Pleasant guy words in your own words. Beautiful words in prose, sms, congratulations, compliments. Beautiful, gentle, gentle, pleasant words and recognition to your beloved man

We write exciting SMS to all cases. Many templates for erotic SMS calling to action.

Finding your beloved man is difficult, but passionate relations with him for decades even more difficult. It is to preserve relationships. Neither to keep or return, and allow Love Fire to burn with decades!
With the harsh trends of our time, it seems impossible, because someone said, and we already inspired about some crises, the deadlines in which love lives, etc.
If this is the case, how do our great-grandpacks married in early youth and survived with her beloved husband to the last breath?
How did they achieve the fact that their husbands, being in old age with the same passion in the eyes watched on them?

How to make a man at a distance of SMS correspondence so that he will be excited?

Golden Rule. Want to love you - go to his brain, not pants. Yes, yes, it was the brains that loved men thousands of years ago and continue to love today. The momentary passion how quickly finds it quickly and passes. But do we want another?

In this article we offer to start intrigue.
Take a man at a distance, take possession of his thoughts and when meeting to have an unbridled passion.
Like an idea? Then let's start!

Whatever a man is, he loves himself madly when a woman is changing.
Remember it as a multiplication table. As soon as you stop changing, you will be changed.
And let him live side by side, let him remain faithful, the images of other women will live in his head. Do not let all this?

Change the writing styles. Today you are a romantic fairy, and tomorrow is a cunning thing.
Read love messages, both contemporaries and the creative personalities of the past.
Yes, they used to write on paper, now with the help of the touchscreen, but the essence of the transmitted information remains.
Remember, it does not always excite vulgarity, sometimes very chaste speeches, but with the correct feed.
And learn to serve a whole art that should be explored.

Never discuss your correspondence with anyone, but your man. This is too personal.

Never write what are not ready to perform.
Never write about the "game", stage image, etc. If not ready / you can not meet your man in it.
Cheat once and will never be able to shorten his attention to yourself (we certainly do not take into account the force of major circumstances in the form of a flood, earthquake and an unexpected appearance of distant relatives on the threshold of the apartment).

A man can excite both the phrase "standing for shoes" if you recently had passionate sex on it.
The same lady had a mad "lunch", at which the knob of switching the speeds in the car was damaged.
Years passed, but it stands for her to pronounce this phrase, and her man laughs, but becomes insanely passionate ...

In order to understand what to "crush", you need to know what your man likes.
What outfit, style, what part of the wardrobe excites, etc.
But do not overdo it.
For example, if a man comes off the sides of his shoes on his hairpins, the photo of the legs in shoes and sms ", they are waiting for you," they can reduce the male, but only for the first time.
10 These send SMS and will not see any reaction ... (I remember the rule about constant changes).

Also, the man excites the idea that his body is powerful and desirable.
Write about what you want to do for him (caress, touch and even admire it on his part of the body), write about what the sum will drive you (again the lie is not welcome, but no one canceled flattery).

Surface, play, enjoy the fact that you are a woman! "Depraved" with the mouth of her beloved sounds a compliment!

Affectionate and exciting words for SMS men in verses and in their own words

As we have already spoken, there are many phrases, phrases, seemingly not related to sex. But perfectly spurring to sex.

Recall a date on which you had first sex, and exactly what a prehistory was to sex. A meeting place, as he hugged, he gave on this day, etc.

For example, he embraced from his back, kissed her neck, and it was the beginning.
Write to him SMS: "I now think about how you gently hugged me for the first time ...". And this will be enough for you to be on the same wave.

Men, like women love her affection and affectionate words. Do not think that your man is an exception.
SMS: "Your delicate lips are the best morning gift," you have strong hands, but such soft arms "and in such a spirit will give not only passion, but also a deep sense of affection.

In addition to SMS we remind you that no one has canceled mini-notes.

Especially if you collect him food, things for training or anything else. A cute message will give him a great mood and desire to quickly return to bed to your beloved.

love poems exciting poems Tender poems

Regarding poems, they are beautiful, but if you do not write them yourself - do not make the main bid on them, no matter how you love to read rhyme.
But for diversity they are also necessary. Below we give a few options, but the exciting rhymes are so numerous that they can be collected in multi-volume books.

