Congratulations. Happy birthday congratulations to the deputy in prose from myself in my own words Happy birthday to the deputy

We publish congratulations received by the parliamentarian.

Federal executive authorities

State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

S.I. Neverov, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Secretary of the General Council of the United Russia party

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Happy Birthday!
I wish the realization of all good undertakings, good health and longevity. May success and good luck accompany you in life. Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

V.A. Vasiliev, h Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, head of the United Russia faction

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Happy Birthday! Let your experience and professionalism contribute to the successful solution of the tasks set, and the trust shown by the voters will be the basis for high results in work.
I wish you good health, prosperity and all the best.

O.I. Arshba, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the State Duma Commission on Deputy Ethics, Member of the State Duma Committee on State Building and Legislation

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations and best wishes on your birthday!
With all my heart I wish you good health, cheerfulness, creative energy and optimism!
May success accompany you in fulfilling your fruitful plans and creative aspirations, and may harmony and happiness, peace and prosperity soar in your home!

A.M. Makarov, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Committee on Budget and Taxes

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On this day, let me join the many wishes, sounding your address and add a few words.
I sincerely wish powerful creative energy, good spirits and an inexhaustible desire to move forward. Always remain a person of strong character, a strong inner core, and let the warmth and love of relatives and close people always help in everything. May life give many more years filled with great deeds and earthly joy.

I.I. Gilmutdinov, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Committee on Nationalities Affairs

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere wishes for good health, family well-being and long life! May good luck always accompany you! May reliable friends always be by your side, and the love and support of loved ones and relatives will give strength for new achievements! May your innermost desires and aspirations come true, may all the good that is in your life be preserved and multiplied!

P.N. Zavalny, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Energy Committee

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept our sincere congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness, success in the implementation of plans and undertakings, significant results in your work, mutual understanding and support of friends and colleagues. Blessings to you and your family and friends!

O.V. Savostyanova, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Committee on Regulations and Organization of the State Duma

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you and your loved ones on your birthday! I wish you health, prosperity and significant professional success. May good luck, understanding and support from colleagues and like-minded people accompany disputes in all undertakings, and may difficult work bring satisfaction and creative victories.

A.G. Aksakov, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!

May the sincere trust of your colleagues and the comprehensive support of your family and friends give you strength for further legislative work. I wish you to remain true to the ideals of justice and kindness, to achieve maximum success in protecting the interests of Russia, in striving to help people. Health, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Ya.E. Nilov, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs, Member of the Commission on Deputy Ethics

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Happy birthday to you! I sincerely wish you to increase what has been achieved and energy for the implementation of all your plans! May you always be accompanied by the support of loved ones, good luck, luck. May peace and tranquility reign in your soul. On your holiday, accept the most heartfelt wishes of love and warmth of the family hearth, good health, prosperity!

A.L. Krasov, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Chairman of the Defense Committee

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations on your birthday!
On this significant day, I wish you good health, real happiness, success in all your affairs and undertakings for the benefit and prosperity of our Russia! May there always be peace and prosperity, sincere love and warmth in your home!

V.N. Pivnenko, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Regional Policy and Problems of the North and the Far East

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!
On this day, with all my heart I wish you good health, inexhaustible love of life, support from colleagues and fidelity of friends, well-being, success, optimism, new achievements and long life.
May peace, goodness and happiness reign in your home.

V.S. Shurchanov, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Budget and Taxes

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Warmly and cordially congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish you good health, success in your parliamentary work, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

V.A. Sinyaev, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chief of Staff of the United Russia faction in the State Duma

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I congratulate you on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you and your loved ones good health, happiness and prosperity! May true friends and associates always be with you! Let success and luck accompany you in all your affairs and undertakings!

I.N. Ananiev, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chief of Staff of the United Russia faction in the State Duma
Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday! I wish you good health, excellent mood, outstanding professional success and support from your colleagues! May good luck, prosperity, attention and care of relatives and friends accompany you!

L.Ya. Simanovsky, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Budget and Taxes

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you success in your responsible and multifaceted activities in the interests of the state, society, and citizens of Russia.
Good health, happiness and prosperity to you, your family and friends.

A.N. Khairullin, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Agrarian Issues

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!

I sincerely wish you good health, success, prosperity and achievement of all your goals. Let luck always and everywhere accompany you, and every new day brings more positive emotions!

M.L. Shakkum, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Financial Market Committee

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I am glad to express my sympathy and respect to you. You are an energetic, purposeful person. Your professional approach to business and deep understanding of Russia's key problems make working with you interesting, useful and productive. With all my heart I wish you success, good health, happiness, well-being, the realization of all plans!

D.B. Kravchenko, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my congratulations on the occasion of your birthday, as well as good wishes for good health, happiness and prosperity!
May the cause you serve invariably grow stronger, and may life be filled with respect and support from colleagues and relatives!
Always count on my support and assistance in all your plans and undertakings for the benefit of our Motherland!

T.V. Saprykina, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!
You are doing great and important work, the results of which are of great importance not only for the Voronezh Region, but for Russia as a whole. I am grateful to fate for the opportunity to work with you, to be a member of your team, to invest my ambitions and aspirations for the benefit of common goals.
Let me wish you and your loved ones good health, great happiness, prosperity and success in all your endeavors.

V.N. Karamyshev, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee on Agrarian Issues

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday! May the desire and energy always live in you for the fulfillment of your plan, and all the best that you have done will be developed and continued. May your rich experience, competence, active life position continue to be the basis of your life.
With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness, prosperity and success in all your affairs and undertakings!

A.I. Petrov, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Member of the Health Protection Committee

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!

Your professionalism and experience as a person with strong convictions, rooting for the present and future, wisdom and dedication to your work, integrity and ability to work with people deservedly earned you credibility and recognition. I sincerely wish you good health, happiness and prosperity, cheerfulness and optimism, fruitful work and great success in your work for the benefit of Russia.

G.V. Anikeev, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee for Public Associations and Religious Organizations

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I wish you new achievements in serving the Fatherland, good health, happiness, kindness and prosperity!

Yu.V. Smirnov, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!

I sincerely wish you good health, happiness, inexhaustible vitality, fulfillment of your plans and success in all your affairs. Let luck never leave you, and the love of loved ones and the support of colleagues will be a reliable support on your way. All the very best to you!

M.P. Bespalova, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee on Budget and Taxes

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!
With all my heart I wish you good health, spiritual harmony, well-being! May reliable friends always be by your side, and the love and support of your relatives give you strength and energy for good deeds!

V.S. Skrug, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee on Budget and Taxes

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good health, happiness, prosperity and success in your intense and responsible work for the benefit of the Russian Federation.

A.V. Kanaev, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!
With all my heart I wish you good health and prosperity, inexhaustible optimism and successful implementation of all your plans and ideas! May this day bring you kind smiles and sincere congratulations from colleagues and friends, add strength and energy, inspire you to new successes and victories. Happiness, kindness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

V.V. Bokk, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Member of the Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!
On this day and always, I wish you good health, dizzying happiness, well-being in all spheres of life, as well as devotion and understanding of friends and colleagues.
Let every day give you new perspectives, bring prosperity and joy. Good luck and further success in reaching new heights!
May your home be filled with love and care of loved ones and relatives.

S.V. Chindyaskin, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
Please accept my sincere wishes for good health, happiness, good mood and good luck! May there always be true friends and like-minded people who support you in all your endeavors.
Long life, prosperity to you, your family and friends!

N.D. Kovalev, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, member of the commission for consideration of federal budget expenditures aimed at ensuring national defense, national security and law enforcement

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
I sincerely wish all the best, happiness and health, good luck and prosperity to you, as well as to your family and friends!

V.V. Burmatov, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee on Regulations and Organization of the State Duma

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!

I wish you success and prosperity, the realization of your bold plans, the realization of all your undertakings.
Let your business qualities, the trust and support of colleagues, and the loyalty of friends become a reliable basis for new achievements. May all your plans come true, and may health and good mood become the key to your successful and fruitful work for the benefit of our country.

B.M. Gladkikh, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Member of the Energy Committee

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept our most sincere congratulations on your Anniversary!
I sincerely wish you good health, prosperity, optimism, an inexhaustible supply of energy for successful work and achievement of all your goals. May good luck accompany you always and in everything, may every day please you with good deeds and deeds.

D.V. Lameikin, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee on Nationalities Affairs

Dear Sergey Viktorovich! Happy birthday to you!
A lot of strength and energy, dedication and hard work require your professional activities. Therefore, with all my heart I wish you good health, happiness, joy, well-being, optimism, longevity in your parliamentary career for many, many years to come.

