Deadly stones. Lapis lazuli is a blue semi-precious stone.

Can you boast of minerals from your personal collection? We sympathize. You our tips on how not to replenish it.

Who would have thought that the human body resembles a branch of a geological museum! Getting up on the scales in the morning, do not rush to complain about yesterday's gluttony: it is likely that an extra kilogram is the weight of stones that have settled in some secluded corner of your body. Do you want to know where malicious "guests" can hide and how to deal with them? We will help you with this.


The stones formed in this organ resemble a time bomb. Their unfortunate owner may be unaware of the existence of "minerals" for years, but at one far from perfect moment they will suddenly manifest themselves as bouts of unbearable pain - renal colic.

Value: from 0.1 to 15 cm. There are cases when kidney stones weighed 2.5 kg!

The composition of the stones:
* urate (salts of uric acid) - brown, smooth, dense
* oxalate (salts of oxalic acid) - bumpy, with many processes and spikes, dark and very hard. Found more often in men;
* phosphate (calcium or magnesium phosphate salts) - smooth or rough, gray in color, very soft, but rapidly increasing in size. More common in women;
* cystine (amino acid salts) - layered, flattened, rather soft formations of white color;
* cholesterol - the rarest, black, similar to coal, crumbling very easily.

Reason for appearing: There are many versions of this. Main: increased concentration of urine, violation of the acid-base balance of the body, malnutrition, hereditary predisposition, inflammation of the kidneys.

Treatment: small stones come out on their own, large ones require crushing or surgery. Urates: if it is firmly proven that they settled in the body, they can be dissolved with specially selected medicines.


In them you can find stones that came out of the kidneys. Some "displaced people" quickly follow the ureter that connects the kidneys and bladder, but some get stuck and stay there until they are disturbed by doctors. By this time, the stones have time to grow up, and significantly: experts described finds up to 19 cm long! Treatment for ureteral stones is exactly the same as for kidney stones: crushing or surgery.


Here there are "temporary settlers" from the kidneys, and local "natives". Bladder stones often occur in men with inflammation of this organ or a violation of the outflow of urine - for example, with prostate adenoma. In women, stones in the bladder practically do not happen: as soon as they appear, they immediately come out with urine. For the strong half of humanity, the "path to freedom" for stones is longer and more tortuous, so the intervention of doctors is often required.


The second organ after the kidneys, in which pebbles love to settle. After 40 years, 20% of women and 8% of men are poor fellows suffering from gallstone disease. For many years, stones may not bother, but once biliary colic has arisen, it can put a person on the operating table. Alas, with such an outcome, a person, as a rule, parted not only with stones, but also with their habitat - the gallbladder.

Size: from 0.1 to 2–3 cm. Giant stones are a rarity, since the size of the gallbladder is very small, and therefore the growing stone manifests itself very quickly.

The composition of the stones:
* cholesterol - black, smooth, often oblong, crumble easily.
* pigmented - greenish in color, without spikes and other outgrowths, very soft.

Reasons for the appearance: hereditary predisposition, infection of the biliary tract, high-calorie foods with high cholesterol content, the presence of female sex hormones in the body, including those contained in hormonal contraceptives. It is for this reason that women are more likely to suffer from gallstones.

Treatment: most often surgical. It is advisable to do the operation in a "calm" period, when the gallbladder is not inflamed. There are methods for dissolving stones, but, unfortunately, they are not always effective.


Do you think the expression "diamond eye" is just a beautiful metaphor? Not at all: stones are also formed in this organ!

Size: from hundredths of a centimeter to 0.2–0.3 cm.

Reason for appearing: inflammatory process in the iris and ciliary body - iridocyclitis. At the same time, cellular elements, pus and dead tissue settle on the back surface of the cornea. They form an eye stone of a grayish-white color - a precipitate. There are usually several such stones, and they are arranged in a triangle, the top of which is directed to the pupil.

Treatment: usually not given as eye calculi tend to dissolve over time. In some cases, they may persist for years.


In order for stones to appear in this organ, it is absolutely not necessary to swallow them. They form themselves and behave very insidiously. A person takes their interference in the activity of the body for ordinary constipation, uses a laxative and ... does not get the desired effect. On the contrary, there is pain, indomitable vomiting, the stomach is bursting - and sometimes everything ends with an operation.

Size: from 1 to 6 cm.

Reason for appearing: prolonged chronic constipation, dry food, lack of raw vegetables rich in vegetable fiber in the diet.

Treatment: The best remedy for fecal intestinal stones is an enema. Only a regular procedure can remove or dissolve already formed pebbles and prevent the appearance of new ones. Prevention of constipation will save you from the formation of stones.


Blood vessels inhabit stones that are firmly attached to the place of their birth and are not inferior in density to the gravel lying under our feet.

Size: from 0.1 to 5 cm in diameter, flat, lining the walls of blood vessels.

Compound: calcium salts of fatty acids, the color is yellowish-white, resembling ivory.

Reason for appearing: in the fact that a person eats tasty fatty foods, moves a little, and in addition also smokes. It is this lifestyle that provokes the appearance of cholesterol plaques. They are attached to the wall of the vessel from the inside, damage it, in this place an ulcer appears, on which calcium begins to be deposited. Over time, it becomes so much that there is no other name for this formation, except for "stone".

Treatment: it does not exist - you can only avoid the appearance of calcium plaques. How? Right now, go on an anti-cholesterol diet, sign up for a gym and quit smoking.


This symbol of male power, unfortunately, is quite vulnerable and convenient for the formation of stones.

Size: from 0.1 to 1 cm.

Compound: protein and amino acids, calcium, dead tissue particles. The color is usually grey-white.

Reason for appearing: frequent prostatitis, irregular sex life, as a result of which the secret of the prostate stagnates and clogs the areas of the gland. In place of such areas, a stone appears after a few years.

Treatment: physiotherapy, enzyme preparations that can dissolve the stone. But without treatment of the inflammatory process - prostatitis, which most often accompanies the appearance of a stone - these measures are ineffective.


Another secluded place for all kinds of stones and pebbles.

Size: from 0.1 to 0.5 cm.

