Happy birthday to a young man. Beautiful congratulations to a young man happy birthday

Your boyfriend is a very good person and he wants to wish only the best? Here you will find the best wishes for a guy!

I wish you, my love
Everything you dream of
Let troubles pass by
I'm always there - you know.

I want you to be brave
In all your endeavors,
True to your ideals
And find a calling in life.

I also wish you
Of course, a lot of happiness
And make me happy
Believe me, it's in your power!

Favorite! I congratulate you on the holiday. My dear, I wish you all the most beautiful that is. May your hopes come true, and you are always lucky! I would like to see you always happy and cheerful, may you have a wonderful mood. Much success to you in your work!

I'm glad to love you
Give a warm smile
Gently hugging the neck
And hold your hand tightly
Making coffee in the morning
Meet you in the evenings
Feel your embrace
You live, you breathe!

Let fate keep you
From evil people and from insults,
Let dreams come true
And may you be happy!

I congratulate you, my love!
I do not say ordinary words to you,
I wish you smiles, sun, joy!
With all my heart and sincere love.

Let the wind be only fair,
May every dawn be bright!
And there will be more rainbow minutes,
And a bright look - after all, I'm near!

Today is your holiday. I wish you ... And what can you wish to a person who has everything he wants? In life, you achieve any heights and goals. So let all your dreams come true! And always remain the same courageous, strong and self-confident.

Congratulations on your holiday, my dear,
I want these lines today!
They, dear, will add strength to you,
Deliver joy with gentle words!

And may today every second
It will be magical and festive!
Live, beloved, in anticipation of a miracle,
And we will achieve happiness in life ourselves!

Darling, I want to congratulate you
And give happiness and love,
It's hard for me to imagine for a moment
What is not you, might not be!

May cherished wishes come true
Beautiful dreams come true
There will be no failures and parting,
And it will be just the way you want!
Don't stop dreaming, my love
I will fulfill your wishes!

My beloved, dear person! You are the greatest miracle and happiness in my destiny! I wish you with all my heart and with great love only the kindest, brightest and purest that only exists in this world! Let friends not give reason to doubt their devotion, work will bring pleasure and good earnings, and peace, harmony and tenderness always reign in our union! I love you!

Today I want to tell you:
I'm happy just because
That I can hug you in the morning
And that I love you alone.

You are my man, my support,
And to be with you I feel so calm.
I don't need anyone else
You will cope with any adversity with dignity.

So stay the same
So strong, my hero!
My love for you can't get old
And I myself will stay young with you.

My dearest person on earth
I am happy that you are meant for me!
I hasten to congratulate from the heart loving
And wish all earthly blessings for you!

I always want to see the radiance in the eyes,
I wish you success in love and business!
Live many years, prosper, have fun,
And share your bright smile with me!

My dear man! You are the closest and dearest to me. With all my heart I wish you to be happy! May my love keep you from all adversity. I wish you reach your goals! May good luck accompany you as a faithful companion! Let true friends be by your side in any situation. I am proud of you and love you with all my heart!

I'm not afraid of you, dear, no problems,
The sun is brighter with you, warmer and more affectionate shines.
With you, I know, my love, I will always be a queen,
You are kinder than everyone, more beautiful and better on the whole planet.

If you are not around, I instantly miss you.
You managed to become a reliable and devoted friend for me.
And all my life, my dear, I promise to love you,
You and I, my happiness, came into this world for each other.

I congratulate you today, dear, with excitement.
May your life always be bright, bright, beautiful.
And I wish you today in my congratulations,
So that you continue to adore me and make me happy.

I wish you strength and cheerful charge,
So that all cherished dreams come true!
Let this date be happy
Smile on your birthday!

Optimism and good luck
Happiness and great love!
Bright, bold, fruitful
Live your life.

You are young, in your prime,
Always live very beautifully
To give you every day
Lots of good and positivity!

May all dreams come true
And life will be full of luck
I wish you were happy
On a wonderful holiday - a birthday!

Beautiful, charming, kind and cheerful, I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you many adventures, interesting events and cheerful friends. Be surrounded by happiness and good luck. Let the world around be the way you want it to be. We wish you well-being and success in business.