IN AND. Afonsky, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee on Transport and Construction

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept our sincere congratulations on your birthday!
With all my heart I wish you good, comfort and warmth in your home, good health, long life and a peaceful sky above your head.

A.I. Fokin, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! I wish you good health, longevity, prosperity, peace and kindness. May your life always be filled with understanding and support of like-minded people, warmth and care of relatives and friends.
I am convinced that your rich life experience, high human and professional qualities will always serve the benefit of Russia!

S.I. Kazankov, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee on Budget and Taxes

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you happiness, optimism and inexhaustible energy, so that all life's difficulties and hardships are overcome with ease, and good luck accompanies you in all your affairs and undertakings.
May all your plans and hopes come true, and may love and prosperity always reign in your house. Let every new day be filled with bright, interesting events, and inspiration and determination never leave you! Health to you and your loved ones!

Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

V.V. Ryazansky, Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on social policy, Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Board of the All-Russian public organization "Union of Pensioners of Russia"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday!
I wish you good health, prosperity, inexhaustible energy for the realization of all your plans, a long and active political life, good luck in all your endeavors, good deeds and success in your difficult but noble work for the good of Russia.

B.C. Timchenko, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the Rules and Organization of Parliamentary Activities

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept the warmest and most sincere congratulations on your birthday!
I sincerely wish you good health, excellent mood, happiness, good luck, the implementation of all your plans and well-being to you and your loved ones.
May this day be filled with joy and warmth of smiles of your friends and relatives!

S.N. Lukin, Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept our sincere congratulations on your birthday!
Your career is a vivid example of the activity of a person who harmoniously combines the best qualities of a professional practitioner and a patriotic citizen.
I am sure that your deep knowledge, talent as an organizer, rich experience in leadership and legislative activity, inexhaustible energy will continue to contribute to the socio-economic development of the Voronezh region, as well as to the prosperity of all of Russia.
With all my heart I wish you new successful large-scale projects and success in all your endeavors.
Happiness, prosperity, good health and long life to you and your loved ones!

I.I. Salpagarov, Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! I wish you further successful parliamentary activity and good luck in it! Good health, happiness, peace, harmony and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

MM. Ulbashev, Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
Let me wish you health, success, new professional achievements and good luck in implementing your plans. May your life be filled with happiness, prosperity, love and warmth of relatives.

R.E. Goldstein, Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good health, prosperity, happiness, true friends and reliable partners, success and fulfillment of all plans!

Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation
S.I. Shtogrin, auditor

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday!
I wish you good health, great personal happiness, good luck and optimism. May new professional achievements accompany you on your life path, work brings satisfaction and well-being. And the good disposition of friends and relatives will be the key to a good mood - enthusiasm and inspiration, peace and prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society and human rights
A.S. Brod, director of the Moscow Bureau for Human Rights, member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society and human rights, member of the Association of Lawyers of Russia

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!
I wish you good health, new achievements in your important work, inexhaustible optimism in life, happiness and kindness, and family well-being. We look forward to further cooperation with you!

Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
V.Yu. Chernikov, Member of the Coordinating Council for Transport Insurance of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
You are a person who has taken place and you do not need to prove this solvency to anyone. You are a person who knows how to create and manage this gift, like a great master. Your principles of honor and service to justice have become guidelines for me and your friends. I wish you health, inexhaustible energy in the knowledge of life, understanding from the outside world. Happy birthday!

Governor of the Voronezh Region
A.V. Gordeev

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
May you always be accompanied by energy and determination to achieve your goals, support from family and friends, mutual understanding of colleagues. With all my heart I wish you health, happiness, success and prosperity!

Governor of the Bryansk region
A.V. Bogomaz

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Happy birthday to you!
Your extensive knowledge, professionalism, competence, clear principled position, ability to work with full dedication allow you to successfully solve the tasks facing the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes. I wish you health, peace, kindness, success in all your endeavors for the benefit of Russia!

Head of the urban district of the city of Voronezh
A.V. Gusev

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! With your inherent professionalism, wisdom and far-sightedness, you give all your strength to ensure the well-being and prosperity of Russia, including the Voronezh Territory, its administrative center and their inhabitants. Following your inner principles, you always achieve your goal and never rest on your laurels. And this is deeply respected by everyone who had the opportunity to work and cooperate with you. I wish you good health and all the best!

Government of the Voronezh Region
V.A. Shabalatov, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!
I wish you success and prosperity, the realization of your most daring plans, the realization of all your undertakings.
May your life always be filled with creative work, understanding and support of friends and like-minded people.
I wish you good health, well-being, optimism and good spirits.

S.V. Yusupov, Head of the Department of Property and Land Relations of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the Department of Property and Land Relations of the Voronezh Region, please accept the most sincere congratulations on your birthday!
On this significant day, may all your hopes and aspirations come true, all the good things that you have already achieved multiply, your most cherished dreams and desires come true, and reliable like-minded friends always surround you.
We sincerely wish prosperity and comfort to your home, health and happiness to you and your loved ones!

A.F. Karyakin, Head of the Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept our sincere congratulations on your birthday!
On this wonderful day, I sincerely want to wish you good luck and prosperity, good health and family well-being. May you always be surrounded by kind, sympathetic friends, loving relatives and close people!

Yu.A. Bai, Head of the Department of Labor and Employment of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept sincere congratulations from the staff of the Department of Labor and Employment of the Voronezh Region and from me personally on your birthday!
We wish you active and fruitful work, the implementation of your plans, and further success.
achievements! Good health, happiness and prosperity

I.V. Selyutin, Head of the Control Department of the Government of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! You have a long and rich life behind you, which you follow as an open, honest person and a professional in your field. Responsiveness and openness in communication are in full demand and have earned the authority and respect of colleagues and comrades.
With all my heart I want to wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, positive mood, stability and new professional achievements. Warmth and light to your home, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

L.I. Akimenko, Head of the Department for the Prevention of Corruption and Other Offenses of the Government of the Voronezh Region

On behalf of the management team for the prevention of corruption and other offenses
Government of the Voronezh Region and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
On that festive day, accept sincere wishes for good health, happiness and prosperity! May peace, harmony and prosperity always reign in your home, and true friends will be nearby! Optimism to you, good mood, fulfillment of desires! Be strong in spirit, successful in business, lucky, loved!

A.R. Velichko, Head of the Forestry Department of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!

The Department of Forestry of the Voronezh Region wishes you a Happy Birthday!

We sincerely wish you good health, good spirits, good mood, active fruitful work, new creative ideas and promising projects! Let the accumulated life experience and wisdom help you reach new heights! Happiness, kindness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

A.A. Izmalkov, Head of the Department of Social Protection of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept the most heartfelt congratulations and wishes on your birthday!
Today you are working, giving all your strength, experience and knowledge for the benefit of people, skillfully turning plans into real deeds. May your energy, wisdom and all-round support of your colleagues be the key to the successful solution of the tasks set.
We sincerely wish you good health, happiness and well-being, joy and kindness, fruitful activity for the benefit and in the interests of the citizens of Russia!

Voronezh Regional Duma
IN AND. Netesov, Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Duma, Secretary of the Voronezh Regional Branch of the United Russia Party

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday and best wishes for success in your legislative and social activities for the benefit of a united and strong Russia and your native Voronezh Territory. As a deputy of the State Duma of four convocations from the Voronezh region, you are actively involved in solving the economic and social problems of the country and our region.
No less important is your public activity as one of the most prominent representatives of
party United Russia.
With all my heart I wish you, dear Sergey Viktorovich, good health, happiness, well-being, fulfillment
planned plans, all the best.

A.E. Verikovsky, Deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma, Chairman of the Committee on Budget Policy, Taxes and Finance, member of the Committee on Labor and Social Protection of the Population

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!

I wish life to be favorable to you, and the people who meet on the path of life to be kind and sincere.
May peace and comfort always reign in your home, and the attention and care that you give to others invariably return to you with spiritual harmony and joy. Good health to you, fulfillment of plans, love and prosperity!

HE. Yarkovaya, deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma,Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Entrepreneurship and Tourism , Member of the Committee on Public Policy, Legislation, Human Rights and Rules

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday!
On this wonderful day, I sincerely wish you a wonderful mood, good health, devoted like-minded people, new successes and victories! May your work continue to give you joy, plans and aspirations are easily implemented. Spiritual harmony, optimism, happiness, kindness and family well-being!

A.V. Blagov, Deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Health Protection, member of the Committee for Labor and Social Protection of the Population

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you success and prosperity, the realization of the most daring plans, the realization of all your undertakings. Let your business qualities, managerial talent, trust and support of friends become a reliable basis. Please accept my most sincere wishes for good health, inexhaustible love of life and well-being.

A.V. Chuzhikov, Deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports, member of the Committee for Transport, Road Facilities and Security

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you good health, inspiration, new peaks and achievements, happiness, joy, kindness, inexhaustible energy.

