How to quickly and professionally make beautiful eyebrows at home. How to make an eyebrow shape at home? Make a beautiful eyebrow shape

When it comes to the beauty of the face, eyebrows are important: condition, shape, width, color. Every girl should know how to make beautiful eyebrows without resorting to the services of beauty salons. Skillfully designed, this part of the face will correctly place accents, visually reduce a couple of years, and make the look open.

Two simple steps: cleansing plus nutrition guarantee natural beauty and density.

You will need:

  • mirror;
  • Castor oil;
  • cotton pads;
  • a small brush from used mascara or a special comb.

After removing makeup, apply a drop of oil on the eyebrows, massage with a brush. This will improve blood circulation, and castor oil will nourish, strengthen hair follicles, and restore the density of thin eyebrows.

Important: do not rub the hairs against the growth - this will weaken the roots.


Stocking up on fashionable cosmetics with a set of brushes is not enough. To make eyebrows beautiful at home, study the features of the face, choose the optimal shape that emphasizes the advantages and hides the flaws.

  • Raised arcs are suitable for chubby girls, with a slight kink, a thin end, a wide beginning, the upper points are slightly pulled to the temples.
  • The oval will be decorated with straight, horizontal lines, slightly rounded towards the end.
  • A triangular face will go with raised, smoothly curved lines, of medium size. Avoid sharp kinks - the face will turn out to be angular.
  • On a square face, high, long, wide eyebrows look good - they will balance the proportions. Too thin shortened lines will spoil the impression, outwardly enlarge the face.

Before following the fashion trends for thin or overly wide eyebrows, evaluate how they suit you personally.


Having beautifully shaped eyebrows, you can do without plucking. For correction at home you will need:

  • diagonal tweezers;
  • antiseptic, cotton pads;
  • brush;
  • nail scissors;
  • mirror.

Sit comfortably in a well-lit area, such as in front of a window. Gently treat your eyebrows with an antiseptic. Comb with a brush along the growth line, make two to three upward strokes. Hairs that have not returned to their original place, but remain sticking out, cut with small scissors. Carefully cut off the protruding ends of the hairs, focusing on the upper border of the arc.

Use tweezers to remove unwanted vegetation under the line of the desired shape. The lower line is subject to correction.

Other techniques to help shape the eyebrows beautifully.
  • Thread correction. The fastest, least expensive way - you will need a regular sewing thread. Cut off a piece 15-20 cm long. Tie the ends - you get a ring. Twist, turning the circle into a figure eight. Stretch the resulting device with the index and thumb of both hands. Use a brush to give direction. Disinfect the skin surface with an antiseptic. Clamp unwanted hairs by rolling the twisted part over the skin from left to right, using your fingers. Do not rush, in a hurry you can damage, break the hairs. Instead of smooth skin, protruding "stumps" will remain.
  • Removal with wax, sugar. This method is used when there are a lot of extra hairs. The hot mixture is applied to the skin and removed after cooling. It is important to consider how sensitive the skin of the face is to such procedures, whether there is an allergy to the components that make up the epilator.

Makeup artist will help to make a beautiful shape of eyebrows. You will need to maintain the lines by removing the excess in a timely manner.


If you are satisfied with the bend, the thickness of the eyebrow line, the natural color, then after the correction it is enough to use a special transparent gel to fix the hairs. Insufficient density, correct eyebrow makeup.

  • pencil for contouring;
  • shadows of a similar tone;
  • hard brush;
  • soft brush to fill with color.

Naturalness is in fashion, so makeup artists advise slightly adjusting the color with a pencil, focusing on the natural form donated by nature. But if the eyebrows are thin, inexpressive, you need to expand, give brightness. The classical form consists of a head (the widest part, located at the bridge of the nose), a body, a tail (located at the temple). Define breakpoints by following the step by step instructions.

  1. The beginning of the arc. Attach the pencil, connecting the inner corner of the eye with the wing of the nose, as shown in the photo. Put a barely noticeable mark.
  2. Elevation. Draw a line through the side of the nose and the center of the pupil. Mark the top point.
  3. Edge. The tip of the ponytail is located by connecting the edge of the wing of the nose and the outer corner of the eyelid. Make a note.

Start drawing the shape of the eyebrow with a pencil .
  • Apply light straight lines from the first mark, shaping the bottom.

  • Having reached the point of elevation, draw the tail with clear rounding movements, focusing on the edge of the arc.

