Blue sapphire gemstone. Other uses of the stone Distribution and use

Sapphires are one of the most precious stones. We will talk about them further. Blue sapphires are considered rare. They are highly valued by jewelers. This color is mined in India, the province of Kashmir. The stone (blue sapphire) gained particular popularity thanks to the royal couple of Great Britain, after Prince Charles gave Princess Diana an engagement ring with this mineral. Currently, this jewelry belongs to the wife of Diana's eldest son, Kate Middleton.

Name of the stone

Sapphire is a type of corundum, a very hard mineral, second only to diamond. He attracted people with his color and unusual mystical properties in antiquity. The name of this stone originates from Sanskrit, ancient Greek and Latin.

The Babylonian word "sipru" means scratching. After from came "sappheiros". It means "blue stone". In ancient Greece, all blue stones were called sappheiros. And then the Latin name "saphyrus" appeared. So the mineral got its name.

Stone of the mighty of this world

In ancient times, magical properties were attributed to these precious stones, they were considered a gift from the gods. Jewelry with blue-blue sapphire could only be worn by temple attendants, priests. It was believed that this mineral helps them hear and understand the prophecies. In ancient India, priests decorated their robes with sapphires. Cleopatra's crown was decorated with blue stones. The crown of Great Britain, the power of the Russian Empire, the brooch of the Indian Maharaja are decorated with magnificent sapphires. The thirteenth century Czech antique crown is decorated with these light blue stones. Truly, this beautiful mineral is the stone of rulers and kings.

Since ancient times, sapphire has been associated with wisdom, justice, a thirst for knowledge and the search for truth among various peoples. He was also considered a stone that gives people composure, promotes contemplation and tranquility. In eastern countries, sky-blue sapphire was considered the talisman of the sages. In the modern world, this mineral symbolizes prosperity, success and self-confidence.

The magical properties of blue stone

At all times and in all religions, sapphire was considered a stone that helped to achieve spiritual enlightenment. He also positively influenced the energy of people, protected the person who wore it from deceit, evil people, diseases, black magic. A precious stone (blue sapphire) helps to accept life in all its manifestations, forgive insults, gives peace and joy. A cornflower blue stone, according to the ancient magicians, endowed a person with firmness of spirit, directed him on the right path in life. It brings good luck to sailors, happiness to lovers, protection from slander, wise men - a thirst for knowledge, and a positive effect on memory.

Blue sapphires are considered stones that bring good luck, bring happiness to family life, help in love affairs. Astrologers advise wearing jewelry with them to those who are in search of the second half. In the future, this stone will keep the pure and strong love of the spouses.

Performing certain rituals, psychics use blue sapphires. With their help, they can see the past and the coming future.

In Indian mythology, blue sapphires were considered splashes of the sky. They were scattered all over the world when a mere mortal asked him to show the seventh heaven. The drink of immortality, touching the ground, turned into a cornflower-blue mineral.

Blue sapphires promote peace, balance the emotional state, streamline thoughts, focus a person's attention on their own inner world. It is believed that with the help of this mineral you can open the third eye, learn the mystery of the universe. Also, people believed that blue sapphire would not bring enlightenment and good luck in life to a dishonest and evil person. The stone in the ring on the hand of the villain will eventually lose its beauty, natural luster and become cloudy.

Medicinal properties

Since ancient times, it was believed that sapphire has a beneficial effect on the human body. This stone, which has the ability to soothe, reduces pressure. It is advised to wear it to people suffering from neuroses and insomnia. It also has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, treats colds, endocrine diseases and diseases of the genitourinary system.

In modern medicine, skin diseases and internal organs are treated with the help of a sapphire ray.

Modern jewelry production

Blue sapphires are considered rare minerals. They are highly valued by jewelers. Modern technologies make it possible to create artificial sapphires that are not inferior in quality to stones created by nature. Non-natural minerals are purer and more transparent. This is one of the differences from natural stones. Another significant difference is the cost of products with such stones. The price of blue sapphire mined from the bowels of the earth is fabulous.

Natural stone costs from three hundred to a thousand dollars. On the contrary, silver, gold and platinum jewelry with artificial stones are available and very popular. Various types of cuts allow you to reveal the beauty of sky-blue stones.

Noble metal with this mineral looks really great.

