But this is my, female view of the problem. And I would like to know what men think about this. My male friend, a psychologist by profession, gave me several signs that will definitely indicate that a man does not love you.

Most women sometimes ask themselves the question: what does their chosen one feel? The desire to know if a man is in love can arise at different stages in the development of a relationship. At the very beginning of dating, interest is associated with the fact that a woman wants to make sure that her feelings are mutual. However, having received a positive answer, deciding that the chosen one still loves her, the lady does not calm down on this. Agree, very little time passes, and the woman already dreams of more. He still hasn't offered his hand and heart? Does he love? Or just got carried away? But men are different from the fairer sex. They are not used to expressing their feelings vividly, they are far from making decisions so quickly and hardly part with their freedom. Yes, a man does not dream of marriage. But even if he has not yet decided to marry, this does not mean at all that he does not love you. Try to assess his feelings objectively, use different methods and advice.

Why did the question arise? Your personal relationship to a man
Introspection will help you find out if a man loves you, as well as a little research of the current state of affairs in your couple. Think about what prompted your question.
  1. You yourself doubt your feelings. Of course, if you already had doubts about the viability of your relationship with your loved one, such thoughts could appear in a man. Decide for yourself whether you should continue to communicate with this person. Perhaps you have already met someone else? Or is the relationship not satisfying to you? Probably, the causes of the problem must first be looked for in yourself.
  2. Your expectations were not met. You hoped for more when you started communicating with your loved one. Now frustration is preventing you from properly evaluating a man's feelings. Please note: if you yourself came up with something, "drawing" the image of the chosen one and transferring it to a real person, the man's fault is not in this. Try to abstract from your fantasies and approach the issue intelligently. After all, this person can love you, take care of you, demonstrate wonderful qualities, despite a number of inconsistencies with the fictional ideal.
  3. The relationship "stopped". You have been expecting further development of relations for some time, but they froze at one point. Nothing dramatic happens, but you need certainty, bright events. Take into account the peculiarities of the temperament of your beloved man, the degree of his employment, character traits. Different people show their feelings in completely different ways. Be attentive and better study the inner world of your chosen one, avoid stereotypes.
  4. The man does not show love, it seems indifferent. Here another question should immediately arise: what do you mean by demonstrating love? For some man, first of all, it is important to support you financially, to help in everyday life. A romantic lover can give a huge bouquet, invite you to a movie and a restaurant, but not notice that you are tired, you have a heavy bag in your hands. Everything is relative. Your personal priorities also play a big role here. Just remember that you will only need passionate confessions and flowers for a while. For a long and happy life, a man should not have romance, but other qualities: reliability, practicality, common sense and the ability to take care of you.
  5. He does not call for marriage. In most cases, women want to know if a man loves them, because they just can't wait for the coveted offer. However, do not forget that a man may have many reasons not to rush into a formal marriage. This decision takes time. Also, the desire to wait for registration is sometimes associated with negative impressions of communicating with women, negative personal experience, the example of parents or acquaintances. Ideally, the relationship should be formalized, but you shouldn't demand perfection right away. Perhaps you need to wait a little longer, or find another way out. In any case, the absence of a stamp in the passport is not yet an indicator that a man does not love you.
  6. Deteriorating relationships. When you have already noticed that your communication has become clearly difficult, the former mutual understanding has been lost, it is really worth doubling your attention. Try to determine right away what the reasons are. They may not consist in a man's attitude towards you, but in some external factors. For example, your loved one has problems at work, he helps relatives to overcome difficulties. Then even a temporary deterioration in relations with you is understandable. Try to support your man, restore contact with him.
Try not to demand too much from a man, it is more sensible to evaluate his feelings for you. After all, love is not an eternal holiday.

Find out if a man loves. Several nuances
First of all, you will need to be more attentive to your loved one in order to find out his true attitude. Remember that sensitivity and the ability to see every little thing will always come in handy. Notice all the nuances, reactions and features of the man's behavior. This will make it easier for you to develop your relationship in the right direction, rebuild your own behavior and extinguish conflicts. And, of course, it will help you find out if a man loves you.

