Fast food good or bad. How does fast food affect human health? Loads on the cardiovascular system

The answer seems to be simple: anyone! But it is also clear that, for various reasons, we will still have a bite to eat at fast food cafes from time to time. And it will be useful to find out what you can still eat there, and what is better to avoid by all means. This was told by people who for some time themselves worked in fast food chains. Of course, management in the food chain also plays an important role. Some cafes keep the brand and do not allow themselves to cook poorly for their visitors, but many sacrifice quality for the sake of greater profit and easier work.

So, here is a list of the most dangerous foods that you can find in fast food establishments:

1. Ice and ice cream

It is very difficult and costly to keep the equipment for preparing these dishes clean. Often there can be found traces of mold. Ice is made from dirty water.

2. Chicken McNuggets from McDonald's

“I have not worked at McDonald's for a long time, but I remember one picture. I accidentally left a bag of 100 frozen nuggets on the table. And they just melted! Those. at all. They turned into some kind of slurry, faintly resembling appetizing pieces of chicken.

“Nuggets are a thousand times processed chicken meat, you can’t even call it meat. Mixed with water and additives. Yes, it's like furniture from IKEA. Leave it in water and it will turn into wood pulp. Because the material it's made of is as far from real wood as nuggets are from real chicken."

“I heard that this was before 2003. And now all the nuggets are from normal, 100% chicken white meat. And they won't melt like they used to."

3. Fried chicken, fish, meat

Of course, readers may reasonably object that if you do not eat all this, then nothing will remain. Just be careful, and if the purchased hamburger is suspicious, refuse it.

“I used to work at Burger King and I want to tell you something about the oil cycle. Pour oil into a vat, French fries are cooked in this oil for two days. Tons of potatoes. Then it becomes too dark for her and is poured into a chicken cooking vat. In it, she is preparing for about a week. The oil becomes very dark. And then it is poured into a vat for cooking fish.

“Meat for hamburgers looks disgusting at McDuck. Only the sauces make it appetizing.”

“I guess I won’t surprise anyone if I tell you how Chili is prepared at Wendy. It uses meat that has been fried too much and should not be used in hamburgers. They put it in the refrigerator, and when it comes time to cook chili, they take it out. It seems not dangerous, but somehow not very appetizing ... "

4. Food at Subway

Those who worked at Subway, having entered this institution, can immediately understand what can be ordered today and what cannot. Be careful too. If you feel that the product is a strange color, that it looks stale, if it seems to you that the sandwich maker is sloppy, or that the place is too trashy, it is better to leave immediately.

“When I was working as a sandwich maker at Subway, the one thing I had a strong distaste for was the seafood salad that was put on the sandwich. It is made from crab sticks, known to be just an imitation of crab, and generously seasoned with mayonnaise. It's killer when customers ask for extra mayonnaise as well!"

“Chicken breasts are taken out of the refrigerator at the beginning of the day and put in water, where they stay all day. And the leftovers in the evening need to be squeezed out and put back in the refrigerator. The procedure is repeated the next day. After a few days, the chicken breast softens and smells disgusting. So, don't order sandwiches with it, choose a different kind of chicken."

“Say no to tuna, seafood salad and other concoctions like teriyaki chicken! All this is mixed with hands without gloves. Mayonnaise is present in the mixtures, and salads with it cannot stand all day, they deteriorate. In addition, the new mixture is added to the remains of the old.

“Ask the sandwich maker to change gloves before he prepares your sandwich. Most likely, you will receive rays of hatred from him, but you will save yourself a good portion of germs.

“I got fired from Subway for putting too many olives on my sandwiches…”

5. Sauces/condiments

If they bring you sauce in a bottle, think about whether this bottle was washed before pouring a new portion of sauce into it? And they are also embarrassed by bread sticks, which are usually served as a compliment in Italian restaurants. Perhaps you got a stick that a previous visitor did not want to eat.

It is unlikely that 20 minutes before closing, for example, pizzerias, a fresh dish will be prepared for you. So you can only claim leftovers that have been standing all day waiting for their buyer. And it is absolutely certain that their taste and usefulness were seriously affected by this.

At the end, we specifically left a few positive reviews about fast food so that you understand that everything is not completely gloomy, and in some places it is quite possible to afford to eat without harm to health.

