Pedigree how to arrange a tree. What are the types of a family tree. The best types of family trees

Hello my dear readers! Surely each of you has thought about your ancestry at least once. It's so interesting to know who your ancestors were, what they did, who they worked for, how they spent their free time. Some even pick up archives to find out about their great-grandfathers. And today I want to tell you how to compose your pedigree and arrange it into a family tree with your own hands.

It is very good if the family has a decorated family tree at home. And how interesting it is for the children to learn that the father's grandfather was a military man, and the great-grandmother had her own farmyard. If everyone knew everything about their relatives, then there would be less losses in the family, tears, there would be no need to look for relatives for years.

What is a family tree or family tree? This is a kind of diagram representing the relationship of generations of relatives. It is not for nothing that it is designed in the form of a tree. After all, it symbolizes life and procreation.

I usually use 2 ways to represent relationships.

  • The first is when the ancestor of the clan is at the head, from whom the history of the surname began.
  • The second is when you maintain a branch of relatives from yourself.

They can be composed both from top to bottom and from bottom to top. It all depends on which design option you prefer.

How to Build a Family Tree?

First, the most important step in this matter should be the collection of information. It must be true and accurate. To compile a family tree, it is not necessary to know the entire biography of the ancestors, it is enough to know the full surname, name and patronymic, date of birth, find a photograph, and it does not have to be colored or in adulthood, the main thing is to be. Do not forget to accurately determine the relationship of all family members.

Another question is where to get information. Well, of course, these are conversations with close and distant relatives - uncles, aunts, cousins ​​and brothers. I think they always have a story to tell. Even every little thing can be useful. Old letters, diaries, family photos, archives, and even medical records can also be a great source of information.

The more people will participate in drawing up a family tree, the more beautiful, original and better it will turn out. Involve your parents, do not be afraid to call distant relatives with whom you do not communicate. This is a great excuse to reconnect and find support in their faces.

I would like to say a few words about services that “help” establish a connection and the gender of a surname. Firstly, I myself somehow fell for this bait, and it turned out that this was just a scam for the purpose of profit. Secondly, in the Russian Federation there is a law on personal data, according to which no one has the right to transfer such and truthful information to everyone, even for money. Therefore, if you stumble upon a site with an alleged database, then these are most likely scammers with false and presumptive information.

Family tree in the interior

There are a lot of options for arranging a family tree. You can make it as a piece of furniture, which will be a great decoration for your home. Guests and friends will always appreciate this kind of ingenuity. Here are some ideas.

If space permits, a tree of this kind would be a good option. This will be the highlight and distinctive black room. And it is not necessary to be able to draw beautifully. Now they sell special vinyl wall stickers that allow you to easily decorate your photos beautifully and neatly.

Desktop family trees have been very popular at all times. The only thing that could be a problem is that the photos will have to be reduced or cropped altogether. Panoramic images will be useless here, it is better to take faces. They sell a lot of blanks, for every taste and color: metal, wood, plastic.

The design of a family tree in a frame is popular. As a picture, it can be outweighed and even donated.

A budgetary, but no less beautiful way is to draw up a pedigree in special programs and print it in the form of a large photograph. There are many templates for every topic. Don't forget to scan your photo in advance.

For creative people who like to do everything with their own and with their own hands, creative ideas are suitable. This kind of tree can be made with children in kindergarten or as a gift for a grandmother, for example.

Do-it-yourself family tree

The branch can be varnished, painted with acrylic paint, or simply left unchanged, just walk in places with coarse sandpaper. By the way, here you can experiment with color. It seems to me that a branch of golden, silver or just black color will look unusual (but this is just my opinion).

Next, we take the pot. Plastic, glass or ceramic, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that it is opaque. Our task is to fix the tree so that it stands straight. To do this, take the foam to the size of the pot and simply insert the branch. The edges can be filled with paper or any other material of your choice. Another option to keep the branch in the pot is to use gypsum. Then the product will be a little weighty.
To cover the contents of the pot, put moss, artificial greens or beads on top.

Next, the most interesting part is making out the photos. Cut out a photo of relatives in the shape of a circle. Here you need to take into account that they must be the same size. Cut out? Fine! Then we make the base. From felt, cut out flowers with a diameter slightly larger than the photographs. Instead of flowers, hearts, leaves or stars are perfect. And felt can be replaced with colored cardboard.

