The best simple and effective diets. The best diets. How to beat a bulging belly

Situations in life when you urgently need to lose weight are different - this is what the doctor’s recommendation says, for example, with an increase in weight, the load on the heart or legs increases, or a solemn event is banally expected, and the dress bought in advance hangs lonely in the closet and, as it were, reproachfully says "How could you! After all, together we have been waiting for this day for a long time, and now you don’t even fit into me!

According to the results of research by the World Federation of Dietitians and Gastroenterologists, there are many ways to get rid of excess weight, these tireless researchers even made their own rating of “urgent” weight loss methods, the results of which will be given below.

But if we talk about express methods for losing weight, when you need to act quickly, here the undisputed leadership has been firmly held by the “Buckwheat with kefir” diet for several decades.

It is not easy to withstand it, but the result is worth it, because in 14 days, which will have to be devoted to the buckwheat-kefir diet, weight loss will be from 8 to 10 kg.

The essence of this most effective diet for weight loss is that for 10-14 days you need to eat only buckwheat, cooked in a special, simple way, washed down with 1% fat kefir.

How to cook buckwheat in order to lose weight miraculously with its help? Everything is very simple.

Rinse buckwheat at the rate of 1 part of cereal to 2 parts of water and pour boiling water over it. This should be done in the evening, because buckwheat will not be boiled, it will remain infused, filled with boiling water until morning.

Here, in fact, is the whole menu for the whole day and the next 10-14 days too. In addition to the fact that soon, finally, there will be an opportunity to become the owner of an aspen waist and chiseled hips, you can reassure yourself that you can eat buckwheat throughout the day in unlimited quantities, although you should not drink more than 1 liter of kefir.

You can not salt and pepper buckwheat. Do not forget about water and green tea - there should be at least 2-3 liters of liquid.

This will speed up the metabolic processes in the body.

Buckwheat has the property of simultaneously cleansing and saturating the body, this is the main principle of the diet.

Kefir is also used to prevent constipation.

But even with such a meager set of products from eating 2 hours before bedtime, you need to refuse. The most intense weight loss occurs on the first and last days of the diet - so if the dynamics of weight loss that started so abruptly suddenly slowed down, you just need to follow the recommendations exactly until the end of the course and the result will not be long in coming.

10 fastest ways to lose weight can be found in the video.

Hit parade of the most effective diets: how to part with extra pounds seriously and for a long time

Ekaterina Mirimanova's weight loss system "Minus 60"

This revolutionary diet, without expecting it, was developed by a simple girl Katya Mirimanova, who, after the birth of her daughter in 2005, was literally so "smashed" that she made a decision: "Either now or never."

But everyone knows that making a decision is only half the battle, but how to put it into practice ... How difficult it is to give up your favorite dishes, fried, sweet and starchy foods.

And Ekaterina presented a gift to all lazy people who lost weight, dropping 60 kilograms of excess weight within a year, she shared her know-how with all those suffering from extra pounds. Everything is possible on this diet.

But not always. Here are the basic principles of this diet: for breakfast until 12-00 you can do everything in any volume, gradually losing weight, the body itself will get used to the benefits for breakfast.

Lunch must be between 12:00 and 14:00. Food should be either boiled or stewed.

And have dinner no later than 18-00 without the use of fat and oil without salt, marinade and smoked meats. It can be, for example, a small amount of fruit with yogurt with a fat content of not more than 5%.

After dinner, you can also drink coffee without added sugar, milk and cream. On holidays, this can be a glass of dry red wine.

Every day the body should receive at least 15 - 20 minutes of physical activity.

Important: drink plenty of pure water and stop consuming white sugar, replacing it with brown. You also need to give up white rice and get used to wild steamed rice, you should not get carried away with apples, their number should not exceed 0.5 kg per day, as in any diet, large portions should be avoided, canned food and marinades should be consumed limitedly.

No hunger strikes and fasting days.

Diet "Ladder"

This five-day diet is designed for those who are not a problem to get rid of excess weight, but it is difficult to maintain the achieved result. The name speaks for itself - each of the five steps - five days of the diet has its own purpose and cannot be interchanged, in case of a breakdown, you need to start from the very first.

  1. 1st step "cleansing" - apples + activated charcoal.
  2. 2nd stage "recovery" - cottage cheese + kefir + water.
  3. 3rd step "energy" - honey + dried fruits.
  4. 4th stage "construction" - poultry fillet + vegetable salad.
  5. 5th step "burning" - fruits + vegetables + oatmeal.

Slimming according to Alain Carr

Alain Carr is a famous figure. His books on how to quit smoking or lose weight sell fantastically.

In order to become slim and beautiful, Carr offers a radical path - dairy products, meat, fish, sweets, pastries - all of which a person who wants to live a long healthy life should give up. He recommends eating vegetables, fruits, nuts, and, moreover, unprocessed.

Diet "Beloved"

This is another effective and fast diet for a week. The seven-day course to shed 10 extra pounds is a favorite for those preparing for a vacation, wedding or other festive event.

