Baby 8 months development and nutrition care. How to develop a baby's speech: looking at pictures. What games are suitable for the baby

The eighth month of life brings new surprises to the parents of the crumbs. This is a time of growing curiosity about the world and manifestation of character. The development of a child at 8 months proceeds as rapidly as in previous periods of life. What should a young researcher be able to do at this age?

  • The baby should be able to fulfill the simple requests of the mother. For example, "take a ball" or "give me a rattle."
  • The baby's babbling becomes more diverse, includes many sounds and syllables.
  • The baby should be able to get up without your help, holding on to the crib or other support. He is still unable to walk on his own. Children should not be led by hand. You also don't need to use a walker. All this will have a negative impact on the spine of the crumbs. According to studies, children who start walking at 8-9 months have a high risk of curvature of the spine.
  • The child must be able to crawl. Some children do not immediately master crawling, first they make the wrong movements. Do not rush the baby, but gently guide. Crawling is a great exercise for a young explorer. It helps to strengthen the arms and legs, strengthens the muscular corset of the spine, while not creating an unnecessary load on the back.
  • The peanut should be able to bite off soft food and chew it. Of course, if he has at least four teeth.

Nutrition for an 8 month old baby

Food at this age becomes more diverse. The baby has already appeared the first teeth, he erupted four, and sometimes six teeth. The time has come to get the first skills of chewing food. Children's doctors say that chewing is very useful for strengthening teeth and gums, for further transition of children to solid foods.

Most breastfed babies continue to receive milk from the breast at 8 months. However, an increasing part of their diet is "adult" nutrition.

If mommy misses a favorable time to introduce solid foods that need to be chewed into the diet, in the future the baby may throw tantrums when trying to feed him any non-liquid food.

How to start change at 8 months? Cook thicker porridges. Puree is not as liquid as before. It is enough just to knead the vegetables well with a fork, without scrolling in a blender. You can already offer your baby a small piece of an apple - pitted and peeled. Similarly, give him a peeled plum or apricot, lightly mashed with a fork.

Do not forget that to introduce any new food, start with very small portions, gradually increasing their volume.

For children at 8 months, watermelon will be useful. Treat your baby to a pitted piece from the middle of a watermelon, as there are less nitrates. Also, the child's diet can be diversified with new vegetables and fruits. Squeeze out the juice from the tomato. It contains many trace elements and vitamin C.

And here is a salad recipe for an 8-month-old baby. Remove the skin from the tomato so that only the pulp remains. Add to it a cucumber grated on a plastic grater (without peel). Mash, mix and pour a few drops of vegetable oil. You will get a semi-liquid and very healthy salad.

It is also time to diversify the food of the crumbs with boiled meat and fish. Ready pieces of meat should be soft enough. If it is still difficult for the baby to cope with such a piece, scroll the meat in a blender until a gruel is obtained.

At 8 months, it's time to wean babies off the bottle and pacifier. A bottle-fed baby should drink milk formula from a cup, as he already knows how to hold a cup in his hands. Similarly, juices and water should be given to the baby from a cup.

If it happens that you have to give the crumbs a tasteless drink as medicine, pour it into another cup so that the main cup does not receive negative associations.

Development and behavior of the crumbs

At this age, the baby begins to show character. He tests the parents' reactions to his behavior. If mom said “no”, but I still take the scissors, what will happen? It is necessary to find a balance. Do not drown out the crumbs' interest in the world around them and at the same time do not call into question the authority of the parents. Softly stop all attempts by the child to manipulate you.

The emotional development of the baby goes through the stage of "fears of the eighth month". The baby is stronger than before, afraid to be alone and shows distrust of strangers. If a stranger approaches him, the baby will be alert. And if this person wants to touch the child or take it in his arms, then the baby will immediately roar.

You may hear about potty training at eight months. However, this is not entirely true. The baby still does not control himself enough at such an early age. He has not even learned to walk yet, but only to sit.

However, parents can already buy a bright pot for the baby and gradually explain what it is for. Most importantly, don't force your child to sit on the potty. Otherwise, constant tantrums are guaranteed to you. Occasionally, you can try to put the baby on the potty after a night's sleep. But don't persist in it.

Educational games and activities

  • Phone games. Give the toddler a toy or real phone, previously disconnected from the network. Offer to chat with him. The baby has already seen you talking on the phone before. It will try to copy your actions.
  • Games in the repetition of sounds for a walk. While walking, listen to the sounds of the world around you. If a dog barks nearby, show it to your baby. Explain that the dog says "woof-woof." Explain other sounds to the baby in the same way: the meowing of a cat, the croaking of a crow, the sound of a passing car, etc.
  • Hat games. To develop coordination of movements and expand the child's knowledge of himself, such a game will be useful. Offer the little one a hat. Put it on yourself first, praise yourself. Say: "I'm so beautiful in a hat." Then give it to the baby. Ask to try on. Putting a hat on his head, he will have to evaluate the shape of his head. Then let the baby look in the mirror.
  • Trolley games. The baby lies on the floor on his tummy. Gently grab him from behind by the legs, lift them 10 centimeters above the floor. Let the child walk in the arms. This game allows you to develop and strengthen the muscles of the hands.
  • Hide and seek games. These games attract children of all ages. Mom hides behind a chair. The peanut is trying to find her, the crawling skill is being worked out. Let the baby also try to hide from you.
  • Overcoming an obstacle. Such games form the baby's idea of ​​​​the size of objects in the world. His task is to somehow overcome obstacles. For example, a mountain of pillows can be climbed over. And if there is a table in front of the child, then it will be easier to crawl under it.
  • Toys under the blanket. The essence of this game is that the mother hides the toy under the covers in front of the crumbs. Then he asks him to find a toy. An 8-month-old baby may not immediately realize that objects do not disappear when they are hidden.
  • Pans and pots. These kitchen utensils are of interest to many children, especially if they are shiny. Take a few pots or pans, bring them to the children's corner. Show how to open and close the lid. Let the little one try it himself. Then put two or three pans or pots on one side, and their lids on the other side. Let the baby independently determine which lid to close. Such entertainment will develop the analytical skills of a young researcher.

