Strong dryness on a man: a great chance for love and a happy marriage. Drying for a man's love - how to do it at home

Dry or dry- this is a ritual of a love plan, but less action than a love spell. The name comes from the expression "dry with love", which means you can make the chosen one start to dry. In the text of dry conspiracies, these signs of falling in love are often mentioned - so that he could not eat and drink, he could not sleep, he lost interest in friends and girlfriends, so that his heart ached and sank, and he did not find a place for himself, and thought only about the beloved and desired, only wanted her. In a word, the ritual of dryness should cause - if successfully performed - a feverish and agitated state, falling in love and a fire in the blood, anxiety of the body and mind associated with a hormonal explosion, the predominance of fire and air in the human body. Part of the love lyrics describe exactly such effects, as it becomes clear that such things can be caused artificially, if skillfully and tastefully build a love affair on the chosen one.

In fact, it is not always possible to determine a clear line where the dry spell ends and the love spell already begins. There is a strong addiction and a soft love spell, which is almost the same thing. Drying can give a more striking effect than love spell work on a person; it is conceived as a bright rite of passage with a sharp effect.

Rather, dryness can be determined by what forces are not used in the rite. More often, the drying happens with the use of the fire element, as well as with the participation of Orthodox components. A cemetery, dark creatures are almost unsuitable for such rituals. But a love spell, just, can be using any forces. Both the "tonality" and the features of the manifestation of a love spell will directly depend on which Forces are working. From demons they rage and go crazy, from the cemetery they wither under the yoke of love longing, from fire they burn and burn, etc., and the Supreme Beings give an individual effect

It is better and wiser to start the work of getting the chosen one or the chosen one just with dryness and it may turn out that a few will be enough for the desired result. Drying on a man is popular - many are afraid to do a love spell, it is believed that dryness will have fewer side effects, it will have a softer effect.

In general, relatively speaking, many rituals "for longing" can be attributed more to inherent than to love spells. They are for candles, for smoke, for water with gravy, as well as for bedding. There are also suckers with a tinge of challenge - to the wind, to smoke, with candles. Many okormas and opoy are also more dry than love spells, if only because the effect of opoy does not last long.

This section contains suckers for every taste, but in order to understand the issue in more depth, we invite you to the first love forum. By asking questions to experienced practitioners, reading the comments to the rituals posted on the forum, you will learn a lot of useful and important things, and avoid possible mistakes. Remember, there is something demining in magic: you need to try to do the right thing right away, avoid redoing the rituals, because mistakes in magic cost us dearly.

Suspect your husband of treason! He stays late at work, travels on business trips, and speaks on the phone at home, from where the voice of Alexander Petrovich, who signed the incoming call, is heard from. And this smell of perfume ... The smell of a rival. Once again, alone, you revise your wedding album. But we were happy together! How to get your own happiness back? A simple pin and love cap will help you with this.

One of the ways to return a loved one to the house is a pin clip.

To return a husband's love, you need a sucker

Independent actions to return a loved one do not give results. Neither a romantic dinner, nor a new hairstyle, nor sexy lingerie helps to attract the attention that your husband has bestowed on you. Don't give up! Contact a magician to exclude a conspiracy aimed at a man. After all, maybe he, not of his own free will, goes to another woman.

Magic will return family happiness

Practitioners of magic know effective ways to return a married man to a family. After discussing the situation with you, they will select the version of the love spell, which is easy to do on your own at home. After all, you should want to return your husband, and only your thoughts about him can help you do this.

A love affair on a pin

One of the ways to return a loved one to the house, to renew feelings, according to magicians, is to add a pin. The method is not difficult, but it requires responsibility. If you are sure that you will be able to forgive, forget the betrayal, then go ahead, with the help of a joke, keep your husband near the family. But if you continue to reproach, remind you of past actions, soon you yourself will find a new relationship, then give up magic. Making a dime on a person, you burden him with thoughts about you, and this is psychologically difficult. And the husband and wife are obliged to cope with this together.

What is the power of a pin?

A pin is a powerful magical accessory. Remember, in your youth, going out into the street in a new outfit, in which you are especially beautiful, your grandmother warned you: attach a pin so that you do not jinx it. Means a pin is an element of white magic, it protects and rejects negative energy... But they also say that finding a pin in the house (at the entrance, in the pillow, etc.) means that damage is aimed at him or family members. And this is already the action of black magic. This is why this little metal piece is not worth playing with.

The magic power, which is fraught with a household item, which is difficult to do without, is reflected by the ends of the pin. A sharp end affects a person. It is in him that evil energy is laid. If you find an open pin lying with its sharp end towards you, go around, cross yourself, in no case lift it from the floor. If you see a pin stuck in the door of your home, urgently contact a magician or sorcerer, someone wishes you harm.