IN AND. Ostroushko, deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma, member of the Committee on Agrarian Policy, member of the Committee on Ecology and Nature Management, General Director of OAO Moloko

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my most heartfelt congratulations on your birthday. I wish you good health, well-being, strength and energy to continue the work you have begun and achieve your goals, and may the smiles and joy of relatives and friends remain the life-giving source of this energy. Administration of the city of Voronezh

N.S. Domnich, deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma, member of the Construction Policy Committee, member of the Transport, Road Facilities and Safety Committee

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept sincere and kind congratulations on your birthday!
With all my heart I wish you successful service to the Fatherland in the Voronezh region, further movement forward towards the goals set. Great success in difficult and responsible work in the name of
vital interests of the inhabitants of the Voronezh region, social well-being, new achievements for the benefit of our Great Russia!

Commissioner for Human Rights in the Voronezh Region
T.D. Zrazhevskaya

Happy birthday!
Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish you many bright events, achievements, interesting meetings and joyful days in your life! I wish you health, creative inspiration, fulfillment of your plans and cherished desires! May peace, love, luck and prosperity always be in your home!

Chief Federal Inspector for the Voronezh Region
A.M. Solodov

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
On this significant day, accept sincere wishes of happiness, health, new achievements and victories!
May your experience, energy, high human and professional qualities serve the strengthening and prosperity of your native Fatherland for many years to come!

Department of the Federal Treasury for the Voronezh Region
L.A. Berezhnaya, Head of the Federal Treasury Department for the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept sincere congratulations on your birthday from the staff of the Federal Treasury Department for the Voronezh Region and from me personally! May your innermost desires and aspirations come true, all the good that is in your life will be preserved and moments of joy will multiply.
We wish Luck, Success and Inspiration to be faithful companions in all your endeavors, and health and well-being in your daily life!

Control By state regulation tariffs Voronezh areas
S.N. Popov, Head of the Department for State Regulation of Tariffs of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!
With all my heart I wish you creative inspiration, success in your professional field, pleasant surprises from colleagues and loved ones, as well as inexhaustible energy, which is enough to put all your plans into practice.
I wish you and your loved ones good health, well-being, prosperity, kindness and peace!

Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Voronezh Region
V.V. Rokhmistrov, Head of the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
With all my heart I wish you kindness, generosity and prosperity. So that health does not fail. So that the mood is always on top. Let your life be filled with respect and support of colleagues, warmth and love of relatives and friends, real human happiness.
Please accept my sincere wishes for optimism, success and luck.

State Enterprise of the Voronezh Region "Unified Directorate of Capital Construction and Gasification"
I.Yu. Naichuk, head of the KP VO "Unified Directorate of Capital Construction and Gasification"
Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Accept congratulations on your birthday!
With all my heart I wish you good health, optimism in life, perseverance in achieving your goals, success in your work, family well-being and peace. May you have many more years of good luck on the path of life and the joy of communicating with relatives and friends.

Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Voronezh Region
A.F. Merkulov, Head of the PFR Branch for the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the staff of the Branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Voronezh Region and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your birthday! Let success, prosperity, respect and recognition be your constant companions and let every day be filled with vital optimism, joy and warmth.
We wish you health, family well-being, good luck and success in implementing your plans!

Voronezh City Duma

A.A. Zhukov, representative of the Voronezh City Duma on issues of interaction with the representative authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and external relations, member of the Standing Committee on Health; permanent commission on education, culture and social support of the population

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday!
May every day bring you joy
Success in work, comfort in the family,
Let old age come later
Live long on earth!
I sincerely, sincerely,
Do not know the unrest and interference,
To accompany forever
Health, happiness and success!

N.N. Obraztsov, deputy of the Voronezh City Duma

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
With all my heart I wish you well-being, love, happiness, good luck and good mood!
Be healthy, strong and successful in everything! May true friends always surround you, colleagues respect you at work, and relatives protect you at home!

Chamber of Control and Accounts of Voronezh
E.S. Litvinchuk, Chairman of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of Voronezh

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!
Behind all the peaks you have taken - Invaluable many years of experience, wisdom, professionalism. I wish that your inherent energy, purposefulness and optimism will always be the components of your success.
Let every day inspire you to good deeds and undertakings, and life will be full of joyful events, bright meetings, pleasant chores and fruitful deeds!
Goodness, love and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Strong structure
V.V. Zolotov Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation - Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the leadership of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you happiness, good health, kindness and success in your many-sided activities for the benefit of our Fatherland - Russia.

V.P. Balan, Head of the Personnel Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Major General of the Internal Service

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!
On this wonderful day, I sincerely wish you good health and happiness.
good hopes and inspiration, fulfillment of your most cherished desires!
May good things come to us and success
will be your faithful companions in all matters and undertakings!
May there be beauty in your life
and the warmth of the hearts of the people around you gives the joy of life every day!

O.V. Nefedov, head of the FSB of Russia in the Voronezh region, major general

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
I sincerely wish you good health, cheerfulness and optimism! May there always be faithful and trustworthy like-minded people next to you, and good luck and self-confidence will help to fulfill all your plans!
May fate be generous and supportive of you, may luck and success always accompany you, all your wishes come true!

G.Yu. Kazakov, Head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Voronezh Region, Colonel of the Internal Service

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the staff of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Voronezh Region, I congratulate you on your birthday! May your life be always filled with the respect and support of colleagues, the warmth and love of loved ones, real human happiness, inexhaustible energy, optimism and the ability to implement the tasks set to achieve positive changes in life.

A.N. Koshel, Acting Head of the Main Directorate of the EMERCOM of Russia for the Voronezh Region, Colonel of the Internal Service

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the leadership and staff of the main department of the EMERCOM of Russia for the Voronezh Region, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
Please accept our sincere wishes for good health, family well-being, happiness and professional success in your activities for the benefit of the Voronezh Region!

S.N. Pankov, military commissar of the Voronezh region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The command and staff of the military commissariat of the Voronezh region warmly and cordially congratulate you on your birthday.
We know you as a worthy representative of the Voronezh Territory in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
We have always been bound by friendly relations and close cooperation in the interests of solving the problems of the defense capability and security of the state, raising the status of the profession of defenders of the Fatherland, organizing military-patriotic education of young people and preparing them worthy to serve in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Over the years of your parliamentary activity, you have made a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the Voronezh region, and it is no coincidence that today you have aimed your organizational talent, creative creative spirit, ability to implement your plans in practice, to solve complex problems in the course of your deputy activity.
On this significant day, we wish you, dear Sergey Viktorovich, the successful continuation of much-needed and significant activities, both at the federal and regional levels, good health, family well-being, optimism and the fulfillment of all your life plans.

A.P. Nakhimov, head of the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, major general of police

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept our sincere congratulations on your birthday!
Your legislative and public activities, combined with high professional competence and extensive managerial experience, have allowed you to become one of the well-known and respected politicians. The significance of your work is underlined by the responsible status of the people's choice, which you, thanks to the trust of the people of Voronezh, have had for more than fifteen years. The justification for this trust is your high political activity, wide public activity, devotion to the interests of society and the state. Sincere love for your native land, the desire to make it prosperous and prosperous have won you the well-deserved respect and recognition of fellow countrymen.
I wish you further success in serving for the benefit of the Fatherland, good health, prosperity, peace and kindness!

S.S. Vykhor, head of the Voronezh Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, colonel of the internal service

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!
We sincerely wish you long and happy years of life in full health and surrounded by people who love you. Interesting, productive ideas and opportunities for their implementation, good spirits and good mood! Let the business to which you give your spiritual strength, experience and knowledge bring joy and desire for new professional achievements.

D.M. Makarov, lieutenant colonel, commander of a separate aviation squadron of the Central Regional Command

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The command and all personnel of the 11th Separate Aviation Squadron of the Central District of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation warmly and cordially congratulate you on your birthday!
The life path you have chosen is a worthy example of faithful service to the Fatherland, an example of professionalism and an active citizenship!
Friends, colleagues, everyone who has ever met or worked with you, associate your name with such high human qualities as wisdom, prudence, erudition, personal and business decency, the desire to help comrades, support them with a kind word and deed in Hard time.
To the one who confirms the words with deeds,
To the one who never leaves in trouble,
Who believes in himself
Set goals, take risks
And he never gives in to fate!
To the one with whom it is reliable, easy and calm,
To the one who is attentive, smart, worthy….
We wish you, dear Sergey Viktorovich, good health and longevity, great personal happiness and prosperity, peace and clear skies above your head!
We express our appreciation and gratitude for your vital position and cooperation in solving many important social issues. We hope that our business and friendly relations will develop and strengthen.