Each of the days of the diet has its own name - drinking, vegetable, fruit, and so on. The diet will allow not only to "drive" the excess, but also significantly reduce the volume of the stomach, to prevent further weight gain.

The diet menu is very extensive and a drinking day does not mean only water and green tea, like many other diets, it can include broths, yogurts, and kissels.

MondayBreakfastFat-free kefir -1 glass
DinnerYogurt, milk
TuesdayBreakfast2 tomatoes, green tea
DinnerPeking salad and cucumbers, green tea
WednesdayBreakfast200 milkshake
DinnerChicken broth -200 gr, green tea
DinnerCabbage and cucumber salad, green tea
ThursdayBreakfast2 oranges, grapefruit
DinnerSalad - kiwi, apple, pomelo
DinnerPear, grapefruit
FridayBreakfast2 eggs, 200 grams of boiled fish
Dinner150 grams boiled turkey fillet, green peas
Dinner100 grams of cottage cheese. 100 grams of cheese
SaturdayBreakfastFat-free kefir -1 cup, green tea
DinnerChicken broth, green tea
Dinnermilkshake, milkshake
SundayBreakfast2 eggs, green tea, any fruit
DinnerLight soup with rice
DinnerVegetable salad

Diet 6 petals

Here, Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson suggests creating a flower with six petals, each containing a menu for the day. After each day of the diet, the petal comes off and the cherished weight loss is getting closer.

In order for the order of days not to be disturbed, it is better to number the petals.

Rice diet of Tibetan monks

Shao-lin monks before important competitions, in order to bring their weight and spirit back to normal, follow the following diet:
first of all, on an empty stomach, you need to eat as many raw rice grains as you have completed your full years today.

You do not need to drink rice with water, you need to swallow it whole. In the ten-day diet period after 18-00, eat only fruits and vegetables.

3-5 extra pounds in 10 days are guaranteed to go away.

Diet of Elena Malysheva

Doctor and TV presenter Elena Malysheva has always been perceived ambiguously and with distrust. But her “named” diet, which appeared on television and on the network, simply “shot” among domestic fighters with extra pounds and centimeters at the waist.

Online stores vying with each other offer to purchase a magical set of products for this diet, of course, because it helps to lose up to 5 kg in 10 days, not so much, but just such a dynamic is approved by nutritionists. What is the essence of the sensational diet?

Changing days - protein - carbohydrate, that is, switching to a 10-day alternating mono-nutrition, a person does not lose any necessary components from his diet. Be sure to drink a glass of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach.

Sample menu:

The first day

BreakfastBoiled egg, carrot salad (dressing - vegetable oil) - 100g, buckwheat porridge on water without oil - 200g, apple
LunchFat-free cottage cheese (you can casserole, dried fruits, green tea
DinnerSteamed beef - 150g, boiled broccoli - 200g, rosehip broth
afternoon teagrapefruit or pomelo
DinnerStewed vegetables (zucchini, cabbage, broccoli) - 200g, baked apple

Second day

BreakfastOat flakes on the water - 200g.,

rye bread - 2 pcs.

LunchBaked beets with prunes - 200g, rye bread - 2 pcs.
DinnerVegetable salad - tomatoes, cabbage, greens - 200g.

Rice with chicken fillet and vegetables - 200g.

Rosehip decoction

afternoon teaFat-free cottage cheese - 200g, yogurt without sugar.
DinnerSteamed fish - 200g, steamed green beans - 200g, kefir - 200g.


  • having any chronic diseases, before making a decision on a diet, you need to obtain the consent of the attending physician;
  • an increased amount of protein in the diet is a taboo for people with kidney disease;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the use of raw vegetables in the diet are incompatible;
  • if there are citrus fruits in the diet menu, the acidity of gastric juice should be monitored and, if it is elevated, stop using them;
  • people with anemia are not recommended to diet at all.

It's one thing when the weight does not fit into the norm by 3-5 kg ​​and there is time to sit on some correct and non-exhausting nutrition system. And it’s completely different when over 10 kg of extra pounds are gained, and the deadlines are running out. That's when a rigid diet comes to the rescue - effective, but difficult to tolerate. As a rule, many choose it, but not everyone reaches its logical conclusion.


Many sources indicate that it must be short-term in order for weight loss to be urgent. In fact, for example, you won’t get rid of 20 kg in 3 days or even in a week. Therefore, the duration of such techniques can be 2 weeks, or even a month. This parameter is not a criterion. And here is a list of those principles that are inherent in rigid diets:

  • poor, low-calorie diet;
  • lack of balance of JBU - bias towards proteins (most often);
  • minimum portions;
  • three meals a day without snacks or frequent meals, but not more than a handful;
  • a long list of prohibited foods and a very short list of allowed ones;
  • the goal is to lose the maximum number of kilograms in the shortest possible time;
  • very difficult to endure;
  • negative impact on mood and well-being;
  • most often it is;
  • almost any disease (except obesity) automatically becomes a contraindication.

The main feature of such food systems is undesirable health consequences. Experts say that strict diets are dangerous with the following complications:

  • exhaustion;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • deficiency of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients;
  • gastrointestinal disorders up to bulimia;
  • exacerbation of existing chronic diseases;
  • stool problems;
  • violation of the excretory systems, kidneys, liver.