Reason for the appearance : maybe the lovers of "drooling" are not so wrong after all. After all, the main reason for the formation of such stones is a violation of the outflow and stagnation of the secret in the parotid salivary gland. Sometimes inflammation or trauma leads to stone formation.

Compound: epithelial cells, amino acid salts, protein elements. In shape, they most often resemble a miniature whitish spindle.

Treatment: surgical. It is used for a long-term inflammatory process, which, as a rule, accompanies the stone.

- This is the formation of a dense consistency, which is formed in the large intestine from feces with chronic constipation, peristalsis disorders and some chronic diseases of the digestive tract. May be asymptomatic or manifest with signs of intestinal obstruction: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, scanty liquid feces, bleeding. It is diagnosed with the help of sigmoidoscopy, X-ray examination of the large intestine (irrigoscopy) and colonoscopy. Treatment is conservative with the use of endoscopic manipulations and siphon enema; with inefficiency and complications, surgical interventions are indicated.


K56.4 Other types of closure of the intestinal lumen

General information

Fecal stones (coprolites, fecal calculi) are a consequence of chronic diseases of the large intestine, in which there is a gradual formation of dense, hard fecal masses in the intestinal lumen, which completely or partially block its lumen. Fecal stones are predominantly found in elderly patients. Large coprolites are detected quite rarely; specialists in the field of modern proctology know only a few dozen cases of such calculi. This situation may be due to the difficulties of diagnosis and the long asymptomatic period of the disease. The largest stone weighing about 2 kg was described in 1830. Pathology is more typical for the developed countries of the Northern Hemisphere, whose inhabitants consume less fiber in food, eat more fat and are more likely to suffer from constipation. There is no correlation by gender, men and women get sick equally often. Doctors proctologists are engaged in treatment and diagnostics.


The causes of the formation of fecal stones can be divided into mechanical and chemical. Mechanical factors include hypotension and atony of the large intestine, which often develop in old age. Diseases such as Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism syndrome, intestinal diverticula also lead to intestinal motility disorders. Also, the formation of fecal stones is provoked by some congenital pathologies, for example, megacolon, Hirschsprung's disease, additional intestinal loops. With these diseases, the length of the large intestine increases, which leads to a longer passage of feces through it. Mechanical reasons can also include foreign bodies that enter the intestine - berry bones, hard, indigestible pieces of food, animal bones, etc. They act as the core for the formation of fecal stone.

Among the chemical causes of the formation of fecal stones, the intestinal environment is too alkaline, eating a large amount of refractory fats and foods high in calcium, changes in the composition of feces due to inflammatory processes, and increased absorption of water by the walls of the colon.

A core is needed to form a fecal stone. It often acts as foreign bodies of the intestine, poorly digested pieces of food, hard pieces of feces that appeared as a result of prolonged constipation. Fecal masses begin to accumulate around the core, which quickly lose water, salts begin to be deposited in them. As a result, the lump hardens and a fecal stone is formed. The process is accelerated if the patient eats a lot of fatty foods or his absorption of fats is impaired. Inflammatory processes also favor the formation of fecal stones with the release of a large amount of mucus, bleeding.


Fecal stone is composed of various organic substances, mineral salts (calcium carbonate, magnesium phosphate, magnesium oxalate), bile acids and bacteria. The ratio of these components may be different. Fecal stones have been described that consisted solely of calcium carbonate or magnesium phosphate. Sometimes so-called wax fecal stones are formed, which consist mainly of refractory fats with a small content of mineral salts. According to their origin, true and false fecal stones are distinguished. True ones are formed directly in the large intestine. False can enter the intestinal lumen from the gallbladder through the duct or through the fistula, from the bladder or renal pelvis through the fistula. False stones can become the nucleus for the formation of a true fecal stone.

In most cases, the fecal stone is fixed to the intestinal wall and constantly increases in size. At the place of fixation, bedsores, ulcers occur, which can bleed or become inflamed. Large stones can partially or completely block the intestinal lumen and cause obstructive intestinal obstruction. Large stones are formed for a long time, sometimes about ten years.

Symptoms of a fecal stone

A small intestinal stone may not manifest itself in any way and is detected by chance during x-ray or colonoscopy. If a fecal stone partially blocks the lumen of the colon, patients complain of constipation, bloating, and spastic pain. Liquid stools can pass by a fecal stone, so patients periodically have loose stools against the background of chronic constipation. If a fecal stone damages the intestinal wall, the pain may increase. A large amount of mucus appears in the feces, sometimes streaks of scarlet or dark blood. Due to chronic constipation, patients experience irritability, slight weight loss, loss of appetite, nausea, and general weakness.


Large fecal stones provoke obstruction, which is manifested by sharp pains and bloating, symptoms of intoxication, and sometimes fever. Palpation reveals significant pain, tension of the anterior wall of the abdomen. Long-term damage to the intestinal walls potentiates malignant proliferation; cancer can develop at the site of contact with a fecal stone. Also, damage to the walls leads to the formation of scars and strictures. If a fecal stone enters the appendix, it very quickly causes its blockage and inflammation. As a result, phlegmonous appendicitis, gangrene or empyema of the appendix may develop.


If the fecal stone is located in the rectum or in the distal sigmoid colon, it can be detected by digital rectal examination. During the examination, the proctologist gropes for a solid, mobile formation, sometimes with a loose surface. Traces of feces may remain on the glove after examination. Large fecal stones can be detected by deep palpation of the abdomen, but they are often confused with tumors. Also, on palpation, pain is determined at the location of the fecal stone or in nearby areas.

To diagnose a fecal stone in the lower intestines, sigmoidoscopy can be used. The technique allows to identify stones in the rectum and sigmoid colon. When carrying out barium enema, it is possible to detect a volumetric formation in the large intestine, but it is rarely possible to distinguish it from a cancerous tumor or a polyp. An x-ray will show a larger or smaller defect in the colon filling with contrast. It is possible to suspect a fecal stone only when the contrast agent penetrates between it and the intestinal wall.