88th constituency authorities
V.N. Krasnoselsky, President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday.
Your life path deserves sincere respect, you have gained a reputation as a strong politician, competent manager, energetic and responsible person who can generate interesting socially useful ideas and vividly and convincingly translate them into reality.
I wish you good health, happiness, prosperity and joy, successful and fruitful work.

A.S. Shcherba, Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the Supreme Council of the Pridnestrovian Republic and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your birthday.
I wish you good health, happiness and well-being, the realization of your plans, new achievements and professional success for the benefit of the Russian Federation.

G. M. Antyufeeva, Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the Committee for Legislation, Protection of Rights and Freedoms of Citizens of the Supreme Council of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, I congratulate you on your birthday!
Your competence, outstanding managerial talent and high responsibility, political will and firmness of your position have earned you well-deserved authority and comprehensive support from colleagues and citizens of Russia living in our republic. Your work as a talented and dedicated people's choice, a competent and wise leader deserves high appreciation and respect!
I am convinced that your high professionalism and determination will continue to contribute to the achievement of your goals and the achievement of new successes in your activities aimed at protecting the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation.
On this significant day, I wish you good health, well-being, inexhaustible optimism, good luck in all matters and in good undertakings!

S.I. Khoroshilov, head of the administration of the Ostrogozhsky municipal district

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, optimism, good luck in all your undertakings, interesting plans and ideas, strength for the realization of all your plans.
Peace and goodness to you, love and happiness for many years to come!

P.V. Ponomarev, head of administration of the Khokholsky municipal district

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The administration of the Khokholsky municipal district sincerely congratulates you on your birthday! We wish you happiness, good health, prosperity and good luck!
Wonderful moments and wonderful moments,
In all prosperity, good luck, inspiration!
Let this wonderful day please
Warmth and love, fun and light!
We wish you good luck, brilliant success,
Health, hope, smiles and happiness!

S.V. Korchevnikov, acting head of the administration of the Leninsky district

On behalf of the administration of the Leninsky district and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
I sincerely wish you health, inexhaustible energy and the fulfillment of all your plans.
Let the work bring only positive emotions! May purposefulness, perseverance and good luck accompany you, and may there always be true friends and reliable like-minded people nearby!
Please accept my warmest wishes for family well-being and personal happiness! Peace and blessings to you and your loved ones!

S.V. Kanishchev, Chairman of the Electoral Commission of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I congratulate you on your birthday on my own behalf and on behalf of the Electoral Commission of the Voronezh Region!
Your professionalism and experience of a person with strong convictions, wisdom and devotion to his work, integrity and ability to work with people are deservedly appreciated by your colleagues.
Responsible positions are the ultimate concentration of attention, enthusiasm and dedication, and you fully demonstrate these qualities.
I sincerely wish you good health, happiness, optimism and new achievements! May there always be peace and prosperity in your home!

E.A. Gorodetskaya, Chairman of the CEC of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the Central Electoral Commission of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
This event is a wonderful occasion to express my good feelings to you, sincerely wish you all possible blessings. On this festive day, I wish you good health, happiness, family well-being, inexhaustible creative energy, peace and optimism. May love and understanding of loved ones, recognition and support of friends and associates accompany you always and in everything, and each new day is marked by new achievements and personal victories!
I sincerely wish that your energy, professional and life experience will always be faithful companions in solving emerging problems and the key to the successful implementation of all ideas and undertakings.

Authorities of other districts of the Voronezh region
V.V. Burdin, head of administration of the Talovsky municipal district

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept the most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!
With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness, joy, prosperity and good mood!
May success, luck and luck become your everyday companions in all matters, may each new day please you more than the previous one, and may life be filled with love and care of loved ones!

A.S. Sobkalov, head of administration of the Petropavlovsk municipal district

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday.
With all my heart I wish you good health, optimism, perseverance and patience in overcoming life's difficulties, complete mutual understanding and support of like-minded people, personal well-being and success in implementing your plans.

S.A. Vasilenko, Head of Administration of the Verkhnekhavskiy Municipal District

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my heartfelt and sincere congratulations on your birthday!
I wish you happiness and family well-being, good health for many years to come, as well as success in all your affairs and undertakings.

V.V. Kuznetsov, head of the administration of the Bogucharsky municipal district

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday!
On this significant day, may all your hopes and aspirations come true, all the good things that you have already achieved multiply, your most cherished dreams and desires come true, and reliable friends and like-minded people always surround you.
An active civic position, a sensitive and conscientious attitude towards people and business, a high degree of responsibility, exactingness and adherence to principles help you in solving problems and tasks in all areas of your activity.
Let the business to which you give all your strength, experience and knowledge, bring the joy of victories and the desire for new professional achievements, plans and ideas!
Peace, good health, happiness to you and your loved ones for many years to come!

SOUTH. Voloshin, head of the administration of the Povorinsky municipal district

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept sincere and warm congratulations on your birthday!
On this day, I sincerely wish you health, active fruitful work, new ideas, great opportunities, promising projects and the realization of all your ideas!
May your life always be filled with respect and support of colleagues and like-minded people, warmth and love of relatives and friends, real human happiness, inexhaustible energy and optimism!

Interregional Coordinating Council of the United Russia Party
Olga Khokhlova, Secretary of the Vladimir Regional Branch of the United Russia Party
Artyom Starostin, head of the regional executive committee of the Vladimir regional branch of the party "United Russia"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the Vladimir regional branch of the United Russia Party, we congratulate you on your birthday!
High professionalism, experience in political activity, exactingness to yourself and colleagues, adherence to principles, which are characteristic of you as a talented person and an effective leader, help you to cope with the tasks and current challenges with honor.
On this festive day, we wish you to always be a winner!
Happiness, kindness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!
We are always glad to see you on the Vladimir land!

V.A. Popov, member of the Presidium of the RPS, Acting Acting Head of the Regional Executive Committee of the Lipetsk regional branch of the party "United Russia"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the Lipetsk regional branch of the United Russia party, we sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. You have a unique life experience to your credit, thanks to which you successfully solve the most important state tasks. We are confident that high professional and personal qualities will help you to work effectively for the benefit of our Motherland in the future. We wish you happiness, health and success in the implementation of your intentional plans!

GS "Leader"
B.A. Nesterov, Head of the Megion Group of Companies

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
It is difficult to overestimate the attention that you give to the residents of the Voronezh Region at the federal and regional levels: with your personal participation, important
laws and decisions aimed at improving the quality of life of our fellow citizens work
public reception, provides assistance to those in need charitable akin and
much, much more. On your birthday, accept the wishes of good health, happiness, good luck in business and the realization of new good undertakings! May every day bring only good news and joyful meetings!

A.I. Volodko, head of the South-Eastern Railway, a branch of Russian Railways

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
From the leadership of the South-Eastern Railway, please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday.
For many years you have worthily represented the Voronezh Region in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, making a great contribution to improving the State system of taxation and efficient budget spending. It is gratifying that your parliamentary work is aimed at helping the region in solving many pressing problems.
I sincerely wish you good health, prosperity and success in your many-sided activities.

G.V. Chernushkin, founder of the Angstrem group of companies

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On your birthday, please accept my warmest and most cordial congratulations. May all your plans come true, and all that is done will bring joy and prosperity. May allies, time-tested and circumstances-tested friends, loving relatives and friends always be by your side.
We wish you well-being and good luck in all your endeavors.

Tsyban A.I., General Director of LLC "Vybor"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish you good health, peace of mind, inexhaustible optimism, bold plans, fruitful meetings and professional victories in the name of promoting the Voronezh Territory!

E.B. Alekseeva, General Director of CJSC PI "Giprokommundortrans"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and wish you good health, prosperity and success!
Let every day be marked by pleasant moments and new professional achievements. May life be filled with positive emotions and joyful days, peace, harmony and love will always live in your home.
Happiness to you and your loved ones!

I.A. Alimenko, General Director of Logus-Agro LLC

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!
With all my heart I wish you new professional victories and achievements, bright ideas and wise decisions. May good luck, well-being, understanding of colleagues and friends, attention and care of relatives and friends always accompany you. Good health, inexhaustible energy and optimism!

Banking system
ON THE. Ivleva, Deputy Chairman of the Central Chernozem Bank of OJSC Sberbank of Russia

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept the warmest congratulations on your birthday!
May your innermost desires and aspirations come true, all the good that is in your life will be preserved and moments of joy, love and optimism will multiply!
I wish good luck, success and inspiration to be faithful companions in all your endeavors, and health and well-being in your daily life. Perseverance and patience in solving everyday problems!

industrial community
A.P. Shevtsov, General Director of FPK Cosmos-Oil-Gas LLC

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!
There are such human qualities over which time has no power - duty, professionalism, responsibility, the spirit of creation. And this all applies to you.
Your high efficiency, based on high professionalism, decency, sensitive attitude towards people, exactingness and integrity in solving problems always lead to the successful solution of all the tasks that you face.
Let luck accompany every day of your life, and the soul remains young for many, many years!
Peace and blessings to your home!

