Unloading day on the water - how to spend it correctly. Fasting days on the water: rules and effectiveness How to survive a fasting day on the water

Many have heard about such a method as a fasting day on the water for weight loss, which has different applications. Of course, this method is quite effective and has its advantages, but before resorting to this method, you need to know how to make a water fasting day correctly. Such days allow you to lose weight and are considered a kind of diet for weight loss.

There are several options for unloading days on the water, but they all have their own rules that must be observed, in addition, you need to properly get out of such days so as not to harm your health. Do not forget about the contraindications that such unloading days also have. First of all, it should be noted that this is not an exhausting diet, when a person consumes only water for a week and torments himself with hunger, which then affects his state of health. Before you arrange a fasting day on the water, it is better to consult a doctor, especially if you have any diseases!

The main difference between the days of unloading on the water from other diets is a short-term abstinence from food, thanks to which people got rid of excess weight, cleansed the body and got rid of chronic diseases.

What days on the water can bring:

  • Energy is not spent on digestive processes, thereby the organs and the body receive unloading and rest;
  • Vessels, liver, kidneys and joints are cleared of toxins and toxins;
  • Improves bowel processes;
  • Getting rid of puffiness, fluid does not linger in the body;
  • Due to the cleansing of the body, the condition of the skin improves;
  • Getting rid of excess weight.

When the days of unloading occur, the water that a person drinks fills the stomach, from which the feeling of hunger is dulled. Such days on the water, if you have enough patience and willpower, can be spent exclusively using water alone, but if it is too hard, options are possible with the addition of an apple, kefir, tea or other ingredients.

What rules should be followed

Most often, such days on the water are referred to after the holidays, but doctors say that such days are best arranged before such days. To begin with, meat, fatty dairy products and eggs should be excluded from the diet, food should be light. A great option is to spend the day on cereals that are boiled in water and without salt, adding fruits and vegetables to the diet. In order to cleanse the intestines before the day of unloading, you should prepare a decoction of prunes and drink it at night.

  • Be sure to prepare the water in advance, for the day of unloading you will need 4 liters of water;
  • On the day of unloading on the water, you need to avoid any physical exertion, the body will save energy, and hunger will not be felt so much;
  • In order to make the day go smoothly, it is best to think of something to do in advance.

It is water that should be taken care of, since tap or boiled water will not work for unloading days. You will need filtered or mineral water, but it must be non-carbonated.

Delivery day options

The choice of the day on the water option rather depends on individual preferences, since not everyone can withstand the day on water alone, you can use water drinks.

Using green tea

In order to arrange a day on water and green tea, you need to combine these two drinks. Use as follows, for a day the norm of green tea is 1.5 liters, this amount should be distributed over the whole day, it will turn out to drink about 1 glass after 3 hours, and in the intervals between taking tea, drink water. Such use of tea can tone up, invigorate and give strength, because green tea contains many useful substances. Such a drink is rich in vitamins B, C, P, in addition, it has antioxidants, organic acids, fluorine, copper and potassium - such a composition can bring many benefits to the body.

Using kefir

If a person who decides to lose extra pounds loves kefir, a fasting day will bring only pleasant emotions and benefits. To use this method of unloading, it is necessary to distribute 1 liter of kefir into equal parts of the intake, the interval between doses should be the same. Between receptions of kefir it is necessary to drink water. Such a drink as kefir is very useful for the body, it is able to cleanse the body. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines, promotes liver function and can improve blood function.

Using Lemon

This option - fasting day on mineral water with lemon is quite effective and allows you to get rid of 2 kg per day. With such an unloading, you should drink a water drink every hour, and for cooking, dilute 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 200 ml of water. Rinse your mouth with water so that lemon juice does not harm tooth enamel. If this option is chosen, you should be patient, since such a drink can increase the feeling of hunger, but it is very effective, since lemon juice has fat-burning properties and the maximum effect is provided.

