Why not buy children a lot of toys? Does a child have a lot of toys - is it good or bad? Psychologist Tips Do not chase Fashion

Many parents are ready to buy new toys from their child almost every day. It would seem that in this terrible if the family budget allows. However, some moms and dads, which literally bore the kids with all sorts of dolls, cars, designers, plush animals and heroes of favorite children's cartoons, then wondering why the child does not pick up toys, breaks them or easily gives other children in the kindergarten. How many toys need a child and how do their amount affect its development?

Toys and child development

Some parents believe that a large number of toys will help the child faster. In fact, it is not. Children's perception is arranged in such a way that there should be no more than five items to preserve attention in the child's visibility zone at the same time. When objects around the baby more, it becomes difficult for him to focus on one of them, and therefore attention does not concentrate, but, on the contrary, it dissipates.

The number of toys affects such quality as ingenuity. Curiousness and resourcefulness develop in children when they need to invent and create toys on their own. Remember how, for example, we played in childhood buttons, representing their people, or dandelions strung out on ordinary sticks. Corn cobs, sinters, handles - everything came to life in our children's hands and more than stories. Unfortunately, modern toys for the most part are not designed for the development of creative thinking and, interacting with them, the child does not receive new knowledge, which means that the potential of the researcher in it slowly decreases.

Too much toys weakens in children and craving for other activities. When there are few toys, and the child has already played out with them, he begins to be interested in reading, writing, art, that is, looking for other things that can be engaged in. When toys too much, he will be mistaken all day long with them, and he will be boring books, music, drawing and other types of creativity. If the child's room turns out to be donated with toys, it becomes uninteresting to leave her, while children who cannot boast such "wealth", walking with great pleasure to walk and prefer games in the fresh air.

The development of such an important skill, as perseverance, also depends on the number of toys surrounding the kid. When the child comes across a complex "doing" (puzzle, designer, team model, logic game), it will be patiently and persistently deal with it. When there are many simpler toys around the baby, it does not need to think, he will quickly cast attempts to understand independently Complex and start playing something else. This will lead to the fact that the child will not learn to bring to the end of complex cases.

Toys and character

The number of toys affects the character of the child. Children who get everything at first request, begin to believe that it will always be so, and they grow egoists.

The number of toys affects the formation of a child with the concept of eternal values. Children whom parents indulge in a huge number of toys most often grow confident that any desires and pleasures can be bought for money. Such kids turn into adults who do not know how to find satisfaction from life, while inhaled children learn to appreciate intangible things and understand that true pleasure and joy bring only: friendship, family, love.

In addition, children who have a lot of toys, cease to appreciate each of them, because they know that it is worth the next doll or a typewriter to break or get lost, as parents immediately bother her new. Such kids will not protect their toys, and they carry a similar attitude towards their own things throughout life. Now a five-year-old baby and does not experience that he lost one of them in the kindergarten, and in a few years he will forget somewhere expensive smartphone purchased by his parents, and simply ask them one more. Then he will break the cars, it is easy to spend money on nonsense. It is possible that he will also be refer to people, considering that if it was not possible to establish relations with one friend, then another will be replaced by another.

Children who do not indulge with toys, are very carefully referring to their choice. While the spoiled kid swept in the store from the shelves, all toys without parsing, a child who gets a new doll or a typewriter only on holidays will have long to choose the desired one, it's time to analyze. He will spend half an hour near the showcase, carefully considering toys, assessing their intellectual value, appearance, material, and will make a conscious choice in favor of some of them.

When a child gets a lot of toys, adults becomes very difficult to surprise him. And indeed: what is it possible or a holiday to a child who has everything? Therefore, it is natural that instead of the sincere joy of mom and dad will see only an indifferent expression of the face of his Chad, unfolding another gift. And the holiday thus ceases to be a special event for a child, while children who receive gifts rarely will look forward to this day. Subsequently, such a child may grow cold, to the whole indifferent, a bored person, whom it will be difficult to surprise something or admire.

Psychologists argue that the smaller the child toys, the more interesting it to communicate with other children.

So, how many toys need a child? You can not answer this question with mathematical accuracy, but every toy must be necessary, and the purchase of it is planned: if the kid dreams of an expensive railway, then give him her birthday, if the girl is already eight dolls, then you should not buy her ninth . Well, or you can buy it as a holiday gift.

