New Year's crafts from woolen threads with your own hands. Christmas balls from threads: foam ball with jute rope. wreath on the door

Outside the window is the month of November and already little by little you can start preparing for the celebration of the New Year, think about and about that. Today we will offer you several master classes on how to make Christmas decorations with your own hands.

How to make a do-it-yourself "Spider Balls" toy?

Gossamer balls are very original and beautiful decorations that can be seen on many designer Christmas trees. They do not have to be bought in stores for fabulous money; such decoration can be made very easily at home.

For this you will need:

Step-by-step instructions for making a gossamer ball:

  1. Take a balloon and inflate it to the desired size. Tie it and wind a thread about 10 cm long around the tail, you will make a loop out of it and hang it to dry.
  2. Then apply petroleum jelly to the surface of the balloon, so it will be easier for you to detach from it later.
  3. Saturate the thread with glue. This can be done in several ways. If you use multi-colored threads, you get very interesting weaves.
  4. Poke a tube of glue with a hot needle so that you get two holes, one opposite the other. Pull the thread through these holes (it will be smeared with glue, passing through the tube);
  5. Take a convenient container and pour glue into it. Then soak the threads in it for 10-15 minutes. Be careful not to tangle the threads;
  6. Wind the dry thread around the ball. Skip step 4 and soak the ball well with glue using a sponge or brush.
  7. We fix the end of the thread impregnated with glue on the ball. To do this, you can use adhesive plaster, protective tape, adhesive tape. Then wind the thread around the ball like a ball, each turn in the other direction. If you are using a thick thread, then you need to do less turns, and if you are using a thin thread, you need to do more turns. While working, make sure that the thread is well moistened with glue.
  8. After you finish winding, leave the thread for the loop again. Cut the thread and take the ball to dry. In order for the ball to dry well, it needs to be dried for about two days. The finished ball should be firm. Do not hang the product to dry over a heater, the material from which balloons are made does not like this.
  9. When the glue has dried well and hardened, it is necessary to remove the balloon from the cobweb. This can be done in several ways:
  10. Using a pencil with an eraser, peel off the cobweb from the ball. Then gently pierce the ball with a needle and heal from the cobweb;
  11. Untie the tail of the balloon so that it deflates, and then heal it from the cobweb.

  12. The resulting design can be decorated with beads, feathers, beads, ribbons and other accessories. It can also be painted with spray paint.
  13. All your ball is ready. By the way, if you glue several of these balls of different sizes together, you can get a cute snowman.

How to make a toy "Good Santa Claus" with your own hands?

We have all seen how modern stores are filled with Chinese plastic Santa Clauses. However, looking at them, one cannot at all believe that he can fulfill his cherished New Year's wish. But you can make a good fairy-tale Santa Claus yourself.

Do you love needlework? Then you will love making DIY Christmas decorations! This is a pleasant and exciting activity for the whole family that will not leave anyone indifferent - you will spend several evenings with pleasure making toys for the Christmas tree with your own hands.

What do we use for the material

What do you need to make DIY Christmas decorations? You can use almost anything that comes your way. If you want, you can buy special consumables (sold in art stores), or you can use what is in any home. So what to prepare:
  • plain paper (suitable for making patterns);
  • pencils and markers;
  • ordinary, white and colored cardboard (velvet can be used);
  • sharp scissors and a dummy knife;
  • glue (PVA or glue gun with rods);
  • threads and needles;
  • yarn of different shades;
  • various decorative materials - it can be sparkles, sequins, confetti, multi-colored foil, stickers and much more.
This is a basic set, but in order to make a specific Christmas tree toy, something else may be required.

Simple crafts from improvised materials

Of course, you have probably seen how Christmas balls are made from threads and glue with your own hands, but why not expand the range? We make different Christmas decorations with our own hands.