“I worked at Whataburger in a small town and I have to say that everyone there was just obsessed with cleanliness. We spent the whole day washing, cleaning and cleaning something.”

“I worked at Little Caesar Pizza. Every day we prepared fresh dough 12 hours before making pizza (according to technology). All sauces and other expired products were thrown away. We didn't wash the pizza trays, we just threw them away and got new ones. The rest of the dishes were carefully processed.

“When I worked at Subway, we really cared about cleanliness and washed our hands literally every 5 minutes”

What fast food would you personally never eat?

A common thing for many of us has become the daily "snack" of prepared food. Hot dogs, hamburgers, sandwiches, shawarma, chebureks, pies, french fries, sausages in dough, chips ... Fast food for every taste can be easily bought not only in special "fast and healthy food" establishments, but literally on the street , in kiosks, wagons or tents.

Some do not think about the dangers of eating such food, turning it into a daily ritual. Others suspect that eating like this is wrong, but cannot resist the "fast food" temptation. Still others shrug their hands: “But what to do - I have no time to cook myself!” And yet, few people know exactly what the use of fast food is fraught with, which, by the way, becomes especially dangerous in the summer. So what is the deceit of the enemy under the name of fast food?

What is the benefit of fast food? Nothing!

Fast food - culprit in the development of many diseases. Of course, if you taste a hot dog once a month, this will not affect the general condition of your body (although the risk of poisoning even with one hot dog is quite possible!) But regular eating of ready-made "street" foods is fraught with an increase in cholesterol levels, which leads to the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Fast food contains a lot of fats and preservatives, but there are practically no useful substances - vitamins and minerals - in it. Most commonly used for fast food margarine- an unnatural product containing large quantities of artificial isomers of fatty acids supersaturated with hydrogen. These so-called trans fats do not deteriorate and prevent spoilage of products prepared on their basis. They are also the cause of health problems, for example, serious heart disease (ischemic disease), cancer, problems with the nervous system, infertility, diabetes.

Among other things, fast food contains large quantities of salt, which prevents spoilage of food, and is also able to hide the real taste of spoiled food. According to statistics, it is precisely because of the high content of unnatural fats and salt in fast food that about 40,000 Britons die each year.

As a rule, the absorption of "fast food" occurs on the go, in a hurry, in a short work break. As a result, the food is not chewed thoroughly, large pieces enter the stomach, and it is difficult for the gastric juice, often "flavored" with a sweet carbonated drink, to digest them. Add to this a high content of spices, mayonnaise, ketchup, various sauces, which are also most often designed to “brighten up” the real taste of spoiled food - here is the recipe for you. deadly food for the gastrointestinal tract. Disorders of the stomach over time lead to serious diseases. Among the most common problems of the gastrointestinal tract caused by the regular intake of fast food, doctors call pancreatitis, gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Fast food - high-calorie food, so don't be surprised if regular consumption of donuts and Big Macs causes you to gain weight. Just look at the average American - it has long been proven that the cause of weight problems in the American nation was an excessive passion for fast food. Obesity also contributes to the imbalance between fats, proteins and carbohydrates when eating "fast food". “Injured” as a result of such experiments with its own body, the endocrine system will immediately respond with the appearance of extra options.

It is known that food spoils much faster in summer than in cooler times of the year. The heat that reigns in the summer months can turn food that seemed fresh yesterday into unsuitable food. Prepared food is especially dangerous - it is in it that, if certain temperature regimes are not observed, harmful bacteria and microorganisms begin to multiply. Eating fast food in the summer time, you run the risk of becoming a victim of food poisoning. If eating fast food is unavoidable, be sure to drink a sandwich or hamburger with plenty of water - the liquid will help the body cope with poisoning more easily.

In addition, domestic "producers" of street fast food do not strive to comply with sanitary standards. They cook food from expired products, “mask” it with a large amount of spices, sauces, mayonnaise. Workers in the "street kitchen" most often do not have sanitary books, cooking takes place in conditions that are far from sanitary and hygienic standards.

Some people claim that the passion for fast food for them is akin to drug addiction. In part, there is some truth in this: fast food in large quantities contains various nutritional supplements- taste enhancers - which "force" a person to return to eating such food again and again.

Helpful Hints

Of course, it is impossible to completely refrain from eating fast food in the modern pace of life. However, turning fast food into food consumed regularly means signing a sentence to your body at least for the occurrence of serious health problems.