Erotic SMS, exciting man, boyfriend at a distance: text

In this section, we give a whole series of examples for writing erotic SMS, but remember - they are for inspiration and only!
If your man decides to answer mutual SMS and starts to search for erotic SMS on the Internet, after which it will correspond to the one who seemed to sincerely wrote his girl ... This will mean the failure of the operation. But we do not want it?

Sexy SMS to excite a man, boyfriend

In continuation of the topic, we offer add playful sexual SMS, the purpose of which is to restrain. And not only men, but also you.

Offer in SMS to play the game, create a sex quest (responds correctly to an intimate question - gets a reward specified in SMS). So, the first SMS is a question, the second SMS - award and wait for the right answer!


It is also impossible to submit a bright sex life without knowledge in this area. Look for interesting facts, ancient rites, historical personalities associated with sex, the unusual name seemingly familiar poses and write the playful SMS.

For example: "Tonight we go to Rodeo." If you just started meeting, it will remain in bewilderment. But if the quests are no longer for the first time, he will bought a cowboy hat on the way home, and at work will be distinguished to search in Google Pose "Rodeo".

In the century of the Internet, our SMS can contain not only text, but also a photo..Intyny photos!
Photo under the skirt in the office, depth of the decollet on the street, and for the most brave and lack of linen in a public place.
But remember, the absence of linen works only when it is shocking and excites.
If your man knows that the underwear is not your wardrobe subject, it is unlikely that it will make a proper impression.

Intimate exciting SMS men

Pleasant, exciting SMS guy when he is at work

So, we already know that it does not always behave vulgar themselves. Sometimes excites pleasantness, understanding and gentle love. Write your beloved:

  • I love (and part of the body, act, character trait)
  • You are the most (wonderful, delightful, kind) in the world!
  • You all get out, because we are together!
  • I saw ... and remembered what you wonderful you are!
  • Thank you for me to have
  • I missed, waiting ...
  • We have a surprise today
  • I was pleased that you did for me
  • I need you forever!
  • This city needs a hero - you need this city!

Do you spend our night in different places? Do not miss such a wonderful opportunity! After all, it is in separation that a true feeling is known.

Exciting SMS for the night guy, man - wishes good night in their own words

Write to him touching SMS:

  • Without you the bed is completely cold ...
  • My legs shake without your lascom ...
  • Start with "Want, tell secret?" And it is definitely to turn with a sexual correspondence!
  • Sweet and depraved dreams!
  • Sweet dreams, I want to see us with you in my dream ..

How much to excite a man via SMS?

Believe me, the most serious man can knock out just one SMS, but!
If your man has a job in concentration, choose time for such SMS in the process of completing the work and path towards the house, at dinner, or in the morning.
If your man reads a report and your life in the nearest n-years depends on this, you should not knock it down by the sms torture itself.

How much to excite a man via SMS

But remember, for a strong effect, it is not just a call for action, you need aggression on your part.
For example, "go to your office, I'm already there on me only a fur coat", "Your slave is waiting in the back seat: you caress or spank", or "Look in a jacket pocket, but not in a crowded place" and there are pre-nested openwork panties . Etc.

Writing one SMS is a mine that can remain the whole, but can make an explosion.

Or rather passion. Below we give passionate SMS movies that will surely inspire you on the feats!

How to excite a penpal man: SMS examples How to excite a penpal man: SMS examples

Exciting SMS poems man

Rhyme, and even with humor will never come out of fashion. We propose not to miss the opportunity and pamper your beloved man exciting-teasing SMS.

The self-conceit of man is overestimated, for anything requires passion, and does not ask.

The bitterness of the relationship is given to a person, so that he can adequately evaluate the creature.

Favorite your mirror. You are reflected.

The disadvantages of the beloved become for you at the first stage of the merits or small, exciting appetite, cereals.

Relationships are achieved in relationships.

Love reveals a man from an unexpected side - his mind envied B genius.

Virtue, tenderness, caress and tact - turned all the other character traits, becoming fundamental.

When Favorite Nearby, a ardent Motor jumps out of the chest. Your essence has expanded the boundaries - in your flesh from the outside penetrated with a passion another particle.

If you want to reflect your advantages and pros - testing passion, and gain freedom, Flight Flight and Eternal Kaif.

