally, a musical amulet should be hung where it will be able to sound regularly. That is why a great place for its location is the door. Thus, your bell will protect your home from uninvited guests and the evil intentions of strangers.

The bell that hangs in the bedroom will attract harmony and love into your family life. By hanging a bell on a red ribbon, you activate it and enhance this effect. To find your soul mate, you can hang paired bells in the bedroom that will help attract a worthy partner into your life.

You can wear the bell as a key ring. If you need anything, just play with the bell and make a wish, so it will come true faster. With the help of a bell, you can "summon" the right people and even vehicles.

If you want health for yourself and your family, hang a bell by the window, for example, on the curtains. Each time, pulling and opening them, you will hear a melodic tinkling, and your amulet will disperse negative energy. By hanging it over the bed of a sick person, you will speed up his recovery, the main thing is not to let the bell “be silent” for a long time, let your talisman “sing” as often as possible!

A blue ribbon for a bell will ensure you success and good luck, and a green one - wealth and prosperity. A bell over the dining table or over the kitchen door will also attract money and wealth.

To attract as many customers as possible to your store, do not forget to ring the bell before opening it, while making a wish. This is how you tell the Universe what you want.

As you tie the ribbon around your bell, imagine what you want most so that you can help the bell fulfill your desires.

You can buy various amulets and talismans, wind chimes and bells

Bells can and should be used to ward off negative energy from your home. It is best to take a small silver bell for this. However, steel is also possible. If you have a choice and you do not know which bell to give preference to. - listen to their call. It should be pleasant for you and evoke positive emotions.
The mistress of the house must activate the bell. First you need to take a glass of red wine, two-thirds full and lower the bell into it. Say over wine: There is strength and wisdom in wine, wine improves health and blood, wine gives us happiness and joy, so give wine, your bell strength, so that with its ringing it scares away evil forces and attracts happiness to our house.
The hostess should drink this wine in one gulp at dinner the next day. The bell needs to be rinsed with running water, rubbed between the fingers, as if removing from it everything that has settled on it before. Now the bell needs to rest and gain strength: for the night, the hostess should put it under her pillow. If that night she has a pleasant dream, and she woke up in a good mood, it means that the bell has worked and you can use it for protection.
The bell needs to be hung in a draft: either on the window, or at - in general, where it will ring often. The thread-rope on which the bell will hang should be 7 cm long, but its color does not really matter. You can take not one rope, but three, and braid a pigtail of them in order to strengthen the protective forces of the bell. Only here pay attention to the colors: one thread should be red, one white and one black.
You can also hang 3 bells at once to strengthen protection: it is known that God loves a trinity. Then the strings on which the bells are suspended must be tied tightly with three knots.
It is impossible for direct electric light to fall on the bells - then their strength "lights up", but in the sun they can hang as much as they like. Also, the bell should not be hung next to curtains of dark colors - they absorb negativity by themselves. It is desirable that the bells were handmade. A bell, like any object, must be alive, warmed by human hands, incorporating a particle of the soul of the master who made it. And although it is not a big job to make a bell, it fills it with its creative energy.
The bell should ring often, from every movement of air, ring merrily - you yourself will understand when you hear whether it rings merrily or sadly. If sad notes appeared in his ringing, or even stopped ringing altogether - a sure sign that he does not cope with his functions, it's time to change him.
And it is better to take a new bell more than the previous one. And the one that stopped working, you need to fill the inside with a crumb of bread and hide it in a safe place where no one can find it. A year later, you need to return for it, clean it, activate it again - and it is ready for use.
A small bell will be a great gift for a family that has recently had a baby. Tell the hostess how to set it up and let her hang it in the nursery, near the crib where the baby sleeps.
Women can attach a bell to a hairpin that you wear in your hair all the time - then it will be repulsive for any evil spirits to try to spoil her life. A silver (steel) bell can be replaced with a clay or crystal bell, but only a small one. A clay or crystal bell should be doubly carefully handled. God forbid it breaks - a sure sign that someone has sent damage to your house. And you need to hang them not on a rope, but on a red satin ribbon. The edges of the ribbon should be overcast with a thread of a contrasting color: black or white.

Having considered the topic of Feng Shui talismans and their meaning, you will understand what symbols to acquire to attract the necessary energies. A symbol is an object that carries an important energy for you.

There are 2 types of talismans in Feng Shui:

  • traditional (bells, figurines, images);
  • talismans-elements (symbols representing one of the 5 elements).

It's easy to overdo it with symbols - put a few figures in each sector, and you will feel the energy confusion. Start with one small but extremely important one and move on.

Energy saturation with symbols is justified only in the living room - a room for everyone and performs several functions. The use of strictly Chinese (Eastern symbols) is optional. When the interior is in the English style, Chinese hotei and three-toed toads will look ridiculous. Look for analogues or adapt the design of individual zones.

A foreign culture does not always resonate well with an individual's experience. The symbol must be specific to you.

Do you want success in your career? Hang a picture of the landscape in the northern part of the living room. If she inspires you, then the effect will be stronger than a whole bag of Chinese coins. Dreaming of a marriage? Then decorate the table in the northwestern part of the room with a beautiful one with fresh flowers. Just remember to change them on time.

Chinese symbols, if you decide to use it, are placed in strict accordance with the activation zone.

The meaning of feng shui mascot figurines

For convenience, alphabetical order.

Orange - abundance, happiness, focus on a successful marriage. These citrus fruits are associated with gold and optimism. Use if you want to achieve prosperity.

Asters - tenderness, romance. A symbol that activates the sector of love. You can use both fresh flowers and painted ones.