Thus, at 8 months, the child receives the first solid food and actively seeks to know the world around him. He must be able to crawl and stand up, holding on to a support. It is necessary to develop his speech, as well as motor skills, conduct educational games and walk a lot.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

Children in the eighth month of life are distinguished by curiosity and are very active in learning about the world around them. It is during this period that they learn to feel safe and anxious, begin to speak and prepare for the next step after sitting - walking. If the development of a child at 8 months is normal, then this further helps him to keep up with his peers.

However, the presence of any deviations should alert parents and lead to a visit to the consultations of the appropriate specialist. Why is the age of 8 months so remarkable, and what are the norms for the development of children during this period?

Your baby is actively growing, both in breadth and in height. According to the norms that are enshrined by WHO, the weight of boys can range from 6.9 kg to 10.7 kg, and the weight of girls - from 6.3 kg to 10.2 kg. As for height, for boys it can be from 66.8 cm to 73.1 cm, and for girls - from 66 cm to 72.5 cm. At the same time, the head circumference increases (approximately 5 cm), and also expands rib cage. After all, the internal organs of the child are also growing, and they already need much more space for comfortable and functional placement.

If for some reason your child does not reach the height or greatly exaggerates the indicated norms in size, you should not panic. To get started, talk to your pediatrician. Perhaps the reason is heredity (both or one of the parents is short or, conversely, very tall). More important here is the weight indicator. If it is less than normal, it means that the child is underfed, which can lead to stunting of all organs and slowing down development. When the weight exceeds the indicated norm, it means that you are overfeeding the child, which can also lead to a deterioration in his health.

At the 8th month, the baby is able to please parents with the presence of 4-6 teeth. Most often they are the central anterior and lower incisors. But if other teeth come out, then you should not be upset. The development of the child takes place individually, and deviations in the order of tooth growth are not a pathology. Missing teeth shouldn't be a problem for you either. At this age, they may still linger and not yet erupt.

A child can sleep up to 15 hours a day, and eat every 4 hours. From the middle of the 8th month, you can no longer grind the food for complementary foods so much, gradually accustoming the child to chewing. The opinion of pediatricians and dentists agrees that it is very useful because it helps to strengthen the gums and teeth. In addition, it will help prepare the baby for the transition to the adult table.

What should a child know?

  1. At the age of 8 months, the baby is already able to sit down on his own, as well as lie down back from a sitting position.
  2. Another important skill is the ability to roll over in any position. The child can do this, trying to get the object of interest to him.
  3. A child of this age already knows how to get up on his feet, holding on to something with his hands (bed railing, large toy). He tries to take steps, moving sideways.
  4. The kid is interested, and he can play the simplest games (“palmies”, “cuckoo”), waving goodbye.
  5. Many children are already actively crawling, exploring the surrounding space and trying to get to the most interesting, in his opinion, objects.
  6. The child has developed the ability to grasp objects with the “tweezers method”, that is, with the help of two fingers.
  7. With the help of one cube, the baby tries to move the other and observes its behavior. If the second cube has fallen, then he tries to pick it up and put it back in its place.
  8. The child is able to understand what subject or object is being discussed and, if necessary, easily points to it with a finger.
  9. He manages to use tableware (spoon, cup), he eats food in small pieces.
  10. The child is able to pull the sock off the leg.
  11. The babbling period begins when the child begins to speak individual syllables, trying to combine them into words (“ma-ma”, “la-la”).

mental development

At the age of 8 months, the child learns to better understand adult speech. At the same time, he already knows how to fulfill simple requests: take a toy, give a ball. It is also the period when the child begins to speak.

It is at this time that many parents note an increase in attachment to the mother. There is nothing wrong with that. In no case should you deny the child the protection and close proximity of the mother, arguing that he will grow up as a "mama's".

Indeed, at this time, the child already clearly understands where the mother is, “their own”, and where are the “strangers”, strangers. There may be fear of strangers. And in such situations, the child will seek protection from the mother or someone close. Do not deny this to the baby, because for a normal further knowledge of the world, he should first clearly feel the boundaries of the comfort zone, safety. And only after that he can fearlessly go to study the surrounding reality.

An eight-month-old baby actively reacts to loud sounds. Therefore, you may notice how he is afraid of a hair dryer or a vacuum cleaner. You may also notice that your baby has learned not only to grab objects, touch and feel them, but also tries to stroke them with a finger or palm.

If some object is of interest to the baby, then he points to it and asks one of the parents to bring himself to him. Anything that opens - a refrigerator, a window, a bedside table can become such interesting objects.

When the baby is shown his reflection in the mirror, he smiles at him. At this age, the child already understands when something is forbidden to him and may show offense at a strict tone addressed to him.

With the help of the eyes, the child learns to recognize objects from different angles. Now he recognizes his favorite toy, both from above and from the side. He develops an understanding of the properties of different things, so he enjoys rolling a ball on the floor, tearing paper into pieces, or pulling a hanging rope.

Now your child is able to concentrate on any interesting activity for 10 minutes. And even if you interrupt him for a while, he will remember the game and may want to return to it.

The child learns to achieve his goal and emotionally reacts to success or failure, may be upset about this. Therefore, do not forget to praise the baby more often, even for the smallest achievements.