There are three councils that will help parents to "secure" themselves from acquiring unnecessary toys:

    Do not buy cars and dolls between the case passing by in the supermarket or newsstand.

    Do not give a child toys "on the grow out": if he is not interested in designers, then you should not litter the room.

    Never go to the child on occasion, even if he keeps his legs and makes the hysteria in a children's store. In any situation, your "no" should sound firmly and confident.

And, of course, do not forget that happy childhood is measured by the attention of parents, and not the number of cars and puffs in the children's room. Cut off the child as much time as possible, play with it in role-playing games, invent your exciting stories, turning into the wild forest Palace in the hallway, and then your baby will be happy!

Victoria Kotlarov

You do not want to buy baubles for a child. Or, on the contrary, feel the feeling of guilt in front of him that they are ready to buy in the store a completely unnecessary thing ... Check if you easily walk with a child for shopping, passing the test on the portal I am a parent.

If the girl has fifteen dolls, then the most likely, her beloved is usually not. Today, with one played, it was abandoned somewhere, tomorrow the beloved "daughter" is another.

And the boy is not very sad, if one of the twenty machines broke - there is still nineteen.
Meanwhile, according to psychologists, the child's favorite toys are needed. They form the kid's ability to appreciate what is, learn to experience affection. The one that makes the child do not throw away the old bear, but to sew his pawned paw.

Teach the child carefully belongs not only to the "friend of childhood", but also the rest of the toys - repair the cars, keep the details of the designer and pieces of puzzles in different boxes. If you immediately teach a child that every toy has its own place, which it should take at the end of the game, sooner or later he will learn everything to clean himself, and you will not have to overweight over the mountains of trucks and cubes.

But what exactly should not be done, so it is to promise the baby to buy a new toy in return broken. Otherwise, you will never take it to take care of your things.

Do not chase

And there is a fashion for toys. Psychologists advise to choose to approach weightingly. On the one hand, the child should not feel like a white crow, when all children are passionate about some kind of toy, and he has no such. On the other hand, it is necessary to clearly understand whether you need this thing in fact.

My daughter, for example, without losses, he passed the universal passion for the wobble dolls from the cartoon and Barbie. As my mother, these toys seem useless. What to do the girl with such a doll? She will definitely won't be a favorite "daughter". But today's visit is a tetree - to equip the house for the animal family - we had to do. It is necessary only that your daughter is really enthusiastic with the arrangement of the dwelling, and not blindly followed the girlfriends. "I want the same as Ksyusha", these words are a kind of signal that you don't need to buy such a toy.

Precious trash

The big problem is to throw the baby that served his "wealth". The child can and forget about these things, but when you begin to sort them before removal, it will be desperately cling to the cracked mirror or the car without wheels.

It is possible that it is especially the road that this thing is, for example, as a gift to your beloved grandmother. And then - many children are seriously parted with things just because they are their things.

Ask a child to explain the same way to him this toy. If the argument is weighty - leave it, if unconvincing - persuade to part ("it is already impossible to play in it", "You can hurt"). As a last resort, the controversial toy can be hidden. If he is missing it, then he needs it.

Golden Rules

Do not buy toys:

  • between the case, for example, along with the newspaper in the kiosk or in the supermarket. They are usually inexpensive there, and therefore we are easy to succumb to the requests of children. But the quality of these objects is low, and the need is dubious.
  • not by age. If the child still does not know how to collect the designer or puzzles, it just confuses all the details.
  • to prevent whims or scandals. It is impossible to go on a blackmailer, even if he is your heir.

Attentive parents also follow the number of toys in the child's room. In those times, when the rooms of our children are filled with toys literally to the ceiling, thinking parents try to reduce the number of toys in which children play.
Have you noticed that the child's attention and the ability to play toys directly depends on their quantity? So that the child really played in them, and that these games brought him joy and favor, parents should understand that a small number of toys for a child is much better, and it will be a positive impact on his future.