  • Fill the beginning with light strokes imitating natural hairs, creating a beautiful shape.

  • To give the pencil lines naturalness, use a hard flat brush, shading the lines.
    Shadow fill stage. Use a soft brush to paint over the gaps, add volume, depth. Do not draw a clearly vertical line of beginning at the bridge of the nose - the tone should increase gradually.

Important: the beginning of the arc is a highlight (the brightest place), the middle is a penumbra, the tail is a shadow (the most saturated, dark place).

  • Add contrast and expressiveness to your work with the finishing touch. With a soft brush, pick up the shadows of a light color, bring the lower and upper borders of the tip of the eyebrow. You can use a light pencil. Blend gently.

  • Fix unruly hairs with a transparent styling gel. Apply with a brush, let dry.

When choosing the color of decorative cosmetics, consider skin tone, natural hair color. Remember, jet black suits oriental burning brunettes with swarthy skin. Black and brown will suit classic brunettes, dark brown-haired women. Brown - brown-haired, red. People with light eyes, blond hair, it is better to choose gray-brown colors.


It will give the brow arches a persistent rich color for two to three weeks without the use of tattooing and daily tinting. A long-term effect can be achieved with permanent paint, henna.
You will need:

  • coloring composition;
  • alcohol;
  • cotton buds.

The color palette varies from light brown to black. Compared to chemical dyes, henna wins due to its natural composition. The application method is the same. With a cotton pad, degrease the hairs and skin with alcohol. Make the mixture according to the attached instructions, apply. Wipe off the overflowing paint, giving a beautiful shape. Make sure that the work looks neat, symmetrical, note the time. Light coloring will require 5 minutes. - hairs will acquire color, intensive 15-20 min. - get the effect of a tattoo due to the coloring of the skin and hairs.


To make the eyebrows beautiful and the look open, expressive, use three simple steps: line correction, thoughtful shape, natural color. Remember daily gentle care. Save money by buying numerous beauty products.

Get one or two quality products that match the color scheme and a pair of professional brushes. Experiment with shades, choose the best one. With practice, the skill will be perfected, and the time will take less.

Correct Correction Video

How to make an eyebrow shape at home? A beautifully defined eyebrow line affects the expressiveness of the look and the harmony of the face as a whole. You can independently choose the right shape for them according to your type of face and other parts of it, and knowing the basic techniques of the procedure will help you avoid mistakes and achieve the perfect result.

Important points to consider before eyebrow correction

Before you start removing excess hair, look at your face and determine its type so that the shape of your eyebrows is in harmony with the shape of your face. When shaping eyebrows by plucking, you need to take into account their natural lines and build on this.

  • Eyebrows of a traditional shape (smooth and rounded) will look perfect on any face, making it much fresher and younger.
  • The triangular brow shape is well suited for those who have a naturally raised brow center. If the natural shape of the eyebrow without elevation in the center, then artificially creating it will give your face an expression of mild surprise.
  • Arched eyebrows with rounded shape were very popular in the past and continue to be in trend now. In addition, if a woman by nature has rough features, then eyebrows made with neat arcs can soften them somewhat.
  • Eyebrows with a “kink” make the look of their owners more expressive, and the face more natural. This shape of the eyebrows will help to hide the disproportionate lines of the face.
  • Narrow and straight eyebrows are the prerogative of thin women, as they expand the face and round out the sharp chin.
  • It is important to take into account the line of the outer corner of the eyebrow, it greatly affects the facial expression.
  • The corners are turned up. By straightening them, you can give an expression of naivety and tenderness.
  • The corners are down. This form is considered the most unfortunate, as it gives the face an expression of sadness and fatigue.
  • The outer corner and the wide base of the eyebrow are on the same line. This is the most successful combination, as a woman with such a natural line can make any shape of eyebrows without spoiling her appearance.

Modeling the shape of the eyebrows, it is necessary to take into account such characteristic differences as facial features, hair color, etc.

  • In the case of coarse facial features, thin eyebrows are unacceptable.
  • Too thick eyebrows on a pretty and delicate face look ridiculous.
  • Eyebrow color should match the hair color. For example, for blondes, too dark eyebrow lines are unacceptable, and for brunettes, light ones.

How to make the shape of the eyebrows at home with the help of simple devices, we will consider further.

The sequence of actions when plucking eyebrows

Before you start plucking your eyebrows, you need to visually divide it into three parts (for greater clarity, you can use a photo).