M.O. Merabishvili, General Director of JSC "Tyazhmekhpress"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!
I wish you good health and happiness, inexhaustible energy and fruitful activity, the realization of all your plans, good luck and prosperity

EAT. Severgin, Deputy General Director of PJSC GK TNS energo — Managing Director of PJSC TNS energo Voronezh

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I sincerely wish you good health. inexhaustible energy and accomplishment of all conceived plans! Let work bring only positive emotions, let purposefulness, perseverance and good luck accompany you. and there will always be true friends and reliable like-minded people nearby. Please accept the warmest wishes for family well-being. personal happiness, peace and kindness to you and your loved ones.

Entrepreneurial community
YES. Ivagin, Chairman of the Board of SRO NP PGS, Deputy Chairman of the Board of SRO NP PGE

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the self-regulatory organization Non-profit partnership "Volga Guild of Builders" and self-regulatory organization Non-profit partnership "Privolzhskaya Guild of Energy Auditors" we congratulate you on your birthday!
Birthday is not just a holiday, it is an occasion to think about the path of life passed and outline new plans for the future, new heights to be conquered.
On this day, we sincerely wish you health, family warmth and comfort, fruitful work, reliable partners, may your cherished dreams come true, and possible obstacles on the path of life will be overcome, and only increase your strength, give wisdom and experience! Happy birthday!

Konstantin Baksheev, political consultant, coordinator of the information and ideological direction of the Maksimov-Consulting agency

Sergey Viktorovich, happy birthday! Strong interregional plans and point accomplishments! Quality, charge and the desired result!

E.I. Mikhalskaya, General Director of the Equator Recreation and Tourism Center

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Happy birthday to you! I wish that all your dreams always come true, desires come true, goals are achieved! Let your deputy activity always be directed to the benefit of people and life gives you great opportunities! Happiness, health, joy and spiritual harmony, true love, true friends and vivid emotions!

Legal community
S.V. Borodin, Managing Partner, Law Office "Borodin & Partners"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on the occasion of your birthday!
Your energy and experience as a person with strong convictions, rooting for the present and future of Russia, purposefulness and devotion to your work, adherence to principles and ability to work with people have earned you well-deserved respect.
Let efficiency, high business qualities continue to help you in the implementation of your ideas and undertakings. Prosperity and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Health care system
A.V. Shchukin, Head of the Department of Health of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Happy birthday to you!
Every year in a person's life is unique and valuable. He, like the next page of a book, gives new events, plans and hopes. May this year bring you success, many high achievements, bold ideas and personal victories. May the love of loved ones, the loyalty of friends and the support of colleagues always be with you.

S.Ya. Shcherbakov, chief physician of BUZ VO VOKOB

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish you good health, peace of mind and optimism! Good luck and good luck in all your endeavors! Happiness, kindness, prosperity!
May success and good luck always be your inseparable companions, and may any difficulties in life be overcome instantly!

V.A. Verikovsky, Chief Physician of the Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
Accept the kindest and sincere wishes of good health, well-being, happiness and good mood!
I wish you success in your complex, responsible and socially significant work, prosperity to your business, implementation of all the planned projects and goals.

Education system
YES. Endovitsky, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Rector of the Voronezh State University, Chairman of the Council of Rectors of the Voronezh Region Universities

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the many thousands of staff of the Voronezh State University, the Council of Rectors of the Voronezh Region universities and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
At various times you have held responsible leadership positions, over the years of work you have established yourself as a competent, responsible and energetic leader, devoting all your knowledge and efforts to the implementation of large-scale development programs for the region. You have a unique gift for bringing people together with a common desire for a goal, setting an example of making informed decisions and achieving high results. Diligence and hard work, perseverance in achieving your goals and a high level of responsibility have allowed you to achieve considerable success in your activities aimed at the effective development of the Voronezh Region, Sergey Viktovich, I sincerely want to wish you good health, well-being, successful implementation of all plans and projects, fruitful social and professional activities! May good luck always accompany you!

S.Ya. Kolodyazhny, Rector of Voronezh Flagship University

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the staff of the Voronezh Flagship University and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of your labor and social activities for our region. Both as a successful entrepreneur and as an energetic statesman, you are the clearest example of selfless service to your country, your people. Your constant striving to do everything necessary to make the lives of the residents of Voronezh better, so that the acute social problems that worry the citizens of our country find the right and timely solution, causes great respect.
We are distinguished by the ability to live not only for today, but also to see the future, turning our thoughts to the day to come. You are actively changing the world for the better by bringing to life many landmark projects. It is thanks to you that Voronezh is becoming a modern and even more beautiful city.
The great work that you do with voters, your willingness to help those who are in a difficult life situation and need help, responds with gratitude in the hearts of a huge number of people who have found support in your face.
May your work for the benefit of the Voronezh region and all of Russia continue for many more years! Let me wish you and your loved ones good health, peace, kindness and happiness!

S.I. Filonenko, Rector of the Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Professor

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept sincere congratulations on the occasion of your birthday from the staff of the Voronezh State Pedagogical University. Your state activity, active life position, successes in the business sphere, charitable projects inspire sincere respect. I wish you good health, well-being and new achievements in fruitful work on the implementation of high state powers.

E.D. Chertov, Rector of the Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, Deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma
G.I. Strukov, chairman of the trade union committee, associate professor, candidate of economic sciences

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The staff of the Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies wishes you a Happy Birthday!
Let me express my respect for your professional qualities. Your professionalism, determination, attentive attitude to people, high capacity for work and creativity are an example of a talented and authoritative leader. You are making serious and responsible legislative decisions aimed at improving the well-being of the Voronezh Region. We wish you good health, spiritual harmony and optimism, which is so necessary in your responsible post. Good luck and good luck in all endeavors. Happiness, kindness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

A.M. Sysoev, directorVoronezh branch Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! You are a person who sets high goals and knows how to achieve them! You are not only a well-known businessman, but also an effective political and public figure! Therefore, you have earned respect both as a legislator and as an initiator of socially significant charitable projects. I wish you good health, optimism, well-being, prosperity, successful future activities for the benefit of Russia and our native Voronezh region.
Let problems bypass you, and happiness, warmth of the hearth and true friends always remain with you!

E.S. Podvalny, director of the Voronezh branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere and heartfelt wishes on this festive day! May you always be surrounded by an atmosphere of kindness, sincerity and mutual understanding. Your professionalism, purposefulness, high capacity for work characterize you as a principled and authoritative leader.
I wish you inexhaustible energy for many years, good health and optimism, fulfillment of plans, happiness, kindness, prosperity to you and your loved ones!

M.I. Pershina, director of MBOU secondary school No. 56

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The administration, the teaching staff wishes you a happy birthday!

S.V. Mukasheva, director of the MKUK of the Repyev inter-settlement library

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday!
Being in a high government position, having colossal managerial experience, you skillfully make wise decisions and take responsibility for the development of the Russian statehood. As a deputy of the State Duma, you pay much attention to the development of cultural institutions in the Voronezh region. For your kind heart, attentiveness and indifference to our problems and concerns, for your boundless responsiveness and ability to understand and respond in time to topical issues of the time, I express my deep gratitude to you and wish you health, happiness, success in everything, peace of mind, family well-being.

V.P. Anisimova, Head of the District Children's Library of the MKUK "Repyevskaya Intersettlement Library"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The Repyevskaya Regional Children's Library and its readers wish you a Happy Birthday! Your life and work path is a vivid example of serving the Motherland. Sincere respect causes your professionalism and unconditional authority. Separate words of gratitude for your large-scale charitable work. We wish you health, energy, optimism, joy, new achievements! May there always be peace and prosperity in your home, and may the kindest words and wishes spoken on this day come true!

mass media
The staff of the publishing house "Free Press"
Congratulations to the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Voronezh Region Sergey Viktorovich Chizhov on his birthday!
One of the most prominent residents of Voronezh in recent decades, the representative of the interests of the residents of the region in the State Duma of the Russian Federation for four convocations, is 53 years old.
You are distinguished by active legislative activity and energetic work in the region, and almost everyone is familiar with your large-scale charitable projects. I would also like to note your inherent integrity, firmness and indifference in defending the social, financial and investment interests of the region.
We are confident that your initiative and high sense of responsibility will continue to contribute to the progressive development of both your native region and the entire country, as well as the creation of conditions for improving the living standards of its citizens.
We sincerely wish you health, inexhaustible energy and new achievements! May you always be accompanied by love and understanding of loved ones, recognition of colleagues and respect of voters.