1. Children will be more creative

Too many toys inhibits the creative development of the child. Children there is no need to invent, invent, when there is a mountain of toys next to them. In Germany, the next experiment was held in kindergartens - all toys removed in groups for 3 months. At first, children were very boring, and they did not know how to take themselves. However, after some time, the children began to communicate more with each other and literally to invent, using the handy and surrounding items for their games. The spouse of one of my girlfriends lived in childhood in the north. There was no toys at all. The only thing that had a child in large quantities is matchboxes. For several years, the child played only in them, creating models and inventing the plots. As a result, he is not only successful in his professional life, he also writes beautiful music and plans to release his album.

2. Children develop the ability to concentrate attention

In order to save attention, no more than 5 items should be in the visibility zone. Surrounding yourself with a large number of bright, diverse toys, attention is scattered and, moreover, the child does not learn to concentrate it, which is very important for his future life. Possessing a large number of toys, children cease them to appreciate. Moreover, each new toy is valuable for a child less and less, and, having played on her day or two, the child begins to ask a new one to experience the joy of ownership of a new thing. Toy manufacturers fueled in children this desire, forming consumers from them. Only parents can affect this process, realizing the importance of toys and their quantities for the future child.

3. Social child skills develop

Children with fewer toys are able to much better establish links with other children and adults. First of all, because they learn to real communication. Studies have shown that children who can create friendly relations in childhood becoming much more successful in their adult life.

4. Children become more careful to those things that they use

A child who has a large number of toys, ceases to appreciate them. He is sure that if one breaks, a new one will come to shift. There is a significant educational nature of the toy that shakes the attitude towards the world. The child must need to learn the careful attitude towards their toys and things to mature, he did not transfer this consumer attitude to real human relations.

5. Love for reading, writing and art develops in children

There are cases when there were no toys or TVs in families. In such families, read readers and creative personalities grew. Fewer toys makes children search other interesting classes for themselves. Very often they become books and creativity. Children who love books grow erudite and with a rich imagination. Art acquiring children to the world of beautiful, to the world of real emotions and feelings, making them more balanced and creative.

6. Children become more inventive

Invention, the ability to be resourceful develops if the child has no ready-made answers to those questions that arise in front of him. A rare toy today meets these requirements. Mechanical toys do not contribute to the development of creative thinking. The ability to develop the potential of the researcher - entirely in the hands of parents.

7. Children argue less and negotiate more

This may seem illogical. After all, for many parents, it is obvious that the more children have toys, the less they argue and swear with their brothers and sisters. However, it is often not so. Each new toy contributes to the separation of a child from brothers and sisters, creating its "territory". More toys cause more disputes, while fewer toys contributes to the fact that children learn to negotiate among themselves, share and play together.

8. Children learn to be persistent

When a child has a large number of toys at hand, it gives up much faster. If a toy causes any difficulty, he will refuse her in favor of another, simpler toy that lies next to him. Or in such situations, children are more likely to address parents for help instead of reaching the decision. When a toy is small, the child will try to figure out the toy himself, thereby he will learn perseverance, patience and skills to bring the case to the end on their own.

9. Children become less selfish

Children who receive everything on the first requirement believe that they can get everything they want. Such thinking very quickly leads to an unhealthy lifestyle.

10. Children become healthier

Consumption in things often goes into uncontrolled food intake, thereby developing the habit to eat incorrectly. The restraint in the toys raises the restraint of the child and in other areas of his life. In addition, children who are not having rooms dodged with toys more often prefer to play outdoors, with great pleasure involving in active games in nature.

11. Children learn to find satisfaction outside the toy store

True joy and satisfaction will never be found on the shelves of the toy store. Children who grew up in a family with the idea that any desires and pleasures can be bought for money will turn into adults who will not be able to find satisfaction from life. On the contrary, children should grow with the conviction that true pleasure and joy are in relationships with people, in what is permafrost, friendship, love, family.

12. Children will live in a clearer and neat home

Parents are known that toys never live only in the child's room, they fasten the whole apartment. It is logical to assume that a smaller number of toys will contribute to the fact that there will be order and cleanliness in the house.

13. The child will not be "useless" toys

Toys are needed not only to play them. Psychologists argue that the toy has a special role in the formation of the person and the future child. She helps him understand the world in which he lives, to form an opinion about himself and the people around him. The toy is able to form or significantly affect the values \u200b\u200bof the child and thus determine to some extent its future. Therefore, wise parents pay attention to what toys their children play, carefully choose a toy while in a children's store, paying attention to age, appearance, materials, practical and intellectual value of toys. We will be honest: not all toys have such value. But the less often parents buy toys, the more attention pays for this aspect.