  • Prepare a ruler, colored pencils, a photo where you are turned face forward.
  • Determine the start, middle and end point. To do this, draw the first line from the wing of the nose through the inner corner of the eye to the beginning of the eyebrow. From the same point, draw a line through the pupil to the middle of the eyebrow and another line to its end.
  • The resulting three points will be the beginning, top and end of the eyebrow bend. Only now, when the locations of the key points are known, can we begin to remove the hairs. You need to pluck the hairs along the lower edge, it is better not to touch the upper one.

Tips for plucking eyebrows

  • Tweeze your eyebrows in the evening so that irritation on the skin of the eyelids and redness disappear overnight.
  • Before the plucking process, remove all makeup from the eyelids. Eyebrow correction procedure requires clean skin.
  • Pull the hairs in the direction of growth, because there is a chance of disturbing their correct location, which will create a shaggy effect.

Now you know how to properly shape the eyebrows at home and save on a visit to a specialist. But if you are not sure about the result and are afraid to spoil your appearance, then self-correction is not for you, it is better to seek help from a beautician. Be beautiful!

To date, eyebrow shaping is almost the most popular direction in creating makeup. There are many different techniques of staining, plucking and a large number of forms. Every day, makeup artists around the world are asked the question: “How to make eyebrows even?”, And they are happy to tell their secrets.


The first thing to start with is choosing the right and appropriate form. For each type of face, there are different options for eyebrow design, which should beautify and look natural. And when answering the question of how to make even eyebrows at home, experts strongly recommend choosing a shape. You can do it yourself or seek help from professionals.

There are 4 types of eyebrows: straight, rising, kinked and arched, which are suitable for different face shapes. For example, for an elongated face, the best option is even eyebrows. They will not stretch the face more and give it the missing width. And also this shape of the eyebrows will look great on a face with a narrow chin.

For a square and heart-shaped face, a suitable shape is arched. She will hide sharp corners and add tenderness and femininity to the image. A round and oval face is perfectly complemented by beautiful eyebrows with a curve that visually elongate a similar shape.


How to make even and beautiful eyebrows? The second step is the selection and purchase of quality material. To work on the design of eyebrows, cosmetic companies produce a huge number of options for coloring agents: paint, henna, pigments for permanent makeup or eyebrow tattooing. It is also necessary to purchase high-quality and sharp tweezers to remove excess hairs. A convenient pointed brush will help to easily paint over the hairs.

Many professional masters remove unwanted hairs using special wax strips. However, it is not recommended to use them at home to create neat eyebrows.

Permanent makeup and tattooing are used when, for some reason, eyebrow hairs do not grow. How to make even eyebrows in this case? It is necessary to contact a beauty salon, where professional craftsmen with the help of special devices will help in this matter.

Tattoo and permanent make-up

Eyebrow tattooing is performed in the same way as the procedure for applying any tattoo on the body. The only difference is that the pigment is not inserted so deeply, but it is incredibly problematic to remove it after a while. This method has a huge number of disadvantages: the shape of the eyebrows is very difficult to change, over time the color begins to fade and can change the shade. The advantage of tattooing as a way to make eyebrows even is that it is not washed off with water and does not require correction for several years.

The pigment in permanent makeup is also injected under the skin, but remains there for one to two months. This method is suitable for use on areas with scars, which is not possible with a tattoo. Permanent eyebrows are very popular and look quite natural with the right shade selection.

best paint

There are a huge number of manufacturers on the cosmetic market that produce eyebrow dye. Experts around the world in their reviews claim that there are some of the best representatives of this segment:

These are the most persistent and fairly inexpensive paints that will help make the eyebrows even. How to choose the right shade? Light-colored girls need to give preference to brown colors of all shades, with black hair - graphite color, and red light brown paint fits perfectly.

Coloring process

Before applying the paint on the eyebrows, they must be prepared. Experts recommend that you first color and give the desired shape, and then get rid of excess hairs. How to make perfectly even eyebrows with paint? In order for the result to be beautiful and natural, you should purchase a cosmetic white pencil.

With it, you can easily and simply outline the contour of the desired eyebrow. Thus, in the process, you can adjust the lines and get the perfect shape. After contouring, it is worth degreasing the skin and proceeding to fill the eyebrows with paint.

The paint must be diluted in a 1: 1 ratio with an oxidizing agent of the same brand. This ensures full color payoff and also allows the hue not to change during the chemical process. Recommendations on how to make the eyebrows even, convince you to apply the paint immediately after mixing.