Happy Birthday!
What can you wish for?
You are so beautiful and young
Mind and strength cannot be taken away.

I congratulate you on your birthday!
I would like to wish today
So that the mood is always excellent,
A lot of strength to achieve new goals!

I also wish you loyal friends,
To always stand up for you!
And so that you meet great love
And she stayed with you for the rest of her life!

Happy birthday.
I want to find my love.
Grab the bird of happiness
Forget the bad past.

Boldly walk according to fate
Don't forget your friends.
May you always be lucky in everything
Cupid will break your heart.

Lyra gives inspiration
And Veles is a bag of luck.
May goodness always reign
And home warmth.

Today is your birthday
I wish you love with all my heart
Excellent health, strength,
So that you are always happy.
Good spirits, good days,
Reliable, devoted friends.

Let them consist of joyful events
Your whole life and just every moment!
I wish you many discoveries
May you achieve everything you desire!

Happy Birthday! You are so young,
All victories ahead!
The guy is strong and healthy
Full of happiness and love.

May you be lucky in life
Don't chase an idol.
You create your team
And do not be lazy to work.

Build a house, make a career
Don't forget about friends.
Let everyone be proud of you
And respect your family.

My dear, on your birthday, what do you want to wish?
To know only peace in the world, and not to know war at all.
To enjoy life, everything around was bright,
To be with you next to the best true friend.

So that failures and doubts do not gnaw at times,
For your love and friendship, you always stood by the mountain.
For girls to love, always be affectionate.
And do not spoil the character somewhere in the next year!

Stay healthy and be honest.
And don't let your friends down.
If you start a business
Bring it to the end.

On my birthday I wish
Ups without downs
To have more in life
Joyful moments.

The risk is always justified
And in love luck.
And so many faithful friends
It was next to you.

With joy you today
Happy birthday.
You are young and handsome
I wish you happiness.

You live to the fullest
You don't regret anything.
Every day let it be cooler
Previous fun!

You are very reliable
Calm and sensitive
And I'm looking forward to
I count the minutes
See you when we
Separated from you
My favourite
And the dearest!

Be diligent in your studies
And in my profession
All obstacles in life
You win with a smile.

I want to stay with you,
To tell about your love
To laugh and kiss
Dream about our future.

Today is your celebration
I congratulate you, love
I wish you brilliant success
And true and real friends!

You are the best, I know you
I can't live without you!
Everything with you I forget -
You filled my whole life.

I congratulate you on your birthday
I sincerely love you!
With you I am light and calm,
I only want to be with you.

I can't live without you
For which I thank you!
Where it's dark, you shine everywhere
Thank you honey, I'm warm

Only distance - a strip,
But I don't care!
Over time, everything has changed:
Became a dream for me forever

Like I fell in love with you
You are my beloved man.

To a young man
I give congratulations
I want to conquer the planet
And fly to the moon!

It's your birthday today
You are such a good young man
Let the mood be bright
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Good luck and great victories,
And bright youth
Happy long, life years,
And colorful gifts!

You are a young man
Very smart, not simple,
I wish to develop further
And in congratulations to swim!

Congratulations young man
Your birthday is today
And so I wish
For happiness to come at this very hour,

Let the relatives raise their glasses
And your friends will support you in full,
A joy will arise in the soul,
Otherwise, it’s impossible on a holiday!

With a cheerful mood
I hasten to you today
For a birthday party,
And joy here and there

You young man
And a lot ahead
May the mountains be on your shoulder,
Dreams will be in your hands!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
I congratulate you with my soul,
The holiday opens the door
Celebration brings with it

And let you and the man
But you also need it
And there's a reason for the fun
And you need to believe in miracles!

Young man you
You have a lot of strength, beauty,
Success lies ahead of you
You will be the best

Well, especially now
After all, the birthday is a bright hour,
And I couldn’t not congratulate
And there are other words

Prosperity to you, great love,
And so that all dreams come true
Good health in full,
So that life is beautiful!

You are still young,
And on this birthday
There are wishes, from the heart,
Everything will be without a doubt:

Gorgeous house, own family,
The car you need
Work will be good
And awards,

A strong man is
Good and noble
From everyone today you honor
And hundreds of congratulations!