A more accurate diagnosis is made with colonoscopy. The study allows you to better visualize the formation, if necessary, take a biopsy of the wall adjacent to it. If this technique also fails, they resort to diagnostic laparoscopy. General analysis and blood biochemistry are of additional importance. They help to distinguish a fecal stone from other diseases, primarily from malignant tumors. So, with colon cancer, a patient is diagnosed with anemia of a significant degree, an increase in ESR, which rarely happens with a fecal stone.

Differentiate a fecal stone, first of all, with tumors of the large intestine. On palpation or on a radiograph, they are very difficult to distinguish, therefore, in order to establish an accurate diagnosis, you have to resort to other methods of examination. It should be noted that cancerous tumors are often accompanied by anemia, a sharp loss of body weight, which rarely happens with a fecal stone. Also, the symptoms characteristic of coprolites resemble signs of diverticulosis, and if there are signs of bleeding, then the fecal stone is easily confused with hemorrhoids, ulcerative colitis.

Treatment of fecal stones

In most cases, it is possible to get rid of intestinal stones using conservative methods. Stones in the distal intestines can be removed already with a digital rectal examination. With inefficiency resort to sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy. Only after using all these methods, you can proceed to the siphon enema, which should be administered by a proctologist. In no case should you try to eliminate fecal stones with laxatives.

Surgical treatment is necessary if the stool has migrated into the appendix and caused it to become inflamed. In this case, the appendix is ​​removed. It is also necessary to operate the patient if damage to the intestinal wall has led to its partial necrosis. Sometimes there is a need for surgical treatment for intestinal obstruction. Even if it was possible to get rid of the stone in a conservative way, the intestinal walls must be carefully examined, if necessary, a biopsy should be taken, since a malignant tumor can develop at the point of contact between the coprolite and the intestine. In the future, the patient should undergo regular examinations.

Forecast and prevention

If the diagnosis is made correctly, it is not difficult to treat a fecal stone, the prognosis for this pathology is favorable. It worsens if the patient has intestinal obstruction, strictures, or cancer. It is dangerous to get a fecal stone into the appendix, as it can cause blockage and purulent inflammation of the appendix (purulent appendicitis).

To prevent the formation of fecal stones, first of all, you need to establish proper nutrition with a high content of fiber to prevent constipation. Patients with pathologies that lead to violations of peristalsis or lengthening of the large intestine should especially carefully monitor their stool: if necessary, drink laxatives or do enemas, undergo regular examinations in the proctology department.

Who would have thought, but sometimes the human body resembles a real branch of the geological museum! Getting up in the morning on the scales, do not rush to sin for evening overeating. It is likely that real stones have settled in your body. So where can these "guests" hide and why do they appear?

KIDNEYS. Kidney stones are a real time bomb. You can not suspect about them for years, but at one fine moment they will definitely manifest themselves as the so-called renal colic. The size of kidney stones is from 0.1 to 15 centimeters. But there are also stones - champions, whose weight reaches 2.5 kilograms. Kidney stones have a different color, different composition and a different cause of occurrence. Urates are stones made from uric acid salts. They are brown, smooth and dense. Oxalates are composed of a salt of oxalic acid. These stones are hilly, have many processes and thorns, are dark and very hard.

They are found most often in men. Phosphates contain calcium and magnesium phosphate salts. These stones are soft, increase rapidly in size, and are most common in women. Cystine stones are white. Cholesterol kidney stones are the rarest. They are black, charcoal in color and crumble very easily.

There are quite a few reasons why kidney stones form. This is an increased concentration of urine, and a violation of the acid-base balance of the body, and malnutrition, and heredity, and inflammation of the kidneys ...

There are two ways to treat such stones. Small stones are most often removed from the body on their own, and large ones are removed with the help of surgery. But if it is known that it was urates that appeared in the body, then they can be dissolved with specially selected preparations.

URETER. Stones in the ureter are "immigrants" from the kidneys. Most often, kidney stones travel fairly quickly down the ureter to the bladder, but some can get stuck and stay in their new home until they are surgically removed. Moreover, the stones stuck in the ureter still have time to grow. Some specimens reached a length of 19 centimeters!

BLADDER. There are both settlers from the kidneys and local "natives". Most often, stones in the bladder are found in men with a violation of the outflow of urine, for example, with prostate adenoma, or with inflammation of the bladder itself. In women, there are practically no stones in the bladder - as soon as they appear, they immediately go out with urine. But for men, this “path to freedom” is quite long and winding. That is why they need medical help.

GALL BLADDER. After forty years, 20% of women and 8% of men have stones in this organ. For a long time, stones may not bother their owner at all. But one day there comes a time when biliary colic puts a person on the operating table. With this outcome, a person has to part not only with stones, but also with a gallbladder. The size of the stones is from 0.1 to 2-3 centimeters. Large stones are rare, since the gallbladder is quite small and the stones that have appeared and grow very quickly reveal themselves. Gallstones are of two types. Cholesterol stones are black, smooth, easily crumbling. Pigment stones are greenish, soft and without thorns.

Stones in the gallbladder can appear with an infection of the gallbladder itself, when eating high-calorie foods, long-term use of contraceptive pills, and of course heredity also affects the appearance of these stones.

Treatment is most often surgical. But you can try and dissolve the stones. True, this technique is not very effective.

EYES. The size of the stones is from hundredths of a centimeter to 0.2-0.3 centimeters. The reason for the appearance of stones in the eyes may be iridocyclitis - inflammation in the iris and ciliary body. Such stones are called precipitates. They consist of cellular elements, pus and dead tissues. These stones are white in color and one by one they are almost never found. Treatment for eye stones, as a rule, is not prescribed, since over time they resolve themselves.

INTESTINES. Here, so-called fecal stones can form, which behave very insidiously. The size of such stones is from 1 to 6 centimeters. Usually a person perceives these stones as the most banal constipation. He drinks a laxative, but there is no effect. On the contrary, there are severe pains in the abdomen, vomiting, a feeling of distension of the intestines. It ends with an operation. These stones can appear due to chronic and untreated constipation, due to constant dry food, from a lack of raw vegetables in the diet, which are suppliers of fiber for our intestines.