From yarn

This is a simple and at the same time spectacular Christmas decoration that can decorate any Christmas tree.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • yarn;
  • tailor's pins;
  • plate or bowl;
  • porous material (for example, a disposable tray);
  • cutting paper;
  • marker.
The threads need to be soaked in glue - the glue should soak the yarn well, it is thanks to it that the decoration will keep its shape. While the threads are absorbing the glue, you need to make a template for your toy - draw on paper what you want. It can be DIY Christmas balls, outlandish birds or neat little houses. You can also try to make a snowman, a couple of small Christmas trees and a star.

The template needs to be attached with pins (or ordinary toothpicks) to the porous material, and lay out the pattern you need on top - first the contour is laid out, then the interior decor. Do not cross the threads too often, the toy should be fairly flat. After you are done, dry the product and remove it from the pins, and tie a loop in the eye. If desired, you can decorate with sparkles or rain.

From wire

How to make Christmas toys with your own hands in just a couple of minutes? Use wire!

To make toys you will need:

  • two types of wire - thick and thin (thin can be replaced with bright threads, for example, floss. Pure white strong threads look very nice);
  • beads, beads;
  • colored tape;
  • pliers.
In order to make figurines or balls for the Christmas tree, cut a few pieces from thick wire and give them the shape that your Christmas decoration will have. In our case, this is a star, but you can use any geometric shapes and simple silhouettes.

The ends of the thick wire must be twisted. You need to string beads and beads mixed on a thin wire, tie the end of a thin wire to a future Christmas tree decoration, and wrap it randomly.

When the toy is evenly wrapped, you need to wrap the free tail of the wire around the toy, and tie a ribbon in the shape of a bow - your toy is ready.

Another original idea:

Ribbon and beads

Who said that do-it-yourself New Year's toys must be done for a long time and painstakingly? Not at all. Literally in five minutes you can, which will decorate both the New Year's tree and the interior.

You will need:

  • beads;
  • narrow tape;
  • yellow, gold or silver cardboard;
  • glue "Second";
  • needle with thread.
We fold the ribbon with an accordion and string it on a thread, after each loop of the ribbon you need to string a bead. The more "tiers", the smaller they are - you see, the Christmas tree is already starting to turn out. When the ribbon ends, the thread must be tied in a knot, and a small star should be cut out of the cardboard. Next, you need to glue your Christmas tree to the star, and make a loop on top so that the decoration can be easily hung.

The interior decor made in this way looks very attractive.

From cardboard - in a couple of minutes

Some Christmas toys made of paper or cardboard take a lot of time to make, but not in this case - here you really need a couple of minutes to make an elegant hand-made Christmas decoration.

So, you will need:

  • ordinary cardboard;
  • some twine or thick yarn;
  • glue;
  • paints and brushes;
  • napkin or cloth;
  • varied decor.
Make two figurines out of cardboard, glue them together, laying a thread with a loop between them - the blank for the toy is ready.

We wrap the tree in different directions with a free tail of twine. After some pattern of threads appears on the Christmas tree, you can start gluing it with a napkin. You can tear the napkin into pieces, coat the Christmas tree well with glue, and glue it tightly with a napkin. This will give a nice texture to the future toy.

After the toy has dried, you can start painting - paint the Christmas tree green.

After the paint layer dries, shade the texture of the toy with a dry hard brush and white paint, and then decorate as you like.

From bright patches

Here you will need a sewing machine, but with a special desire, you can manage without it. This is the best way to make Christmas toys out of cotton and fabric - just choose a fabric with a Christmas ornament, or use the one you have on hand.

Prepare some paper patterns - for example, deer, stars, gingerbread men, cubs, letters and hearts. Cut the blanks out of the fabric with your own hands, sew them in pairs, leaving a small gap (for stuffing), and through this small hole, tightly stuff the toys with cotton wool or padding polyester. It is most convenient to fill with a pencil.

Patterns can be downloaded here:

By the way, do not forget - we sew on a typewriter from the inside, but if you decide to make toys made of dense fabric with the kids, then it is better to sew them with a decorative seam over the edge - a do-it-yourself toy will look simply charming and suitable even for a home Christmas tree, even for a kindergarten - usually for kindergarten trees, children make decorations themselves.