What do you need when you are young?!
Prosperity, happiness, success,
I wish you everything with all my heart,
Smiles, kindness, more laughter,

So that all, all friends are always there,
They could not betray friendship,
To have a dear family,
That's what you need now

Well, the salary is also big,
So that every year to the resorts,
Fly together as one family
So that life is sweeter than cakes,

And let celebrating your day today,
You make wishes
With whom life will be better, brighter,
With whom you will know happiness!

Happy Birthday to You,
May there be happiness for years
All dreams come true
And every day in great love!
Enough to be huge
Nobody to forget you
And my heart was warm
The rest is all the same!

We wish you simple happiness
And the quiet joy of the earth.
Let you everyday bad weather
Always bypassed.
As always, take good care of
Beautiful features in the soul.
As before, generously give to everyone
Fire of warmth.

Happy birthday sunshine
And let the heart beat more cheerfully,
More kind, sincere speeches,
Let the holiday turn into a huge miracle!
Cherished dreams will come true
And all the bad things will come back instantly,
Health, happiness, sincere love,
So that life is extraordinary!

It doesn't matter how old you are
May this day dawn
Dawn for life dear,
With love, with great joy!
Together, let the fairy tale arrive
Fulfills your wishes
And celebrating a birthday
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Dance barefoot on broken glass
Dance, hugging with slanting rains,
Dance so that your life is not in vain,
And sing in unison with the young winds.

Love! free and hot love!
Love so that the heart burns everything inside,
Without feeling pain and fear in the blood,
Love to cover two with their heads!

Live! Break down and live again!
Take your wings from the wide road!
Do not tear your soul with empty words.
Look to the heavens and think of God.

Dance! barefoot on broken glass.
Dance! under the cover of the stormy night.
Dance! as if there is no evil in life.
Dance! tearing the whole world to shreds.

Smile as often as possible.
And give your joy to everyone.
Wake up with a light smile
From happiness in the clouds of betting.

And keep joy in your heart.
Don't be shy to give a smile
Help believe in a miracle.

Enjoy every moment
Just look around.
When suddenly bad - smile,
And joy will meet along the way.

Try it, just smile.
Open yourself with all your heart.
And try to be happy
"I love you life" - say.

Life is so beautiful, smile.
And the world will laugh with you.
Smile as often as possible.
Greet every day with a smile.

And so as not to be trite
I am the essence of wishes
Change initially:

Failures at work
A family of disagreements
Falls, mistakes
And all sorts of misfortunes

I wish you
Never know!
Let at work
Everything will be on "5";

Let the family
Love and kindness flourish
Let takeoffs more often

Mistakes to avoid
Surely it will be possible -
But God forbid less
You are wrong!

Today is a long-awaited holiday,
He knocks on the door once a year,
He is the most colorful and main,
And all the relatives at the table,
And let the congratulations shine
Health, happiness and love,
And dear inspiration
Hopes, joys, dreams!

I recently met an old woman.
Think of it as God's moth.
With her, the conversation suddenly began,
That I still can't forget.

The old lady said:
Remember the truth son.
You won't know happiness in life
If there is a lock on the soul.

Do not eat what the eye does not want
Don't go where it's not yours.
Life returns like a boomerang.
Each will answer for his own.

Having said, do it right now -
Otherwise, you will be empty.
Live for those you love
So that one does not die in silence.

Love, strive and achieve
Otherwise it will be empty.
Don't say that life is garbage
When the strategy is wrong.

Live son. do not anger God.
As a person, live with your soul.
Don't rush to be everywhere
On that burning life days.

After all, life is given only once.
Appreciate it, be proud of yourself.
There can be no second chance.
Well, everything. Bye. Come on hold on!

It's good that you were born.
And it's good that you are always there.
Of course, I was surprised at my words -
Never spoke before.

I love, I miss and I'm very jealous,
And I always want to hug you.
You are my one and only man
The one you don't want to lose.

I wish you happiness and a little sadness
I wish that friends do not forget.
So that in the middle of winter there was spring and summer,
So that there was a lot, a lot of light
And what you have planned - let it happen,
After all, it was worth being born for!

Fun, joy, happiness, laughter,
Gifts, congratulations,
Hold the upper hand over everything today
On your birthday party!

