Parables about life are long. All in your hands. About husbands. Parables about life

Is it possible to comprehend wisdom in one minute?
- Of course, you can, - answered the Master. - But one minute is not enough, isn't it?
- Fifty-nine seconds too long. How long does it take to look at the moon?
- Then why do we need all these years of spiritual quest?
“It might take a lifetime to open your eyes. It only takes a moment to see...

One married couple moved to live in a new apartment.
In the morning, barely waking up, the wife looked out the window and saw a neighbor who was hanging out washed clothes to dry.
“Look how dirty her laundry is,” she said to her husband.
But he read the newspaper and did not pay any attention to it.
- She probably has bad soap, or she doesn’t know how to wash at all. She should be taught.
And so every time a neighbor hung out the laundry, the wife was surprised at how dirty it was.
One fine morning, looking out the window, she cried out:
- ABOUT! Today the linen is clean! She must have learned to wash!
- No, my husband said, - I just got up early today and washed the window.
So it is in our life! It all depends on the window through which we look at what is happening.

One day the disciples came to the elder and asked him: "Why do bad inclinations
do they easily take possession of a person, but the good - it is difficult and remain fragile in him?

What will happen if a healthy seed is left in the sun, and a diseased seed is buried in
earth? - asked the old man.

The good seed left without soil will perish, but the bad seed will sprout,
will give a diseased sprout and a bad fruit, the disciples answered.

This is what people do: instead of secretly doing good deeds and deeply
to grow good firstfruits in the soul, they put them on display and thereby destroy them. And their
shortcomings and sins, so that others do not see them, people hide deep in their souls. There
they grow and destroy a person in his very heart. You same be wise.

The Parable of the Wolf

Once upon a time, an old Indian told his grandson one vital truth.
- Inside each person there is a struggle very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies...
The other wolf represents goodness - peace, love, hope, kindness, truth, kindness, loyalty...
The little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather's words, thought for a few moments, and then asked:

Which wolf wins at the end?

The face of the old Indian was touched by a barely perceptible smile, and he answered.

The wolf you feed always wins.

Once, two friends walked for many days in the desert. Once they argued, and one of them slapped the other in the heat of the moment. His friend felt pain, but said nothing. Silently, he wrote in the sand, “Today my best friend slapped me in the face.”
The friends kept walking, and many days later they found an oasis where they decided to take a dip. The one who got slapped almost drowned and his friend saved him. When he came to, he carved on a stone: “Today my best friend saved my life.”
The first one asked him:
- When I offended you, you wrote on the sand, and now you write on the stone. Why?
And the friend replied:
- When someone offends us, we must write it in the sand so that the winds can erase it. But when someone does something good, we must carve it in stone so that no wind can erase it.
Learn to write hurts in the sand and carve joys in stone.​

The most beautiful heart
One sunny day, a handsome guy stood in the square in the middle of the city and proudly showed off the most beautiful heart in the area. He was surrounded by a crowd of people who sincerely admired the impeccability of his heart. It was really perfect - no dents, no scratches. And everyone in the crowd agreed that it was the most beautiful heart they had ever seen. The guy was very proud of it and just beamed with happiness.
Suddenly, an old man stepped forward from the crowd and said, addressing the guy:
“Your heart was not even close to mine in beauty.
Then the whole crowd looked at the old man's heart. It was crumpled, all in scars, in some places pieces of the heart were taken out and others were inserted in their places that did not fit at all, some edges of the heart were torn. In addition, in some places in the old man's heart, pieces were clearly missing. The crowd stared at the old man - how could he say that his heart is more beautiful?
The boy looked at the old man's heart and laughed:
- You might be joking, old man! Compare your heart to mine! Mine is perfect! And your! Yours is a mess of scars and tears!
“Yes,” the old man replied, “your heart looks perfect, but I would never agree to exchange our hearts. Look! Every scar on my heart is a person to whom I gave my love - I ripped out a piece of my heart and gave it to that person. And he often gave me his love in return - his piece of heart, which filled the empty spaces in mine. But because the pieces of different hearts don't exactly fit together, that's why I have torn edges in my heart that I treasure because they remind me of the love we shared.
Sometimes I gave pieces of my heart, but other people didn't give me back theirs - that's why you can see empty holes in the heart - when you give your love, there are not always guarantees for reciprocity. And although these holes bring pain, they remind me of the love that I shared, and I hope that one day these pieces of heart will return to me.
Now do you see what true beauty means?
The crowd froze. The young man stood dumbfounded in silence. Tears flowed from his eyes.
He went up to the old man, took out his heart and tore off a piece from it. With trembling hands, he offered a piece of his heart to the old man. The old man took his gift and inserted it into his heart. Then, in response, he tore a piece from his battered heart and inserted it into the hole that had formed in the young man's heart. The piece fit but not perfect and some of the edges were sticking out and some were torn.
The young man looked at his heart, no longer perfect, but more beautiful than it was before the old man's love touched him.
And they, embracing, went along the road.

God gave this woman to a man, saying:
- Take it the way it turned out and do not try to remake it.

The day before his birth, the child asked God:
- I don't know why I'm going into this world. What should I do?
God replied:
- I will give you an angel who will always be with you. He will explain everything to you.
- But how can I understand him, because I do not know his language?
- The angel will teach you his language. He will protect you from all troubles.
- How and when should I return to you?
- Your angel will tell you everything.
What is my angel's name?
It doesn't matter what his name is, he has many names. You will call him "Mom".

God molded a man out of clay, and he had an unused piece left.
- What else to blind you? God asked.
“Blind me happiness,” the man asked.
God did not answer, and only put the remaining piece of clay in the man's palm.

One day the king came to the garden and saw withering and dying trees, bushes and flowers. The oak said that he was dying because he could not be as tall as a pine. Turning to the pine tree, the king found it falling because it could not produce grapes like a vine. And the vine was dying because it couldn't bloom like a rose. Soon he found one plant, pleasing to the heart, flowering and fresh. After questioning, he received the following response:

I take it for granted, because when you planted me, you wanted to have joy. If you wanted an oak, a grape or a rose, you would plant them. Therefore, I think that I cannot be anything other than what I am. And I try to develop my best qualities.

You cannot be anyone else, but only who you are. Relax! Existence needs you just like that.

A strange feeling (a fairy tale about Something)

There lived something in the world.
It lived quietly in the depths of the Soul. And, in general, no one bothered.

Once a Feeling entered the Soul. It was a long time ago. Something liked the feeling. Something valued the Feeling very much, was afraid to lose it. Even the door with a key to close the beginning.

They wandered for a long time through the back streets of the Soul, talking about nothing, dreaming. In the evenings they made a fire together to warm the Soul.
Something got used to the Feeling and it seemed to him that the Feeling would stay with him forever. Feeling, in fact, as promised. It was so romantic.

But one day the feeling was gone. Something was looking for him everywhere. Long searched. But then in one of the corners of the Soul they found a hole cut with an axe. The feeling just ran away, leaving a huge hole.

Something blamed itself for everything. Something believed Feeling too much to be offended. In memory of the Feeling, there was one hole left in the Soul. She didn't cover up with anything. And at night a Cold and Evil Wind flew through it. Then the Soul shrank and froze.

Then other feelings tried to look into the Soul. But Something did not let them in, each time driving them out with a broom through a hole. Little by little, the feelings stopped coming at all.

But once a very strange Feeling knocked on the Soul.
At first, Something didn't open. The feeling did not climb into the hole, as the previous ones did, but it remained to sit at the door.
All evening Something wandered through the Soul. At night he went to bed, just in case, putting a broom next to the bed. Nobody had to be chased away.

In the morning, looking through the keyhole, Something was convinced that the Strange Feeling was still sitting near the door. Something began to get nervous, realizing that it was impossible to drive away someone who had not yet entered.

Another day has passed. There was no limit to the confusion of Something. It realized that it wanted to let the Strange Feeling go to death. And he's scared to death to do it.
Something was scary. It was afraid that the Strange Feeling would run away like the first one. Then a second hole will appear in the Soul. And there will be a draft.

So the days passed. Something got used to the Strange Feeling at the Door. And once, in a good mood, a strange feeling let in. In the evening they kindled a fire and for the first time in so many years warmed the Soul for real.

You will go away? - Unable to stand it, asked Something.
"No," said Strange Feeling, "I won't leave." But on the condition that you do not hold me back and do not lock the door.
- I will not lock the door, - Something agreed, - but you can escape through the old hole.
And Something told Strange Feeling its story.

I don't run through old holes, Strange Feeling smiled, I'm a different feeling.
Something did not believe him. But invited for a walk in the Soul.