You need to start filling in the eyebrows from the tail with small strokes, moving towards the base. To get a straight line near the bridge of the nose, the brush should be placed perpendicular to the skin and make a few light strokes. After 5-7 minutes, with the help of a cotton swab, the main part of the paint is removed from the base. If this step is followed, the eyebrows are natural and natural.

After 5 minutes, a cotton pad abundantly moistened with micellar water erases all the paint. To remove errors, you can purchase a special solvent and align the resulting shape. Only after that, you can begin to remove excess hairs with sharp tweezers.


Coloring with henna provides a longer lasting result than paint. And many professionals prefer it in their work. How to make even eyebrows when stained with henna? An important condition is to properly breed it.

1 teaspoon of powder is poured into a suitable container and mixed with a small amount of warm water to a homogeneous consistency of thick sour cream. In the process of cooking, it is necessary to carefully and constantly mix the mixture with a wooden stick. If the henna is of high quality, then the shade will be a tone darker than shown on the package.

Experts in advice on how to evenly make up eyebrows say that you need to draw a contour and degrease with any method of coloring. Thus, the desired result will be beautiful and natural, and any paint will lie flat.

When staining with henna, movements begin from the inner corner of the eyebrows in the direction of hair growth to the tail. The mixture should lie down in a thick layer to penetrate between the hairs to the skin. After filling the eyebrows, henna is left to dry completely - 15-20 minutes. To enhance the effect, the masters in the salons impose polyethylene, which doubles the drying time.

After the set time has elapsed, a cotton pad is moistened with cosmetic oil (grape seed, almond, apricot), which is applied to the eyebrows for a couple of minutes. After that, henna is easily and quickly washed off with water. When stained with henna at home, the effect lasts up to 2 weeks.


When coloring eyebrows, you can use a special ready-made template with the desired shape. This option is perfect for beginners, following the advice of professionals on how to evenly shape the eyebrows. The template is sold both in stationary and specialized online stores, and is quite inexpensive.

It facilitates the process of creating the perfect shape and does not require drawing a contour with a pencil. The template is tightly applied to the eyebrow and fixed with small pieces of adhesive tape. The finished form is filled with paint or henna, and after a few minutes the template is removed. Most often, templates are made from reusable material, and paint residues are easily removed from them.


After the completion of the coloring process, it is necessary to get rid of excess hairs and give the eyebrows a perfect shape. To do this, prepare sharp tweezers, alcohol, hot water and cotton pads. With high sensitivity and to reduce pain, the skin must be steamed. wetted in hot water and applied to the eyebrows for a few seconds. Once the disc has cooled, you need to repeat the procedure about three times. Before use, the instrument and the skin must be wiped with an antiseptic solution (alcohol).

How to make eyebrows even with tweezers? Experts say that for this it is necessary to pluck only those hairs that are outside the colored area. This will help to avoid the loss of the main density and the formation of bald spots. The face should be as straight as possible directed to the mirror and not move during the hair removal process.

Pencil technique

Some time after dyeing, the color begins to fade and empty spaces appear throughout the eyebrows, which must be painted over with a pencil. The ideal option is if the shade on the eyebrows completely matches the color of the rod.

In the process of eyebrow shaping, you need to follow two simple rules:

  • the tip of the pencil should be as sharp as possible;
  • movements - light, in the form of strokes.

How to straighten eyebrows with a pencil? First you need to draw the top line, tail, and then the bottom - this will make symmetrical eyebrows. After that, the entire area is filled with light strokes, with the help of a brush you need to shade the finished result. The process of creating eyebrows in pencil technique takes relatively little time, and the result is very natural. This option is often used when the paint starts to wash off and bald spots form.

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Hello, dear beauties of our site! In this article, we will talk about the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face. And also we will tell you how to choose the right eyebrow shape.

Thanks to the correction of the eyebrow line, you can give the face expressiveness and a certain attractiveness. But often on your own, in pursuit of fashion trends, you can choose the wrong shape, and get an unsatisfactory result. Ignorance of the basic rules of correction leads to such results. Therefore, before plucking hairs, you need to prepare a little, and first of all find out what types of eyebrows are.

  • Head - originates directly from the bridge of the nose;
  • The body is the middle part;
  • Tail - the narrowest part tapers towards the temple.

The shape of the eyebrows is quite simple to determine, you need to position the ruler or pencil so that you connect the head and tail of the eyebrow with a straight line. It can be parallel to the floor (straight), ascending or descending.