If you feel addicted to fast food, try to get rid of this addiction gradually. Reduce the amount of fast food consumed: for example, if you are used to snacking on a sandwich or pizza every day, start doing this every two to three days, then once a week.

Install for yourself ban on street food especially during the hot season. Food in McDonald's and similar establishments, although not without the above "charms", is at least more often stored in appropriate temperature conditions.

Choosing a menu do not abuse fatty and high-calorie foods. In the same "diners" you can always buy a fresh vegetable salad instead of a hamburger and green tea instead of Coca-Cola.

Less traumatic for your stomach fast food, which is consumed not on an empty stomach. If you really want to eat a delicious-looking grilled chicken, please, eat something more healthy before that, such as vegetable soup. This will reduce the risk of an aggressive effect of fast food on the gastric mucosa.

If you simply don’t have time to cook for yourself and you can’t avoid eating prepared food, it’s better find a good cafe or restaurant- here you can eat the first, and the second, and salad, and pancakes, and wash it all down with compote. Of course, canteen food also cannot become a full-fledged analogue of home cooking - and yet it is not as dangerous to your health as fast food from an "eater".

Any food - and even more so fast food - you need chew thoroughly thereby facilitating the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

And of course, by no means do not teach your children to fast food. It is scary to watch families with toddlers aged 3-5 walking towards McDonald's for "family fast food". Among other things, the abuse of fast food at such a tender age can lead to developmental delays, disruption of the child's nervous system, and weakening of the immune system.

Fast food should not replace healthy food for you, become the only way to save you from hunger. the price for addicting to such food is too high - your own health is at stake. Take care of him!

"I'd like a double cheeseburger, a chicken roll, a side of fries, and a big coke, please. Only dietary - I'm losing weight "(c)

Recently, fast food has become so firmly established in our daily life that it is impossible to imagine ordinary everyday life without it. Previously, this was only a cost of megacities, but today the cobweb of cola sandwiches has spread to small cities. The streets are full of signs of McDonald's, Burger Kings, Subways ...

At the same time, almost everyone knows that such. And only a few know exactly what its harmful influence is. What dark secrets are kept in these hot dogs? Read on!

Harm from fast food

1. Food is stale.
Naturally, in order to quickly serve you an order, in such cafes they use already prepared food. But don’t you think that someone kind from the very morning every day makes a thousand cutlets and cuts vegetables? All this is stored in a ready-made form. And how much is stored is a mystery covered in darkness. Maybe a few days. Maybe a few weeks. Who knows, maybe not the first month?

In addition, it is difficult to even imagine how many times these products were frozen and thawed. Think about whether it is good for your body to take stale food that has already lost all its nutritional properties.

2. Dangerous meat.
In the best case, your cutlet will be made from cow meat, pounded with hormonal preparations with the addition of various emulsifiers and flavor enhancers. At worst, it will not be meat at all, but a mixture of transgenic soy, preservatives, stabilizers, dyes and flavors. So the body will not receive its prescribed dose of protein from such cutlets - it will only get poisoned.

3. Mysterious sauces.
Ketchups and mayonnaises are a chemical mess, an excellent occlusion for blood vessels. But, at least, already familiar with the known composition, which cannot be said about fast food sauces. What all kinds of cheese sauces, barbecue, 1000 Islands, etc. are made of is hard to imagine. But obviously not from vegetables from the garden. Do you want to eat randomly?

4. Explosive Cola.
Looking at the composition of this drink, you will not find a single familiar word, unless you are a chemist, of course. There are no natural products at all. Except, water. Yes, and that's not a fact. Rust can be broken down with this mixture. Will you make a gift to the walls of the stomach? ..

5. Substances that cause addiction, in the composition.
Scientists have found that fast food products contain components similar to drugs. This explains why some people can't do without stopping by a fast food restaurant. This food, when used frequently, affects the brain in the same way as cocaine. I think a lecture on the dangers of drugs is not worth holding.

6. High content of spenders.
The human body needs fats. The only question is their quality. Vegetable oils, fish, nuts are healthy fats. And what is contained in hamburgers is the so-called trans fats. They will not bring any health benefits, but will only increase blood cholesterol and harm the cardiovascular system.

7. Increased calorie content.
Even if we imagine that all hamburgers and sandwiches are made from natural products, their calorie content is still excessively high. One sandwich alone can have up to 600 kcal! Throw in the traditional French fries and Coca-Cola, and you get all 1,000.

