The child is 3 months old what should be the chair. What changes in stool should you pay attention to and what can they talk about? Rate or indicator of anxiety: green baby stool

How many different questions a young mother has every day with the birth of a child, especially if he is the firstborn. One of the reasons for excitement, and sometimes panic, is the baby's stool, its color and smell, the amount of stool and the frequency of stool, the consistency and the presence of impurities. The article will discuss the norm and pathology of stool in an infant of infancy.

Most often, mothers judge the norm and pathology by the color of feces, and when it changes, they do not always panic reasonably. Changes in stool color in newborns, as well as in the degree of density or consistency of stool, is the norm.

In the first 1-2 days after the birth of the baby, the stool is viscous, liquid, practically odorless, almost black in color, or with. This original stool is the absolute norm and is called meconium.

The nature of the original stool in a newborn is associated with the fact that the child swallowed along with the amniotic fluid while in the womb. The appearance of meconium is very important, it indicates the normal functioning of the intestines.

After birth, the baby's stool will depend on the type of feeding (artificial or mixed), the volume and frequency of feedings. This is due not only to the color of the feces, but also to its consistency, and the frequency of bowel movements, and even the smell.

From 3 to 6 days of life, the stool gradually acquires a gray-green color or grayish, becomes thicker. It reflects the adaptation of the newborn to a new diet and indicates a sufficient amount of breast milk received. If meconium continues to be secreted for 3-5 days, the child should be urgently examined by a doctor.

From 2 weeks, the color of the baby's feces becomes yellow or mustard, the consistency remains liquidish. The stool may resemble mashed peas or mustard in consistency and color. Feces have a faint, sour-milk smell. The presence of small white grains, a small amount of mucus in the stool is acceptable. It is important that the feces are not watery or, conversely, very dense.

Stool frequency in infants

The frequency of bowel movements in an infant on HB varies widely from 12 times a day in the first month of life to 1 time in 5 days - from 2-3 months.

Up to one and a half months, a baby receiving breastfeeding can empty the intestines 4 to 12 times a day. Subsequently, the frequency of bowel movements gradually decreases. The transition from colostrum, with its laxative properties, to mature milk in the mother leads to a decrease in stool frequency in the baby.

From 2-3 months of life, a child can recover with different frequencies: one baby - up to 4-5 times a day, another - only 1-2 times in 5 days.

It is important for parents to understand that both options are the norm. Deviations are possible, and this is not a pathology. Some babies recover after each feed. It is important that the consistency, color and smell of stool are normal, and the child gains weight.

The amount of stool also depends on the frequency of the stool: the child can recover 1-2 times a day, but abundantly. The concern should be caused by watery stools more than 12 times a day.

If the baby recovers every 4-5 days, but the consistency of the stool is normal, the child is calm, then there is absolutely no need to give the child cleansing enemas, give laxatives or irritate the anus with a piece of soap or the tip of a thermometer to speed up bowel movement.

Such manipulations can lead to a decrease in the reflex normal movement of feces through the intestines. Irritation of the anus can cause inflammation of the rectal mucosa and atrophic changes in it under the influence of soap alkali.

The frequency and volume of bowel movements indirectly indicate whether the baby has enough breast milk. They are counted along with.

Stool character changes upon insertion. The color may turn brown or have green flecks. The smell becomes more pungent. Undigested lumps may appear in the stool.

Normal or pathological?

The contents of the diapers should be carefully examined in order to identify pathology in time. There are many options for the frequency and consistency of stools in infants when breastfeeding, but the nature of the stool is an important indicator of the baby's health.

If during the first 3 weeks of life the baby did not have sufficient stool volume and consistency, you should consult a doctor. This may be due to not having enough breast milk. The control weighing carried out will easily allow you to confirm this assumption.

The absence of daily bowel movements with the child's well-being and normal developmental indicators is not considered if the stool is yellow and soft in texture. This is not a pathology and does not need any treatment.

Mother's milk is divided into front and back milk, differing in taste and composition. So, hind milk is more high-calorie, albeit less sweet, and it contains enzymes necessary for the breakdown of lactose (milk sugar).

The following signs may indicate a lack of hind milk in a child:

  • stools are of normal color, but liquid consistency, foam somewhat and have a pungent odor;
  • irritation appeared in the anus;
  • the baby is restless both during and after feeding;
  • the child is underweight.

In such cases, the mother should change the breast less often when feeding the baby.

If the amount of mucus has increased, and the stool is yellow, green or brown, but the child's health and behavior has not changed, then this may be due to the rapid teething. If greens and mucus are noted for several days in a row, you should consult a pediatrician.

Urgent medical attention is needed for copious, watery, fetid stools. Most likely, there is an intestinal infection and the threat of dehydration of the baby's body is brewing.