With juice

With this option, fresh squeezed juice and water are used, they should be diluted in a 1: 1 ratio. The daily norm of a water drink is 2 liters per day. Often this option is offered for obesity, as such drinks cleanse the intestines. In addition, they improve digestion processes and can improve complexion. If this option is chosen, it is necessary, for starters, to accustom the body to such a drink. To do this, you need to drink such drinks in the morning and evening for a week, after which you can be sure that the body is used to the drink.

Using apples

Pretty tasty and healthy version of the day for weight loss. To do this, you need 1.5 kg of green apples and water in the amount of 2 liters. This daily allowance should be divided into equal portions and consumed at approximately the same interval. The benefits of such a product as apples are quite large, they improve metabolism, improve the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, remove excess fluid from the body and break down fat. Whichever option a person chooses, the effect of such a fasting day will bring up to 2 kg of excess weight loss, but some points should be taken into account.

Please note: In cases where a person wants to get rid of extra pounds, it is necessary to revise the diet completely, especially after fasting days.

The menu should be light and consist of wholesome foods. You need to minimize salt intake, eat low-calorie foods and balance the menu. It is useful to arrange such days once a week to cleanse the body of toxins and get rid of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Like any diet for weight loss, fasting days can be harmful and beneficial. It should be noted right away that it is worth observing the intervals between fasting days and drinking liquid within 24 hours, without exceeding these indicators.

If the fasting day on the water lasts longer, this can lead to:

  • Violation of the heart rhythm;
  • Confused mind;
  • Nausea
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • puffiness;
  • Increase in blood pressure;
  • convulsions;
  • Decreased function of urine output.

If a person has a disease:

  • Diabetes;
  • Of cardio-vascular system;
  • low blood pressure;
  • Weakness;
  • Dizziness;
  • pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding:
  • menstrual cycle;
  • At retirement age;
  • In adolescence.

Also, fasting days should not be used if there are chronic diseases; a doctor's consultation is necessary before using such days on the water.

Results and reviews

Due to the fact that such a method of losing weight as a fasting day on the water has its own reviews and results, you can indicate for yourself how effective it is.

Highlight the main aspects:

  • When using days on the water, it really takes up to 2 kg of weight;
  • If you endure the day with water according to the rules, there is an improvement in the functions of the digestive system;
  • After such days on the water there is a surge of strength, energy and a person feels light;
  • Not everyone manages to endure a day on the water, but if you have patience for the first time, then you will want to regularly arrange such days.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Is it possible to do a fasting day on the water

The effectiveness and necessity of fasting days has been repeatedly confirmed by practice and proven by dietitians. To normalize the work of the stomach, intestines, it is very useful to give them a rest periodically. At this time, there is an active cleaning of tissues, the internal environment, the work of all physiological systems is normalized. To normalize all vital processes, it is very important to consume a significant amount of water, which depends on body weight. It provides water-salt balance, prevents the formation of adipose tissue.

People who control their weight often wonder - is it possible to arrange fasting days on the water? If we take into account that with a lack of fluid in the cells, harmful substances accumulate, homeostasis is disturbed, then this diet and unloading option is the most effective way to lose weight. At the same time, a positive effect will be observed not only in people suffering from overweight. This technique is useful even for people with normal weight for general recovery.

Benefit and harm

Water is very important for a person, while with its use the body does not receive additional calories. Therefore, even one day on the water solves several health problems at once:

  • normalization of water-salt balance;
  • effective support of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cleaning of blood vessels, liver, kidneys;
  • rejuvenation;
  • improvement of the skin condition;
  • getting rid of edema;
  • weight loss.

This method of healing is equated to fasting, even if it is short in time, so it should be considered as stress for all organs. Related to this are contraindications to unloading of this kind. Doctors do not recommend a water diet for diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, diseases of the excretory system and digestive glands, in the presence of tumors, during the period of bearing and feeding a child. It is not necessary to carry out water unloading immediately after the holiday excesses.

