Tightness of your body. We solve psychological problems. strength in numbers

We all know how not to love ourselves: the ridicule of classmates over some kind of lack of appearance, the careless words of parents, cinema and the media, presenting ideal ladies with thin legs, porcelain skin and luxurious hair, are to blame for this. Not only women, but also men can not like their body, because dysmorphophobia has no sex. But complexes about appearance can interfere not only in personal life or in bed, but also in other areas of life. But how to stop being ashamed of your body?

Where to begin?

First of all, you need to understand that if you find the perfect body, face and hair tomorrow, life will not become sweeter and better. So we immediately reject plastic surgery. Remember how many famous beauties were not very happy and successful. Among them are models who committed suicide, and movie stars who are unsuccessful in their personal lives: beauty is not a guarantee of happiness. And also look around: here is your plump girlfriend, who has been happily married for ten years, but the neighbor is skinny and flat, but she meets the first handsome man at the university ... Why are you worse? Absolutely nothing! So it's time to learn to love yourself.

What do you love about yourself?

Make a list of ten of your best and favorite body parts. This is just the beginning of the matter. Now your task is to successfully beat them and focus on them: with the help of clothes, jewelry, etc.: you don’t have a chest, but you have a thin waist, emphasize it with a belt, and if you have extra pounds, but a luxurious chest, wear a neckline and catch admiring glances. The same principle works here as in makeup: it is better to focus on the merits than to hide the flaws in vain.

As for the unloved parts of the body, you don’t need to be too critical of them: if a man said something bad about your legs, then perhaps he didn’t even consider it a disadvantage, and if a woman, then most likely she is just jealous . Therefore, it is not necessary to constantly remind yourself that the legs are crooked. It will be useful to figure out the type of your figure and study its advantages: a pear, an hourglass, an apple, a rectangle, and a carrot have them. You can bribe spectacular things that emphasize the beauty of your body type.

Get naked!

Exactly. You can sleep like Marilyn Monroe, that is, only with a drop of perfume on your body, you can walk naked around the apartment while no one is there. You can also admire your nakedness in the mirror and look for poses in which you look beautiful, play with light and shadow and understand what combination of them makes your body spectacular, or even dance in the nude. If, when looking at yourself, hatred arises for some parts of the body, stroke yourself, say affirmations. Look for pluses in your shortcomings: a big butt is now in fashion, and small breasts allow you to walk without a bra, which becomes a blessing in the heat.

If you are embarrassed about your body during sexual intercourse, you can apply essential oil to your skin. Men also like the smell of baking (you can imitate it with vanilla oil, for example). If your complexes are associated with excess weight, you can apply a shimmering cream to the entire skin. Also, when making love, you can replace the included light with a nightlight or candles. Well, do not be distracted by such trifles as an imperfect figure, but enjoy the process.

Teach others to compliment you

No, asking for them does not make sense. But if someone admires your legs or chest, let them know that you are pleased. Then you will be praised more often. Compliments are exactly what changes self-esteem for the better, and if a loved one sees only advantages in you, then you will stop being shy and complex over time. Yes, and you can do compliments to yourself - it’s also useful.

Take care of your body

Care is massages, and spa treatments, and depilation, and aromatherapy, and all kinds of hardware procedures. Please your body with a sauna or a phytobarrel, a chocolate or algae wrap, a spa manicure or pedicure, a solarium or even beautiful underwear ... Not only will your body be grateful and bloom, you will also love it: how can you not love something that So much work and money has been invested.

And one more thing: most of the shortcomings are fixable. Acne can be cured both in the salon and at home, bite and teeth in general are corrected by various methods, scars can be removed with a variety of procedures or covered with a tattoo: it can make you more interesting and charismatic. Another important point is health. You need to follow it diligently, because beauty is health in the first place (and vice versa, health is beauty). Get medical checkups, visit the dentist, eat right and eat vitamins. Many people would rather agree to have clear skin, beautiful hair and healthy teeth "on an ugly face" than to be handsome with pimples, caries and thin hair ...

Learn to present yourself

This is generally the creed of all beautiful people. One of the most famous Soviet fashion models, Regina Zbarskaya, had legs almost like a wheel, but who saw it when she carried herself along the catwalk or the banquet hall: the image is even more important than appearance.