Who is suitable for a stone according to the zodiac?

Blue sapphire jewelry is not suitable for all zodiac signs. Of the twelve constellations, astrologers recommend wearing them only seven, namely:

  1. Taurus.
  2. Gemini.
  3. Virgins.
  4. Scorpions.
  5. Sagittarius.
  6. Aquarius.
  7. Pisces.


A blue sapphire ring is a wonderful gift for your beloved woman. The reason for such an exquisite present can be a birthday. Valentine's Day is perfect for such a gift. After all, it is a mineral of this color that helps in matters of the heart. To present a ring with a blue sapphire on the day of the engagement to the only queen who has won an impregnable male heart is an act worthy of a real aristocrat. A pure transparent sky-colored stone in an elegant setting of white gold or platinum will be a wonderful present for any celebration. It will be an amulet that keeps and protects a deep and tender feeling of love for each other.

A beautiful and original combination in blue sapphire rings with precious stones of a different color, topaz, as well as semi-precious ones, such as turquoise, pearls, agate, amethyst. A novelty in jewelry production is black gold. It is obtained by special processing (oxidation or sputtering) of the usual. Black gold products are becoming more and more popular due to their practicality and showiness. Jewelry made of such gold and precious stones look very original. Women's black ring with a bright blue sapphire is a very stylish and unusual product.


These pieces of jewelry deserve special attention. Earrings with blue sapphires are amazing in any design, whether it is yellow, rose or white gold. Platinum and diamonds perfectly reveal the rich blue color of the stone. These products attract the eye and fascinate with their purity and play of facets. Earrings are especially elegant, in which the stone is fixed in the form of a pendant. Openwork weaves of noble metal of the upper part of the earrings, studded with diamonds, complement the beautiful mineral.

Beautifully look miniature studs (stud earrings or, as they are also called, twisted) made of white gold, azure-colored sapphire in a crepan setting, in which the stone is completely open, shimmering, plays in the rays of the sun. Such jewelry is perfect for a girl or woman with blue or gray eyes.

Another beautiful product is magnificent earrings with an English clasp and a scattering of diamonds on it. At the same time, a pale blue drop-shaped sapphire is placed in a blind mount.

Original earrings - a combination of sky-colored sapphire and turquoise with a French clasp.

Men's rings with blue sapphire

Men wore rings with these stones in ancient times. Rings with a rare blue sapphire were considered almost mystical. Today, an original jewelry, signet or ring for a man can be purchased at a store or ordered at a professional jewelry workshop. Such a ring is a very stylish accessory, emphasizing the extraordinary character of its owner.

A blue sapphire in a silver frame is the choice of young people. A laconic and strict ring with such a rectangular-shaped stone in a yellow or white gold setting is suitable for middle-aged men. A signet with a cornflower blue sapphire in a platinum frame - for a strong-willed and self-confident guy. A men's ring made of white and black gold, inlaid with blue sapphires, is a serious claim to originality. Modern design, a combination of precious metals of different colors, a combination of sky-colored sapphires with diamonds will allow the stronger sex to find a stylish and original piece of jewelry for themselves.


Now you know what blue sapphires are. In our article, we examined the characteristics of these stones, their magical and healing properties. We hope that this information was useful to you.

Sapphire is one of the most ancient minerals on the planet. He has always been popular with people. It is valued for such qualities as hardness and unique blue color. The crystal has magical and healing properties. In ancient times, people associated the mineral sapphire with the planet Saturn, and it is known that it has the strongest energy and wisdom. These properties are also attributed to the mineral.

Sapphire is one of the most ancient minerals on the planet.

The sapphire gemstone is second only to diamond in hardness. It has a special brilliance, which is created by numerous fractures of light on the edges.

This is one of the varieties of the cordon mineral, which is aluminum oxide. The chemical formula is Al2O3. The sapphire color of the stone was due to the admixture of metals such as iron and titanium.

It is believed that the first crystals were discovered in Asia. Translated from ancient Greek, the name of the gem means "blue stone". However, not all images have a characteristic blue color. The mineral has a lot of different shades, so another theory of the origin of the name of the mineral has appeared. So, in the Babylonian language there was the word "sipru", which means "scratching stone". A fairly accurate description, if you remember how hard the mineral is, then it is quite possible to assume that the modern name of the stone is a derivative of the Babylonian "siprus".