How to make a fasting day on the water

To obtain a greater health effect, you should strictly follow the rules of a fasting day using water. The choice of such a cleaning method is desirable to coordinate with the attending physician. If there are no contraindications, preparatory measures should be taken the day before. The food that is consumed before the fasting day should be light, the advantage should be given to vegetables, fruits, cereals in a minimum amount with a limited content of salt and oil.

On the eve of the fasting day, prepare a decoction of dried prunes and drink it before going to bed, this will cleanse the intestines. Use filtered water, but not boiled, it will need approximately 4 liters. During this period, it is undesirable to drink tea or coffee, but hot filtered water is possible. It is better to use such a healing technique no more than once in ten days. On the next day, you need to again give preference to foods rich in fiber and smoothly remove the body from the state of hunger.

How much weight can you lose

This kind of fasting is beneficial, it does not cause exhaustion, but it triggers a powerful recovery. Unloading on water reduces body weight to one kilogram in one day. It directly depends on the state of organ systems, age, physical activity and many other factors. Water days are considered one of the best ways to easily lose weight, are really good for a healthy body, most of the reviews about them are positive.

Unloading days for weight loss - options on the water

There are many options for unloading with the use of liquid. The classic drinking fasting day is designed to drink only clean water, but other options are possible. Among them, unloading on mineral, salt water. No less effective is the intake of liquid with lemon juice, kefir, with the addition of bran. Water can be consumed with juices, green tea, honey. An additional component during water unloading has a directed healing effect and helps to get rid of an acute feeling of hunger.

On the water

The method of a drinking day for the purpose of unloading is very clear. Unloading on water is carried out only with the use of prepared water in an amount of about four liters. An excellent option is spring or filtered water, so that the body really benefits during unloading. It is important to divide the daily amount of water into equal volumes (no more than half a liter at a time), they should be drunk every half hour. The normal state is the feeling of thirst, this is an indicator of the running cleaning process.

With honey

The healing effect of natural honey is well known, the benefits of water with honey for fasting days have been confirmed by time. The use of a honey drink speeds up metabolism, cleaning processes take place faster, it helps to get rid of adipose tissue. To spend a drinking day with the addition of honey, you need to prepare about 12 glasses of clean water. Before use, dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water.

Diet on apples

An excellent option for effective weight correction can be a fasting day on water and apples. Throughout the day, it is necessary to evenly consume 2 liters of water in small portions, alternating with apples. Half of the fruits need to be baked, half is recommended to be eaten fresh. It is better to give preference to sweet apples, they excite appetite less, contain useful substances.

With lemon

Lemon juice is a powerful fat burner, water with lemon for weight loss works wonders. Weight loss per day can be about 2 kg. This is the most efficient method of unloading on the water, and the most difficult. Every forty minutes you need to drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of lemon juice. The required volume of water is 2 liters. Citric acid strongly stimulates appetite, has a destructive effect on tooth enamel, after each intake of liquid with lemon, it is necessary to rinse the mouth.

On mineral water

The mineral water diet is no less effective; this option refers to difficult fasting days. During the whole time you need to drink 2 liters of non-carbonated mineral water. If there are no deviations in the form of edema, this amount of water increases to 4 liters. The next day is important to make a diet and limit yourself to light food. The effectiveness of this option is colossal, in addition to weight loss, sleep normalizes, and overall health improves. It is necessary to carry out a cleansing procedure no more than twice a month in order to lose extra pounds.

On water and tea

Green tea is one of the few tonic liquids that contains a lot of useful substances, has a tonic effect, and effectively fights fat. Fasting day on water and green tea involves the use of 2 liters of water per day and 200 ml of tea every two hours. Green tea is brewed in the usual way.

How to get out of the fasting day

In order for the effect of unloading to be long-term, the exit from the unloading day on the water should be gradual. It is better to start the day after unloading with a salad of fresh vegetables; olive oil is suitable for dressing. Fresh fruits are a good option for breakfast. In these products, the optimal amount of vitamins, fiber, they make the body work properly. Porridge with vegetables - for lunch. Dairy products are suitable for afternoon tea and dinner.