Everything will be great!
Everything will be great!
You are the coolest
and it's wonderful!

Happy Birthday sweetheart!
You are so unique
Kind, gentle, mischievous,
Affectionate and groovy!

It's so easy for me with you
Fun, boring.
Nobody in this life
I don't need more!

We all wish you personally,
So as not to suffer in everyday life,
To always live well
As a house cat:

Sleep when and where you want
To always be loved
So that in a cat's bowl
The food was delicious

And the hostess did not scold,
If suddenly stole sour cream
To stroke, caress
Know- rumble like that motor

But since you are a man
Becoming a cat is not destiny for you
Be like Al Pacino
Always attractive

If you are brave like a tiger
agile like a cheetah and fast
Then it doesn't really matter
Who stole sour cream there ..

If you are gentle, but strong
Can the lady resist?
Then you have a refrigerator
And the whole house is open

You then potatoes, meat
All the chic stuff
And when you're really tired
Came from a working day

Fixed her alarm clock
Walked with her puppy
Then - and in the refrigerator
On the sofa then later

And dreaming secretly is comical:
"In order not to suffer in everyday life,
To always live well
Like a domestic cat"

There is no holiday more beautiful in the world
Than the one that children love very much.
And as you grow up, don't forget about him.
Trust a miracle on your birthday.

Dream, even though you are an adult, about flying
With a wizard in a blue helicopter.
About many hundreds of portions of popsicle
And about free fabulous cinema.

I wish you not to be ashamed of these feelings,
And with a childhood dream not to part,
May miracles happen in your life
And the birthday is turned into a fairy tale.

We heartily congratulate you on your birthday,
Today we hasten to wish you
More often to be in a wonderful mood
And never give up in life!

You are a solid and serious man,
Do great things
Although at work you are a formidable boss,
But at home - a sea of ​​affection and warmth.

May all that you dreamed come true
Let the soul sing with joy
So that you fly from victories on wings,
And happiness to you for a hundred years ahead!

We wish to be the center of any company,
Have reliable loyal friends,
The beautiful sex is not to be overlooked,
Find the only one soon.

Let there always be solutions
The most unsolvable problems
Your answers agree with the questions,
Good luck, we just want change.

Usually on a birthday
Wishing you all sorts of good things:
To whom in the service of promotion,
Someone money papers.

Happy birthday!
We believe that all peaks
Conquer without a doubt

And we also wish you
Be positive and be brave
And my dream, playing
Easy to implement!

Today is a holiday, but not only yours,
After all, you were born for me, of course.
Everyone says we look alike
You are so sincere, dreamy and tender.
I love you madly, dear boy!
Congratulations on your birthday!
You are the best for me, dear!
I wish you all the best and happiness!

In the company you are a guy anywhere,
Among peers - a real star!
Your charisma cannot be bypassed.
I'm terribly glad that we are friends!
Be strong in spirit, body, dear!
Let luck run after you
Eyes are always burning with ideas!
And never miss life!

Happy birthday to you, dear!
I wish you success, good luck!
Move on for a bright dream
Only forward, and nothing else!
Let happiness cover you
With his clean wing with his head!
Well, to all those who love you,
To be comfortable with you!

I wish you much success
And do not stop dreaming or wanting!
While you are so young, the whole world is before you.
May there be happiness, prosperity, love in it!
Career, cars, fun, friends
And the girls too, you can't live without them!
I wish you everything - everything - everything!
Let the birthday bring joy!

You are a cool guy - everyone is easy with you,
After all, you are always the soul of any company.
Bathed in public attention
Always at odds with friends and with himself.
You know the answer to all questions
Always in a great mood.
No one will doubt:
You are a cool guy! Cooler - just no!

All doors are open for you
We can't go astray now
And in success, without a doubt, believe
Go through all the obstacles together
I congratulate you tenderly
Happy birthday, be happy!

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The happiness of the birthday man is in the smile of a wonderful girl, loved ones and devoted friends, whom he was given a joyful childhood and fate. Life loves grateful souls for gifts, this is known to the young man and he uses it effectively for the benefit of all.