The other end, circular, on the contrary, symbolizes infinity, has a positive effect on the human chakras. Finding a pin lying with a point away from you is a good luck.

Be that as it may, but the pin refers to witchcraft objects, so let's talk about how to use them in conspiracies for love.

How to make a man feel bored with a safety pin

Never tell your loved one what to do, no one likes to be controlled. The girl should try to make the guy independently come to the conclusion: not to leave the house, but to stay. This is where the magic of pin cuts lies. The rite, which should be carried out to renew feelings, refers to strong conspiracies, therefore it is done at night so that no one interferes.

You will need three new unused pins for the ritual.

What is needed for the ritual?

At the beginning of the ritual, lay out the necessary accessories in front of you:

  • blank sheet of notebook;
  • a new church candle;
  • three new unused pins.

Note that the necessary items should be purchased on Thursday, and the ceremony should be performed the next Tuesday.

How to perform the ritual

Drying a man on a pin is carried out with the aim of: reviving the extinguished emotions of attraction to each other, disinterested love, hot passion. The result is guaranteed after a series of basic steps:

  1. Light a candle, wait for the wax to drip.
  2. Use hot wax to draw a man's silhouette on a piece of notebook paper.
  3. Mark the head, heart and genital area with wax drops.
  4. With the first pin, pierce the wax at the place of the silhouette's head and pronounce the conspiracy:

    "Remember (name) about me (your name), miss me (your name), miss!"

    With this method, you awaken the guy's thoughts about you, he will yearn.

  5. Stick the second pin into the wax heart and say the words:

    With this movement, you awaken love and attraction.

  6. The last pin is designed to resurrect an ardent passion.
  7. Stick the third pin into the part of the image where the penis is located, saying:

    "Desire me!"

  8. When all the products are in place, touch each pin with your finger and say the words of the conspiracy three times.
  9. Write demonstrative verbs above each place on the sheet. Pull out the pins, burn the leaflet over the candle.
  10. Blow the ashes into the wind through the window. Bury the used pins in the ground.

You will feel the result of the ritual soon. A man (boyfriend or husband) will come to you on his own and stay with you first for the night, and then forever.

How to get rid of a rival using a safety pin in rituals

A man does not start a mistress immediately after marriage, but several years later. The hustle and bustle of everyday life can be the reason. Another woman is a new twist. By tradition, this is a young, beautiful girl who does not require obligations. She offers something that a man has not experienced in a long time. But this does not mean that he has stopped loving you. Help him get away from his mistress. This can be done with a pin.

What is needed for the ritual

In the process of the ceremony, you will need a little:

  • a recently purchased pin, on which the conspiracy words will be adjusted.

When you speak a conspiracy, direct it with the sharp end towards you.

How to perform the ritual

With a new pin, get ready for some simple steps:

  1. Think back to your happy family experiences.
  2. Turn the pin with the point towards you and, looking at it, say the words:

    “Lord God, almighty Heavenly Father, yes Mother Mother of God, help me, the servant of God (name) of my beloved servant of God (name of my beloved), to preserve, and to protect. Protect him from my rival (name), so that he does not look at her, so that he does not want to know her, so that she is disgusting to him, as she is disgusting to me. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  3. After the plot, attach a pin to the clothes of your loved one, which he most often wears. And say the conspiracy again:

    “As this pin is detached, so the love of the servant of God (the name of the man) for the servant of God (the name of the woman) ceases forever. What is said will come true. Amen".

It is important to make sure that it is your husband who unhooks the pin. As soon as he does this, the ritual will begin.

Using a pin in rituals can get rid of a rival

Love rite on a pin from treason

There is another version of the ritual of getting rid of a rival with a pin.

What is needed for the ritual

In this case, you will need the following items:

  • a photo of a loved one;
  • three candles;
  • one new pin.

Sorcerers advise to always buy candles in church shops on Thursdays. Candles bought on Maundy Thursday before Sunday have the highest magical power.

How to carry out the ceremony

The way the ceremony is carried out is based on a conspiracy. Follow the steps below:

  1. Arrange three candles horizontally in a row.
  2. Place a photo of your beloved boyfriend, husband, behind the candles.
  3. In the middle candle, stick a pin and light all the candles.
  4. When the fire reaches the pin, say the words:

    “Have fallen asleep with holy fire, fill with my love. As I pin a pin to my beloved, he will only love me, and will hate everyone else. Amen, amen, amen. "

  5. Attach a metal piece to the outside of any of your beloved's items.

Practitioners-sorcerers claim that after 10 days the man will return to the family forever. The said rite is performed in the daytime before lunch. Preferably on a full moon.