Thick or soft stools may appear black if the child has been receiving iron supplements for treatment. If there was no such treatment, then you need to immediately seek medical help. In such cases, an examination is carried out to exclude internal bleeding.

Liquid scarlet blood in the stool or streaks of it in the mucus can appear with an intestinal infection, be a manifestation or cracks in the anus. In any case, such a symptom indicates the severity of the process and requires immediate medical attention.

The manifestation of lactase deficiency in a child can be:

  • green stools;
  • a pungent sour smell of stool;
  • redness in the anal area;
  • anxiety of the child;

Allocation of hard feces in small pieces with strong straining of the child, tension of the tummy, accompanying the act of defecation with crying are noted with constipation. The reason may lie in the wrong diet of a nursing mother or in a product that is unsuitable for the baby, introduced in the form of complementary foods. The pediatrician will help you understand the cause of constipation and give advice on how to eliminate it.

Changes in the color and consistency of feces, an unpleasant odor appear in infants when complementary foods are introduced. Discernible pieces of vegetables may be present, but this is due to the fact that vegetables (even boiled) are difficult to digest, since the digestive system is not yet fully formed.

Resume for parents

The nature of the stool and its frequency in infants vary depending on the age of the child, the composition and amount of milk from the mother, and complementary foods. Feces also change with some diseases of the baby. In case of any doubt about the health of the crumbs, if the consistency and frequency of the stool changes, if there is mucus or other pathological impurities in the feces, you should contact the pediatrician, and not self-medicate.

Pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky answers the question "Why does a breastfed baby rarely poop?"

Pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky answers the question "What if the child does not poop every day?":

GW consultant L. Sharova talks about the baby's chair:

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 4 minutes


Last updated article: 13.02.2019

Mothers 'interest in filling their babies' diapers often elicits laughter from those around them. In fact, this interest is well founded. After all, the life products of a baby are a good indicator of his health. The number of bowel movements of the crumbs does not really matter, if at the same time he is gaining weight normally and nothing bothers him. But stool color and consistency are important aspects that moms should pay special attention to!

What if my child has green stools?

First of all, don't panic right away! In a 3-month-old organism, the intestines and its microflora are actively developing. The appearance of mucus, grains or green color is not a cause for concern.

Green feces can appear in a child in the following cases:

    • Individual features of the gastrointestinal tract. The physiological maturity of the gastrointestinal tract of a three-month-old baby is the norm. The main thing is that the child gains weight well, and the chair will eventually return to normal on its own.
  • "Hungry chair". This process is caused by malnutrition of the infant due to a lack of milk from his mother, improper attachment, as well as breast features (tight breasts, flat or inverted nipples). In this case, the crumbs are fed only with "front" milk, which leads to starvation and the appearance of green feces.
  • Oxidation of feces with oxygen. If the process of defecation occurred some time ago, then the baby's waste products could simply change their color as a result of reacting with oxygen.
  • Summer color of the chair. At the age of three months, the baby can react with green bowel movements to the diet of a nursing mother who eats large amounts of fruits, vegetables and herbs. There is nothing dangerous in this case.
  • Intestinal infection. In the case of prolonged discharge of green stools, accompanied by vomiting, fever, anxiety or lethargy, we can talk about the appearance of an intestinal infection. You should immediately report to your local pediatrician for examination.

When a green stool appears in a crumbs, you should not act on your own, since taking all kinds of drugs at your own discretion can only harm the child. Trying to "normalize" the intestinal microflora of a three-month-old baby, many mothers only interfere with the natural development and normalization of his digestive tract. Treatment with water, "Espumisan", "Smecta" or similar drugs without a doctor's prescription may turn out to be a gross intrusion into the physiological process of colonizing the baby's intestines with the necessary microflora and normalizing the functioning of enzymes.

Normal stool in a 3-month-old baby

Many mothers ask questions: "What should be a normal stool at this age?", "What if it turned green?", "Why did this happen to my baby?" Let's try to answer all these difficult questions.

Each person has their own unique intestinal microflora. The same applies to babies as young as three months old. For some, the normal number of bowel movements is 5-10, while for others the norm is only 1 time per few days! The quantity and quality of bowel movements also differ significantly from each other. Each baby is unique and you should not be upset if your child does not fit into the overall statistics. The main indicators of his health are well-being and normal weight gain.

When is it necessary to urgently take action?

There is an immutable rule to remember! In the event that a child has green stools, vomiting, fever, then you should urgently call a doctor or visit him yourself. These signs are symptoms of an intestinal infection, which means that the child needs professional help. Self-treatment in such cases is extremely dangerous and can lead to rapid dehydration of a 3-month-old baby.

Infections are quite common in children of this age. The most caring and cleanest parents are not able to protect their child from the appearance and development of such a disease. It's all about the features of the protective functions of the gastrointestinal tract, which have not yet been fully formed. Bacteria, harmless to adults, can cause serious inflammation in children.