How to endure

Improvement of the body, loss of excess weight are convincing incentives to be patient and endure the drinking day. Enhanced unloading of the body helps to solve a lot of problems:

  • the body is cleansed of toxins, salts;
  • cleansing starts at the level of all cells;
  • metabolism is normalized;
  • joints are healed;
  • rapid tissue regeneration starts;
  • sleep is normalized.

This is not a complete list of useful processes that a fasting day launches. Awareness of the benefits, the desire to maintain health will help to hold out on unloading. It is worth trying several varieties of fasting days and stop at the one that is easiest to tolerate. It is worth considering the option of holding a fasting day in the air, in the countryside, in the forest. This will prevent you from constantly focusing on the feeling of hunger.

It is not recommended to exercise on this day. In this case, the body experiences additional stress and, defending itself, slows down the metabolism. In the course of unloading, it is better to do quiet things, give all physiological systems a rest, set aside time for daytime sleep, and occupy the mind with intellectual activity. Unloading is best combined with a day off.

A sufficient amount of fluid is one of the most important conditions in the fight against extra pounds. Add one fasting day on the water to your weekly schedule to activate your metabolism and start the weight loss process.

Unloading day on the water: benefits and harms

Twenty-four hours on water alone, without food, can solve the problem of excess weight much faster and cheaper than "magic" pills of dubious quality and origin. By the way, according to the results of studies, it was proved that after a short-term fasting, the cells of the human body are renewed.

Therefore, all those who deliberately limit themselves to food look younger, slimmer and live longer. A cleansing program can do more harm than good to the body.

Therefore, if you are “unloading” for the first time, be sure to visit specialists to rule out diseases in which it is impossible and dangerous to refuse food even for one.

This is diabetes mellitus, any stomach problems, no matter if it is gastritis or an ulcer.

Unloading rules

To decide whether you need unloading, answer yourself, just honestly, one question. Do you have extra weight that you need to get rid of? If your answer is yes, then this day will not interfere with you.

So, the basic rules of unloading:

How to spend a fasting day on the water

  1. It is better to start fasting in the evening, so dinner should be light, and after that, during the day you should refrain from eating and drink clean still water;
  2. If you really want to lose weight, you should drink one glass of pure water every 2 hours;
  3. If you feel that the weakness does not go away, just add a teaspoon of honey to a glass of warm water. This is perfectly acceptable;

Various options for unloading days on the water

The main drink for any option is purified water. Calculate the amount of fluid you need based on your current weight. On average, you need to drink at least 40 ml per kilogram of your weight. Drink fluids throughout the day in small doses.

What to consider on a fasting day on the water

Drink water throughout the day. A sufficient amount of it is the most important condition for the natural cleansing of the body. But not all water is suitable for a fasting day. To cleanse the body, you need to drink only healthy and proper water.

The one that flows from the faucet is out of the question. A bottled product, as a rule, is purified not only from bacteria, but also from important compounds - such a liquid only leaches beneficial trace elements from the body. Water passed through a stationary carbon filter is best suited.

What to consider on a fasting day on mineral water

There are no bad substances in mineral water, just on a fasting day you should use table water, and not medicinal water, in which there are salts that are ultimately beneficial to health, but not on this day.

Therefore, when buying mineral water, study the level of mineralization on the label. If the indicator is less than one gram, then the water is from the canteen category, and you can drink it during unloading.

What to consider on a fasting day on the water with honey

What to consider on a fasting day on water with lemon juice

The most common option is to mix water with juice squeezed from a lemon.

But before you start drinking such water, consult a doctor: gastritis and stomach ulcers are strict contraindications.

Start drinking water by adding 1 lemon to 1 liter of liquid. Or just add a lemon wedge or a few drops of juice to a glass of warm water. Drink in small sips. Such a drink washes out toxins and toxins from the gastrointestinal tract, speeds up the metabolism.