Simple love rituals on a pin

Magic has a lot of conspiracies. In order for the charmed object to have additional magical power, other substances are used.

What is needed for rituals

In order to endow the pin with powerful witchcraft energy, use:

  • the fire;

These methods have come down to our times from hereditary healers, for whom every household item could play a magical role in the rite.

Rite of passage with a pin and a bow

Onions were considered a medicinal object among healers. But it was also used in witchcraft. People believed that the bow drives out evil spirits both from the human body and from the dwelling, opposes demons, devils, vampires.

Onions were considered a medicinal object among healers.

What is needed for the ceremony?

With the help of a pin and a bow, a ritual is performed to protect against envy. You need to take:

  • one unpeeled onion of medium size and preferably white;
  • a new pin.

How is the ritual performed?

  1. Stick a pin into the unpeeled onion.
  2. After that, say the magic words:

    "Bow is a fighter, take away the anger and envy of people, protect and ward off misfortune from the servant of God (name)."

  3. At the end of the plot, attach a pin to the person's thing from the inside, closer to the body, to protect his aura.

Rite of passage with pin and fire

Respect in magicians evokes the sight of fire. Fire rituals are complex components of magic. Even fortune-telling by candlelight takes on danger.

What is needed for the ceremony?

The accessories for this ritual will be:

  • church candle;
  • unused joke.

How is the ritual performed?

  1. You need to light a church candle and drip wax into the rounded end of the pin.
  2. In the process, the text is spoken:

    “As a pin is sharp, as a fire is hot, so another love will be powerless before the servant of God (name). I conjure with fire, I drive away the rival. Amen".

  3. This rite is used to return a husband who has departed to another woman.

Rite of passage with pin and smoke

The smoke that is formed as a result of the action of fire also has magical powers.

What is needed for the ceremony?

For the next ceremony you will need:

  • candle;
  • pin;
  • red woolen thread.

The purpose of the ritual is to seal the marriage bond, to bind a sweetheart to oneself.

Respect in magicians evokes the sight of fire

How to carry out the ceremony?

An uncomplicated ritual requires the execution of sequential actions:

  1. When the candle is lit, twelve knots are wound with a thread on the non-sharp side of the pins.
  2. During the action, say:

    “Tie the knots like twelve strong shields, like twelve mighty forces bind the servant of God (name) to the servant of God (your name) forever and ever. Amen".

  3. Then fix the last knot with wax and glue the pin to the thing of your loved one.
  4. Then put out the candle and use the smoke to cross it across the place where the pin is attached.
  5. Light the candle again, wait for it to burn to the ground, bury the wax in a deserted place.

Important! If, while pinning a charmed object to the owner's clothes, the pin unfastened, it is prohibited to attach it back. Higher powers give a sign that it is not yet time for such a ceremony, or you don’t need it at all. In such cases, bury the used pin. Try repeating the ritual next Tuesday or Thursday. If this happens again, know that this is not your person and should not be returned.

Payoff from a pin

Since the attachment of a man to a pin refers to simple magic tricks, the ransom is made in the form of a monetary payment. To do this, at night on the same day, when the dry rite is done, you need to go to an unlit pedestrian intersection and throw an odd number of coins over your left shoulder. Higher powers will be cajoled with a reward, a positive result of the conspiracy is expected soon. Do not forget that during the purchase, it is forbidden to talk, stop, look back at the intersection on the way back. In magic, communication with the other world can be counterproductive.

A pin conspiracy is a time-tested method of influencing a loved one who is about to leave his family. You can return love and happiness with a tiny metal object. But remember, home pins should be kept in a designated area. You cannot borrow them, you cannot bring what you find.

Also take a closer look at yourself and your family. The reason for cheating may be in your daily routine. Try not to let this happen!

Drying on a man is a magical set of actions that influences the will and subconscious of the subject, making him yearn for a certain person. The ritual will work more effectively if the feeling that a woman has for her beloved is real and true.


What is a love addiction for a man

Drying on a man is a powerful conspiracy for love, a rite of passage with reading a spell for longing at home. After the ritual, a person physically cannot do without the woman who dried him, literally "dries" without her.

The action of magic generates affection, and then love. However, unlike a love spell, an additive has a limited duration of action.

When dry dry is warranted

The use of dryness is justified if:

  • the husband found a mistress;
  • the groom refuses to marry;
  • the guy who likes does not feel reciprocal feelings;
  • a loved one is married and does not want to divorce a rival;
  • the old feelings in the family faded away.