Try to go to the school of image or models, learn the secrets of defile, posture and gait, photogenicity (this is not an innate quality, besides, many beautiful people look like frogs in the photo), practice defile video lessons. Another great option is dancing classes that can make any Cinderella a princess. If you move beautifully, then it doesn’t matter what your weight, leg length or chest size are: you are simply beautiful, period. So, the east will help plump girls become more graceful and love themselves, and thin ones - to gain shape and waist, make movements smooth.

Strip plastic will teach you to be sexy and sensual with any build: after a few lessons, the gait changes, and something feline appears in the movements - such a girl will constantly catch admiring glances at herself. Flamenco is suitable for those who have full legs and have problems with their back and posture, the same can be said about salsa. Argentine tango is a good option for those who have an apple or rectangle figure: numerous curves shape the waist and remove any tummy.

Choose your style, and if possible, perform at all dance school parties: a spectacular outfit and makeup, perfect movements and applause - this is what will remove the shyness of any person. If dancing is not sweet for you, choose workouts from the "smart body" series (Pilates, yoga, callanetics), gym, aerobics, running, swimming ... anything, if only the body would be happy - so it will definitely be grateful to you and become more beautiful, than ever.

P.S. Do you know that the owners of large breasts are also shy: it is uncomfortable, hot, it does not hold its shape, and it is difficult to find a bra. That is why breast reduction is as popular an operation as breast augmentation…

In films and books, shyness looks extremely attractive, the young lady blushes, hides her eyes, thereby bewitching the guy. It is important to understand that in real life everything is much more complicated. It is difficult for a girl to build long-term relationships, because the constant search for flaws in her own appearance and demeanor makes her closed. We are not talking about the slight shyness that is inherent in every lady, we are talking about excessive closeness and insecurity.

Causes of shyness in front of a guy

Parents are known to mutilate their children to some extent. Some pamper them, others, on the contrary, scold them. Shyness begins in early childhood and goes with a person into adulthood.

Try to remember, were there cases when your mother compared you with a classmate, saying that she studies better, attends a music school and will achieve a lot in life, unlike you? It is precisely such actions that lay in the character of a still little girl the fear of comparisons from relatives. You have heard it so often that the statements have become true for you, thereby lowering your self-esteem with each similar case.

Another example is this: as a child, you probably screamed loudly or made noise in public places (like all children). At that moment, your parents began to shame you, saying, shame on you, people are looking at you. Such statements from the ancestors are firmly embedded in the memory, guiding the future life. The child unconsciously begins to experience fear about what others will think. But it is important to understand that you are no longer a little girl, by and large, people do not care how you behave and what you are wearing.

As for other adults, such as a teacher or caregiver, they also do not always have a sense of tact. Often, teachers publicly speak out about the illiteracy of their students, shame them in front of the team, making the child feel mediocre and inferior. Hence, shyness and self-doubt appear, a person ceases to be a person to the fullest, individuality is lost.

If we talk about peers, they are completely ruthless. Schoolchildren, children from a neighboring yard or a creative circle constantly mock a person who is not like them. Perhaps you had freckles on your nose or chubby cheeks, which led to various nicknames. It is not uncommon for a girl to grow up and still remember all the teasing and insults regarding appearance, physique or mental abilities. Understand that not everything people say is true.

Signs of shyness

  1. Shy girls often sweat, are afraid to speak out loudly, and blush constantly. Their hearts beat fast, their movements become abrupt and illogical, provoking awkward moments.
  2. Shy ladies do not look into the eyes of the interlocutor, their thoughts are completely focused on imaginary wrong actions or expressions. Girls fall into a stupor when talking with the opposite sex, trying to understand what thoughts about them fly through the guys head.
  3. In addition to the above, attentiveness is greatly reduced. Ladies constantly lose the essence of the conversation, their brains work in slow mode, their memory becomes shorter. Girls quickly lose interest in what is happening.

Step #1. Show emotion. When communicating with a young man, do not hesitate to speak frankly. Do you catch your breath and sweaty palms when he looks like that? Report it. Believe me, not a single guy will remain indifferent when he hears such words. He will not perceive this as a disadvantage, the young man will find such behavior cute.

Step #2. Get some exercise. Exercising helps release endorphins, which reduce tension, making awkward moments disappear. Sign up for a gym or dance class, take a trial class in stretching, Pilates or kickboxing. Modern studios offer a lot of opportunities at an affordable price. With the help of physical activity, you will not only gain confidence, but also tighten your body, pump up your abs, and stop being shy about intimacy.

