How to deal with the head of a petty tyrant woman. How to "put in place" a presumptuous boss (Methods of confronting tyrant bosses). Don't be partisan

This type of boss does not evoke any emotions other than resentment and hatred. A screaming and salivating person who violates the boundaries of decency, becomes personal - with such a boss, work turns into endless survival games. Leaving work is a last resort that can always be resorted to. But before you slam the door and leave with your head held high, try one or more of the methods we have described to deal with a tyrant boss.

Be flexible

Try to be more flexible first. For example, you perform all the tasks perfectly, but the boss still finds fault. Try to "link" your successes with the leader. Say that all the work you have done is due to the competent help of the boss, even if this is only partially true.

This method of “gratitude” works well with tyrants, according to Inc magazine. Just figure out which disputes are worth winning, and when it is better to remain silent and give the laurels of success to another.

It may seem to you that the boss finds fault with you personally and precisely because of some of your personal qualities. But this happens quite rarely. A much more common situation is when the boss simply experiences tremendous stress and, since he simply does not know how to cope with it, rips it off on those who come to hand. That is, on you and your colleagues. Psychologist and business coach Suzy Welch is sure of this.

Record your moves

The hero of Ilf and Petrov was proud that he had all his moves recorded. We advise you to do the same - write down your moves. Submitted a project? Fix it. Did the project fail due to reasons beyond your control? Write it down and indicate who to contact for clarification. The contract with partners has not yet been signed, because the accounting department is delaying the documents? Prepare a certificate indicating the responsible persons and possible terms for resolving the issue. When the boss starts attacking and accusing you of missing deadlines at the planning meeting, you can retort and explain who else the matter depends on.

Having the necessary explanations at hand, you will feel confident that you have completed your tasks in full, and it is not within your competence to interfere in the work of another department.

Get HR support

If the behavior of the tyrant boss goes beyond the boundaries of decency and it has come, for example, to loosen hands or force you into “hazing”, do not hesitate to seek help from the personnel management service.

Gone are the days when harassment was considered the norm of behavior in the world of men and women. History already knows examples when male bosses, crossing personal boundaries and using power, paid the price for it.

Don't think of harassment as a normal working relationship, and don't be shy about talking about your concerns with the department that's supposed to deal with the internal life of the company's employees. This advice is given by Top Resume magazine, and we completely agree with it.

Learn the boss's triggers and avoid them (if possible)

So, you have already figured out that you don’t need to take the boss’s screams personally. It's not your fault, there's just something wrong with him. Try to understand what specifically affects the mood of the tyrant boss. Monday morning? Do not come with questions until the leader has drunk his liter. Thunder and lightning in the office before the meeting with the general? Prepare a report that will help your boss present your department in a favorable light to other bosses.

Write letters to the boss if personal conversations piss him off, when you urgently need to know his opinion on a particular issue. Such recommendations are given by The Muse magazine.

Don't be partisan

HR experts believe that guerrilla warfare with the boss (don't say you didn't think about it!) won't do any good. Moreover, it will only worsen the situation. It will turn out a real kindergarten: the boss yelled at you, you ruined the report in retaliation or stayed for half an hour at lunch. The boss again raises a cry, you go into a dead defense and devote the evening after work to thinking about new explosions behind enemy lines.

Remain an adult and continue to do your job well, and devote the evening after work to yourself and your loved ones.

Plan your care

If no methods help to curb and bring to life a petty tyrant, plan your departure competently and calmly. There is always a temptation to leave spectacularly - toss a statement on the table and slam the door loudly. And only at home to realize that there is, in fact, nowhere to go yet. Such a demarche will only please your tormentor boss.

Approach leaving work with the utmost care. Provide yourself with a financial pillow while you are looking for a job. If not, think about ways to make extra money.

Start looking for a job - preferably not during working hours, so that the department doesn’t accidentally find out about it and it doesn’t turn out even worse. Perhaps this is the very moment of truth when you can change the field of activity and try a new direction. Create a step-by-step plan and start slowly implementing it.

What methods of interaction with the tyrant boss worked in your case? Share in the comments.