The kid becomes a real manipulator, testing his parents for resilience. Here you need to learn how to find a "golden mean" so as not to suppress his interest in knowledge and at the same time maintain your authority.

Even the baby will strive to establish contact with others, which may manifest itself in his interest in other children, the desire to touch them or smile at them.

How to play and engage with a child?

The peculiarity of the development of children up to a year is that even a difference of one month is visible to the naked eye. And what can we say when you compare the development of a child at 2 months and at 8 months. Therefore, the way you communicate with the baby, play and contribute to his development should also be different. What should you pay attention to when dealing with a child at 8 months?

Active movements require considerable space. Therefore, organize a large playing field for the baby.

In an effort to improve his coordination, you can build an "obstacle course" for the child. Make a tunnel out of boxes, put a mountain of pillows on it, make a slide down from the sofa, organize a maze of big toys. Overcoming these obstacles will develop the baby's ability to feel his body in space and control it. He will also learn to correctly estimate the size of objects.

To strengthen the muscles in your arms, neck, and back, teach your child to play cart. Let it be an object that has hands instead of wheels. Even for a short movement on your hands and crawling forward, be sure to praise the child. Then you can master the movement back.

The next game that will interest the baby at 8 months is "Come on, destroy the tower." Use large but light plastic or cloth cubes for the game. First, build a structure out of them, which you then invite the baby to destroy. Usually children do this with great enthusiasm. After that, praise the baby, saying what a strong and invincible hero he is, capable of destroying the tower. Experiment with height. Build towers as tall as, taller than, or shorter than a child. Let him also learn the understanding of high-low.

These kids love toys with light and sound effects. Pressing a key or button, after which something happens, causes them delight and joy. When showing a new toy, first invite the child to independently guess what and how to do it. When he understands and does the necessary manipulations, be sure to praise the baby for his intelligence.

Also at this age, children are very fond of rhythmic music. Show them that they can make those sounds too. Offer the baby a wooden spoon and put several objects with different surfaces in front of him. Turn on the music and show how you can drum with a spoon so that every time you get a new sound.

With such children, it is necessary to develop the speech apparatus. To do this, you need to talk with the child as much as possible, telling everything and about everything. Even the simplest things that are ordinary for you will be a real discovery for him. When the baby pays attention to any sound, be sure to explain to him where it comes from, or who makes it. Show him that the world consists of sounds, and he will certainly want to become a part of it.

On the street, invite the baby to look at the leaves, touch the grass, flowers and earth. Tactile sensations will make the world even more interesting and intriguing for him.

The task of parents

Your baby has reached the age when he needs to overcome the fear of the world around him in order to know it. Parents play a big role in this process. You are the support and protection of the child during this period, so never push or scold the baby if something scared him. Is the child afraid? Hug him, caress him, say a kind word to make him feel safe. After that, he will again return to the knowledge of the world and everything that exists in it.

In no case do not leave such a baby with strangers. It is now that he manifests a fear of the "stranger" and the "unknown".

During this period, the child can part with his mother with particular difficulty, constantly demanding her presence. You should not ignore this, but you just need to wait out this time. As he gets older, he will regain his self-confidence and will explore the world with even greater enthusiasm.

During this period, you can try to potty train your child. However, don't push too hard. If the child categorically protests, then postpone this acquaintance for several weeks and then return to him again.

At the age of seven months, the child gains weight per week 110-120 grams. Its weight, depending on individual characteristics, is from 8 to 8.5 kilograms, and sometimes more. Don't forget to control your weight.

By the seventh month, in most children, the incisors from below are already completely erupted. You have already admired them.

And if the teeth have not appeared yet? Occasionally this happens as well. Examine the gum; it is possible that the teeth are already visible. Wash your hands with soap, run your finger over the child's gums. You can even feel the teeth under the mucous ... But if they are not in sight, seek the advice of a doctor.

A delay in teething may occur due to nutritional errors or a lack of vitamin D intake. It will be more correct if your district pediatrician introduces a correction in nutrition.

You can evaluate the physical and mental development of your seven-month-old baby yourself. He should already be able to:
- independently sit down and sit without outside support for several minutes;
- freely turn from back to side and vice versa;
- firmly grasp the objects of interest to him;
- pronounce different sounds confidently and with interest;
- easy to recognize familiar faces;
- happy to make contact.
The child is in a cheerful mood.

In the eighth month, as before, continue raising the child. During waking hours, play calm educational games with him, talk. Support the optimistic mood of the baby with a smile and a kind word. Character does not develop by itself, although, of course, it has a certain hereditary basis. The character is nurtured.

At the end of the eighth month, your baby should weigh about nine kilograms. If you attach great importance to the accuracy of regular weighings, then carry out weighings by all means in the same conditions. It must be taken into account whether you are weighing a child or a naked one in clothes, after the stool has passed or before. We recommend weighing your baby every time before feeding.

Some children under the age of two have crooked legs. This should not worry parents and loved ones, the curvature will gradually disappear. As a rule, crooked legs are a consequence of a certain position of the child in the uterus.

But just in case, you should pay your doctor's attention to the child's legs, because curvature can also be the result of rickets. The doctor will examine the child for other signs of this disease and, if necessary, take action.

When the child is not yet on his feet, do not try to force this process. This is dangerous because the child's legs may be bent; the bones of a child up to a year are soft and flexible and are not yet able to withstand an increased load. Also, do not force the child to crawl. Do you feel like your child is moving less than other children? Perhaps this is still the case. Wait a bit; nature will take its toll, and the child will quickly make up for what he missed.

At the eighth month of life, many children are already quite actively crawling. First, the children crawl on their stomachs, pushing off with their legs from some object or from the wall of the crib, then they get on all fours. If you notice that your baby has begun to crawl in
cotton wool, it's time to think about creating conditions for crawling. Get a playpen or fence off a corner for the "exercises" of the child.