Where is your old hole? inquired Strange Feeling.
- Nu here is, - bitterly chuckled Something.
And showed the place where the hole was located. But there was no hole. Something heard the Evil Cold Wind swearing from the outside of the Soul.

Something looked at the Strange Feeling, smiled and said only that it would NEVER lock the door...

The professor began the lesson by raising a glass of water. He lifted it up so that all the students could see it, and then asked:
How much do you think this glass weighs?
The students answered:
- 50 grams!..
- 100g!..
- 125 grams!..
- To tell the truth, I don't know, I'll have to weigh it, - said the professor. - Let me ask you one more question. What happens if I hold this glass like this for a few minutes?
“Nothing,” the students said.
- Well, what happens if I hold the glass like this for an hour? asked the professor.
“Your arm will ache,” said one of the students.
- You're right, but what happens if I stand like this all day?
“Your hand will go numb, you may have a cramp, you may be paralyzed, you will have to go to the hospital,” another student said, and everyone laughed.
- Very good, but will the weight of the glass change during this time? asked the professor.
“No,” the students replied.
- Then what will cause pain in the arm and cramps?
The students were puzzled.
- Lower the glass! one of the students said.
- Right! - said the professor. - You have to deal with problems in life as well. As long as you think about them for a few minutes, nothing happens, everything is all right. If you think about them for a long time, it turns into a disease. Think even longer, they will paralyze you. Then you cannot do anything. It is important to think about the problems in life, but it will be much more important if you "lower them" and do this every day before bed. If you do this, you will not have stress, you will wake up every day fresh and full of energy. You will be able to cope with any problem, with any challenge that will be thrown at you!

a child of about ten entered the cafe and sat down at a table. The waitress approached him.
- How much is chocolate ice cream with nuts? the boy asked.
"Fifty cents," the woman replied.
The boy pulled his hand out of his pocket and counted the coins.
- How much is a simple ice cream, without anything? the child asked.
Some visitors were waiting at the tables, the waitress began to express displeasure:
“Twenty-five cents,” she snapped back.
The boy counted the coins again.
“I want plain ice cream,” he decided.
The waitress brought ice cream, threw the bill on the table and left. The child finished eating ice cream, paid the bill at the cash desk and left. When the waitress came back to clear the table, she had a lump in her throat when she saw that next to the empty vase were neatly folded coins, twenty-five cents - her tip.

Never draw conclusions about a person until you know the reasons for his actions.


A well-known psychologist began his seminar on psychology by raising
500 ruble note. There were about 200 people in the hall. The psychologist asked
who wants to get a bill. Everyone, as if on cue, raised their hands. Before
one of you will receive this bill, I will do something with it, continued
psychologist. He crumpled it up and asked if anyone still wanted to have it.

And again everyone raised their hands. Then, he replied, I do the following, and,
throwing the banknote on the floor, lightly dragged it with his boot on the dirty floor. Then
lifted, the bill was crumpled and dirty. "Well, which of you needs it in
look like this?" And everyone raised their hands again. Dear friends, - said the psychologist,
You just learned a valuable object lesson. Despite everything I
done with this bill, you all wanted to get it, because it is not
lost its value. It is still a 500 ruble note.

It often happens in our life that we find ourselves thrown out of the saddle,
trampled, lying on the floor or in complete shit. This is the reality of our
life... In such situations, we feel worthless. But no matter what
happened or will happen, you will never lose your value. Filthy
you are either clean, wrinkled or ironed, you will always be invaluable to
those who love you. Our value is not determined by what we do,

Or with whom they are familiar, and those who we are. You are special and don't forget it

Three friends were honored to die on the same day, and now the apostle Paul meets them at the gates of paradise. Overjoyed that they are in heaven, the friends ask how to behave. Pavel to answer them - do everything for your own pleasure, but just do not step on the goslings. At the end of the first day, one of the women inadvertently stepped on a caterpillar, of which there were an incredible number in paradise. The Apostle Paul appeared immediately, leading an absolutely ugly man. He immediately chained the man to the offender and said that she would spend the rest of eternity with him. Two women, frightened by what had happened, began to behave even more cautiously, but a week later the second one stepped on a caterpillar, and Pavel immediately appeared and the second woman was forever chained to another freak.

The third managed not to step on the caterpillar for several months. But one day she saw Pavel approaching her, leading an unusually handsome and slender man by the hand. Pavel silently chained the man to the woman and left. The woman, not believing her eyes, asks the man why she is so rewarded. The man replies: - I don't know what you did, but I stepped on the caterpillar.

letting go
I died almost 9 years ago. But I am not writing to you to tell you how I live here. I am writing to tell you my story. The story of my great love. And I want to say that love never dies. Even in that light.

Even if they try to kill her, even if you want it. Love doesn't die. Never.

We met on December 31st. I was going to celebrate the New Year with my third wife at my old friends.

My life before her appearance was so worthless and unnecessary that very often I asked myself: "What am I living for?"

Job? Yes, I liked what I did. Family?

I really wanted to have children, but I didn't have any. Now I understand that the meaning of my life was in anticipation of this meeting.

I don't want to describe it. Or rather, I just can’t describe her so that you really understand what she is. Because every letter, every line of my letter is saturated with love for her, and for every eyelash that fell from her sad eyes, for every tear, I was ready to give everything.

So it was December 31st.
I knew right away that I was gone. If she had come alone, I would not have been ashamed of my third wife and would have approached her in the first minute of our meeting. But she was not alone. Next to her was my best friend. They had only known each other for a couple of weeks, but from his lips I heard a lot of interesting things about her. And now I saw her.

When the chimes chimed and toasts were made, I went to the window. My breath fogged up the window and I wrote "LOVE". He moved away, and the inscription on his eyes disappeared. Then there was another feast, toasts. I returned to the window an hour later. I breathed on it and saw the inscription "YOUR". My legs buckled, my breathing stopped for a few seconds ...

Love comes only once. And this person understands immediately. Everything that was in my life until that day was tinsel, sleep, delirium. There are many words for this phenomenon. But my life began on that New Year's Eve, because I understood, I saw in her eyes that this day is also the first day in her life.

On the second of January we moved into a hotel and planned to buy our little corner. We got into the habit of writing notes to each other on the windows. I wrote to her: "You are my dream." She answered: "Just don't wake up!"

We left our most secret desires on the windows in the hotel, in the car, at friends' houses.

We were together for exactly two months. Then I was gone.

Now I only visit her when she is sleeping. I sit down on her bed, I inhale her scent. I can't cry. I can't. But I feel pain. Not physical, but mental.

All these eight years she celebrates the New Year alone. She sits by the window, pours champagne into a glass and cries. I also know that she keeps writing me notes on the windows. Every day. But I can't read them because my breath won't fog up the window.

Last New Year was unusual. I don't want to tell you the secrets of the afterlife, but I deserve one wish. I dreamed of reading her last inscription on the glass. And when she fell asleep, I sat by her bed for a long time, I stroked her hair, I kissed her hands... And then I went to the window. I knew that I would succeed, I knew that I could see her message - and I saw. She left me one word: LET IT GO.

This New Year will be the last one she spends alone. I got permission for my last wish, in exchange for never being able to visit her again and never seeing her again. On this New Year's Eve, when the clock strikes midnight, when everyone around is having fun and congratulating each other, when the whole universe freezes in anticipation of the first breath, the first second of the new year, she will pour herself a glass of champagne, go to the window and see the inscription: "I RELEASE ".

How to get to heaven (parable)

A man with a dog walked along a long, wild, tiring road.
He walked, he walked, he was tired, the dog was also tired. Suddenly in front of him - an oasis!
Beautiful gates, behind the fence - music, flowers, the murmur of a stream,
in a word, rest.
- What it is? the traveler asked the porter.
- This is paradise, you have already died, and now you can enter and rest
for real.
- Is there water there?
- As much as you like: clean fountains, cool pools...
- Will they give you food?
- Whatever you want.
But I have a dog with me.
- I'm sorry, sir, dogs are not allowed. She must be left here.
And the traveler went by .. After a while the road led him
to the farm. The porter also sat at the gate.
"I'm thirsty," the traveler asked.
- Come in, there is a well in the yard.
- And my dog?
- Near the well you will see a drinking bowl.
- What about food?
- I can take you to dinner.
- And the dog?
- There is a bone.
- What is this place?
- It is a paradise.
- How so? The porter at the palace nearby told me that paradise was there.
- He's lying. There is hell.
- How do you, in paradise, endure this?
- It is very useful for us. Only those who do not quit reach heaven
his friends.