From twine and cardboard

New Year's toys made of paper and cardboard will be much more interesting if you add a couple more simple materials to them. To make such a toy, you will need ordinary cardboard, simple paper or natural twine, a little felt or any other fabric, as well as plain paper, a pencil and a ruler, a drop of glue.

The star pattern can be downloaded here:

First, make a pattern on plain paper, and then transfer it to cardboard. Do not forget that the star must be double. Do not make the star too thin, it is better to make it from a centimeter or more. The tail of the twine is glued to the cardboard, then you need to gradually wrap the entire workpiece.

Lay the thread as tightly as possible so that there are no gaps. In order to decorate the star, make a couple of leaves and berries out of fabric and decorate one of the rays. Your decoration is ready.

From yarn and cardboard

Do you want to make original and at the same time charming Christmas decorations with your own hands? Then it's time to make small gift hats with your own hands from improvised materials. This is a wonderful Christmas gift that looks cute and will keep you warm all winter!

To make Christmas tree decorations in the form of hats, you will need:

  • a couple of toilet paper bushings (you can just glue cardboard rings together);
  • remnants of colored yarn;
  • beads and sequins for decoration.
From cardboard, you need to glue rings about 1.5-2 cm wide. If you use a toilet paper sleeve as a base, cut it into several segments of approximately the same width.

The threads need to be cut into segments of approximately 20-22 centimeters. We fold each piece in half, draw the loop through the cardboard ring, and stretch the free edges of the threads through the loop. It is necessary that the thread is firmly fixed on the cardboard base. So you need to repeat until the cardboard base is hidden under the threads.

All thread tails need to be pulled through the ring so that our hat has a “lapel”.

And now we drag the free ponytails tightly with a thread and cut them in the shape of a pompom - the hat is ready! It remains only to make a loop and decorate your Christmas tree toy with sequins and sparkles.

From beads

Making a New Year's toy in the style of minimalism is easy and simple - you will need wire, beads and beads, a ribbon and a coin (you can replace it with a small candy, but it looks much more spectacular with a coin). Try to make this Christmas tree toy with your own hands, a very simple master class.

Make a loop on the wire and string green beads mixed with large beads on it - they will play the role of New Year's balls on our Christmas tree. After the wire is filled, give it the shape of a Christmas tree, folding in a spiral.

Once your tree is in shape, fold the loose end into a loop.

We cut off a piece of tape, form a loop for hanging from it and stretch it through the Christmas tree, and decorate the free tail with a coin (the easiest way is to stick it on double-sided tape). We tie a decorative bow on the loop for hanging - your decor is ready!

Christmas balls

How to make a Christmas ball of thread? As easy as shelling pears, watch our master class about spectacular lace balls on the Christmas tree.

Would need:

  • several balloons;
  • cotton threads;
  • PVA, water and sugar;
  • scissors;
  • polymer glue;
  • spray paint;
  • decor.

First you need to inflate the balloon - not completely, but according to the size of the future decoration. Mix two tablespoons of water, two teaspoons of sugar and PVA glue (50 ml), and soak the thread in this mixture so that the thread is saturated. Then you need to wrap the ball with a thread randomly. The balls need to be dried for several hours. After the glue is completely dry, you need to blow off the ball and take it out, and gently paint the thread ball with spray paint and decorate with sequins and sparkles.

Do-it-yourself thread Christmas balls will turn out to be very, very spectacular if you make them in different tones - for example, red, silver and gold. Try to make Christmas balls with your own hands using different techniques - you can sew or knit balls, make them from cotton wool with your own hands or, for example, sew them from felt - there are never too many such toys.

From paper

New Year's paper decorations are very popular among both big and small admirers of the New Year's miracle - try making paper Christmas balls with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself New Year's paper toy is done like this:

Decorating such a toy is not additionally required, it is already expressive.