Don't let your baby crawl in the crib he sleeps in. Otherwise, he may have difficulty falling asleep. If you stick to a rule (for example, don't let your baby crawl in a crib), don't make exceptions to it. The child must be well oriented in the environment. Many of his reflexes are oriented to the regime of the day and the order in the environment.

You have fenced off a corner in which the child (if he so desires) can crawl as much as he wants. You have removed from this corner all objects with sharp traumatic edges. You have laid a soft blanket on the floor... However, from time to time you still find scratches on the child's hands and knees, bumps on his forehead. Don't worry too much about this. Small injuries are simply necessary for your child - this is how the first life experience is formed.

You are already raising your child little by little - perhaps without even thinking about it. You educate by your own example. He closely follows you and even imitates you a little in some ways. Your child, although small, is already quite a subtle psychologist; do not make mistakes, the child notices them. And when he builds his behavior, he builds it, taking into account your mistakes.

Always patiently explain what you want to achieve from the child. He must hear speech, he already understands a lot. Tell him it's time for bed and put him to bed; say it's time for a walk, and go for a walk. Show the potty and say that you should try to go to the potty. The child must know what exactly they are trying to achieve.

Never cancel your orders. This is bad for the character of the child, because you instill in him optionality. For example, you told your baby that it's time to sleep, and you yourself began to play with him ... The next time you say that it's time to sleep, and the child will not even think to obey.

Do not bring up in a child such an unpleasant quality as stubbornness. After all, over time, you yourself can suffer from his stubbornness. Stubbornness and a tendency to whims - they are very close to each other ... The basics of stubbornness - in primitive fun. You give a child a toy and immediately take it away with a laugh, then give it again and take it again. Don't have fun like that. And don't let others play with your child like that.
Child's games are very serious.

Capriciousness and stubbornness are sometimes formed if the child is surrounded by "forbidden" objects. For example, scissors in the hands of mom or knitting needles or dad's lighter. The child pulls a hand to such an object. You say: "You can't!" But the child is still stretching. And even crying. You let him hold for a minute, under your control (just to stop screaming), and you make a mistake. If you said “No!”, then you can’t give. Otherwise, the child will feel weak and the next time he will not lag behind you - he will raise such a cry!

You must once endure your character and subsequently periodically “reinforce” the way of your behavior so that the child does not doubt: his whims will not pass.

Do not surround the child with tempting “forbidden” objects so that there is no unnecessary reason for conflict. But if the child sees the same scissors and asks for them, stretches his hand to them, refuse him calmly and firmly.

Never yell at a child, do not pull him for any petty reason. This will make him nervous and dependent, indecisive. Before committing any act, he will look back at you all his life.

It is good when there are always toys around the child - one or the other. But it is even better when there are safe for the baby, but practical, items nearby - those that he will use all his life: a spool of thread, a plastic cup, a soap dish, a leather shoe, etc. Communicating with these objects, the child develops, acquires practical skills.

Do not indulge children with excessive attention; at least do not show how attentive you are to your child. If you want to achieve something from a child, say what exactly you want, and then by all means achieve it. The child should feel your inflexibility; he must know that you, although affectionate, are firm.

Your child has been practicing pronunciation for a long time. At first he just tried the voice, then he even began to get whole syllables - that is, the child, in addition to vowels, had already mastered some consonants. You are watching him: he will utter a separate syllable and freeze - he listens.
In turn, he carefully watches you - how do you say? He follows your lips. Make sure your child sees your lips when you talk to him.

The syllables that your child pronounces do not yet carry a certain semantic load, but you can already play a game that is very useful for the development of the baby, saying "ma-ma ... pa-pa ..." And let him imitate you. Make no mistake, the child already knows what it is about...

At the eighth month, the child is able to ask pediatricians and child psychologists an interesting riddle: why right now he began to be so obviously afraid of strangers? Let's go for a walk. Calm and contented, he sits in his mother's arms, curiously surveying everything that comes into view. His attention is attracted by a car passing by, a dog running by, and bright flowers on the lawn. But then a stranger comes up, and the expression on the baby's face instantly changes. What a range of feelings!

Replacing each other, confusion follows, a shy half-smile, distrust, fear, and, finally, a grimace that precedes crying. The child turns to his mother, as if trying to make sure that she is here, that protection is provided.

As long as they only talk to him, he still endures. But if they try to touch, pick up - a real panic begins. The baby actively resists, clings to the mother, cries.

Doctors know this phenomenon as "fears of the eighth month." There is no final explanation yet: is this a natural stage of mental development or simply a behavioral feature inherent in many children.

But, under all conditions, one can only be surprised how a baby, who was barely 7 months old, “with his own mind” came to a sound, in essence, thought: a stranger can be dangerous. It would be nice if it was a five-year-old or even a three-year-old, already frightened by the “grandfather with a bag” and hearing talk about child abductions and other passions. But this one? Where does his fear come from?

The key to the puzzle is probably not in the negative, but just in the positive experience of the child. In the eighth month, he already knows his inner circle well. Attachment becomes stronger not only to the mother, but also to the father, grandmother, to the rest of the family. He perceives them as certain guarantors of his own well-being, everything pleasant comes from them - food, play, affection. And strangers become suspicious, because the child already clearly differentiates: these are not those with whom he is calm and safe, these are some others.

Some experts even consider the “fears of the eighth month” to be even useful, since it has been noticed that children who, in infancy, do not distinguish their own from others, grow up as people who do not have a sense of distance, which is so necessary in human communication.

So do not be upset if your child behaved impolitely with a “foreign” aunt, letting her know that she does not want to enter into any contacts. However, the quick-witted aunt herself will not insist, she will move away so as not to irritate the child. You try to gradually, little by little introduce him to other people.