In jewelry, sapphire refers to all types of the mineral corundum, regardless of color. The only exception is red sapphire, it bears the name ruby. Few people pay attention to this fact, but there is no such mineral as ruby. Ruby and sapphire are the same mineral.

Minerologists call sapphire only a classic blue stone. Natural sapphire is perhaps the most amazing mineral. Like snowflakes, each crystal has a unique shape and structure.

The main place of extraction of the gem is Australia. Here you can find high quality stones of any color. Crystals are mined in Thailand, Africa, USA and Russia. But the most valuable is the Kashmiri sapphire - a pale blue crystal from India.

Ruby and sapphire (video)

Gem varieties

Most often, samples of blue are mined, so cornflower blue sapphire is considered the main type of this mineral. Meanwhile, it has many colors and shades. The color of the stone depends on the impurities in the rock.

So, blue sapphire can be either blue or dark blue. The most common is a dark crystal of a deep saturated color. Less common is blue sapphire, pure or with an admixture of white and gray. The fewer inclusions, the higher the price of the stone. Most of the pure blue stones are mined in India.

A rare variety of the mineral corundum is yellow sapphire. Depending on the impurities, it can be pale yellow, gold, amber and even orange. Stones combine several shades at the same time, crystals with a single color are extremely rare.

Black sapphire is an opaque, less often translucent mineral, from which sophisticated business-style jewelry is made. The largest corundum in the world is black, its size is 733 carats.

White sapphire is pure corundum without additional impurities. Its value is slightly lower than that of previous gems. It is not uncommon for jewelers to add a white stone to diamonds to reduce the cost of the finished piece. Outwardly, these two minerals are very similar.

Like many minerals, a gem can change color when heated. For example, if you take a crystal of a light shade and harden it, you can get a white stone.

A miracle of nature can be called a green crystal. The fact is that this is not a true color; this type of sapphire has stripes of blue and yellow hues. Intersecting and refracting at the edges, they create the illusion of green.

Pink sapphire is just as rare as yellow. These gems are mined on the island of Sri Lanka and Madagascar.

Star sapphire is the most amazing type of this mineral. Due to the admixture of rutile, when light hits the crystal, a pattern appears on it that resembles a four-pointed star. When processing a gem, the craftsmen give it a rounded shape, this is the only way an asterisk can appear. If the surface is not perfectly flat, the magic pattern will not work. Star gems are mined in Thailand.

Not all samples of the mineral are used in jewelry. So, stones mined in Russia have too many impurities, which makes them dark and opaque. This type of stone is called declassed sapphire, it is used in production and as an ornamental material. For example, the manufacture of wristwatches with this type of mineral is widespread.

Gallery: sapphire stone (25 photos)

Healing and magical properties

The amazing properties of sapphire stone were noted by ancient healers. Then it was believed that the mineral can get rid of any ailment. Today, he is not credited with such great power. However, it has been proven that sapphire stones help with diseases such as:

  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system;
  • heart diseases;
  • gynecological disorders, including infertility.

In addition, it strengthens the immune system and improves eyesight.

The magical properties of sapphire did not go unnoticed. The gem awakens the best qualities in a person. It is a symbol of purity and innocence of the soul. It was customary to give sapphire talismans to children so that they would grow up as worthy people.

The crystal protects its owner from lies, helps to see the malevolent intentions of people. It is used by novice magicians, the stone reveals psychic abilities, allows you to establish a connection with another world.

It also matters what color the sapphire is inserted into the amulet. By choosing the “right” stone, you can achieve maximum success in the issue of interest.

The amazing properties of sapphire stone were noted by ancient healers.

Amulets and the color of the mineral

The color of crystals in jewelry and talismans depends on what exactly the person wants to achieve. So, the yellow gem will bring good luck and prosperity. In addition, it is a strong amulet; no black magic will leak past the yellow stone. Yellow stones have a positive effect on the nervous system, relieving excessive anxiety. Such amulets will suit people of creative professions, they will become a source of endless inspiration.

Star sapphires develop intuition, so that a person can easily recognize liars and scammers. A star amulet should be acquired by people whose activities are related to finances. Especially for those who run their own business.