  1. Attention. Try to understand how considerate the man is to you. A loving person is interested in your health, mood, plans and deeds. He will definitely clarify the details if you talk about any problem. If you see that a man often abstracts from your worries, prefers to talk only about himself, this is a really bad sign.
  2. Together, while it's easy. Sometimes you can find such unions: the couple looks happy, people shine, they are in a positive mood. But they do not share problems with each other, do not support in difficult times. Preferring not to talk or think about bad things, they are together only as long as it is easy and pleasant for them. Of course, it's difficult to talk about love here. When your loved one hides any difficulties in his life, wishing to appear successful, and demands the same from you, you no longer have to count on his support and love.
  3. Potential. Evaluate the likelihood of a positive development of your relationship with a man, their potential. If you have been in contact for a long time, and your loved one has not yet introduced you to friends, parents, it is highly likely that he does not consider your union promising. Perhaps for him this is just flirting, there is no question of love.
  4. Care. Analyze the manifestations of caring for you, and not the external "tinsel". Lots of gifts, wonderful compliments and a few trips to expensive restaurants will not replace the real care and support of your beloved man. When your shoulder is substituted in time, you will immediately feel it. Feel the attention from the man, real support? Most likely, he really loves you.
  5. General. Pay attention to the strength of your relationship with a man. The more you have in common, the better. It's great if you walk together, discuss work and business, run a household, relax, give each other advice. A loving man will listen to your opinion and will certainly try to delve into your problems, offer a good solution.
Of course, a welcome proof of a man's love is a wedding ring on his finger. Try to combine a little initiative with subtlety. You shouldn't rush things and put pressure. But it is important to convey to the man that you love him, value your relationship and want to keep them forever, dream of a family and children. Then, it is quite possible that you will become the wife of your chosen one, make sure that he loves you.

Serious relationships and, of course, love - this is the dream of the vast majority of women (even if they stubbornly deny it).

But what to do and how to find out if a man loves you, if he himself does not say such lofty words, only hot hints and admiring compliments.

What if he is, in general, an ordinary womanizer and your novel is just a fleeting adventure for him?

What is love?

Naturally, love is an individual concept for each of us.

Simply put, it is difficult to give a clear answer to such a seemingly simple question.

Nevertheless, it is quite possible to distinguish a real deep feeling from falling in love or ordinary interest: the behavior, words and actions of a loved one will tell about this.


Do you discuss with your chosen one a joint future and how he reacts to such conversations?

If a person really experiences deep feelings, then such thoughts are natural for him. There shouldn't be any uncertainty or uncertainty here:

  • when you love on a subconscious level, a desire arises to live next to your beloved for eternity;
  • conversations about your future children, a cozy home, honeymoon, etc. are all direct evidence of serious intentions on the part of a man.

Compliments are also different

To understand how much a man loves you, or vice versa, it is enough to listen carefully to his compliments.

Yes, yes ... Just listen.

For example, there is a huge difference between the words: “You look great today” and “You make me look at life differently”.

On a note: Many psychologists believe that the main thing is not the quantity of compliments, but their quality.

A loved one, if he is really not indifferent to you, should respect you as a person and treat with understanding some, albeit not very positive, traits of your character.

Do you love me?

It is this question, as mentioned earlier, is very important for many girls, and some of them directly ask their chosen one about this, only he can answer in different ways:

  1. “Yes, of course,” you must admit, does not sound entirely convincing.
  2. “I love you very much” - this is how someone who really has strong feelings should answer (well, or something like this) completely sincerely and looking into the eyes.

Important: in order to say words of love, no reasons are required, and even more so it is unacceptable when a man makes such confessions out of favor, because it is so appropriate in this moment.

Let me in your life

If you are thinking about how to find out if a man loves, first of all, ask yourself: "what do I know about him?"

If he is really open to you, then, as a rule, he is not afraid to talk about his childhood memories, feelings and dreams, innermost thoughts, fears, etc.

  • When a loved one tells you about something intimate and adds: “Nobody knows this except you,” you can be sure that he actually completely trusts you, and most importantly, he truly loves.

Love is tested by distance

This statement is known to many and is partly quite reasonable. How else? Parting, albeit not for long, is a small death.

If you are not together, but:

  • correspond regularly;
  • call up and tell each other about your feelings;
  • you are bored and can't wait to meet.