Unfortunately, avoiding side effects is almost impossible. If only to reduce the time to 3-5 days, but then there will be no significant weight loss that you are counting on. Problems do not arise in those who have remarkable health and are constantly under the supervision of doctors and nutritionists.

In order to somehow reduce the risk of health complications after strict diets, they must be observed with extreme caution. Be guided by the recommendations of experts.

  1. Before losing weight, go through a medical examination and get the permission of a doctor.
  2. During the entire hunger strike, see a doctor, nutritionist or fitness trainer.
  3. Drink as much water as possible.
  4. Stay active, but avoid strenuous exercise.
  5. Get enough sleep.
  6. It would be better if the period of weight loss falls on vacation so that performance does not suffer.
  7. As soon as the mood starts to fall, irritability will appear - learn to please yourself with pleasant little things (dating, shopping, watching your favorite TV series, etc.).
  8. Follow your well-being. If side effects begin to manifest themselves too clearly, the diet should be stopped.
  9. Do not take any medication other than a multivitamin complex.

A competent exit from the diet is very important. Make a plan for him in advance so as not to harm even more.

TOP of the best

In an effort to lose weight quickly and effectively, women are looking for what is the toughest diet of all. We have selected the TOP ten power systems, which are very difficult to withstand, but they will provide a slender figure in a minimum amount of time.

  1. Lemon.
  2. Salt-free.
  3. Model.
  4. Buckwheat.
  5. On bread and water.

From the point of view of the scarcity of the diet, the number of allowed foods and the size of portions, these are the most stringent diets for quick weight loss, which will help you get rid of 7-10 kg in a week.

No expert will tell you which diet is the toughest in the world, since this parameter is very individual. For some, it’s scary to sit without salt, and someone won’t even feel its absence in food. Some will not be able to eat steamed buckwheat every day, while others will happily sit on their favorite porridge. However, many agree that a hunger strike on water alone is perhaps the most unprincipled and difficult of all.

Short review

Our review will help you navigate and choose the best option.


The bottom line: during the day you need to drink 3 glasses of lemon juice, half diluted with water (for each meal). The substances contained in burn complex carbohydrates, preventing their transformation into fats, perfectly cleanse the intestines and speed up the metabolism. It is not recommended to eat whole lemons, which can cause heartburn.


  • oranges;
  • tangerines;
  • grapefruit;
  • kiwi;
  • eggs and dairy products (help citrus break down fats).

Terms: from 3 to 7 days.

Results: up to 10 kg per week.


  • ideal, since visceral fat is absorbed first;
  • cholesterol decreases;
  • immunity increases;
  • toxins are removed.


  • very often already on the 2nd day there is heartburn or a feeling of discomfort in the stomach;
  • severe destruction of tooth enamel.

Serving sizes: 150g for breakfast, 200g for lunch and 100g for dinner.




  • 500 grams per day of steamed buckwheat;
  • kefir;
  • unsweetened fruits;
  • vegetable salads.

Terms: any.

Results: 5 kg in 3 days, up to 10 in a week, up to 20 kg in a month.


  • poor diet
  • the taste qualities of steamed buckwheat leave much to be desired and quickly get bored.

Serving sizes: for breakfast and lunch, 200 g of steamed buckwheat. Additional dishes - for breakfast and dinner +100 gr, for lunch +150 gr.


On bread and water

Bottom line: the diet on bread and water is very tough, especially its three-day version. It's incredibly difficult to endure. On the day you need to eat 150 grams of bread and drink 2 liters of clean water.


  • sandwiches with low-fat, low-calorie filling;
  • fruits and vegetables in limited quantities (this is for a diet for a week).

There are no additional products for the three-day option.

Terms: for 3 days or for a week.

Results: 4 kg in 3 days, 6-7 in a week.


  • constant feeling of hunger and heartburn.


Having decided, by all means, to try one of the strict diets, tune in right away that this will be a very difficult period of your life. Along with kilograms, good mood and well-being will gradually go away. It is likely that health problems will begin due to the scarcity of the diet. And most importantly, such hunger strikes are very difficult to endure because of the constant feeling of hunger, so the risk of failure is maximum. This can seriously shake your confidence in yourself. Are you ready for such challenges?


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Verified Information

This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strives to be objective, open-minded, honest and present both sides of an argument.

Most women believe that there are no diets that can and effectively get rid of excess weight. However, it is not. Of course, with the help of such diets it will be extremely difficult to maintain the achieved results, but if you urgently need to lose weight, for example, before some important event, you can quickly transform your figure. How? Now you will know everything.

There is a huge variety of diets that are aimed at weight loss. Some of them last very long (more than a month), but at the same time they allow you to safely lose weight and keep the results achieved for a long time. But there are also other diets that last from 2 to 7 days, while it is possible to lose from 1 to 8 kg.

Of course, at first glance it seems that this is not real. However, such diets exist and, as practice shows, they are really effective.