The blue stone has always meant wisdom and has been the talisman of pundits. With his magic, he supports the desire for knowledge. It is recommended for people with heart and skin diseases. The blue talisman is credited with the ability to cure chronic headaches.

The blue gem will help streamline thoughts and focus, give confidence. Some believe that with the help of a talisman with a blue stone, one can learn to control the third "eye".

The characteristics of black sapphire have made it a favorite of magicians and sorcerers. This is the most powerful amulet of the entire mineral family. It protects from negative influences from the outside. The black stone helps to overcome difficulties and is even able to return the desire to live to a person who is depressed.

The white stone restores peace of mind. This is a love amulet, a symbol of fidelity and devotion. Which means not just passion, but a tender, sincere feeling. It was given to brides for their engagement. A talisman with a white stone is suitable for people who strive for a specific goal. The stone helps to fulfill the desired.

Green sapphire brings people together. He endows his master with compassion and humanity. Lithotherapists also recommend jewelry with a green stone for sleep disorders.

Probably, because of its rarity, a talisman with a pink stone has always been considered especially valuable. People believed that magic crystals could grant any wish. However, this can lead to trouble, if you do not tune in to the positive, but think only about the bad, the amulet will attract negative energy and transfer it to the person.

Sapphire and moonstone (video)

Opinion of astrologers

Who suits sapphire according to the horoscope? Almost any zodiac sign can use this crystal. The exception is Capricorns, sapphire and the sign of the earth do not interact in the best way, the most unpleasant character traits can be revealed in a person.

The mineral has the highest compatibility with the signs of Aquarius and Sagittarius. Whatever color the amulet is, it will always bring good luck and help you achieve what you want. Under the influence of the gem, Sagittarius and Aquarius are able to radically change their lives without much effort.

The value of the stone for other representatives of the star family is neutral. Amulets must match the desired purpose. You need to know how to wear a sapphire. The talisman must be periodically cleansed of the accumulated negativity, otherwise it will begin to transfer negative energy to its owner. If a person feels a bad influence, you need to take a break from wearing the talisman.

If a person comes across a damaged mineral, it is better to dispose of it, otherwise the stone will bring trouble and disappointment.

Artificial stone or fake?

The first artificial sapphire was created in the 19th century. Synthetic stones practically do not differ from natural ones, physical and chemical properties are identical. A distinctive characteristic of artificial gems is the absence of foreign inclusions. In addition, in most cases, synthetic crystals glow green under ultraviolet light.

The high price tempts people to fake purple sapphire. If it is an ordinary glass, then it will succumb to metal, while there will be no damage left on natural stone. You can pay attention to the structure of the gem, in a natural crystal it is always heterogeneous. In most cases, only a specialist can distinguish a fake from a real mineral.

Genuine jewelry requires special care. The product must be cleaned regularly, it is best to use a warm solution of salt or soda. Despite the extreme hardness of the gem, it must be treated with caution. It is undesirable to expose the stone to high temperatures. This can lead to a loss of color, in which case the jewel will lose its brilliance and amazing beauty.

Attention, only TODAY!

Today you will learn about such a stone as sapphire. This stone is very popular for creating jewelry, according to opinions, it has magical and healing properties. We will tell you what colors sapphires come in, and the meaning of a sapphire stone for different signs of the zodiac.

A mineral such as sapphire, together with ruby, belongs to the types of corundum. In terms of hardness, it ranks second after diamond. The stone got its name from the Greek language, but is of Sanskrit origin.

Sapphires of several carats are very expensive along with the same rubies and diamonds, and light blue specimens are considered the most valuable.

Properties of sapphires depending on the shade

What color are sapphires? Along with blue, to which we will return later, there are other color varieties this stone. So, almost all corundums, except for red, belong to sapphires:

  • yellow stone - can have a shade from pale yellow to brown tint. Mining of such stones occurs in Sri Lanka, and to a lesser extent Australia and Burma. This sapphire is almost indistinguishable from yellow chrysoberyl;
  • green minerals - its extraction is established mainly in Australia, but there are also deposits in the USA and Thailand. Also, this stone is called by many "oriental emerald", the color range varies from light green or green with a blue tint to green with a yellow tint. They are inexpensive, but extremely difficult to find;
  • pink stones - can have delicate shades and bright pink with purple tints. These sapphires are less expensive than blue ones. Rare samples of this type of stones are mined in Burma;
  • purple sapphire - may have a blue, red and pink tint. This stone is also called "oriental amethyst". Places of production: Burma, Thailand and Sri Lanka;
  • colorless stones - they can be either completely transparent or have a yellowish tint or rutile needles, at one time such a stone was called leucosapphire. Can be found in Sri Lanka;
  • star mineral - the most expensive and rarest. Its color can be cornflower blue, blue and dark blue with a black tint;
  • white stones;
  • orange.