What time to carry out ceremonies for drying

Do the rituals on your own in order to bind your beloved you need:

  • the growing moon (it symbolizes the growth of love and affection);
  • in nighttime;
  • on "men's days" - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Drops are not read on church holidays and during Lent.

What are the consequences of a dough on a guy

For a man, the consequences are:

  • melancholy overcomes without a loved one;
  • sleep and appetite are disturbed;
  • there is a strong sexual desire, etc.

For the one who has dried, with the inept performance of the rite:

  • there are mental disorders that do not respond to treatment;
  • depressive states and suicidal thoughts appear;
  • diseases of the heart and genitourinary sphere develop.

The channel "Center Energy" tells about how to suck a guy.

Long distance rituals and conspiracies

Conspiracies and creeps at a distance are made on objects and natural phenomena.

They are read in:

  • rope;
  • dawn and sun;
  • plants;
  • water;
  • photograph, etc.

Conspiracy on a string

To carry out this dryness you will need:

  • medium thickness rope;
  • Holy water;
  • candle from the church.

The order of the ceremony:

  1. Light a candle.
  2. Tie three strong knots in its light.
  3. Wet them so that they don't come loose.
  4. Cast a spell:

As a rope does not twist, the end knot will be. No matter how you (guy's name) run away from me, my slander will ruin you. Love the soul of the servant of God (name of the guy) to the servant of God (name of the girl).

A string conspiracy is capable of bewitching a man until the knots are untied.

A conspiracy east to morning dawn

An effective spell to the east and morning dawn is read like this:

  1. Get up early in the morning.
  2. On an empty stomach they drink three sips of holy water.
  3. They read Our Father.
  4. Looking at the rising sun, they cast a spell 12 times.
  5. They wash their face four times with blessed water.

Spell text:

I conjure that (the name of the man) becomes one with (the name of the woman) just as Fire, Air and Water are with the Earth, so that the thoughts of (the name of the man) are only about (the name of the woman), as the rays of the sun rule the Light of the world and its virtues ... And let the high spirit (name of the woman) circle over the spirit (name of the man), like water over the earth. Make it so that (man's name) cannot eat, drink, enjoy life without (woman's name).

The dawn ritual is held for 12 consecutive days.

Honey slander on a married man

In order for a man's soul to become forever attached to a woman's, dryness on honey is done as follows:

  1. They take two hairs - a beloved man and one of their own.
  2. Put honey in a jar with a tight lid (preferably from wild bees).
  3. Hair is also added there and a hex is read:

The words are as follows:

As honey sweetness is intertwined with hair, so the servant of God (his name) and the servant of God (his name) will intertwine forever and ever for a sweet life. Amen.

Distance drying using photography

A powerful conspiracy of love is made on the image of a person.

For the ritual you will need:

  • mirror;
  • church candle;
  • Holy water;
  • photograph of a man.

The strongest suction is done like this:

  1. Sit in front of the mirror at midnight.
  2. Take three sips of consecrated water and read Our Father.
  3. Light a candle.
  4. Place the photo so that it is reflected in the mirror at the level of the bewitching face.
  5. Read the conspiracy:

As in the mirror we are next to you, so in life everything will be in harmony with us. You will not leave me, you will always follow me, into water and fire, do not touch my dear, he is only mine. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen!

Distance drying on a flower

Rite rules:

  1. Take a red flower (preferably a few).
  2. Cut off the heads and put them on the windowsill.
  3. Cast a spell.
  4. When the flowers are dry, remove them to a secluded place.

Spell text:

Flowers burn, dry in the sun and suffer, die without water. So you are without me, as without moisture and food, without sleep and rest. We will be happy only next to you. You walk and wander on the ground, you find no peace. As that flower and this one dry up, so let my dear one dry up to me. And it will be so forever and ever!

Drying on food and drink

Drying for food is carried out as follows:

  1. Food and drinks are prepared in advance.
  2. They put them on the table.
  3. The left hand is held over the dishes.
  4. They cross with their right hand and immediately read the conspiracy:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I say, the servant of God (name), the distance of nine words, the distance of sins, the distance of prayers. As water from the earth goes through the stones and breaks through, so my words spill and break through this food, fall on them like a ring, a cross, violent force from now on, doveka, forever and ever. Amen! On the sea - on an okiyane, on the Buyan island there is a table-throne, an old man is sitting at the table, angry and naked, his white bones are visible, his pain is visible. The old man wants to drink and eat. There is no bread and salt dearer to him, in his stomach he has nothing but pain. He cries, bends over, grabs food with his hands, asks for food and drinks, begs, for that he even offers his soul. So the servant of God (name) would love me, suffer, I wouldn’t know how to sleep. Just as people cannot live without food, just as they cannot live without water, so you, the servant of God (name), could not live and be without me. I am your food, I am your water. Go, slave, to me, to God's servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Morning Dawn Drying Spell