  • Straight. The head and tail of the eyebrows are located on the same level. This shape is perfect for an elongated face shape. She will visually expand the narrow forehead and balance it with the chin;
  • Rising. The head is located higher than the tail of the eyebrow. This shape visually narrows and lengthens your face a little.

IMPORTANT: when choosing this form, the main thing is not to overdo it, as too ascending lines look defiant and theatrical.

  • Falling down.Base eyebrow is located lower than its end. This form is very specific and not suitable for everyone. Often she adds age, and gives a sad expression. It is desirable to correct such a form.

Also distinguish the following types of eyebrows:

  • Rounded. Perfect for those with a wide square face, they soften their often coarse features. This form is often found in oriental beauties;
  • Smooth arc. This form is perfect and always looks advantageous, it is suitable for almost any image. Eyebrows of this shape slightly open the eyelid and help to look younger;
  • Triangular ("house", the center of the eyebrow is slightly raised). This form gives the face a slightly surprised expression, but this is its special charm. By the way, this shape of the eyebrows is the most natural and common, but if you wish, you can create it yourself;
  • With a break. This shape will also make you visually younger, give the look expressiveness and playfulness. Such eyebrows look good on a round face, as they draw the eye to themselves, hiding disproportion and other flaws in the shape of the face.

Physiognomy specialists ( science that determines the character of a person by the features of his face) are very attentive to the shape of the eyebrows. According to their research, purposeful strong personalities have a straight and wide eyebrow shape, people who are open, benevolent - arched, and adventurers - with a break or triangular.

How to choose eyebrows according to the type of face

Choosing the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face is a simple procedure. The main thing is to accurately identify the type of your face. There are the following types:

  • Square or rectangular. A distinctive feature of this form: it does not have dots protruding in width, that is, the width is approximately the same along the entire length. In the case of a rectangular shape, it is slightly more elongated than a square one;
  • Round. The face has a square, heavy lower jaw and broad cheekbones. The length and width of the face are almost the same.
  • triangular. A face of this shape has a narrow chin and a fairly wide forehead;
  • oval. The chin and forehead are about the same width, but the cheekbones protrude strongly;
  • pear-shaped. Wide chin, narrow forehead, round cheeks;
  • Rhomboid. The main feature is high protruding cheekbones;

Ideal eyebrows for different face types will also vary. But it is best to opt for an eyebrow with a wide beginning, a slightly raised main part, smoothly turning into a narrow tail.

When choosing a form, you should pay attention to certain features:

  • straight eyebrows will help to visually make the face wider;
  • Close-set eyes can be visually expanded by increasing the gap between the eyebrows. The reverse is also true, the eyebrows should be as close as possible to each other in order to visually reduce the distance between the eyes. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to connect both eyebrows into one;
  • A rounded shape of the eyebrows will help to visually narrow the oval of the face, but a smooth bend is needed to avoid a surprised or haughty facial expression. It is recommended to remove the hairs only along the lower line of the eyebrow so that it does not look too low, otherwise it will visually reduce the eyes.

Important! The gap between the eyebrows should not exceed the width of two fingers of your hand.

Round face

This form requires the abandonment of very sharp and thin lines, because a strong bend, on the contrary, will focus on the roundness of the face. For the same reason, an arched shape is also undesirable.

One of the options may be eyebrows with a small classic break or a triangular shape. They will emphasize your eyes and transform your face.

Important: Do not place your eyebrows too low or too high, otherwise your expression will be sad or surprised.

Oval face

It is believed that this face shape is the most correct. Eyebrows of almost any shape are suitable for her, but the best option is eyebrows with a slight break. With a very narrow oval of the face, it can be visually slightly expanded due to not too wide straight eyebrows, which should not be too low.

triangular face

Eyebrows that are too wide or too thin are not recommended, and straight shapes, they will only emphasize sharp features. It is also worth abandoning too long eyebrows, because they visually violate the proportions of the face even more.

To soften the sharp contrast between a wide forehead and a narrow chin, you can use a curved eyebrow with a slight rise, of medium length. The width of the eyebrow is the same along the entire length, or slightly narrowed towards the end.

pear face

The best choice for this face shape will be wide and fairly long eyebrows. You can also visually expand the upper part of the face by increasing the gap between the eyebrows.