This means that love is sincere, that is, true.

Important: when a man, apart from you, rarely writes, calls, or he himself is reluctant to answer all sorts of communication attempts, then it makes no sense to talk about any high relations in this situation.

  • By the way, such behavior of a loved one should especially alert a married woman - most likely, during your absence, your spouse has more "pleasant activities" and he rarely remembers your legal half.

Accordingly, if you are married and ask the question: how to find out if my husband loves me, the answer is obvious.

Disadvantages do matter.

Does your loved one notice the flaws in your character and how does he perceive them?

This is very important - he should not close his eyes to all, let alone idealize you.

Anyone who really loves is not afraid to point out to his other half about any mistake, unworthy behavior or incorrect statement.

Of course, this does not mean that constant and unfounded criticism is the norm, on the contrary, it is only on the case and always constructive.

  • You should be alerted if your loved one never defends his interests, does not argue with you, etc.

Everyone has specific interests and opinions.

A man who is truly in love will never ignore your opinion.

In addition, he will be interested in absolutely everything related to the woman he loves: from the cost of her new pair of shoes to political views on the world situation.

He will not be afraid to ask your advice or find out a certain point of view on any issue, even if he himself has an already formed position.

On a note: do not expect that your loved one will consult with you on every occasion, the main thing is that you solve the most significant problems together.

Listening skills

And so, what else to pay attention to and how to find out if a man really loves you - talk to him about trifles (just don't do it all the time).

If he has real feelings, he will certainly listen to you, even if the topic is not interesting to him, or you raise it for the hundredth time.

Just don't think that the person who loves you should behave like a "faithful friend". It's just that he is always ready to listen to your thoughts, without being distracted or interrupting.

  • Love is also the ability to listen.

Actions also speak volumes.

Another proof that a man takes you seriously is his willingness to help in any situation.

And not just to take you to a movie or a restaurant when you are bored, but to help: take a walk with your dog when you are sick, take you to the airport if necessary, etc.

A loving person will always be by your side: not only in joyful, but also in difficult moments.

  • You should take a closer look at your chosen one if he is with you only when everything is fine, there are no problems, etc., but disappears immediately when they appear.

I want to please you

Is there anything nicer than all kinds of romantic surprises and gifts from a beloved man? This is what most women think.

However, real feelings are manifested, first of all, in seemingly banal trifles. If a man loves, he takes care not only of himself, but also of the person dear to him.

For example, it will not be difficult for someone who has deep feelings for you:

  • buy groceries, in the event that for some reason you cannot do it yourself;
  • prepare a delicious dinner if you are tired, late at work, etc.

On a note: love is not only the ability to take, but also the ability to give something in return.

At the same time, he will do such things without asking permission, that is, as a matter of course.

Otherwise, when you have to ask or remind your chosen one all the time, you should think about whether these are really serious feelings?

Free space

Well, in conclusion, it must be said that a man who truly loves will never limit the free space of his woman:

She will always give her the opportunity to be alone and collect her thoughts, if necessary, or to take care of personal affairs.

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Remember that the one who is not able to let you go from himself even a step is most likely a pathological jealous person, and this is already a destructive feeling.

Yes, and it is stupid to talk about love here, except about the boundless pride and ambitions of the owner.

How do you know if a guy loves you? Sooner or later, this question is asked by every girl who starts dating a young man. She wants to feel confident in her companion, to feel the inspiration that the person she likes is nearby. This is a normal desire, dictated by natural impulses. People often cannot control them. In most cases, at this moment, the girl herself feels some transformation in her soul, she wants to feel confident in the future. At the same time, any girl wants attention, warmth, care. She longs for courtship and gifts. For this reason, she wants to meet a reliable person on whom she could rely, to share her sorrows and joys with him. How to recognize a man's love? Are there signs that a guy is in love with a girl?

Signs of attention

The behavior of a guy in love is fundamentally different from the one who meets a girl without any feelings. Such a person begins to look at the surrounding reality differently. True love changes the attitude towards life, and very rapidly. Values, spiritual guidelines are changing, much of this, which used to be a special meaning in a person's life. People around them often do not recognize their acquaintances, being surprised that such significant changes have occurred to them. It is possible to distinguish falling in love from simple interest, especially since it is quite easy to do this.