The whole story is true. All that is written
happened to me personally.
My name is Dani. Muscovite mother, father
roots from Istanbul (Turk). Starting from his
father, I was the third generation born in Baku.
By religion, the mother remained Orthodox and
father is Muslim. Nobody nobody
lured to his side, and the children were given
free choice of religion. So here it is
I'll move on to history. I've been afraid all my life
get stuck somewhere in a narrow passage or
somewhere else, especially alone.
Even when I thought about it, my heart
almost stopped. One not so much
beautiful day father called me and
asked to help him in the country. I'm in that
the day was free, and I loved
father's cottage and showed himself
good boy in the hope that he will bequeath me
this cottage.
I took it and went to him. All were assembled.
Talking to everyone, with whom joking, with whom
seriously, climbed into the shield, it was necessary
stretch the father to the greenhouse cable. All
was ready. But I wanted to persevere
to please my father. WITH
my sister has been at odds since childhood and
then I was very afraid that my father was not for me but for her
bequeaths a cottage.
And my father's dacha is big. Here comes the greed
ruined me. And it hit me
current. Heart stopped as they say
instantly as my email. charge hit.
I don't know how many volts there were, but
illuminated through this shield 5 houses (Our
2 houses in the summer cottage and 3 neighbors),
plus garages, lights in the yard, who
there are greenhouses heated with spiral
do-it-yourself installations. (True this
the case was in the summer, but still to
knew) In a word it was great
voltage. The ambulance arrived
declared death, took me to
morgue (I don't remember all this anymore,
I retell from the words of the parents)
cut me open, but THANK GOD that
Morgue workers love money. Father
paid them, they made some
papers and they took me to bathe on
last. I was buried in the morning. So
as in Baku the summer is very hot, the dead
buried on the same day or maximum for
morning. And if you still decide to leave before
morning, then they keep the corpse or in the room where
there is a powerful air conditioner or with
using ice cubes for ice creams.
(Probably remember in Soviet times
played with these icicles-thrown in
water and they gurgled)
And now what I remember. wake up
I lick on my right side (I'm surprised, I'm all
time I sleep on the left. Never
as I remember myself, I didn’t sleep on my right side)
it's dark, it's hard to breathe, it smells
charm and something else, something in the side
prickly. I turn on my back and I want
throw off the sheet, (in the summer I
and I cover myself with a sheet) not
it turns out. barely got out of
sheets and 10 times probably hit
hand along the walls until he got out. Hands
already free, held a rough hand
wall on the right, also on the left! hand
raise .. rough ceiling! I
remembered! Dacha, worked in the shield!
They decided to bury me
Muslim. Mom told dad to
I was buried exactly
Muslim rite. Since it was
very hot and my mother took pity on me.
She said: “Let our son lie down on
damp earth in the cool "And how I told her
thankful. And then still would lie in
coffin. Muslims are digging graves
meters long, about 50-60
centimeters wide and approx.
60-70 centimeters. (In the grave you can
sit down if you lean your head
resting the fifth point on the ground. I have
height 177 cm, but I could not sit down
normal) Along the edges from the inside
overlay stones with semi-blocks
all sides around the perimeter. At the same time, everything
calculated so that the above
the dimensions of the emptiness of the grave remain the same
same. Length 2 meters, width 50-60 cm, etc.
Nothing is placed at the bottom of the grave. Earth and
All. Plates are placed on top of the width of the entire
the width of the grave, you need about 6-8
such slabs to cover the entire grave.
The solution is poured along the edges. Then on
these slabs are crumbling into the ground. At the expiration of
40 days, the earth is removed from the slabs and erected
there are already monuments on these plates. Who with
a photo, who without a photo, in a word
orders from relatives. And the deceased
fold on the naked body for a few
layers of some kind of sheet and tied with
both ends. From the feet and from the head. When
bury, knot from the side of the head
untie and lay the deceased on the right
shoulder, straight to the ground. (I write it all
so that you have a little
I started to fight, scream, cry, yell ..
What I did not do in the hope that
at least someone will hear me. barely
leaned on the slabs and tried to lift
plate feet. It wasn't here.
Try to lift the slabs with your feet
which the earth is slightly less wide
meters, 2 meters long and 2 meters high
over a metre. I have lost several times
consciousness. I broke all my hands, my voice
became hoarse and in the end I was already screaming in
half voice, could no longer in full voice
scream. The voice was gone. All the time
Did you think it would end like this? How
so that? LORD if you decide to take
why didn’t he take me right away, but decided
torment like that? Do you know at the end when I
I already thought that everything was exhausted and the end of me,
my whole life flashed before my eyes.
I didn't believe in it before. All the time
teased people who said that
before death all life passes
before your eyes. I told them how
Maybe? How can in one moment many
years pass before your eyes? Here
Now I have seen my whole life! And neither
did not do one good thing! So
cursed everyone, behaved arrogantly, who
treated me kindly I perceived
it's like a weakness, ran from one girl to
another, they suffered all the time because of me
girls. I even thought that I would answer
before GOD? I didn't even believe in my life
in HIM! Called religion opium for
people and people of believers are crazy.
(I ask believers to forgive me)
I had one girlfriend and
suffered for me. She loved me and I
played with her feelings. Her name is Valeria.
Metiska too. Russian mother, Azeri father.
How did she find out that I died, she found out from friends
the place of my grave. Arrived, lay down
my grave and started to cry. She then
heard my cries in the grave. called
to her mother (our mothers are friends) said
to call my parents and
reported that screams were heard from the grave.
At first, my mother did not believe her, but still
called and told my mom. Good
my father is a very superstitious person. A
drive to the cemetery about 60
kilometers. Came, listened, nothing
And what screams can be in the grave? She
begged, begged my father to dig
me. (according to her and my father's words I write)
Father knew that she loves me and thought
that she finally wants to see me,
hugged her and took her aside. She ran away
to the grave and began to rake the earth
hands. She was forcibly taken to
side and she told my father that
“if I wanted to harm him, then at night
would dig it out. I have nothing to do
how do you dig up the dead? I tell you
he yelled there! Oral! Do you understand? All the same
father obeyed her. When I heard
shovel grinding on stone, for joy
my body refused. I couldn't even use my finger
move. I was afraid that they were digging out
me, and I can't even make a sound!
I must be dying!
I woke up the next day in the hospital.
Both hands to the elbow, head bandaged,
one leg is plastered the other
bandaged. A total of 40 stitches
put on hands, head and on the left
leg. I broke 3 fingers in my right leg.
From the little finger to the middle including. And a bunch
bruises, minor cuts and scratches on
body. It's interesting that I'm not in pain there
felt. Even when lying and not
panicked, not a bit hurt anywhere.
Only it was unpleasant, the face stretched
constantly (see from the blood) and the sand climbed
constantly in the eyes and mouth. How is my father
told when the plates were removed from the grave,
everyone was in shock. I lay naked
sheets covered in blood. At my mother's
almost hit when I found out that
I was taken out of the grave alive. She
stayed overnight in the same hospital
another department. Lerka from me not
departed. And I looked at her and thought
What a cretin I am! After a couple
days I was discharged. When I lay in
hospital, told his father everything. Why me
flattered him how I wanted him to give
gave me, etc. Father looked at
me and said. “I have two of you. You and
sister. Whatever I don't have, everything is yours.
In half ”- For me, of course, already a lot
which lost value. Neither the cottage nor
apartment, no cool cars will return me
something I almost lost. my
LIFE!!! I recently made Lerke
offer, she accepted. Soon
let's have a wedding. All are alive and well.
GOD BLESS! I am very religious now
Human. This is a test, revealed to me
Recently my father made fun of me.
He transferred half of the dacha to me. And I
Gave this to my nephew. He grows
without a father. He needs more.
Dear ones. Appreciate your life. Not
give it away for money. After all, it is everything
you have!!!
I wish you all a long life and good luck!

She fell, hitting her head hard against the wall. Sobbed, but did not cry, 2-year-old son, woke up and watched this "picture"
- Well, go away, but remember!, we will never turn to you! We will live! Gone - there is no way back! she said calmly. Then, she went into the room and picked up a baby, about 5 months old, and the three of them stood, looking in the wake of the departing husband and father ...
- Yes, hello? Yes, I'm going! - shouted nervously into the phone, a young man, about 30 years old.
5 years later…
“God, how she got me,” he thought, “I’ll go and sit in the park, I don’t feel like going home at all ... He sat down on a bench and saw the boys playing. "I wonder what my children look like now? ... Quite big already, probably ... How is she? ... I never called ... I was a fool ..." - and then he saw a familiar silhouette, - Oh my God, it's her! How to approach! - he got nervous, seeing how the boys run to her! He dared: - Hello! - he said.
- Hello ... - she answered in bewilderment.
- I'm so glad to see you! Are these my children? What are their names...
“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter now!…
- I wanted to say…
You already said everything, then...
And suddenly, the boys shouting “daddy” rushed in their direction, the man got excited, not believing his luck, but the kids ran past them and fell into the arms of another man who was walking towards them. They approached, the man kissed her and greeted him!
- Darling, who is it?
- And this is just a passer-by, asking where the nearest store is! Recently arrived! Let's go home, I baked pies!
- Uncle, the store is around the corner! - shouted a boy of seven years!
- Thank you ... - he answered and silently, with tears in his eyes, watched them leave ... They ... are so dear and so alien ...