What to consider on a fasting day on water and green tea

Green tea contains minerals and complex organic compounds that are necessary for the human body. When losing weight, this product is almost indispensable. Experts recommend drinking a glass of freshly brewed tea every 2 hours plus two liters of pure water for the whole day.

How often can you arrange fasting days on the water

"Unload" on health, but not more than once or twice a week. If you abuse, you can easily earn the same problems that arise with a strict restriction in food.

It is very good to arrange "unloading" after your weekend, choosing for this the first day of the week. During this period, give up food and focus on ordinary water without gas, which you can drink up to three liters.


Fasting days are undesirable for patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, and it is also not recommended to refuse food after serious illnesses and with problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

Unloading day on the water for weight loss: how much can you lose?

We are all afraid of the phrase "hungry day", but not afraid of numerous strict diets. But unloading on clean water, carried out once a week, is the most effective way to get rid of extra pounds and start the process of weight loss.

So, depending on the initial weight, you can “throw off” 1 kilogram easily. But know that you won’t be able to lose weight if you have a hungry day on Mondays, and don’t deny yourself anything to your beloved on the rest of the week. From fasting day will be useful if you change the entire nutrition system.

Fasting day on the water is the easiest and low-calorie way to lose weight. It is enough to apply at least 1 time per week as a lightweight menu in a few months, it can achieve complete cleansing and healing of the body, dropping up to 10 kg of excess weight. It is due to the withdrawal of water from the body that the water-salt balance is normalized, thereby leaving women with unnecessary calories.

The essence of unloading

Weight is able to gain from a lack of fluid, or vice versa, its retention in the body. In the first case, dehydration is inevitable, against the background of this - dullness and pallor of the skin, hair loss. In the second case - a violation of the kidneys and as a result - swelling, weight gain.

Sitting on the same water for several days is too cruel, and harmful. You can get yourself other side effects. Nutritionists advise not to use this method for more than one day. They also offer recipes for fasting days by using water with the addition of salt, honey, lemon and ginger, which help to cleanse, heal and, of course, lose weight.

How much weight can you lose

Approximately in one day of unloading, you can lose up to 100 grams of fat, although sports load and the total weight of a person have a great influence on metabolism.

In general, you can lose weight by 1.5-3 kg. Water will gradually leave the body. The main thing is that after the day of unloading, do not return to the previous, familiar diet, refuse to take high-calorie foods.

How to carry out

Precautionary measures

Like any other diet, during a fasting day, a number of precautions must be observed:

  • avoid on this day not only smoking, but even the smell of tobacco smoke;
  • you need to return to the daily diet slowly, eat little by little (in portions);
  • do not immediately rush on the background of hunger for meat, eggs, fish, mushrooms. Prefer them vegetables, cereals, fruits, cottage cheese;
  • if you are concerned about constipation, then it is reasonable to refuse to take oatmeal, and for example, cottage cheese and apples, on the contrary, increase. They will support the body with proteins, dietary and plant fibers, and are considered. But such schemes are not suitable for patients with diabetes mellitus who have chronic ailments in the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and kidneys.

Unloading day options


Any diet has contraindications and fasting day is no exception. Before arranging it, of course, it is better to first ask the doctor for recommendations, since fasting can lead to irreparable consequences.

Such unloading is contraindicated in certain diseases:

  • hypertension, when blood pressure is too low;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cardiovascular diseases during an exacerbation;
  • teenagers, pensioners and pregnant women;
  • anemia;
  • excessive weakness;
  • frequent dizziness.

In this case, it is better to resort to softer and more gentle methods. To unload the body, regardless of the choice of diet, the main thing is to always approach the procedure responsibly. One thing to remember is that unloading is designed to cleanse the body, help with the release of hated kilograms, but does not cause irreparable harm.

Advantages and disadvantages

The method of fasting on the water requires a serious morale. Any diet has positive and negative sides. Of course, water is the source of life, but it has no energy value.