How can you help with symptoms of infection?

If you notice such dangerous signals, call your local doctor immediately. And while waiting for his arrival, try to help your child and improve his condition. The first step is to prevent dehydration of the baby's body. To do this, he needs to replenish the fluid loss that occurs with loose stools or vomiting. Give the child small portions of saline solutions ("Oralit", "Regidron"), which must first be stocked up in any pharmacy, just in case. In addition to salts, Enterodez also contains activated carbon, which adsorbs toxins in the digestive tract, so its use will be much more useful. With an intestinal infection, the baby will be extremely reluctant to drink, but it is necessary to water him. The main thing is not to give him large portions of liquid that can provoke a gag reflex.

Drinking plain water is undesirable! Why? It will not fully compensate for the deficiency of salt in the intestines and it is better to have drugs specially designed for this purpose in your home medicine cabinet.

Is it worth feeding the baby during this period? Of course it's worth it! But the diet needs to be slightly reduced compared to daily. In this case, it is necessary to feed according to the same scheme as to water. Little by little, but often. If your baby is breastfed, then there is no better food for him. Continue to breastfeed him boldly. It is better to feed artificial people in such a situation with special fermented milk mixtures.

Hug your baby and hold him close to you. Your warmth is the best pain reliever for him! You can also give him a light tummy massage. To do this, pat it clockwise for 2-3 minutes. You can also twist your child's legs in the "bicycle" style, wear him in a sling. Nothing else needs to be done until your local doctor arrives.

You do not need to give your baby any kind of antibiotics before the doctor comes! Some of them are extremely contraindicated for children at such an early age and can cause irreparable damage to their health.

Prevention of green feces

What should you pay attention to in order to avoid unpleasant green stools? Nursing mothers should be careful about their diet. You can consult your doctor about this. Pay attention to your baby's reaction to changes in your diet. It is advisable that you keep a special diary in which you will record food "compatibility" with your child. In the same diary, it will be possible to enter the results of his reaction to complementary foods a little later. The same rule applies to mothers of babies on artificial feeding. Some formulas are perfect for your baby, and some will react with a green filled diaper.

You should also pay special attention to the cleanliness of the dishes used for feeding. It is not enough just to boil the bottle, you also need to remove the remaining moisture from it, in which bacteria can subsequently multiply.

Do not lick baby pacifiers or spoons. Bacteria living in your mouth can harm your baby's health. It is more useful to rinse the pacifier with water or not wash it at all than to lick and treat the baby with your bacteria.

Please be patient! As they grow up, the baby's tummy will get stronger and will no longer bother him. And remember the main rule! Do not self-medicate!

Newly made parents are looking at the diaper of their beloved baby with interest and anxiety. Indeed, its contents can tell a lot about the digestive system of a newborn. It is important for every mother to know what normal bowel movements should be in a newborn in order to identify pathology in time and take action.

Newborn stool: the norm

While the baby is growing and developing in the mother's tummy, he receives all the necessary substances through the umbilical cord. However, his gastrointestinal tract does not work. But the fetus makes swallowing movements, sucks the fingers, and amniotic fluid, villi, skin scales enter its mouth, and then into the stomach and intestines. And the first stool of a newborn is dark green, almost black with the consistency of plasticine, a little slimy. It's called meconium and is the norm.

Later, on the third or fourth day, after attachment to the breast, the feces are of a transitional nature: they still contain remnants of meconium, partially digested colostrum and milk. The baby's stool has a mushy consistency with a brownish-green color.

With the arrival of mature milk (after 7-10 days), the child's feces change. They turn yellowish and have the consistency of curd. Even the smell of a newborn's stool is sour, like cottage cheese. In such feces there should be no lumps, mucus, greenery. Mom needs to pay attention to how many times a newborn has a chair per day. The frequency of a baby's bowel movement can vary from one to 6-8 times - almost during or after each feed. The main thing is that the baby's stool is daily. The absence of feces for at least a day is regarded as constipation.

The situation is a little different with the stool of a newborn with artificial feeding. Sometimes the stool of an artificial baby is similar to the stool of an infant. But most often the stool has a thicker consistency, a slightly putrid odor and a dark brown color. In this case, it is considered normal to have a bowel movement once a day.

Newborn stool: possible problems

Quite often the “correct stool” is not established in a newborn, and the feces have a greenish color. Greenery can indicate several problems. Firstly, this color of stool occurs when the baby is malnourished, when the mother does not have enough milk. Secondly, green feces occurs with inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, which can be caused by fetal hypoxia, malnutrition of a nursing mother, and dysbiosis. In this case, stool in a newborn with mucus is possible. Mucus most often indicates the presence of pathogenic microbes in the intestines, and sometimes it is present if the child has a runny nose or bronchitis.