Our site will help you choose the best birthday wishes for your boyfriend. The decoration of your speech on this significant day will be excellent wishes, carefully selected taking into account the excellent humor of the birthday man. Celebration in the summer will be a very exciting event for all guests and friends of the birthday boy: fishing, barbecue, relaxing in hammocks under the rays of the gentle sun, songs, dancing, swimming in the river. This will fill you with feelings of joy, harmony and an excellent charge of vivacity.

The stores have a fairly decent selection of what you can give a guy for his birthday: binoculars, spinning rods, tennis rackets, clothes for sports and leisure. If you wish, issue a gift card with a certain amount of money, which will allow a real man to choose what he will definitely need and like.

Friendship is a great art, and relationships between people become a guarantee of happiness and gratitude for being born, a way to comprehend the beauty of this amazing world that we meet every day and learn to protect and appreciate.

It's great if the birthday greetings to the guy from our site are heard on the radio, your favorite musical composition will be a fabulous completion of your wishes to the one who was lucky enough to be born on this memorable day.

You are very reliable
Calm and sensitive
And I'm looking forward to
I count the minutes

See you when we
Separated from you
My favourite
And the dearest!

I wish you
On your birthday
Health, success,
Good luck and luck
easy roads,

Happy returns
my most desired
And the most beautiful!

It's your birthday today
This is the happiest of days.
Let my congratulations be here
It will also be your joy.

On this day I wish you happiness
And wonderful long, long years.

May you not have bad weather, -
Only stars, only sunshine.
May love come to you big:
Not for a year - for eternity, forever.

And let your dear life be
Light as spring water.
May your thoughts always be pure,
And let life be more beautiful than beauty,

Let friends be faithfully faithful,
The breath of spring lives in the soul.
Entering life, remember the words:
Kindness is omnipotent, love is always right!

I chose you from all the guys
After all, you are the smartest, strongest, bravest.
And I never once for so many long days
She did not regret her choice.

I hope that you, my golden one,
Meet me without regret.
With me, I know it's not easy sometimes
But I love you, my dear, happy birthday!

You are cute, good
Very friendly!
I want to congratulate you on your birthday!

I adore you,
I'm waiting for calls
I wish you success, good luck!
Dreams come true - I wish!
After all, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Hurry up to read as many books as possible,
Hurry to touch the sticky birch leaf,
Hurry to catch the sunrise moment
And hurry to dry the girl's tears.

Hurry to help if they are waiting for you,
And if they are not waiting, hurry to come uninvited:
'Cause it's better to show up too early
Too late or never at all.

Hurry to attack if the hour has struck
And war trumpets blared.
Hurry up to be courageous, but not rude,
And undress what he hid in reserve.

Do not succumb to evil and do not be angry in vain,
Hurry up to argue if you think differently.
Hurry but never rush
Be a human, not just an adult.

Happy birthday, happy fun!
Accept wishes:
Be happy! Be lucky!
Never be discouraged!

May you shine on the road
Justice Star!
Let love notice you
And never quit!

We wish you to be strong and kind!
We congratulate you on your birthday!
Good luck, success, conquering heights!
Ability to fit into any turn!

Favorite business, reliable family!
So that your wishes come true!
So that all undertakings continue easily
And they ended with a bright victory!

I'm beautiful on this day
I give you the whole world
"So be very happy," -
I speak from the heart.

Let your life flow like a river
Passing stones and rapids.
And let them bypass
You sadness and anxiety.

Your hands will always warm
And the look will fill with kindness,
With you I do not know boredom
It's good to have you with me.

Let your holiday be celebrated
So, to remember the whole century.
Like me, everyone knows for sure:
You're a wonderful person.

Walking the path of the universe
Smile at your reflections.
amazing creation,
I don't like it when you are sad.

The man I love
There are many adversities in life.
I want to give you forever
Without annoying hassles and worries.

I want to wish you happiness
Even more than there is on earth;
And even though it is not in my power,
Everything beautiful is only for you.

For your eyes with sincere joy,
For fervent spiritual fuse,
For you, with your sensual passion,
Raising a glass tonight!

We congratulate you today
We sincerely wish you
Happy days and gentle caresses,
A cute princess from a fairy tale
A difficult victory in the struggle -
Let everything be yours!