Square or rectangular face

The main focus should be on drawing attention away from the square chin and softening the lower part of the face, this will be facilitated by a smooth brow lift at the beginning. On faces of such forms, eyebrows with a break shifted towards the temple will look good, while the tail should be narrower than the main part and directed towards the middle of the auricle.

How to make your own eyebrow shape

The following technique is often used to determine the shape of the eyebrow and its boundaries:

  • Point #1(beginning - head). Position the pencil near the wing of the nose so that it crosses the inner corner of the eye. Place a mark where the pencil crosses the brow bone.
  • Point #2(highest point). We position the pencil so that it touches the wing of the nose and crosses the pupil up. We mark a point on the superciliary arch.
  • Point #3(extreme point - tail). Place the pencil so that it connects the wing of the nose and the outer corner of the eye, mark the intersection point on the superciliary arch.

How to shape eyebrows with tweezers

One of the most famous eyebrow shaping tools is tweezers. It comes to the rescue when you have already chosen the shape of your eyebrows. To simplify the task, draw the selected shape with a pencil on your eyebrows. So you can clearly see those hairs that need to be removed.

To get perfect eyebrows, you should be guided by a number of rules:

  • Hairs should be removed in the direction of their growth, this helps to prevent their ingrowth into the skin, moreover, the procedure will not be so painful;
  • It is better to grab the hairs at the very base and pull them out with a quick sharp movement. Experts recommend removing hair under the eyebrow line;
  • Before the procedure, all cosmetics and impurities should be removed from the treated surface. It is necessary to disinfect the surface of the skin both before and after the procedure. When unwanted hairs are removed, the skin must be moisturized;
  • It is better to plan the procedure for the evening, so that by morning the irritation has already passed;
  • To keep the eyebrows beautiful, they should be combed daily with a special cosmetic brush.

How to shape eyebrows with thread

Threading is a way of shaping the eyebrows using a special thread. This is a fairly old method, it has been used in Eastern countries since ancient times. This method is a little tricky to use, especially in the beginning, but over time, with proper practice, it will become no more difficult to use than tweezers.

Threading Benefits:

  • Hair becomes thinner and softer over time;
  • You can remove several hairs at once;
  • Ingrown hairs practically do not appear;
  • Irritation is minimal and passes very quickly.

But today such a procedure is carried out at home. You will need a special thread (Arabic). It is cotton and quite durable. The length of the thread should be about 50 cm. The ends of the thread are tied and twisted to form two loops. In each of which you insert your thumb and forefinger. The process is somewhat similar to the work of scissors, the hairs are intertwined with threads and removed.

How to shape eyebrows with a pencil

A pencil is a very simple and effective way to adjust the shape of the eyebrows, and you can do this repeatedly if the previous option did not suit you. To get a good result, you should choose a hard pencil, and sharpen it well. And also take the choice of color seriously. Black pencil is considered a classic, but it is better for blondes to refuse it. For fair-haired girls, beige or gray shades are suitable, for brown-haired women and redheads - brown. Sometimes, to make the eyebrow more natural, two shades of pencil are used at once: darker at the beginning and lighter closer to the edge.

Steps for drawing an eyebrow with a pencil:

  1. Apply foundation;
  2. Mark the beginning and end of the eyebrow with a few strokes;
  3. Comb the hairs in the direction of their growth;
  4. Carefully paint over all eyebrows;
  5. Comb your brow.

Eyebrow shaping with a stencil

Often, having drawn one eyebrow of an ideal shape, it is impossible to repeat it on the other side. In this case, a special device, a stencil, can help. It is often sold in a kit with biotattoo paint.

Working with a stencil is quite simple. It should simply be applied to the eyebrow, and then use paint or pencil. It is only important to apply the stencil evenly on both sides, and you can enjoy an excellent result.

Eyebrow shaping in the salon

All of the above methods of giving the desired shape to the eyebrows can be done independently. And to achieve a good result, often enough. But there is not always time for yourself. Therefore, permanent makeup has come into fashion, which allows you to look good with almost no effort.

Eyebrow tattoo

Eyebrow tattooing is essentially a tattoo (the dye is injected under the skin), but its penetration depth is much less than 0.5 mm and, accordingly, over time (within several years), it will still wash out. Depending on the technique of applying paint, the following types of eyebrow tattoo are distinguished:

  • hairy. As the name implies, in this case, individual small hairs are drawn. They are placed between existing hairs in the direction of hair growth. This type of tattoo looks quite natural and, with good performance, is almost invisible;
  • Shot. A type of tattoo in which the traced contour of the eyebrow is evenly filled with color. The result looks too bright and artificial;
  • combination. Harmoniously combines the hair method and shading. This method is used by masters most often.