You can attach a photo to twigs in the order of the family family hierarchy. It will also not hurt to decorate the tree with ribbons or beads. It all depends on the imagination. Finally, we cut out the label with the name of the fake and glue it on the pot. That's all! Our family tree is complete. Making photos with your own hands is a very exciting experience, trust me!

Imagine how nice it would be to receive such a fake or piece of furniture as a gift for an elderly person, where the entire previous and future genus will be displayed on a small area of ​​paper or plywood.

You can also draw a family tree with your own hands. This is the easiest way to formalize your pedigree.

To do this, you need a thick sheet of paper, such as a Whatman paper or an album sheet. The size of the base will depend on what size your drawing will be. Consider the availability of photographs and their parameters. However, in any photo editor, you can either enlarge the image or reduce it, adjusting it to the desired format without losing quality.

So, draw a template for the future drawing with a simple pencil. It can be a branched tree or with a crown. Look at the photo below and estimate the format of your fake. Then think about what will be comfortable for you to work with: colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints. Plan in advance the location of the portraits of relatives using the diagram at the beginning of the article.

Then you just have to color everything and glue the photos. A great way to decorate it would be a frame. Thus, it can be hung on a wall or placed on a table.

As you can see, making a family tree with your own hands is not at all difficult. The main thing in this business is to find and collect reliable information. There can be no guesses here, because memory is at stake, which will be inherited. Hope you enjoyed this idea. Good luck to all! Bye Bye!

Can do it on its own. By the way, for reference:

Many psychologists, according to professional observations, describe those who do not know their relatives and their family history as less confident in life and, as a rule, have big internal problems. Knowledge of pedigree certainly includes knowledge of the interpretation of your surname. Still, it doesn't hurt to know in detail what is our personal identifier, what we hear every day and pass on to our children as an inheritance.

You can make a family tree of a family yourself in several ways. Of these, the most common:

  1. The first way is to do it virtually, on a computer.
  2. The second is to make it in reality, from a variety of materials at hand.

We will describe both methods, and start with the first.

Creation of a virtual family tree.

Variants are also possible here. One of them is to turn to many free and not so much sites and communities, where you can register and create your own tree with pleasure and using the built-in tools. Some communities even offer the function of "crossing" different family trees of members in order to find relatives.

The second option is to create a family tree using a computer editor (photoshop, corel, paint). As an aid, you can use the article "Computer collage". And also the following sequence of actions:

  1. We go to the Internet and look for a suitable picture with a tree for the implementation of the task. In a few days (weeks) you will find many different options, some of which will form the basis of your design creation.
  2. Next, we methodically prepare photographs of our relatives. In this case, it is advisable to limit yourself to direct ancestors and their spouses, otherwise you will have to look for a completely different picture of the tree.
  3. Then we place them in a tree using any graphics program in which you enjoy working. You can add inscriptions under the photos, even mark the place of birth or some historical events (for example, resettlement and connection with a noble family).
  4. You can also draw a timeline along the side of the tree. This will clearly show the development of the genus against the background of history. You can also add your family coat of arms (if you have already acquired one), rare family photos, a small information on the history of the family, a link to your personal website on the Internet.

That is, showing imagination and a little time, you can make a beautiful family tree on a computer. And then - if you wish - print it out on a large sheet of paper. But this can be a problem, since professional printing involves high resolution drawings and photographs (300 pixels per inch), and if pictures and photos are of lower resolution, then they may not look very nice on print. Therefore, in this case, if you want to materialize the family tree, it is better to use the following sequence.

Creating a real family tree

In this case, you are doing nothing more than, therefore, to improve the quality of your work, you can use the articles "Beautiful postcard in 5 minutes" and "Collage - how to do it?" Below is an example of creating a family tree from a piece of wallpaper, felt, photographs and patience. You will also need thick cardboard to fit the wallpaper, double-sided tape and glue.

The sequence for creating a real family tree is very simple:

  1. Draw the outline of the tree (roots, trunk and branches) with soap on the felt and cut it out.
  2. Cut a piece of 50 x 60 cm from the wallpaper. Stick the cut wallpaper onto the cardboard using glue or double-sided tape.
  3. Place the felt wood over the top and glue all the thin parts of it with glue.
  4. Cut the excess protruding parts to the size of the base. Spray your photo frames by placing them in a box with high sides to keep the area from splashing.
  5. Frame your half finished collage. Glue green yarn (thread, felt) imitating foliage with glue to the top of the tree.
  6. Insert photos into frames. Place them in the middle of the collage. Place your baby photos at the top, and your grandparents at the bottom. Glue all frames to the family tree with glue.