In the eighth month of life, the baby needs less and less diapers. The child is already asking for a potty. In addition, he leads an already quite active lifestyle. So his wardrobe is changing. The baby has panties, stockings, shoes, shirts, panties or dresses, etc. In a new form of clothing, the child should not feel embarrassed.

New hobbies in the eighth month

In the eighth month, the baby has some ideas about time and space. The sense of time is formed by the rhythm of sleep, feeding, walking, bathing. From the first days, his mother helped him to navigate in space most of all - she was the center of his Universe. Watching her, listening to her voice, he comprehends the concepts: near, close, further, very far. But now he began to undertake some independent experiments. You probably already had the opportunity to trace his new "hobby" - he loved to throw toys out of the playpen or crib. Throws - and with the greatest interest looks down, listens to the sound of falling. You pick up the toy, give it to him, and he will gladly throw it again. This can be repeated until you get tired. But you won't get angry and tell him no. You will rejoice that the child is tireless in his inspiration of the explorer.

Another discovery of the eighth month: it turns out that an object that is not visible still exists. You have probably already played hide and seek with your baby, either covering your face with a scarf, or opening it. And every time bewilderment - where did mom go? - was replaced by happiness: here it is! How tensely he waited for his mother's appearance, until one day he himself pulled the edge of the scarf and pulled it off. The effect is stunning!

Try to check how much the search activity of the child has increased. Stealthily take the cube he was playing with and cover it with some kind of napkin. Most likely, the baby will begin to look around in bewilderment, and then carefully lift the napkin and, triumphantly, take the cube. And there is something to celebrate because of this - after all, this is another step in mastering the outside world!

Opportunities are wider - problems too

The eighth month is truly a time of new, greater opportunities. A child usually already has two or even four front incisors. So you can chew. And not only is it possible - it is necessary! Children's dentists and pediatricians unanimously repeat that the sooner the baby learns to chew, the better. Chewing massages the gums, improves their blood supply, promoting the growth and strengthening of teeth. And not only dairy ones, which are erupting now, but also permanent ones, because their rudiments have long been laid in the gums and are waiting for their time.

Chewing prepares the child for the expansion of the diet and the upcoming transition to the common table. The habit of chewing well, slowly is one of the indispensable conditions for normal digestion and the prevention of gastritis. And if in the first months of life the ability to suck long enough and vigorously was saving for the child, now it is much more important for him to chew.

The eighth month is the time to master this skill. The child himself tells you this when he bites and gnaws on his toys. And if you miss a favorable moment, overdo it on pureed food, then he will no longer want to chew. Any lump in mashed potatoes or porridge, any hard piece of vegetables will frighten him, causing choking and even vomiting. In nervous, excitable children, such vomiting can become habitual, and then each feeding turns into a real test for both mother and child.

So start cooking thicker porridge, do not puree the puree so thoroughly - just knead the soft vegetables with a fork. At lunch, give your child a piece of dried bread, sometimes replace fruit puree with a quarter of a washed, peeled and pitted apple or a slightly mashed peach, apricot, plum, also without skin.

The child will quite cope with a piece (20-30 g) of watermelon. But in this case, one precaution will not be superfluous. Watermelons grown on soil oversaturated with mineral fertilizers intensively accumulate nitrates (and where is the guarantee that you did not buy such a watermelon?). Therefore, cut out the piece intended for the child from the middle, since the concentration of nitrates is greater at the edges, closer to the crust. Make sure that there are no hard light veins in this piece - they also “signal” the presence of nitrates.

The diet of the child basically remains the same, you can only enrich his table with a more diverse set of vegetables and fruits. Try squeezing the juice of a fresh tomato - this one of the most healthy juices for children is rich not only in vitamin C, but also in potassium, iron, copper, and organic acids.

If you grate (plastic!) A little fresh cucumber, add tomato pulp and a few drops of vegetable oil, you get something like a semi-liquid salad, 2-3 teaspoons of which can be given for dinner with a second course. Use young beets, turnips, any kind of cabbage for puree. If the child does not have diathesis, he is allowed almost everything, but, of course, not exceeding the norm. You can not give only grapes, because it enhances the fermentation processes in the intestines and can cause bloating, intestinal disorders.

It is very good if the baby is still breastfeeding in the morning and in the evening. But it's time to part with the bottle and nipple. Water, juices, and then kefir or milk formula, the child should drink from a cup. He already knows how to support it with both hands (with your safety net, of course), and this “work” makes the drinking procedure more interesting. For the first time, pour the juice that he likes best, and pick up a cup that is small, light, with a bright pattern.

If the baby gets sick and you have to give him some tasteless drink, take another cup - dinnerware should evoke only pleasant associations.

Among the innovations of the eighth month there is one more, and not least: the child has become better aware of the urges of his intestines. At such moments, he stops the game, focuses on his feelings, frowns, blushes, tenses. Mom, hurry up with the potty!

Acquaintance with this subject for a child is not an easy task. It is necessary to firmly grasp why they put him here - to do what is expected of him, and not to play at all and not be distracted, which is very difficult if, once on the floor, you see so many interesting things around.

A child may dislike the potty for various reasons: sitting uncomfortable, too small or too large, the edges turned out to be cold. Or maybe the procedure is accompanied by mother's nervousness ...

Praise the child if everything worked out, and do not be angry with him if the result turned out to be zero. And don't keep your baby on the potty for more than 5-7 minutes.

His stool has already become more formed and happens not as often as before, but 1-2 times a day, usually at the same hours, and it is easy to adapt to this. In addition to emergencies, put your child on the potty every time after sleep and after eating, trying to develop a certain rhythm in him. The pot should be rinsed after use, and washed with soap in the evening.