Do not forget that fast diets can lead not only to the desired weight loss in a short time, but also to such a side effect as the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. Dermatologists strongly recommend using a modeling cream during the diet. But not every cream is good for health. If the composition of the cosmetic product contains components such as parabens, animal fats or mineral oils, then they should be discarded.

Experts advise using only natural cosmetics that have the necessary certificates. These include the products of the Russian company Mulsan Cosmetic. The modeling cream of this company does an excellent job with stretch marks and is completely safe for the female body. We recommend that you visit the site and choose for yourself not only a cream, but also other products of the company, which will help you not only achieve the desired result, but also keep your skin healthy and young for a long time.

General rules to guide when choosing a diet

Quick and easy diets are based on severe dietary restriction and usually include 1 or 2 foods that are allowed to be consumed. Therefore, if you urgently need to lose weight, then choose exactly the diet that will include foods that are available to you and you love.

If you force yourself to use this or that product, then most likely you will not last even two days. In addition, you will have to set yourself up on a psychological level, since you will definitely have to starve, and this, as you know, leads to the formation of depression, irritability, dizziness and sleep disturbances.

Choose a diet that includes meals that do not require a complex cooking process and will take a minimum of time. The less you'll be in the kitchen, the less you will be tempted to eat something tasty.

So, let's move on to the description of simple diets that will help you transform in a very short time.

This easy and simple diet is the most popular today. It involves the use of 1% kefir during the day. On the day you need to drink only 1.5 liters of kefir and the same amount of ordinary drinking water. You can't eat anything else.

It is worth noting that this diet has a pronounced laxative effect, so it should be used only on those days when you can afford to spend the whole day at home.

It is impossible to “sit” on a kefir diet for more than three days. Since a strong one occurs during it: slags, toxins, excess salt and water are removed from the body (due to which, in fact, weight loss occurs). However, already on the 3rd - 4th day, along with harmful substances, useful substances begin to be excreted from the body, which can lead to a deterioration in well-being and the development of various diseases.

If you feel severe pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness or headache, you should abandon such a diet and switch to your usual diet. However, the transition should be very careful, gradually increasing the daily caloric content of meals.

Kefir-cucumber diet

This diet is one of the variants of the kefir diet and involves the use of 1.5 liters of 1% kefir, 1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers and the same amount of drinking water per day. All these products must be divided into equal parts, while you can use them even before bedtime or at night, if you suddenly have an appetite that keeps you awake.

However, this diet, like the previous one, has a pronounced laxative effect. Therefore, you should be careful about your well-being. This simple diet lasts 5 - 6 days, no more, allows you to lose up to 7 kg of excess weight.

This is the simplest and most effective diet for weight loss. Buckwheat is a dietary product that has a low calorie content and does not cause allergic reactions, so everyone can try it.

In just one week, you can lose about 5 kg. Only buckwheat can be eaten. At the same time, you can cook it in various ways, the main thing is that it does not contain fats, that is, you cannot add butter and vegetable oils, and salt.

You can eat such buckwheat in unlimited quantities. This is how this diet works. Unsalted buckwheat helps to remove salt from the body, which retains excess fluid in the body. And the low calorie content of this product makes the body spend much more energy per day than it receives, due to which fat deposits are burned.

You can watch the following videos for cooking buckwheat for weight loss:

This diet is more rigid, but at the same time it is the most effective. The diet of top models lasts only 3 days, but during this period it is quite possible to lose 3-5 kg. In this case, your daily diet will consist of:

  • one boiled chicken egg;
  • 300 g fat-free cottage cheese.

The main rule of this diet is that all these products must be consumed before 17:00, dinner should be completely absent, and if you really want to eat, you can drink a glass of warm water with the addition of lemon juice.

Fresh juice diet

This simple but effective diet involves drinking freshly squeezed juices for three days. However, it is not so easy to withstand it, because it is necessary to drink only juices from citrus fruits. However, they cannot be diluted with water and sugar cannot be added to them.

Juices should be prepared just before drinking. You can use only oranges, lemons or grapefruits for these purposes. At one time, you need to drink one glass of juice (200 - 250 ml), there should be three meals in total. The rest of the time it is allowed to drink only non-carbonated mineral or ordinary drinking water.

This is another easy and simple diet that is designed for 7 days. During this time, you can lose 4 - 5 kg. During the week it is necessary to eat only vegetable soups, and their number is not limited.

The main rules for cooking vegetable soups:

  • do not use potatoes;
  • do not use meat products for making broth;
  • do not use oils;
  • add salt in small quantities.

Such a diet is easily tolerated, since the soup is a liquid, a hot liquid that quickly fills the stomach and contributes to almost instant satisfaction of hunger.

It is very important to observe the drinking regimen. By the way, this applies to all diets. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. At the same time, you can’t drink it immediately after eating, as this will lead to stretching of the walls of the stomach, due to which the feeling of hunger will return very quickly, and to a slowdown in metabolism, which you definitely don’t need in this case.

Carbohydrate-free diet of fashion models

This diet has gained its popularity due to rapid weight loss and long-term preservation of the results achieved, since its action is not based on cleansing the body, but on the breakdown of body fat.