Love - means to convey your happiness in other people's palms of an outsider who can dispose of them at the behest of the heart.

Do not waste a precious moment on the wait of the call, if you are not a loved one for him.

Cooked for beloved food is an act of solvents or passion.

Favorite more than rich - happiness is always higher than wealth.

Continue beautiful quotes Read on the pages:

Sometimes there is not enough rudeness from you ... The one from which I ran in the past ...

Girls, stop looking for an ideal man! He is already with me ... :)

No matter how bad did a man think about a woman, she thinks about him even worse ...

No matter how happy a woman is married, she always will love to notice that there are men in the world who would like to see her unmarried

As you want, for the new year at 00:00 he called, he said: "Happy holiday, love, I love you and miss, by the way, open the door"

Favorite Teachers phrases: "Do not argue with the teacher! Tell everyone, we also laugh. Get out of class and go fine! I repeat for especially gifted - the call is not for you, but for the teacher. The forest of hands, well, then on the magazine ... I do not bother you? "

God loves the Trinity ... The Holy Trinity is love for a beloved woman, their own children, as well as their parents ...

What will you do? - I will be home with a girl - what, champagne drink and tumble in bed? - No, watch photos and play chess - what, terrible? - No, Favorite ...

Women are ready to love at first glance, and men - with the first opportunity.

A man and a woman lie on the bed and look at the ceiling. Thoughts of a woman: "silent. Does not want to talk. Surely, he already sobbed me, he has another. Relationships are completed. " Thoughts of a man: "Fly, fly on the ceiling. How does it stay? "

I know that you are not exactly the one who I need, but I don't care if I love you

Book novelties: "How to find an ideal man and how to live with this asshole"

On the street, with the guys, he smokes, vulgar, beats exactly, cruel ... And only with you he is gentle, worried, to the trembling in your fingers, kisses her neck, calls "little", and the eyes are so sad and happy at the same time ... just such a real Man!

i want to burst into your nose in the neck and sleep ... long for a long time ...

Alcohol is useful - millions of men can not be mistaken.

No, you are not so right "Uhhh", but on "Voivo, how do you?" Come down

According to statistics, the most frequently used men's SMS - "I am also".

Eyes in the eyes I smiled happiness.

Woman is always ready to help a man close his eyes on her flaws.

If I someday die because of a man, then only with laughter!

Taking this opportunity, I want to express my great gratitude to all your former men for those insane, unforgettable, filled with joy and happiness days that I was lucky to live after our parting

Confidentiousness is the main weapon of a man in his merciless and eternal struggle with a woman who is always right to define.

All women have only one on the mind, as if all men have only one on the mind!

The woman should belong to the man who will solve all the problems, and will not create new

So the men are arranged that the most pure creatures cause them the most dirty thoughts

There is nothing ugly man who mng hands

All day I dream of you and it is not a hoax ... Early to you, you will sooner ... Favorite my sofa !!!

A woman is weaker than just when he loves someone, and the strongest thing when someone is loved.

After each next bitches, you fall in love with me ... And I throw every beloved for you ...

A loved one needs to love, just love. And if you want to raise someone - buy a dog!

So strange, it is like a child: naive, cute. And I love him. I just can not understand: like a brother, like a son or as a loved one ... A good guy is hard to quit ...

A man for sex plays love, and a woman is playing sex ...

Pants are given to a man in order to hide their thoughts))))

To be happy with a man, you must understand it really and love a little. To be happy with a woman, she needs to love hard and not at all try to understand (Alan and Barbara Piz)

There are 10,000,000 men, but why is it alone? Because it is 1, and everyone else is 000000 !!!

Have you ever had what you come home, and you smell like a loved one?

Nothing decorates the woman as a good-selected man.

Memo for women: "Never argue with a man - immediately cry." Memo for men: "Never argue with a woman - immediately kiss kiss"

Manipulating a man is not difficult - the main thing is to take a manipulator correctly ...

Every married man wants at least once in his life to hear the phrase from his wife "Dear, knock me on my head, otherwise I'm sleeping ** las

You know, but I will not get bored. I know that I will not be with you, yes, I certainly hurt and all that. But but I know that you do not deceive me unlike her ...

There are no men who want only sex girls. There are women who, besides sex, can no longer offer anything

Jealousy Men: I find out - kill. Jealousy Women: Although kill, but I find out.