When the angels were getting ready for bed, the eldest of them saw a hole in the wall and carefully patched it up. The younger saw this and asked why he was doing it. To which the elder angel replied: "You do not know the true state of things."
In the morning they thanked the hosts and left, and the next night they happened to spend the night in the house of a hospitable, but very poor man and his wife. The couple treated them to dinner and gave their beds for the night so that the angels could sleep well.
Waking up in the morning, the angels saw the crying owners. Their only cow, whose milk they sold for a living, died during the night.
As the angels continued on their way, the younger one asked the older one, “Tell me, what is going on? I don't understand you. You patched up a hole in the wall of a rich family's home where we were not well received, and in a hospitable poor people's home you let a cow die!"
“The true state of things,” answered the elder angel, “is that in a rich house in that hole gold is hidden, which the owners do not know about. So I patched up the hole so they wouldn't find it. Their wealth has already spoiled them. And when we spent the night in a poor family, the angel of death came for the owner’s wife, but instead of my wife I gave him a cow.”
And all because the plates on the buildings built by these architects, I meet at every step.
And the buildings stand still and amaze.
And there were Trezzini and Montferrand, Vitali, Schluter, Quarenghi, Klodt.
And there were also Chevakinsky, Stasov, Zakharov, Starov, Bazhenov, Brenna, Pimenov, Voroni-khin, and finally, many, many.
Many were.
And they left buildings that will pass through the centuries, and nameplates.
And for each tablet you can establish when it all happened and under what emperor.
Montferrand correctly said to the king:
- We will build better in Russia!
- Are you in Russia? the king asked him.
- We have! Montferrand confirmed.
They were invited to Russia to build, and they became Russian, for them everything here became familiar and understandable, so everything is correct: "here, in Russia."
Here's the thing! People were invited to build for money, and they built for money, and then it turned out that all this is the soul, and the style, and the era. Do not confuse St. Isaac and Kazan Cathedral, Smolny and the Beloselsky-Kih-Belozersky Palace with anything.
M-yes, gentlemen! Breed, you know. What a breed it was!
However, there was.
About which there are signs.
And they were not afraid of kings. And no to you servility, sycophancy.
People of words, people of action. People, in a word.
They will remain in the memory of posterity. For her sake, I suspect, all this leapfrog was started.
Money, money, money - everything is perishable, but what they created is imperishable.
And the kings knew. They understood what was happening.
And what palaces they got! Well, just like their owners - prim or proud, restrained, stately, crazy.
This host was a German - strict, precise, punctual: in the mornings only coffee and buns. And to the table - in a suit, and boots with thick soles with buckles.
And here is the east for you - pretentiousness, effeminacy, laziness and fabulous wealth.
The sons of the Emir of Bukhara studied in St. Petersburg and served in the tsarist army, and when they came to visit them, they were horrified, and they wanted to do everything the way they did at home, in St. Petersburg.
That's where the politics was. Imperial, I will not hide, but politics.
So the houses are the owners, and the owners are the houses.
What a deep understanding and insight into the essence of human nature - great and weak at the same time. And how much power, thirst for life is in all this.
They really wanted to live, gentlemen.
But now I find myself in such a place that between real houses there is something made of glass.
It glitters in the sun.
It shines so that it resembles an iron fix inserted into a row of healthy teeth.
This is also a house, only it was built recently.
And where is the plaque? Where is the name of the one who raised all this?
Netuti! No name! And when it appeared here is also unknown.
There is nothing at all.
That is, it is impossible to establish when this all happened.
There would be a sign, and it would immediately become clear that all this was erected under the head of the number such and such. And so - there is no one to blame. It just grew. That's bad luck!
That is, those that Rossi and Rastrelli did everything for money, but it turned out that for the sake of the soul.
And here everything was built because of the best desires of the soul, but it turns out that only for the sake of ordinary money.

A. Pokrovsky. Logbook-3

A parable is one of the most ancient varieties of an edifying story. Instructive allegories make it possible to briefly and succinctly give some kind of moral attitude, without resorting to direct persuasion. That is why parables about life with morals - short and allegorical - have always been a very popular tool for education, touching on a variety of problems of human existence.

The ability to distinguish between good and evil distinguishes a person from an animal. It is not surprising that the folklore of all nations keeps many parables on this topic. They tried to give their own definitions of good and evil, explore their interaction and explain the nature of human dualism in the Ancient East, and in Africa, and in Europe, and in both Americas. A large corpus of parables on this topic shows that, despite the difference in cultures and traditions, different peoples have a common idea of ​​​​these fundamental concepts.

two wolves

Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed to his grandson one vital truth:
- In every person there is a struggle, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies ... The other wolf represents goodness - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty ...
The little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather's words, thought for a few moments, and then asked:
Which wolf wins at the end?
The old Indian smiled almost imperceptibly and replied:
The wolf you feed always wins.

Know and don't

The young man came to the sage with a request to accept him as a student.
- Can you lie? the sage asked.
- Of course not!
- What about stealing?
- No.
- What about killing?
- No…
“So go and know all this,” exclaimed the sage, “and having known, do not do it!”

black dot

One day the sage gathered his disciples and showed them an ordinary sheet of paper, where he drew a small black dot. He asked them:
– What do you see?
Everyone answered in chorus that a black dot. The answer was not correct. The sage said:
“Don’t you see this white sheet of paper – it is so huge, bigger than this black dot!” This is how it is in life - we first see something bad in people, although there is much more good. And only a few see a "white sheet of paper" at once.

Parables about happiness

Wherever a person is born, whoever he is, whatever he does, in fact, he does one thing - he is looking for happiness. This inner quest continues from birth to death, even if it is not always conscious. And along the way, a lot of questions lie in wait for a person. What is happiness? Is it possible to be happy without having anything? Is it possible to get happiness ready-made or do you have to create it yourself?
The concept of happiness is as individual as DNA or fingerprints. For some people and the whole world is not enough to feel at least satisfied. For others, a little is enough - a ray of sunshine, a friendly smile. It seems that there can be no agreement between people about this ethical category. And yet, in different parables of happiness, points of contact are found.

piece of clay

God molded man from clay. He blinded the earth, the house, animals and birds for man. And he had an unused piece of clay.
- What else to blind you? God asked.
“Blind me happiness,” the man asked.
God did not answer, thought and put the remaining piece of clay in the man's palm.

Money can not buy happiness

The student asked the Master:
- How true are the words that happiness is not in money?
The master replied that they were completely correct.
- It's easy to prove. For money can buy a bed, but not sleep; food - but not appetite; medicines - but not health; servants - but not friends; women - but not love; dwelling - but not the hearth; entertainment - but not joy; teachers - but not the mind. And what is mentioned does not exhaust the list.

Khoja Nasreddin and traveler

One day Nasreddin met a gloomy man walking along the road to the city.
- What happened to you? Khoja Nasreddin asked the traveler.
The man showed him a battered travel bag and said plaintively:
- Oh, I'm unhappy! Everything that I own in an infinitely vast world will hardly fill this miserable, worthless bag!
“Your deeds are bad,” Nasreddin sympathized, snatched the bag from the traveler’s hands and ran away.
And the traveler continued on his way, shedding tears. In the meantime, Nasreddin ran ahead and put the sack right in the middle of the road. The traveler saw his bag lying on the way, laughed with joy and exclaimed:
- Oh, what happiness! And I thought I had lost everything!
“It is easy to make a man happy by teaching him to appreciate what he has,” thought Khoja Nasreddin, watching the traveler from the bushes.

Wise parables about morality

The words "morality" and "morality" in Russian have different shades. Morality is more of a social attitude. Morality is internal, personal. However, the basic principles of morality and morality are largely the same.
Wise parables easily, but not superficially touch upon precisely these basic principles: the relationship of man to man, dignity and meanness, attitude towards the Motherland. Questions of the relationship between man and society are often embodied in a parable form.