The appearance of white lumps in the stool of a newborn does not in itself indicate pathology if the baby feels good and is gaining weight steadily. This suggests that a surplus of nutrients enter the baby's body. This happens when the mother very often puts the baby to the breast. But if the baby lags behind in development, grows poorly and gains weight, white lumps in the feces indicate that the digestive glands do not produce enough enzymes due to which food is digested.

Watery stools in a newborn indicate lactose deficiency. This is the name of a condition in which the digestion of milk sugar - lactose - is impaired. This phenomenon occurs when a woman's milk contains an excess of lactose. The reason for the baby's watery stool is also an insufficient production of the enzyme lactase by the digestive glands, which breaks down milk sugar.

Quite often, mothers complain of thick stools in a newborn that occurs with constipation. Constipation is the result of impaired intestinal motility or poor nutrition of a nursing mother. Stool that is too hard will damage the rectal wall and lead to blood in the stool of the newborn. In case of severe bleeding, you should immediately call an ambulance.

For any deviations in the baby's stool, the mother needs to inform the pediatrician.

A newborn baby has thick stools. What do you need to know?

Baby chair is one of the problematic moments for many mothers. In the middle of the 20th century, when formula feeding became more common than breastfeeding, a new stereotype of "normal" bowel movements emerged. Children who are fed with formula poop differently than infants: the stool of "artificial" is relatively infrequent, comes out shaped and smells bad, resembling the stool of adults. While the stool from breast milk in the first 6 weeks of life is usually thin and frequent, and in the future, on the contrary, it may be of normal consistency, but with delays. At the same time, often people who do not know that this is quite normal for babies begin to treat the baby either for diarrhea or for constipation ...

For a child under the age of 6 weeks, it is normal to empty the intestines several times a day, little by little, with a mass of yellow or mustard color, without an unpleasant odor. At the same time, the stool may well have a heterogeneous consistency, or curdled inclusions, or - after a while, if the mother does not remove the diaper or diaper for a long time - you may notice that the yellow stool turns green, this is a completely natural oxidation process. These are all signs that are characteristic of a healthy baby!

Signs that can make mom wary:

* too frequent watery stools - 12 to 16 bowel movements per day, with a strong odor indicates that the child really has diarrhea (diarrhea). It is imperative to consult a doctor, while it is very desirable to continue breastfeeding, because breast milk best of all makes up for the deficiency of substances necessary for the baby.

* frequent stools (8-12 times a day), which are green and watery, often caused by sensitivity to food or treatment of the child or mother; often this reaction is caused by the protein of cow's milk.

Green, watery, foamy stools are usually a sign of what is known as an anterior-posterior milk imbalance, which doctors like to call "lactase deficiency." True lactase deficiency is relatively rare, and in the overwhelming majority of cases, this condition of the baby can be corrected by allowing each breast to be emptied to the end, before shifting to the next. In this case, the baby will receive a large portion of fatty "back" milk, which contains little lactose (in contrast to the "front" portion rich in it) and therefore is easier to digest. Clarification so as not to be confused in terms: lactose is the milk sugar found in breast milk, and lactase is an enzyme that is required to break down lactose. The reserves of lactase in the baby's body are relatively small, and if he receives a lot of "front" milk, then the lactase is not enough for its normal assimilation, so the baby is tormented by gas, and the stool takes on a characteristic appearance. Another problem that often occurs after 5-6 weeks of a child's life is a relatively rare bowel movement, which is often mistakenly considered constipation and begins to actively treat the baby. At this age, the milk finally becomes mature and the laxative colostrum component leaves it, and therefore most children begin to poop less often. By itself, a rare chair is not a cause for concern, just the child's body finds out how much it can accumulate in itself before pooping. If the process is not interfered with, the child may not poop even up to 7 days once or twice, after which the normal frequency will be restored. If you constantly interfere, forcing the intestines to empty when it is not yet ready, constipation will become habitual. BUT: Indeed, the child may not poop for up to a week, and the mother may not worry under the essential condition: the child also does not worry! If the child is obviously annoyed by this, the mother, of course, should not hope that everything "will be formed by itself."

Constipation in a breastfed baby... it is a hard, dry formed stool, the so-called "goat balls", which are very painful for the child.

The consistency of NORMAL feces, even with its relatively rare appearance, cannot be considered constipation. These are only the physiological characteristics of this particular organism, like the color of the eyes. the angle of the snub nose or the shape of the nails. We will not heal the body because the snub nose does not coincide with the "average angle".

Why does such a physiologically rare stool ("not constipation") appear in babies?

For the urge to defecate, the little man needs to experience a chain of certain sensations. The most important of which is the pressure of feces on the intestines. it is the degree of pressure that forms the skill to relax the sphincters in response to tension, and not to contract them. A young, not fully formed intestine is just learning to respond to any external changes. it is soft and not stressful at this stage of its formation, breast milk helps it - the only native and adapted product. Like any student. the gut undergoes a series of tests or even self-tests. Therefore, the baby's feces of the first half of the year are heterogeneous - sometimes thick, sometimes liquid, sometimes often, sometimes rarely. And our adult standards for such a young student are unacceptable. the adult intestine is very different from that of the baby.