Another version of the ball:

Or you can make such a ball according to the master class:

From felt

Do-it-yourself Christmas toys made of felt look very warm and cozy, and making them is very, very simple. To make your own charming Christmas toys made of felt, you will need:
  • red, white and green felt;
  • threads of red, white and green;
  • glue Crystal;
  • scissors and needles;
  • cardboard;
  • some satin ribbon;
  • soft filler (cotton wool, holofiber, synthetic winterizer).

First make sketches for your future toys. It can be anything. After the patterns are ready, transfer them to the felt and cut them out. What is good about this material is that it does not crumble, you will not need to additionally process the edge of each workpiece.

Make the same decorative elements - for example, holly branches (by the way, did you know that this is a symbol of joy and Christmas reconciliation?). Berries need to be glued to the leaf with glue, and then make a decorative knot - this will add volume to the berries.

We sew each blank in pairs. By the way, it is best to sew with contrasting threads, it will be fun and elegant. And how to make Christmas decorations voluminous? Stuff them with holofiber before sewing them up completely! Spread the product well, so the Christmas tree toy will be stuffed more evenly. For stuffing, you can use the back of the pencil.

Sew on decorative elements and your Christmas toy is ready!

Try sewing felt decorations not only for the Christmas tree, but also for the home - for example, a Christmas wreath decorated with felt toys looks very stylish. Look at a selection of DIY Christmas decorations photo workshops - and you will understand how much interesting things can be done from ordinary felt of two or three colors.

Master class on how to make a Christmas garland with your own hands from felt:

Below you can download templates and patterns of different Christmas trees for crafts from felt.

No other holiday has such a joyful and magical period of preparation as the New Year and Christmas. Today we invite you to recharge your batteries with anticipation and have a lot of fun creating Christmas balls for the Christmas tree with your own hands. Do not wait until the festive atmosphere itself descends into your home! Start getting inspired for 2019 now by creating special decorations for your home!

In the last article, we told you how to make . So now it's time to show 40 ways to make Christmas balls from ribbons, threads, fabric, beads, beads and other improvised materials and materials. Best ideas with step by step photos!

How to make Christmas balls from threads with your own hands (12 photos)

How can you make a beautiful Christmas ball of thread? The easiest and fastest way is to wrap an old Christmas tree ball with thick knitting thread or twine. Use glue to keep the thread secure. Complete the result with lace, ribbons and beads. DIY Christmas balls made of thread will look very vintage and romantic on the Christmas tree.

From the same thick threads, you can make DIY Christmas balls in eco style. All you need for this is glue or paste, a few balloons and twine. The beauty of this method is that you can decorate the received toys in any way (with branches, electronic candles, etc.) and give them any size. Do you want to make large Christmas balls with your own hands from threads? Then just push harder!

Finally, you can create stunning Christmas balls with thin sewing threads with your own hands. True, the process will take a lot of time, but just take a look at the New Year's balls of thread in the following photos! This is a real art, whose name is temari. We offer several ideas and schemes for beginners.

DIY Christmas balls from ribbons

Each Christmas ball made of satin ribbons will look very elegant and will only enhance the sparkle of your Christmas tree. In order not to waste a lot of time and effort, you can wrap a regular old ball with a narrow ribbon and decorate it with beads, sequins, ribbons or lace. The method is similar to decorating balls with threads, only the result will be more luxurious. See Christmas balls from ribbons in the following photos:

If you are diligent and patient, then try cutting the fabric into pieces and using needles to make chic New Year's balls from ribbons with your own hands using the step-by-step photos below.

Also read:

It will be much easier to make Christmas decorations from pieces of fabric. You just have to stock up on styrofoam balls in the store to use them as a base.

DIY Christmas balls: decoupage decoration, beads and more

On the night of December 31st to January 1st, we not only celebrate the new year, but also see off the old one. Therefore, Christmas decorations and toys in a nostalgic style are always in great demand. DIY decoupage Christmas balls are a great way to bring the spirit and romance of the past into your home. Read more about the decoupage technique in the article. The secret is to thin old postcards or other paper well before sticking to the surface. Photo for inspiration:

Do you have a lot of old Christmas toys? See how you can update them and decorate Christmas balls with your own hands:

At the end of our article, we offer you a few more ideas for crafts - this time using transparent balls. Delight family members by preparing a New Year's ball with a photo inside with your own hands for everyone.