The diet lasts three days. In this short period of time, you can lose 2 - 3 kg. However, in this case, active training in gyms is required. I think this diet has the following:

  • for breakfast you can eat one boiled egg in a "bag";
  • for lunch 150 g of fat-free cottage cheese and one cup of unsweetened tea are allowed;
  • for an afternoon snack only fat-free cottage cheese (150 g) and unsweetened tea are also allowed.

Dinner in this diet is completely absent, the rest of the time you need to drink plenty of drinking water.

This is the hardest version of the diet. But there is another option for a carbohydrate-free diet, which is the most easily tolerated and also gives positive results in the shortest possible time. The diet lasts 7 to 14 days.

Her menu is monotonous and includes:

  • for breakfast a slice of rye bread, one cup of unsweetened tea (preferably green) and a couple of slices of hard cheese;
  • for lunch a slice of rye bread, a portion of boiled beans, fat-free cottage cheese (150g) and one cup of tea;
  • for dinner steamed chicken breast (100 g), tomato and cucumber. One cup of tea is also allowed.

Pumpkin diet lasts for 12 days and allows you to lose up to 6 kg. It is transferred quite easily, as it involves a variety of dishes, but has contraindications. The pumpkin diet is forbidden for people during lactation and pregnancy, as well as for people with chronic diseases.

The essence of the diet is that it is necessary to prepare dishes from pumpkin pulp. However, they should be boiled or steamed. In addition, a minimum of salt, oil and various spices should be used. Pumpkin is allowed to be combined with various vegetables, but the main ingredient, which should make up 80% of the diet, is pumpkin.

From it you can cook various soups, mashed potatoes, mashed soups, cereals, salads. In addition to all this, you can use pumpkin juice, only natural and preferably freshly squeezed, as well as pumpkin seeds, which allow you to have a good time in the evenings in front of the TV.

It is worth noting that the main meals should not be more than 3, and snacks should not be more than 2. Physical activity and adherence to the drinking regime are also welcome and lead to the best results.

As you can see, the list of fast and effective diets is very large. You just have to choose the right one for you and go to your goal.

Video about the best diet

Video with recipes for a quick diet

Today there are so many different diets that it is very difficult to choose the one that suits you best. However, what if you need a good weight loss diet that will definitely bring the desired results. That is why today we will conduct a special investigation and select exactly those systems that have proven their high efficiency and safety in practice. After all, the most important thing is to maintain your health. There is one significant point here, everyone can have their own good diet for weight loss, since all people are different. That is why we will make an overview of the most popular systems so that you have plenty to choose from.

Good or fast diet

Indeed, these are two mutually exclusive concepts. However, in the understanding of a person who wants to become slim, a good weight loss diet should help in a matter of days. Today there is no system that would allow you to become a model in a short time, without harming your health, and after the end to keep the result. And it's not even that at the end of the diet, everyone immediately attacks cakes and pastries. It's just that the body, having experienced severe stress, will begin to actively make reserves for a rainy day. In addition, when food is limited, the internal self-regulation system slows down the metabolism in order to save energy. Therefore, switching to a normal diet, even if you still eat less than the norm, you will gain weight. A good weight loss diet cannot be fast, but it is these express methods that are most in demand, as they give the desired effect. Let's take a look at the top fast diets so you can make your own choice.

The best diet for fast weight loss

We evaluated the diets in terms of their effectiveness and according to the feedback of people who have tried them in practice. From the entire array of data, it can be concluded that the most easily tolerated low-carbohydrate diet, while it is quite effective. The difficulty lies in the fact that the diet completely excludes sugar. Otherwise, despite the restriction in carbohydrates, the menu is quite satisfying. In 2-3 days, you can lose up to 3 kilograms, which is a noticeable result. Your breakfast will consist of 30 g of hard cheese, a small piece of rye bread and coffee without sugar. Lunch is the most important meal, you can afford a few tablespoons of boiled beans, 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese and coffee. Dinner will consist of 100 g of fish, any fresh vegetables and a cup of green tea. The rest of the time, drink mineral or plain water. If the feeling of hunger is very strong, it is permissible to eat a couple of grapefruit slices. As we have said, the best diet for fast weight loss exists, but there are a number of others.

Express diets

One popular method is the potato diet. It would seem that potatoes are recommended to be excluded from the menu for those who want to reduce their weight. But this applies only to those cases when a starchy vegetable is consumed along with protein foods or sweets. At the same time, it is quite suitable as a product for a mono-diet. For two days, only potatoes are allowed, while it can be boiled or baked. It is forbidden to add any spices and salt. The exception is a small amount of vegetable oil. In two days, it is quite possible to get rid of two kilograms of excess weight.

Drinking or juice diet

If we talk about speed and effectiveness, then this is the best diet for weight loss. Reviews confirm that it is very difficult to withstand it, but if you need to get in shape on the eve of an important event, then you should try it. To make juice for one day, you need 8 oranges, 2 grapefruits and one lemon. Squeezed juice is your diet for one day. It can be consumed 3 times, and in between drink green tea or plain water. You can't eat anything else. The conditions are very tough, so this diet is a real test of your willpower. The diet lasts 2-3 days, if you can stand it, 5 days is acceptable, but no more.