Blue sapphire: its features and properties

Now let's move on to the description of the most famous type of this mineral - blue sapphire. If it refers to blue, then the percentage of reflux and other tint blotches should be no more than 15 percent of the total area of ​​​​the stone. If the percentage of the second shade is greater, then such a sapphire is no longer considered blue, therefore, it should be evaluated financially in a different way.

Like other stones, sapphires get extra color due to the presence of impurities of certain secondary elements in the crystal. Blue minerals are a mixture of iron and titanium impurities, and the more of them, the more distinct the blue tint will be. But if the blue color is too dark or dull, then this is also not good and can affect the value of the stone.

In addition, the value of a mineral is also affected by its purity, which implies the presence or absence of certain defects and inclusions. It is worth noting that it is almost impossible to find an absolutely pure blue sapphire, especially if it is large. But even with inclusions, these stones are also quite valuable, if these inclusions do not reduce the brilliance and do not affect the shade of the stone, making it dimmer.

Today, blue sapphires are available in sufficient quantities on the market, but really high-quality specimens are very expensive and not so easy to find. Such stones, ranging from one carat and above, are not cut to standard shapes or sizes. As a rule, during their cutting, experts tend to leave as close as possible to the original volume of the crystal. Therefore, it will be very difficult to choose a pair for large stones for the same pendants. But if this can be done, then with a total weight of a pair of stones of more than six carats, they will cost much more.

Blue sapphire mining sites are countries such as:

The meaning of the sapphire stone

So, according to legend, this stone has the following properties:

  • sapphire brings hope;
  • attracts health and strength;
  • a person receives joy and faith, good spirits;
  • thanks to the stone, you can find the truth in life, calm the soul;
  • he brings justice, we give modesty and humility;
  • attracts mutual feelings and sincerity, chastity and virtue, restraint and honesty;
  • directs to a strict lifestyle;
  • helps in military affairs and attracts victory;
  • attracts other people to its owner, helps to win someone's feelings;
  • helps develop a sense of compassion and remorse;
  • the ability to meditate appears;
  • able to overcome fear and irritability;
  • sapphire helps fight melancholy;
  • saves from temptations and excesses;
  • helps to cope with such bad thoughts as black envy, sinful ideas and thoughts of treason;
  • helps to cope with thirst and sweat, prevents from fires;
  • protects against bites of poisonous snakes and other reptiles and insects;
  • sapphire is considered the patron saint of virginity and friendliness, disinterestedness and nobility;
  • heals fatigue and exhaustion, gives courage;
  • gives courage and a sense of honor.
  • Sapphire is also credited with the following healing properties:
  • stimulation of the function of the pituitary gland and stimulation of the endocrine system of the human body;
  • decrease in body temperature when the stone is placed on the heart area;
  • treatment of the mind and spirit;
  • treats back pain;
  • relieves skin problems, in particular, warts;
  • adds shine to hair and makes nails stronger;
  • according to some reports - helps with cancer;
  • treats asthma;
  • helps with acute and chronic depression;
  • treats stomach and intestinal diseases;
  • treatment of eye disease;
  • solves problems with the skeletal system;
  • relieves nervous diseases, tics and syndromes of incomprehensible and confused speech;
  • treats kidney and diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • helps with paralysis and epilepsy;
  • saves with leprosy;
  • helps to cope with the presence of heart disease;
  • sapphire is useful for bleeding;
  • helps with diabetes.

Sapphire stone for different zodiac signs

This mineral is great for representatives of the following zodiac signs:

This stone is able to enhance the positive qualities of each of the signs and suppresses their negative properties, helps the signs cope with their most common shortcomings. It is worth adding that it is highly undesirable for Capricorns.

For representatives of such a sign as Aries, sapphire gives such missing qualities:

  • foresight;
  • wisdom;
  • the ability to control their emotions and pacify the ardor.

