Switching to artificial feeding: how to do it right. Reasons for artificial feeding and recommendations for the correct transfer of the child to the mixture

Faced with the problem of transferring my daughter to the mixture. He pushes the bottle away, dodges ... Although he drinks tea with exactly the same one. In the end, I gave breast. She is almost 9 months old, my milk has become noticeably less. Yes, and I breastfeed her at 6 in the morning, in the evening at about 6 (in addition to curd) and at night. In addition, soon I will need to leave for a short time in Russia. So I tried to transfer to artificial feeding. Found an interesting article on this. If you have come across this, please add or give advice on this matter.

How to transfer a child from breastfeeding to artificial feeding - weaning
We will not discuss situations here when mothers make a (often very difficult for them) decision to transfer the child to artificial nutrition. Physiological, psychological or material conditions - they often make their own adjustments to our plans, and, despite all efforts, breastfeeding does not work ... Or a mother has been breastfeeding her child for a long time, he already eats “adult” food, but part with breasts still doesn't work. How to make sure that the baby and you endure the transition to artificial feeding (and for older children - weaning) the least painful? Here is my “digest” of the French experience.

So, after you've breastfed your baby, there comes a moment, whether consciously or not, of stopping.

First of all, this process involves both of you: you and your child. Your baby should gradually get used to the new taste, to the new way of sucking and eating in general. As for you, then your body must gradually reduce the production of milk, and you yourself must accept this new stage in your communication with the child.

The mechanism of transfer to artificial feeding.

In its most general form, the principle of switching to artificial feeding (weaning) looks like this: if you put the baby to the breast less and less, the production of milk in the breast is stimulated less and gradually stops. To do this, you need to anticipate a minimum of 15 days, but the process can take three weeks or a month. It is better, of course, if this transition occurs as smoothly as possible - that is why avoid transferring your baby to artificial feeding during periods of stress, life changes, your absences, etc. You must be psychologically and financially prepared to devote maximum of your time and effort to your child.

Here are a few items that can help you prepare for the moment of weaning:

Think it over in advance, don't leave it to the "last minute"; if you go to work - start it at least three weeks before the start of work: the more gradual the transition, the less painful it will be.
The most difficult in terms of artificial nutrition is the first bottle. Be patient, tell yourself that everything will get better and next time will be better.
Never force a baby to drink a bottle if he resists.
If possible, start by giving a bottle of your own milk after expressing it first. The transition for the baby will not be so shocking.
It can help if you start giving your baby artificial milk from a cup (spoon) - so he adapts to the new taste, and only then tries it with a rubber or silicone nipple.
The scheme of transition to artificial feeding

First days:

Replace one feeding with a bottle. It is preferable to choose a feeding time when your milk production is least strong - mostly in the late afternoon (for example: 9:00, 12:00, 15:00 - breastfeeding, 18:00 - bottle, 21:00 - breastfeeding ). Try to explain to your baby that he is going to try the bottle, because the dialogue between the two of you is the most important. Keep it as long as the only bottle feeding for 3-4 days (minimum), or longer, so that your baby and you yourself can adapt.

After 3-4 days (repeat, minimum):

Replace the second breastfeed with a bottle. Choose this so that you alternate between bottle and breastfeeding. For example: 9:00, 15:00, 21:00 - breastfeeding, 12:00 and 18:00 - bottle. Keep these two bottle feedings, without introducing new ones, for at least 3-4 days.

After a few days, replace again - the third feeding - with a bottle. Again, choose a time to alternate between bottle and breast. It is preferable if you still keep breastfeeding in the morning and evening. Keep, without introducing new ones, these three feedings for a minimum of 3-4 days, or longer.

Now you have a choice: you can stop the transition to full bottle feeding by keeping morning and evening breastfeeding and bottle feeding the rest. Then it will be partial artificial feeding.

Partial formula feeding will also be called another option - if you replace evening feeding with a bottle, leaving only morning breastfeeding (i.e. 9:00 - breast, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00 - bottle) .

If you finally decide to switch entirely to artificial feeding, replace the morning feeding with a bottle.

If your baby is suckling on a pacifier, it's best to use a bottle nipple made from the same material (silicone or rubber).

It is preferable to give the baby warm milk, which brings him closer to breast milk. Don't be afraid to trust your baby to dad during the first bottles.