14. The child will again learn to rejoice in gifts

"What to give a child who has everything?" - One of the most common questions on parents. Indeed, most children are already surprised. They no longer rejoice in gifts as it was in our childhood and childhood of our moms and grandmothers when toys were given only on holidays. If you buy toys as well as bread and milk, it ceases to be an event. And the game in such a toy ceases to be an event too. Buying fewer toys, you will return to the child the opportunity to rejoice in gifts to truly.

"The main thing is to develop its limitless potential in the child in order to make more joy in his life and in the world." Masara Ibuka, the book "After three is already late."

I'm not against toys. But for those opportunities that life provides a child is creative, inventive, resourceful, purposeful and persistent. Only such children grow in adults who can change their lives for the better. Therefore, go to the child's room today and unnoticed for him to remove most of the toys. I assure you, you will not regret it.


If your child has many toys, take advantage of this simple psychologist advice: pay attention to those toys in which the child plays right now. Leave these toys in the field of view of Chad. The rest hide. From time to time, seeing that the child is losing interest in the toys in which he plays, remove the boring toys and offer him others from the "cache". So you are not necessary that the child does not need to be purchased in vain and only takes place in the nursery. From these toys you can get rid of, for example, if they are in kindergarten.

Modern children do not suffer from lack of toys. But most often the abundance of toys, which is present in their children's, and remains a bunch in the corner or in huge boxes, absolutely not interested in the child and not carrying the developing effect that we expect from them. What to do? Buy less toys, teachers and psychologists say. Why? Because, the fewer the toys in the child, the more good for him. They also called 12 reasons to get rid of a large number of toys in the nursery.

Cause 1: Creativity develops

Too large toys slows down. This was proven with one experiment. Two German scientists Strik and Schubert (Strick and Schubert) convinced a kindergarte teacher to hide absolutely all toys in a group for three months. At the initial stages of the experiment, the children really missed, but soon in the games began to use healthy items, and the kids began to actively include their imagination.

Reason 2: The ability to concentrate attention on one subject develops

When toys are too much, the child may begin to suffer the concentration of attention. Babe is very difficult to concentrate on one toy, when there is a bunch of other options behind her on the shelf. If you observe the game of modern children, you can see that no toy delays their attention for a long time. And all because they have too much selection of toys.

Reason 3: Social skills develop better

Children who have few toys are easier to establish interpersonal relationships with other children and adults. They learn to start talking and support it. By the way, studies confirmed that people who in childhood could easily make friends, had much more chances in adulthood to become successful.

Cause 4: The child learns more to take care of her things

If a child has too many toys, he cares about them less. Any toy depreciates when among the heaps of others you can easily find a replacement. Your baby constantly breaks toys ? Hide them all. Then the crumb will quickly go to the lesson of leaning.

Cause 5: Easier to instill love for reading, writing, art

The smaller the child's toys, the easier it is to instill love in music, books, painting or drawing. After all, you can take your free time with these classes. Scientists have proven that children who understand art are better understood by the beauty of the surrounding world, emotions, more sociable.

Reason 6: ingenuity develops

In high school, students are not answered to questions, but all possible tools are provided that will help students find these answers. During the game of the child, this rule also takes place. If the baby has little toys, then it is by using breed materials and inclusion of invention solves the problem. Inventiveness is a huge gift with unlimited potential, which should be started to develop in childhood.

Reason 7: There are fewer disagreements among children

Some moms and dad believe that more toys can reduce passions in the nursery during their deleaving between children. And every time a new toy is bought, another reason arises for a children's scandal, quarrels and hysterics. At the same time, brothers and sisters who have few toys share them among themselves, which leads to the development of the skills to negotiate, cooperate, and play joint games.

Reason 8: developmentability develops

The child with a lot of toys too quickly switches attention. If he gives a toy that requires more attention and patience to find out how it works or as he play, she will immediately be thrown away for another toy, simpler and more understandable in the game. The same children who have few toys, more percussion, patient and are determined.