The most erotic part of the body in a man is his brains, since their women have more than everything else !!!

Men want ... Good, beautiful, strong, sexy, faithful, sports, with a sense of humor, honest ... just see !!!

Everything that men do is done for women. And only idleness - for yourself!

Men have the same exaggerated ideas about their advantages, as in women - about their shortcomings.

The perfect man is a combination of a vibrator and an ATM

If a man lifted his hand on you, then let him be with this hand and turns all the remaining nights

Do you know why I got sick with you? Yes, because you yourself are sick!

With each man next to the woman, which he is worthy ... So if you were trained on the fool, do not worry ...

And they are unnecessary to me the tracks for me, flowers, gifts and so on. I need you .. and that's enough.

Ask the girl: what should be a man? And she, having silent about the apartment and a good car, will say - a sense of humor

Better love your beloved than to be loved, but with unloved

If a man is looking at your eyes for a long time, you can be sure that everything else has already examined.

Love exists until the fear is alive, lose your loved one

They say herself after you come, passed.

Feel your breath how to breathe

I asked Yandex: "Where is my favorite?" - 200 porn sites gave me a window ...

Men like children: Zakaprizninal - Give your chest.

The path from the woman to the bitch lies through a man

Love flies faster than the wind, and a little woman is just a loved one ... (Accident)

Sometimes I want to say to men: learn, little boys, in love big with us to be!

In front of her feet, 10 guys were leaning, ready to give everything to be with her near, but she chose 11 ... who did not look at her side.

When girls ask the question "Where are the real men?", I usually answer - "they went to the real women."

Grandmother! Sorry, Granny! I broke your favorite vase again! - Well, hurt! Third hookah per week!

Men like shoes! I want to buy boots on the hairpin ... And some boots come across!

Every woman should remember that the man first of all goes not to someone, but from someone ...

Can I look into your eyes? I was completely lost ... From love for you. Perhaps your eyes will help me find me? After all, I am not without you. I'm just your shadow. I reflement in your eyes. Such relatives and loved ones

"Women, undoubtedly, smarter than men. It is unlikely that there is a woman who would be crazy about the man only because of his beautiful legs. " Marlene Dietrich

A man who is constantly pleasant to amaze a woman will never lose her interest in himself

Do you think the ears love only the female half of humanity? Oaky! Men are endowed with this quality. Every day they speak the pleasant words to your favorite guy and after a month, notice that your relationship has become brighter, stronger and happier! The opposite floor flies from happiness when hears a beautiful speech addressed to his address.

Pleasant words of her husband

Sometimes it is necessary to leave aside all their household troubles, care for children and pay attention to the man with whom fate brought you. Tell him that he is roads for you. Below are several phrases that allow you to express your feelings.

  • Since you broke into my life, calm appeared in my heart, and in my heart happiness;
  • You are the best husband, to be your wife - this is a great happiness!;
  • I still remember that day when we, two pieces of each other, connected. I pray that we never separated;
  • I am happy woman. Ask why? Because I got the best husband!;
  • You are my native kitten (bunny). I need your love so much;
  • So many years we have been joined by the Uzami marriage, and you still deprive me reason.

Send your husband a message when it is in service, at home or on a business trip. Here you will see, he will come home in an excellent mood.

Nice words guy for the night

Psychologists and cosmetologists argue: if you want to wake up cheerful, fresh and full strength, then fall asleep with a good mood. What can please more than SMS from the beloved woman before bedtime? Please make your chosen to a couple of beautiful phrases. If you have any problems with fantasy, then use a small tip.

  1. Night. Winter. How cold me! But it becomes warmer when I remember our last meeting with you. Thoughts about you warm my heart. Thank you for these moments of happiness, which still stored in my memory;
  2. My dear, let this night you dream clean and bright dreams. I love you. Elegant look forward to another meeting with you;
  3. Good night. Good luck tomorrow. You will succeed, I believe it!
  4. Sweet dreams My kitty. You sleep, and I will think about you and remember our sweet kiss;
  5. Each person involuntarily closes his eyes at night, because he wants to sleep. And I do it only in order to see you again, at least in a dream.

Romantic people are not in fashion now. Someone considers them banal or strange. But still any person will be pleased to read several beautiful phrases dedicated to bed. only his.

