Why does the guy say mine. How to evaluate the behavior of a man competently if you have known each other for a long time? Change in the way you dress

During my trainings, seminars and master classes, the question is: “How to understand that a man is in love?” is one of the most relevant. Indeed, is there a real way to test the feelings of a man, his readiness for a serious relationship? Can you understand by words and gestures that a man is in love?

I answer - yes! But, dear women, I also want to emphasize once again that you are primarily responsible for the quality of these actions.

No, men don't owe you anything just because you're a woman. Work on your words, actions and manifestations. You can immediately track the result of this in the actions of a man.

The girls who have passed our training already know more about male psychology (exercise No. 27 "Psychology: honor and dignity in a man's way").

And back to the topic.

If most of the statements listed below match what your man says and does - do not hesitate, he really has serious intentions ...

So, let's begin:

11 statements of a man in love

  1. Your happiness is my happiness

Loving someone means experiencing an emotional connection. When a man is really (and not for show) “on the same wavelength” with you, then he is interested in a long-term relationship. As one famous writer Robert Heinlein said: “Love is that state in which the happiness of another person is much more important than your own.”

  1. I think you're perfect even though I know you're not.

Of course, there are no perfect people ... But when a man is truly in love with a woman, everything in her becomes beautiful for him. Not only appearance, but also behavior, gait, smile, quirks and habits. Of course, he knows that she has flaws, but he simply does not care. He does not think, he just sees only the good.

  1. I keep my promises

Like it or not, but “I love you” are just words ... If they are not backed up by concrete actions, then doubts immediately arise about their veracity. The “right” man understands that the promises made to the woman must be kept. He will not prove to you with words - only with deeds.

  1. I respect you

A man cannot love a woman he does not respect. Love implies a deep respect for feelings/thoughts/opinions. A loving man always consults with a woman when he makes important decisions that affect both of them.

  1. I believe you

Another facet of love is mutual trust. A man who loves a woman relies heavily on her and expects reciprocity in this. I like one famous quote that applies to this point: "Love gives you the power to destroy you, but you believe it will never happen."

  1. I always strive to do something for you

"Love" is not a noun, it's a verb. Why? Because true love requires constant and active action, effort and consistency on the part of both partners. If this does not happen, feelings fade away as quickly as they flare up. A wise man (like a wise woman) understands that winning a woman is not enough, you need to constantly work to

  1. I'm there no matter what happens

The best proof of a man's love is his desire to always be there. Not physically, but emotionally. That is, he is near not only when the sun is shining on the street, but also holds an open umbrella over you on a rainy day.

  1. I represent our future together

It is very easy to understand that a man is in love by correspondence: from “you and me” he goes to “we”. When he begins to plan his future, you are sure to be present in these plans. He is not afraid of the prospect, he enjoys the relationship.

  1. I can't imagine what my life would be like without you

A man who loves a woman always experiences the joy of communicating and spending time with her. He realizes that the past bad experience no longer causes feelings, there is only the present moment, where he is absolutely happy, and the rest does not matter.

  1. I don't care what you had in the past

Each person understands that his chosen one / chosen one has a past. A wise man in love is not interested in this past; a joint future with a woman is important for him.

  1. I bring you into my environment

If your chosen one does not seek to introduce you into his social circle, this is an occasion to think about the prospects for your relationship.


Men are really capable of loving and, moreover, they want love no less than women.

The answer to the question “How to understand that a man is in love with you?” simple:

Men are more likely to express their feelings in concrete actions. If this happens in your relationship, great! He loves you.

And remember, if a man is comfortable with a woman, he is interested in a long-term relationship with her.

We study aspects of relationships with a man in more detail in lesson number 5 of the training.
The lesson is called: "Psychology: the secrets of building relationships."

The most interesting articles by Yaroslav Samoilov:

It is very common to find articles that list signs that a guy is showing sympathy for you. However, in this article I would like to touch on the opposite: signs that indicate that the guy does not love you and perhaps you should break up. If in your relationship you meet the following signs, then you may need to think about ending the relationship. After all, if there is no sympathy and people are indifferent to each other, then there is no point in continuing relationships that have no future.

If you find yourself thinking, “My boyfriend doesn’t love me…” more and more, take a look at these signs. They will help you figure out if he really likes you.