It’s worth first figuring out which boss you definitely shouldn’t deal with, and which one you can try to find a common language with.
Imagine - the boss constantly controls your work due to lack of trust in employees, does not consider them professionals, thinks that they absolutely cannot work independently for the benefit of the common cause. Or during work, problems arise, the solution of which requires the intervention of the boss, and he absolutely does not find time to deal with them. Employees, in turn, are not authorized to make such decisions. As a result, complications only accumulate, deadlines are violated, the quality of work suffers or the number of marriages increases, tension arises and a desire to part with such work, where the director is capricious to a similar extent and positive trends have not been noticed.

A leader of this type can be identified in just a few days of work. In the event of problems, he puzzles all employees with them, but believes that the problem will somehow be resolved by itself. Organizes endless discussions about the only difficulty, as the goal of which is the adoption of the only true, indisputable decision. Tries to introduce innovations that are in no way suitable for a particular enterprise, only bringing confusion to the workflow of the entire team. He increases his prestige at the expense of employees of lower rank, losing himself in the eyes of his peers and losing respect from his companions.

How to work under the control of a tyrant boss

What to do when the leader is prone to nit-picking? How to position yourself correctly in such an enterprise? Is it even possible to hope to build a career under the leadership of such a boss? You may be surprised, but still - it is quite possible! There is an opportunity to work, fulfilling all his orders, supporting his wayward approach to administration, and most importantly, doing your own development in the necessary way or gradually looking for a job that is more suitable for you.

Definitely not worth the delay with dismissal if alcohol has power over your director, and even employees are attracted to share his addictions. Such a team is saturated with informal relationships, behind-the-scenes leaders are formed, and the rest of the employees are in their informal subordination. That is, the director has no weight in the organization, all his authority is shared by unofficial bosses. Such a team should be left without any hesitation.

Relations between subordinates and superiors do not always work out well. The arbitrariness or stubbornness of the leadership disturbs the calm atmosphere in the working group and interferes with its effective work.

The type of manager who does not allow the team to work well

Getting rid of a boss who behaves willfully and disrespectfully is very difficult. Such leadership survives gradually: employees cannot substitute the boss, but they can show his incompetence.

Control type

If the boss is a tyrant, then unhealthy competition develops in the workplace. The rules of business communication come from the authorities, and if the management neglects them, it is difficult to build the correct interaction of the working group. It is even more difficult to behave with a tyrant boss, as with a higher management, logical arguments are not taken seriously: initially, the employee is at a disadvantage.

The mindset of the petty tyrant, whom the working group is trying to get rid of, is based on his personal complexes and feelings of inferiority. Through the humiliation of people dependent on him, the boss asserts himself, rises in his own eyes. He is inappropriately tyrannical and not objective about everything that happens.

He is annoyed by the qualifications of the employee and his incompetence - in the head of the tyrant there is a picture of how everything should happen, and if reality differs from expectations, he shows unacceptable capriciousness. A petty tyrant finds fault with his subordinates, assigns unfair punishments, and humiliates an employee whom he does not like for subjective reasons.

Proper employee behavior

Do not openly try to get rid of the leadership

What to do if the boss turned out to be a tyrant? This question is asked by employees who are directly dependent on a manager with dubious management methods. First of all, the employee needs to understand that it is impossible to be self-willed in response to the wrong behavior of the higher management. Open confrontation will only harm the company's employees, and the tyrant will get out and get away with it. How to behave if the boss is a real tyrant:

  • reserved;
  • make important decisions carefully;
  • insure, conclude deals and hold meetings in the presence of witnesses;
  • Treat superiors with respect and deference in front of senior management.

If subordinates are trying to overthrow an incompetent leader, a covert strategy must be devised. The primary task of employees is to keep their place and not lose their position. It is impossible to complain about the bosses to the top management: in modern companies, denunciations are not welcome and are punished.

It is also not worth flirting with the fight against the tyrant. First of all, the employee must be responsible for his duties, and only then deal with the way of working life. If the boss does not harm the employee's workflow, before declaring war, you need to weigh all the risks and assess your chances of defeating the tyrant.

To confront the authorities, the employee needs support and resources: time, money, additional consultations. To build intrigues that do not bring any result is a waste of time. Useful tips for subordinates:

  1. If you need to change the bosses, there should be no complaints against the employees - the assigned duties must be performed impeccably.
  2. All members of the working group must work together. Only in this way will it be possible to overthrow the objectionable boss.
  3. It is impossible to show meanness in relation to the authorities. Rumors about the behavior of subordinates will reach the new leadership, and there will be no respect on their part.