Step #3. Watch your appearance. Neat girls are less shy, they are confident in their beauty and well-groomed appearance. Visit the manicurist and pedicurist several times a month, cut off the cut hair and tint the regrown roots. Do not skimp on your own beauty. Shy ladies do not visit salons, they prefer to remain in the shadows and be unremarkable. You can do something radical by dyeing your hair a different color and changing the length of your hair.

Step number 4. Show initiative. Guys quickly get tired of the routine, they get bored with shy girls. To avoid this, become an enterprising lady. Invite a young man to the cinema or organize a picnic in nature, go ice skating, take a walk in the park. An important feature of this step is the complete exclusion of situations that can put you in an awkward position. Decide in advance on makeup, hair, choose beautiful and suitable clothes, think over topics for conversation.

Step number 5. Learn all about intimate life. Boy and girl sooner or later begin to have sex. In order not to feel shy in bed, learn all about intimate life. There is a lot of information on the Internet, if this is not enough for you, visit the library or chat with experienced friends. Watch relevant movies, study poses, or flip through magazines for girls. Information is power, you need to prepare for such an event in advance in order to overcome embarrassment.

Step number 6. Do something together. Invite the guy to sign up for Latin American dances, salsa, tango or other directions of your choice together. Such art completely eliminates all complexes, since you work in pairs. At first it can be difficult and awkward, but after 2 weeks you will forget about what shyness is.

Step number 7. Take an interest in the guy's life. Study the young man's hobbies and main hobbies, try to delve into the details in order to skillfully maintain a conversation. To be more effective, ask his friends, siblings, or parents about their favorite books and sports. When you are in the know, you will automatically avoid awkward pauses in conversation due to your own ignorance. The conversation will go easily and naturally, and shyness will step aside.

Step number 8. Get to know the guy's family. You will no longer be shy the moment you meet the young man's close people. If he has a brother or sister, invite them to sit together in a cafe, go to the movies or just take a walk. More daring ladies are advised to get acquainted with the gentleman's parents in order to find out from their mother about his quirks and tastes in food. You will feel much more confident when you cook your favorite cooking for the guy. The method is suitable only for those girls who are good at using kitchen utensils.

Step number 9. Engage in self-development. Try to find some time for your own development, both spiritual and material. Have you long wanted to attend makeup courses and work by profession? Dare! Doesn't this direction fit? Take up drawing with an experienced teacher, sign up for piano courses, start learning a foreign language. Shyness will recede as soon as you get off the ground and start improving the acquired skills.

Step number 10. Visit a psychological training. For girls living in big cities, personal growth courses will help get rid of shyness. Experienced professionals will make you a confident person, tell you what to look for in a particular situation. There are trainings designed not for one lesson, but for the whole course. At the end of the last lesson, you will leave the building a completely different person. An alternative to training is a session with a psychologist, but the cost per visit is much higher.

Are you ashamed of a guy? Stop it! Analyze your own childhood, exclude complexes inspired by parents from adult life. Regularly visit a beauty salon, watch your appearance. Mentally prepare for intimacy, improve yourself, go to personal growth courses.

Video: how not to be shy guy

It sounds strange, but many women are prevented from enjoying intimacy with a man by their own body. If they only knew how much men are turned on by a woman's love for herself, for her body and sexuality, then they would never get hung up on his imperfection. But how can one not go in cycles here, if it is either too lush or too skinny, the chest is too large or it is not at all, and cellulite-traitor wanders all over the body, not forgetting about the heels?

Difficult, but very necessary! The imperfection of the body is too subjective a concept to be trusted by love and sensual pleasures. All that a man sees during sex is passion, a woman's sincere desire to give and take. The ideal body is a female illusion that needs to be eliminated before cellulite. This can be learned. And the body has absolutely nothing to do with it!

Body complex: masculine look

From overheard: “I am very annoyed by women who are ashamed of their bodies! What the hell does it matter what she looks like? If a woman is in my bed, then she is already beautiful in my understanding, and I want her. Otherwise, I would choose another! And all this cutesy during sex - "turn off the light", "do not look at me", "I will not be completely naked", etc., spoils the whole buzz. Being embarrassed by her own body, a woman thereby devalues ​​herself in my eyes and loses her attractiveness, since she does not consider herself attractive.

A woman, obsessing over complexes of appearance, does herself a very dangerous “disservice”: she prompts a man, moreover, she convinces him how to treat her. Persistent in her embarrassment, a woman is able to inspire even the most in love man that her body is ugly, which means that she is not worthy of admiration, love and the man himself. One thing must be remembered: the ideal parameters and proportions of the body in no way guarantee love, perfect sex and devotion of a man. It's time to learn to accept your body the way nature created it. Take care of him, love, cherish and be proud in order to achieve harmony with yourself. Only in this case can you get rid of the oppressive constraint of your own body.