Lack of dinner is also a diet

And very efficient. Perhaps this is what the best diet for weight loss should be. Reviews of thousands of women say that it is difficult to adhere to such a system, but you gradually get used to it. The duration of the diet is 2-5 days, with the last meal for lunch. In the morning, you can afford a chicken egg and a cup of coffee without sugar. At about 12 o'clock, a second breakfast awaits you, it can be 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese or a glass of vegetable juice. For lunch, you can have 150 g of fish or chicken breast with a vegetable side dish, and for dessert, unsweetened fruit or some berries. After that, you can only herbal tea or water.

Egg honey diet

Its principle is a little different, but still it is one of the best diet for weight loss. Reviews of women say that it is very well tolerated due to honey. The body receives a large amount of nutrients. The yolk is a source of essential amino acids, fats and microelements, and honey is a food for our brain and a source of vitamins. Before each meal (3 times a day) you need to drink a mixture of one yolk and a teaspoon of honey.

For breakfast, you can have a cup of tea or coffee with a small piece of rye bread. On the first day, you can have 90 g of low-fat cheese for lunch, and on the second - 150 g of fish with boiled cabbage. It is allowed to supplement the meal with tea. For dinner on the first day, prepare chicken broth with rye bread, and on the second day, 90 g of cheese with rye bread. Dinner should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime.


Another common option for quick weight loss. It is quite difficult to withstand it, so weigh your strength. Your diet may consist of 250 g of boiled rice, hercules or buckwheat without salt and oil. There are options when cereals are replaced with kefir, you can drink up to a liter of a low-fat drink per day. In addition, there are many diets that suggest keeping apples, tangerines, pineapples, cucumbers, zucchini, grapefruits or oranges for several days. In any case, such mono-diets are recommended to be used only as fasting days; they cannot be followed for longer than 2 days.

For today, we will finish the review of express methods that promise fast results that are very difficult to maintain. Let's spend time on more balanced complexes that work more slowly, but allow you to consolidate the effect and do not damage your health. We will focus on studies and social surveys, according to which ten of the best diets are selected.

"Six petals" - a good diet for weight loss at home

This system was developed by a Swedish nutritionist, and every year it is only gaining popularity. Indeed, impressively, eight out of ten women managed to achieve their goals. This despite the fact that you do not need to suffer from hunger and earn yourself chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The weight on this diet is from 500 to 800 g per day. So you can easily lose 10-15 kg in two weeks. The beauty of this diet is that after completing one round, you can immediately proceed to the second, and so on until you reach your goal.

In fact, this diet is based on the principles of separate nutrition. Six petals - six mono-diets that follow each other. This is not only a weight loss system, but also an interesting game. Before starting it, you must depict a flower with six petals, which you will tear off one by one. The first petal bears the inscription fish. When the day ends, the petal comes off. The second is called vegetables. On the third day, chicken awaits you, the fourth - cereals, the fifth - cottage cheese, the sixth - fruits.

This is a fairly easy diet, as the dishes do not have time to get bored. Even if you don't really like fish, one day you'll be fine with it.

Diet "Enchantress"

In surveys, this system takes second place, this is another good diet for weight loss at home. We like to start a new life on Monday, so the menu is scheduled according to the days of the week. The first day is "white Monday", when you can eat cottage cheese and kefir, milk and yogurt without fruit additives. The second day is Sweet Tuesday. Only one day of the diet has passed, and you can already please yourself with sweet fruits and vegetables (carrots, beets), dried fruits and honey, berries, fruit jelly without sugar are allowed. If you really want something sweet, a saucer of fruit jam and 50 g of dark chocolate is acceptable. The third day is meat, it is called "a hearty environment." You can eat lean meat, poultry, eggs, seafood and fish. Thursday is soup day. Boil vegetable, meat and fish broths, as well as a variety of soups without roasting. The fifth day is “cooked”, any cereal without butter is acceptable. Saturday is a busy day for you. On this day, you can tea and coffee, compotes, water, but all drinks must be sugar-free. The last day is "salad". You can make your favorite panicle or cabbage salad, vinaigrette with peas. Most importantly, do not add mayonnaise and rustic sour cream. The fat content of cheese should also not exceed 20%. For a week you can get rid of 3-5 kg, if you need to lose more extra pounds, then just repeat the course. These two systems are the best diets for weight loss. Reviews confirm that it is easy to stick to them, there is no feeling of hunger.

Diet "Ladder"

Five days - five steps to a new look. This system cannot be ignored when discussing the best diets for weight loss. Reviews about it are not so rosy, because it is more difficult to stick to it than the previous two. But the results are worth it. The first day is a cleansing step when you can drink water, eat apples and use activated charcoal. The second day is a recovery step, it is necessary to normalize the intestinal microflora. You can eat cottage cheese, drink kefir and water. The next day is an energy step, which is designed to reduce stress from this program. On this day, you can eat dried fruits and honey. Then comes the building step - this is a day dedicated to protein products (chicken and turkey). The latter is a fat-burning step, you can eat oatmeal, as well as vegetables and fruits, that is, sources of fiber. In five days, you can lose from 2.5 to 5 kilograms. It is believed that this is the best diet for weight loss.