Signs a guy doesn't like you

1. He is not "drawn" to you. Perhaps one of the important signs. It is he who determines whether this is your young man. If you have not kindled the fire of love in his heart and the guy is indifferent, if he does not feel attraction, then you will not build a happy relationship. You can make as much effort as you like to please, you can do the most incredible things, but if you are not in his heart, then you should not torture yourself. As you know, you can't be forced to be nice. And here the main role is played by feelings. Listen to your heart, it will never deceive. From the mere thought of him, your heart should respond with a storm of positive emotions. You must literally become one with him.

2. He is "dry" in communication with you. If he has no interest in you, then you are unlikely to wait for interest in communicating with you. However, do not confuse lack of interest with temporary difficulties: your boyfriend may just be afraid to take the first step or think for a long time before answering you. Say, after a quarrel, there is no call or message from him. So, did you dislike him? Or maybe he's just afraid? Lack of interest manifests itself for a long time. You should see in general whether he has the time and opportunity to write, call, and how exactly he disposes of this opportunity or simply ignores it. Another indicator here is the fact that he is constantly trying to end your conversation, finding constant reasons to end it. And no matter how hard you try to support communication, you do not see his own initiative.

3. He talks to you the same way he talks to his friends.. It's actually pretty easy to determine. If he always speaks to you in a casual tone, similar to how he communicates with his friends, then he is probably not your destiny. When a guy is interested, there is always at least a slight change in how he carries on a conversation with you; a change that proves that communication with you is pleasant to him. It can be a special voice, the use of words with diminutive suffixes, a special intonation - anything but monotony and indifference. The best thing you can do in this situation is to observe his behavior and his speech with other people. This will allow you to judge whether the way he acts with you differs from what you saw, and if different, then by how much.

4. He freely tells you about the girls he likes.. Another wake-up call may be the fact that a guy does not hesitate to tell you about past relationships, about the girls he considers ideal, and so on. However, this should not be confused with when it just slipped in to keep the conversation going (all guys do this from time to time, and it's really not a big deal) or you yourself asked him to talk about the ended relationship. However, if you are talking to a guy and he has no problem talking about all the girls he loves or has loved, and all this happens with enviable regularity, then you can take this as a clear sign that your chosen one is not the one who do you need.

5. Body language never lies.. If the guy avoids eye contact, sits far away from you, doesn't try to make body contact (take your hand, hold on the steps), his conversation is going on without any gestures, or he keeps his distance from you, then you can take all these as signs that he is not interested and he does not want to have any relationship with you.

6. He does not want to look for free time for meetings.. You rarely meet, he constantly has excuses in order to reschedule the meeting. And this happens more than once or twice. This began to happen systematically. It must be remembered that someone who really wants to meet you will do everything possible and impossible to make this meeting happen. And for him, neither time of day, nor distance, nor employment will matter. As you know, whoever wants - is looking for an opportunity, who does not want - the reason ...

7. He doesn't just flirt with you.. As noted above, the behavior of a guy with other people can be used to judge the importance of you in his life. Take a closer look at how he behaves in a female society: does he go beyond what is permitted, what are his speech and gestures, does he flirt, does he try to show himself in a more favorable light. When you find this, it's worth thinking about. Of course, you can assume that he is just a friendly, social, outgoing guy. However, if he behaves with other girls in the same way as with you, then he has no particular interest in your society.

8. He hides his emotions and feelings. If a guy feels something for you, then he will certainly report feelings sooner or later. And it's not even about the words. This will be seen by himself (actions, look, speech). If the guy doesn't show any emotion, the best thing you can do is to give him some space and freedom. Just to make sure you don't waste your time on it. Let the initiative in the relationship pass completely into his hands. If you don’t see any special changes, then you are unlikely to wait for the continuation of these same relationships ...

Starting any relationship with a man, a woman implicitly hopes that this is the companion of her life. Men, on the other hand, can clearly distinguish between lovers and potential wives, while they apply the same methods of courtship to them. That is why it is quite difficult to understand the real attitude of a man towards a woman.

How to understand the true relationship of a man to a woman

The signs that tell us that they are interested in us, they love us and cannot live without us are very eloquent and every woman knows them from childhood. We recall ironic teasing, attempts to constantly pull the pigtails, as well as the first timid courtship, when our gentlemen, blushing and turning pale, offered us to bring the briefcase home.