Also read:

In addition to photos, you can decorate transparent Christmas balls with your own hands with pine needles, finely chopped paper, scraps of old garlands, etc.

New Year is a magical holiday! Not only kids, but also adults are looking forward to it. And decorating the Christmas tree with toys, garlands and tinsel is a very exciting activity. Especially when you do it with your kids.
On the eve of the New Year 2017, a competition of New Year's toys for the Christmas tree began in our kindergarten. And so my eldest son and I decided to take part in it. We chose for a long time what kind of New Year's toy we should make. As a result, we opted for a Christmas tree ball made of threads. When I was in school, we made these in the Skillful Hands circle.
To make our Christmas ball, we need the following:

  • balloon;
  • yarn or thick threads;
  • PVA glue and super glue;
  • sequins;
  • tinsel;
  • sequins;
  • needle with a wide eye;
  • fat cream;
  • ribbon.

1. First you need to inflate the balloon to the size we need. Remember that the size of the future toy directly depends on the size of the ball.

2. Then we lubricate our balloon with a fat baby cream. It’s even better to lubricate it with Vaseline, but, unfortunately, I don’t have it at home. This is done so that the threads easily fall off the ball after drying, with which we wrap it.

3. Next, we insert the thread into the eye of the needle and pierce the bottle with PVA glue, approximately in the middle, so that the thread of yarn, passing through it, gets wet.

4. Now we begin to carefully wrap our balloon. First, leave a large distance between the threads of yarn. Then gradually reduce this distance. As a result, our balloon should be well wrapped and look a bit like a cocoon. Cut the thread and glue it to the top of the ball.

5. While the threads are not dry, you need to sprinkle the ball with sparkles, which you can make yourself from tinsel or rain. But you can do without it. My son and I decided to sprinkle it so that our Christmas ball would be brighter and prettier.

6. That's it, now you need to leave it to dry for about a day.
The next day, we carefully pierced the ball with a needle and removed it from the workpiece - the “cocoon”.

7. So the fun begins, namely the decoration of the toy.
From ribbons we make flowers - just twisting. We had a blue ribbon at home, so our flowers are blue. And carefully, using super glue, glue them to the “cocoon” ball in a chaotic manner.

8. We only have sequins in silver color, and then we glue them, also with super glue, so that they are between the flowers.

9. On top of the “cocoon”, where the balloon was tied, it turned out not very beautiful, so we masked and decorated this place at the same time with a twisted narrow ribbon and a large shiny button.

10. And so that our ball toy can be hung on a New Year tree, we also make a loop from a ribbon, only green so that it does not merge with the flowers, and decorate it with a small fragment of tinsel. The size of the loop should depend on the size of the toy.

11. So that our ball can not only be hung on a Christmas tree, but also put for interior decoration, we glued some green tinsel from below. And here's what we got.

We don’t know yet whether our balloon toy will take any prize at the competition in kindergarten, since the competition is not over yet. But my eldest son said that we made the most beautiful ball with him, he had never seen such a beautiful one. And for me this is the best compliment.

Happy New Year 2017 everyone!!!

There are plenty of Christmas toys in every house, but if we have children, we still make New Year's toys with our own hands every year. The master class that we offer today will allow you to make a lot of Christmas decorations at once with almost no cost. These paper and thread toys can be hung on the Christmas tree, combined into a garland for home decoration, or taken to kindergarten as New Year's crafts.

We will need:

  • jute threads
  • A4 paper (newsprint, writing, office)
  • needle 1.5–2 mm
  • glue (silicate and PVA)
  • tassel
  • 1 tsp instant coffee
  • 100 ml water
  • Knitting
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • clothespins
  • jewelry (rhinestones, beads, lace)

  1. In order to make stars, you need to twist the tubes out of paper. Cut an A4 sheet in half lengthwise. And we wind the paper on the knitting needle at an angle of 45 degrees.