ARTERIES. Sometimes blood arteries inhabit stones, which are not inferior in density to gravel. Their size is from 0.1 to 5 centimeters. These stones line the walls of blood vessels. These stones contain calcium salts of fatty acids. The color of these stones is yellowish-white. In another way, these stones are also called cholesterol plaques. They occur most often among lovers of fatty and tasty food, leading a sedentary lifestyle, and even smokers. These cholesterol plaques are attached to the walls of blood vessels, at this place a small sore is formed, on which calcium begins to be deposited. Treatment of such stones has not yet been invented. There is only prevention: an anti-cholesterol diet, an active lifestyle and the rejection of bad habits.

PROSTATE. Most often, stones here occur with prostatitis, but they can also occur due to irregular sexual activity, as a result of which the secret of the prostate stagnates and clogs the site of the gland. This is where the stones come from. Their sizes range from 0.1 to 1 cm.

SALIVARY GLANDS. And in this secluded corner, stones can very often appear. Their size is from 0.1 to 0.5 centimeters. The reason for the appearance of stones is stagnation and a violation of the outflow of saliva in the parotid salivary gland, trauma, inflammation. The composition of these stones includes epithelial cells, amino acid salts and protein elements. Surgical treatment. Most often it is used for a long-term inflammatory process.

Well, in order to avoid all these problems with your health, you should be more attentive to your body. And then no stones will be afraid of you.

The magical and healing properties of stones and minerals are mentioned in almost every system of alternative medicine. Crystals are endowed with healing power - and there is a lot of evidence for this. A vivid example is lithotherapy, where the healing properties of both semi-precious stones and ordinary minerals are actively used. In Feng Shui, each stone matters, and using the power of crystals correctly, you can improve your energy health.

Mystical properties of precious and semi-precious stones


Aventurine is a kind of quartz interspersed with other minerals that form peculiar scales in the thickness of the stone, reflecting light in their own way, while the crystal acquires a mysterious shimmer.

The main property and meaning of aquamarine stone is the ability to discover the truth, especially in the realm of feelings.

Aventurine helps with various skin disorders, hair loss, eczema and peeling. A rounded aventurine stone can be used for non-contact facial massage to improve skin condition.

It is claimed that the magical property of the aventurine stone is an aid in gambling. The stone brings good luck to the owner, and this is undeniable. However, in return, he makes a person irresponsible and relaxed, and such behavior, you see, can seriously damage the reputation of a businessman or public figure!

Varieties of aventurine:

Honey yellow aventurine brings good luck in money matters.

Brown aventurine with a cherry tint improves health.

Pink aventurine helps lovers.

green aventurine with white and pink scales harmonizes relationships.

Aventurine with golden stripes - the rarest variety - brings happiness to the owner.

Aventurine is a very strong mineral, its action is unpredictable and changeable, so it is not recommended to constantly carry this stone with you.


This banded mineral is formed from layers of differently colored chalcedony. Such stunningly beautiful stones have many useful properties.

Agate strengthens self-confidence, gives strength for a decisive step, helps to make the right decision. The stone protects from heavy dreams and nightmares, allows you to get rid of fears in reality. This mineral helps to survive the loss, separation or betrayal of a loved one. It gives strength to live on and inspires hope for a favorable outcome.

The healing properties of agate stone help in the fight against serious diseases, it alleviates the course of incurable and chronic diseases, and alleviates epilepsy attacks.

Speaking about the magic of stones, the magical properties of agate can be traced in the fact that it helps to penetrate into the cherished desires of a person, to find that single string in the soul that will ring if you touch it.

It is claimed that this stone has the property of attracting wealth. However, agate almost always has a balancing effect: money comes easily, but it also leaves the house easily.

Varieties of agate:

moss agate - the most common type - inspires optimism.

blue agate stimulates intellectual activity. Useful for the elderly.

Eyed agate protects from the evil eye.

pink agate gives self-confidence.

green agate dispels the negative impact, both internal (diseases, bad habits, base passions) and external.

Brown agate maintains interest in you of the opposite sex.

black agate used in mystical rituals.

Amazing healing properties of stones and crystals

The properties, meanings and photos of azurite and aquamarine stones are described below.


This crystal is born on deposits of copper ores. Its role in spiritual practice is difficult to overestimate, because it opens up the possibility of a third eye to a person.

The stone helps overcome communication barriers and strengthens psychological functions such as memory and attention. It sharpens the ability to perceive, enhances intuition.

Azurite is used in Ayurvedic treatment of the spine. The stone facilitates the course of diseases of the joints, helps to cleanse the body, and normalizes the function of the thyroid gland.

The magical properties of this crystal are used in various rituals, including those associated with the invocation of otherworldly entities.


Aquamarine is the blue variety of beryl.

Aquamarine gives you the willpower to work on yourself and to overcome difficult times. The stone improves mood, charges with vivacity and optimism, contributes to the friendly disposition of others.

The value of this crystal in human life is travel assistance, protection from bad weather and robbers along the way.

Aquamarine helps relieve toothache. Favorably affects the work of the liver and stomach.

Psychics value aquamarine as an intermediary between the worlds. It allows you to discover other people's secrets, so it is often used in divination.

Aquamarine should only be worn during daylight hours. Remember, however, that the less often you use it, the stronger its effect will be. If the crystal is worn constantly, its effect will extend not only to family members, but also to close friends and relatives.

The value of stones and crystals in human life


Speaking about the magical and healing properties of stones, it is impossible not to talk about the diamond - the king of stones. It combines the best properties of crystals: susceptibility, the ability to concentrate energy and be an intermediary. This is a transparent crystal, which, after cutting, acquires a specific brilliance and is called a diamond. Here we will not separate a diamond and a diamond according to their properties - both of them have a beneficial effect of approximately the same value.

Diamond gives its owner confidence, faith in victory and determination. It contributes to a rational assessment of the situation, allows you to soberly weigh all the arguments and make the right decision. The stone favors wise deeds and brings happiness to those who follow the advice of reason.

The magical and healing properties of this stone are as follows: a diamond brings recognition to the owner and increases his authority in the eyes of others. He awakens noble feelings: mercy, respect for elders, respect for a woman.