Thus, it is very easy to prepare a family tree.

The question remains - how to fill the family tree?

Well, the simplest option is three generations:

  • grandparents
  • mom-dad
  • and children.

But you can make it even cooler. You can dig a little in the archives (old grandmother's photo albums) and conduct interviews (talk to grandparents). Usually, such a conversation makes it possible to go 4-5 generations deeper.

And finally, we suggest you download a small presentation (fully automatic) about the family tree. Simple and understandable (because for children) the basic terms are explained and the sequence for creating a family tree with source codes is given. Download presentation you can follow the link: family tree.

By the way, for reference:

  • Father-in-law is the husband's father.
  • The mother-in-law is the husband's mother.
  • Father-in-law is the wife's father.
  • Mother-in-law is the wife's mother.
  • Swat is the father of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse.
  • Svatya is the mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse.
  • The brother-in-law is the husband's brother.
  • The sister-in-law is the husband's sister.
  • Brother-in-law is the brother of his wife.
  • Shurich (obsolete) - the son of a brother-in-law.
  • The sister-in-law is the wife's sister.
  • Kum is the godfather in relation to the parents of the godson and to the godmother.
  • Kuma is the godmother in relation to the parents of the godson and to the godfather.

For more detailed reference:

  1. Grandmother, grandmother - the mother of the father or mother, the wife of the grandfather.
  2. Brother - each of the sons of the same parents.
  3. The godfather brother is the godfather's son.rat cross, brother on the cross, named brother - persons who exchanged body crosses.
  4. Bro, bro, bro, bro, brat is a cousin.
  5. A brother is the wife of a cousin.
  6. Bratanna is a brother's daughter, a brother's niece.
  7. Bratova is the brother's wife.
  8. A brother-in-law is a relative in general, cousin or distant.
  9. Bratich is a brother's son, brother's nephew.
  10. A widow is a woman who has not entered into another marriage after the death of her husband.
  11. A widower is a man who has not married since the death of his wife.
  12. Grandson - the son of a daughter, a son; as well as the sons of a nephew or niece.
  13. Granddaughter, grandson - daughter of a son, daughter; as well as the daughter of a nephew or niece.
  14. The brother-in-law is the husband's brother.
  15. The grandfather is the father of the mother or father.
  16. The godfather grandfather is the godfather's father.
  17. Dedin, grandfather is an aunt after my uncle.
  18. Dedich is the direct heir to his grandfather.
  19. The daughter is a female person in relation to her parents.
  20. The named daughter is a foster child, a pupil.
  21. Dzherich is a nephew of his aunt.
  22. Dscher is the niece of her aunt.
  23. Uncle - assigned for the care and supervision of the child.
  24. An uncle is a brother of a father or mother.
  25. A wife is a married woman in relation to her husband.
  26. The groom is the one who has conspired to his bride.
  27. The sister-in-law, sister-in-law, and sister-in-law are the husband's sister, sometimes the brother's wife, daughter-in-law.
  28. A son-in-law is the husband of a daughter, sister, sister-in-law.
  29. Kum, godfather - see: Father godfather, mother godmother.
  30. Mother is a female person in relation to her children.
  31. Mother godmother, mother cross - the recipient during the rite of baptism.
  32. The named mother is a mother to a foster child, a foster child.
  33. A dairy mother is a nurse, a nurse.
  34. The planted mother is a woman who replaces the groom's own mother at the wedding.
  35. The stepmother is the father's other wife, a stepmother.
  36. A husband is a married man in relation to his wife.
  37. The daughter-in-law is the son's wife.
  38. The father is a male person in relation to his children.
  39. The godfather is the recipient of the font.
  40. A named father is a father to a foster child, a foster child.
  41. The father is deserted, the father is planted, the father is dressed up - the person acting instead of his own Father at the wedding.
  42. The stage director is the eldest in the generation.
  43. The stepfather is the other husband of the mother, the stepfather.
  44. Father-in-law, stepfather - son, heir.
  45. Stepdaughter is a daughter from a different marriage in relation to a step-parent.
  46. The stepson is a step-son of one of the spouses.
  47. A nephew is the son of a brother or sister.
  48. A niece is the daughter of a brother or sister.
  49. A tribe is a relative, a relative.
  50. The progenitors are the first known couple by genealogy, from which the genus originates.
  51. Ancestor is the parent of a great-great-grandfather, great-great-grandmother.
  52. The ancestor is the first known representative of the genus, from which the genealogy is conducted.
  53. Matchmaker, matchmaker - parents of young people and their relatives in relation to each other.
  54. Father-in-law is the husband's father.
  55. The mother-in-law is the husband's mother.
  56. In-law - a person who is related by husband, wife.
  57. In-laws are persons married to two sisters.
  58. Cousins-in-law - persons married to cousins.
  59. The sister is the daughter of the same parents.
  60. A sister is a cousin, the daughter of a mother's or father's sister.
  61. Sister, sister, sister - cousin.
  62. Sestrenich, sister - the son of a sister of a mother or father, a nephew by a sister.
  63. Daughter-in-law, son-in-law - son's wife, daughter-in-law.
  64. The mother-in-law is the wife of a brother-in-law, the wives of two brothers in relation to each other, a daughter-in-law.
  65. The spouse is the husband.
  66. The spouse is the wife.
  67. The son is a male person in relation to his parents.
  68. The son of the godfather (godson) is a male person in relation to the recipient.
  69. The named son is a foster child, a foster child.
  70. Father-in-law is the wife's father.
  71. Aunt, aunt is the sister of the father or mother.
  72. Mother-in-law is the wife's mother.
  73. Brother-in-law is the brother of his wife.
  74. Grandchild, grandchild - about kinship originating from the third generation (also second cousin) or even further.
  75. A cousin - about kinship originating from the second tribe.
  76. Bloodline - about kinship within the same family.
  77. Homogeneous - about descent from one father.
  78. One uterine - about descent from one mother.
  79. Fullbred - about descent from the same parents.
  80. Pra is a prefix meaning kinship in a distant ascending or descending order.
  81. Married - about descent from the same parents, but born before marriage, and then recognized.
  82. Native - about descent from the same parents.
  83. Consolidated - about descent from different parents.
  84. Adopted - a male person in relation to the adoptive parents.
  85. Adopted is a female person in relation to adoptive parents.