My older who is seven years now, I bought toys from birth, almost every month. Specially launched some "especially developing". Or even, as in the case of teethers, I bought a few pieces at once - suddenly one will not suit, so at least another. The fact that the child ignored them all, appointing a favorite teether, the cover from sour cream, it seemed some kind of wrong harm or even the desire to deliberately make parents

Does your child need toys?

My older who is seven years now, I bought toys from birth, almost every month.Specially launched some "especially developing". Or even, as in the case of teethers, I bought a few pieces at once - suddenly one will not suit, so at least another.

The fact that the child ignored them all, appointing a favorite teether, the cover from sour cream, it seemed some kind of wrong harm or even the desire to deliberately annoy his parents.

Bait for parents

It would seem, an obvious thing - there is no need to buy a special rattle, if the same rattling effect can be achieved with a spoon and pan. Or even easier: to clap your hands, sting funny faces or make funny sounds with your mouth. My younger loves very much when you bring him close to the face and start singing or reading the poem. And my daughter has one of your favorite entertainment - wash dishes.

But with the first child, such obvious things for some reason did not come to mind. Like a block inside, which drives you to the store for all these stupid balls on chopsticks.

One of the bright discoveries happened when the son was chased at home for a year and a half after her mother, trying to take a broom from her. And we distilled him out - they say, go, play your toys. And then it came to me: the toy is here it is broom! And useful to the same. And he asks himself.

And we, parents, beat the interest, sending a child to some virtual world of plastic fakes.And then in a few years we will be wondering why the child does not want to do anything at home!

Take the usual apple - there is a taste, and smell, and a difficult form, and non-busting color. Why change all this on a bald tasteless ball from monophonic plastic?

Injury you think about how the cunning the modern toy industry, which creates all these "clinging at times" toys. Acid colors, light bulbs and sounds ... And remember the home dusts of soft toys, dust collectors - how long did your children play them? It's clear that these toys cling to adults. This in their harsh adult world is so lacking soft and fluffy.

And how we are embarrassed by primitive movements!Starting with paranoid "mobile" over the bed and ending the infinite shelves of the automobiles. Yes, the child reacts to movement. And cars are now - the main animals of the city, so that the children's traction to a familiar moving object is obvious. Especially if you foolishly took a child with you to the toy store and put in front of the shelves - of course, he will ask for a typewriter. But what to do next further with this typewriter? Roll on the floor until graduation, and then require a real parent?

When the son was two and a half years, I collected and threw a whole bag of machines, founded by relatives and acquaintances on the balcony. He left five pieces, with interesting features - a fire truck with a retractable staircase, an excavator with a bucket, a truck with a large body, a steam locomotive with trashing cars, racing with opening doors. And you know, it was enough for very diverse games.

Screw materials

It started just from harm. On the street, I often saw how children forbid ... Yes, almost everything in the world."Sand do not take, you get started! Not hay stick, you will get into the eye!" In childhood, in my childhood, just forbidden.

Therefore, I immediately allowed your older to use stones and sticks. And even he himself filed "bad examples", which were very pleased with both of us on the background of other sterile children. When the son was three years old, two boys came to him in the sandbox for a couple of years old, who fell off Mamash, and asked: "What is yours? - This is a stick! - Why? - And why are you fighting!" The boys with envy sighed: "And we can not stick sticks ..."

Once the son decided to go to visit with a rather dirty stone, and did not want to do without stone. We thought a little ... and a stone made of paper. Paper generally universal material for children, if you are not too lazy to move the brain.

After several such stories, I even had a kind of "project" - to create games on the go, in any situation, from any girlfriend. This kills three hares at once. Savings, of course. But this is not the main thing; Much more interesting two other hares.

The second: this is the development of the creative abilities of the child through the work of the parent. What did you think? - What toy myself "will develop" your child, until you lie on the sofa? Nifiga.

Children learn primarily from their parents. If you know how to invent and create - the child will learn. If you are bored - he will also learn to miss.

Third: Primary materials are more naturally involved in life - and help to do different other things. None of the children rejoices when he was smeared by a wound with iodine or green. But show him that the rut with the green can draw - and the processing procedure will turn out to be much more pleasant.