  1. Press the paper firmly against the needle. We drip a little PVA glue on the corner of the sheet, press it. The first "tube" is ready. You need two tubes for each star.

  1. Color the tubes brown. This can be done in different ways. I offer you the easiest and most affordable. We take 100 ml of warm water and dissolve 1 teaspoon of coffee in it. Using a brush, evenly soak the tubes with coffee solution and put to dry. The remaining solution is not poured out, it will still be useful to us.

  1. When the tubes are completely dry, you can get to work. We measure three equal segments on the tube. In our case - 9 cm. We make triangles from the tubes. Glue the remaining tip with silicate glue. For a few seconds, fix with a clothespin.

  1. We glue two triangles together - so that we get a six-pointed star.

  1. We apply a little silicate glue to the tips of each asterisk. We take jute threads and wind them around a paper star. We move counterclockwise, and wrap the tips of the stars clockwise.

  1. We wind until we get a star. We finish winding the threads where we started. We cut the thread and glue its tip with silicate glue on the reverse side.

  1. We thread the thread into any eye of the asterisk with a loop, tighten and tie the ends. Here are the stars we got.

  1. You can use colored threads for knitting instead of jute threads. In this case, paper tubes do not need to be painted.

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Comment on the article "How to make Christmas decorations from paper and thread: a master class"

How to make Christmas decorations from paper and thread: a master class. DIY Christmas toys: stars on the Christmas tree. Tale of Christmas toys. How Christmas decorations appeared: balls, icicles, garlands.

New Year's Eve is amazing. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in a family, on When we lived in Kuzminki, in our microdistrict on New Year's Eve, about a third of the population went out into the yards and launched pyrotechnics there.


According to my feelings, there are a lot of people who are ready for any adventure, as long as someone organizes them :) They usually lack ideas and / or time.
Come up with an adventure to your taste, throw a cry, people will surely catch up :)
I would - well, this is my state of mind now is socially useful :)))))) - I worked as a snow maiden or a fortune teller fairy, maybe. somewhere targeted, but maybe, if in a company, and just on the street. I would make a bag of happy wishes, decorate each one beautifully, everyone would pull out something of their own.
Maybe I would just join some initiative.
If you don't feel like going anywhere, I'd make a list of my favorite movies all night. And I would watch them in pajamas, with tangerines and champagne

Let's call you and shout cheers together?)))

14-17 ... everything will pass, right?? You know, I’m lying with my fracture and I feel that gloomy thoughts are overpowering .. down there, in a thread about shoes, people began to quietly share that from 14 to 17 teenagers come with horns and needles ... well, what to do, huh? She wears everything from SP, including the Alp&X jacket...

How to make Christmas decorations from paper and thread: a master class. felting from wool - we mostly felt balls and flowers with it - we made beads, hairpins, brooches, I think you can do something similar for the Christmas tree - and embroider them How to make Christmas decorations with your own hands?


Go to exhibitions and sales of the Handicraft Formula, etc., get ideas and, perhaps, find a thing. There are also master classes at the Masters Fair.

A beginner with modern materials can do everything.
Hotel Sevastopol burst from all sorts of pebbles and locks. Recently I was there and ... Again I could not leave empty-handed.
A few years ago I was fascinated by this activity, I did it for myself, for my friends as a gift.
Quite a nice job.
True, a side effect was that now I have several boxes of various goods of stone and glass. Ostap carried! :)

Master class: paper flower. Beautiful postcard - template and photo. DIY crafts with children for mom and grandmother: 2 ideas for March 8. Cut out an orange basket, two pieces of a green pen, and a red heart. Crafts with children: wool acorns, master class with photo.


These are stencils that need to be transferred to cardboard. "Toilet-top view" is a basket that needs to be cut along solid lines and wrapped with threads, "three pieces" - round and drop-shaped - elements for making flowers, they also need to be wrapped with threads. From the received, assemble the panel "basket of flowers" Strelka - you need to wind threads on it, so that it is more convenient to wrap the blanks. Something like this!