Today I want to congratulate my real man on his birthday and wish him: let everything that is needed in life, than life happens, be good: love, health, happiness, friendship and an eternally kind soul. With an open heart and love, I wish you happiness and health!

I congratulate you on your birthday! May you have all the qualities that are inherent in a real man - purposefulness, confidence in yourself and your abilities, the ability to plan and clearly follow your plans, achieve goals! Let health never fail you, and happiness will always be with you!

Your birthday has arrived! I want to wish you only the best - may luck and luck never leave, may happiness and kindness always be with you, may those you love never fail or betray! I wish you a great mood and incredible success in all matters!

I congratulate you on your birthday and I want to wish you to be courageous, strong and healthy! Every man knows what he needs to be happy, so I want to wish you health and good luck, joy and success, all the best that you can imagine! Let there be enough money for all whims, and let joy bring every moment!

I congratulate you on your birthday, and I want to wish you success, prosperity and happiness! May constant luck and joy always be with you, may good luck and good health be with you! You deserve to strive for the best, know how to achieve what you want and hurry to win, enjoying life!

Happy birthday! Congratulations and I wish you the realization of all that you dream of! What does a real man dream about? About a reliable rear, about well-being, about health, about children! So let everything you have is what you want! Achieve your own, know how to enjoy every day and be with those you believe in!

What is he, a real man? This is a person you can rely on at any moment, who you can trust, with whom you can just talk heart to heart. A real man is my favorite. I am so happy to be with him. Today, my beloved, celebrates his birthday. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your triumph. Let your life flow calmly and confidently, like a full river. I wish you good luck in everything, good health, always good mood and well-being.

Our dear birthday boy! Happy holiday to you! Let this serious and big date not come on the throat of your cheerful, reckless song, let it not unlearn you to enjoy life and enjoy every day of it! We heartily congratulate you, our young Anniversary!

Congratulations, Birthday, Happy Birthday, I wish you strong steel Health, steel nerves, steel-strong connections and stainless Love!

I wish you to live to be a hundred years old, may the motor in your chest work without interruption and without repairs, may your life be a wide and even track without potholes and potholes. I also wish that you do not skid on sharp turns, that you always firmly hold the steering wheel of your life in firm hands. Good luck and happy journey!

Let the moments of joy and rest give the heart serenity and joy, color life in bright colors, and happiness, like music, sounds in the soul!

May God grant you to live to so many years that it would be impossible to count them! May God give you excellent health! God bless you and eat and drink always enough! Love your wife without days off and a thousand percent per annum!

I congratulate you today, dear birthday man, on this wonderful holiday - your birthday! I wish that the path of life spreads under your feet like an even, satin, soft ribbon! Let there be no uneven seams, notches, gaps on it. Go forward cheerfully, looking to the future with optimism!

Dear birthday boy! Happy Birthday! I wish that the windows of your soul were wide open for fresh, bright, sunny emotions, a smiling mood and new friends! Let nothing cloud your smile! Be brave, decisive and courageous, overcome uncertainty and believe in victory!

May it get better every year, happy birthday to you. I also want to wish health like granite, success in everything and true love. I wish the former man happiness and great career growth. We are good friends and it's wonderful, because the time that we spent was very interesting. For you, every toast and all these wishes, may your mood always be excellent.

Dear birthday boy! Happy Birthday! With all my heart we wish you that not a single beauty passes by you calmly! Let all young ladies between the ages of sixteen and eighty be thrilled by your mere glance! Happiness to you and success!

Our lovely birthday boy! Happy Birthday! And we wish you total female love and a bottomless purse in which “cabbage” would multiply by budding! Never lose your sense of humor and keep smiling!

So your long-awaited holiday has come - your birthday. Every year you become only wiser, and you do not need to pay attention to age, these are just numbers. You are a man in the prime of life, energetic and cheerful, stay the same always, achieve what you want and be on top.

May your life be long, amazing, incredible, harmonious and simply magnificent. May all your innermost desires come true soon, and may your health be the strongest and never fail. Youth to you, good spirits, peace, comfort in the house and all earthly blessings, happy birthday.

Dear birthday boy! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish that on this holiday and on other days your mood is sunny! Let life be full of bright events, happy meetings and unexpected, but pleasant surprises! Let your soul be young and inquisitive in spring!