The healing properties of this gem also lie in the fact that the diamond strengthens the body's defenses and stimulates the immune system. It has a cleansing effect, so it is considered useful for people undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

A diamond can warn the danger that threatens the owner. If you feel a burning sensation at the point of contact of the stone with the skin or pay attention to the fact that your health worsens in those minutes when you carry a diamond with you, regard this as an alarm. Think carefully about where you might be in danger!

Diamond is very demanding on the spiritual qualities of a person. This pure stone with strong energy will not tolerate an envious, weak or snobby person near it. In this case, the energy vibrations of the crystal will create dissonance in contact with the human energy field, which can lead to a streak of failure and even illness.

Diamond is a strong and independent crystal that does not tolerate other gems near itself. Even if there are several diamonds in one piece of jewelry, they can fill it with negativity. When purchasing such an ornament, make sure that its energy does not cause tension in you.


Amazonite is a type of feldspar that has been used as a talisman since antiquity.

Amazonite strengthens family relationships, brings harmony to them and helps smooth out even the most serious conflicts. The properties of this talisman stone perfectly help with depression, returning interest in life, optimism and confidence in the future.

The stone gives calm confidence, regularity of life.

Amazonite is especially useful for a family woman - he turns her into the goddess of the hearth and family!

Amazonite is used in lithotherapy when working with bones and joints. It helps to slow down and weaken diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis.

Amazonite massage sphere helps relieve swelling, prevents varicose veins, helps restore the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Amazonite is a capricious crystal that does not endow everyone with its favor. If other crystals are in better contact with people elevated and noble, the reasons for the positive or negative attitude of the amazonite towards the owner cannot be understood. If you decide to purchase this crystal, be sure to repeatedly check how friendly it is to you.

The mystical properties of this stone are that amazonite returns youth. Of course, this is not a rejuvenating apple, but the rejuvenating effect is manifested primarily in the behavior of a person: he acquires his former vigor!

Stones and minerals with magical and healing properties


Amethyst is a purple-colored (from pale to deep black) variety of quartz. In the quartz group, it is the most valuable crystal.

Where amethyst comes, peace reigns. This is a crystal of positive emotions, joy and good fortune. It invigorates, improves mood, inspires creativity and work.

Amethyst has a calming effect. At night, it is placed under the pillow so that nightmares do not occur and fears recede.

The crystal helps restore power over feelings. It softens anger, weakens aggression, brings harmony into relationships.

Amethyst is a very powerful healing crystal. Purposeful use of it can improve the condition of almost any organ, but its effect is best on the endocrine and nervous systems. This stone is also used to restore the body after stress.

There is a legend that explains the mystical properties of amethyst. In ancient times, the nymph Amethis rejected the love of the god Dionysus (he, admittedly, was not handsome). The nymph loved the shepherd. Succumbing to jealousy, Dionysus wanted to seize the nymph by force, but then the protector goddess Artemis intervened. Rescuing Amethys from dishonor, she turned her into a pure crystal. Since then, amethyst has been protecting against intoxication.

Amethyst normalizes the endocrine system, helps restore hormonal balance, and is used to cleanse the body of toxins.

Amethyst does not tolerate a gold frame. To enhance the influence of this crystal, use silver.

Non-contact massage with amethyst crystals helps smooth wrinkles and remove freckles.

The mystical properties of this gemstone are due to the fact that amethyst is the strongest protective crystal. Its main function in magic is protection from other people's witchcraft, screening of the room during divination and mystical rituals.

If this stone is used as an amulet, it will protect against unscrupulous colleagues and competitors.


This amazing crystal, which has a peculiar brilliance, was associated by the ancient priests with the element of water. In rituals, when it was not possible to use water, it was replaced with apophyllite.

The stone provides balance, helps well with divination and prediction.

Apophyllite helps to establish a balance between soul and body, material and spiritual, external and internal.

Representing the symbol of the Element of Water, the stone helps fight the heat. It is used at high temperature, and also as an auxiliary crystal for any inflammatory diseases.

This stone, which has magical properties, protects from the evil eye and damage, acts as a talisman. Due to its distinctive property - stratification into plates when heated - this stone is used in divination rituals. By the number and properties of the plates, you can determine the future or get an answer to a question of interest.

The healing power of stones and crystals

Now it's time to talk about the magical and healing properties of such stones and minerals as aragonite and beryl.


Aragonite is a type of calcium carbonate. In another way, it is also called the iron flower.

Aragonite helps to cope with stress, quickly restore strength, focus and concentrate efforts on solving one problem.

This is an active crystal that allows you to overcome laziness and passivity. It encourages action and arouses interest in life.

Aragonite restores sexual function, increases potency, and normalizes the functions of the urinary tract.

The magical properties of this natural stone lie in the fact that aragonite creates a favorable environment in the house, brings quiet family happiness. The stone contributes to the full upbringing of children, protects them from external dangers.

Aragonite has an intense effect on relationships in a married couple, so it is recommended to use it only for married women and married men.


This clear, transparent crystal can take on a wide variety of colors - from light blue to yellow.

Beryl stimulates mental activity, promotes flexibility of thinking, pushes for original solutions. For a short time, it can help the owner to concentrate as much as possible, while revealing all internal resources.

This crystal has an amazing motivational power: it helps a person overcome laziness and get down to business.

The golden variety of beryl helps in the treatment of eye diseases.

If beryl is immersed in water overnight, a healing infusion will be obtained, which can be used to remove stones from the kidneys, cleanse the body and treat various diseases of the genitourinary system.

Beryl is one of the most suitable crystals for creating a personal amulet. It is able to concentrate a huge supply of energy, enhance the energy of a person and at the same time can be easily personalized.

The stone absorbs negative energy, transforming it into beneficial. It is used to protect, attract good luck and fulfill wishes.

Due to the bright properties of a conductor and intermediary, beryl is often used in divination.

Stone magic: the mystical properties of talisman stones


Turquoise is very sensitive to external influences. This natural mineral should be protected from surfactant liquids, heat, and acids.

Turquoise improves mood, contributes to the achievement of harmony - both internal, with oneself, and external, with others. This stone helps to look at the situation from the other side, which is sometimes very useful for finding a solution.