For comparison, the average woman needs about 1700-200 kcal per day. With such overeating, a person will soon face obesity.

How to stop eating fast food?

Despite all these harmful properties of such food, today, probably, there is not a single resident of the city who has not been to fast food restaurants. And, unfortunately, for many, everything is not limited to a single visit for the sake of curiosity. Most often, having dined there once, a person will return for a new portion of burgers later. What is attractive in such establishments? And how to deal with temptation?

First, convenient speed.
The name "fast food" fully justifies itself: from English "fast" means fast, and "food" - food. No one wants to wait half an hour for the chef to prepare delicious fresh dishes. It is much easier to stand at the counter for two minutes while the seller puts the thawed cutlet on the bun. I had a quick lunch, a quick meal, a quick return to work before the end of the break. So simple, right? And hurt his health from a quick snack.

Advice. Ask your friends for advice and find a cafe where you have to wait for orders relatively shortly. Finding establishments where the wait does not exceed 10-15 minutes is quite realistic. Plus 15 minutes for the meal itself. A total of half an hour. Is that too much for health?

If you can’t find such places, carry them with you. It is even better. After all, this is homemade food that you cook yourself and know exactly what is in it. In addition, in this case, you won’t even need to wait for an order for two minutes, right?

Secondly, the opportunity is on the go.
The modern pace of life dictates us not to waste time on trifles and not to scatter our attention on trifles. Why set the table, know in which hand to hold the fork, and in which knife, wipe your mouth with a napkin? .. You can just grab a hot dog in one hand, a cola in the other and run about your business. So the youth will have time to take longer walks, and high-ranking officials will come to meetings on time.

Advice. You eat quickly, chew food poorly, which can cause indigestion later. This is very harmful. It is not so difficult to allocate 10-15 minutes in your schedule for lunch for the sake of your health. Set yourself up like this, do it.

Plus, you can go to the trick, associating food with something pleasant. For example, have lunch with friends for fun conversations. Or read a good book while eating.

Third, prices.
This is especially true for teenagers who do not yet have large funds. Cheeseburger for 55 rubles, potatoes for 50. And also constant discounts and promotions. Simply heaven for those who can't or don't want to spend a lot of money (although fast food isn't cheap these days).

Tip: A miser pays twice, have you heard of this? Save on food now, splurge on drugs later. In addition, there are many similarly priced useful products. A pack of cottage cheese, for example, is even cheaper. A couple of apples too.

Walk around the supermarket and you can find something to eat without hurting your body.

Fourth, accessibility.
I need to eat urgently. And where in the city to look for cafes with healthy food? Until you find them, you won’t die of hunger for long. But fast food establishments are another matter. Here they are, at every turn! Choose, don't be shy. And you won't have to look for anything.

Tip: Once again, a container of food from home will save you. Or just homemade healthy snacks like yogurt or fruit. No need to look for anything when you can eat right at your workplace or on the street. It's both better and easier.

If you still want to eat in some cafe, then select the information in advance. Decide where you will be during the break and decide where exactly you want to have lunch. So the uncertainty will disappear and you won’t have to run into the first catering that comes across.

Fifth, taste.
Yes, no matter how crazy it may sound, many people prefer Italian, Japanese, traditional Russian, after all, cheeseburgers with Coca-Cola are more common in cuisines.

Tip: As mentioned above, fast food products contain substances that are addictive. Therefore, they seem to be the most delicious. Just promise not to eat at a fast food restaurant for at least one month. If you hang on, you'll see that you don't crave McDonald's food anymore. Moreover, a little more time will pass, and, having tasted a hamburger, you will be perplexed how you could eat it before.

Fast food is an entire industry in which successful businessmen quickly made multibillion-dollar fortunes. McDonald's, SubWay, Rostik's, Kentucky Fried Chicken ("KFC"), Burger King, and dozens of other famous fast food chains sometimes make life a lot easier, but more often than not they end up in a hospital room. Why is this happening?