The team of the weekly "Arguments and Facts - Chernozemye"
We sincerely wish you successful and fruitful work, strength and health, happiness and prosperity! May your family, dearest and closest people always be there!

Public Chamber of the Voronezh Region
V.N. Mesnyankin, Chairman of the Commission for Cooperation with Military, Law Enforcement and Administrative Bodies of the Civic Chamber of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. On this festive day, I sincerely wish you health, active fruitful work, inexhaustible energy, good mood, support and understanding of colleagues. Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones.

L.V. Nikitchenko, Chairman of the Advisory Council of Public Associations of the UNITED RUSSIA Party, Chairman of the Commission on Culture of the Civic Chamber of the Voronezh Region, Chairman of the All-Russian Regional Organization of the Confederation of Business Women of Russia LLC, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you happiness, excellent health, harmony of the soul and for many many years your activity for the benefit of our fellow countrymen, which we, Voronezh residents need so much.

Public organizations
E.L. Pronyaev, Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Council of Trade Unions

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept our sincere congratulations on your birthday! I wish you further success in your legislative activities, good health, happiness, peace of mind, love of relatives and friends, people!

S.A. Khodakovsky, Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Council of Veterans (Pensioners) of War, Labor, Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The Voronezh Regional Council of Veterans (Pensioners) of War, Labor, Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies sincerely congratulates you on your birthday!
Your name is well known. Your parliamentary activity brings tangible results in the development of the country, our region and modern society. You are sympathetic to the problems of the older generation. The constant support and comprehensive assistance to many elderly people in need have earned you the well-deserved respect.
We are convinced that our cooperation will continue to be enriched by new good deeds. We sincerely wish success in your responsible work, health, well-being, happiness to you and your family and friends!

IN AND. Koltakov, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the Council of Veterans of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Voronezh Region, we sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
The 15,000th veteran organization of Glaucus expresses its sincere gratitude to you for your selfless
activities in the State Duma to protect the social and economic interests of Voronezh residents, including strengthening
law enforcement system.
You uniquely combine high professionalism, deep knowledge, great capacity for work, decency and sincere
generosity. Thanks to these personal and business qualities, you rightfully enjoy well-deserved authority and respect among colleagues.
for work, the general public and veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
We rightfully consider you an Honorary Veteran in our ranks for tangible assistance in supporting the participants of the Great Patriotic War, the disabled,
family members of employees who died in the line of duty at a combat post in peacetime.
We sincerely wish you, Sergey Viktorovich, good health, new successes in work, family well-being, inexhaustible
energy, further, fruitful activity for the benefit of the Fatherland!

V.N. Razdaibedin, Chairman of the City Council of Veterans (pensioners) of the war, labor of the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The Voronezh City Council of Veterans (Pensioners) of War, Labor, Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies heartily congratulates you on your birthday!
Your whole life is connected with serving our people: our Motherland. Being in a responsible state post, you have done a lot for the further prosperity of our Voronezh region, as well as for improving the well-being of our people.
We wish you further success in your hard work, health, happiness and prosperity.

A.I. Mozhaev, Chairman of the Council of War and Labor Veterans of the Levoberezhny District, retired colonel of the Marine Corps

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday.
Let it be good every hour
Excellent mood!
Let repeat many times
Happy moments!
Let life give love and light,
Hope and luck
I wish you happiness, long years,
Good luck and inspiration.
All the very best to you.

N.N. Nevzorov, Chairman of the Leninsky district branch of the Union of Reserve Officers of the city of Voronezh

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

M.A. Zagryadsky, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Public Organizations for the Protection of the Rights of Patients of the Lipetsk Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish you good health and achievement of all your goals!

Opinion leaders
A.I. Zemlyanova, head of the home literary and art salon "Aliya"

Today, March 16, 2017, on this sunny blessed day, we, the participants of the home literary salon "Aliya", heartily congratulate the newborn Sergei Viktorovich Chizhov on his birthday!
We wish you good, light, joy of communication, healthy longevity, peace of mind and comfort.

Looking for official and original congratulations to a deputy on his birthday? We have the best congratulations on this occasion on our site. Choose the congratulation you like to the deputy in verse or prose and send it via SMS or congratulate in person. Please your friends, colleagues and loved ones more often with beautiful congratulations!


You are trying to solve the problem
The city is immediately put in order.
Being an MP is hard enough.
You need to carry the responsibility.

And so on your birthday
I wish you only good
So that success accompanies everywhere,
So that you are always healthy.

I also want understanding
And the support of all your relatives,
So that any of your undertakings
It was only for good deeds.


Happy birthday MP!
We wish you not to lose
Your deputy mandate,
Walk through life at a brisk pace
Always be successful in everything
If anything, we are always there -
Help, Help, Save!


Dear deputy, a fair and honest person, I congratulate you on your birthday. May your activity always be directed to the benefit of society, may it give great opportunities to solve any issue of life, may a ray of happiness and hope always shine in your personal life, may your comrades and relatives support you at the right moment.


Servant of the people - you are big and important,
And in anger you are just terrible,
But on your birthday cheerful, humorous,
The people need you just like that!

We heartily congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish wisdom, good luck and patience,
Always win elections
Give your all to the people!

So that everything is in order in your personal life,
And in the morning - jogging and exercising,
And fitness, and swimming pool, and volleyball,
So that you score the main goal in life!


The people entrusted you with the post,
Help is waiting for the electorate,
Happy birthday to you too
Congratulations MP.

I want solutions
Accepted for the people
To make everyone proud of you
Who voted for you.

May you have enough health
Stock up on power in reserve.
To be elected by the people
You are next.

Poems happy birthday to the deputy


I want to celebrate hot
I want to celebrate brightly
Let the neighbors be warned -
Today the deputy walked!

Forget business and papers
Let glasses and cups beat
Let the & laquo; birthday & raquo; this will be awesome
To even gasp in the government!


All the people unanimously
Said everyone agreed
To elect you as deputies,
To resolve the issue.

You justified the trust
All laws were passed.
Let me now
Knock softly on the door.

We want to congratulate you together,
Wish all you need -
Let happiness enter the house -
Let the miracle happen in life.


Happy Birthday,
Dear MP,
Let it be fulfilled in a moment
Everything you'll be happy with.

Everything will be - love and friendship,
And a house full of wealth,
To be a joy to serve,
Waiting for success in work to anyone!


You are a broad representative of the masses!
You are a deputy! You are the embodiment
People's hopes, ideas.
To make us all happier.
You - be more confident, bolder!
see many perspectives
And bright initiatives.
Happy birthday to you
The whole friendly team!


The strange boy is growing up
He is nine years old today
Happy birthday congratulations
Let it go great.

Be healthy and cheerful
Cheerful and strong
And bring home from school
Only the best grades!

Cool birthday greetings to the deputy


I wish on my birthday
To have strength and passion,
To protect interests
All those who gave you a bright start.

Carry your position with honor,
May you be lucky in everything
And your bright work is inevitable
Leads people to good luck.


Happy Birthday to You,
MP I congratulate
And the trust of the people
I want to justify you.

I want you to be ours
Defended the interests
So that no one regrets
That he cast his vote.

I want you to be honest
He was a faithful servant of the people,
Elected deputy,
To you we year after year.


May everything that you have in mind come true
After all, you know how to achieve goals!
I wish only to strive for the best
And always honestly fulfill your duty!

Health, strength, success and luck
I wish you always be rich!
You won't have doubts
That you are an excellent deputy!


Deputy dear, happy birthday!
Let the mood be good
We will all raise our glasses just for you,
Rejoice with success and further you all of us.

We wish you happiness and good luck,
To solve your important tasks,
Happy birthday to you,
We wish you happiness, joy, health!


You are a respectable person, state official, deputy,
And happy birthday to you today everyone is happy!
We sincerely congratulate you, and we want to wish you
To be an excellent deputy, keep promises,
To make the people happy, always voted for you,
To be healthy, never get sick!

Congratulations to the deputy on his birthday


You were chosen by the people
For great work.
On my birthday I wish
Confirm calculations.

May there always be enough strength
Honesty, enthusiasm.
Faithful to do things
Avoid discord.


Happy birthday deputy -
Very important person
You deserve to be an example
You clearly know everything.

Because we trust you
State and treasury
And we trust politics
And other people's fate.


We'll get up one-two-three
We are happy today
Happy birthday - we say
All servants of the people!

We value very much
Our deputy.
We wish you to live long
Don't lose your mandate

And be less sad
Though your path is difficult,
And at the top do not forget
About ordinary people.


Legitimately elected by the country
Now you make laws.
Not a bolt of power, you are steel,
Confident and unshakable.