Bucket of apples

A man bought himself a new house - a big, beautiful one - and a garden with fruit trees near the house. And nearby, in an old house, lived an envious neighbor who constantly tried to spoil his mood: either he would throw garbage under the gate, or he would do some other nasty things.
Once a man woke up in a good mood, went out onto the porch, and there was a bucket of slop. The man took a bucket, poured out the slop, cleaned the bucket to a shine, collected the largest, ripest and most delicious apples into it and went to a neighbor. The neighbor opens the door in the hope of a scandal, and the man handed him a bucket of apples and said:
- Whoever is rich, he shares it!

low and worthy

One padishah sent three identical bronze figurines to the sage and ordered him to convey:
“Let him decide which of the three people whose statues we are sending is worthy, who is so-so and who is low.
No one could find any difference between the three figurines. But the sage noticed holes in his ears. He took a thin flexible stick and stuck it in the ear of the first figurine. The wand came out through the mouth. The second figurine's wand came out through the other ear. The third figurine has a wand stuck somewhere inside.
“A person who divulges everything he hears is certainly low,” the sage reasoned. “The one whose secret enters in one ear and exits through the other is a so-so person. Truly noble is he who keeps all secrets within himself.
So the sage decided and made the appropriate inscriptions on all the figurines.

change your voice

Dovewing saw an owl in the grove and asked:
Where are you from, owl?
I used to live in the east, and now I'm flying west.
So the owl answered and began to hoot and laugh angrily. The dove asked again:
- Why did you leave your home and fly to foreign lands?
“Because in the East they don’t like me because I have a nasty voice.
- In vain you left your native land, - said the dove. – You need to change not the land, but the voice. In the west, just as in the east, they do not tolerate evil hooting.

About parents

Attitude towards parents is a moral task that has long been solved by mankind. Biblical legends about Hama, Gospel commandments, numerous proverbs, fairy tales fully reflect people's ideas about the relationship between fathers and children. And yet, so many contradictions arise between parents and children that it is useful for a modern person to recall this from time to time.
The constant relevance of the topic "Parents and children" gives rise to more and more parables. Modern authors, following in the footsteps of their predecessors, find new words and metaphors to touch upon this issue again.


There lived an old man. His eyes were blind, his hearing dulled, and his knees trembled. He almost could not hold a spoon in his hands, spilled soup, and sometimes food fell out of his mouth.
The son and his wife looked at him with disgust and began to put the old man in a corner behind the stove while eating, and the food was served to him in an old saucer. One day, the old man's hands were shaking so much that he could not hold a saucer of food. It fell to the floor and broke. Then the young daughter-in-law began to scold the old man, and the son made a wooden feeder for his father. Now the old man had to eat from it.
Once, when the parents were sitting at the table, their little son entered the room with a piece of wood in his hands.
- What do you want to do? the father asked.
“Wooden feeder,” answered the kid. - When I grow up, my father and mother will eat from it.

Eagle and eagle

The old eagle flew over the abyss. He carried his son on his back. The eaglet was still too small and could not master this path. Flying over the abyss, the chick said:
- Father! Now you are carrying me across the abyss on your back, and when I become big and strong, I will carry you.
“No, son,” the old eagle answered sadly. “When you grow up, you will carry your son.

Suspension bridge

There was a deep gorge on the way between two high mountain villages. The inhabitants of these villages built a suspension bridge over it. People walked on its wooden boards, and two cables served as a railing. People were so accustomed to walking on this bridge that they could not hold on to this railing, and even children fearlessly ran across the gorge on the planks.
But one day the ropes-railings disappeared somewhere. Early in the morning people approached the bridge, but no one could take a step across it. While the cables were, it was possible not to hold on to them, but without them the bridge turned out to be impregnable.
It's the same with our parents. While they are alive, we think that we can do without them, but as soon as we lose them, life immediately begins to seem very difficult.

Worldly parables

Everyday parables are a special category of texts. In a person's life every moment there is a situation of choice. What role can seemingly insignificant trifles, inconspicuous little meanness, stupid provocations, ridiculous doubts play in fate? Parables answer this question unequivocally: huge.
For a parable, there is nothing insignificant and unimportant. She remembers strongly that "the flutter of a butterfly's wing echoes like thunder in the distant worlds." But the parable does not leave a person alone with the inexorable law of retribution. She always leaves the opportunity for the fallen to rise and continue on their way.

All in your hands

A sage lived in a Chinese village. From everywhere people came to him with their problems and illnesses, and no one left without receiving help. For this he was loved and respected.
Only one person said: “People! Who do you worship? After all, this is a charlatan and a swindler! One day he gathered a crowd around him and said:
Today I will prove to you that I was right. Let's go to your sage, I'll catch a butterfly, and when he comes out on the porch of his house, I'll ask: "Guess what I have in my hand?" He will say: “Butterfly”, because anyway one of you will let it slip. And then I will ask: “Is it alive or dead?” If he says that he is alive, I will squeeze his hand, and if he is dead, then I will release the butterfly to freedom. In any case, your sage will be fooled!
When they came to the house of the wise man, and he came out to meet them, the envious man asked his first question:
“Butterfly,” answered the sage.
- Is it alive or dead?
The old man, smiling through his beard, said:
Everything is in your hands, man.


A long time ago, a war broke out between the beast and the birds. The hardest thing was the old Bat. After all, she was both an animal and a bird at the same time. That is why she could not decide for herself who it would be more profitable for her to join. But then she decided to cheat. If the birds prevail over the beasts, then she will support the birds. Otherwise, she will quickly go over to the beasts. And so she did.
But when everyone noticed how she was behaving, they immediately suggested that she not run from one to the other, but once and for all choose one side. Then the old Bat said:
- No! I will stay in the middle.
- Fine! both sides said.
The battle began and the old Bat, caught in the middle of the battle, was crushed and died.
That is why he who tries to sit between two chairs will always end up on the rottenest part of the rope that hangs over the mouth of death.

A fall

One student asked his Sufi teacher:
“Master, what would you say if you knew about my fall?”
- Get up!
– And next time?
- Get up again!
- And how long can it go on - all fall and rise?
- Fall and get up while you're alive! After all, those who fell and did not rise are dead.

Orthodox parables about life

Another academician D.S. Likhachev noted that in Rus' the parable as a genre "grew" from the Bible. The Bible itself is littered with parables. It was this form of preaching to the people that Solomon and Christ chose. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that with the advent of Christianity in Rus', the parable genre took root deeply in our land.
Folk faith has always been far from formalism and "bookish" complexity. Therefore, the best Orthodox preachers constantly turned to allegory, where they generally transformed the key ideas of Christianity into a fabulous form. Sometimes Orthodox parables about life could be concentrated into one phrase-aphorism. In other cases - in a short story.

Humility is a feat

Once, a woman came to Optina hieroschemamonk Anatoly (Zertsalov) and asked him for blessings for a spiritual feat: to live alone and fast, pray and sleep on bare boards without interference. The old man said to her:
- You know, the evil one does not eat, does not drink and does not sleep, but everything lives in the abyss, because he does not have humility. Submit in all the will of God - here is your feat; humble yourself before everyone, reproach yourself for everything, bear illness and sorrow with gratitude - this is beyond all feats!

your cross

One person seemed to have a very hard life. And one day he went to God, told about his misfortunes and asked Him:
– May I choose another cross for myself?
God looked at the man with a smile, led him into the vault, where there were crosses, and said:
- Choose.
A man walked around the store for a long time, looking for the smallest and lightest cross, and finally found a small, small, light, light cross, went up to God and said:
“God, can I have this one?”
“Yes, you can,” God replied. - This is your own.

About love with morals

Love moves the worlds and human souls. It would be strange if the parables ignored the problems of relations between a man and a woman. And here the authors of parables raise a great many questions. What is love? Can you define it? Where does it come from, and what destroys it? How to get it?
Parables also touch upon narrower aspects. Household relations between husband and wife - it would seem, what could be more banal? But here, too, the parable finds food for thought. After all, it is only in fairy tales that the wedding crown ends. And the parable knows: this is just the beginning. And keeping love is as important as finding it.

All or nothing

A man came to a wise man and asked, "What is love?" The wise man said: "Nothing."
The man was very surprised and began to tell him that he had read many books that describe that love can be different, sad and happy, eternal and fleeting.
Then the sage replied: "That's it."
The man again did not understand anything and asked: “How can I understand you? All or nothing?"
The sage smiled and said, “You yourself have just answered your own question: nothing or everything. There can be no middle ground!

Mind and heart

One person argued that the mind on the street of love is blind, and that the main thing in love is the heart. As proof of this, he cited the story of a lover who many times swam across the Tigris River, bravely fighting the current to see his beloved.
But one day he suddenly noticed a speck on her face. After that, as he swam across the Tigris, he thought, "My beloved is not perfect." And at the same moment the love that kept him on the waves weakened, in the middle of the river his strength left him, and he drowned.

Repair, don't throw away

An elderly couple who had lived together for over 50 years was asked:
- Probably, you have never had a fight in half a century?
“They fought,” the husband and wife replied.
- Maybe you never had a need, there were ideal relatives and a house - a full bowl?
- No, it's like everyone else.
- But you never wanted to disperse?
– There were also such thoughts.
How did you manage to live together for so long?
– Apparently, we were born and raised in those times when it was customary to fix broken things, and not throw them away.