It is believed that turquoise serves as an indicator of the wearer's state of health. If it fades, it acquires a shade that is not characteristic of it, therefore, it has already drawn too much harmful energy from the owner and cannot cope with protection. In such cases, it is recommended to perform a rite of purification and rejuvenation of turquoise and seriously take care of your health!

Contemplation of turquoise improves eyesight.

Turquoise has protective properties. It removes negative energy, protects from evil forces.


Rock crystal - a kind of quartz, colorless and with a special luster. Otherwise, this mineral is called Arabic diamond.

Rock crystal helps to calm down and relax, gives control over emotions. This is a natural regulator of emotional states, which effectively extinguishes both negative outbursts and too strong positive ones (for example, rock crystal will not let you fall in love without a memory, but will help maintain an outlook on the situation independent of the emotional mood).

The mineral enhances the intensity of brain activity, helps to make the right decision, not to be scattered over trifles.

Massage with rock crystal spheres allows you to relieve tension in the muscles, promotes the resorption of edema, and helps with varicose veins.

This mineral is used for all types of pulmonary disorders and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Rock crystal is used as a store of positive energy. It is charged with a good mood, good intentions and pleasant memories, so that it becomes a source of positive energy in moments when a person is in dire need of support. In addition, rhinestone helps to make dreams come true.

Stones and crystals with magical properties


These rich dark red crystals are often shaped like a pomegranate fruit. Garnets can be called a whole group of crystals, including opaque ones, but usually only transparent crystals of a juicy plum red color are included here.

Pomegranate enhances the strong-willed qualities of the owner, and above all those that are directed outward. These are organizational and oratory skills, personnel management skills, charisma and the ability to lead.

The crystal gives the owner an intuitive perception of the feelings of others. As a result, a person begins to better understand people, to guess when they are honest and when they lie.

It is believed that grenades take away pain. To do this, it is enough to hold the crystal over the sore spot for several minutes.

Pomegranate strengthens the immune system, stimulates the body's defenses. The stone helps to restore damaged tissues, cuts heal faster under its influence, and recovery after surgery is more efficient.

Garnet is very receptive to the owner's personal qualities. He himself is clean and transparent and requires the same (morally) from the owner. The crystal will not bring good luck to envious people, loafers and people who are promiscuous in the choice of means to achieve the goal.

Pomegranate helps to achieve your goal. The stone enhances the owner's passionate desires, pushing him to action.


Emerald is a gemstone of the highest class. In esoteric practice, he rightfully occupies one of the first places. Psychological properties

Emerald is a symbol of true love. It brings harmony to the relationship between a man and a woman.

Emerald maintains harmony in the human soul. It calms, but at the same time gives strength to continue the struggle.

There is a belief that the emerald sparkles brighter from sincere and true love, and when betrayed, it breaks.

This stone is especially beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

Emerald is a powerful protective crystal. The magical properties of this gemstone lie in the fact that it protects from evil witchcraft, failures and misfortunes, the evil eye and damage. This stone has the ability to attract wealth and enhance the effect of other talismans.

Emerald is a contact crystal. It allows you to turn to the unconscious person, where sometimes the true reasons for his actions are hidden. The unconscious mechanisms of information processing are not at all similar to logical thinking, so often there you can find answers to questions that a conscious person cannot answer. Emerald helps to penetrate through the thickness of time, so it is used in a wide variety of divination rituals.


Calcite, or calcite, is a very common mineral. In its pure form (colorless), it is rare. The impurities contained in it color it in different tones.

Calcite improves mood, stimulates personal growth and spiritual self-improvement.

The stone has unique cleansing properties. It facilitates the course of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Pyramids from this crystal have a particularly beneficial effect.

Due to its esoteric properties, this stone removes the effects of negative influences, including witchcraft, corruption and the evil eye. This is a crystal of light, so it is used exclusively in the rites of white magic. Calcite crystals are also used for meditation and relaxation.

Varieties of calcite:

Icelandic spar - a rare transparent variety of calcite. Clears the mind.

Orange uplifts the mood, gives happiness and well-being.

Green helps to establish a trusting relationship, opens the soul of the interlocutor.

Dairy is ideal for divination and meditation.

Blue helps to relax and fully relax.


Quartz is a colorless (sometimes it can have various shades) transparent stone with magical properties that creates large natural crystals. This stone is highly receptive to the wearer's energy and malleable to work with, making it a versatile tool in both healing and psychic practice.

Quartz is the perfect crystal for creating a personal talisman, customized exclusively for you.

It is a crystal of balance. It helps to equalize the male and female principles, resolve internal conflicts, and establish harmony in the house.

Quartz can relieve pain, and this stone is not necessarily used by the healer - you can use its power yourself. To relieve pain, a quartz crystal is moved over the sore spot in slow circular motions (contact with the skin is desirable, but not necessary). Imagine how a golden or greenish radiance emanates from the crystal, which penetrates the tissues, soothing pain and restoring damaged organs. Such an exercise may not help the first time, but after a few trainings you will master this simple art.

The energy properties of this stone allow quartz to act as an intermediary not only between two people. It can become a transmitter of energy from a person to another crystal. This property of quartz is actively used in the purification and charging of crystals that are more resistant to exposure.

Quartz enhances the wearer's intuition and psychic abilities.

Varieties of quartz:

Transparent mountain quartz - the universal crystal which is easily giving in to programming.

rose quartz enhances romantic feelings, affection and intimacy.

Light Green Quartz encourages active recreation. Under its influence, a person begins to organize his time more rationally.

blue quartz relaxes, helps to overcome fear, anxiety and other negative experiences.

lemon quartz strengthens health and enhances the protective functions of the body.

milky quartz fills the house with peace.

The magical properties of precious and semi-precious stones


This opaque mineral of all shades of green is revered in China as a stone of life. It is difficult to find another stone that would have such a multifaceted and beneficial effect on a person.

Jade evokes emotions, especially warm feelings between two close hearts, whether they are lovers or friends.

The stone gives wisdom and slowness, which will contribute to making an informed decision. He comes to the rescue when the situation seems hopeless, and prompts you to look at the problem from different angles, which in the end leads to a good result.