Unlike tattooing, microblading is performed manually, without special devices. The effect of it depends directly on the skills of the master.

The master draws individual hairs along the previously drawn contour with a special tool with a micro-thin needle. After that, the remnants of the coloring pigment are removed from the surface of the skin. The depth of pigment injection does not exceed 0.5 mm, so the visible effect will last for about a year, after which the procedure should be repeated. If the procedure is carried out qualitatively, it is almost impossible to see the drawn hairs, and the color of the eyebrow looks more natural.

To date, the following types of microblading:

  • European (dummy). The master draws hairs of the same length and thickness, with the same slope. With this technique, the eyebrows are thick and voluminous, but upon close examination, they do not look natural;

It often happens that the “native” shape of the eyebrows, given to a girl by nature, does not suit her. This problem is faced by most of the fair sex. Of course, you can let everything take its course in the struggle for naturalness, but the later you decide to eliminate such a flaw, the harder it will be. Eyebrow shaping is a complex of procedures carried out both at home and in beauty salons. It includes correction, modeling and painting of eyebrows. Each stage is difficult in its own way, so you have to sweat before you achieve the desired result!

What are the ideal eyebrows?

Unfortunately, there is no universal option on how to properly shape eyebrows. The form is selected based on the individual characteristics of a person, namely: the size of his facial features, the shape of his face.

As in clothing, the task of the master working with eyebrows is to emphasize what has faded and hide flaws:

  1. Often girls are upset, thinking that they have a big nose. This visual effect is created by highlighting the nose against the background of the rest of the face. If you focus on the eyebrows, it will seem that the nose is smaller. That is why clients with large facial features are advised not to pluck their eyebrows.
  2. But on miniature narrow faces, thick and dark eyebrows look very specific. In order not to look like a mountain woman from Gamzatov's poem, it is better to immediately shape the eyebrows, giving them a narrow shape and bend.
  3. Girls with an oval face shape will suit straight eyebrows or with a slight bend.
  4. With a round face, eyebrows with a clear bend go well. It should not be sharp, but noticeable.
  5. If the shape of the face is triangular, the eyebrows should be of medium thickness with a slight smooth bend.

Eyebrow restoration

Many people have damaged areas on their eyebrows. The skin of the face is thin, and therefore, over time, even a trace of a small scratch may not go away.

Such scars (or just shelves of skin on which hair does not grow) spoil the visual perception. There are several options for getting rid of this disease:

  1. . Of course, this option has its drawbacks: it will be difficult to change the shape later, over time, tattoos lose their bright color, etc. However, tattooing keeps the shade for a long time, is not washed off with water, and therefore saves you a lot of time in terms of makeup.
  2. Permanent or semi-permanent. The technique consists in applying a special paint to the damaged areas, which is not erased for a long time. The paint lasts about a month, it can be applied to scars, unlike tattooing, which is not recommended to be applied to such areas.
  3. Eyebrow shaping with henna works on the same principle as a permanent. The main advantage of henna is its natural origin. It also gives eyebrows and colored skin a natural reddish tint, unless you choose a dark color.

  1. Unlike the hypoallergenic semi-permanent, it requires an allergy test. Apply the composition to the skin behind the ear within 24 hours of the procedure. If the skin does not become inflamed, then the allergy is present. Behind the ear, the top layer of skin is extremely sensitive, so the test should be done there.
  2. Henna stains heavily, so if you are thinking about how to shape your eyebrows at home, do not forget to protect all surfaces. Otherwise, not only your eyebrows, but, most likely, the entire bathroom will acquire decoration.
  3. Do not apply the substance to damaged areas of the skin and eyelashes.
  4. Use only freshly prepared mixture.

Eyebrow shaping: correction training

Eyebrows can be corrected in several ways:

  1. Well-known plucking of eyebrows with tweezers. Quickly, not labor-intensive, but after 4-5 days the result disappears, it is necessary to repeat the procedure.
  2. Threading - eyebrow threading. Not as painful as plucking, less irritating to the skin. However, the result will also disappear after 4-5 days.
  3. Waxing. Apply a strip of wax, wait until it hardens and tear off along with the hairs. The result is longer, effective if you have not plucked your eyebrows for a long time. Otherwise, fresh hairs will appear the very next day, because you did not rip them out with wax. More expensive than other types of correction.