Don't demand

The teacher found out that one of his students was persistently seeking someone's love.
“Don’t ask for love, that way you won’t get it,” the teacher said.
- But why?
- Tell me, what do you do when uninvited guests are breaking at your door, when they knock, shout, demanding to open it, and tear their hair out because they are not opened?
“I lock her tighter.
- Do not break into the doors of other people's hearts, so they will close even more strongly in front of you. Become a welcome guest and any heart will open before you. Take an example from a flower that does not chase bees, but by giving them nectar, attracts them to itself.

Short parables about insult

The outside world is a harsh environment that constantly pushes people against each other, striking sparks. The situation of conflict, humiliation, insult received can permanently unsettle a person. The parable comes to the rescue here too, playing a psychotherapeutic role.
How to respond to an insult? Give vent to anger and respond to insolent? What to choose - the Old Testament "eye for an eye" or the gospel "turn the other cheek"? It is curious that of the entire corpus of parables about insults, Buddhist parables are the most popular today. The pre-Christian, but not the Old Testament, approach seems to be the most acceptable to our contemporary.

Go your own way

One of the disciples asked the Buddha:
- If someone insults me or hits me, what should I do?
- If a dry branch falls on you from a tree and hits you, what will you do? he asked in response:
- What will i do? It's a mere accident, a mere coincidence, that I was under a tree when a branch fell from it, - said the student.
Then the Buddha remarked:
- So do the same. Someone was mad, angry and hit you. It's like a branch from a tree has fallen on your head. Don't let it bother you, go your own way as if nothing happened.

Take it for yourself

One day, several people began to viciously insult the Buddha. He listened silently, very calmly. And so they became uncomfortable. One of these people addressed the Buddha:
“Are you not offended by our words?!
“It is up to you whether you insult me ​​or not,” said the Buddha. “And it is mine to accept your insults or not. I refuse to accept them. You can take them for yourself.

Socrates and the insolent

When some insolent man kicked Socrates, he endured without saying a word. And when someone expressed surprise why Socrates ignored such a brazen insult, the philosopher remarked:
- If a donkey kicked me, would I really begin to bring him to court?

About the meaning of life

Reflections on the meaning and purpose of being belong to the category of so-called "damned questions", and no one has a clear answer. However, a deep existential fear - "Why am I living if I'm going to die anyway?" - torments every person. And of course, the genre of the parable also concerns this issue.
Every nation has parables about the meaning of life. Most often, it is defined as follows: the meaning of life is in life itself, in its endless reproduction and development through subsequent generations. The brevity of the existence of each individual person is considered philosophically. Perhaps the most allegorical and transparent parable of this category was invented by the American Indians.

stone and bamboo

It is said that once stone and bamboo had a strong argument. Each of them wanted a person's life to be similar to his own.
Stone said:
- A person's life should be the same as mine. Then he will live forever.
Bamboo replied:
- No, no, a person's life should be like mine. I die, but immediately I am born again.
Stone objected:
- No, let it be different. Let the person be better like me. I do not bow down to the wind or to the rain. Neither water nor heat nor cold can harm me. My life is endless. For me there is no pain, no worries. This is how a person's life should be.
Bamboo insisted:
- No. A person's life should be like mine. I am dying, it is true, but I am reborn in my sons. Isn't it true? Look around me - my sons are everywhere. And they will also have their sons, and all will have smooth and white skin.
The stone failed to answer this. Bamboo won the argument. That is why human life is like the life of bamboo.

One young man fell in love with a very beautiful girl. But the girl was proud, arrogant and cruel. He often asked to be his wife, but she only laughed at him. Unable to stand it, the guy exclaimed: “I will do everything that you ask, if only you were with me!” And then the proud beauty said: "Bring me your mother's heart as proof of your love for me." Without thinking, the unfortunate man rushed to run home, killed his mother, took out her heart and ran back. Suddenly he stumbled and fell. And then the mother’s heart carefully asks: “Son, are you hurt? Are you hurt, son?
Continue reading the parable →

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One day Jalaliddin Rumi, the great Sufi mystic, led his students to a field where for many months a farmer had been trying to dig a well. The disciples didn't really want to go there: what's the point? Everything that the master wanted to say, he could say here. However, Jalaliddin insisted on his own:
- Come with me. Without this, you will not be able to understand what I am talking about.
It turned out that the farmer did the following: starting to dig in one place, he stepped aside for five to ten steps and began to dig again. Not finding water, he began to dig in a new place. The farmer had already dug eight holes and was digging a ninth. He ruined the whole field.
Rumi told his disciples: King Anovshirvan, whom the people also called the Just, once went on a pilgrimage around the country just at the time when the Prophet Muhammad was born. On the sunlit mountainside, he saw a venerable old man hunched over his work. Accompanied by his courtiers, the king approached him and saw that the old man was planting small, no more than a year old seedlings.

One eastern ruler had a terrible dream. In a dream, he saw how one by one all his teeth fell out. Greatly troubled by this, he called on his interpreter of dreams. He listened very carefully to the story of the ruler and said:
“My lord, I have bad news to tell you. Just as you lost all your teeth, you will lose all your loved ones one by one.
This interpretation angered the ruler. The interpreter of dreams, unable to say anything good, was thrown into prison. Then the king called another dream interpreter. He, having listened to the story of the dream, said:
“My lord, I have good news for you. You will live longer than other members of your family. You will outlive them all.
The king was delighted and generously rewarded the interpreter for these words. The courtiers were in amazement:
“Your words were almost indistinguishable from those of your predecessor. So why was he punished and you got a reward? they asked.
The lucky interpreter of dreams answered this:
- You're right. We both interpreted the dream in the same way. But it's not just about what to say, it's also about how to say it.

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Once, in search of an answer to the question of how to live, the young man turned to an old man:

Tell me how can I swim this river of life? What is right?

- Do not be like everyone else, he answered. and added - Do not go with the flow in the general crowd of gray and indifferent. Swim through everything! Life is a struggle. Break the waves! Strive! Get it! Overcome difficulties for the sake of the common good and the improvement of the world!

The young man nodded and went to another old man for advice.

How can I swim in the river of life? - He asked. Is it worth resisting the current?

- No, he said in response. — It doesn't make sense. The river of our life is Tao. To resist it means to enter into conflict with the Universe. Surrender to it, dissolve in it, go with its flow - and you will know the truth of unity with the universe.

The young man thanked, and went to the third respected old man.

Tell me, good man, how can I live? Should I swim against the current, fighting and winning? Or downstream, dissolving in the stream of the world?

The bottom line is to go with the flow and not against, but where you need to go. In this, your wisdom and mind should be your rudder, and your soul should be your sail.

And on the way back he met another old man. Can extra advice help?

Tell me how can I live? To go with the flow? Or against the current? Or, under the guidance of the mind, to sail where I need to?

Flow? The old man was surprised. - What current? .. Sorry, I did not notice it. I just love swimming.

2. Parable "weather"

The traveler asked the shepherd:

What will the weather be like today?

To which the shepherd replied:

The one I like.

How do you know the weather will be just the way you like it?

Realizing that it is impossible to always get what you like, I learned to love what will be. Therefore, I am absolutely sure that the weather will be exactly what I like ...

Remember - only we are responsible for the weather in our soul.

3. Parable "In the barbershop"

One person came to the hairdresser's. During a haircut and a shave, we talked to the hairdresser about God.

The hairdresser said:

No matter what you tell me, I don't believe there is a God.

Why? the client asked.

It is enough to go outside to make sure that there is no God. Tell me, if God exists, why so many sick people? Where are the homeless children? If he really existed, there would be no suffering, no pain. It's hard to imagine a loving God who allows all this.

The client thought. When the hairdresser finished the job, the client paid generously. Leaving the barbershop, he saw an overgrown and unshaven man on the street. Then the client returned to the hairdresser's, invited the hairdresser to the window and, pointing at the tramp, said:

- Hairdressers do not exist! - politely raised his hat and went out.

Found an error? Select it and left click Ctrl+Enter.

For this star

A man was walking along the shore and suddenly saw a boy who was picking up something from the sand and throwing it into the sea.

The man came closer and saw that the boy was picking up starfish from the sand. They surrounded him from all sides. It seemed that there were millions of starfish on the sand, the shore was literally dotted with them for many kilometers.

Why are you throwing those starfish into the water? the man asked, coming closer.
“If they stay on the shore until tomorrow morning, when the tide starts, they will die,” the boy replied, without stopping his occupation.
"But that's just stupid!" the man shouted. – Look back! There are millions of starfish here, the coast is just dotted with them. Your attempts won't change anything!