Don't have a textbook? As I understand it, if Rogovtseva's textbook, then you need to make a basket out of thread :)

Fake Christmas toys. - get-togethers. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with men. And it was great! The other day I was in OBI - there are already decorated Christmas trees, everything is littered with sparkling (junk) goods.

Christmas tree toy - soccer ball. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Foreign online shopping. Buying goods in foreign online stores: selection, payment, delivery, promotions and special offers.

Christmas decorations of my childhood remained in >. The Christmas decorations of my childhood were left in my parents' apartment... I remember them almost without a trace, they are so kind! I took a picture on the phone, but files are not being transferred via bluetooth .. Or my hands are crooked ..


I love old toys, however, in recent years I'm afraid to hang mine - some are older than me, it will be sad if they break

and I got a whole box of old Christmas toys - paper mushrooms and fish, horses, various figurines made of glass tubes, glass figurines. Saved from being thrown into the trash :)

Section: Crafts (do-it-yourself toys for the city Christmas tree).

Do-it-yourself New Year's toys.. Hobbies, hobbies, leisure. A child from 7 to 10. My girlfriend decided that it was time to make Christmas decorations. Share idea links. Lanterns-snowflakes-chains, of course, makes.


My daughter, there was a time, was carried away by felting from wool - we mostly felt balls and flowers with her - we made beads, hairpins, brooches, I think you can do something similar for the Christmas tree - you can embroider them with sequins, beads. There is a lot of information on felting on the Internet - we roll "wet" with soap - I found training videos directly (but we, however, tried it for the first time at a master class at the exhibition). Wool is sold in many places now, there are even sets. It’s only better to start with buying colors that are closer to natural - brown, dark green, ocher, red, do not fall for pink-violet, because. of them lying around worse. Even now, out of boredom, she often takes to roll around, puts the beads in a tin box from under the cookies - she saves for long beads, periodically takes them out, sorts them out :)
And once we had many children visiting us, they saw and asked to try - the boys were so carried away! and girls - everyone liked it very much and for two hours in a row they were not heard and seen :)

And please do not confuse the EMBROIDERED TOY and the TOY WITH EMBROIDERY. TOY WITH EMBROIDERY - a work decorated with embroidery, this is when the work is done in any technique, and embroidery is used as an element of decoration, which, if desired, can be replaced with appliqué...

But I finished the second toy just yesterday. This is a mouse that I embroidered and sewed according to my own pattern. And HERE I posted step-by-step photos with explanations of how I sewed the toy. The snowman also sewed, so it will do as an instruction for stitching any ...

Toys and games. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attending a kindergarten and relationships with caregivers, illnesses and physical development of a child from 3 to 7 years. Section: Toys & Games (Does anyone have a good link to Christmas tree crafts?)


Class!!! Thank you!!!

Catch, study. It's a piggy bank, maybe you'll like it
http://www..asp?cid=Early&tid=5953 - this conf :) Early development - ideas for making boats - crafts for the new year and not only site workshop 2x5, super ideas - from paper, modeling, applications, decorative knots, from
natural material and many, many more ideas. - crafts from Tweenies in English (but everything is simple :)). - - from paper, modeling, applications in English. - paper volcano model - Skillful hands, appliqué, dry leaf crafts, how to make beads, etc.