The main indicator with such a rare chair- this is the state of health of the child and the discharge of gases from him, the most dangerous sign of constipation is the absence of gas... then you can fear for intestinal patency. if the kid “farts like a machine gun”, then the permeability is excellent. If the consistency of feces after defecation is normal, without "balls" - then the child has no problem.

The intestine is simply in a state of testing the degree of pressure of feces inside on the intestinal walls for optimal bowel movements, after completing such a test, the body will choose a certain period for defecation. This deadline will be set before. next test, after which everything will change dramatically again.

That is, the main thing is to objectively assess the condition of the child. look at the discharge of gases. not on the calendar.

And yet it is so strange and scary when the chair is not regular and young parents so want to attend to something. What can be done so that the body is "tested" faster, and the parents would see the coveted poop and at the same time not harm the child and not resort to medications.

They usually advise:

1. Give extra liquid.

But the problem is not the consistency of the stool. The feces inside are soft, the additional liquid makes it generally liquid and. postpones the period of natural bowel movements. As a result, additional mechanical stimulation is required (with a cotton swab in oil, a thermometer). but more often it turns out that due to the additional fluid and the prolonged period, the "front" part of the feces has formed into a dense solid "cork", and "above" is a very liquid watery stool. It is very painful and unpleasant for the baby to pop out the "cork".

That is, in the case of a physiological rare stool, supplementation with any liquid can worsen the situation.

2. Even "experienced" can advise to give a drop of juice to the child .

Here you need to consider. what juice very big irritant with a high acidity factor. The complete absence of fiber, but a deadly carbohydrate environment, due to sugars. A child's intestines simply cannot digest such things yet. to digest the juice, additional enzymes are needed that the pancreas of a child in infancy does not produce. And it turns out in the intestines there is an irritating product - sugar from juice. Until a certain age, the mucous membrane of the baby is very perceptive and sensitive. through its walls, the small cells penetrate into the blood, and the sugars begin to strongly irritate the mucous membrane, the body receives a signal to get rid of the aggressors as soon as possible, the pancreas tries to form enzymes to break down the carbohydrates of the juice. The intestine collects additional fluid to partially neutralize aggressive sugars and begins to contract, removing the irritant. Outwardly, the child may have stools quickly enough after the infusion of juice. But at the cost of tremendous stress to the pancreas, mucous membranes and the body as a whole. At the same time, the necessary minerals and vitamins are washed out from the body, the child loses a lot of fluid. The carbohydrate component sucks in the intestines an ideal environment for the reproduction of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic flora (candida, staffylococcus), therefore, after copulation, thrush is so common in a child's mouth.

Juice is one of the most cruel methods of influencing the baby's body. .

3. Give an enema.

The liquid will create additional pressure, the same that the intestines were waiting for and before the physiological readiness of the body there will be a chair. The "self-test" of the organism is knocked down. The defecation was caused by a mechanical stimulator, a contraction of the intestines, but the child himself needs to learn to relax. I think everyone has heard stories from two-three-year-olds who have problems with a chair. Often (not always) these are babies who were either artificially fed, or the period of "learning" in a safe chair from breast milk passed against the background of stimulation of defecation.

So what do you do? Nothing. Wait. If the child behaves as usual and farts well. it means this is another "test".

But if the child is pushing, blushing, gas does not go away, the stomach is hard, and the child cries on palpation - this is a completely different matter. You definitely need help here.

The first step is to massage your tummy. Massage clockwise with full palm. Or exercise like a "bike".

A warm bath - it does not help anyone to relax. Mom and baby are immersed in warm water of 37 degrees, breastfeed right in the water, then they quickly crawl out, mom or dad will rub their hands. legs and tummy with baby oil, then you can put the mole on your mother's tummy relaxed, it is worth remembering that it is easier to poop while lying on the tummy or side than on the back, or the mother can feed in the landing position (so that the ass is sagging and the baby is almost vertically) and in 80% you can expect "the coveted poop".

Very good to hold the baby... complaining about the tummy, above the sink under the knees, lubricating the anus with baby oil. Pose as when landing.

Only when these methods did not help, you can use the first step of mechanical stimulation. Take a hygienic stick, grease the tip liberally with petroleum jelly or baby oil and insert a little into the ass. No more than a centimeter! It is to enter and twist a little. Put away. Put on a diaper and put mom on her stomach, tummy to tummy. Or press your knees to your stomach in a position on your back.

And only if that didn't help either. then the next step is glycerin candle.

But as a rule, in the first step, everything already works out.