This method of losing weight helps:

  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • suppression of appetite when filling the stomach with water;
  • providing rest to the gastrointestinal tract from the constant processing of heavy food;
  • cleansing the body of accumulated toxins;
  • normalization of the intestines;
  • getting rid of puffiness with excessive accumulation of fluid;
  • body rejuvenation;
  • improving the condition of the skin;
  • the disappearance of acne and wrinkles with constant use;
  • normalization of metabolism, the process of losing weight will begin.

Nevertheless, despite the obvious healing effect, such unloading on the water can harm the body.

The technique is contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, cancer patients in the presence of a tumor, diabetics suffering from neurological and mental disorders, having severe chronic kidney diseases, as well as pregnant and lactating mothers.

It has been scientifically proven that periodic fasting days on the water not only help to lose weight, but also prolong life. Learn how to properly dehydrate and lose weight with health benefits!

A fasting day is a kind of rest for the body, which gives it the opportunity to cleanse itself, recover, and normalize the functions of the main systems without wasting energy on digesting complex foods. Fasting days on drinking water are especially effective in this regard.

Water brings huge benefits to health and beauty, while not having a single calorie. Moreover, if a sufficient amount of water enters the body, then the water-salt balance is maintained, which allows it to independently cope with excess calories, preventing the creation of body fat. With a lack of fluid, on the contrary, it begins to linger in each cell, which leads to swelling, accumulation of harmful substances. Such a dependence of the state of health on the amount of water consumed makes the fasting water day one of the most effective types of unloading, not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for people with normal weight who intend to improve their health.

Effect on the body

Almost all diets for weight loss or cleansing require the use of at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Even a simple drink of pure water between meals ensures the normal functioning of the digestive and excretory systems, which allows you to quickly get rid of harmful deposits. A fasting day on the water significantly enhances this effect, therefore it has a number of advantages over other similar methods:

  • the nutritional value of water is zero, so it does not increase the calorie content of the diet even in large quantities;
  • the body is not depleted, but, on the contrary, begins to recover at the cellular level due to better absorption of nutrients;
  • frequent drinking in small portions allows you to keep the stomach constantly filled, which eliminates the strong feeling of hunger;
  • edema disappears, the work of the digestive tract is improving;
  • the condition of the skin improves, minor inflammation, fat content, dryness are eliminated.

Regarding how much you can lose extra pounds for such a fasting day, there are no exact indicators, since the reaction of the body is very individual and depends on its characteristics. But only due to intensive cleansing, you can lose up to 1 kg of weight. If you carry out such one-day unloading weekly, then positive changes in well-being and appearance will appear very quickly.

It must be borne in mind that such days do not cause any harm to the body, but at the same time they have a number of limitations:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • excessive body weight caused by too much calorie intake (you must first accustom yourself to a low-calorie diet);
  • diabetes mellitus, which does not allow a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels;
  • hypotension - with the rapid removal of salts from the body, a sharp decrease in pressure can occur;
  • renal, cardiovascular diseases;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • severe disorders of the nervous system;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

Also fasting days on drinking water in adolescents and the elderly should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Unloading rules

Before you arrange yourself unloading on the water, you should figure out how to spend such days so that they are as effective as possible. It is very important to properly prepare for this event:

  • the day before unloading, you need to switch to eating cereals, vegetables, fruits;
  • at night, drink a decoction of prunes, which will cleanse the intestines;
  • prepare 3 liters of clean water (you can take melted, spring, filtered, mineral, but not boiled).

You can not arrange water unloading immediately after a plentiful feast or too high-calorie diet. Under such conditions, water will not only cleanse, but also carry all the harmful substances in the intestines throughout the body.

If, after overeating, you abruptly switch to only water, all toxins will be absorbed into the blood, which will lead to the opposite effect - poor health, nausea, and headaches. Even in the absence of such symptoms, the body will experience discomfort.