http://www..asp?cid=Care3&tid=7829 - ideas for crafts for the new year from the conference from 3 to 7 of the site 7,
there are also links to the site and the site of Svetlana Andreeva with tips on crafts from plaster and clay
http://www..asp?cid=Care3&tid=7338 - more - ideas for crafts and links for the new year from the conference from 3 to 7
site 7 - plasticine crafts (step by step pictures) archive
Subject: Links to sites about crafts with and for children :)
http://www..asp?cid=Early&tid=5953 - this conf J
Early development - ideas for making boats -
crafts for the new year and not only workshop site 2x5, super ideas - from
paper, modeling, applications, decorative knots, from natural materials and more
many, many ideas. -
crafts from Twinies in English (but everything is just J). applique grapes application of willow twigs (from threads and seeds) - application flower (from cereals) - - from paper, modeling,
applications in english - model
paper volcano - Skillful hands, appliqué, crafts from
dry leaves, how to make beads, etc. - different crafts - a variety of crafts in English.
http://www..asp?cid=Care3&tid=7829 - craft ideas for
new year from the conference from 3 to 7 of the site 7, there are also links to the site and
site of Svetlana Andreeva with tips on crafts from plaster and clay
http://www..asp?cid=Care3&tid=7338 - more - ideas
crafts and links to the new year from the conference from 3 to 7 of the site 7 - plasticine crafts (pictures
step by step) archive - Christmas tree crafts in English - origami mainly for
adults, but we can also come in handy J - sculpt from clay in English. - soft toys made of fabric and fur - gossamer style toys - snowflake cutting lessons - a bit off topic J - We sew for
Barbie, patterns
ORIGAMI: - - in English - in English - Russian version of the magazine
28.9.2004 10:14:58, Arishka
Thanks! From myself I will add an excellent link, I did not notice it in the list.
There are many different kinds of crafts. In English, but with step by step
And more patterns of soft toys if necessary

Section: - gatherings (yogurt Christmas toy). Christmas decorations with your own hands, give ssy. We string in a garland. Looks on the Christmas tree Otpad + wooden toys or wicker from IKEA. Acrylic paints, glitter sequins and so on and so forth were taken in a store for artists ...


Thank you, dear ones! Our best wishes for the new year!

12/13/2005 03:49:25 PM, PIF

And here are our simple ideas:

buy gold paint, cut lemon slices, dry on the table. We paint the leaves of lavrushka, cones, lemons with gold. Mona still sprinkle with sparkles.
We string in a garland.
Looks on the Christmas tree Otpad + wooden toys or wicker from IKEA.
Acrylic paints, glitter sequins, etc., were taken from the 3color artist's shop, Gusyatnikov Lane, 13/3 m Turgenevskaya, 5 minutes towards Tabakerka.

For several years we have been decorating the Christmas tree with straw toys, which I am from Prague. Last year I hung a garland on the Christmas tree - gingerbread cookies with multi-colored icing. Something I parted about my Christmas trees. :) I saw painted balloons last year in the Tvoi Dom store.


I strongly dislike plastic unbreakable toys, but because of a small child, I have been decorating myself with them for the last 2 years, including the current one. I love glass balls - just balls, not figurines, of different sizes, with luminous phosphorus painting (well, let them say that they are poisonous), with sparkling crumbs, similar to frost, multifaceted, painted, transparent and not very, the same and different colors - all sorts. I really like sets - several balls of the same size, but different colors, or with different patterns. And every year I give all my close friends a large glass painted ball - this is the tradition I started for myself. In general, a typical bzik, and is no longer treated. However, I got the most unusual Christmas tree the year before last. On the morning of December 31st, I discovered that the toy box was left over from the last move in the closet in the former apartment. For a number of reasons, I didn’t pick it up, but hung home-made glazed cookies on the Christmas tree and poked ribbon-ribbon bows, again home-made. And recently I found out that my then guests still, it turns out, remember this delicious Christmas tree with trepidation and tell all their friends about it. I was pleasantly surprised, and I'm going to do it again this year.

I traditionally buy new Christmas decorations one piece every year. :)) On the New Year tree, I always meet three generations :)) There are several toys from my grandmother's childhood - can you imagine? :)) A kerosene lamp made of the thinnest glass, a silk spider on a web of berthollet salt, a cotton lemon :)) There are toys from my father's school years - an airplane, a thick cast pear with a leaf, a silver "medallion" with a hammer and sickle, a squirrel on a clip, vertically sitting on a branch. There are toys from my childhood - most of all: houses, gnomes, puss in boots, astronauts, Little Red Riding Hoods, etc. Well, "novye" will someday be perceived by grandchildren-great-grandchildren as evidence of Marin's childhood ... Living history, however!