Happy birthday, our dear birthday boy! Congratulations on this wonderful holiday! Let there be more joyful, cheerful, unexpected events in your life! Let the past years not put pressure on your shoulders. Let only devoted and loving people be around you! Light, peace, joy and happiness to you!

Let a unique smile never leave your lips on this holiday, let positive emotions fill your soul, and your mood will be delightful. I wish you endless happiness, immense love and good health. May good luck pursue in all matters, and cherished desires will soon come true. ©

I have been waiting for a long time to congratulate a wonderful man on his birthday, and now this holiday has come. With all my heart I wish you well-being, harmony, financial stability and prosperity. Let your dreams come true, and every new day gives a lot of positive impressions.

I’m in a hurry to wish you a wonderful birthday, my golden friend, brother, a young and bright man, so that you do not lose heart, believe in the best, do not get upset and find positive moments in everything. I wish you that the sun in the blue serene sky shines only for you, giving you the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. May every day of your life bring you joy and success, a smile and sweet memories, a fairy tale and fun. Happy holiday to you, our dear!

I wish you, my dear, my wonderful boyfriend, I wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness, so that there is not a day of bad weather, so that people smile, so that all dreams come true. I wish you to hide behind the moon at one o'clock in the night, to find luck, a super mood, to be surprised, to wait for love. Young man, on your birthday I give you courage as a reward for your patience, I give you wonderful words. Happy holiday, my love!

Today, my beloved man, celebrates his birthday. And on this wonderful day, I want to wish you that your hands get tired not from work, but from money, your tongue wobbles not from drunk alcohol, but from happiness, your eyes twitch not from nerves, but from admiration!

I once met a man who changed my life forever. This man taught me to enjoy life, to smile at failures, to fly with happiness. This man taught me to love and showed me how to be loved! Today, this person is celebrating his birthday, and I just want to say thank you. Thanks for being there!

My favorite! Today, when we celebrate this wonderful event - your birthday, I want to tell you that you are the best of all men for me! You give me peace and security. Thank you! And I sincerely wish that it will always be so. Let nothing destroy our love!

My favorite man! Happy Birthday to you! With all my heart I wish you to be successful in every business you have conceived. It is easy to overcome any difficulties and troubles that may come along the way. Always be cheerful! I want you to know how much I love you! And so it will always be!

Happy birthday wonderful man! I wish you to be green as a cucumber, slender as a Christmas tree, smart as an owl. Don't bury your head in the sand like an ostrich. Be considerate, kind and caring. And no matter what year it is, always remain faithful like a swan, brave like a lion, strong like a bull and funny like a panda.

Happy birthday to you, my dear birthday boy! I sincerely wish you that your life path is always illuminated by the guiding star of Happiness, Joy and Success! May you meet only good, kind-hearted people on the way and give you optimism!

Kind, sympathetic, gentle, caring, sensitive - it's all you, dear birthday boy! On your birthday, I wish you to keep in your soul only positive emotions, fun, optimism, a good sense of humor! Happiness, joy, kindness and love to you!

An amazing man is celebrating his birthday today. And on this fantastic holiday, I wish him fabulous wealth, a magical life, magical luck, cosmic success in life and heavenly pleasure. Let innermost desires come true, and the mood will always be positive.

Happy birthday to a lovely man. I wish you strength, inspiration, vivacity, well-being and prosperity. May all your innermost desires come true, and optimism and cheerfulness simply overwhelm you. Happiness to you immense, heroic health and great mutual love.

Happy birthday, beautiful man! I wish you to be a real man, sincere, brave and strong. Let nothing make you hesitate--> e****ya.

I congratulate a charming and attractive man on his birth! On this day, let everything be unusual and let fate give you many joyful minutes.

Happy birthday, dear birthday boy! I sincerely wish that a sunny, cheerful, butterfly summer always reigned in your soul! May gloom and slush never settle in your heart! Let the warmth of loved ones and loved ones warm you in difficult times. And yourself - be a source of joy!

Happy birthday to you, dear birthday boy! On this joyful day, I want to wish you that your life is like a rainbow - let it contain a variety of combinations of colors and shades! May your fate be colorful, bright, filled with interesting events and happy meetings!