Congratulating you on this day
And wishing happiness, of course,
We want to understand people
And treat them kindly.

Here, the main thing is not to retreat,
You were once chosen.
Let people trust
Your problems to the deputy.


You are a deputy and this is your strength,
You have long been accustomed to serving the people,
Though life shook and carried you,
But your appearance is simply chic!

I congratulate you on your birthday
On such a good, joyful day,
And I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart,
I call you luck on the threshold!

May your days be very long
Both friendship and love live with you,
And you work like a little bee,
And glory and honor will come to you!

Congratulations to the deputy on his birthday in verse


Serve honestly for the people
You at any time of the year!
Happy birthday MP
Happiness is a starfall

I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
I respect your sharp mind
And I really appreciate
For your responsiveness!


Happy birthday MP!
May success starfall
Will quickly enter life
It will bring a lot of happiness.

fruitful days to you
And peaceful nights.
To the most devoted family
To decorate all days!


You make laws
real deputy,
You know all about the problems -
The electorate said
And today is a happy birthday
We congratulate you
Stay the most honest
And don't live for yourself!


Dear MP,
I am sincerely glad to congratulate you.
Despite the large mandate,
So that there are no obstacles in life.

Celebrate your birthday skillfully
Very fun, bright and bold.
To be remembered forever
Even if years pass.


Happy birthday! Deputy path
Being you, apparently, was not chosen in vain.
You decided - it will be so, and when
You were chosen to our Duma,

So live and work with dignity,
Be happy with today
Stay calm all the time
So that your worries are in vain!

Do you try to solve all the problems
Put the city in order.
It's hard to be an MP
You need to carry the responsibility.

And so on your birthday
I wish you only kindness
So that success accompanies everywhere,
So that you are always healthy.

I also wish you understanding
And the support of all your relatives,
So that any of your undertakings
It was only for good deeds.

Happy birthday MP!
We wish you not to lose
Your deputy mandate,
Walk through life at a brisk pace
Always be successful in everything
If anything, we are always there -
Let's help, save, save!

I wish you to always remain such a successful, respected person and strive for the right goals that will benefit our state! Let everything go well in your personal life and at work! I wish you excellent health, long years and inexhaustible optimism!

Servant of the people - you are great and important,
And in anger you are just terrible,
But on your birthday cheerful, humorous,
The people need you just like that!

We heartily congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish wisdom, good luck and patience,
Always win in the elections,
Give your all to the people!

So that everything is in order in your personal life,
And in the morning - jogging and exercising,
And fitness, and swimming pool, and volleyball,
So that you score the main goal in life!

On this holiday
Congratulations MP
And I wish you a birthday
By career advancement.

Warmth, order at home
And huge opportunities
respect, prestige,
Let success run closer.

Let the projects come true
All dreams will come true
And income is growing, like in a fairy tale,
Not by the day, but by the hour!

All the people unanimously
Said everyone agreed
To elect you as deputies,
To resolve issues.

You justified the trust
All laws were passed.
Allow me now
Knock softly on the door.

We want to congratulate you together,
Wish all you need -
Let happiness come into the house -
Let the miracle happen in life.

Happy Birthday to You,
MP I congratulate
And the trust of the people
I want to justify you.

I want you to be ours
Defended the interests
So that no one regrets
That he cast his vote.

I want you to be honest
He was a faithful servant of the people,
Elected deputy,
So that we year after year.

Accept congratulations,
Dear MP,
Your path will be to victory
Always be rich.

I wish you strength, wisdom
Joy and inspiration
Never lose heart
I wish you a birthday.

May everything that you have in mind come true
After all, you know how to achieve goals!
I wish only to strive for the best
And always honestly fulfill your duty!

Health, strength, success and luck
I wish you always be rich!
You won't have doubts
That you are an excellent deputy!

I wish you strength for further achievements,
Find your creed among the multitude of opinions,
Keep promises, keep your word
Never disappoint in anything
Be honest, direct, avoid omissions,
Power opportunities to use fully
For the good of the people, and maybe yourself.
Well, how about yourself so that, and not loving?
In short, success and a lot of patience,
I congratulate you on your birthday!

I wish on my birthday
To have strength and passion,
To protect interests
All those who gave you a bright start.

Carry your position with honor,
May you be lucky in everything
And your bright work is inevitable
Leads people to good luck.

Dear deputy, fair and honest person, I congratulate you on your birthday. May your activities always be directed to the benefit of society, may life give great opportunities to solve any issue, may a ray of happiness and hope always shine in your personal life, may your comrades and relatives support you at the right moment.

I wish you to always remain such a successful, respected person and strive for the right goals that will benefit our state! Let everything go well in your personal life and at work! I wish you excellent health, long years and inexhaustible optimism!

Happy birthday, I want to congratulate a wonderful deputy. With all my heart I wish you success in politics, deep respect and reverence, interesting ideas and useful ideas, an easy solution to any issue, good health and good luck, family well-being and love.

Happy birthday to a man of good intentions and diligent efforts for the common good. I sincerely wish this wonderful deputy not to know defeat, to emerge victorious from any dispute, to never leave any of my useful ideas without implementation, to work with honor and dignity for people and personal happiness.

Happy birthday, glorious deputy. I wish respect and recognition of the people, support and reliability of colleagues, prosperity and development of the country. Let every business begin with a brilliant idea, and end with an enchanting success approved by everyone around. I wish you health, endurance, patience, excellent ability to overcome failures on the way and create comfort everywhere!

Trust of the people, Natural luck, Positive results of activity, Unique opportunities, Accurate hits on the target, Absolute self-confidence, A firm word of honor, - happy birthday, deputy. I wish that both in activity and in life everything develops peacefully and prosperously.

Happy birthday to a wonderful person, deputy of justice and honesty. I would like to wish you sincere respect and well-being in your work, great honor and dignity, useful ideas and good intentions, good health and stable success, good mood and personal well-being.

Happy Birthday. I wish that happiness be inviolable, that luck be undoubted, that people's trust be constant, that the road to goals be unhindered.

Happy birthday to you and wish that every next year will give you strength and energy for professional and creative success! We wish you to realize all your ideas, plans and productive work!

Happy birthday, people's hope. I wish, despite the surrounding views, doubts and obstacles, to always achieve your goals and thereby make the life of the city, the country much better, and your heart - kinder and happier.

Happy birthday to you today
Wants the entire electorate
Congratulations and admiration
Express to you, deputy!

You get the job done
Without deceiving us
Surrounded us with care
Love the people, love the country!

You health, longevity
Let's just wish
To you we are with a century
Congratulations on the post!

And congratulations on your birthday
You are our dear deputy,
Victory, good luck, we only wish
We are all for you, our dear.

Dear MP,
Every voter is happy
Happy birthday to you,
Well, I'm no exception

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
And I wish you the best:
Save yourself for us
So that everyone lives - super class!

You care about people
You are loved for this!
Be happy always
Let the dream come true!

Happy birthday congratulations,
Our dear MP!
We don't need, let's face it,
Besides you, the people's deputy is different!

Voters loved
You have always respected
Bless you all you need,
Let the trouble bypass you!

You are in great health
All your long, cool age,
Forget about bad rumors
You are a great person!

Our favorite member!
You are the hope of all!
And, of course, everyone is happy
To be successful

And in the country, and in everyone's house. -
We believe that it will!
And let them believe one day
In you and in happiness people!

"Happy birthday!" - all to you
We're talking now!
And knock more often to us,
Our deputy, at the door!

To know about the lives of those
Who believes in you sacredly!
Instead of tears to pour laughter
People once!

You are fair and reliable
You will always help people
Our deputy and our pride,
Let us congratulate you.

And on your birthday, let's say quietly
How proud we all are of you
And we wish only health
Oh, our dear deputy.

You health, longevity
Let's just wish
To you we are with a century
Congratulations on the post!
Congratulate MP
birthday, congratulations, deputy, country

You care about people
You are loved for this!
Be happy always
Let the dream come true!
Congratulate MP
MP, congratulations, birthday

To know about the lives of those
Who believes in you sacredly!
Instead of tears to pour laughter
People once!
Congratulate MP
Happy Birthday to you!

Dear MP,
We congratulate you today
Happy birthday to you! Necessary
Rest to wish without end!

Take a rest and relax
Forget about work
We wish you joy in life
Always feel cared for

From relatives, loved ones, friends
You people, this is first,
We wish you happiness in life
And open, faithful friends!
Congratulate MP
deputy, birthday, congratulations

You were elected as a deputy
And all people are in chocolate,
You take good care of
About your electorate!

You are a noble person
Wise, honest, kind,
Congratulations today
Happy birthday, the way it should be!