Pleasant sms beloved in your own words

Young people like complements and pleasant phrases. But it is unlikely that someone will like a banal verse, copied from the Internet. Want to melt the heart of your chosen one? Write to him sincere message about everything that is happening in your soul. Below are several examples of such messages.

  • Today I caught myself thinking that I could predict your actions. I understood, we really became close. I can safely answer the question of your dreams, about your favorite drinks and idols. I am pleased that our thoughts are largely converging. You're a part of me;
  • It has already passed enough time from our first date. And I still remember this moment to the smallest detail: what did you do, as we were dressed, your facial expression. You know, I realized that with the appearance of you in my life, the world has changed. He became kinder, I myself want to give all my care and warmth;
  • We and I had many moments, pleasant and not very. But the power of our senses had opposed to all obstacles. I believe our love is so strong that any difficulties can overcome.

To make a pleasant man, it is not necessary to fantasize and look for templates on sites. Just open your soul for him and tell us about everything you feel.

How can I call your chosen one?

Your man is worthy of beautiful phrases and pleasant speeches. He has a name that his parents, friends and colleagues call. Come up with your affectionate word that belongs to you only two. There is a huge number of romantic nicknames for couples in love. All of them can be distributed into several classes.

  1. Animal subclass. The easiest and most common. Any name of the animal can act as a tender word, with the addition of a diminutive stuffing suffix. For example, bunny, bearish, cat and so on. Strong men are called lions or tigers. Similar affectionate words are the most popular, respectively, banal;
  2. Do not surprise a man if you call it such nouns as angel or sunshine;
  3. Men like to feel that they need someone. Therefore, add a pretext before the said word. For example: "You are my happiness, you are my life, you are my joy";
  4. You can call your chosen to the adjective word. He will be glad if you call it affectionate, sexual, sole, desirable, beloved, unique or loved one. It is not recommended to use comparative adjectives: the smallest, better than all, such as you are no more. A young man may have a feeling that it is compared with other men;
  5. It is less common to use such phrases like macho, male, superman, a noodle, charm. If you want to surprise your boyfriend, then use these phrases.

Affectionate word should reflect the inner world of your second half. Carefully follow the reaction of your partner if the compliments do not like it, then do not impose them to him.

Nice words guy in the morning

Awakening is the bulk of the day. What mood the man will wake up, so he will hold the remaining day. Write a guy a message about my feelings, such a pleasant surprise will give him happiness, a sense of vigor and joy. Do not know how good you wish him good morning? Use the templates:

  • Hello. I congratulate you on the beginning of a new day. I hope he will give you a lot of pleasant moments;
  • Good morning, Dear. I've seen you in my dream. I woke up, but there are no you near. How do you want a dream to become a reality;
  • I hope today your day will be successful. In the evening there is a surprise! Have a good mood;
  • Good morning Favorite. How nice to wake up, knowing that I have you. I consider seconds to our meeting;
  • Today I had a dream that you came to visit me, and I prepared a delicious dinner for you from your favorite dishes. Come on, we will make efforts together and implement this dream.

The man will wake up in the morning, wants to look at the clock and see a beautiful message from the beloved woman. His day succeeded!

Why do men need beautiful words?

No matter how selfishly sounded, but beautiful words benefit both partners. The man always needs a stimulus, he will not try for that woman who does not appreciate him.

Did he nailed the shelf in the bath? Be sure to remind him of strong hands and a good smell. Got a premium? Tell me how you are proud of his depletion. Did you do business at home? Board with my girlfriends, what is your wonderful man. Praise will make him feel confident and his desire to achieve new heights will appear, because there is someone.