If everything is clear with epilation and plucking, then what about threading? If you are interested in brow shaping, the video will help you learn how to properly brow thread:

Haircut or chemical styling?

Eyebrow hair does not always grow in the right volume and in the right direction. To solve this problem, it is necessary to act in the same way as with the hair on the head: either style it or cut it.

A haircut is a quick way to get rid of frizzy hairs. If this is not done, the eyebrows will look messy, no matter how you pluck them.

To cut an eyebrow, you need to comb the hairs up with a small comb, and then carefully go through them with scissors.

Chemical styling is the same hair straightening. You don't have to cut them, they will lie flat for some time.

Of course, if you decide on a haircut, you will most likely need to trim your eyebrows periodically. However, it is a safer procedure, as opposed to chemical styling, which damages the hair. As an argument, you can also give the duration of the effect of the procedure. Even if you have to cut your hair, but no more than once a week, while the effect of chemical styling lasts 1.5-2 weeks, and the technique itself is much more labor-intensive.

Perhaps you should start with color. Eyebrows should be combined not only with hair color, but also with complexion. Chestnut color looks extremely beautiful with the same color of hair or a red tint, but only on fair skin. If you are lucky enough to get a tan by the sea, don't be afraid to paint your eyebrows in a more saturated shade - everything is better than when they merge with the face.

Ladies with gray hair should not be upset, because silvery hair opens up a new perspective for them, namely gray hairs on the eyebrows. If they are carefully, it will turn out very well.

For sparse eyebrows, a pencil is suitable. It is necessary to carefully apply strokes according to hair growth, and then shade with a brush. If you want to visually bring the eyebrows together, highlight the base with a darker shade, and lighter - the tip, for visual distance, on the contrary, focus on the tip, making the base lighter.

  1. If you are the proud owner of sensitive skin, do not forget to soften the hairs with water vapor or special cosmetics before plucking. Also choose soft tweezers: they should not scratch the skin and easily grab the hairs.
  2. Often beginners in brow shaping tend to copy some popular shape without knowing how to shape eyebrows at home. If your face type tends to bend, the highest point of the eyebrow should be located above the outer tip of the eye, and the length of the eyebrow is limited by the line drawn through the wing of the nose and the outer tip of the eye.
  3. Eyebrow shaping with thread is a difficult process that requires experience. From the first time, most likely, it will not work (and for some, even from the tenth with difficulty). If you decide to pluck your eyebrows in the morning, in a hurry to be late for work, it is better to give up the idea of ​​​​trying something new. Plucking your eyebrows with tweezers is, of course, more painful, but faster.
  4. Before painting your eyebrows, try to shape them with shadows. Try different angles and inclinations, choose the one that suits you best. There is no hurry here - most likely, then you will have to walk with a given form for at least a month.
  5. If you want the color to last long, avoid the painted area when washing. Most likely, there will be no reaction to water, but special washing tonics aimed at cleansing pores can significantly reduce the life of the paint.
  6. Beginners who do not know how to shape eyebrows right away are advised to carefully mark the front of work with an eyebrow pencil, both in the case of plucking and in the case of painting. It is not difficult to shade or erase it, but you will be calmer for the integrity of your eyebrows.

What is the result?

  1. Your eyes become more expressive. A clear eyebrow color attracts attention, which means your look becomes irresistible.
  2. Eyebrows of equal length hide the asymmetry of the eyes and wings of the nose.
  3. Large facial features become less noticeable.

What is the best way to shape your eyebrows: at home or in the salon?

Eyebrow shaping at home has a number of noticeable advantages: you don’t have to go anywhere, you know all the tools, you sterilize them yourself, the paint you buy is of high quality, because you choose it for yourself and don’t save, and you spend as much time as you need, and you get the precious experience of a makeup artist in your piggy bank. Another notable plus is that it's free. Of course, you will have to pay a tidy sum for paint and “equipment”, but you will be able to use all this belongings more than once in the future, and you will not have to pay for the work of the master, because everything is done independently.

Registration in the salon will cost you less in terms of time. With all the expectations, the procedure will take a maximum of 30-45 minutes, and you will visit the salon every 2-3 weeks, while at home you can suffer for more than an hour, achieving accuracy. But do not forget that you still need to get to the salon! The average cost of the procedure in the salon is 600 rubles, so your session may not pay off, even if the result is smoother than at home.

Eyebrow shaping methods was last modified: May 8th, 2016 by MaximB