Educational toys: hacker approach

For older children, the toy industry has its own commercial trick - "educational toys". The creators of these goods manage to handle parents for decent money completely banal sets of things. Bundle of wooden sticks. Bag with beads and rope. Unusual shape frame for soap bubbles. Package with conventional starch for experiments with "Nengeton Liquid". Etc.

Most of these things makes no sense to buy. It is quite possible to train a child account on the fact that at hand - on his favorite pebbles, for example. And the fraraty is on the orange slices. And nice, and economical.

However, from store-growing toys, you can also benefit.What is the most valuable in these goods? Not objects, of course. And the recipes themselves, the rules of the games ... which you can easily find out by reading the instructions. And objects and ingredients can be purchased elsewhere much cheaper. By the way, children gladly pick up the game: to watch the secret and make at home on their own.

At the same time it turns out a good filtering principle- Educational toys need to buy exactly those that will not repeat on the girlfriend.

From elders to younger

Although I almost do not buy new toys, we still have a lot of them - Those that were older, go to younger. They are tested by time.

So do not throw away toys ahead of time that your older children loved to play!

In the process of accumulating our "toy capital" the most interesting discovery was the fact that a good toy works for different ages. Take here the fridgigear designer is such large multi-colored gears with magnets, they are molded to the refrigerator, allowing you to create arbitrary gears. And in the biggest gear - a motor. Turn on - and the whole scheme has twisted.

I gave this toy to the oldest son when he was about three years old. And even admired the fact that the child was so early learned the basics of mechanics, which I myself found out, probably ten years. It turned out that three years is not early. The daughter learned to glue the wheels of his brother to the fridge at 10 months, and in a year and a half already collected patterns of gears and herself turned on the engine.

To break stereotypes about the "suitable age of toys" you can never if you buy toys by the age that is written on the packages. Here you just need a "natural selection". Our youngest at four months began with pleasure to twist the big ball in their hands, which the senior play football. Would you buy a baby's baby's baby in size almost from him himself? And it turns out that he needs it!

Good unforgettable old

And what if our children were toys of our grandmothers? And not even just toys, but the real items used in the past. The surrounding stores convince us that "modern is better" - but is it?

You can study the story in museums - but there is usually all behind the glass. However, there are places where old things can not only twist in their hands, but also to purchase. These are flea markets. We are with your son when we go to Peter, we love to walk in the flea market near the "specific".

What is there just not!And vintage coins, and porcelain dishes (not a couple of the current one-time), and completely mysterious things, the purpose of which cannot be guess right away. We have long shown familiar one forged thing found there: metal rod, at each end - wheels. It turned out that an old tool for cutting the dough.

Or here: you can never explain to the child, how the electronics works, on the example of modern devices - there are all parts of microscopic chips, and still napped. You can buy an electronic designer (and we have such a), but it is a dear toy. And you can buy on the flea market literally for a penny old radio, where everything is clearly. And he even works!

Individual toys

Probably, all of the above will sound for someone too pragmatically. And in general, "what the joy of our beloved child is to play someone else's old!".

Well, then the last recipe for you: Give your child toy, which does not have any other.This is a difficult task if your fantasy is organized the nearest "children's world" - the neighbor is the same toys from the same monotonous shelves.

Paradoxically, but in our Soviet past, the "individuality" toys got better. Yes, the choice was poor, praised immediately, and even there was nothing in stores at all - then the parents had to somehow get out, "get", and then make themselves. But the attitude towards the toy was respectful, Without these endless consumer games like, "I want the same as Petit!", I want to collect a full set "," I want the next version ", etc.

Of course, there is no need to return the times of the deficit in order to return uniqueness.Make a toy that does not have anyone, you can easily - or with the child, or without it, if you want a surprise . And if you do not feel such talents, you can "get" such a toy via the Internet.

Before three years of the daughter, we unobtrusively learned from her, what gifts she would like to get. Among the wishes, especially appeared performed by the eyes - a favorite character from the song about the city of Golden, which is used as a lullaby. Nothing suitable in toy stores was found. Then we asked to sew performed by the eyes on our description. A very nice beast came out.

Although, again, do it yourself - more interesting and more useful for development. And it concerns not only toys. But it starts with them. Supublished.

Lech Andreev

I have questions - ask them

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we will change the world together! © Econet.