Virgo thanks to these minerals will be able to learn to learn new things, reflect, will be able to communicate correctly with other people, without loading them with unnecessary information.

Aquarians are signs that love wisdom, are interested in religious and mystical secrets, and want more spiritual development. This mineral can help them with this. They will be able to develop their spiritual side of the personality, and will also receive a dose of courage in situations where it is so necessary, for example, in case of fear or self-doubt.

Now you know what a precious stone like sapphire is, how its color can affect its value, what properties it has and which of the zodiac signs it suits best.

Sapphire is one of the most beautiful and expensive gems of the first level. Since ancient times, he flaunted on royal jewelry, cured ailments, attracted sorcerers, magicians and mediums. Nowadays, the stone is also not deprived of attention and attracts positive energy to the owner, protects from treachery, fear and other troubles with its exquisite brilliance and mysterious magical properties.

History and mining sites

Scientists believe that the first deposits of the rock were discovered in Asia. Previously, all stones were called by one name - corundum. In the 19th century, they were separated and described by color: orange, green, black, blue - sapphire, and red - ruby. And in the twentieth century, due to the high cost of sapphire jewelry, they began to produce artificial stones that look like natural ones.

Several countries are engaged in industrial mining, including Russia, on whose territory small stones of good quality are mined. A number of countries where sapphires are mined:

  • Australia.
  • Sri Lanka.
  • India (Kashmir).
  • Thailand.
  • Vietnam.

physical characteristics

Corundum - crystalline alumina, aluminum oxide. Occurs in the form of a barrel or a double pyramid, rarely in a group of intergrown crystals. The main characteristics of the sapphire stone:

Usage and cost

The stone is actively used in jewelry due to its structure. Jewelry is made not only from expensive material: declassed sapphires are also used in jewelry, but the price depends on the presentation of the stone or product.

Sapphire is also used in lithotherapy, medicine and industry. These are scalpels, implants, various microcircuits. Corundum glass is used in the manufacture of screens for expensive watches and phones.

Sapphire is one of the four most expensive gemstones. In order for the buyer to understand how much the jewelry will cost, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

To raise the cost of a stone, it must be ennobled: purity, transparency and color saturation are magnified. In jewelry stores, the price of sapphires varies from $20,000 per carat; sales in rubles and other currencies are rare. Low quality stones are not valued by carat, but by the piece.

Magic stone by color

Jewelry with sapphires is recommended to be worn by people who have only good intentions, otherwise the negative energy of a person will turn the benefit expected from the stone to harm. Various color shades of stones, except for blue-cornflower blue sapphire, are called fantasy. Star-shaped varieties are especially valuable. The strength of the magical properties of sapphire for each color is individual:

General magical features of sapphires

It must be remembered that sapphire helps only kind and selfless people. Only then will the magical energy of the stone benefit its owner. Some properties of sapphires are characteristic for all its varieties:

  • A universally recognized symbol of love, devotion, strong friendships. In women, it is a sign of chastity and virginity.
  • When wearing jewelry, women become more attractive and romantic, and for men, the stone gives determination and wisdom.
  • It has the peculiarity of distinguishing truth from lies, gives a good mood, attracts positive energy.

Amulets and talismans

The talisman enhances inspiration, promotes luck in business and successful transactions, relieves fatigue and stress after a hard day's work, protects against the effects of negative forces on the human biofield.

The amulet protects the family hearth and, directly, its owner from anger, envy and other troubles. The power of the amulet does not apply to people with black thoughts. For them, it will be a simple decoration and nothing more.

Zodiac Compatibility

According to the horoscope, Sapphire favors almost all signs of the Zodiac. The stone must be undamaged. Intermittent wear is recommended.

Healing features

Corundums are healing, they heal both the body and soul of a person. Eliminate headaches, skin problems. Neuroses and deep protracted depressions are cured. They have a beneficial effect on the restoration of vision, give children to women suffering from infertility. The possession of a stone brings many benefits to people with heart diseases. It is able to eliminate muscle problems and restore the functions of the musculoskeletal system.

This is the best immunostimulant. Water infused with sapphires also has healing properties for 12 hours. It is taken orally and lotions are made to eliminate bruises and heal wounds.