In this video, Anna will tell and give a few tips, how to please your boyfriend with pleasant words for him:

The best phrases for men

1. Favorite (not expensive !!! The word dear is a completely reverse effect)
2. Sweet
3. Strong
4. Smere
5. Sexy
6. Child (yes - yes !!! Many from this flash 🙂)
7. Generous
8. Appetitious
9. Smart
10. Umnitsa (suited always and everywhere)

11. I feel so good
12. You are the best
13. I miss you so much
14. You start me
15. You know me from and to
16. I love you so much
17. Only you understand me
18. You can mix me
19. You're so funny
20. I like how you care
21. I admire you
22. I do not want you to break me away
23. I'm so happy with you
24. Next to you I so calm
25. For you, I'm like a stone wall
26. I can not imagine me without you
27. I breathe you
28. I can not fail you (for narcits it is better not to come up with 🙂)
29. You are so insatiable
30. I miss your arms
31. I apologize (very powerful weapons)
32. I will love you forever
33. You are the only one for me
34. I am unworthy
35. Marry me, and I will be the happiest woman in the world
36. I don't need anything from you, except your love
37. I miss you so much
38. With you, I feel so feminine
39. I am so lonely without you
40. Without you, my life is empty
41. I can't wait when I see you
42. I want to be with you forever
43. I adore your touch
44. I am killed alone the idea of \u200b\u200bseparation from you
45. I never loved anyone
46. \u200b\u200bI want to wake up next to you every morning
47. When you leave me so bad
48. If not with you, then no one
49. You are my prince on a white horse
50. I could not imagine that meeting like you
51. Nobody knows how to kiss how you
52. You can be so gentle
53. My life has become bright when you appeared in it
54. I will go for you on the edge of the world
55. Life without you - the day
56. I adore when you look at me
57. I absolutely trust you
58. I am so grateful to you for everything you did for me
59. I do not have enough words to express how I love you
60. Just be with me

Love is when good people are bad. Spleen

"He realized that she was not only close to him, but that he no longer knows where she ends and he begins" L. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina"

I do not know how to half love or be friends, or I will give the whole soul, or nothing.

Great people develop love in themselves, and only a small soul cherishes the spirit of hatred.

It happens that a person who can save you, Topit. Frederick Begbeder

What I am for you, themes you will for me. Henry Mann

Women love only those who do not know. Mikhail Lermontov

How often in life is mistaken, we lose those who cherish ...
Choons like trying, sometimes from the near side ...
We assume those who do not stand us, and bring the most faithful ...
Who loves us so much, offend, and apologizes are waiting ...

Love is the only thing that man does - stronger, the woman is more beautiful, the man is kinder, the soul is easier, and life is more beautiful! Friedrich Nietzsche

No one in the world is worthy of your tears, but the one who is worthy will never make you cry. Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

The station saw more sincere kisses than the registry office. And the hospital walls heard more sincere prayers than the church.

Who wants - write, who needs to be called who misses - find.

I love her because there is nothing like it in the world, there is nothing better, there is no beast, no plants, no star, nor a person more beautiful. Alexander Kuprin

Do not hesitate to feel your feelings and desires ... There will be no other life for them ...

Only then will understand the guy as the way to him the girl when she turns out to be with another ..

There are no ideal people, but there is always one, perfect for you.

Woman is a flower. And the man is a gardener. The gardener cares and grow a flower. The flower in turn thanks him, giving him his tenderness and beauty. The most thoughtful gardener has the most beautiful flower.

If I were offered love or money, I would choose love. After all, thanks to love, the inspiration appears to create something new and make money.

If you caught a bird, do not keep it in a cage, do not do it so that she wanted to fly away from you, but could not. And make it so that she can fly away, but did not want.

Sometimes it does not go to leave, but to return to others.

Lovely person can not be replaced by anyone and never.

They could not reach each other, but they were able to touch them for the soul. Ariel Budo

It is mistaken to think that love grows from a long friendship and persistent courtship. Love is the fruit of spiritual intimacy, and if proximity does not occur in a second, it will not arise after years, nor through generations. Jebrran Khalil Jebrran

Woman should love so that it does not come to mind that someone else can love her even stronger ...

Dream because you think. Think, because you miss. We miss, because you love. And you love because it is your man. A.P.chekhov

Tenderness, absolute mutual trust, and contact, and the truth - it becomes everything more over the years ... We will not throw love, not so often she is found. Iris Merdock. "Sea Sea".

True love begins where they do not expect anything in return. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

When you kiss and close your eyes - you get to heaven

When the power of love surpasses the love of power, the world will come on earth.

He loved ... Revel ... I was waiting for something ... I sent ... I forgot ... and I am happy.

You need to build relationships with a person for whom you will always be in the first place.