It is impossible to imagine a healing practice without the use of jade. This stone has a complex beneficial effect on the body, normalizing physiological processes. It strengthens the body by strengthening the immune system.

The mineral helps with diseases of the kidneys, liver and pancreas.

Contemplation of jade helps to protect the eyes from overwork. If you put this stone on your eyelids for a few minutes, it will help restore good vision.

Due to the protective properties of this stone, jade is perfect for the role of a talisman-amulet.


Layered, with parallel stripes, chalcedony is called onyx. These minerals have been used in magical and healing practices since ancient times. It is believed that the thinner the stripes, the more valuable the stone. Onyxes make a special impression, in which milky matte layers alternate with dark opaque ones. These are truly magical stones!

Onyx enhances the leadership qualities of a person, including the ability to manage, oratorical talents, rationality and the ability to think through one's actions many moves ahead.

The most amazing properties of this stone are that onyx helps to overcome stress, depression or grief.

Onyx is used to treat many diseases. It has a general strengthening effect on the body, enhances its natural defenses, stimulates metabolism.

The stone helps to relieve diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, smoothes wrinkles and helps fight cellulite.

There is a belief that onyx gives power over the elements.

Magical and energetic properties of natural stones


This unusual and impressive mineral comes in a wide variety of colors. Its main difference is the ability to opalescent, that is, to create places of accumulation of light in the thickness of the mineral. Such an amazing stone attracted the attention of mystics in ancient times.

The mineral helps to control feelings, allows you to overcome a series of negative experiences. The stone heals depression and blues, relieves fears and nightmares.

Opal has been endowed with universal healing qualities since ancient times. In order to use the healing properties of this crystal, it was left overnight in water, receiving a healing infusion in the morning.

If you always carry the opal with you, it will help protect against colds.

Opal contemplation improves eyesight, lowers blood pressure and helps to achieve peace.

In mystical practices, opal reveals the gift of prophecy, helps to predict the future.

It is believed that this stone protects love and punishes unfaithful lovers.

Opal varieties:

White, translucent opal with opalescence in light blue tones enhances the imagination, helps creative self-realization.

black opal with reflections of purple, blue, green and red "flames" enhances intuition and the ability to predict the future.

fire opal awakens passions and helps to revive the fire of love, even if it has almost died out.

royal opal with a mosaic pattern helps to solve mysteries.


This transparent, pure, saturated scarlet color with a purple tint is called the king of gems. Such crystals are intended for strong people, they will not obey those who do not control themselves.

Ruby gives peace, helps to balance emotions, brings good luck and happiness. This stone brings harmony to interpersonal relationships, restores relationships in married couples, and allows you to save a marriage.

There is a belief that the ruby ​​can warn the owner of impending trouble - in such cases, the stone changes color.

This is a powerful source of energy, it helps to restore strength, replenish wasted energy.

Ruby governs the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. It normalizes blood pressure, promotes rapid healing of wounds.

Magical properties: ruby ​​gives power over other creatures.

Esoteric and protective properties of stones


Sapphire is a strong, influential crystal. He is revered as a symbol of the vault of heaven, spiritual growth and comprehension of God.

The stone enhances the positive qualities of a person, and above all spiritual ones: devotion, chastity, modesty. It helps to gather all the forces before the decisive test.

Sapphire creates a protective cocoon around the wearer.

This crystal gives power over blood: it can stop bleeding, and the wound itself under the influence of sapphire will heal faster.

Sapphire gives its owner "secret power". This is a complex concept, consisting of a whole complex of simple ones. It implies a synthesis of a deep understanding of the essence of a person, his actions and character, supported by intuition and cold reason. As a result, the owner of the sapphire gets the opportunity to control others, based on their desires.


Tourmalines are a whole group of crystals, and their colors vary over a very wide range. This is not surprising, because in Sinhala "turmali" means "multi-colored magic crystal."

The stone helps to reveal talent, stimulates the imagination, allows you to bring a creative idea to life.

Tourmaline normalizes the endocrine system.

The crystal has a healing effect on the body, but the nature of the effect depends on the color of the stone.

Varieties of tourmaline:

Pink tourmaline awakens creative forces. In addition, he, like many other pink stones, holds together a warm relationship between a man and a woman.

Green tourmaline protects from external negative influences. Considered a magnet for money. Strengthens the immune system, stimulates the protective functions of the body.

blue tourmaline used to clear the mind. This crystal is very good for meditation as well. It allows you to remember large amounts of information.

Blue tourmaline - healing crystal. It helps to relieve nervous tension, even in its most severe manifestations.

Black tourmaline considered a witch crystal. Often used in magical rites.


Celestine is a rare crystal. He is able to set the owner in a sublime way.

The stone has a huge resource of energy, which he generously shares with the owner.

Celestine is particularly useful in alleviating a wide variety of eye and ear ailments.

Helps cleanse the body of toxins.

The crystal is used by adherents of the mystical practice of "astral navigation". According to their idea, celestine helps to penetrate into the astral. This mystical stone enhances clairvoyance and prophetic abilities, brings prophetic dreams.

Healing properties of precious and semi-precious stones


The color of these crystals varies from honey to lemon.

The stone enhances the sixth sense, helps to penetrate the thoughts of other people, therefore it is deservedly considered a crystal of psychologists and predictors.

Citrine promotes success in the financial sector, patronizes those who dare to take risks in business.

Citrine is perhaps the first mineral to be used in alternative medicine.

It helps to heal diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the state of the body as a whole, promotes proper metabolism.

In mystical terms, citrine is an insidious and unpredictable crystal.

On the one hand, it acts as a talisman, protecting the owner from unscrupulous partners and evil tongues. The stone helps protect against poisonous creatures.

On the other hand, citrine is called the crystal of scammers. They say that thieves and various swindlers who carry this stone with them are incredibly lucky! In addition, citrine helps gamblers and pushes them to a new game, which, in the end, will become ruinous.