The boy picked up the next starfish, thought for a moment, threw it into the sea and said:
No, my attempts will change a lot... For this star.

New Year's story about love

She didn't like New Years. I just didn't love it. However, like other holidays. But still, the New Year was a special holiday: on that night one could make wishes that would surely come true.

Of course, She made wishes on shooting stars, and on tram and even bus tickets, but all these were ordinary, not basic desires, from the non-fulfillment of which, in principle, nothing changed.

But once a year, during the chiming clock, along with everyday wishes for her relatives, She could make her most, most cherished wish. And this year she had it ...

“Please, let him be happy, please, let him be happy, please…”, She repeated like a spell, fearing that the chimes would already be silent, and her wish would not reach Santa Claus.

The first sounds of the anthem rang out, and She sighed joyfully - she managed, everything, now everything should be wonderful for Him for a whole year. “How I would like to make him happy… But even if not with me… The main thing is that He be happy…”, She thought.

In the residence of Father Frost, the work usual for New Year's days was in full swing. A whole staff of employees was engaged in the fulfillment of desires that flocked here from all over the globe. Some were responsible for children's desires, others for material, spiritual, and a special department dealt with desires about Love. Before a desire got into the right department, it was sorted, where it was carefully checked for sincerity, for the need for fulfillment, for its consequences. For example, desires like “I want to have the coolest phone in the class” were forwarded to the department responsible for human relations. Because most likely, the coolest phone is needed in order to enjoy authority among classmates. But you don't need a phone for this... And the wish still came true, only in a slightly different form.

“Please, let Him be happy, please, let Him be happy, please…,” after reading another wish, Santa Claus’s assistant in charge of sorting opened a thick registration log and found the necessary entry: “May She be happy. Even if this happiness is not with me, then let She just be happy ... ".

Smiling contentedly, Father Frost's Assistant dialed the required number: “Is this the Love department? Record…”

A group of graduates of a prestigious university, successful, having made a wonderful career, came to visit their old professor. During the visit, the conversation turned to work: graduates complained about numerous difficulties and life problems. Having offered tea to his guests, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a teapot and a tray laden with a variety of cups: porcelain, glass, plastic, crystal. Some were simple, others expensive. When the graduates took apart the cups, the professor said: - Please note that all the beautiful cups were taken apart, while the simple and cheap ones remained. And although it is normal for you to want only the best for yourself, but this is the source of your problems and stress. Realize that the cup alone does not make the tea better. Most often, it is simply more expensive, but sometimes it even hides what we drink. In fact, all you wanted was just tea, not a cup. But you deliberately chose the best cups, and then looked at who got which cup. Now think: life is tea, and work, money, position, society are cups. They are just tools for maintaining and maintaining Life. What cup we have does not determine or change the quality of our Life. Sometimes, concentrating only on the cup, we forget to enjoy the taste of the tea itself.

The happiest people are not those who have the best, but those who make the best of what they have.


I'm so unhappy ... I guess I'm a bad person, - the student complained to the teacher.
You are not a bad person, but you need to change.
- How so? If I'm not bad, then why should I change?
- Come on, I'd better show you, - the teacher advised. He gave the student a flute with a request to play any melody. The student did not know how to play the flute, but raised the instrument to his lips, began to blow into it and alternately close the holes. Nothing but whistling and wheezing sounds came out of the flute. “You see what happens,” said the Teacher. - And if you learn to play it, the music will be completely different. What will change? You will play the same, and the pipe will be the same, and the hands, and the air, but ... It will be a completely different music that will soothe, heal and uplift the soul. Moral: you have everything you need. It may seem bad, but only because you still do not know how to extract harmony from it. When you learn to control your thoughts and will harmoniously, then in the hands of your soul these instruments will become obedient. Then you will understand that shortcomings are nothing but your brightest virtues, which you have not yet learned to use.

Parable "Accept yourself"

You cannot be anyone else, but only who you are.
Relax! Existence needs you just like that.

One day the king came to the garden and saw withering and dying trees, bushes and flowers. The oak said that he was dying because he could not be as tall as a pine. Turning to the pine tree, the king found it falling because it could not produce grapes like a vine. And the vine was dying because it couldn't bloom like a rose. Soon he found one plant, pleasing to the heart, flowering and fresh.

After questioning, he received the following response:

I take it for granted, because when you planted me, you wanted to have joy. If you wanted an oak, a grape or a rose, you would plant them. Therefore, I think that I cannot be anything other than what I am. And I try to develop my best qualities. You are here because existence needed you just the way you are! Otherwise, someone else would be here. You are the embodiment of something special, essential, something very important. Why do you need to be a Buddha? If God wanted another Buddha, he would have produced as many Buddhas as he wanted. But he has created only one Buddha, that is enough. Since then, he has not created another Buddha or Christ. Instead, he created you. Think how much attention the Universe has paid to you! You are chosen - not Buddha, not Christ, not Krishna. Their work is done, they have contributed to existence. Now you are here to contribute. Take a look at yourself. You can only be yourself... it is impossible for you to become someone else. You can rejoice and blossom, or you can wither if you don't accept yourself.

Friends, read a very useful book and then you will understand why and why nature created you this way and not others.


One married couple moved to live in a new apartment. In the morning, barely waking up, the wife looked out the window and saw a neighbor who was hanging out washed clothes to dry.

“Look how dirty her laundry is,” she said to her husband. But he read the newspaper and did not pay any attention to it.

She probably has bad soap, or she doesn't know how to wash at all. We should teach her.

So every time the neighbor hung out the laundry, the wife was surprised at how dirty it was. One fine morning, looking out the window, she cried out:

- ABOUT! Linens are clean today! She must have learned to wash!

- No, my husband said, - I just got up early today and washed the window.

In our life, a lot depends on the window through which we look at what is happening. And before criticizing others, we need to make sure that our hearts and intentions are pure.

There is a good psychological exercise, K, master it and you will see how the world around you will change for the better!

The Parable of the Pencil

The kid watches how the grandmother writes a letter and asks:
- Do you write about what happened to us? Or maybe you write about me?
The grandmother stops writing, smiles and says to her grandson:
- You guessed it, I'm writing about you. But what is more important is not what I write, but what I write with. I would like you to be like this pencil when you grow up...
The kid looks at the pencil with curiosity, but does not notice anything special.
- It is exactly the same as all the pencils that I have seen!
- It all depends on how you look at things. This pencil has five qualities that you need if you want to live life in harmony with the whole world.
First, you may be a genius, but you must never forget the existence of the Guiding Hand. We call this hand God. Always commit yourself to His will.
Secondly, in order to write, I have to sharpen my pencil. This operation is a little painful for him, but after that the pencil writes more finely. Therefore, learn to endure pain, remembering that it ennobles you.
Thirdly: if you use a pencil, you can always erase with an elastic band what you think is wrong. Remember that correcting yourself is not always a bad thing. Often this is the only way to stay on the right track.
Fourthly: what matters in a pencil is not the wood from which it is made and not its shape, but the graphite inside. So always think about what is going on inside you.
And finally, fifthly: the pencil always leaves a mark. In the same way, you leave traces behind your actions and therefore think over your every step.


Love. Forgiveness. Patience.

We draw out the pros

One African king had a close friend with whom he grew up together. This friend, considering every situation that had ever happened in his life, be it positive or negative, had a habit of saying, "That's good!"
One day the king was out hunting. A friend used to prepare and load guns for the king. Obviously, he did something wrong while preparing one of the guns. When the king took a gun from his friend and fired from it, his thumb was torn off. Examining the situation, the friend, as usual, said: "That's good!" To this the king replied, "No, that's not good!" - and ordered to send his friend to prison.
About a year passed, the king was hunting in an area in which he could, in his opinion, be completely fearless. But the cannibals took him prisoner and brought him to their village along with everyone else. They tied his hands, dragged a lot of firewood, set up a stake and tied the king to the stake. As they got closer to build a fire, they noticed that the king was missing a thumb on his hand. Because of their superstition, they never ate someone who had a defect in the body. Untying the king, they let him go.
Returning home, he remembered the incident when he lost his finger, and felt remorse for his treatment of a friend. He immediately went to the prison to talk to him.
- You were right, - he said, - it was good that I was left without a finger.
And he told everything that had just happened to him.
- I am very sorry that I put you in jail, it was bad of me.
- No, - said his friend, - it's good!
- What are you saying? Is it good that I put my friend in jail for a whole year?
- If I wasn't in prison, I would be there with you.

On the same topic.