Psychologists advise: if you cannot put up with such a boss, you should fight him without belittling your own dignity. Combat subordinates can influence the composition of the leadership only by considering safe tactics.

First, an idea and a plan are thought out, and only then the action

It is important to observe a business style in communication, even if the authorities cause bewilderment or irritation. The behavior of employees, as employees, should not be questioned by the employer.

observation and patience

Difficult situations that overshadow the workflow should be properly overcome. At first, tyranny must be observed: if his behavior is temporary, associated with personal problems or troubles, it is better to forgive the willfulness of the leadership. If a person humiliates subordinates for the sake of pleasure, he does not deserve the position he holds.

Observation will help to calculate the correct plan for further actions: you can find the weaknesses of the authorities, collect dirt on him or evidence of his incompetence. One must be careful with despots, such people always prepare escape routes. Patience will help you act rationally, and not make mistakes on emotions.

Dealing with negative bosses

If the behavior of management does not change, the employee needs to prepare for a serious confrontation. Such a struggle is more difficult for a woman who is fighting for equal rights with a male boss. Sexism diminishes the dignity of the employee, and such views of the management make her vulnerable to the entire work group.

Signs that it is necessary to start the fight against a petty tyrant:

  • the boss does not take into account the advice and competent arguments of employees;
  • the manager appoints unfair punishments;
  • the boss belittles the merits of subordinates, exposes them in an ugly light in front of the company's management.

It is difficult to negotiate with a petty tyrant, and sometimes it is not possible to find a constructive solution at all. The boss is on his own mind, he does not consider it necessary to listen to advice. In case of failure, the tyrant finds the one to blame - the one he likes the least. The entire working group must fight against such decisions without fear and apprehension.

The struggle is based on the incompetence of the authorities, which means that in order for him to be fired or demoted, there must be real evidence, backed up by documents. Before collecting all the evidence, it is impossible to express the radical position of subordinates in relation to the petty tyrant.

Objection and opposition

The correct objection is an appeal to superiors who are devoid of emotion or aggression.

If the decision of the management is not clear to the employee, he has the right to ask for explanations. Dialogue is conducted in a courteous manner and in front of witnesses.

If in response the boss shows disrespect or starts shouting, the employee politely asks to follow the rules of business communication (its foundations are spelled out in the employment contract). It is impossible to enter into an unequal dispute, otherwise the employee himself will suffer, and the boss will avoid punishment.


You can only punish a petty tyrant through a higher leadership. It is important to observe subordination: disrespect for superiors does not give reason to belittle him or insult him. If violations of business communication come from a tyrant, it is better to record such facts and at the official level file a complaint with a trade union or a company manager who deals with personnel issues.

In case of harassment or obscene hints, such facts cannot be concealed - the appeal to the company's management takes place in writing, outlining all the details of the incident. Sexual harassment and humiliation of an employee due to racial or gender differences is a serious reason for a fine or dismissal of superiors.

How to insure

The basis of the fight against tyrant is the relationship in the team. If they are trustworthy and reliable, the confrontation will not go in vain. The more a person is involved in the problem, the easier it is to convey the general idea. Belittling your subordinates is the only weapon used by a petty tyrant, so all employees should know their rights.

Constitutional human rights, regardless of the position held, should not be violated. They are the same for everyone: both subordinates and leaders. If the boss humiliates the dignity of the employee, he must be punished. An employee's insurance is his work, to which there are no complaints. If the boss's claims are not justified, the comments do not need to be agreed. A person has the right to demand a reasoned answer.

Insurance with big bosses can only be documented: illegal official decisions can become proof of arbitrariness. If an employee was undeservedly deprived of a bonus or was given a punishment, he may demand an explanation and challenge the decision.

Additional evidence

If communication with the authorities does not add up, you need to confront the boss with evidence. To do this, it is better to document conversations with management or meetings without witnesses: make audio and video recordings.

If the case goes to court to recover moral and material damage, such evidence will serve as the basis for the prosecution. It is not worth putting up with the arbitrariness of a superior employee - this behavior of the boss will not change, and over time it will only get worse.