The baby refuses the bottle. Once used to breastfeeding, your baby may express violent disagreement and push the bottle away; you embody the breast, not the bottle! But, don't despair. A few unsuccessful attempts should not be a trauma for either the baby or you. Never force your child to drink milk. If he resists, stop and occupy him with something (pick him up, walk around the room, show him a toy ...). After ten minutes have passed, resume bottle feeding.
If your baby refuses the bottle several times in a row, don't breastfeed right away. Wait ten minutes, and only then attach it to your chest. If repeated attempts to give a bottle are fruitless, take a break for a few days, put the bottle away. Wait for the weekend when your loved ones can help you.
During the transition to artificial nutrition, problems may arise with your breasts - it becomes very painful, it can “stone”, “plugs” can form in it ... Naturally, your body gradually reduces milk production, but this adaptation does not happen instantly and takes time. You should listen to your feelings in order to avoid trouble - lactostasis, often preceding mastitis. At the first sign of soreness of the chest, a hot long shower should be taken. Under hot water, while massaging the breast, express a little milk until relief comes, but do not express everything so as not to stimulate a new rise in milk.

When deciding on the need to switch to artificial feeding, every mother wonders how to do it right and whether the milk formula will meet all the needs of the child's body. Despite the fact that when choosing and switching to infant formula, you should consult with a pediatrician, knowing the basic rules and understanding the basics of the composition of infant formula will not be superfluous at all. Here are some tips and explanations to help mom.

Modern infant formulas are close in composition to breast milk in order to provide the baby with the substances necessary for growth and development in the first year of life.

Breast milk is by far the best and healthiest food for a baby, however, if breastfeeding is not possible, adapted milk formulas are used to feed the baby. One of the key components of the mixtures is milk sugar, lactose is an important source of energy. The other two key ingredients are proteins and fats. Oddly enough, the mixture contains relatively little protein, as in breast milk, so that it does not overload the baby's immature organs.

Fats provide from 30% to 50% of the daily energy needs of the child's body. In addition, fats also perform a very important building function in the body. They are involved in the formation of the brain and organs of vision, as well as, for example, in the synthesis of hormones.

Infant milk formula contains the main vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth and development of crumbs.

One of the most important elements in its composition is calcium, which helps the baby grow strong and healthy. It is absorbed by the body in conjunction with vitamin D, which in Russia is given to older children to prevent rickets. To form healthy blood cells and provide oxygen to organs and tissues, the baby needs iron. Zinc contributes to weight gain, the formation of the musculoskeletal system and plays an important role in maintaining the immune system. Vitamin A is of great importance for the development of vision, vitamin C is necessary for children for normal hematopoiesis, and iodine is necessary for full mental development.

When buying infant formula, it is extremely important to pay attention to the ratio of calcium and phosphorus contained in it.

Larisa Alexandrovna Shcheplyagina, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, LBUZ MO MONIKI them. A.F. Vladimirsky draws attention to the following fact:

“When choosing a formula, look at the calcium and phosphorus content in it - it should be in a ratio of 2 to 1. Some companies claim that their baby food contains a large amount of calcium, however, if the proportion of calcium to phosphorus is not observed, there is no benefit."

Many infant formulas contain special components necessary for their composition to approach breast milk. One of them is palm olein.

Recently, a lot of discussion has been devoted to the use of palm oil in blends. At the same time, not everyone knows that in the production of baby food, not palm oil itself is used, but only its fusible fraction, called palm olein. Palm olein is the main source of palmitic acid, and palmitic acid, in turn, predominates in the composition of breast milk fatty acids (its share reaches 25%). That is why, in order to reproduce the fat composition of breast milk in infant formulas, which is the “gold standard of nutrition” for children of the first year of life, baby food manufacturers use palm olein.

Larisa Alexandrovna Shcheplyagina explains:

“Palm olein has been used in baby food for more than a decade, and it is important to emphasize that it is a purified fraction of palm oil and is absolutely safe for the child's body. This substance is the main source of palmitic acid, which is known to be an important component of breast milk. Palmitic acid creates the foundation for the energy supply of the child's body, which is so important during active growth.

When transferring a baby to artificial feeding, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary. However, there are some tips that mom can use right now.