How the whole process of drawing up a pedigree will go depends on your desires and capabilities. The results will in many ways be the embodiment of your zeal, ability to establish contacts and "detective" thinking. In any case, all information will be of great value not only for you, but also for all subsequent generations of your large family. It is so important to remember those who were, take care of those who are and think about those who will be.

Often questions about relatives and ancestors arise in the family circle when grandparents begin to remember their childhood, parents and other relatives. How to create a family tree quickly and easily without knowledge of genealogy?

Why you need to make a family tree

This is one of the most important steps - motivation. He simply will not allow you to abandon the preparation of the tree in a couple of weeks, but bring it to the end. There are several reasons that encourage people to think about compiling a family tree:

  • the desire to satisfy the inexplicable sentimentality that appears with age;
  • to make their children feel respect for their roots, relatives, family history and its customs;
  • visually show your children how large the number of relatives you can rely on in difficult times;
  • to realize how big your family tree is, to feel like a part of a large community that has its own destiny and purpose;
  • satisfy your curiosity about the presence of distant kinship with celebrities, find something interesting and mysterious in their roots and branches.

Chances are, you have other motives as well. Those who are professionally involved in building a family tree recommend not starting an investigation of their tree for belonging to noble families or classifying themselves as the descendants of famous historical figures. Usually, this does not lead to anything good, since this search will cost a lot of money, the evidence will be inconclusive, and the case itself will quickly get bored and unlikely to end successfully.

How to create a family tree

Paper constructions, grouping of relatives, folders with papers are already a thing of the past. Although there is sometimes a need to make some kind of notes, it is best to use specialized programs that help you conveniently put together the found data about relatives and display them in a convenient and pleasant way. There are also various online services that can help in collecting data about their relatives.

There are sites in which a tree is possible. With their help, the solution to the question of how to create a family tree becomes as simple as possible. Usually, free registration is required, entering information for each relative, his family ties and photographs, and the service itself produces a graphical construction of the family tree. There are professional services such as myheritage, with a large number of settings that will not only show you how to compose a family tree correctly, but also analyze the surname, search through archives, etc. Online services are convenient for those who do not take the issue very seriously , or to build a simple tree and design it. According to statistics, sites on average "live" up to 5 years and for various reasons can disappear from the information space along with your data.