But with age, more and more confusion appears in the relationship between men and women, which forces us to ask a question that is very difficult to find an answer to. Because the question “how to understand the true attitude of a man?” sounds rhetorical.

Remember how in your school years you managed to figure out your fans. By looking, by actively participating in your life, by trying to spend as much time as possible with you. Believe me, years have passed, and the basic habits of men have not changed.

If the man with whom you communicate at work or, as you think, is just friends, performs any of the listed actions, then he is in love with you.

The manifestation of violent emotions

To understand the true attitude of a man towards a woman, pay attention to how he reacts to you. If a man is in love, he shows his emotions quite violently. His eye is on fire, even if he only mentions his chosen one in a conversation with friends. The man becomes more emotional and worried. If a woman is perceived by a man as no more than a friend, then he always remains calm and indifferent.

sexual attraction

If a man experiences exclusively friendly feelings for a woman, then there is no sexual connotation between them. If a man perceives a woman as a lover, he will openly make it clear that he is not at all against intimate relationships with her. People who love each other, who are serious about starting a family and having children, will talk about sex in hints and leading questions.

Relatives and friends

When a man is not yet sure of his true feelings for a woman, at first he will hide his relationship from relatives and friends. He is unlikely to introduce his mistress to his parents. Although with such a girl, he can easily appear in the company of friends for showing off. If a man is confident in himself and in his feelings, he will introduce his chosen one first to his friends, then to his brothers and sisters, and only then introduce her to his parents.

Stop talking to other girls

How to understand the relationship of a man to a woman? At this stage, it's easy enough. If a man is seriously passionate about a girl, but reduces all other contacts with members of the opposite sex to a minimum. He is completely absorbed by the woman he loves, and even girl friends will experience a cooling of friendly relations on his part.


A man takes these promises more seriously. If a man is not at all interested in a woman, he will allow himself to be late for a meeting, forget to call back, etc. This means that a man is completely indifferent to a girl. A truly in love man is always gentle and attentive, shows flexibility and takes into account all the wishes of his chosen one.

How to understand the attitude of a man towards a woman by his behavior

In order to be firmly convinced that all gestures and courtship addressed to you come from the heart and from a pure heart, and not from the chronic behavior of a womanizer, you should carefully look at the boyfriend.

If he calls everyone as affectionately as you, then you should think about it. If you give him the green light and decide to further develop the relationship, then how good will you feel when he answers the next call from work with you, “yes, honey, glad to hear from you!”.

If you are also a jealous person, then you should not get a fan in the form of a man to whom all women seem charming and attractive. In addition to a nervous breakdown and disappointment, such a relationship will not bring you anything good.

If his manifestations of tenderness concern only you, and all other ladies, he simply ignores and rejects, it is worth trying to get to know him more closely. Ask him about his dreams, how he imagines an ideal life and what he lacks for complete happiness.

In order to become a specialist in the question of how to understand the attitude of a man to a woman, you need patience, understanding and attentive attitude to every phrase that you are trusted. That is why all the information received during communication should not be immediately told in colors to girlfriends, because they do not need to know everything.

If you see that every day a man’s gaze towards you is becoming warmer, more interested and he is trying to help you in everything, it’s worth moving to a new level of relationship.

Because the first signs - a change in external behavior - lead to the first awakening of a feeling of heartfelt affection and sympathy. Now we need to maintain this formed relationship. Show your chosen one that he is very dear to you and reciprocate his care - this is a guarantee of a harmonious and successful development of your relationship.

How to understand the attitude of a man towards a woman by his gestures

Remember that men are very rarely very emotional. Well, unless you have a first date at football, then yes. And so you should not think that he will begin to give you compliments in all excellent forms. When a man says that you look good, this is already a good sign.

To understand the real relationship of a man to a woman, carefully follow him. If a young man likes what he sees, then his mouth involuntarily opens and his nostrils swell. I'll try to seductively eat dessert, and you'll see how it happens.

If a man in your company straightens his clothes, cufflinks or touches his face, then he wants to please and look good next to such a beautiful woman. Pay attention to it and appreciate such compliments.

If a man lowers his tone, then he begins to trust you and may want to retire. Also, watch to see if he is embarrassed. Many, on the contrary, feel relaxed in the company of a new woman, and this can be seen by the way he sits.

If a man touches your hand, then he clearly likes you. Follow his gaze. What is he? You will see in his eyes what you want, if he really likes you. You're a woman, and you can feel these things intuitively.