Unfortunately, quite often in the workplace there is a situation where a simple employee is forced to listen to the director's strict remarks addressed to him. Conflicts happen systematically and arise for any reason. It seems that the leader is annoyed by the mere presence of a subordinate. Sometimes his caustic comments appear from scratch for no apparent reason and look like nitpicking. Many office workers suffer resentment from their boss for years and are in no hurry to somehow change the situation. Some seem futile to defend their interests, others frankly fear the occurrence of adverse consequences in the future. What to do when you see that the boss is looking for an excuse to hurt you? How to behave?

Reasons for nitpicking

This is the first thing to find out. In some cases, you can ask a person in plain text why is he so attentive to your person? Perhaps you are just annoying him as a person. If it turns out that he is dissatisfied with the work you are doing, ask him to justify his answer. Let him back it up with real facts. But not all directors and managers will want to speak frankly. In this case, watch it for a few days and much of what was not noticed before will now become clear. You will be able to answer your own question: why did he choose you as a target for venting anger and irritation.

Negative emotions tend to gradually accumulate and spoil a person's life. Something needs to be done to change the situation. Love yourself and do not allow yourself to be undeservedly offended. Remember: no one will take care of you if you don't do it yourself. At work, the situation is quite common when directors are dissatisfied with the work of their subordinates. Such discontent can eventually turn into constant quarrels and resentments. Such behavior immediately affects the productivity of labor and the entire team. Do your best to understand the true reasons for nitpicking in your address and correct this situation.

Analysis of your activities

Quite often it happens that a person, being at the workplace, does not notice his mistakes and mistakes. Sometimes we tend to overestimate our efforts. Especially in the case when we work at an unloved job. Doing what we do not like, we inevitably doom ourselves to painful torment and suffering. Think about whether this is really the activity that you always wanted to do? Have you turned into an office slave who obeys all the orders of the boss, but has absolutely no ambitions of his own? Have you ended up becoming a downtrodden and boring creature?

To understand whether the attitude of the director is fair or not, it is necessary to carefully analyze the work and your approach to it. Perhaps you belong to those employees who like to spend a long time in the “smoking room” or linger significantly after lunch? Please reconsider your own attitude to work, and then much will become clear to you. Strange as it may seem, sometimes the leader's reproaches are the most just. Become a model of responsibility, do everything that is entrusted to you in advance.

Admitting mistakes

If you find your faults, have the courage to admit them. You don't have to keep doing the same. This does not mean that you should immediately run to report to your boss about your thoughts, just try not to make such mistakes again. Make a definite decision for yourself and follow the set goal. Remember that only truly strong people can recognize failures and mistakes. Be open to change, strictly follow the tasks that you yourself have identified. The boss, if he is a smart person, will definitely pay attention to the changes that have taken place. Enthusiasm in work is immediately visible and felt at a distance. You don't need to do anything special, just review your working time and what you spend it on.


If the boss finds fault seriously, then for a comfortable existence in the team it is necessary to thoroughly understand the situation. Sometimes the leader and the subordinate do not understand each other so much that they do not even want to hear about trying to understand the motives of other people's actions. It is worth going to the boss in the office and try to find out what exactly he is dissatisfied with. Let me justify my answer. If he manages to do this, then you will be able to continue to behave much more confidently and freely. There is nothing worse than making assumptions and constantly being stressed. Try, however, that the clarification of your relationship is not watched by the whole team. The boss will appreciate your delicacy. During the conversation, be sure to find out all the questions that interest you, try not to hurt the feelings of the leader and not provoke him into a quarrel. Otherwise, mutual understanding will not be achieved.

Search for a new job

When you have made appropriate efforts to reach agreement with your boss, but they have not brought the desired result, the only way out is to leave your current job. Really, why torture yourself? You should never tolerate rudeness, disrespectful attitude, humiliation of your personality. You never know what kind of boss it can be, this in no way justifies his harsh swear words. He just has no right to treat employees like that. A good leader will never allow himself offensive comments and statements about his subordinates, especially in the presence of strangers.

You should start looking for a new job when you have exhausted all possible ways to negotiate peacefully with your boss, if he cannot control himself, constantly breaks down and screams. You need to minimally respect your personality in order to decide on changes. Take full responsibility. Realize, finally, that you yourself are able to change a lot in life. Remember that no one can take better care of you. You can start by keeping notes in a personal diary about what is happening to you, this will help you sort out the existing problems.