The dawn conspiracy works quickly:

  1. We must get up before dawn.
  2. At the first rays of the sun, cast the spell three times:

Dawn Marya, disintegrated, roll across the heavens of God, take hold of the heart of God's servant (name), God's servant (name), baked, bored, I would look for a meeting everywhere, like a martyr suffered. Yearn for his heart and for me, the servant of God (name), tear, according to my word, submit to me forever. My words cannot be washed down with holy water, the healers cannot wash my words off of it. And the other healer's word was dropped. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen!

Dry spell in the sun

For sun drying, a portrait photograph of a man is required.

The sequence of the ceremony:

  1. Face the setting sun.
  2. Raise the photo so that it is at the level of the face and sunset rays.
  3. Read the conspiracy:

The sun, the sun, shone bright, the sun, shone warm, the sun, giving life, warming the world with warmth. Give me the love of your servant (name of the man), unite me with him forever and ever, with iron chains, strong fetters, stick him to me with your rays, save him from other thoughts, let only your servant (name of the man) breathe with me. For this, the sun, I will honor you forever.

Magic ritual with blood

The menstrual spell is considered the most powerful in love magic. Only an experienced sorcerer can get rid of him.

For a slander you will need:

  • blood from menstruation on the 3-4th day of the cycle;
  • food or drink for a man (preferably wine like Cahors).

The ceremony is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Discreetly add a few drops of blood to food or drink.
  2. Suggest this to a guy.
  3. Mentally read the conspiracy:

My blood has gone, it has reached my dear. He will taste my food, he does not know life without me, does not sleep, does not eat, dreams of me.

You can do without casting a spell, because menstrual blood itself is very powerful for a love spell.

Husband dough on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

Algorithm for drying on "male" days:

  1. Take a thick candle.
  2. Write your husband's name on it.
  3. Light and read the spell three times:

Fates fire, hear me! Let my love fly to him! Fire! Do no harm! You're my friend. Fix my union with your beloved! If there is a wall between us - destroy it! I sacrifice myself to you. I ask you for his eternal love!

How to make an apple drink is described in the video. Filmed by the channel of the sorceress Tatiana Moskovskaya.

Cleansing from the magical binding

The conspiracy to Archangel Michael, who will cut the conspiracy chains with his sword, helps to clear the magical binding.

Archangel Michael, I appeal to you! Cut the unbearable bond with your sword. Send me energy and strength. Amen!

How to unbind with forgiveness meditation

Meditation breaks the magical tie and makes the person energetically balanced.

Meditation order:

  1. Sit down and relax.
  2. Imagine a calm, quiet place (forest, sea, etc.).
  3. Place your right hand below your navel.
  4. Sincerely forgive the person who made the connection.
  5. Himself ask for forgiveness from the Higher Forces.
  6. To thank the person who put the link for all the good.
  7. Say goodbye to him.

Forgiveness meditation is repeated until it works.

To the question of what to do if a man has been bewitched, you can give a simple and obvious answer, which will be the only correct one: without wasting time, shoot a negative program. This is in the event that a love spell interferes with you personally, breaks your plans, spoils a relationship with a man who has become an object of magical influence.

If you are convinced that your beloved man is a spouse or mistress, you need to get rid of the glamor. And the sooner you do this, the better your chances of successfully solving the problem. All in all, it is best for you and for your chosen one.

If you cannot cope with this issue on your own, seek magical help from magicians who practice in the traditions of Russian witchcraft.

How the behavior of a bewitched man changes

Curious about how bewitched men live, and to what extent does witchcraft change fate? It depends on the chosen method of exposure. A light love spell will have a short-term or one-time effect. While powerful demonic or black cemetery love spells impose on the guy a stable program that will accompany the bewitched person for a long time.

In addition to the chosen ritual, it is of great importance how exactly the actual love spell on the love of a guy for a girl was made. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, have already drawn your attention many times to the fact that the work done really effectively does not have negative consequences, and everything that the bewitched man should feel and feel is stipulated strictly within the framework of a magical rite.

If there are side effects from a self-made love spell for the love of another man, then either the work was done ineptly, or the side effects are inherent in the witchcraft ritual itself. As, for example, side effects in a black love spell through cemetery demons, where a man is attracted not only to the performer (the customer of this method to bewitch a guy), but generally begins to fornicate with many. Of course, this is only, specifically with this black love spell for the love of a married man. Basically, a magic ritual binds a lover to a specific person.