Proper care

Jewelery necessarily requires regular cleaning, carried out with a soapy solution using a soft cloth or brush. This cleaning method is not suitable for silver-mounted jewelry.

You can refresh the look of the product with a solution of 200 ml of water and 5 ml of ammonia. Also use a solution of a mixture of salt, soda and bleach. After any cleaning, the product must be washed with warm running water.

Before cleaning, the product is carefully inspected. If the stone is attached to the frame with glue, then self-cleaning is not recommended, you should take the product to a specialist.

How to distinguish a fake

It is quite difficult for an inexperienced person to distinguish a fake from the original. But following a few guidelines, it is still possible to do this:

  1. On the original, when a sharp object is passed over it, there will be no scratches. In a jewelry store, this method should not be used in order not to run into trouble.
  2. Natural stone has a heterogeneous structure and in bright light the inclusions will be clearly visible, a fake product is absolutely transparent. Sometimes less valuable tourmaline is given out for sapphire.
  3. Contact an independent specialist for a laboratory analysis for authenticity.
  4. Purchase certified jewelry in large, trusted stores.

Sapphire will decorate any person, give charm to a woman, increase the status of a man. It's nice to have an ornament, a talisman or a talisman, given from the bottom of your heart and with pure thoughts. And a whole collection of multi-colored sapphires will maintain harmony in the house, protect from evil forces, and will also become a family heirloom, inherited and a source of pride for descendants.


If in mineralogy sapphires are usually called varieties of corundum of an exceptionally blue color, then in jewelry under the name sappheiros you can find stones of absolutely different shades - from black to colorless. There are also minerals that change color depending on the degree of illumination.

If in mineralogy sapphires are usually called varieties of corundum of an exceptionally blue color, then in jewelry under the name sappheiros you can find stones of absolutely different shades - from black to colorless. There are also minerals that change color depending on the degree of illumination. There are also so-called "guiding asterias" - sapphire gems with a star pattern on the surface.

Sapphire is the stone of the "big three", which also includes ruby ​​and emerald. Demand and fashion for sapphires have not changed for centuries. This stone is ideal for men's and women's jewelry. Unlike ruby, it can be used not only in men's rings, but also in cufflinks and even tie clips.

The history of the origin of sapphire

Like ruby, sapphire belongs to the corundum group. The modern name of the stone comes from the old French "safir". This is a direct borrowing from the Latin "sapphirus" or the ancient Greek "sappherios". In both cases, the word is translated as "blue stone".

Many facts indicate that lapis lazuli was most likely originally called sapphires, and the Greeks could probably call the stone, which is now called sapphire, “yakynthos”. The old Russian name for sapphire is "azure yahont".

According to another version, the origin of the name "sapphire" originates from the distorted Sanskrit word "sanipriya", literally "a favorite piece of the sky."

Sapphires are mined in many countries around the world: Afghanistan, Australia, Vietnam, India, Cambodia, Kenya, China, Laos, Madagascar, Malawi, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan USA, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand and Sri Lanka.

The special properties of the opaque sapphire stone, on the surface of which there is an effect in the form of a star with six or twelve rays, has also aroused the genuine interest of connoisseurs of precious stones at all times. The old name for such a gem is "asteria", and the effect of a moving star on the surface of the stone is called "asterism".

Asteria was credited with the properties of helping travelers on a long journey, as well as protecting them.

According to J. F. Kunz, the asterium, as a waystone, is so strong that it helps at any time, both military and peaceful. It retains its unique properties of a universal talisman even when passing from the first owner to the second hand.

The history of sapphires is overgrown with myths and legends. This stone is one of the twelve stones that adorns the Heavenly Jerusalem described in the Apocalypse.

Below are the characteristics of the sapphire stone, its significance and value in the market.

What color are sapphires and price per carat

In nature, there are sapphires of absolutely any color. The most sought after color of sapphire is blue. Stones with this shade are much more expensive than sapphires of any other color. Another shade, which is also highly valued, is called "lotus flower", or padparadsha. The name arose from a slightly modified Sanskrit "padmaragaya", where "padma" is translated as "lotus" and "ragaya" - "flower". The "lotus flower" is little known to the Russian buyer, since it is extremely rare and is not found in mass-market products at all.