For a more in-depth work on your pedigree, it is best to use special programs, information from which can be saved, archived, duplicated and processed on any device and at the same time be independent of the Web. Freeware programs, for the most part, are very simple, have little functionality and are convenient for simple tree building. More professional programs are usually paid, but with them the question of how to compose a family tree of a family, even a very large family, is solved efficiently and conveniently. For example, the free version of the program has slight limitations, but allows you to get acquainted with its work. The full version costs about 400 rubles. The amount is not very large, but it allows you to think about how seriously you are determined to work.

We start forming the tree from ourselves

After the tree building tool has been chosen, the following questions arise: how to create a family tree and where to start creating it? The easiest way is to start with yourself. In the program or service, enter information about yourself, then about your immediate environment - about everyone you know personally and about whom you have information. You insert photos of these people from your hard drive or, if they are not there, scan or re-photograph paper portraits from albums. Attach photos, make connections, enter comments (such as a short life story) until your personal knowledge runs out.

We continue to form the tree

The next step is meeting with relatives. We make an appointment with relatives from the necessary "branches" of the tree, take a cake and a laptop (or better a dictaphone). During a conversation, you can get a lot of information that fills in the gaps in the family tree. At the same time, you can make a big mistake by not going to relatives, but by collecting a large number of them in one place in order to interview. Usually this leads to the fact that old people correct each other, cannot find agreement on different dates, argue about events and generally introduce significant chaos into the coherent scheme of your work. Therefore, thinking about how to compile a family tree quickly, it is better not to take risks, but to talk with each relative separately.

Visit the oldest relatives initially. They can tell the most about distant relatives, time periods, and with a good location, they will be allowed to use their rare photographs in albums.

It will be more convenient to conduct a conversation if, before starting it, make up a mini-questionnaire of questions for 10-15: first and last names, important dates of life (birth, wedding, life events, death), children and parents.

We continue to collect information

After we have collected data from everyone who was nearby, the next step will be to communicate with those who live far away, in other cities and countries. The easiest way to communicate with them is by phone, skype or via social networks. After talking with them, you can ask them and briefly tell them how to make a family tree. They can build their own branch and send it to you to add to your big tree. This is very convenient, since it is quite difficult to do such work alone. Therefore, having interested your relatives in this process, you can significantly facilitate your work. You can promise them a free copy of the tree when it is completed or the maximum possible is collected

Working with archives and databases

The last step in collecting information is working with archives. After collecting all possible information from "living" sources and their memories, the next step is to work with paper and electronic archives. This work is especially useful in cases when the branch broke off at some stage and it is not known, for example, who the great-great-grandfather married or on what front, and when the great-grandfather died in the Finnish War, what awards the grandfather received during the war. Such information can be obtained from various archives or databases. Be sure to double-check the information, as there are often namesakes, even complete namesakes of people, otherwise your searches may go into other people's "trees".

Family tree construction schemes

When the information is collected, the question arises of how to compose a family tree. The layout and placement scheme can be different. The difference in the schemas is the person set as the base. Can be built from a famous member of the genus to the modern generation. This option more clearly shows the presence of children in this ancestor and their division into different family branches.

There are still options for how to create a family tree. An example of a standard scheme, the most common, is shown in the figure. The tree is usually built like this: you are at the bottom, your parents are higher, then grandparents, etc. The branches expand from bottom to top. Below are the children. Designate yourself as the basis.

If a child in school or kindergarten was asked to draw the genealogical tree of his family, with the help of this article you will easily cope with the task.

Many people are drawn to their roots. They wonder who their ancestors were, what their fate was. Therefore, the fashion for pedigrees and family trees returned. The path of least resistance is to use an online program on the Internet or download an application that allows you to quickly draw up a colorful family scheme with a photo. But much more soul will be in a family tree, created by hand. To do it is often asked to the child.

How to draw a family tree of a family correctly: template, diagram

A family tree is a diagram of family ties, sometimes for convenience and beauty depicted as a tree with a trunk and crown.

IMPORTANT: In a large city, it is not always possible to regularly communicate even with the closest relatives. Most of us know or remember the maximum of great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. Family ties are weakened and interrupted, but a person without a family is like a tree without roots, lonely and weak.

On the Internet today there are many sites that allow using special programs to create a template genealogical tree with a photo. You can also download a frame for several photos and insert portraits of family members into it in Photoshop. It's fast, convenient and definitely beautiful.

Family tree: an example of a child's frame for Photoshop.