  • It is necessary to switch to artificial feeding gradually, in a "crowding out" manner, within 5-7 days. This will help the baby adapt to the new diet and routine, as well as reduce the risk of digestive problems.
  • Feeding at the request and demand of the child is possible only with breastfeeding, and a little - with mixed. When switching to artificial feeding, it is necessary to feed by the hour, and the doctor will tell you the exact schedule.
  • You should not give your child different mixtures - he will have to change to a new diet each time, which is a big stress for a small organism. If for some reason the mixture did not fit, consult a pediatrician and choose another one, taking into account all the features and needs of your crumbs, and, in case of successful addiction, stop at it.
  • When preparing the mixture, it is important to correctly calculate its dosage, the temperature of the water (necessarily boiled!) And observe sterility - all these instructions are contained in the instructions on the package. The pediatrician's advice will help determine the amount of nutrition for the mother. Here you also need to take into account many factors - the state of health of the crumbs, its level of physical development, appetite, etc.
  • And one more important point. When you feed the baby, hold him in your arms - this way the baby will be much calmer and more comfortable. Remember, the transition to artificial feeding should not affect the emotional connection, so do not forget to show your baby your love every time you can.

My babies (twins) are 5.5 months old. kids on the piece, the diet is as follows:
once at night and 3 more times during the day a mixture of 200 ml
1 feeding mixture (Materna, order from Israel on baby1care) 170 ml each and fruit puree (apple, banana, apricot - I make fruits in a double boiler) 3-4 tbsp. spoons
and another feeding vegetable puree - 150g boiled vegetables - I give potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, carrots and onions (grinding, I add half a teaspoon of butter or sunflower) and fruit apple juice diluted with water (one spoonful of juice and 5 tablespoons some water)
Son is 5 months old. After not favorable acquaintances with mixtures of other manufacturers, following the friendly advice of a friend, we tried the milk formula Materna "Extra Care Comfort" (lactose-free). Impressions are good, my son's tummy problems have stopped. The composition of the mixture was pleasantly surprised, compared to other mixtures, it is more similar to breast milk. Bought through the site baby1care This article is simply unworthy to be on the site. I really hope that the respected moderators will delete it, thus stopping the senseless and merciless skirmish of sibmum... Hello everyone! On the 7th day after giving birth, I was brought to a nervous breakdown due to lack of milk. Everyone around me accused me of the fact that the lazy one did not try, failed to apply correctly, a bad mother. A lactation consultant was called to the house. What's the point? There was no milk and milk did not come, but what is the child not to eat now or where should I look for a female nurse. And what is most disgusting, everyone knew how difficult the birth was. As a result, I sent everyone away and for a long time ... I forbade them to come, call, that's right to such an extent. I calmly began to give the mixture, we picked up the mixture with the pediatrician, the mixture suited us, we eat nuppi gold, an adapted milk formula, with a very balanced composition. The baby is healthy, there are no adverse reactions. There were colic, but it seems to me that this happens with all children, I gave dill water and applied a warm towel to my tummy. And such doctors and "advisers" would be driven with a filthy broom. Maybe I would have milk, if I had not been subjected to such stress. All health and inner peace! I have a different problem, we have been eating titya for 4 months, I started having health problems (teritoxicosis), I was playing for time as best I could, I thought it would pass, but it got even worse, now I’m trying to transfer IV, but it’s a pity to tears, I fed the first one for up to 9 months, then mutually said goodbye to titya. I have no idea what to do with the mixture how much to give after how much. I’m for breastfeeding, it’s convenient, and when the baby is sick, and in general, I put my chest in and everything is calm (((It’s a pity to part with GV, but the children need a healthy Maya girl, I have a different problem. The child is 4 months old, I want to switch to IV I have enough milk, but I suffer from terrible constipation and the consequences were not long in coming. No diets help. My daughter does not recognize the bottle. In general, I can’t translate it into willow. What can you advise? How to accustom to the bottle? We are 4.5 months I'm breastfeeding and I want to switch to Eve.Although I really enjoy breastfeeding: no need to prepare formulas, food for the baby is always there, for me it's also a joy. But there is always a BUT! Vo-the first, to watch the food and to guess, why it at the child the allergy has got out simply morally kills. Secondly, my husband's eternal reproaches that I ate something finally finish off. Thirdly, it is simply impossible to see how a child constantly itches and tears his forehead. Again, a sense of guilt in front of the child, hassle. And I want to put myself in order and get some sleep in the end. Therefore, you can scold me, what a selfish mother I am, I don’t care! I used to be a strong supporter of breastfeeding too, and I considered those who did not fight for milk to be bad mothers. I also had periods when there was not enough milk and I drank all sorts of teas, more water, etc. Nothing but a hassle brought me and the child. Now I understand artificials. Now I value not someone's opinion or the approval of doctors, but my peace of mind with my child.
I want to wish all mothers who make angry comments about willows to respect other people's opinions, think with their own brains, and not "non-consultants", look at how best their own baby is and not experiment on it! Everything needs to be measured! Everyone writes correctly, a hungry child should not be left with an empty boob! Kids are DIE!!! It happens. One grandmother complained to the clinic that her daughter was fighting for breastfeeding, and the child had lost weight. Bottom line: the child was taken away in an ambulance, somehow fattened there, pumped out, saying that there were no such children during the war. The child simply could no longer suck from impotence, as many people advise that the child suck milk for himself. I breastfed myself but always a jar of formula! was at hand, if it seemed to me that the child did not eat enough, he grabbed the mixture. In general, I have a lot of milk and it doesn’t go away on its own and I don’t need to puff up, so I understand that if there is, then it is, and if not, you don’t have to squeeze all the juice out of yourself. In addition to milk, a child also needs a mother. In general, breast-fed up to 7 months, now transferring to IV. I think it's enough. Of course, give advice on how to feed out of pocket formula producers. The Soviets smell strongly of mothballs from Soviet books. Those who set themselves the goal of feeding the child at any cost, why not immediately give him "Doshirak"? Also food, the same artificial. And further. For the first time I hear that supporters of wholesome and natural food are called sectarians. from the 7th month, the pediatrician advised us to switch to artificial feeding, tk. My milk started to disappear. the child did not gain weight because of this. I tried to return the milk - I used all possible means, it did not work. then I spent two days studying the issue of mixtures, chose nuppi on the advice of moms from the playground. Now we are holding on to this mixture, we are gaining weight according to the plan. we don’t complain about bloating and colic - finally, the child has healthy pink cheeks, my dad and I are happy)). and of course it is correctly written here - with the mixture, the main thing is not to overfeed, so we feed for hours, it's easier to track. well, you need to choose the mixture carefully - so that there are both prebiotics and lutein + nucleotides + vitamin complex. so that for sure the reaction of the child was ok