In addition to this condition, a few more rules must be observed:

  • in cold weather it is better to take hot water so as not to cause chills, in hot weather - at room temperature so as not to catch a cold;
  • drink only in small sips, in small portions;
  • it is necessary to carry out such unloading on a day off, since it contributes to frequent urge to urinate or can cause weakness;
  • it is necessary to reduce physical activity, abandon training, since intensive excretion of salts along with active exercises can provoke convulsions.

It is necessary to come out of unloading gradually. The next day, it is best to have breakfast with chopped cabbage with carrots seasoned with sunflower or olive oil. For lunch and dinner, cereals with vegetables are suitable. Regarding how many times you can carry out unloading on the water, everyone must determine for themselves. The main thing is not to arrange such days more often than once a week. For those who are contraindicated or not recommended for unloading on the same water, you can choose another option for such a fasting day - softer and more gentle.

Variants of unloading days on the water

Traditional unloading on the water is carried out according to a very simple scheme - you need to drink clean water in small sips of 100 g every half hour during the day (if there are no other recommendations). In addition, there are many options for a water fasting day with the addition of other components that have a cleansing or other beneficial effect.

mineral water

Fasting day on mineral water is one of the toughest, because it does not allow the use of anything other than 2 liters of non-carbonated mineral water. Those who do not suffer from puffiness can increase the rate to 4 liters. The ideal option would be to spend such a day outdoors. Smoking, alcohol, any other drinks are excluded.

The next day should also be dietary. Diet: cereals, vegetables, fruits. You can carry out such cleansing no more than twice a month. But, as evidenced by the reviews, if you make it regular, you can significantly reduce weight, activate metabolism, and improve overall well-being.

Salty water

The basis of the diet of this day is a saline solution. To prepare it, dissolve 3 tablespoons of sea or ordinary salt in 3 liters of pure water. The purification process occurs mainly due to the laxative effect of such a "drink". In addition, the saline solution is not digested in the stomach and is not absorbed by the intestines, but, getting into it, absorbs all harmful substances and removes it naturally.

The difference between such a fasting day and other similar procedures is that you need to drink 250 ml of brine at a time. After this, nausea and weakness usually appear, but such sensations disappear after going to the toilet and emptying the bowels. During the day, you need to drink the prepared saline solution - you should get 12 doses every 30 minutes.

With lemon

Lemon juice has fat-burning properties, so a fasting day on water with lemon contributes not only to effective cleansing, but also to noticeable weight loss. As a rule, with such a one-day diet, you can get rid of 2 kg of excess weight. But this will require great patience and willpower, since the acidified drink contributes to the feeling of hunger.

To prepare a serving of lemon elixir, add 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed juice to 250 ml of water. It is consumed with a break of one hour, while for each reception you need to prepare a new drink. To protect your teeth from damage by the acidic environment, you should rinse your mouth after each drink, or you can drink through a straw. Judging by the reviews, such unloading is very effective, although it requires a lot of patience.

The advantages of using kefir during a water fasting day are determined by its unique properties:

  • low calorie;
  • the ability to create a feeling of fullness;
  • excellent cleansing action;
  • beneficial effect on the blood and intestinal microflora.

This recipe is softer, but the same effective action. For the procedure, you will need 1 liter of kefir and clean water. Kefir is divided into 5 parts and drunk every 2 hours. Water is consumed in the intervals between such drinking. To make it easier to fall asleep and not experience a strong feeling of hunger at night, you need to drink the last glass before going to bed.

With bran

Bran is often used in many diets as a cleansing product that provides a feeling of satiety without harming the figure. Swelling in the stomach, they relieve hunger, and, absorbing harmful substances, they easily remove them from the body. In any case, the intake of bran should always be combined with the use of large amounts of water.

Several types of bran are suitable for a water fasting day:

  • oatmeal - the softest bran, easy to swallow, perfectly cleanses the intestines, reduces the amount of cholesterol;
  • wheat - the most popular bran, they are quite soft, pleasant to the taste, perfectly satisfy hunger;
  • rye - somewhat coarser than all other types of bran, but have the highest efficiency in removing toxins;
  • flaxseed is a rather rare type of bran, which has a minimal irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, but cleans no worse than any other bran.