How do you know if a guy loves you? How to recognize a man in love? He will certainly show pronounced signs of attention. You can't do without it. A loving person begins to think that only now he has acquired a special meaning in life, he looks at the world with completely different eyes. The guy will begin to notice the girl's mood, will be interested in how her day went, what happened. These questions are not asked out of politeness, but there is a real interest behind them. If the second half has some kind of anxiety or grief, then the young man will certainly sympathize, show the necessary signs of attention. This is a clear sign that a man is in love.

Gifts and flowers

This is another gesture of affection and respect that a real man never neglects. One of the signs of true love in a man is precisely the need to make gifts. A guy with special enthusiasm can spend hours choosing a present for his beloved, while spending large sums of money and not regret it. If an adult man is in love, he will gladly delight and surprise his girlfriend. He has such a psychology, dictated by the need to please his chosen one.

Gifts and flowers are an essential component of any courtship. It is known that most girls are extremely partial to various soft toys, sweets and other cute trinkets. They put a lot of meaning into the process of spending time together. All this is of great importance to them. When a man loves a woman, his behavior changes radically. He literally begins to shower his darling with gifts and touching souvenirs. Most of the fair sex can appreciate it. It's easy to understand what a man loves. It is only important to take a closer look at his daily behavior.

Striving to get better

How do you know if a man loves you? This question makes many girls not sleep at night, but tormented by painful doubts. After all, sometimes it is so difficult to ask about it directly. There is a fear of ruining a good relationship, frightening off an impending romantic feeling. That is why the fair sex is in no hurry to confess to the guy their own feelings. Instead, they want to understand how the guy feels about them.

If a man loves, how does he behave? I must say that the behavior of a really interested person always changes. The expression of love in men is the fact that they strive with all their might to show themselves from their best side. Someone abruptly quits smoking, others stop drinking alcohol, fearing to make a repulsive impression on the girl. All this happens for one simple reason - a man is changing, he is interested in changing. How to tell if a man is in love? It's simple. If his behavior has become somewhat surprising and does not correspond to ordinary actions, then something truly non-standard is really happening to him.

Frank confessions

How to understand that a man loves you? Are there characteristic signs of a man's love for a woman? Frank confessions are considered one of the most striking manifestations. The man begins to confess his love, to make gentle touching speeches. If we are talking about an adult man, then he does not skimp on praise, scatter numerous compliments to the woman. Many girls wonder if a man loves me. They try to guess the mood of their chosen one, tenderly look into his eyes. Meanwhile, you need to pay attention to how the man behaves.

How do you know that a man really loves you? A lover always strives to say something pleasant, he will not allow a woman to be bored in his presence. A mature person prefers to express his feelings openly, not hiding and not shy about beautiful words. Frank confessions serve as a kind of indicator of how much a guy is fascinated by a girl and wants to please her.


How do you know if a guy loves you? Confusion is inherent in every person to a certain extent when he starts something that is of great importance to him. A person in love always experiences embarrassment to one degree or another. New feelings take over him entirely.

Girls are often interested in how to check what a guy likes? How do you know if a boy loves you? Women's psychology is different from men's. The girl always prefers to remain confident in her chosen one. How do you know if a guy loves you? If at a meeting he is noticeably shy, then the girl is really not indifferent to him. Some young people, in order to cope with their own awkwardness, begin to talk a lot, sometimes getting confused in their statements. Others, on the contrary, cannot bring themselves to utter a single coherent sentence.

Striving to be near

How to understand that a man loves you? A person in love has eyes that burn with living fire, they flicker with interest. How is this possible? When a man fell in love for real, he strives by all means to take a close position next to his chosen one. The desire to be near as often as possible is dictated by tender feelings. He wants to look after, protect the girl from everything that can cause her deliberate or unintentional harm.

To understand what men love in women, you need to turn to his inner needs. A representative of the stronger sex always dreams of becoming a support and protection for a girl. If there is any doubt that a guy is in love, you need to look at his behavior. If he does not seek to see the chosen one as often as possible, most likely he does not love.