Let's say you've tried your best to breastfeed your baby, but there's still not enough milk. You have to give some formula to feed your baby, but you want to do it in a way that doesn't reduce breast milk production. I will consider this question in different paragraphs depending on how much extra milk the baby needs, and I will use the word additional for formula that is given in addition to breast milk (immediately after a feed), and a substitute for a bottle that is given instead breastfeeding. In general, it is more convenient to skip certain feedings entirely and use replacement bottles instead. On the other hand, there is a small chance that breastfeeding will last if you empty the breast each time, supplementing the feeding with formula when the baby is not full.

Suppose the breast gives enough milk - not enough for only one feeding. In this case, the most meager will probably be the morning feeding - at 6 in the morning. The next largest is nighttime. In this case, you can give an extra bottle during the morning feeding. Or during the night - then breast milk may be enough for the morning.

Suppose now that there is not enough milk for two or more feedings. Additional bottles may be given after feedings at 10 am, 2 am and 6 pm. The morning feed at 6 o'clock will probably be the most abundant of the day and will provide everything the baby needs. Feeding at ten in the evening will also be quite sufficient. Another method when the breast is not producing enough milk for several feedings is to breastfeed only at 6 am, 2 am and 10 pm and give additional formula at 10 am and 6 pm (and also at 2 am if the baby is not full) .

If breastmilk is not enough at all feedings, you will need extra formula at each feeding, whether you are breastfeeding at the beginning or not.

How much mixture to pour into the bottle, additional and replacement? Answer: as much as the child needs. If your baby weighs 4.5 kg or more, he may need 180 g of replacement milk per feeding; if it is less in weight, less milk is needed. If this is additional milk after breastfeeding, then 60 or 90 g may be needed. In this case, pour 90 g and let him drink as much as he wants.

If the doctor did not tell you the composition and amount of the mixture and you cannot contact him, use the recipe in this book. Paragraph 124 tells how to prepare 180 g of the mixture. You can prepare one replacement bottle (180 g) or two additional bottles (90 g each) in this way. If you need 360g for two 180g bottles or four 90g bottles, double the amounts shown. If only 90 g is needed, use half of the amounts indicated. Don't worry if you made a little extra mixture. If, for example, you need 120 g per day, make 180 g and pour out what the child did not drink. The amount of the mixture can be further increased.

Girls, they asked me a question in PM about the transition to IV, I answered, but I myself thought, after all, the transition to IV is not an easy question and for many is now probably relevant, so I decided to duplicate my April post about weaning. This article has been very helpful to me personally. Good luck to all!

How to transfer a child from breastfeeding to artificial feeding - weaning

We will not discuss situations here when mothers make a (often very difficult for them) decision to transfer the child to artificial nutrition. Physiological, psychological or material conditions - they often make their own adjustments to our plans, and, despite all efforts, breastfeeding does not work ... Or a mother has been breastfeeding her child for a long time, he already eats “adult” food, but part with breasts still doesn't work. How to make sure that the baby and you endure the transition to artificial feeding (and for older children - weaning) the least painful? Here is my “digest” of the French experience.