And in the case of a binary love spell for a guy's love, a bunch is formed.

Professionally conjuring magicians try to avoid binary, but this effect is justified in the case when you need to reunite a family or refresh feelings in a marriage between a husband and wife. If we talk directly about changes in the behavior of a bewitched man, then, first of all, we should note the emergence of deep and sincere affection for the performer (customer).

With a professionally made love spell on a loved one, just as with natural falling in love, the body begins to interact with certain neurotransmitters, which lead the lover into a state of euphoria that fills all feelings of happiness. And, it is quite natural that a bewitched man behaves like a devotedly and sincerely in love person.

And it is this one:

  • sudden euphoria
  • anxiety,
  • yearning,
  • obsessive thoughts about a particular girl,
  • keen desire to be with him

and are primary signs of a bewitched man... However, wives do not immediately recognize this inner state of their husband, but coldness on his part, irritation, avoidance of communication, including intimate communication, any wife sees immediately on her bewitched husband.

In general, love witchcraft leaves markers (even if the magician puts strong protection, impenetrability, etc. on his work), and you can use them to get to the source. If you say to yourself: I want to bewitch a man, keep in mind that this is not easy for a beginner to do. And if you are an amateur and take on the strongest magic rituals for a man's love, then you should know that under such conditions it is almost impossible to get a good result. In certain situations, of course, light attachments to the beloved guy, which they do on their own, and the guy's home love spells with an impact at a distance from his photo, help, of course. In love magic, a lot depends on the initial situation.

CAUTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts luck and wealth. The MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

How to bewitch someone who you like - screw a handsome man

Here is one example of how you can bewitch a man on your own. Reading the plot, 4 braids are weaved from willow branches on the four sides of the tree, starting from the east in a clockwise direction. Read a love conspiracy for a beloved man on each weaving without counting, as many times as necessary. Tie each willow braid tightly with a red woolen thread, so that the weaving does not fall apart and the conspiracy does not weaken. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, advise you to choose a tree so that the threads are not removed, and so that the braids do not unravel.

The real text of a bewitching conspiracy on a beloved man

“I, (name), will come to the willow, I will take her braids in my right hand. I, a witch (name), will come to the willow, I will take her braids in my left hand. I will braid and braid, I will twist and twist, I will weave a frequent net, I will spit a strong net. In this net I will catch the heart, my servant (name), his violent thoughts, his eyes are bright, his lips are sweet. I will hold it, bewitch it, tie it tightly to me. So that there is only mine, so that he does not follow the other, so that I (name) does not rejoice. May my words be heavy and sculpting, and the net as strong as my love. Amen".

How to bewitch a loved one at home - for a man to come

Take a pinch of earth from your house, read a love spell on this land, and then pour this magical pinch under the insoles of a man's shoes. Constant contact with this earth is not so necessary. The main thing is that there is a contact between the lover and the spoken object. To do on a man, like any love conspiracy at home, of course, on the growing moon. However, if you need to act urgently, then a magic ritual is done, regardless of the lunar phase.

“Earth, little land, sister to the stars, my petition to you. Those who have not walked after you have not sewed their sins! As my servant (name) goes to his rival (name), give him a hard way, burning tears, a sick heart. The further he gets away from me, the harder it is for him on the way. Let him pull him back, let him suffer for me, (name). Amen".

Here is the answer to the question, is it possible to bewitch a man at home?

The witchcraft ritual of a man's love spell works well at home. A strong bond to the home is created. An important point: the piece of land is needed not from the flower bed, but from under your feet - from the road, from the path in the yard, i.e. the land that your beloved man walked on. The real conspiracy is interesting in that it can be applied both by the legal wife and, in fact, by the mistress herself, for whom the spouse of her man is none other than a homeless woman. So, it is quite possible to make it difficult for him to go to his wife.

This method of binding works quite quickly and allows you to bewitch your beloved man without consequences. It does not take long to wait for the result of a magic ritual - from 7 to 14 days. However, the impact flies off quickly. A home love spell made at a distance lasts about 3 months. Some may have a little longer. As I always say, every practicing warlock has his own background.

Continuous contact of a married man with a charmed land is not needed. Yes, it will not be, because everyone takes off their shoes at home. The very fact of contact is important here. But, the longer the soil lays in the shoes, the better. Of course, it will hardly be possible to greatly bewitch a beloved man with the help of this method, but it is quite possible to make a man be there without exerting a serious, harsh influence on him. With periodic repetition and consolidation with other harmless love spells, you can achieve good results.