Married man

Some girls agree to date those men who already have their own families. How do you know if a married man loves you? Can you love two men at the same time? Of course, it is more honest to opt for one or the other. Time will tell whether the guy loves you or not. If a married man is not going to leave his wife and associate life with the one who dreams about it, it is hardly worth spending your time on him. It is better to look for a person who is ready for a serious relationship.

Thus, there are many ways to answer the question of how to understand that a guy loves you. Signs and behaviors tell a lot. It is only important not to deceive yourself, not to try to pass off wishful thinking.

In a relationship for a woman, the question of whether she is truly loved by the chosen one is of fundamental importance. In the very question of whether a man loves, there is not even a desire to find out the truth, but an endless hope that love, of course, exists and it will not disappear anywhere. Knowing that a woman is loved gives her confidence, peace of mind, and the desire to overcome the problems that arise over time in relationships.

In this article, we will look at the signs of a man's love that most colorfully speak about his true attitude towards a woman. To highlight them, you need to dive deeper into the male worldview and attitude. Some of the things that you learn can produce an effect of discovery or at least surprise, and perhaps help to understand and rethink some of the reasons and patterns of behavior of men in love.

Feminine representation of male love

According to most women, if there is love, then a man will certainly strive to constantly be near, in his thoughts to keep exclusively his chosen one, avoiding all other female "persons".

A loving man, as women think, himself, without reminders, confesses openly and often in love, forgives any female shortcomings and behavior, never offends, does not harm her, does not offend, and generally behaves as if he wants to envelop him with his care. If all this is there, then the question of whether a man loves you can not ask much!

Yes, any woman dreams of such a relationship! And if a woman does not receive these signs of a man's love, then she begins to be overcome by doubts about the man and his feelings. But in reality, such a fairy tale rarely happens. And if it happens, then, as a rule, a man who expresses all of these signs is not particularly needed by a woman. No matter how comical or tragic it may seem, it often happens that way in life.

So how do you understand whether a man loves or not?

To do this, you need to know the most important signs of a man's love, as well as with what they are associated and how they are manifested in a relationship!

5 signs that a man is showing love

Men are arranged differently. And they behave in love, too, not in the way women expect. Yes, a man can have tenderness and anxiety for a woman, devote a lot of time to her, take care of her, but a man's true feelings will be expressed differently.

1. Responsibility for the beloved

The main thing on which the love of absolutely any man is based, regardless of temperament, character or upbringing, is responsibility for his beloved. Moreover, responsibility is not some vague concept. Feeling responsible for a woman, a man will ensure her safety at the physical level. He will provide her with food, shelter, and protect her from any danger.

In practice, this will be expressed in the desire to provide a woman with everything necessary for life, (from buying groceries to paying for vouchers to the sea or buying a fur coat in winter). In general, a loving man who believes that he is in a serious relationship with the woman whom he chose as a life partner will make his money shared, albeit not all, but a sufficient part of it. A man who loves will invite a woman to live with him if she does not have her own home, or she will be puzzled by buying her own apartment or house for their future family.

2. Jealousy

A man considers it safe for his beloved woman to be in such a state when there are no other men around her. And therefore, if other men are still constantly "spinning" around their beloved, a truly loving man will become jealous. Jealousy may not even be expressed in reproaches, surveillance, interrogations and other hysterical reactions. But in his eyes a woman can read jealousy without difficulty.

Jealousy is a man's instinct to take "yours." And men do not know how to hide natural instincts.

And it is jealousy that prompts a man to act so that other men always know that "this woman is mine." Therefore, a loving man, if a woman works where there are other men, will meet her after work so that others "know" that "she is mine." In any society where there is a man who truly loves his woman, he will hold her hand (arm), hug her constantly, limiting the conventional space with these gestures, the boundaries of which are forbidden for other men to cross.

3. Identification of oneself and her as one whole

True masculine love is expressed in the recognition and universal declaration of the fact that the woman is "his". A man will say “we”, meaning himself and his beloved, will coordinate his plans with the opinion of the woman, demand from his family that even if the woman does not like it, she will be treated with respect.