We wish you longevity
At your post and in your life,
May wishes come true
Let the house be a full bowl!
Congratulate MP
deputy, electorate, birthday, congratulations

Take care of your mandate
Your work is good
You chic not without a penny.

We congratulate you on your birthday
We will give you jam
And then you're probably tired
There is sushi and then gastal.
Congratulate the Deputies
Happy birthday MP

Of course, if you have a fairly close relationship or have known each other for many years, the text can be drawn up in a fairly free form. And if not, it is better to avoid familiarity and, in order to avoid delicate situations, congratulate in full accordance with business etiquette.

Accept congratulations on this day, it is only yours,
We wish, without a doubt, that there is courage in life,
Always and let everything work out, but there are a lot of plans,
What is conceived - comes true, we wish you good luck, only her!
Let there be steel in the mood, the family pleases,
A smile - so in the morning. In general, - the mountain of joys!

Happy birthday to you,
We wish you with all our heart today
Enthusiasm, ideas, inspiration,
And reaching high peaks.
So that always at work and at home
Things were in perfect order!
Happiness, good luck, success in everything,
Life stable in full abundance.

Like you - cheerful, smart, energetic,
Nice to admire, admire!
Let everything be perfect
Always, not only on this bright holiday!
Let life become even more beautiful and brighter,
Surprises more often surprises
Let wonderful gifts please
And everything that helps to be happy!

When the birthday comes
Everyone remembers - relatives, friends.
Colleagues in the bustle of excitement,
After all, we are a family in the profession!
Happy birthday to you,
We wish you all the best!
Let happiness, fluttering like a butterfly,
It flies to your palm in silence!

A special day for you - birth into the world,
We solemnly congratulate him!
How old are you - not a secret at all,
We want to look the same!
You are attractive, you are wise,
And the ladies cast their glances languidly,
For success and glory you were born,
And for that you are all respected!

You can’t get away from anniversaries in life,
They will overtake everyone like birds,
But the main thing is to carry through the years
The warmth of the soul, the cordiality of the particle.

We want to wish you now
Good health and good luck,
Joy and devoted friends,
Let the work argue in addition.

Your Anniversary is quite a bit,
But the years have not been spent in vain.
Great road traveled
Big things are done.
May life always be like this:
So that the years go by, and you do not count them,
Never grow old in soul
And they would never sigh bitterly.

Long life and good health,
Youth, strength, beauty!
Let it always - not only on your birthday
Cherished dreams come true.

We wish you bright and joyful days,
Success, health, reliable friends,
Always love and be happy
And may you never grow old!

Happy birthday to you!
May life smile positively at you
And what saddens in the end
Let profit, joy suddenly turn around!

Are you looking to resolve issues?
Put the city in order in an instant,

Responsibility must be carried.

And so on your birthday,
I wish you only kindness

So that you have good health.

I also wish you understanding

So that any of your undertakings,
Bypassed people stupid and bad.

The people entrusted you with the post,
Help is waiting for the electorate,
Happy birthday to you too
Congratulations MP.

I wish solutions
Accepted for the people
To make everyone proud of you
Who voted for you.

May you have enough health
Stock up on strength.
To be chosen by the people
You are next.

Happy birthday MP!
We wish you not to lose
Your deputy mandate,
Walk through life at a brisk pace
Always be successful in everything
If anything, we are always there -
Let's help, save, save!

Happy birthday! Deputy path
Being you, apparently, was not chosen in vain.
You decided - it will be so, and once
You were elected to our Duma,

So live and work with dignity,
Be happy with today
Stay calm all the time
So that you do not care!

You make laws
real deputy,
You know all about the problems -
The electorate said
And today is a happy birthday
We congratulate you
Stay the most honest
And don't live for yourself!

Happy birthday MP!
May success starfall
Will quickly enter life
It will bring a lot of happiness.

fruitful days for you
And peaceful nights.
The most devoted family
To decorate all days!

You were chosen by the people
For great work.
On my birthday I wish
Confirm calculations.

May there always be enough strength
Honesty, enthusiasm.
Faithful to do things
Avoid discord.

All the people unanimously
Said everyone agreed
To elect you as deputies,
To resolve issues.

You justified the trust
All laws were passed.
Allow me now
Knock softly on the door.

We want to congratulate you together,
Wish all you need -
Let happiness come into the house -
Let the miracle happen in life.

I want to celebrate hot
I want to celebrate brightly
Let the neighbors be warned -
Today the deputy walked!

Forget business and papers
Let glasses and cups beat
Let such a “birthday” be cool,
To even gasp in the government!

Servant of the people - you are great and important,
And in anger you are just terrible,
But on your birthday cheerful, humorous,
The people need you just like that!

We heartily congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish wisdom, good luck and patience,
Always win in the elections,
Give your all to the people!

So that everything is in order in your personal life,
And in the morning - jogging and exercising,
And fitness, and swimming pool, and volleyball,
So that you score the main goal in life!

Do you try to solve all the problems
Put the city in order.
It's hard to be an MP
You need to carry the responsibility.

And so on your birthday
I wish you only kindness
So that success accompanies everywhere,
So that you are always healthy.

I also wish you understanding
And the support of all your relatives,
So that any of your undertakings
It was only for good deeds.

We are so used to coming to your house,
Where everyone sits in his usual place,
Where at the luxurious, as always, table
We've been feasting together for so many years!

Whiskey powdered with snow,
But this is not a problem at all!
You do not regret what happened!
We wish you happiness and good!

Love life, love inspiration.
Let them not scare you in the coming year.
Let your mood be better
And sadness will leave once and for all.

Let all good things be remembered
And what was planned will come true.
Let your eyes shine with happiness
And good people will meet.

May your life in labor last,
May the good spirits be preserved
Let trouble pass by
Don't knock on your door
Illness and old age never.

I wish you health, warmth and kindness,
So that troubles, failures receded time
To live not to grieve up to a hundred years happened,
May everything that has not yet come true come true!

A wave of love, kindness, warmth and light,
Source of strength in a difficult day and hour,
Everything - the joy of life we ​​take from you
And we say: “Thank you for this! »

We want to love
Believe in miracle,
gain friends,
Interesting and joyful life
Smile and dream more!

Freaky's birthday
And a clockwork gift
To turn it on with the key
And he stepped on the gas.
In general, life on wheels,
Without traffic cops questions
So that neither a rod nor a nail!
Happy Birthday Friends.

I just want to congratulate everyone
In order not to wait for birth dates:
Deputy - to be elected,
Pilots - beautiful takeoffs!
To all warriors - so that by rank,
Old maids - for a man,
To all orphans - mother and father,
Me - a bottle of cucumber!

From the bottom of my heart - Happy Birthday!
Optimism, joy, warmth,
More interesting hobbies
And luck in all matters!
So that the road in life is even
And it was always a firm step on the way!
A lot of luck awaits, new discoveries
And good things ahead!

Congratulations - sure!
I wish - seriously!
Live easy and don't worry!
And cherish our friendship!
You are beautiful - no doubt!
Watch - and not fall in love!
Let there be a lot to wear -
And before whom to expose!

At this festive table,
We drink your health together!
Together we want to wish
To be loved, tireless;
Direct roads - no traffic jams and traffic police,
In the pocket - dollars, and rubles,
So that everything is OK in life,
And don't forget your friends!

Girl (name), beautiful lady!
I wish you health, success, love
You shine brighter than any tungsten
Captivating a man with an eyebrow.
On the beaches of the Bahama, savoring tequila,
In Paris, Venice or Urumqi -
May the years multiply the beauty of your strength
And the inner voice will not be silent!

Happy birthday my friend
May you have good luck
Beautiful house, and personal servants,
And the yacht is also not weak.
Luxurious apartment in the center
Dress tastefully in boutiques
Be a spender with money
Live like in blue dreams.

Let the wine pour over the edge
Tables are breaking from food
Celebrate your birthday
Like real balls.
Let them always flock to you
Reliable friends on fire
We wish you happiness and good
And in good health live to a hundred years.

May health, mutual understanding and success accompany you,
and there are always good friends around.
Good luck and prosperity in the family and work!

I don’t need someone else’s, but I’ll take mine - no matter who it is!

We heartily congratulate you on
Happy Birthday!
May you be successful in all your endeavors!
May true friends and reliable partners always be with you!
Happiness and health to you and your loved ones!

With all my heart I wish you happiness, prosperity, joy and, of course, success in your professional activities.

Please accept our warmest congratulations on your birthday!
With all my heart I wish you great happiness, good luck in all your endeavors, understanding and support from friends and relatives, respect and appreciation of colleagues.
Long life to you in peace and prosperity.

Please accept warm heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!
With all my heart I wish you happiness, prosperity and joy, inexhaustible energy to overcome all difficulties and, of course, success in your professional activities.
May there always be dear and loving people around!