The nature of female complexes

Men, no less than women, are attracted to self-confidence. The human nature of perception is such that we are all drawn to strong, confident people. They automatically become good, attractive, desirable. The uncertainty of a person gives others the message that his value is underestimated, he is second-rate, bad, uninteresting. In sexual relations, when a woman is ashamed of her body, she, without realizing it, focuses on shortcomings, teaches a man to see them and remember them. Subconsciously, a man reads such behavior as unwillingness to have sex with him. He feels like an aggressor who takes by force, goes against the will of a woman and does something unworthy.

body in action

Advice that you need to love your body here and now, and in the state it is, has already managed to set the teeth on edge. But how do you love what you don't like? How to stop being shy in bed with a man of your imperfect body? There is only one answer - stop comparing yourself with models, actresses, girlfriends, but simply accept your body and realize that there will be no other. And if a man called you to his bed, then he made a choice from hundreds, thousands, millions of other women. Let enjoy! And to learn how to feel free without life-saving clothing and stop being ashamed of your own imperfection, simple tricks will help:

  1. Dark skin looks much more attractive and sexier. It has less noticeable flaws. Therefore, the sun, solarium or self-tanning to help you.
  2. Accessories should emphasize the beauty of those parts of the body that you can be proud of. Bracelets on beautiful hands, strands of beads on a swan neck, seductive stockings on long legs will attract a man's attention to the right place.

  1. Light can also be made your ally. A transparent fabric thrown over a bright lamp will dim the light, it will become soft, diffused and present the figure, as they say, in the best light. There is no need to talk about the candles placed in the bedroom. This is a classic of the genre.
  2. Taking care of the body before intimacy will make it literally and figuratively expensive. Do not be too lazy to take a bath with fragrant foam, peel, depilate, and lubricate the entire surface of the skin with perfumed oil or body milk. It is impossible not to love a well-groomed body with love.
  3. Beautiful underwear is the most powerful weapon against complexes. Panties, bodices, stockings, peignoirs are real male fetishes. Most men lose their head and clarity of vision from them. Even the thickest cellulite can be hidden behind thin French lingerie straps.

There are other ways to teach yourself not to be embarrassed by your body, but they need to be used in advance, preparing to relax in bed gradually:

  • Learn to sleep without clothes. Feel the pleasant touch of the sheets and the embrace of the blanket on your skin.
  • Admire your naked reflection in the mirror while striking poses.
  • Walk around the apartment completely without clothes or in beautiful underwear, stockings. Love yourself. Enjoy the sensations.
  • Sign up for strip plastic surgery. These classes will teach any body to be sexy.
  • Feel free to explore your erogenous zones. Understanding the nature of orgasms will help to reveal sexuality and liberate the body.

Psychological surveys showed that almost all women are worried about their appearance and regularly find another flaw in themselves. Sometimes it can be the wrong shape of the nose, fullness or stretch marks. Complexity today is a common phenomenon among women of different ages. Many suffer because of some minor shortcomings, others do not want to accept themselves completely.

To solve this problem, sometimes you have to turn to psychologist, because the complexes are sometimes deep inside us and prevent us from living for many years. Therefore, sometimes you need to reconsider your views on your own body. This does not require a specialist, cardinal changes or plastic surgery. In order to learn to love your body, you first need to perceive yourself correctly.

Some women enjoy their reflection in the mirror, while others cannot start a family because of shyness in front of them. In fact, dissatisfaction with your body can ruin your whole life if you don’t start working on yourself in time. Let's take a closer look at the basic principles of how to learn to love your body and get rid of complexes.

Find in yourself dignity not to be ashamed of your body. No matter how trite it may sound, self-confident women feel truly happy. In order to love ourselves and our body, we will have to find some certain virtues. Some of the fair sex find only flaws in themselves, and then wonder why a man does not perceive them properly. Until you learn to praise yourself for some of your own successes and be proud of certain virtues, you will not be able to love your body.

Take a good look in the mirror: maybe you have long legs or beautiful, and you only see large non-feminine hands and deep-set eyes. Try to find in yourself what distinguishes you from others in the good sense of the word. If you can't do it yourself, ask her friend or mom to help you. Once you realize that you have certain virtues, your body will no longer cause you so much dissatisfaction.