But drawing up a generic diagram with your own hands has a lot of advantages:

  1. You have the opportunity to spend time on the creative process yourself, with your relatives and children.
  2. You will pay tribute to your ancestors, return to the origins of your kind, learn or remember many interesting and funny stories.
  3. If you chart with a photo, you organize the pictures of your family members.
  4. A beautiful and neat family tree is an interesting interior decoration.
  5. If you make a family tree with the birthdays of relatives, with the designation of the wedding days of the spouses, you will never forget to congratulate them.

So where do you start? How to draw a diagram correctly?

First of all, you need to figure out what kind it will have. After all, a tree is a conventional name. The pedigree can be depicted schematically, where male relatives are “leaves” in the form of squares, female relatives are round “leaves”, and the connection between them is indicated by branches - arrows. If the tree is compiled with the child, it is worth considering its decoration, depicting it in the form of a tree, cutting out and sticking photographs of relatives on its branches.
Next, decide what your pedigree will look like:

  1. Descending is the most common and convenient type. Such a tree begins to be compiled from the most distant relative. Usually, this is a man, since traditionally the genus of us is transmitted through the male line. The vertical "branches" of the tree go down to its descendants, the relationship between them is indicated by the horizontal "branches".
  2. Ascending is a kind of scheme that is used when there is little information about a person's ancestors. In the "trunk" of the tree, the person for whom it is compiled is located. And at the top, in ascending order, they place his relatives in past generations. When making out a family tree with your child (and it most often ends with great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers), stop at this option.

Family tree: top-down schema.

Pedigree Tree: Ascending Scheme.

Now take a pen and a notebook, try to remember your relatives, if necessary, the date of their birth, death, date of marriage, and other information. Perhaps for this it will be necessary to raise documents.
No matter how detailed the family tree is, it will not work to designate all information about relatives on it. If you take the issue seriously, make a card for each relative with all the information known and important to you.
If you want to make an artistically designed family tree with photos, select the ones you will use in advance.

VIDEO: How to make a family tree correctly?

How to create a family tree for your family: a sample

Are you an active Internet user? To compile a pedigree tree, use free programs:

  • "SimTree"
  • "GRAMPS"
  • GeneWeb
  • "GeneoTree"
  • "Family Chronicle", "Tree of Life" (only demo versions are free)

Family tree in the Family tree program.

Genealogical tree in the Chronicle of Life program.

Are you drawn to independent creativity? Take one of these diagrams as an example.

Family tree: schema.

Genealogical family tree: an example.

Simple family tree template.

Antique pedigree.

How to draw a family tree with a pencil step by step for a child?

In order to draw a family tree with a child, you will need:

  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • colored pencils, markers, paints
  • ruler
  • scissors
  • photos of family members

IMPORTANT: They usually ask primary school students or preschoolers to draw a family tree. In family lessons, the child is asked to tell about all the family members shown on the diagram, so do not make the tree extensive. Show on it only those relatives whom the child knows, whom he can tell about.

  1. Lay a sheet in front of you, preferably horizontally.
  2. Draw a tree trunk and branches with a simple pencil.
  3. Draw the crown. How realistic it will be depends on the child's age and creativity.
  4. On the table at the top of the tree, mark a spot for the baby's name and / or photo.
  5. Just below, identify his parents exactly the same way.
  6. On the branches of the trees, place relatives from the side of mom and dad, respectively (grandparents, uncles, aunt, nephews, if any).
  7. Draw the family tree so that the generations are ascending under each other: mom and dad, below - grandparents, even lower - great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers.
  8. Draw relatives from the same generation horizontally side by side.
  9. Connect all relatives with horizontal and vertical arrows.
  10. Color the background as you like, the trunk and branches of the tree are brown, the leaves are green. If there are frames for photos, arrange them too.
  11. Take your prepared photos, carefully cut out the portraits of family members, paste them in the appropriate places.
  12. Sign the family tree. For example, "The Petrov family tree", "Anya Petrova and her family", "My family", etc.

Pencil family tree: step 1.

Pencil family tree: step 2.

Pencil family tree: step 3.

Pencil family tree: step 4.

Pencil family tree: step 5.

Pencil family tree: step 6.

Pencil family tree: step 7.

Pencil family tree: step 8.

Pencil family tree: step 9.

Family tree in pencil.

IMPORTANT: Frames for photos of each relative can be made in the form of leaves, apples, etc., then the tree will turn out brighter and more beautiful.