For unloading, you can use any of these bran to your taste. In this case, the following rules must be observed:

  • bran should be taken in a tablespoon 6 times a day;
  • you can choose any method of application - either just drink it with water, or dilute the bran by drinking the mixture;
  • in addition to the water that is drunk with bran, you need to drink another 2 liters per day in between;
  • at night, you can dilute the bran in a glass of kefir and add 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil to ease the work of the intestines the next day.

It is absolutely contraindicated to carry out a fasting day on water and bran in the presence of an allergy to this product or any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In any case, it is necessary to carry out unloading using bran carefully. It gives a very quick cleansing effect, but along with everything unnecessary, it also removes calcium from the body, which worsens the condition of the bone tissue. Therefore, it is desirable to alternate it with other options for such days.

With juices

Spending a fasting day on water with juices is based on the use of fruit or vegetable juices, which are known for their beneficial properties:

  • the ability to improve intestinal motility;
  • cleansing action with the removal of harmful deposits;
  • providing the body with useful substances;
  • elimination of constipation.

Before spending a fasting day on the water with juices, you must start drinking such juices daily 10 days before the procedure. This will help the body get used to such drinks and avoid indigestion.

With regular use of juice one-day diets, you can significantly reduce weight and normalize the work of all organs of the digestive tract. For unloading, you will need 2 liters of a solution of any fresh juice, diluted in a 1: 1 ratio with water.

With green tea

Green tea is recommended for many diets as a weight loss product. In addition, this is one of the few drinks that the body perceives not as food, but as pure water. Therefore, a fasting day on the water with green tea has two positive points:

  • it does not differ in its effect from unloading on water alone;
  • at the same time, many useful substances enter the body that are absent in water, but are found in large quantities in green tea.

Such a drink is very useful for cleansing and losing weight, as it can increase tone and invigorate, which is important during even a one-day fast. To prepare a drink, you need to brew green tea in the usual way and drink 200 ml of it every 2 hours. In addition to tea, you should drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day.

With bread

Bread with water is a very effective type of unloading, but it has a number of its own characteristics:

  • bread should be taken grain, black, with the addition of bran or whole grain flour;
  • instead of bread, you can use dietary loaves (2 loaves correspond to a slice of bread);
  • muffins, pastries, other similar bakery products are completely excluded;
  • per day you can eat 200-300 g of bread, dividing them into 10 slices, or 2 packs of bread;
  • the amount of the daily norm of water is 2.5 liters.

Unloading on bread and water is not too strict. It is allowed to drink vegetable or fruit juices, but not more than 200 ml, dividing them into several portions and diluting them in half with water.

Fasting day on the water with honey is the softest and most gentle, because it includes a meal. Honey should be fresh, preferably light varieties - linden, flower or acacia. This day's menu includes:

  • breakfast - 100 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • lunch - 100 g of fresh vegetables;
  • dinner - 250 mg of kefir.

In addition, during the day you need to drink 3 liters of water, in which you first dilute 6 tablespoons of honey. Such a one-day diet is ideal for those who are going to have a fasting day for the first time.

with apples

Unloading days on apples is the most common version of a one-day diet for cleansing with weight loss. This unloading is very effective, although not too rigid. Apples are considered an ideal product for these procedures. They have a positive effect on the body, saturate it with useful substances, and due to the presence of fiber and pectin, they also perfectly clean the gastrointestinal tract.

The rules of the fasting day on apples and water are very simple. For the day you need to use:

  • one and a half kilograms of apples, eating one at a time when a feeling of hunger appears;
  • two liters of water in between apples.

Fasting days on water and apples or other products described above is a fairly effective measure that allows you to put your well-being and appearance in order, to improve the work of many organs and systems. It is necessary to spend such days only after careful preparation and in the absence of serious health problems. But judging by the reviews, the effectiveness and benefits of such unloading for the body are very significant.