Photo Shutterstock

Fact number 1. Fast food uses trans fats

Trans fats are unsaturated fats that contain trans isomeric acids. Such acids may be natural. They are produced by bacteria in the stomach of ruminants. Natural trans fats are found in milk and meat. Artificial trans-isomeric acids are produced by the hydrogenation of liquid oils. A method for obtaining these substances was discovered at the beginning of the 20th century, but they began to talk about their dangers only in the 1990s. Then data were published on a significant increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease in connection with the consumption of trans-fatty acids. Subsequent studies revealed a direct effect of these substances on the development of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, cancerous tumors, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, cirrhosis of the liver. Trans fats have been dubbed "killer fats" by journalists. The safe proportion of these substances is no more than 1 percent of the energy value of the entire diet per day. French fries alone contain 30 to 40 percent trans fats, and breaded chicken breast pieces, beloved by many, are up to 60 percent.

Fact number 2. Any fast food dish includes nutritional supplements

Any fast food product, from pancakes with jam to hamburgers, contains dozens of all kinds of flavors, dyes, and flavor enhancers. All ingredients used in fast-food restaurants are delivered dry to the warehouse. Both meat and vegetables are artificially deprived of moisture, that is, dehydrated. In this form, they can be stored for months. An ordinary cucumber contains up to 90 percent water. Now imagine what will happen if you deprive him of this water. In such an unappetizing form, this vegetable cannot be eaten even by a very hungry person. Therefore, shortly before cooking, manufacturers saturate the product with liquid, and in order to restore the taste, aroma and presentable appearance, they add dyes and flavors. Between the buns in a hamburger is not a cucumber, but a substance with the taste and smell of cucumber.

Monosodium glutamate and other flavor enhancers are substances without which no fast food dish is prepared. No solid study has yet been published stating that flavor enhancers, when used in reasonable amounts, have a detrimental effect on the human body. However, these substances are addictive. This is the main reason that people come to the fast food restaurant again and again. It is because of monosodium glutamate that chips, crackers, bouillon cubes and seasonings, convenience foods, mayonnaise and ketchup and hundreds of other products are super popular.

Fact number 3. Fast food restaurants use super meat

To cook the famous nuggets, a special breed of chickens was bred. For several years, individuals with a wide chest were selected. From a very young age, the activity of chickens was limited. Another breed of chickens was bred for legs, a third for wings. Genetic and breeding experiments led to a revolution in the field of trade. Since the advent of fast food restaurants in the world, it has become more common to sell individual parts of carcasses than a whole chicken.

With cows, too, everything is not so simple. To get the maximum meat from one animal, calves from birth are fed not at all with grass, but with grains and various anabolics. Cows grow several times faster and weigh much more than their counterparts in farm fields. A few months before the slaughter, cows intended for fast food are placed in special pens, where the activity of animals is artificially limited.

Fact number 4. In fast food chains, special potatoes

Once upon a time, the taste of potatoes was mainly dependent on the oil in which they were fried. However, in order to reduce costs, French fry manufacturers have switched from a mixture of cottonseed oil and beef tallow to 100% vegetable oil. Moreover, this oil is not olive or sunflower, but most often rapeseed or palm.

Rapeseed, coconut, palm and other similar oils contain a large amount of trans fats, erucic acid, which accumulates in the body

However, customers demanded the return of "the same taste." That is why restaurant owners urgently had to get out of the situation and add another “natural” flavor to the recipe.

French fries have a negative effect on the body and due to the large amount of salt. As a rule, 1-1.5 grams of sodium chloride is added per 100 grams of product. Salt delays the removal of fluid from the body, disrupts the normal functioning of the kidneys, and can cause the development of hypertension and disorders in the heart.

Fact number 5. Fast food is very high in calories

Constant consumption of fast food leads to obesity. The fact is that a light snack in a fast food restaurant contains about 1000 kilocalories, a full meal - from 2500 to 3500 kilocalories. And this despite the fact that in order to maintain physical fitness (in order not to lose weight and not get fat), an ordinary person needs a maximum of 2000-2500 kcal per day. But people, as a rule, do not refuse breakfast, dinner, tea with cookies or buns. With all this, the physical activity of modern man is small. Hence the problems with being overweight, the genitourinary system, the formation of cholesterol plaques, hypertension and other diseases.

In the United States, overweight has been declared a national problem, and hundreds of people are working to solve it, led by President's wife Michelle Obama.

Fact number 6. Sweet drinks are a must

Usually, people order a sweet carbonated drink with any set of products in a fast food restaurant. Any nutritionist will tell you that drinking while eating is not recommended at all. Useful substances from food do not have time to be absorbed into the blood, but are washed out of the stomach and intestines.