- Take care of yourself not to be ashamed of your body. To do this, you do not have to spend a huge amount of money and time, just sometimes take time for yourself. Buy bath salts, a good shampoo, nail polish that is perfect for your hair type, which improves your mood. Try to give yourself at least 10 minutes every day. This will allow you to start treating your own body in a different way.

Women, who regularly take care of themselves, note that with each procedure they realize themselves better and more beautiful. Therefore, you should pay attention to the care and reassessment of your appearance. If you do not have enough money to buy a good cosmetic product, ask your friends in the future to give you only the gifts you need. Regular body care will help you feel like a real woman who loves and cherishes her body.

walk around the house naked not to be ashamed of your body. This practice perfectly allows you to study your body in more detail and learn to love yourself. When you are constantly dressed, the outfits hide the parts of the body that you are unhappy with. Gradually, you put off problems for later and get angry at yourself because of your own laziness. In fact, you do nothing, but at the same time you continue to dislike yourself. So sometimes allow yourself to go naked and look at yourself in the mirror. You need to get used to yourself: both to advantages and disadvantages. The technique will help you get closer to yourself and get used to your body. Try to evaluate your appearance as objectively as possible, for example, if you do not have a feminine figure enough, realize that in ten years you will not encounter the problem of sagging breasts. Lush forms can become an important advantage if you watch clips of popular artists.

get busy sports not to be ashamed of your body. Psychologists have proven that regular physical activity contributes to the production of endorphins, and they, in turn, make you happy. Sign up for a dance class, a pool class, a gym membership, or just go for a run in the morning. After just a few workouts, you will notice how your mood improves, and you realize yourself more attractive. Go in for sports, even if you are not inclined to be overweight, this will allow you to stay young and beautiful longer, and also improve your mood. Regular physical activity contributes to changing your worldview in relation to yourself. Take up the sport that you enjoy and watch your body change.

Consult a good stylist or beautician not to be ashamed of your body. Many women at a psychologist's appointment admit that after changing their style, they began to relate to their own bodies in a different way. This is due to the fact that improperly selected clothes and the ability to use cosmetics directly affect your appearance. In order to fall in love with your body, regularly go for epilation and visit a solarium, do manicures and pedicures with a good master and tint your hair. A good specialist will not only make you a real beauty, but also convince you that you are. Choose only proven masters, reviews of which you have heard directly yourself.

mask the small limitations not to be ashamed of your body. For example, when you go to the beach, apply light shimmery products to your body that will make your skin more attractive and smooth. If you don't like a mole or birthmark, buy a good concealer and use it pointwise when creating makeup.

Any small flaw can be successfully hidden if you choose the right tools and techniques. Determine what you don't like about yourself and try to hide it from the eyes of others. If you don’t like the shape of your chest, sign up for a gym and tighten your muscles, and if the problem is the lack of a waist, pick up a thin, neat strap that will accentuate in the right place.

How to stop being ashamed of your body

June 14, 2017 - 3 comments

I have trouble with my body. It seems to me that such a body cannot cause desire in men, but I really want attention. And I don't like myself at all. The clothes don't fit the way you want them to. All my life I have a complex not only in front of men. I don’t know how to stop being ashamed of my body on the beach, in a massage parlor, at a doctor’s examination.

There are a lot of tips on the Internet on how to relax and stop experiencing unpleasant feelings, but they have a common result - they do not work for me. Or they work for a very short period of time.

How to stop being ashamed of your body

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reveals the real reasons for such confidence in his unattractiveness and shows how to stop being shy in front of people forever.

Many people would breathe a sigh of relief if a “body reset” service appeared in the modern world, where, by analogy with Photoshop, one could correct weight, height, nose, lips, skin color, and so on in one’s body. But for now, it's just a dream. There is only one way we can truly stop being shy. Finding the true causes of this unpleasant sensation and eliminating them. One cannot do without knowledge of the human psyche.

System-vector psychology notes that not everyone is critical of their body, but only people with certain vectors. And the reasons for shyness are not related to how a person looks objectively from the outside, but to his state of mind.

How to get rid of shyness

Women with a visual vector often face such a problem. By nature, they are very emotional, prone to exaggeration, able to accelerate from the state of “everything is terrible” to “everything is fine” in a split second. These aesthetes sincerely believe that "love rules the world" and "beauty will save the world."