Jasper is a highly polluted silica. It is thanks to this imperfection - veins and inclusions - that this stone has gained recognition in alternative medicine and magical practice. The heterogeneity of the material allows jasper to accumulate energy and direct it along the cracks, as along the channels. Such a natural movement of stone energy is akin to the flow of beneficial qi energy on the surface of the earth, and the similarity of processes allows them to be connected in mystical practice.

green jasper helps in healing diseases.

sand jasper softens passions, balances feelings and brings harmony to the world around.

pink jasper with ring patterns enhances attractiveness, helps to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Pink patterned jasper awakens the true essence, helps to realize oneself in one's favorite business.

Apophyllite is a mineral that occurs in close association with zeolites, calcite, prehnite, datolite, pectolite, analcime. It is found mainly in cavities of effusive and intrusive rocks. Apophyllite is an igneous mineral that is sodium silicate. It contains calcium, potassium, impurities of vanadium and chromium.

Apophyllite got its name due to one of its features. When heated in the flame of a blowpipe, this mineral begins to split. This is how it got its name. The word "apofillian" from the Greek language can be translated as "to flake off". It is by this property that it is distinguished from other similar minerals.

It should be noted that this stone has some other names: albino, ichthyophthalmitis, stone fisheye, tesselite.

This mineral has a crystalline structure of a layered type. Apophyllite crystals are very common and varied in appearance. They can have different shapes and sizes. Crystals can reach 10-15 cm or more. Most often apophyllite is colorless or has a whitish tint. However, in some deposits, crystals are mined that have pinkish, bluish-green or greenish hues. These stones look very beautiful. In the sun, this stone often has a mother-of-pearl, with a powerful pearl sheen. It is transparent and almost all of its specimens are almost invisible in the water. This stone has a strong mother-of-pearl luster, the mineral itself is transparent to translucent. It decomposes under the action of hydrochloric acid, with the formation of a jelly-like precipitate.

Apophyllite is a brittle mineral. This means that apophyllite products must be handled with care, to avoid falling and other damage.

History of apophyllite

Apophyllite stone has been discovered many times in different countries. The history of this mineral began in 1784. Then in Denmark it was mistaken for "zeolite". Recall that zeolites then included minerals that had the ability to boil in the flame of a blowpipe. It was then that the blowpipe was just recognized as a research tool for a mineralogist. In 1791, the second discovery of this stone took place. It received the name "lamellar zeolite".

The Portuguese mineralogist B. D. Andrada after 9 years called this stone "ichthyophthalmite", which can be translated into Russian as "fish eye". He believed that he had discovered a new mineral from Sweden. He found that this stone, after boiling in water, acquired a pearly sheen, due to which it resembled a fish eye.

R.J. Gajuy discovered a new mineral from Iceland the following year. He gave it a name according to the appearance of the stone - "blunted mesotype". In 1805, he also discovered another mineral and called it "apophyllite" for the property of exfoliating when heated. However, after 8 years, it was proved that the last two minerals were identical.

A.G. Werner discovered two minerals in 1808 and 1817, which he named fisheye and albino. In 1819, the English mineralogist D. Brewster discovered a variety in the Faroe Islands, which he called the “mosaic fish eye”. This name was given to the mineral for a peculiar optical effect when viewed under a microscope.

The discoveries didn't stop there. Many more scientists have discovered varieties of this mineral. However, all these stones turned out to be, in the end, one and the same - apophyllite. Mineralogists settled on this name, and it certainly suits this stone.

Apophyllite deposits

Apophyllite deposits are quite numerous and are located in many countries around the world. In our country, this mineral is mined in several places at once: the Komsomolsky mine, the Talnakh deposit (in the Krasnoyarsk Territory), Berikul (in the Kemerovo region) and the Dalnegorsk deposit (in Primorye). Excellent specimens of this emerald green stone have been mined for many years in India, in the Pune zone, next to Bombay. Among other countries in whose territory there are deposits of this mineral, the following can be distinguished: Germany, Czech Republic, South Tyrol region, Italy. Apophyllite is also mined in Norway, Brazil, Australia, Great Britain, and America.

Application of apophyllite

Beautiful specimens of the mineral apophyllite are highly valued by collectors around the world.. The most spectacular exhibits are the druses of transparent and translucent crystals. This stone is also used for interior decoration. industrial value apophyllite does not have.

The magical properties of apophyllite

It is believed that this stone increases the awareness of its owner in earthly affairs and helps him make important decisions. It helps to take an important step in life. Apophyllite makes consciousness clearer, allows you to look into the subconscious. This stone helps to explain new ideas to work partners. During astral travel, he can act as a reliable guide.

Since ancient times in India, this mineral has been dedicated to the deities of various reservoirs. It is customary to throw its crystals there every year in the spring to the bottom of rivers, streams and other reservoirs. At the same time, apophyllite is, as it were, a ransom for the fish that they caught.

The inhabitants of India also consider apophyllite a talisman against the evil eye. Therefore, it is customary to hang it around the neck of babies and brides.

This stone has often been used in magic, witchcraft and divination since ancient times. Sorcerers spoke to him to carry out their orders. Magicians used apophyllite as a talisman against the forces of evil in various sacred rituals. The witches warmed him up. In this case, the stone, as you know, begins to delaminate. And by the type and number of bundles, they predicted whether the planned enterprise would be successful and what fate awaited a person.

A talisman made of this stone protects its owner from any negative energy coming from outside. Its wearing is recommended for those people whose activities are related to water: fishermen, sailors, divers, swimmers, plumbers, etc.

Medicinal properties of apophyllite

This stone protects its wearer from high fever, fever, inflammation, intestinal colic, malaria, etc. Lithotherapists recommend looking at apophyllite daily for 5-7 minutes. They believe that it helps to cope with stress and overwork, calms the nervous system. The main medicinal qualities of apophyllite are not associated with treatment, but with the prevention of diseases.

Apophyllite in astrology

Apophyllite is a water stone, therefore, astrologers recommend wearing it to representatives of water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini). He will help them in all areas of life. Apophyllite will not bring much benefit to the signs of the Earth (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo), but it will not harm them either. Apophyllite is contraindicated for representatives of fiery signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). Astrologers do not advise them to even try on products from this mineral. After all, this will begin a violent struggle between the elements of Water and Fire, which can lead to negative consequences.