How to bewitch a man with menstruation - black love spell on female blood

  • This is one of the types of magic ritual for love with the help of the blood of menstruation.
  • And the most common ways for a woman to bewitch a man herself at home.
  • On the first day of menstruation, you need to collect your blood, an odd number of drops.
  • On the waxing moon, add blood to the drink that the man should drink.

Reviews of self-use shows that the home love spells of a man's love work best when the blood of menstruation is added to red wine. For a drink 3, 9 or 12 times, depending on your personal experience, read the conspiracy on your beloved man:

“I call (name) you to help, I ask you to give me superhuman strength, unearthly spell, so that I (name) can tie my bonds (name) so that he cannot break them forever, neither at night, nor during the day, nor quietly in the evening, not in the bright morning. And how will this drink spill over all his veins, heat up the blood, so that passion for me spreads through all veins (name). So that his love for me flares up every day stronger, hotter, so that he gets drunk with his passion, as he gets drunk with this wine. Amen".

If you intend to try to bewitch your beloved man to the blood of menstruation, but do it without consequences, you must first weaken the victim. And to clean it, so as not to impose your love spell program on, possibly, other people's influences and negativity in his field.

Side effects are possible in the form of aggression of the victim of a love spell through menstruation, exactingness, claims. But, if the witchcraft ritual is done correctly, the behavior will soon return to normal. A man becomes attached to monthly blood without an independent conspiracy. However, in this case, there is a risk that it is crooked. And this always entails negative consequences.

Another way to bewitch a man herself is a Saturday love spell on blood

An effective love spell on a man's blood should be done on Saturday. The phase of the moon doesn't matter. It is permissible to use menstrual blood, but blood taken from the ring finger of the left hand is also perfect. You need 3 drops. Add blood to a cold non-alcoholic drink, or to alcohol, and 12 times on this drink read the words of the conspiracy for love with the help of blood:

“Bodily blood, hot blood, boiling blood, enter the interior of my servant (name). Get in touch with him, get along with him, abide in him, but to me, (name) welcome him. So that he could neither live without me, nor be, nor eat, nor sleep, nor walk, nor run. Not with the dawn, not at night, not at any hour, not later, not now, could not live without me. I am his head, I am his star, the sun and the moon. I am in his eyes, I am in his mouth, without me not a step, not a sigh, not a rest. So be it, through my blood I cannot be forgotten. Anyone who undertakes to destroy my business will pour out three funeral candles. The first to moan and howl, the second to the restless, the third of all disgusting - to the zealous audience. Strongly said. Done right. Amen".

This is a worthy answer to the question of how to quickly bewitch a man with a conspiracy. Homemade way to bewitch a man yourself really a worker with blood. He should be so, proceeding at least from the fact that the performer gives his blood to drink to the bewitched guy. In this case, the binding goes right there. The witchcraft ritual works for the husband's love through the personal power of the performer. If you do not call the Forces. If you first call on the Dark Ones, then be sure to pay off to the crossroads at the end of the love spell.

As you know, in addition to magical food rituals, which imply direct contact between the performer and the guy being bewitched, there is a great opportunity to influence from a distance. Here is an example of how to bewitch a man at home at a distance.

To charm a man from a distance - a conspiracy to love at home

Read effective husband's love conspiracy in the morning as soon as dawn begins. Standing in front of an open window, press your palms together. In the course of reading the words of the conspiracy on a loved one, open your palms and press them to your heart. You need to do this three times during the reading process: at the beginning, middle and at the end of the conspiracy.

To bewitch a man from a distance, read a powerful conspiracy:

“I will get up (name) early, climb a high mountain and shout in a loud voice: oh you, Satan and the Devil, rise from the ocean-sea, take my sorrowful anguish, walk across the world. Do not light you, do not stump, not trees, but light the heart and blood of my servant (name) for me. Give longing (name) to grieve and yearn for me

An independent conspiracy on a beloved guy, as witchcraft practice shows, is a worker. You can read yourself at home, and this is a worthy option of how to bewitch a man from a distance without negative consequences. However, at the crossroads, the result was better. For beginners in magic, before reading the strongest conspiracy on a guy, you can make a call to Forces. But, you can do it without a call, since the conspiracy has a direct appeal to the Dark Forces.

By itself, for a lasting impact, this independent love spell on your beloved guy is rather weak. But, it works well in the complex. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will note that for one moon 2 or more, black love spells for a married person are rarely done. It is generally not recommended for novice magicians. You can supplement the magical rite with runes, cemetery rituals, as well as with dangers on the personal power of the magician, i.e. without turning to demons.