And they expect the same beauty from their body, the harmony, grace and good looks of which should caress the eye. Finding flaws in themselves causes them great stress. And the desire to get rid of shortcomings often leads to a lifelong struggle for beauty. In the course are torturing yourself in the gym, and various diets, and even plastic surgery.

But if, despite all efforts, some battle for their irresistibility is lost, then visual women run in despair to the refrigerator, eating this terrible “blow of fate” with sweets. And then a vicious circle. Overweight and the fight against it.

How to stop being shy and become confident

System-vector psychology says that in order to stop being embarrassed of your body by women with a visual vector, you need to use your emotionality for its intended purpose, as given by nature. That is, to build emotional ties with people, to give their warmth to others, to empathize with those who feel bad. Change focus from your "flaws" to attention to others.

After all, when we are embarrassed, shy and blush, we are simply subconsciously afraid to make an unpleasant impression. And the key emotion here is fear. If the spectator does not use her emotional generosity towards other people, focusing on her feelings about herself, all her unspent emotions are transformed into a surrogate from various fears. And they appear before us in the form of panic attacks, tantrums and embarrassment of their bodies. This is an invariable rule of the psyche of people with a visual vector.

How to stop being shy and overcome shyness

Ladies with an anal vector have a slightly different mechanism for the appearance of shyness. By nature, they have a slow metabolism and an innate tendency to be overweight. With a combination of anal and visual vectors, claims to one's own body can expand to colossal proportions. Because the visual passion for beauty is complemented by an anal desire for perfection in everything.

Falling under the influence of modern stereotypes that the ideal woman is always slim and flexible, they begin to sincerely believe in it. And then a periodic, but always unsuccessful struggle for the ideal harmony of your body is unleashed.

But by nature, their body, like the psyche, is designed for something completely different. They are created to be the best mothers, faithful wives, wonderful housewives. For them, nature has set completely different standards of ideality. For example, they are supposed to have wider hips in order to successfully bear children.

How to stop being embarrassed by people

When such a woman learns to recognize her natural desires and understands how to get the most out of their satisfaction, and not chase other people's imposed standards, she ceases to experience constant discomfort from her "non-standard" body. Having learned to realize her natural properties in society, understanding herself and her partner, knowing how to build happy relationships filled with love, she feels happy. And the attitude towards your body changes dramatically.

The question of how to stop being shy of a guy or a man disappears by itself. She learns to experience shame only where it is appropriate for a woman, and not at every opportunity. In addition, the desire to eat your stresses is reduced, because there are alternative ways to cope with problems. And along with this, the excess weight also disappears.

How not to be ashamed of the "flaws" of your body

Women with a skin vector are also irritated with the problems of their bodies. Due to their fast metabolism, they don’t get overweight so often, but there are still enough reasons to be dissatisfied with themselves. It may not be a very lush chest, not very long legs, not a thin enough waist, and so on. Hence the shyness because of his body.

Almost all stresses in skin people are reflected in the condition of the skin - acne, dermatosis, eczema. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that the body is always an extension of our psyche. If we do not fulfill our natural desires, then we suffer, which is inevitably reflected on the body, forcing us to be ashamed of ourselves.

And in the skin vector, as in other vectors, the fulfillment of natural desires also gives a powerful effect. When a woman with a skin vector sees absolutely clearly the relationship between the "imperfections" of the body and her mental state, she has the opportunity to eliminate the cause of these sensations. As a result, shyness and dissatisfaction with your body go away by themselves.

And getting rid of skin problems is one of the massive results of people with a skin vector who have learned to understand their innate desires.

“... In general, such a “trifle” as complexes and self-acceptance disappeared. There are no more thoughts that I am “something not like that”. Very much just the way it should be. The problem of accepting others also disappeared. They are exactly what they should be.)

People began to reach out somehow ... Not all, but over and over again everything gets better, they began to call somewhere, somehow relations with those with whom they hadn’t been very good before began to improve. Annoyance with people has decreased, there is more communication, more openness and emotions. And you also need to be prepared for such an effect as the attention of strangers on the street, for me it was a surprise ... "

Lack of energy and time to take care of yourself. When she led the child to the garden in the morning, she did not even look in the mirror. All the time I wanted to sleep (preferably around the clock) and eat (especially sweet and especially at night: I spread butter in a thick layer on a loaf and ate it, if there was no loaf, I would just eat butter).

Time is still short, but strength and desire have appeared. Started doing gymnastics in the morning. Lost appetite. I was drawn to the store for outfits, especially to the lingerie store ... "