Of course, if the baby still does not know how to sit, they do everything in the old way, holding it over a pot or basin.

What should a child be able to do at 8 months

the child babbles as if speaking;
understands and fulfills requests such as “give your hand”, “bow your head”;
plays games with simple actions (“Paladushki”), dances;
experiencing severe fear when parting with his mother;
clearly divides people into “us” and “them”;
frightened by sharp, unexpected sounds (vacuum cleaner, bell, dog barking);
independently gets up and walks at the support;
sits independently;
begins to actively crawl;
can bite off soft food and chew;
switching from mashed potatoes to crushed food;
calmly perceives planting on a pot.

What should a child be able to do at 8 months? Motor skills are so improved that the baby tries to sit down and crawl on his own. Also at this age, the child has a need for emotional support and constant communication.

A striking sign of this age is the fears of the baby. The child may suddenly become afraid of the noise of a vacuum cleaner, grandma's fur coat or grandpa's beard. Any change in space or in the appearance of a loved one can scare the baby. Psychologists believe that these fears are quite justified and speak of the formation of a sense of security and personal boundaries in an infant. It is not recommended to cultivate courage at such a tender age.

Baby motor skills at 8 months

What should a baby be able to do at 8 months?

  • First attempts to crawl. The child freely and deftly makes a coup from the back to the stomach. The kid tries to take exactly this position, because it makes it possible to see the world around him. This position also allows the baby to move around. You can see how the baby is trying to get on all fours, but so far it is uncertain, swaying. Most often, the child begins to crawl not on all fours, but in a plastunsky way. Not all eight-month-old babies begin to crawl, but most, once on their stomachs, actively move their whole bodies, stretch their legs, pull themselves up on their hands, and rotate in different directions.
  • Sitting position. For some reason, the older generation of grandmothers had the opinion that at 6 months the baby should already be sitting. However, according to international norms of psychomotor development, an infant can sit up on his own in the period from 7 to 9 months. An eight-month-old baby can already sit freely, while his back should not be rounded. Without adult support, the infant may sit for about 5 seconds, after which he may fall on his side or lean on one arm for balance. In a sitting position, a baby usually has a lot of positive emotions. After all, the posture allows you to clearly see everything that is happening around him. Is there any difference in the timing of planting a girl and a boy? This question is often asked by mothers. Doctors say that gender does not affect the stage of planting, and classify this information as a myth. Read more about when a child begins to sit on his own, at what months girls and boys can be planted, read in other articles.
  • Pull-ups on the hands. You can conduct such an experiment. The baby lies on its back, in front of it you need to put your thumbs pointing at each other (in the form of a crossbar). The child grabs his fingers and tries to pull himself up to sit up. At this point, you do not need to help the baby and pull him by the handles. At this age, the baby perfectly copes with the task on its own and assumes an upright position. The muscles of the back, abdomen, arms, neck of the baby are already well developed.
  • Development of coordination of movement and balance. The child can take various poses, thanks to balance, additional support of the hands, balancing with the legs. This age is characterized by a lying position on its side with support on one hand (“garden gnome position”), while the other hand of the baby is free, he can manipulate it. The upper leg in this pose also moves freely and creates balance. Why does a baby need these complicated tricks? These exercises prepare the baby to sit on his own from a position on his stomach and side.
  • Strengthening the skill of grasping and holding an object in the hand. At 7 months, the baby already knew how to simultaneously take two objects in both hands. This skill is improved in 8 months. If you offer the baby two identical toys of a small volume, he must learn to take them at the same time. It happens that the baby will take one item, get carried away by it and forget about the other. In this situation, you need to offer him a second toy again. At this age, it is already possible to determine the working hand and say whether the child will be right-handed or left-handed. It is important to understand that no correction is needed. But you need to load both hands.
  • Fine (fine) motor skills. Fine motor skills (finger work) develop thinking. The right hand corresponds to the left hemisphere and is associated with logical, rational thinking. And the left hand is "friends" with the right hemisphere and is responsible for creativity and imagination. When the baby presses the buttons on the remote control, twists the buttons on clothes, tries to fold a nesting doll or a pyramid, not only his hands work, but also his brain. What should a child be able to do at eight months, if we talk about fine motor skills? The baby is already able to take a small object in his hand and hold it only with his fingers, without putting it completely into his palm. It is important that this skill is developed equally on the right and left hand.

It's time to move from the sofa or bed to the "lower tier", that is, to the floor. Firstly, it is safe: the baby will definitely not fall from here. Secondly, there is an opportunity to develop new territories. Open space is important for the psychophysical development of the baby. But the “lower tier” also needs to be secured: put plugs on sockets, hooks on cabinet doors, remove sharp and heavy objects, household chemicals. To better see the dangers, you should go down and look at the world through the eyes of a crumb.

Building a basic sense of security

In the second half of life, the most important in life, the basic safety mechanism is formed in the baby. From this comes trust in the world in which he lives. Who develops this trust? Of course, mom. She is a mirror of the state of the baby. And it’s good when mom reflects both positive and negative emotions. She will certainly smile at a joyful and contented child, and she will caress and grieve with him when she is crying and offended. Mother and child are on the same emotional wavelength. And the more emotions a mother has, the more sincere they are, the wider and friendlier the surrounding space becomes for the baby. Understanding emotionality in this case is not exaltation, not delight, but a living inclusion in the experiences of the crumbs. Emotions make any person alive and present, and it is extremely important for a baby to feel this.

The psychomotor skills of a child at 8 months develop more intensively when a safety mechanism is formed in the baby. If the mother is stone-faced and depressed, the crumbs will have increased anxiety and a sense of insecurity. He will explore and explore the world with less desire.