Butterflies are the attraction of love. Apply in pairs or multiple pairs.

Bamboo - strength, endurance. Protection from evil spirits. Bamboo carries auspicious energy.

Ox - calmness, stability, stability. Suitable for the wealth zone. Gives perseverance in achieving goals, provides stable prosperity.

Two ceramic vases are a single paired symbol. Accumulates wealth and positive energy in the house. Vases should have narrow necks and wide bases. In this form, they bring peace to the family.

The fan is a symbolic protection. If the talisman is gilded, then it provides a high status in its circles.

The waterfall is good luck for the whole family.

Ganesha - support and protection in business, in endeavors.

The globe is a favorable symbol for successful study.

Doves are a pair symbol for attracting romantic relationships.

Mountain - protection and stability, support, support. .

A pot of gold (coins, treasures) is a talisman to attract abundance.

Pomegranate is a symbol of offspring for the family and at work. It can be used when opening branches of the company or for a favorable replenishment of the family.

Dolphins - mutual assistance, support.

Money tree - growing and growing abundance.

The dragon is a multitasking symbol. Protects from failures, poverty, gives a sense of security, provokes positive changes. The symbol is not placed above the head, otherwise the dragon will absorb the powers of the owner. If the dragon has a pearl, then this is a talisman of wisdom, harmony.

Unicorn - generosity, great wisdom. They are used when children need help in achieving their goals or when opening branches.

The three-legged toad is the personification. They put it only in the living room, and nowhere else. The toad itself should not be looking directly at you, but its position should indicate that it has just jumped into the room.

Pearl - the concentration of knowledge to achieve goals.

The crane is a talisman of longevity. A pair symbol attracts family luck.

The hare is a symbol of long life. Seeing an image with a red hare is a great success.

Snake - renewal, knowledge.

Umbrella - protection from ill-wishers.

Iris - faith, hope.

The Fireplace is a symbol placed in the Fame Zone. His regular cleaning and action will maintain your greatness in your circles.

Stones - stability and security. If you managed to find pebbles with stripes, then clean the stones in salted water for a week and fumigate. They will make the house stronger.

Crystal - strengthening of positive energy in the zone of Wisdom. Works when exposed to light.

Leo - valor, energy, protection at the entrance from evil spirits.

Lily - calmness, purity, peace.

Horse - perseverance, nobility, endurance. If the horse is directed upwards, then this is a symbol of success. Gold on the back - fame and money.

Bear - protection at the entrance.

Mystic knot - infinite luck.

The coin of happiness is a symbol of money, wealth, but not only material.

Monkey - protection from failure.

Eagle - success. 9 eagles flying above the sun - a blessing for big goals.

Peacock - luck and nobility. Achievement of high positions or recognition.

Sailboat - good luck in business. They put their nose inside the house - bringing treasures home. Gold on the deck will enhance the talisman.

The peach is a symbol of marriage and a long relationship.

Crystal pyramid - achievements and ambitions in a career.

Horseshoe - promotion and career ladder.

Sunflowers are a symbol of health and optimism.

Goldfish in an aquarium - money luck. There should always be an odd number of fish. One is black. The aquarium is placed in the southeast.

Pink hearts made of quartz - attracting love.

The elephant is a symbol of invincibility. According to Indian legends, women come to elephants asking the wise animal for success in conception.

Fu dogs are guardians of well-being at the entrance to the house. The usual symbol of the dog is the protection of the stability of the family.

The tiger is a powerful symbol against evil spirits. Chinese Feng Shui masters do not advise to scatter such a talisman. If you were born in the year of the boar, rooster or rabbit (tiger food), then you cannot keep such a symbol in the house. At one time, the belief about this was so strong that mothers did not want to marry their sons to girls born in the year of the Tiger, since marriage could promise the imminent death of a spouse. But Feng Shui does not know a stronger amulet from the evil forces.

- attracting a long-awaited marriage and romantic relationship.

Phoenix is ​​the amulet of prosperity.

The fountain is abundance.

Hotei is a popular patron in business. To make the wish come true, stroke the hotei's tummy 300 times.

Heron - fidelity.

Turtle - long life and endurance.

The meaning of the bells

Bells transform subtle energies, purifying them. A prerequisite is hollow tubes, it is in them that energy is transformed. Without them, bells are just decoration. The best materials are metal (for the east and southeast), bamboo (for the northeast and southwest), porcelain (for the north). The number of tubes is 5.

Bell pendant - 1 bell and 1 thin plate. These are hung only in monasteries, they are not recommended in the house.

Pagoda pendant is a talisman for all residents in the house.

Round pendant - harmony, abundance. Hang in the living room or hallway.

Fish pendant - well-being, good luck.

Phoenix bell - happiness.

Any moving objects (windmills, flags, clocks) are additional Qi circulation. Adds mobility, does not allow stagnation.

Bamboo flutes - security, professional growth, insight.


Plants as symbols are good because they bring living energy, but they are bad because they can harm the residents without care. Just like bells, they make Qi circulate better. Flowering plants also activate an additional desired sector.

Flower pots are placed where you need to mask an acute angle, remove the negative from open bookshelves.

Sharp leaves carry Yang (male) energy, round - Yin (female).

Ideal place for accommodation - dining room, living room. Yang energy is not allowed in the bedroom.

It is better to refuse artificial and dry plants. Artificial flowers can still be used for offices, but wet care is required, and artificial flowers draw energy.

To always remember about talismans and their meaning, bookmark this article and use it when you make changes to the interior.