I would like to highlight the purpose of any treatment, parents should analyze - what are they treating - the child's condition or analysis? Does your doctor prescribe bifidobacteria for you? Is there a correlation with the onset of intake and the onset of stool retention? You were warned that bacteriological preparations containing bifidocultures affect the stool and can cause chronic constipation, which will already be constipation, and not physiological reactions. Always watch your child's stool very closely when using any medication.

Smile with your child! 🙂

The stool of a newborn in the first days is a dark green, odorless, viscous consistency. This is meconium accumulated during the period of intrauterine development of the child. After the first feeding of the baby, the stool becomes lighter, with lumps of curdled milk.

Normal stool (feces) of a child

Breastfed babies have a golden-yellow stool of the thickness of liquid sour cream, often interspersed with greens or turning green in the air (due to bilirubin, which is excreted unchanged in infants in the feces), with a sour odor. In feces, bifidobacteria, lactic acid bacilli prevail, in a smaller amount - Escherichia coli.

The norm is the number of bowel movements in the first 6 months up to 5 times a day, after six months - 2-3 times a day.

With artificial feeding, feces are thicker, pasty, pale yellow to brown, depending on the nature of the food, often with an unpleasant odor. There is a lot of Escherichia coli in the feces. Stool up to 3-4 times a day in the first half of the year, 1-2 times - after 6 months.

The amount of feces in the first month of life is 15 g, and then gradually increases to 40-50 g for 1-3 bowel movements per day.

The stool of children over one year old is decorated, color from brown to dark brown, does not contain pathological impurities, mucus, blood. Stool frequency 1-2 times a day.

Dyspepsia- digestive disorders, mainly of a functional nature, arising from insufficient secretion of digestive enzymes or poor nutrition. Intestinal dyspepsia is manifested by diarrhea and, less often, on the contrary, constipation, flatulence, rumbling.

Constipation in a child

- this is a slow movement of food through the intestines, while putrefactive processes occur in the intestines, toxins are formed that disrupt the condition of the child. The feces with constipation are dense and thick, at the exit it has the form of a traditional "poop". A thickened stool can lead to trauma to the mucous membrane of the anus and the appearance of cracks. Constipation is usually associated with a child's diet.

If the baby has not had a stool for more than two days and the child becomes restless, it is necessary to induce a stool with an enema.
How to give an enema to a baby?

For an enema, take clean boiled water at room temperature into a sterile canister, grease the tip with petroleum jelly and insert it gently into the anus. Do not add soap and other substances to the water - a burn may occur.

BUT: frequent use of enemas can lead to increased constipation, so if your baby does not have a bowel movement for several days and this happens often, see a doctor.

For children suffering from constipation, the menu includes prune puree, dried apricots, oatmeal, kefir. Do not give rice porridge or broth, they can lead to increased constipation.

Diarrhea in a child

Diarrhea in an infant may appear as a result of overfeeding, ingestion of poor-quality products, with some diseases. The loss by the body of only 10% (of body weight) moisture is critical, for an infant it is about 300 g. Therefore, it is important to understand that diarrhea for an infant can be fatal and take action: a child with diarrhea must be constantly given water to drink. To prevent the leaching of salts from the body, a preparation for the preparation of saline solutions, for example "rehydron", is added to the water, if it is impossible to go to the pharmacy - a tablespoon of salt + a tablespoon of sugar per 1 liter of water. Give the child a teaspoon to drink every 5-7 minutes. If loose stools recur, it is necessary to call a pediatrician who will prescribe medications to stop diarrhea, and before the doctor arrives, leave a diaper or diaper with loose stools for a visual examination by a specialist.

Stool color, mucus

Stool color may vary. In the feces of an infant, a small amount of mucus and greens is possible (this depends on the nature of the diet, in particular, the mother, if the baby is breastfed), but more than usual, the amount of mucus, especially with an admixture of blood, or a sharp change in smell (stench) talks about the disease. A certain amount of blood, streaks of blood in the stool can occur with constipation (if the passage of feces is difficult, small vessels of the rectum burst). This is dangerous for the child, since pathogens can get into the cracks and an inflammatory process will develop.

With dysbiosis, stool liquefaction with a large amount of mucus and greens, undigested lumps is possible; or thickening - feces of a darker color, masked, with a putrid odor.

Constipation in children is a common cause that causes significant discomfort in children and anxiety for parents. According to various sources, constipation is the reason for seeking medical attention in 3-5% of cases. Constipation is detected in 1-30% of children.

A short episode of constipation in children is common and usually only lasts a few days. The correct diet and adequate fluid intake are, in most cases, sufficient. However, some children develop chronic constipation (persistent and severe). Regular soiling of laundry (often mistaken for diarrhea) can mean that the child has chronic constipation.

