Ugly man: what is the secret of attractiveness? Why do we like ugly men

In the early stages of dating, women often avoid ugly men. The laws of aesthetics dictate their own rules, and the lady wants to see a handsome gentleman next to her. But when a relationship crosses the line of falling in love, the fair sex often prefers outwardly imperfect men.

What is the secret of the attractiveness of ugly men?


When nature endows a man with excellent external data, he begins to actively use it. As, however, and the woman. From a young age, all the girls in the class love such a boy, teachers make concessions to him, and his housemates admire his beauty. The guy gets used to being the center of attention and universal love. He is well aware that his brown eyes with lush eyelashes, cute face and torso of Apollo will help to overcome many difficulties.

But in adulthood, such a man turns out to be a bad match. He gets so used to a good attitude that he does not want to understand other people. The young man believes that he is worthy of great love only for his beauty.

A lady in a relationship with a handsome man often has to rely on her own strength. Handsome will not conquer her and support her in family life. Why would he overwork himself? After all, he is “not like everyone else,” which means that in the event of a failed relationship, other girls will quickly come running to him.

As practice shows, handsome men are more likely to get bored of a monotonous family life. With age, they become irritable and capricious; beauty is leaving, and with it the number of privileges that were given out for "beautiful eyes."

not handsome

Otherwise, the life of ugly guys develops. Fate does not indulge them with an excess of attention and additional privileges. To get the attention of girls, an ugly guy needs to skillfully look after them; and good academic results are achieved through persistent mastery of the material. An ugly guy understands that life will not provide him with gifts, so he directs all his efforts towards career success.

A couple of three years pass and “not handsome” is simply not recognizable. From a young man with a pimply face and a thin figure, he turns into an imposing man who knows the value of life. He learned not only to earn money, but also to skillfully handle the fair sex. His smart compliments, self-discipline and enveloping eyes do not leave beautiful ladies indifferent.

Therefore, it is not surprising that beautiful girls connect their lives with ugly, but self-sufficient men. After all, it is much better to know that your chosen one will decide everything himself than to search for another job while a handsome partner admires his reflection in the mirror.

Why are ugly men a profitable match?

  • They do not rely on external data. They are characterized by ambition, determination and perseverance.
  • They develop the habit of self-discipline and constant work.
  • A man with an average appearance better monitors his health and lifestyle.
  • To the lady, who did not push him away due to external imperfection, he tries to be attentive and respectful.
  • According to statistics, ugly men are more patient and caring.
  • They often become good fathers and faithful husbands.

Another amazing fact: by the age of 40, ugly men are stunningly prettier. In the meantime, this has not happened, the lady can derive other benefits from such a relationship. Indeed, against the background of a partner who is not ideal in appearance, a woman will seem even more beautiful. Such a contrast will play into her hands: the lady will always be in the spotlight, adding additional success to the image of a man.

Tom Hiddleston

In recent years, the world has gone crazy over Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston. Their, let's say, extraordinary appearance is valued no less than acting. Odin captivated hundreds of hearts by playing Sherlock Holmes in the series of the same name, and continues to drive girls crazy just by appearing on the red carpet. Another gained incredible popularity among the ladies, playing a completely negative role in the movie "Thor", and then struck on the spot in "High-rise". So what's the secret?

Behavior and mind

There are enough examples in the world of cinema when men with a peculiar appearance became unimaginably popular. Take at least Rowan Atkinson, beloved by many Mr. Bean. He is known all over the world, but unlike Cumberbatch or Hiddleston, they do not take him for a sex symbol. It is logical to assume that the point here is in the role. Benedict plays an aesthete, not deprived of intelligence and taste, and Rowan - a clumsy fool. The first time you see Cumberbatch on screen, you think, “Wow! How ugly! ”, And in half an hour you dream of being with him on a desert island. His manner of speaking, behaving with people (albeit often and sharply), sharp language and deep thoughts about anything turn an unsympathetic guy into an ideal of beauty. This is how easy inner peace, upbringing and restraint can cover external shortcomings.

Benedict Cumberbatch


Style should be understood as a general manner of looking: how certain things suit him, how neat he is, whether he knows how to wear his clothes. The more a man looks organically in his style, the more he will be attractive to us. Have you noticed how often even beautiful men scare away, but dressed, for example, not for their age, and how easily we forgive the external unattractiveness of stylish guys? Remember Vincent Cassel. His characters in films cannot be called positive or beautiful, he almost always plays bastards, so there is no need to talk about the love of fans because of the roles, but his passion for well-fitting costumes has done its job.

Vincent Cassel


This mysterious word turns any even the most unattractive man into an object of female fantasies. What lies behind this very charisma? Some special personality trait, ability to communicate, incredible charm or what? It is difficult to say what exactly distinguishes charismatic people from those whom nature has not awarded with this gift, but they are definitely on different levels. Take even Javier Bardem without any special style or expressive image, but there is something in him that is directly “Ah!”.