“A peasant who had a horse was considered a wealthy person in his village. He was envied. But when his horse went into the forest and did not return, they stopped envying him, and some even felt sorry for him. But when his horse returned and brought with him a horse from the forest, everyone became jealous of him again, but when his son fell off this horse and broke his leg, some stopped envying him. But when the war began, and all the guys were taken into the army, but his son was not taken, everyone began to envy him again ... ".

A good exercise to help you, which helps to systematically change thinking in the direction of the positive

Parable "Difficult task"

One wise old man had several disciples. Somehow a dispute broke out between them, which they themselves could not resolve in any way. What is more difficult, the monks decided, is to write down the Divine revelation, to understand and comprehend it, or to explain the meaning to another. We decided to ask the elder for advice.

Parable "Perception"

Stop asking and demanding answers. Free yourself, become the perceiver of the universal Existence. Just relax, wait, enjoy, and your time will surely come. The professor of philosophy came to Zen Master Nan-Ying and began to ask him about God, meditation and many other interesting things. The Master listened in silence and then said, “You look tired. You have come from afar, you have climbed a high mountain. Let me first offer you a cup of tea. The professor was waiting for tea, but he was full of questions. While the water was boiling, while the aroma of tea was spreading in the air, the Master looked at the professor, as if telling him: “Wait. Do not rush. Who knows? Even tea drinking can be the answer to your questions.” Meanwhile, the professor began to think that his journey was in vain: “This man looks crazy. How can questions about God be answered at teatime?” But he was very tired, and, in general, it would be nice to have a cup of tea before returning. Then the Master brought a teapot. He started pouring tea into a cup. When the cup was full, he continued pouring. The tea spilled into the saucer. Then the saucer was filled too, but the Master continued to pour, and hot tea poured onto the floor ... The professor exclaimed: - What are you doing?! Can't you see the cup is full, the saucer too?! And Nan-In said: - Exactly the same with you. Your mind is so full of questions that even if I answer, there will be no space in you to accept the answer. And I'm telling you while you're here, your questions fill this house. This little hut is full of your questions. Come back, empty your cup, then come back. First create a small free space in you.

Be free from prejudice, leave room for the new and the unknown, and you will keep up with the times!

Parable about our envy

The teacher said:

Yesterday we didn't finish talking about problems. What is your biggest selling problem?

The disciples pondered, finally, one of them said:
- I know, Master. The situation just infuriates me when I make an appointment with someone, I come, but he is not there at all or he makes me wait.

Another student said:
- And what irritates me most of all is when someone promises me something, and then does not do it.

The third student complained:
- I just hate it when a person does not give a specific answer. It doesn't matter if I'm offering him a product or asking him how he's going to spend his weekend.

There were no more students that day. The teacher asked the first student:
- Tell me, have you ever been late somewhere?
- I do not remember such cases, maybe only in childhood. I constantly look at the clock and rush.

The teacher asked the second student:
- Do you always keep your promises?
- Yes, - the student answered, - no matter what it costs me!

The teacher asked the third student a question:
- Are you always specific in your statements?
- Absolutely! exclaimed the third student.
“Now imagine,” the Teacher said, “that you don’t need to rush anywhere, you don’t have to be responsible for your words at all, and you can speak in general terms, practically about nothing.

Each of the disciples thought of his own, and seeing how all three thoughtfully lowered their heads, the Master continued:
We are most annoyed in others by what we ourselves cannot afford. We think that these are problems, but much more often it is our envy.

Modern psychologists say that people are most annoyed by their own mistakes when they are inherent in other people. It seems to us that the Teacher's point of view also has a right to exist.

Talk about the gift of fate

The grandson came to visit his grandfather. The old man began to question him about business, but the grandson was taciturn.
“You look tired, as if you have lived a hard life,” said the grandfather.
- You're right, there is nothing good in my life, - the grandson sighed.
- I have prepared a gift to dispel your sadness, - said the grandfather. - Yes, I put it in a secretary drawer and forgot which one.
Grandfather's secretary was old, with many doors.
- It doesn't matter, I will quickly find him, - the grandson grinned and began to open one door after another. Soon the gift was found, and under it was a note: “There are many doors in life, and behind one of them is a gift of fate. The wise say: “You need to knock on seven doors so that one opens.”

The impossible is possible!


"Nonsense!" - thought the HOME and threw away the newspaper.
Walking through the yards in search of food, he saw a large notice on the wall:


"A typo or what?" - thought the HOME and went, grumbling further. Going out into the wide street, he noticed a huge banner, which read:


HOME thought. And he became curious what kind of madman could write such a thing and decided to check it out. He had nothing to lose, except for the last dollar in his pocket.
Arriving at the address, he saw the same villa. Robko called. The door was opened by a beautiful woman.

- Sorry! I'm on the ad. The fact that it says draw?
- Yes Yes! Everything is correct.
I'm talking about cost. 1 dollar? This is true?
— Yes. 1 dollar. If you are interested, you can look around the house.

Of course, the HOME liked everything and, having given his last dollar, he became the owner of a luxurious villa. But still decided to find out why such a low price? To which the woman, smiling, said: “Before his death, my husband indicated in his will that I would sell our villa and transfer the proceeds to the account of his mistress. What I did! The ad hung for six months, and you are the only one who responded to it. All the best to you." And the woman left.

We all get a chance!
You just need to BELIEVE that the impossible is possible.

Request to the sage

Once upon a time there was a girl of incomparable beauty, but she had neither a husband nor a fiancé. The fact is that a sage lived next to her, and he said:
“Whoever dares to kiss a beauty will die!” Everyone knew that the wise man was never wrong, so hundreds of brave horsemen looked at the girl from afar, not even daring to approach her. And suddenly one day a young man appeared who at first sight, like everyone else, fell in love with a beauty. But he instantly climbed over the fence, came up and kissed the girl.
— Ah! - shouted the horsemen. Now he is going to die! But the young man kissed the girl again, and again. And she immediately agreed to marry him.
- But how is it? exclaimed the rest of the horsemen. “You, sage, predicted that the one who kissed the beauty would die?!
“So be it,” replied the sage. “But I never said it would happen right away. He will die sometime later, when, after many years of a happy life, his time will come.

Moral: Listen carefully. And be bold in your good deeds.

About husbands. Parables about life

Once a woman came to the wise old man and said:
“You made a marriage between me and my husband two years ago. Now separate us. I don't want to live with him anymore."
“What is the reason for your desire to get a divorce?” the sage asked.
The woman explained: “All husbands return home on time, but my husband is constantly delayed. Because of this, there are scandals every day at home.
The elder, surprised, asks: “Is this the only reason?”
“Yes, I don’t want to live with a person who has such a defect,” the woman replied.
I will divorce you, but on one condition. Come home now, bake a big delicious bread and bring it to me. But when you bake bread, don't take anything from the house! Ask your neighbors for salt, water, eggs and flour. And be sure to explain to them the reason for your request,” said the sage.
The woman went home and set to work.
I went to a neighbor and said: “Neighbor, lend me a glass of water.” “Are you out of water? Isn't there a well dug in the yard?
“There is water, but I went to the wise old man to complain about my husband and asked to divorce us,” the woman explained. And as soon as she finished, the neighbor sighed: “Oh, if you knew what kind of husband I have!”. And she began to complain about her husband.
After, the woman went to another neighbor to ask for salt. “You ran out of salt, are you asking for just one spoon?”
“There is salt, but I complained to the elder about my husband, asked for a divorce,” that woman says, and before she had time to finish, the neighbor exclaimed: “Oh, if you only knew what kind of husband I have!” - and began to complain about her husband.
So, to whom this woman did not go to ask for food, she heard complaints about her husbands from everyone.
Finally, she baked a large delicious bread, brought it to the sage and gave it with the words: “Thank you, try my work with your family. Just don't think of divorcing me and my husband."
"Why, what happened, daughter?" - asked the sage.
“My husband, it turns out, is the best!” she answered him.

The parable "Take courage - make an attempt!"

One day the king decided to put all his courtiers to the test in order to find out which of them was capable of occupying an important state post in his kingdom. Many powerful and wise men surrounded him.

“O wise men,” the king addressed them, “I have a difficult task for you, and I would like to know who can solve it.”

He led those present to such a huge door as no one had ever seen before. “This is the largest and heaviest door that has ever been in my kingdom. Which of you can open it?" the king asked.

Some courtiers only shook their heads. Others who were considered wise took a closer look at the door, but confessed that they could not open it. Since the wise have admitted this, the rest agreed that this task is too difficult.

Only one vizier came to the door. He carefully examined and felt her, then tried to move her this way and that, and finally pushed her sharply.

Wow, the door has opened! It was just covered, but not locked. All that was needed was the will to test it, and the courage to act decisively.

Then the king announced: “You will receive this post at court, because you rely not only on the fact that you see and hear, but you rely on your own strength and are not afraid to make an attempt.