4. The desire to have children from her

A loving man feels responsible for his continuation through his beloved. He will not oppose a possible female pregnancy. Moreover, he will even gently or not really begin to insist on the child. First on one, then again and again. And for a child from his beloved, a man will become a very good father. The desire to have children from a loved one is again subordinated to a natural instinct. Any man perceives a pregnant woman as someone else's, belonging to the one who made her pregnant. Therefore, a man driven by love instinctively wants a woman to be constantly pregnant by him, so that no one can take her away.

5. Generosity

A truly loving man is responsible for a woman's health and her appearance. A man will monitor what a woman eats, make her give up bad habits, insist that they join sports together, etc. He will not mind the money for female beauty. And from a loving man, a woman will not meet with reproaches that she spends too much on cosmetics, outfits, and jewelry. On the contrary, a man will decorate his beloved in every possible way and give her as much money as required for beauty, without delving into specific spending. If a woman needs it, then she needs it. And that's all.

Here, of course, you need to take into account the material capabilities of the beloved, however, this is already a separate conversation!


These signs of a man's love are basic. Against their background, but with their obligatory presence, a man can manifest himself in the rest of his behavior as he pleases. Therefore, if your man forgets to call you, does not say compliments and generally accepted words of love, works a lot, does not keep dates significant for your couple in his head, this does not in any way prove the absence of anxious love feeling for you. And you shouldn't immediately ask the question "Does a man love?" Focus on more significant indicators of male feelings. This will save you from doubts and save you from possible disagreements with your loved one.

We wish you a happy and strong relationship!

If you have your own observations about the signs of male love - share them through the comments!

Today the site of the Kitty ru will touch on a very emotional topic - the relationship between a man and a woman. Even after being married for several years, women often ask, or not? Today we will try to figure it out with this question.

Most men are naturally inclined to hide their feelings and emotions, especially from the opposite sex. They consider the words of love to be a weakness, and over the years the word “love” disappears from everyday life. Therefore, it is sometimes very difficult to understand whether a man loves me or not. There are, of course, exceptions to the rules, but this happens, apparently, rarely.

The famous Indian philosopher and sage Osho, in his talks about love, said that marriage is given to people so that they have the opportunity to grow to love... This is a very deep thought. Couples where both people work on the relationship often achieve mutual understanding and complete trust in the relationship. But today, with such a fast pace of life, relationships often do not stand up to difficulties and trials. And without the support of a loved one, is it worth maintaining such a relationship?

Passion is not love, and it passes unnoticed. Awareness of this in your soul gives rise to an obsessive question of how to understand whether a man loves me, or if there are no feelings anymore? If you are tormented by such doubts, stop, analyze the behavior of your man - perhaps you simply do not see much behind the daily bustle.

It is not easy to find out whether a man loves in the hustle and bustle of everyday life - but it is possible!

And yet, how do you know if a man really loves you?

Loving is a big job! If he is worried about you, asks if you have worn a warm scarf, asks what you ate and how you got there - you are a happy woman who is loved and cared for. You will overcome all your fears and worries, and your relationship will only grow stronger.

But do not forget that your happiness is in your hands. It is in the power of a woman to fix a relationship, as well as to destroy it. If you feel that the person in love is distant from you, organize a romantic dinner. The only condition is that you only have to be together. No children or numerous relatives. Such an evening will give you a reason to think and realize everything. Many unresolved issues that have been hanging in the air for months or even years can be resolved in an hour. Perhaps such an evening will give you answers to the questions that tormented you and did not allow you to live in peace. Or they just put an end to it. In any case, everything will fall into place.

The site has many interesting articles about the relationship between a man and a woman (including about that). In them you can find answers to your questions and good advice that will help you in difficult life situations.

True love should be eternal. If it exists, it should get stronger and grow, no matter what. You need to try to maintain your relationship and fight for it.

Litvinova Julia - specially for Koshechka.ru - a site for those in love ... with yourself!

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Discussion: 8 comments

    Caring is not always a sign of love.

    To answer

    1. I totally agree. My husband, now a former one for a long time, also called tough control as care and attention. He was sincerely sure that a woman's place was with her husband, on a chain in a strict collar at home in the underground (basement, if anyone does not know). for a minute, I lived like this for 21 years, gave birth to two children, they are already 25 and 15 years old, so that someone would not decide that I wanted freedom. I strangled almost during this time with my care!