Javier Bardem


A good quality that, in theory, every representative of the strong half of humanity should have. Unfortunately, not everyone has this necessary attribute of attractiveness. Where are those males who are ready to turn the world upside down for the sake of a woman and will do anything to protect their beloved? It seems to us that Daniel Craig is definitely masculine (it's not for nothing that he became the most popular and most brutal 007 agent in the history of the franchise), which means that he is attractive, despite all his appearance flaws.

Who needs ugly guy? Well, certainly not for me, one will say, and the other will think: why not. There are women who believe: if a man is not a handsome prince at all, then there will be less trouble with him, and happiness is quite possible in such a relationship. Is there any truth in this opinion? It is known that beauty is just a technical issue, and there is no dispute about tastes. However, they still prefer to go out with an attractive, rather than with ugly guy.

Real love

Are relationships with ugly guy help you find that true love? First of all, you need to clearly clarify the question for yourself: the person who does not like his partner is considered ugly. But other women may find him attractive. Many believe that a man who is not distinguished by his beautiful appearance will never hurt or harm his beloved, because he is, after all, a freak. He should thank fate that such a beauty descended to him, to put it mildly, ordinary. Therefore, he must carry it in his arms.

Who is a freak?

But what if while the girl secretly thinks (but, of course, does not speak in person) that her partner is not handsome, he at the same time thinks of her in the same way? Or he knows perfectly well that he is not attractive in appearance, but at the same time he is so confident in himself that he will not allow himself to be pushed around by any girl who is seduced by him, ugly guy. Perhaps he thinks he deserves someone who will not perceive him as a freak.

All is decided

If a girl has decided on a relationship with a young man whom she does not find attractive, then she has already made her choice. All said and done, and physical attractiveness no longer plays a special role. This guy hooked the girl, but not because he is handsome, but because they suit each other.

As for hurt feelings: how can you hurt the feelings of someone who does not feel anything in relation to his partner. So, despite the shortcomings, feelings for ugly guy yet there is. And, according to the experience of older generations, these feelings only intensify with age. So if an unattractive young man fails to hurt feelings in any way, then this is hardly love, which defies logic at all.


Even if a guy is completely unattractive physically, this does not mean that a girl cannot be into him. And all because the real attractiveness is more associated with innate qualities than what is visible from the outside. The external gloss disappears very quickly, it is worth getting to know the person better. However, spiritual and spiritual beauty is a more stable substance. So if you meet with an unattractive man for a long time, then one way or another it is quite possible to fall in love with him. And as soon as this happens, then now he will already be able to inflict pain and suffering.

Instead of focusing your attention on whether a young person is attractive or not, and whether it is worth spending your efforts on such a relationship, it is better to leave all these thoughts and start just dating people. Only in this way can one learn what one likes and dislikes in ... relationships. It may seem that everything has been known about yourself for a long time, but every time you can learn something new about yourself, not to mention other people. And if there are any hobbies, and a person who is close in spirit does not have ideal parameters, then to hell with her, this appearance. The main thing is spiritual closeness. And appearance is not the main thing.

1. Hugh Laurie

Everyone loved Hugh for Dr. House, of course. Rather, at first they fell in love with the doctor, and only then - Hugh himself. And it's very strange. Because with such an appearance, being also an aggressive sociopath is completely you. Apparently, minus times minus gave plus. Definitely. Because while Laurie was playing comedic roles, no one would think he was cute.

2. Benedict Cumberbatch

You know the joke about Cumberbatch being confused with cheese? So, it's not just about the surname. The actor really is somewhat reminiscent of a stale dairy product. Or a dead ferret. But what the hell does it matter if he's a genius?

3. Serge Gainsbourg

Four marriages, many mistresses and an incredible number of admirers. But how? We do not know. If you guess - tell us, please.

4. Adrien Brody

A long-nosed tower with eyes full of sorrow. Yes, it is, perhaps, precisely in this look of the basset hound. Brody is always so unhappy that it's impossible not to love him.

5. Danny Trejo

Every Trejo hero is a simple Mexican guy with the intelligence of a stool. But how cool is he, go crazy! Tattoos, motorcycles, machetes - that's it. He's the same in real life, that's the beauty of it.

6. Mickey Rourke

Once upon a time, trees were big, ice cream was delicious, and Mickey Rourke was so handsome that you couldn't take your eyes off him. Since then, everything has changed dramatically. But I am glad that there are still things in the world that do not change: Mickey's charisma, for example. What does it matter what he looks like? He's beautiful, period.

7. Gerard Depardieu

But Monsieur Depardieu, even in his youth, could not boast of an attractive appearance, and with age he completely turned into a caricature of himself. Well, that's for the best. Because he was just cute, and now he's cute and funny. Mi-mi-mi!

8. Vincent Cassel

The whole world, with bated breath, is waiting: when, well, when will Kassel's horns, hooves and tail finally erupt? Here's a lesson for you, dear children: be afraid of your desires, they come true. Kassel wanted to be demonic so much that he really turned into a devil. The face, at least, is definitely damn. Mmmm, there's something to it.

9. Christopher Walken

And Mr. Walken did not turn into anyone, he was born that way right away, I guess. In any case, we remember the times when he was quite attractive - but only in dark glasses and with his mouth closed. Because those whitish eyes and a shark smile terrified us even in kindergarten. Now we have grown up - and love to be afraid. Invigorating, you know.