If a girl wants to warm up the feelings of a guy who is far away from her or to arouse sympathy from a new acquaintance who is far away, then a dribbling on a guy is suitable for this. This is a powerful magical procedure, but it can be done at home as well.

Drying is a magical procedure

The principle by which the additive works

A dry spell on a guy is one of the options for a love spell, it has a strong effect. This is the realm of black magic, not white magic. Which means that with such a procedure you interfere with the energy of another person, enslave his will. Some magicians believe that this magical ritual is closer to damage, since when a person is drunk without you, he begins to feel very bad.

From a magical point of view, it makes sense to make an inhibition in the following situations:

  • A strong addiction at home can be made by a girl who wants to arouse the sympathy of a guy she recently met.
  • This method is also suitable in those cases when a girl is already in a relationship with a guy, but their hearts are no longer so hot in relation to each other.
  • A girl can use a sucker if a rival appears on her way, from whom she wants to protect the relationship.
  • Prisushka also helps if the relationship is on the verge of rupture and needs to be saved.

When does this not work?

But before rushing to perform this magical ritual, get acquainted with situations in which dryness is powerless:

  • If the man whom they want to stick to has great willpower, if he is a leader and leader who leads people, then the stick will not work on him. Because such a person has an impenetrable energy.
  • If the man for whom you have feelings has love feelings in relation to another girl, then the magic rite will also not work. This often happens when a man has just parted with a past passion, but she has not yet left his heart.
  • If the guy knows that you want to influence him in a magical way, then this will not work either, because he can go to the white healer at any moment and remove the dryness. This option is also dangerous because in this case the effect of magic will turn against you.

These are the situations where even the strongest dryness at home will have no effect. If you still want to turn the situation in your direction, then you should contact a professional magician.

Towel drying

Here's an easy way to suck on a guy if he is at a distance from you.

You will need a towel. Buy a new clean towel, put it on the table, and put the thing that the guy carried with him on it. Tie a towel in a knot with the garment and sentence like this:

“My beloved will wash his hands, a towel, I will wrap it tightly, but I will pinch the heart of my beloved. Every time a towel dries, every time such and sweet for me toils, in his heart I respond "

Strong attachment to a guy, a way to attract love.

A very strong conspiracy with which you can return a man

Bewitch your beloved once and for all. Distance is not a hindrance!

Love spell on Apple. Video instruction - Apple love spell on an apple. Magic

What is a filler

You need to present such a towel to the desired young man.

And if the guy is still next to you and is just going on a long journey, then invite him to visit, let him wipe his hands with a towel. While the towel is still wet, say the same text on it and fold it in a knot, then hide it in a cache. This procedure can be done quickly, which is why it is good.

Drying at a distance on the trail of the chosen one

If only a trace is left of your sweetheart, then you can put a dough on him too, this is an easy variation of the procedure. It can be done quickly. It could be a footprint in the snow, on the ground, or in your home. Cut off a piece of red thread and circle such a trace with it, while saying the following words:

“In the footsteps of God's servant (name of the guy) there is a strong disaster, her name is oppressive longing. Longing for a sweetheart found him deeply in his heart. Like a faithful dog, my dear one will be everywhere with me, and may it always be so. "

Drying in the sun

Another simple, but strongest, long distance shot that you don't need anything from a guy for. The girl needs to go out at dawn in the sun when it just rises. You need to face the sunlight and say the following magical text:

“I will conjure you with the rays of the sun, you strive to my darling like a bird that wants to live in freedom, as if I were the sun for you, your only light. You can’t be a servant of God (name of the guy) without me, like all living things without sunlight ”.

The drying agent starts working instantly.

Drying effects

Since these rituals belong to the category of black magic, you need to understand that they entail consequences:

  • For her own safety, a girl should never talk about the fact that she has brought dryness to a guy. Because, if a young man knows about this, he can turn to white magic, which will remove the dryness, in this case, all the negative from the rite to turn against the customer, that is, against the girl.
  • A guy who has been dried is unlikely to be happy in a relationship. He will feel like in a fog, lost, but at the same time without a girl he will suffer unbearably. You need to understand that this is not a frank relationship in the literal sense of the word.
  • As a result of a dribbling at a distance, the couple will converge, but they may have a crisis period in the relationship. There will be quarrels, clarification of the relationship, this is how black magic works.
  • A guy can begin to see the meaning of life only in his beloved. Because of this, he can quit his job, hobbies, this turns into a love addiction, which can lead to other addictions, for example, alcohol or drugs.

Drying a guy at a distance is the most powerful ritual procedure. Before you take this bold step, think about whether you really need a person next to you, whose will you have enslaved.