Diet "Fluff"

A real salvation for those who need to lose a lot. The author of this technique got rid of 35 kg. For her, this is the best diet for weight loss, but many will say that the system has a too rigid diet. Nevertheless, this diet has been approved by a number of nutritionists. You will need three products: barley, fish and kefir. You can add cabbage. Soak 100 g of pearl barley overnight, and in the morning put it to boil for one hour. It will turn out 400 g of porridge, which must be divided into 5 meals. In the morning, you can add a glass of kefir to the porridge, in the afternoon a piece of fish, and for an afternoon snack - a plate of cabbage grated on a coarse grater. No wonder we included it today in our today's list, considering the best diets for weight loss. She gives amazing results.

"Cleansing" diet

And we continue our extensive topic. Indeed, the best diets for weight loss today are not described only by the lazy, from this variety we will try to isolate only the best and most effective systems. This diet is recommended by nutritionists, as it helps to cleanse the body. In a week you will lose about 10 kg. First day of drinking. You can use decoctions of dried fruits or broths, water and green tea. The second day - vegetable salads, be sure to add cabbage to them. The third day is again drinking. The fourth is fruit, be sure to include grapefruits in your diet. The fifth day is protein, you can eat chicken or eggs. Sixth day of drinking. The seventh day is final, for breakfast you can have two eggs, a fruit snack, a light broth for lunch, fruit for an afternoon snack, and coleslaw for dinner. This is really the best diet for losing 10 kg.

Diet "Montignac"

Rather, it is a new nutrition system that helps to get rid of 10 kg in 30 days without much effort. The authors do not describe the menu in steps, but offer general recommendations that can be followed. It will be necessary to reduce to a minimum the consumption of sugar in its pure form and products containing it. It is necessary to exclude from the diet a variety of sauces and seasonings: mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard. Give up wheat bread, it is better to take rye with bran. Completely eliminate foods containing a lot of starch: potatoes, corn, millet, white rice. At one time, you can not combine fatty and carbohydrate foods (bread and butter). It is necessary to observe three meals a day, drink 2 or more liters of water and completely abandon alcohol. This is a very good diet for losing weight in a month.

You can talk about diets endlessly. One system may suit each individual and another may be unacceptable. That is why we have reviewed the 10 best diets for weight loss, so that among this variety you can choose exactly what will be closer to you.

Do you want to lose weight without harm to health? We present you the TOP 10 diets with a menu for every day that will help you lose weight without harm to health once and for all!

Diets are considered to be "evil" that do not benefit the body. But if you competently and reasonably plan your diet, resorting to popular and effective nutrition schemes, it is quite possible to get rid of extra pounds not only quickly, but also safely. This becomes especially relevant when the calendar spring is getting closer. The main thing to remember is that severe restrictions, hunger, lack of vitamins will not bring you anything but a bad mood and sagging skin. Let's turn to the reasons that prevent you from losing weight, and consider the most effective diets without harm to health.

TOP 10 most effective diets for weight loss with a menu

We present you the 10 most popular weight loss diets that have gained great popularity among women around the world:

Reasons for gaining weight

The main principle of losing weight is to spend more calories than you consume with food per day. Specific figures are individual, it all depends on your physical activity, weight, age, height. Experts say that a 30-year-old person needs to consume about 2 thousand calories per day. That is, it is enough to reduce this figure to start losing weight.

What is weight gain? You may not be able to:

  • Distribute proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the daily diet. That is, you need to clearly understand what you can eat for breakfast and what for dinner.
  • Choose products. It is preferable to purchase products that have undergone minimal processing (for example, meat instead of minced meat).
  • Getting rid of excess weight with a diet is irrational without exercising. Only a set of measures will allow you to get a slender, but at the same time toned body.

Perfect Menu

Self-cooking allows you to control the amount of calories and its fat content. Before considering effective diets that do not harm the body, it is important to learn how to choose the right products.

  • We replace semi-finished products and minced meat with fresh meat. It doesn’t matter what it is, offal, pork or poultry, the main thing is naturalness.
  • Smoked products should be excluded. Seafood and fish must be fresh.
  • The diet should be filled with seasonal fruits, berries, vegetables and fresh herbs. But frozen and canned foods are excluded.
  • No dairy and sour milk with additives, only natural and with a short shelf life.
  • We replace instant side dishes with cereals that require cooking.
  • It is wiser to fill the salad not with mayonnaise, but with vegetable oil or sour cream. And ketchup should be replaced with soy sauce.
  • Avoid pastries, sweets and sugar. Want something tasty? Pay attention to dark chocolate, jelly, marshmallows, marshmallows.
  • White bread should be replaced with whole grain or wholemeal bread.
  • From drinks - exclude alcohol and instant coffee, natural coffee and green tea are allowed.

Expanding the list of diets

Let's add our main list of diets! There are several options that, if you follow the recommendations, will help you lose weight in 1 month by about 5-7 kilograms.