10. Javier Bardem

Classic Beast from the cartoon about Belle. Terrible on the face, kind inside. Well, Javier's eyes are kind, that's for sure. But from his nostrils I want to stay away. Have you ever been sniffed by a very large dog? It is like a vacuum cleaner running at the lowest power. Bardem reminds us of something like that. But - it's a monster! We love monsters. We love straight.

11. Mark Anthony

Creepy type. But we seem to understand why the beauty of J. Lo married him. Some people like "pocket boys". We love too. We, perhaps, would not refuse a manual gnome either.

12. Tim Roth

Tim Roth is an amazing person: he can play anyone. No, in fact - there is no such role that would not suit him. For this we love him - for the mystery. How does he manage to transform into such different people? And where, excuse me, does his strange face go? Mystery of the century.

13. Daniel Craig

Yep, got it! You can not deny: everyone watched German porn and dreamed of sexual plumbing. Asked - receive: here it is, radiating sexuality Daniel. With the face of the plumber Semenych, who sewed himself up yesterday, and now suffers.

14. Alan Rickman

"Listen to Metatron, the messenger of the Almighty, the voice of the true God!" The creators of the film "Dogma" took the actor for the role of an angel, because they decided - if the Almighty has a voice, then this is the voice of Alan Rickman. Watching films with Rickman dubbed is a crime, honestly. Subtitles only! Rickman is also Snape. Severus Snape. What else can be said here? Just this: he's a genius and Severus. Dot.

15. Adriano Celentano

We give the honorable first place and the title of the most terrible sexy man to dear Adriano. First of all, he really is the ugliest. And secondly, he is generally the very best: the most talented, the sexiest, the cutest, the most ... Because we love him from the cradle. And we will never stop loving. Well, because our moms loved him. And it is very likely that our daughters will love too. He's great, yeah.

One way or another, but not very handsome guys suffer and complex about their unattractive appearance. Because of this, his self-esteem drops and he becomes lonely. Such a guy will definitely not have a girl who will truly love him.

In fact, a guy who does not have a particularly beautiful appearance can impress any girl with other qualities and virtues. So, a guy who combines courage, energy, wit and intelligence will undoubtedly be appreciated among the beautiful half of humanity.

That is why psychologists recommend that any guy mainly concentrate on such personal qualities. In addition, personal growth will allow you to develop yourself as a person much better, which is also very much appreciated in any society.

So, a guy who will play the guitar or some other instrument and at the same time will read any literature, from classics to detective stories, will be very nice to any girl, even if she preferred glamorous handsome men all the time.

And by the way, many women do not look at the appearance of a man at all. They choose a life partner according to his hobbies and, based on common interests with him, create a family. And although there is an opinion that for women the main thing is the beauty and appearance of a man, this is not entirely true.

Naturally, the appearance of a man should be more or less neat and well-groomed, but nothing more. He must follow the manner of conversation and the more interesting hobbies he has, the more likely he is to interest the girl.

This is because girls are attracted to romance, which means that songs with a guitar, especially those performed with sincere love, will appeal to any lady. Moreover, a man who develops attracts the attention of the whole society as a whole than one who stands still. Therefore, you need to find a hobby for yourself and then you won’t need to think about what an ugly guy should do.

Many women admit that they chose their spouse not by beauty, but by talent and by his ability to listen to a loved one. It is also worth thinking about this important quality, because it will no doubt be useful in family life too.

If you think about what type of guys attracts girls the most, then you can come to the conclusion that beauty for women is far from in the first place. For someone, the material condition of the future chosen one is important, for someone his hobbies, since it is important to have several common interests or ideas with the second half.

However, there is one quality that unites all women. It is definitely a defense. Since ancient times, it is believed that a man is the protector and breadwinner of the family and his offspring. So modern women, despite the fact that so much time has already passed, are trying to find a reliable and strong man who, on occasion, can intercede and protect them from all adversity or just from hooligans.

From this we can conclude that a man needs to nurture and cultivate in himself precisely the strengths. In addition, in any man there should be a large share of perseverance and determination, since such people are most attracted in the first place.

Another quality that an ugly guy should have is a sense of humor. This is due to the fact that women love and are drawn to those men who have a more or less optimistic outlook on life. It is believed that such a companion with such a companion will be easy and fun even in the family.

For this reason, having developed such qualities in himself, a person can be sure that the opposite sex will like him. Thus, having developed all these necessary and main male qualities in themselves, ugly guys can also find a soul mate and become much happier and more self-confident than they were before. You just need to be patient and visit entertaining places.

In the modern world, it is accepted that men who get their nails done are homosexuals. In fact, the grooming of hands, if it is not excessive, will not harm a man, but, on the contrary, will make him even more attractive in the eyes of any woman.

We can say that even not very handsome guys have the opportunity to please a pretty girl, you just need to try and put a little effort into it. Image change, masculine behavior and a little self-confidence will definitely do their job and the girl will fall in love even with a guy who is unsympathetic at first glance.