Carbonated drinks contain a huge amount of sugar. After drinking half a liter of Coca-Cola, a person consumes about 40-50 grams of sugar. So much “white death” is not added to tea and coffee even by the most notorious sweet tooth. Carbonated drinks destroy tooth enamel, adversely affect the stomach, provoking the appearance of gastritis.

Fact number 7. Fast food is a money scamming industry

When you make an order, at the checkout you will definitely be offered an additional sauce for chicken legs or another novelty - some kind of jam pie. As a result, you give money for something that you did not plan to take at all, because it is so difficult to refuse!

What is the main harm of fast food?

The word fast food has firmly entered our everyday life, and fast food products have become part of our diet. Hamburgers and french fries, Rolton chips and noodles, crackers and hot dogs, reheated pizza and shawarma, Coca-Cola… The list goes on and on.

Such products are quickly prepared or do not require processing at all, they allow you to have a snack on the go and satisfy your hunger in the absence of time for a full breakfast and lunch.

Why is fast food bad?

Fast food is tasty, but not healthy at all. The main harm of fast food for health with regular use is the development of atherosclerosis and arthritis, gastritis and peptic ulcer, diabetes mellitus and obesity, and malignant tumors.

Recall the famous saying of Mark Twain that the only way to maintain health is the need to "eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like and do what you don't like."

Our life leaves us less and less time to prepare wholesome food from natural, environmentally friendly products without chemical additives and preservatives. And here “to the rescue” comes the technology of using semi-finished products and ready-to-eat products.

And many begin to follow the easiest and most convenient path: in the morning - a sandwich with sausage, in the afternoon - soup from a bag and instant noodles, in the evening - dumplings. This is at its best, and is often limited to a cup of coffee in the morning, a hamburger or hot dog with Coke in the afternoon, and fried potatoes for dinner. This kind of eating, which goes on for many months, just kills us (in the literal sense of the word). Weakness, fatigue, apathy appear, working capacity decreases, diseases overcome. If, moreover, a person does not engage in physical education, uses vehicles instead of walking, is constantly under the yoke of stress - the result is obvious.

But the main harm of fast food (semi-finished products and finished products) is the presence in them of a large amount of fat, sugar, leading to atherosclerosis, stroke, diabetes mellitus, as well as carcinogens that cause the formation of malignant tumors in the body.

So, for example, it was found that during heat treatment, when the product is heated to a temperature of 120 ° C and above (for example, when preparing chips and french fries), a carcinogen such as acrylamide is formed. This substance affects the central nervous system, causes infertility and promotes the development of cancer. So, the concentration of acrylamide in potato chips is 1000 times higher than the maximum permissible values, and in fried potatoes it is 100 times higher than the norm. True, to be completely frank, it turns out that any food is harmful, including homemade, fried and baked (especially for foods rich in starch). What to do, you say? Yes, everything is very simple. Potatoes are a very healthy dish, but you need to eat them boiled, not fried. And where in the fast food chain have you seen boiled potatoes? This is not profitable in terms of preparation and sale - who will eat cold potatoes? But fried or in the form of chips - for a sweet soul.

Another disadvantage of fast food is the presence of a large number of chemical food additives - salt, flavors, thickeners, sweeteners, flavor enhancers. It is thanks to the presence of such substances in semi-finished and ready-made fast food products that they are so popular. And even if we don’t even consider the serious harm to health caused by the ingestion of all kinds of food additives into the body, only monosodium glutamate, a flavor enhancer, ultimately leads to overeating and the emergence of such diseases of civilization as atherosclerosis and obesity.

This is a real snowball - monosodium glutamate - overeating - ingestion of a large amount of high-calorie foods - the development of obesity and atherosclerosis - the appearance of hypertension and coronary heart disease - heart attacks and strokes - death. So is fast food worth it because of it lose health and die?

Fast food without harm to health

Of course, with rare use - 1-2 times a month, fast food products will not cause much harm to health, so you can eat a cheeseburger and a hot dog, chips and noodles on a business trip or if you can’t have a full lunch as an exception. But every day several times a day for a long time to visit a fast food establishment is just a crime against your body. Think about it, because a person always has a choice - to continue eating processed foods, understanding all the harm of fast food, or to choose health!