The first option is a protein diet

This is not an easy task, but, having endured hunger, you will quickly get used to such a diet. And in a month, your reflection in the mirror will delight you every day.

Day of the week Recommended menu for the day
  • Breakfast: var. an egg and a piece of cheese (low-fat).
  • Lunch: var. egg (2) and natural juice.
  • Dinner: kefir (up to 2.5%).
  • Breakfast: cottage cheese - 150 gr., low-fat sour cream can be added.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad and freshly squeezed juice.
  • Dinner: oatmeal (small portion) and a piece of cheese.
  • Breakfast: var. eggs (2) and unsweetened tea.
  • Lunch: fruit salad and juice.
  • Dinner: some meat (low-fat, for example, fillet) and 40 gr. melted cheese.
  • Breakfast: green salad.
  • Lunch: var. egg and tea.
  • Dinner: barley porridge and a piece of cheese.
  • Breakfast: low-fat kefir - 1 tbsp.
  • Lunch: var. egg and apple.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, cheese, meat.
  • Breakfast: var. egg.
  • Lunch: cabbage and carrot salad, tea.
  • Dinner: var. an egg and a slice of cheese.
SundayFasting day.

The second option is a drinking diet

As part of this food system, you can mainly consume drinking foods. At the same time, your body will receive everything it needs, and in a month you will be able to get rid of 10 kilograms.

days How to make a menu
  • Breakfast: smoothies (any composition).
  • Lunch: yogurt (drinkable) and some fruit.
  • Dinner: green leaf salad.
  • Breakfast: see Mon.
  • Lunch: light salad (ideally vegetables) and juice (natural).
  • Dinner: low-fat kefir.
  • Breakfast: oatmeal (small portion).
  • Lunch: smoothies.
  • Dinner: milk or kefir (only 1 tbsp.).
  • Breakfast: vegetable soup.
  • Lunch: see cf.
  • Dinner: natural juice and apples - 2 pcs.
  • Breakfast: see Mon.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup and tea.
  • Dinner: see Thu.
  • Breakfast: vegetable soup and an orange.
  • Lunch: smoothie and 1 apple.
  • Dinner: see Mon, you can add tea.
SundayFasting day.

Salt-free diet - excellent results

A lot has been written and said about the dangers of salt. But did you know that there is a nutrition system that allows you to lose up to 10 kilograms of excess weight in 13 days? It's called the Japanese Salt-Free Diet. Let's get acquainted with the menu.

days Three meals
  • Cup of natural coffee.
  • Var. eggs - 2, coleslaw (up to 300 gr.), Season with oil, tomato juice - 1 tbsp.
  • Fish - fried or boiled - 120 gr.
  • Coffee and 1 cracker.
  • Fish (not only boiling, but also frying is allowed) - 120 gr., Vegetable salad - up to 300 gr.
  • Kefir - 1 tbsp., beef broth. - 100 gr.
  • See second.
  • Fried zucchini - 1 pc.
  • Beef var. - 200 gr., var. eggs - 2, coleslaw - 270 gr.
  • See first.
  • Raw egg, cheese - 15 gr., salad from var. carrots (use 3 large root vegetables).
  • Fresh fruits - up to 250 gr.
  • Raw carrot salad (dressing with lemon juice) - 270 gr.
  • Fish (see second.), Tomato juice - 1 tbsp.
  • See fourth.
  • See first.
  • Var. chicken - 200 gr., carrot and cabbage salad - up to 300 gr.
  • Carrot fresh - 1 tbsp., var. eggs - 2.
  • Weak tea.
  • Beef decoction. - 200 gr., fresh fruit - 250 gr.
  • Any dinner except the third day.
EighthMenu of the sixth day.
NinthFifth day.
TenthFourth day.
EleventhThe third day.
TwelfthSecond day.
ThirteenthFirst day.

Any diet, no matter how long it lasts according to the plan, requires consultation with a doctor. Each organism is individual, and what is beneficial and effective for one may greatly harm another.

Diet of Maya Plisetskaya

According to the famous ballerina, they have not yet come up with other ways to lose weight, except for “eating less”. This confirms the nutrition scheme proposed by her and designed for 2 weeks. During this time, subject to all recommendations, it will be possible to lose up to 10 kilograms. The secret is simple:

  • Breakfast - 1 plate (small) of oatmeal.
  • Lunch - 1 bowl of vegetable soup with vegetable broth, 1 bowl of green salad.
  • Dinner - 1 cup of cooked rice, 1 bowl of light salad, a serving of fried salmon.

Scary? Don't be afraid. Between the listed meals, it is allowed to eat vegetables or fruits (strictly 1 pc.). It is important to drink as much water as possible. A prerequisite is the complete exclusion from the diet for this period of eggs, potatoes, tomatoes, meat, chocolate, "milk". Fish - not every day. You can add broccoli and barley.

Any diet must be followed for a limited amount of time in order to give the desired result without harm to health. After that, you should turn your attention to proper nutrition, which will allow you to save what you currently have and, subject to sports, achieve an even greater effect.

What diet do you think is the most effective?