Psycho-emotional development and communication

What reactions can a child at this age have when communicating with relatives and strangers? How does he perceive the world, comprehend actions and phenomena, relationships between objects?

  • Quick switching of attention. Parents notice that a baby of this age cannot play the same game for a long time. He loses interest in an old activity quickly when a new object comes into view. Psychologists do not recommend overloading the baby with information and offering him many new games at once.
  • Attitude towards strangers. Caution towards strangers is on the rise. At this age, even the most sociable baby can show distrust of a stranger. This is an absolutely normal reaction, which indicates the formation of a distance with people. Also, children can show selectivity: they go to the hands of some strangers, but not to others, they begin to smile at some, and cry at the sight of others. Many children at this age are strongly attached to their mother. And if it disappears for a while, they experience anxiety and anxiety.
  • Perception of the relationship of objects and actions, the study of the properties of objects. The kid begins to catch that if the object disappears, it does not dissolve in space, but moves. Now he is interested in everything that moves. You can conduct such an experiment. One adult sits at the table and puts the baby on his lap, and the other puts a toy on the table (a cube, a ball, a car). As soon as the baby reaches for the toy, the adult pushes it so that it rolls over the table and falls to the floor. The baby closely follows the movement and bends down to examine the toy on the floor. Also, at 8 months, children are able to find hidden objects, shift them, put one into another.
  • Observation of the surrounding world and natural phenomena. While walking in a stroller, the child can now be in a sitting or semi-sitting position. Space expands for him to "cosmic" scales. Now the child can watch the movements of people, animals, birds, cars, feel the wind, raindrops, the sun's rays on his face, etc.
  • Objection and manifestation of character. At this age, the baby can protest if he does not like something. It can be screaming, screaming, crying. Also, the child has favorite activities and toys, depending on the type of temperament. If a child shows negative emotions at this age, this is absolutely normal. But in most cases, a healthy eight-month-old baby is still joyful and contented with life. A child can repeat the same actions many times if they bring him joy.
  • Hide and seek is my favorite game. A baby at this age consciously supports the game of hide and seek. When someone close is hiding behind furniture or under a bedspread, the baby looks forward to the appearance and laughs loudly if they say “cuckoo” and call him by name.

Consolidation of positive experience at this age is extremely important. It is recommended now to praise the child and encourage him if, when mastering a new type of activity, something does not work out for him.

Speech development

At 8 months, the baby can not only babble and scream loudly, but also “speak” in a whisper. The child discovers that it is possible to pronounce sounds with different strength and intonation. Speech skills that were formed at 7 months will improve.

  • Syllabic chains. At this age, the baby is able to reproduce various combinations of closed and open syllables: “yes-yes”, “ma-ma”, “give-give”, “ta-ta”, “ba-ba”, “ma-ba”, “ ge-he", "ye-ye" and other options. Some syllable chains become more stable and are pronounced with clear articulation. For babble, towards the end of the second half of life, the impoverishment of syllabic chains is characteristic. This is a normal process of pre-speech development.
  • Melodic babble. The kid already knows how to reproduce the intonation of his native speech, puts stress in syllables, imitates the sounds of adult speech. Also an important discovery of this age is the designation of objects of the surrounding world with syllables, that is, babble becomes meaningful.

The baby needs to be stimulated to active vocalization. Usually, children begin to babble when they are in a good mood, are passionate about something, communicate with loved ones. The speech of his peers can also stimulate the baby to babble.

What can an 8 month old baby do? Motor skills of this period: attempts to sit down and crawl independently, confidently grasping and holding small objects with fingers, improving coordination of movement and balance. At this age, the baby is aware of the causal relationships between objects and actions, quickly switches attention, likes to play hide and seek, watch the movement and is already showing character.



We continue to consider the topic of the development of a small child up to a year . In previous materials, the issues of proper feeding of the baby, teaching the newborn baby communication skills, ways learning to crawl and walk without support and many other questions that concern any loving mother.

This article is devoted to the development of the physical and mental abilities of a child at 8 months of age. You will learn what the baby should be able to do independently at this age, how to organize the daily routine and balance the diet , which educational games it is advisable to play with the baby, and also find information on what to do if the baby has a high temperature.

By the middle or by the end of the 8th month, a long-awaited event for parents may occur - the first teeth appear in the crumbs! Usually the incisors on the upper and lower gums are cut first.

And the kid at this age really likes to watch falling objects - what will happen after the fall with the object, what sound will cause a hit on the surface. Therefore, do not be surprised if the baby will repeatedly throw on the floor everything that turns up under the handle :)

An eight-month-old child has significantly improved binocular vision - he clearly sees objects at different distances and can deftly pick up even a tiny thread. In addition, the baby is already quite good at distinguishing primary colors;

perception of information and communication.
The kid carefully listens to the surrounding sounds and perfectly understands when they turn to him personally.
The child already knows how to distinguish between short sentences and responds to requests and praise addressed to him. In addition, having heard the name of a familiar object or object, the baby begins to look around, looking for the named object with a glance.
Comprehension of spoken language and the ability to pronounce certain words develop in a baby at a rapid pace at 8 months. Often he uses gestures and facial expressions, if it is necessary to supplement a spoken word or sound;

musculoskeletal system.
If you put the baby on a flat surface and hold it a little with your hand, then he sits steadily while holding the body in a vertical position. He can play in a sitting position and reach for toys for a short time. The child can easily roll over from the back to the tummy, rise high on the handles. Some 8-month-old babies already know how to crawl nimbly on the floor and raise themselves on their legs, if there is an opportunity to grab onto a tall object. Motor abilities are improving every day, the baby is preparing to stand on his feet and soon he will learn to walk.