Normal stool frequency in children

Stool frequency in children is unstable, and varies within a fairly wide range. The following statements and norms are relatively generally accepted:

  • The first bowel movement (bowel movement from meconium) occurs within 36 hours of birth. In 90% of children, the release of meconium is observed in the first 24 hours from birth.
  • During the first week of life, the child has an average of 4 bowel movements per day. This indicator is very variable and depends on the type of feeding: artificial or natural.
  • Up to 2 years, the average number of bowel movements can vary from 3 times a day to 1 time in several days.
  • After two years, the number of bowel movements 1-2 times a day
  • After 4 years - once a day

Despite the above average statistical indicators, a breastfed baby may not have a chair for 7 or even 10 days, and this may be the norm. In formula-fed infants, the variability in normal stool frequency is even higher.

Constipation classification

It is advisable to divide constipation in children into two broad categories:

  1. Mild and / or temporary constipation that lasts only a few days. This is a very common situation that can recur from time to time.
  2. Chronic (persistent and severe) constipation. It is much less common. Its treatment differs from the more frequent - mild, temporary constipation.

So what is constipation?

Constipation in children is called:

  • Difficulty defecation, or a bowel movement that requires significant effort and / or
  • Pain during bowel movements. and / or
  • Stool less frequently than usual.

Note: there is a wide range of normal frequency. One to three bowel movements per day are considered normal. Stool less than once every two days - may be constipation. However, it may still be normal if the child does not strain too much during bowel movements, does not experience pain, and has soft and shaped stools.

The following criteria have been developed for the diagnosis of functional constipation (Rome III)

  • Stool less than twice a week
  • An episode of stool incontinence after acquiring hygiene skills
  • Previous episodes of severe stool retention
  • Large stool volume

The diagnosis is made by observing at least 2 of the six listed criteria within a month.

Children aged 4 to 18 years

  • Stool less than twice a week
  • Stool incontinence episodes
  • Episodes of volitional stool retention
  • Painful or difficult bowel movements
  • Large stool volume
  • Large diameter fecal lump

Diagnosis is by observation at least 2 out of six the listed criteria within two months.

What are the causes of constipation in children?

Food and drinks. Eating disorders are a common cause of constipation in children:

  • Insufficient content of dietary fiber in food, fiber (the coarse part of the food that is not digested and remains in the intestines) and / or
  • Insufficient fluid intake.

Stool becomes hard, dry, and difficult to defecate when the intestines are low in fiber and fluid.

Consciously holding a chair: the child feels the urge to defecate, but resists. This is a common cause of functional constipation. You may notice this in a child from flattened legs, sitting on the heels, or similar activities that help suppress the feeling of defecation. Prolonged deliberate holding of the stool increases the volume of the stool and, subsequently, makes it difficult to pass it. There are a number of reasons why children may struggle to hold a chair:

  • the previous bowel movement may have been difficult and painful. Therefore, the child tries to postpone the bowel movement, fearing again the pain and discomfort. (anal fissure, perianal irritation, sexual abuse, hemorrhoids)
  • unfamiliar or uncomfortable environment (for example, in public toilets). The child can "temporarily turn off" bowel movements until he returns home.
  • emotional problems, depression.

Diseases Leading to Constipation in Children

Quite a lot of diseases can lead to constipation: diseases of the thyroid gland, as well as some intestinal disorders, one of the factors of constipation can be an allergy to cow's milk. If constipation is a symptom of the disease, then, as a rule, other symptoms are present, because it is extremely unlikely that this will be the only manifestation of the disease. Some medicines can cause constipation as a side effect. Anyway, if constipation is a chronic problem, a doctor should be consulted.

How can you prevent constipation in a child?

Eating foods with a lot of fiber and a lot of water will increase stool volume, but the stool becomes soft and easy to empty. Regular physical activity also promotes normal bowel movements.

  • Jacket potatoes with baked beans or vegetable soup with bread.
  • Dried apricots or raisins for dessert.
  • Porridge or other high-fiber cereals for breakfast.
  • Fruit with every meal.
  • It may be worth not letting your child take the candy until they have eaten the fruit.

If kids don't want to eat high fiber foods, add dry bran to yogurt. The yogurt will soften the off-flavor of the dry bran.

Beverages. Adequate fluid intake is essential for normal bowel function. However, some children have a habit of drinking only juice, soda, or milk to quench their thirst. They can satisfy their appetite and therefore eat few foods that contain high amounts of fiber. Try to limit these types of drinks. Give water as your main drink. However, some fruit juices that contain fructose or sorbitol have a laxative effect (such as prunes, pears, or apple juice). This can be helpful from time to time when the stool becomes steeper than usual and you suspect that you may soon develop constipation.

Some other tips that might help:

  • Try to get your child to get used to a certain time of going to the toilet. After breakfast, before school or kindergarten is the best option. Give it a try and set aside enough time so that he doesn't feel rushed.
  • The reward system is sometimes useful for young children who are prone to stool retention. For example, a small treat after every successful trip to the toilet. However, try not to make a toilet problem a tragedy. The goal is for the situation to be normal and not stressful - an everyday matter.