We draw a tree trunk and branches.

We draw the crown. Schematically we outline places - "apples" for family members.

We detail the drawing and color it.

Decorating the background. We enter family members into the "apples" or paste their photos.

VIDEO: Draw your family tree

Pedigree family tree: pencil drawing for children

Here is another example of how to draw a family tree with a pencil with a child. The principle is almost the same, but the leaf is placed vertically, and for the child the place is determined at the bottom of the tree.

Designing a Descending Family Tree: Steps 1-3.

Designing a Descending Family Tree: Steps 4-6.

Get creative with your child's family tree. Use techniques: VIDEO: DIY family tree: scrapbooking

How to start building a pedigree? My experience.

Pedigree, or as they used to say, genealogy, is a series of parents and children, where basic information is given about each.

If you start recording with yourself, then they consider themselves the first generation, their mother and father as the second, the parents of each of them (grandparents) as the third, and so on. Such a pedigree is called mixed.

It is best to start with a mixed pedigree ascendant.

Firstly, this kind of pedigree usually begins to be compiled from memory of their living members of the genus.

Second, a mixed ascending pedigree is the original kind of pedigree. Without it, you cannot begin to compose a descending pedigree.

A descending lineage includes many more generations than is usually remembered.

If you only compose your mixed ascending lineage, then you will already be doing a great job for yourself, for your family, even for the history of the time in which you live. After all, you will collect information and documents that, perhaps, cannot be found in any archives.

What does it take to compose your mixed ascending pedigree? First of all, you need to prepare for this work.

How I prepared.

1. From the very beginning I got myself a good folder, 33x23 cm in size with split rings.

2. Prepared 2 dozen envelopes slightly larger than a sheet of writing paper. Available at the post office (Art.3319r, size 32.5x22.5) They need to be altered so that they open from the side, which is 22.5 in size. And on the larger side, make holes for filing a folder with a hole punch.

3. In these envelopes I put my notes, letters, family documents, photographs. The inscriptions on the envelopes about what lies in them are best done in pencil. And it's better if the envelope is transparent, you can immediately see what is lying. These plastic envelopes with a button are sold. It's even better, nothing will fly out.

Now that everything is ready, you can start drawing up a pedigree.

Stage 1

I learned from my relatives (mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers) the names and patronymics of their parents. I also learned the maiden names of women of the clan. I wrote all this on a separate sheet under the heading List No. 1

Then I made List No. 2. Here are kept records of all brothers, sisters of senior family members, their wives and husbands, as well as their parents.

Then start collecting information about each family member. On a separate sheet, I wrote:

1.Surname, name, patronymic of a relative

2. Number, month and year of his birth, place of birth

3. For those who are no longer alive, the number, month and year of death, where he is buried.

4. Surname, name, patronymic of the father of this relative.

5. Surname, name, patronymic of the mother.

6. Surnames, names, patronymics of the recipients, ie. godfather and godmother

7. Estate, for those who were born before 1917, indicate: from the peasants, from the bourgeoisie, from the merchants, clergy, nobles.

8. Place or places of residence and in what years.

9. To which religion was attributed at birth and later (Orthodox, Catholic, Megamethan, Jewish, etc.) or does not belong to any.

10. Where was he brought up, what education he received.

11. Places of work or service, titles and positions.

12. Whether participated in wars, battles. When and where.

13.What has or had awards (insignia, medals, orders)

14. Surname, name, patronymic of the wife (husband).

15 Names and dates of birth of children (day, month, year).

This information is stored in an envelope pinned in a folder

Do not forget after each information you write down to make a note from whom it was received and the date of recording.

Naturally, about yourself, you can write down information on points 1,2,4,5,8,9, perhaps 6 and partly 10. Do not be upset if you cannot find information on all points Complete information about each person can be collected very rarely.

Stage 2

I am sure that after reading the above information, you imagined a table littered with a pile of papers, and for sure your optimism has diminished. And completely in vain. Drawing up one's own pedigree on paper is for today things of bygone days. At the moment, there is a great variety of software products that allow you to compose a family tree almost at a professional level. Moreover, there are programs that automatically create family sites.

All that I "dug up", put in the table. I used the FamilyFreeBuilder program. It allows you to create, edit a family tree, store family photos, documents, videos. You can learn about it here. Download it yourself, you will not regret it. Take your lists and enter it into the table. Do not be embarrassed if you cannot fill in everything at once.