So, after you've breastfed your baby, there comes a moment, whether consciously or not, of stopping.

First of all, this process involves both of you: you and your child. Your baby should gradually get used to the new taste, to the new way of sucking and eating in general. As for you, then your body must gradually reduce the production of milk, and you yourself must accept this new stage in your communication with the child.

The mechanism of transfer to artificial feeding.

In its most general form, the principle of switching to artificial feeding (weaning) looks like this: if you put the baby to the breast less and less, the production of milk in the breast is stimulated less and gradually stops. To do this, you need to anticipate a minimum of 15 days, but the process can take three weeks or a month. It is better, of course, if this transition occurs as smoothly as possible - that is why avoid transferring your baby to artificial feeding during periods of stress, life changes, your absences, etc. You must be psychologically and financially prepared to devote maximum of your time and effort to your child.

Here are a few items that can help you prepare for the moment of weaning:

  • Think it over in advance, don't leave it to the "last minute"; if you go to work - start it at least three weeks before the start of work: the more gradual the transition, the less painful it will be.
  • The most difficult in terms of artificial nutrition is the first bottle. Be patient, tell yourself that everything will get better and next time will be better.
  • Never force a baby to drink a bottle if he resists.
  • If possible, start by giving a bottle of your own milk after expressing it first. The transition for the baby will not be so shocking.
  • It can help if you start giving your baby artificial milk from a cup (spoon) - so he adapts to the new taste, and only then tries it with a rubber or silicone nipple.

The scheme of transition to artificial feeding

First days:

Replace one feeding with a bottle. It is preferable to choose a feeding time when your milk production is least strong - mostly in the late afternoon (for example: 9:00, 12:00, 15:00 - breastfeeding, 18:00 - bottle, 21:00 - breastfeeding ). Try to explain to your baby that he is going to try the bottle, because the dialogue between the two of you is the most important. Keep it as long as the only bottle feeding for 3-4 days (minimum), or longer, so that your baby and you yourself can adapt.

After 3-4 days (repeat, minimum):

Replace the second breastfeed with a bottle. Choose this so that you alternate between bottle and breastfeeding. For example: 9:00, 15:00, 21:00 - breastfeeding, 12:00 and 18:00 - bottle. Keep these two bottle feedings, without introducing new ones, for at least 3-4 days.

After a few days, replace again - the third feeding - with a bottle. Again, choose a time to alternate between bottle and breast. It is preferable if you still keep breastfeeding in the morning and evening. Keep, without introducing new ones, these three feedings for a minimum of 3-4 days, or longer.

Now you have a choice: you can stop the transition to full bottle feeding by keeping morning and evening breastfeeding and bottle feeding the rest. Then it will be partial artificial feeding.

Partial formula feeding will also be called another option - if you replace evening feeding with a bottle, leaving only morning breastfeeding (i.e. 9:00 - breast, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00 - bottle) .

If you finally decide to switch entirely to artificial feeding, replace the morning feeding with a bottle.

If your baby is suckling on a pacifier, it's best to use a bottle nipple made from the same material (silicone or rubber).

It is preferable to give the baby warm milk, which brings him closer to breast milk. Don't be afraid to trust your baby to dad during the first bottles.


  • The baby refuses the bottle. Once used to breastfeeding, your baby may express violent disagreement and push the bottle away; you embody the breast, not the bottle! But, don't despair. A few unsuccessful attempts should not be a trauma for either the baby or you. Never force your child to drink milk. If he resists, stop and occupy him with something (pick him up, walk around the room, show him a toy ...). After ten minutes have passed, resume bottle feeding.
  • If your baby refuses the bottle several times in a row, don't breastfeed right away. Wait ten minutes, and only then attach it to your chest. If repeated attempts to give a bottle are fruitless, take a break for a few days, put the bottle away. Wait for the weekend when your loved ones can help you.
  • During the transition to artificial nutrition, problems may arise with your breasts - it becomes very painful, it can “stone”, “plugs” can form in it ... Naturally, your body gradually reduces milk production, but this adaptation does not happen instantly and takes time. You should listen to your feelings in order to avoid trouble - lactostasis, often preceding mastitis. At the first sign of soreness of the chest, a hot long shower should be taken. Under hot water, while massaging the breast, express a little milk until relief comes, but do not express everything so as not to stimulate a new rise in milk.