Mild / temporary constipation in children and treatment.

Most episodes of constipation in children last only a few days. Many children strain to squeeze out a bulky or hard fecal lump. It doesn't really matter, the consistency of the stool will soon return to normal. Treatments for temporary constipation are the same as for preventing constipation. That is, diet with a lot of fiber, drinking plenty of fluids, and possibly fruit juice that contains fructose or sorbitol. In some cases, your doctor may recommend a laxative for several days. In an episode of mild constipation, the function of the lower intestine (rectum) is not affected. Thus, you can stop the laxative treatment as soon as the stool becomes easy to pass again. Treatment usually takes several days.

Chronic (persistent and severe) constipation

Chronic constipation in children is a severe and long-lasting violation of bowel movements. It develops more often in children aged 2 to 4 years, but it also occurs in older and younger children. Symptoms and features of chronic constipation include:

  • Recurrent situations in which the child has difficulty or difficulty in emptying the bowel.
  • The child regularly stains the laundry with very soft stools, or mucus-like faeces. This is often regarded by parents as diarrhea.
  • The child may become irritable, eat little, feel unwell, have abdominal pain from time to time, and generally have a low mood.
  • The doctor can often feel the terminal intestines filled with tough, lumpy feces on palpation of the abdomen.

Next, we will try to explain how chronic constipation can develop and its symptoms. In particular, why contamination of laundry is a symptom of chronic constipation. Usually, feces accumulate in the lower part of the large intestine. If stool builds up, it begins to move into the rectum (the last part of the intestine), which expands. This sends signals down the nerves to the brain saying "you need to go to the toilet." When relaxing the anus on the toilet, it takes a little effort to "squeeze out" the feces. But if the child ignores the signal, restrains, then the feces remain in the rectum. Gradually, a large, dense fecal lump forms in the intestine. The rectum then expands and enlarges much more than usual. This contributes to the formation of fecal blockage, in which dense feces "get stuck" in the rectum. If the rectum remains overstretched for a long time, then the normal sensations of the urge to defecate are weakened. In addition, the muscle strength of the rectal walls decreases, it becomes "lazy".

Additional portions of feces go to the fecal lump located in the rectum. The lowest part of the fecal lump lies just above the anus. Some of these "fresh" portions liquefy and flow out of the anus. This will stain your baby's linen and bedding. In addition, some part of the soft stool, liquid stool from the overlying sections of the large intestine can "bypass" around the fecal lump. It also seeps out of the anus and can be mistaken for diarrhea. The child cannot (!) Control this leakage and contamination of the laundry. If the stool is eventually completely removed (by means of an enema), it will quickly fill up with hard stools again, due to the stretching and weakening of the rectal walls.

What is the treatment for chronic constipation in children?

Diet high in fiber and drinking plenty of fluids. This is described above, but, as a rule, in addition to this, the appointment of laxatives is required.


Laxatives are usually prescribed if a child develops chronic constipation. Their first goal is to empty the rectum, to resolve fecal impaction. This can usually be done quickly enough with only an adequate dose of a strong laxative. Sometimes laxative suppositories or cleansing enemas are needed to clear up stool. After the rectum has been emptied, it is important to continue taking laxatives as directed by your doctor. This may be necessary for several months, and sometimes even up to two years. When a child takes laxatives every day, the following happens:

  • The child goes to the toilet more often and has regular bowel movements. As he goes to the toilet more often, the stool becomes smaller and softer. Thus, the stool will be excreted more easily. The child will be freed from the fear of going to the toilet with a large, hard, painful lump.
  • The overstretching of the rectum is reduced, and it can gradually return to normal size, the functions are restored properly.

Constipation is unlikely to recur. If laxatives are withdrawn prematurely, the fecal blockage is likely to recur again in the weakened rectal ampulla that has not had enough time to return to normal size and regain strength.

  • Substances that increase the volume of stool. This is, for example, bran. They make the stool soft but voluminous.
  • Stool softeners. These substances thin and soften the stool. For example, sodium docusate (which also has a mild stimulant effect).
  • Osmotic laxatives. For example, lactulose and polyethylene glycol. These substances retain fluid in the large intestine by osmosis (reduce the absorption of fluid into the blood from the lumen of the colon).
  • Stimulant laxatives. For example, senna or sodium docusate. They act on the muscles in the intestinal wall "squeezing" weaker than usual. In children, hay preparations are not recommended for use.

The doctor will usually advise the use of laxatives. However, quite often you will need two laxatives at the same time for several months if one drug does not give the desired effect. For example, an osmotic laxative plus a stimulant. Over time, the dose is gradually reduced and the medication is discontinued. It is important to continue treatment for as long as the doctor advises. Chronic constipation often recurs if treatment is stopped too early.