At this festive moment, taking this opportunity, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I always wish the best for my ex. Our destinies are in our hands, do not lose this opportunity. Be brave always caring for your goals in life. Make every dream come true, let your life be like a fairy tale. And let faith, love and hope always reign in the soul.

I wish the ex-man a lot of happiness, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on his birthday. If you believe in miracles, they happen, and if hope lives in the heart, all dreams come true. Every person should do good, I wish you always lucky my friend. I want passionate love to warm you with warmth, and this feeling gives a sea of ​​all sorts of impressions. If you want to live well, help others, and give a lot of tenderness to your loved ones.

Our precious birthday boy! Congratulations on this wonderful holiday - your birthday! We wish you to weigh no less than a centner, because, as you know, there should be a lot of a good person! And you are not just good, you are the best! Happiness to you!

Our birthday boy is amazing! Happy Birthday! We wish that in life there will always be a place for a miracle. Well, for example, so that the wife does not “saw” for lying on the couch, the management increased the salary for beautiful eyes, and the cash did not run out in the wallet!

Happy birthday to an interesting, wonderful, magical, amazing man. I wish you aspirations upward, steep ascents in life, colorful emotions, fabulous prosperity and all earthly blessings. May you have just a great mood every day, and your eyes shine with bright lights from happiness.

Our beloved birthday boy, congratulations on this wonderful holiday - your birthday! May joy, happiness, light and joy, fun and optimism always fill your heart! May sadness and anxiety never meet on your life path! All the best to you in life!

Our favorite birthday boy! We sincerely congratulate you on this joyful holiday - your birthday! We wish that in your life there was a place only for positive emotions, happy events and friendly, sympathetic people. And all the bad - let it pass you! Good health, joy and happiness!

Happy Birthday! I wish you cheerfulness, fun, energy, positive, strength, good spirits, Siberian health and extraordinary love. Let loved ones protect from adversity, and friends never leave. We wish you well-being, amazing happiness and all the best!

I want to wish a wonderful young man a happy birthday. I wish you never to be sad, but with confidence to strive upward and achieve your desired goals. Let unshakable luck follow you on your heels, relatives always support you in everything, and dreams come true at the speed of light.

Happy birthday to a charming and gorgeous man. I wish you a bright and rich youth, great and high-profile victories in life, confident steps and actions, the rational use of your strengths and the use of your abilities, creativity in ideas and sincerity in relationships, prosperity at home and happiness on the way.

A man in his prime, I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you not to waste time, but to distribute it wisely, breathe deeply and use all the opportunities that youth gives us. Be healthy, loved and successful.

Happy birthday! A bright celebration, crazy surprises, unexpected meetings and the fulfillment of secret fantasies.

Happy birthday to a young and beautiful man! We wish that you can always realize yourself and achieve what you want. Be loved, strong, strong and healthy! Let the world around you bring prosperity, positive emotions and reliable comrades. Live so that every day is history!

Happy birthday to a wonderful young man. I wish you great news, bright events, fun ideas, beautiful ideas, indispensable success, great victories, good days, happy moments, romantic adventures, courageous deeds, strong strength.

Happy birthday young man. With all my heart I wish to be a winner in life, a true leader in all matters, a brave hero and a passionate man of love adventures. Let life give a lot of impressions, good stories and good luck.

Happy birthday, wonderful young man. I wish you not to know defeat and despair for a century, I wish you to meet every day with strong strength and true faith in your success, I wish you to easily repulse any opponent and allow yourself to be gentle next to close and dear people.

Happy birthday to a wonderful young man. I wish you inner peace and external attractiveness, I wish you brave strength and undoubted courage, I wish you the respect of those around you and the sincere love of your relatives. May everything you strive for be yours without fail, may everything you avoid never meet your path.

Happy birthday to a wonderful man. You are young and full of energy, I wish you always to remain so. Let the heart work like a motor, let the bowler brew interesting thoughts, let every day in your life be successful and eventful.

Happy Birthday. I wish you to be a proud young eagle, soaring freely across the sky of great prospects, cutting through the expanses of great success. Be creative, smart and talented, beautiful, interesting and in love, tireless, purposeful and unique, inspired, confident and invincible!