When he decides to kiss you, pay attention to the kiss. If he is gentle, then the man does not want to rush, and he is counting on a long relationship with you. If the kiss is passionate, then he liked you more as a woman than a person. However, do not despair, many relationships begin with this.

Using your mindfulness, you will very soon involuntarily know how to understand a man's attitude towards you.

We all lie from time to time, hiding our emotions and attitude towards someone behind false masks.

That is life. So it's easier for us.

However, the whole truth lies in our faces, in our eyes, in our gestures, in our behavior.

Men and women are such different creatures. And how difficult it is sometimes to understand what he means. Women are accustomed to reading everything between the lines, paying special attention to words, not actions. And we often fill our heads with stupid, sometimes insane conjectures. However, dear ladies, believe me, it is also not easy for them with us.

Is he lying or not?

Every man is a schizophrenic. When dating one, you should know that you are actually dating three completely different men in the same body. And this is a fact proven by psychologists! One of his personality - talks to you, the other - thinks about sex, the third - trying to please. If in a woman all versatile personalities are interconnected, it is more difficult for a man to agree with himself. A man can say beautiful words to you, but he does this because he wants sex, wants to avoid criticism, whatever! And it is very difficult to predict what he really wants.

How to figure out what is true and what is false

  • Filter everything a man tells you! As the saying goes, "take away everything he tells you and look at what he actually does, and now draw your conclusions!"
  • Look at his actions, gestures. Sometimes a man himself can not understand his feelings. One of his personality wants motherly care from you, he feels like a child. I love you! But at the same time, another person craves intimacy with you, and nothing more. The third person can force him to do incomprehensible acts, removing him from you. And at some point, he can really believe this person that he is fine without you. This personality moves him to freedom, new conquests.
  • He is afraid, a man is cowardly by nature. Try to make out where the man is lying, saying “I love you”, and where he is speaking from the heart. After all, women are more inclined to recognize lies than men. This is also proven by scientists, because the female brain was created for communication, in order to raise children, to keep the hearth. Therefore, a woman on a subconscious level filters not only words, but also the tone and intonation of her voice, and this can tell a lot!

  • Women believe that if a man speaks beautifully, looks after and plans further life together, then he will certainly love her! However, he can only do this because his two personalities are comfortable with you - you care for him, take care of him, feed him, put him to bed, please him in bed.
  • However, there is also a third person who wants freedom, hunting, games. The man is a child! Try to make sure that the third male personality is also pleasant with you. Otherwise, a man, even without realizing it himself, will strive for independence, for new achievements, for other girls. It's not just that they say that a man is polygamous. That is why it is difficult for him to agree with all his personalities. Today he is so kind, gentle and fluffy, and tomorrow he is rude, nervous, disappears, does not call or write. He understands himself!

That woman who can find a common language with all personalities, who can please them all, will be happy with this man, and he will be completely subdued by her. However, you should not relax, because a man is an open book in front of you, but written in an unknown language. All your life you will study all his personalities, and the habits of each of them. It's interesting and it's very difficult. Such is our female fate!

I love you! What is behind these words?

I love you! - can mean a lot. For us it means, “I always want to be with you! For me, you are not just a person who is nearby, but my whole life! I'm afraid to lose you! When you are far away, I feel very bad!” But what is the main thing in love, how to understand - is the person next to you, and can you exist together, go through life hand in hand, will your life together not kill your love? To do this, it is enough for both of you to answer “yes” to just three questions!

  1. Do you just want to be friends with this person? This means, could you be just friends with him, if you were not connected by intimacy, life together, plans for the future. After all, we are always bound only by physical attraction or time spent together, which does not include living together.
  2. Do you respect this person as a person? In other words, do you accept this person with his own views on the world, on life, regardless of his behavior next to you. Do you accept "cockroaches in his head". After all, “I love you” should mean “I love you the way you really are, just for the fact that you even exist in this world!”
  3. Will you put up with his never-ending flaws? We are not perfect, everyone has their flaws. This question makes you wonder if you can live your life not only with this person, but with all of their shortcomings. After all, many habits can simply piss you off. However, these are his habits, this is part of himself. Think again, can you get used to them? After all, it's the little things that matter.

I love you... Romance must be connected with reality! Otherwise, in the world of a boring and ordinary life together, love will crumble into small pieces, which then will be very painful to collect!