When Me Maggie got married 60 years ago, we had no money. On our bank account was $ 8. For the first two years we did not even have a phone. We shot a tiny apartment in Venise, next to petrol stations. There on the wall and hung my first phone. I ran to him, took the phone, and people thought that they call me home. There was even a phone that we talk about the car. But you know what we had? Love. Ray Bradbury

No need to waste yourself on anyone. It is better to copy love, care and tenderness to give it to the right person at the right moment. Mother Teresa

Why do I all of these people? If no one is still not you. Vera Polozkova

So easy to be loved, so hard to love.

Never love someone who belongs to you, as an ordinary person. Oscar Uald

I shaved every evening so as not to prick her bristle, kissing her in bed. And then once at night - she was already sleeping (I was somewhere without her, I returned in the morning, a typical petty pigment from those that we allow, justifying the marital status) - I took it and shared. I thought nothing terrible, she would not notice. And this meant just that I don't like her anymore ... Frederick Begder

The woman who is considered cold, just did not meet a person who can wake love in it. Veniamin Caveryin Science Parting

Only a man is to blame for how a woman behaves, he either allows her it, or gives an example with his behavior ...

When everything is fine, it is easy to be together: it's like a dream, know breathe, and only. It is necessary to be together when it is bad - that's why people converge. Valentin Rasputin ("Live and Remember")

Love is not a mirror pond, which can be laid forever. She has tides and flow. And fragments of ships, crash, and sunken cities, and octopuses, and storms, and gold boxes, and pearls ... But pearls - they lie very deeply. Erich Maria Remarik "Triumphal Arch"

It is not difficult to love. It is difficult to find a person who is really needed.

True love is possible only with the present! Himsikesh Maharaj

The only thing that matters at the end of our stay on earth is how much we loved, what was the quality of our love. Richard Bach

I want the person I love, I was not afraid to openly love me. Otherwise it is humiliating. Pushkin

The mind judges that good and that bad. Love brings only good. D.Chopra

If you are looking for love of true and big, you must first get tired of small feelings and random novels. (Paulo Coelho)

Some people go, others come, and only some remain in the heart forever.

Happiness of a woman is not able to choose among hundreds of men. Happiness of a woman in the ability to afford to be with those who love. Of the thousands and millions of fans - hundreds of beautiful, hundreds of rich, hundreds of jealous, hundreds of desired and may not be any beloved. And the one who loves may be banned. The prohibition of time ... the prohibition of the distance ... the prohibition of pride, or weakness ... prohibiting the circumstances ...

We love, but we pretend that we do not care. We are indifferent, and pretend that we love.

True love does not tolerate outsiders. Erich Maria Remarik "Three Comrades".

Love a woman as you did. Or do it like this - what you love.

Love is not chosen, your loved ones do not blame, the fate does not repeat, they do not call forgotten!

Love without pain does not happen. If anyone loved then understands ...

The girl's heart is never empty ... or in love, or can not forget.

Love does not live for three years, love does not live three days. Love lives smooth as much as two want her to live.

When love ends, one necessarily suffers ... if no one suffers, it means love and did not start ... If both are suffering, love is still alive ...

You love and love. It is a pity that these are two different men.

The wind changes the shape of sand vegans, but the desert remains the same. And our love will remain former. (Coelho)

They say that from love to hate one step. No, one step from the charm before disappointment. And between love and hatred hundreds of attempts to change everything.

Love is like a river: a man rushes into her right away, and the woman enters gradually.

Love is a lamp, illuminating the universe; Without light of love, the Earth would turn into a barren desert, and a man is in a hassle of dust.

If I love, then for a long time, if mutually, then forever

If you love then the difference in age is not the difference.

Love is never perfect. I do not want to erase her from my life. I love my pain. She is my friend. Jim carrey

What a luxury is, at any time be able to hug your loved one. S. Ahern.

Do you even understand what happens to you? - I'm in love. Kill me. Chuck Palanik

We can get rid of the disease with drugs, but the only cure for loneliness, despair and hopelessness is love. There are many people in the world who die from hunger, but even more those who die from what they lack love. Mother Teresa

Krickni - hear any.
Some people will hear the nearest.
And only loving will hear what you are silent.

Some girls look cold, in the nature of cruel ... Because they were seriously loved, but lost ... believed, but they were betrayed ...

Just when your hair is cleaned with your face, you would know how much in this tenderness, tremies and love. More than in your "I love you"