Height and weight of the child at 8 months:

The internal organs of the baby are rapidly developing and growing, requiring a larger volume of the chest, which increases in size by about 60-70 mm. The circumference of the head also increases in size, facial features change markedly.

If there are no deviations in development, growth an eight-month-old baby increased by 2-3 cm, and weight - by 450-550 gr. On average, boys are slightly taller than girls - a boy's height at 8 months is approximately 70.4 cm, and girls - 68.6 cm. Weight is also different - a boy weighs about 8.760 kg, and a girl - 8.120 kg.

Baby sleep at 8 months:

A healthy and sound sleep of a small child is the key to the proper development of the child's body. If the baby always gets enough sleep and falls asleep at about the same time, then many diseases bypass the baby!

The baby should sleep at least 14 a day. Most babies sleep for 7 hours in a row. A good sign if the baby can quickly fall asleep again if he suddenly woke up during sleep. For some children, daily sleep is divided into one long (at night) and two short during the day, which is also the norm.

How can I help my baby regulate a healthy sleep pattern?

Put your baby to bed at the same time every day;

Follow the same ritual before going to bed, performing actions in the same sequence (for example, play a quiet game with him, then take a bath, and when the baby is in the crib, sing him a lullaby or tell him a short story);

To complete the bedtime ritual, place your child's favorite toy in the crib. - this will be a signal that it is time to close your eyes and fall asleep.


(1).- the baby rises to his feet, holding on to the elevation and can take several steps along it;

(2).- can sit unsupported and reach for toys from a seated position . At this age, the baby often moves not on all fours, but sometimes crawls on the tummy to the target;

(3).- knows how to repeat actions after an adult demonstrating children's scenes (kids develop their imagination better if they regularly play finger games with them, read fairy tales with different intonations and express the actions of the plot with facial expressions);

(4).- at 8 months, the child pronounces syllables more meaningfully and pronounces monosyllabic words. Baby talk gradually turns into speech;

(5).- when you drink a crumb from a mug, he holds it with both handles;

(6).- easily pushes a toy on wheels in front of him, rolls a ball on the floor, puts toys in a bucket or box;

(7).- an eight-month-old child should be able to take a toy of any size in a pen, examine it and transfer it to another pen;

(8).- he can find and show a toy whose name was said by an adult.


√ Game 1 - find the rattle (develops intuition and hearing)

Take a rattle in your hand and wrap it with a handkerchief. Then shake the rattle hidden from the eyes of the baby with a handkerchief.

Tell the child several times - do you hear the sound of a rattle? Where is the rattle?
And then put the toy on the floor covered with a handkerchief and encourage the child to find it.

√ Game 2 - acquaintance with cubes (develops logical thinking and accuracy)

For the game, prepare 5 dice and a shallow box.

Sit in front of the baby and lay out the cubes in front of him. Take one cube in your hand, show it to the baby in an open palm, put it on an inverted box, put the second cube on the first one, remove the cubes from the box, put the box upside down and put all five cubes into it in turn. Accompany all your actions with comments. Then encourage the child to repeat the same manipulations with the cubes, directing his hands at the moment when the crumbs do not succeed or he forgot the action.

√ Game 3 - running balls (develops coordination of movements and an eye)

For this game we need a box, balls or plastic balls of different sizes.

To begin with, we drive one ball across the floor. Push the ball in front of you, then catch up with it and catch it. Comment on your actions and encourage your child to catch the ball. Then roll all the balls out of the box and catch up with them, encouraging the baby to also catch and return the toys that have "scattered" in different directions. After that, take the balls out of the box one by one and count "Red ball here, yellow here ... the green ball rolled away ... let's search for it together!"


▫ An 8-month-old baby gradually transitions to a more varied diet. Mom's milk is 1/3 of the daily menu of the baby;

▫ It is advisable to learn how to properly cook a variety of milk porridges at home and not include purchased analogues with preservatives in the baby's menu. The child will be happy to eat rice, buckwheat, semolina porridge. Do not dilute porridge with water , and boil it in whole milk;

▫ Be sure to boil cow's milk after it has stood in the refrigerator. Pour a little bit of milk into the mug so that the baby does not spill almost all the contents on himself when he tries to hold the dishes in his hands;

▫ It is very useful to add vegetable puree to the diet of an eight-month-old baby. The more different vegetables in the puree, the better. The main thing is that the baby should not be allergic to individual food ingredients. Be sure to add greens to the puree - parsley, dill, lettuce;

▫ by the end of 8 months, fish dishes rich in phosphorus can be included in the baby's menu. You can give your child boiled fish or make steam cutlets. De-pit foods very carefully!

What can be done if the child is reluctant to eat a new dish?

The best way to include a new food in your child's diet - mix it into your usual diet, starting with small portions.

Experts recommend adding for the first time no more than a tenth of the new product to the traditional one, daily increasing the portion by another tenth. The baby should gradually get used to a new, unusual taste for him.


Try to give your baby as much liquid as possible. You can give little by little - from a spoon, but often;

in the baby's nursery, the baby should not be too hot - room temperature should be from 19 to 21 ° C;

do not wrap the child excessively so that he does not sweat profusely and does not lose a lot of fluid;

if the child has a high temperature , it is useful to wipe the baby with cotton napkins moistened with warm water. One napkin can be placed on the baby's forehead and replaced when dry. Thoroughly wipe the armpits, knees and elbows, feet, neck and face;

Give your child antipyretics and
other medicines only after consulting a doctor. At 8 months, medicines in the form of syrups, suspensions and suppositories are suitable for a child;

For example, Cefekon D suppositories are safe enough for a child at 8 months. But before use, be sure to consult your pediatrician and carefully read the instructions for using the medicine.

Link you can find full instructions for the use of cefecon d .