What other color are sapphires mined in world deposits? In addition to these two most expensive shades, there are stones in nature in other colors: sapphires can be yellow, orange, green, pinkish red and purple. There are even stones that are completely colorless, as well as changing color depending on daylight or evening lighting, that is, with an “alexandrite effect”.

Blue sapphire- one of the three most expensive gems in the world (the other two are ruby ​​and emerald). The cost of blue sapphires can reach astronomical values.

The price of blue sapphires of the highest quality depends on the country of origin and on the weight of the stone. If the country of origin is unknown, then the gems weigh:

  • up to 1 carat cost from $150 to $1700 per carat;
  • from 1 to 4 carats $550 - $5000 per carat;
  • from 4 to 20 carats, the price of such sapphires is from $2,500 to $13,000 per carat.

If the gemological examination confirms the "Burmese" origin of blue sapphires, then the stones weigh:

  • from 1 to 3 carats cost from $3800 to $9300 per carat;
  • from 4 to 10 carats $9700 - $17,000 per carat;
  • from 10 to 20 carats from $18,000 to $27,000 per carat.

As mentioned above, sapphires come in many colors, but no matter how beautiful they are, the blue tint is most valued.

As you can see in the photo, sapphire gemstones can be any other color:

All shades other than blue are called "fantasy".

If all possible colors of sapphires are arranged in descending order of price, from the most expensive to the most inexpensive, the order will be as follows:

  • Blue;
  • Pink-orange padparads;
  • Pink;
  • Blue star; yellow;
  • orange; changing color from red to blue-violet; purple; green;
  • Colorless; black; black star.

Top quality padparadscha sapphires:

  • with a weight of 1 to 3 carats, the price of such a sapphire reaches $ 2500-58000 per carat,
  • from 3 to 5 carats from $8200 to $11,000 per carat,
  • over 5 carats from $7,000 to $20,000 per carat.

pink sapphire- the third most popular. Due to its relative rarity, in the case of a good, saturated color, it can reach prices quite comparable to padparadscha. Pink sapphires are especially popular in the USA and Japan. In Russia, this gem is almost unknown.

Top quality pink sapphires are priced between $900 and $6,500 per carat, depending on the weight of the stone.

Fantasy yellow sapphires and star blue are roughly similar in price. Yellow faceted gems rarely exceed 20 carats. Their price range is from $650 to $3,500 per carat, depending on the weight of the stone.

Sapphires orange, purple, green and color-changing ones cost between $1,100 and $2,200 per carat.

Colorless sapphires often called white, and they cost no more than $200 per carat if they are smaller than a carat. For 5-10-carat specimens, the price can reach $300-$400 per carat. Given the characteristics of sapphires, jewelers sometimes use colorless stones as.

Black sapphires- the most inexpensive. In fact, these stones are, of course, blue, but the saturation of their color is so high that they look opaque, black. Such sapphires are quite inexpensive, from $1 to $10 per carat. Black star sapphires are also inexpensive, with the best specimens costing less than $50 per carat.

These photos show sapphires of different colors:

The magical properties and meaning of sapphire stone

Officially, the Jewelery Industry Council of America and the British National Jewelers Association consider sapphire the birthstone of September. Approximately the same point of view is held by most astrologers.

Sapphire is a stone of the Virgo sign, that is, everyone who was born from August 24 to September 23. Although, if you study the issue more deeply, it turns out that this gem suits many signs of the Zodiac.

An old reading of astrological traditions, based on the lists of Marin Leszczynska, wife of King Louis XV of France, says that sapphire is also suitable for Taurus. There is an opinion of individual astrologers that this gem is ideal for Sagittarius, Libra, Cancer, Pisces and Leo. Such ambiguity and wide compatibility with completely different signs of the Zodiac arose due to the wide color palette of sapphires. Natural sapphires come in almost every possible color.

The 13th-century Catholic scholar Bartholomew of England, in his book On the Properties and Significance of Stones, argued that sapphire can suppress the action of any poison and has a positive effect on vision. In addition, in his book there is a rather strange remark that sapphire is very loved by magicians who practice necromancy, because it allows witches to work real miracles.

Sapphire has always been loved by kings and the highest nobility. Medieval rulers wore a wonderful stone around their neck so that the magical properties of sapphire protected their owners from envy, and also attracted God's grace.