Thus, there are often situations in life when subordinates have to defend their interests before superiors. Cases when the leader undeservedly finds fault and tries in every possible way to humiliate, unfortunately, are not uncommon. You need to act as honestly and openly as possible in order to understand the reasons why they do this to you. Under no circumstances allow yourself to be humiliated.

Hello dear readers! Getting a job, we make bright plans. We dream of how we will make friends with colleagues, earn the respect of the boss and confidently walk up the career ladder.

But not all dreams are destined to come true. The bitter disappointment comes with the realization that the leader kicks you at every opportunity. Such a phenomenon is not uncommon. It even has a name - "bossing".

Unfortunately, many do not see this as a serious problem. In small organizations and in the civil service, employees profess the principle "You are the boss, I am the fool." And they prefer not to anger the boss, silently fulfilling even unfair demands. But this does not mean that you should patiently endure bullying.

Bossing Victim Survival Guide

Many choose the path of least resistance - to tilt their heads down and turn into a silent shadow. This is a definite loss. However, rushing to the other extreme and starting a fierce battle or weaving a ball of undercover intrigues is also not worth it. You are an adult, which means that decisions need to be made in an adult way.

1. Weigh the PROS and CONS

Ask yourself – is this work really that important to you? Or are you unable to leave because hurt pride has risen?

If there are no special reasons to hold on to the workplace, and the struggle with the boss is exhausting and depressing, maybe you should look for a similar position in another company? You will be able to discuss your departure with the boss and achieve favorable conditions for yourself. For example, dismissal by agreement of the parties with decent compensation.

2. Get rid of fear and panic

As you approach the office, an unpleasant chill is already creeping up behind your collar. With each step, this vile feeling binds the body more and more, penetrating the joints, squeezing the heart and paralyzing the brain. You enter the boss's office feeling like behind enemy lines.

In this state, you are as vulnerable as possible, and the boss feels it. Well, how can you hold on and not arrange a dressing. It's funny to watch how an employee is covered with spots, mooing and stuttering. If you answer calmly, with restraint and reason, then yelling at you will become uninteresting.

3. Make Sure It's Not You

4. Talk to your boss. No tantrums

Conflict can be resolved through dialogue. But here you have to be ready to hear unpleasant things about yourself. Do not take what the boss said with hostility, but try to find a rational grain in his words. You may have to work on yourself a little, give in somewhere, but your emotional health is worth it.

Sign language will help to better understand the chef and establish contact with him on a subconscious level. You can read more about this little-known but incredibly effective method of communication in the book. "Body Language at Work".

5. Make it clear that you came here to work, and not fight in fights without rules

When you are a constant object of undeserved criticism, the last thing you want to do is catch the eye of your superiors. However, hiding in a corner and keeping silent is not worth it. Propose your projects, solutions, ideas, present them at general meetings so that you are noticed and appreciated by higher management, and your immediate supervisor cannot quietly slaughter the idea or appropriate it to himself.

6. Take part in the life of the team

Don't miss outings and corporate events. It's not just fun, it's part of the job. But you also need to behave there accordingly - no drunken showdowns with the chef or dancing at the bar. You have come to build a reputation, not destroy it completely.

7. Do not discuss the behavior of the leader with colleagues

Don't complain about your boss's antics to your colleagues. Someone can convey your words to him, and not just like that, but embellished from the heart. And some colleagues themselves do not mind engaging in bullying in order to dispel office boredom and curry favor with their boss. If colleagues support the conspiracy, it will be ten times more difficult for you to survive. Has it already happened? Use the tips that will help with dignity.

8. Stand up for your rights

Work records are required of you, have you practically settled in the office and have long forgotten about weekends and vacations? It's time to remind the manager about the terms of the employment contract. Yes, it will not add tenderness to your relationship. But the boss will stop seeing you as a rag and a silent slave.

If you have tried all possible tips, but the employer still reacts to you with undisguised aggression, seriously think about changing jobs. Send your resume to other companies, think, maybe it’s better to move to a less paid position than to endure humiliation and nit-picking every day? After all, you can even find a decent job. And if you are a good specialist, then you have every chance to build a career in a new place.

Your situation is special, unlike any of those described above, and you do not understand what to do? Write about it in the comments, and together we will find a solution.