Wedding in nature What to cook. Lightweight and refreshing wedding in nature: menu for a banquet with their own hands. Cold and hot snacks

Each bride knows that 90% of the success of the guests is a good table. At the ceremony, they will appreciate the beauty of the bride, the suit of the groom and the decoration, and the dishes will be evaluated on the banquet: their quantity, quality and serving. Therefore, after choosing a dress, rings and a banquet hall of young people, another question arises - how to feed the guests so that everyone liked it, and at the same time do not fly into a penny. In Russian tradition, it is not customary to arrange light bursts, guests must leave the holiday satisfied and satisfied, only then it is believed that the Russian wedding was successful.

Wedding Table: Menu, Recipes

Certain rules, what exactly to serve on the table on the day of the celebration does not exist. However, there are inslace rules that are usually observed if this is not a completely informal celebration. So, for example, there should be no beer among drinks. Perhaps wine, champagne, vodka, brandy, martini or cocktails, but not beer.

All restaurants have their own menu, and in a wide variety of options and any amount. The administrator and cook will prompt you that it is better to choose and how to please guests. Measure several cold snacks and two hot, as well as tea and cake. This is a minimum that is usually present everywhere. Consider the most popular dishes in Russian weddings.

  • Among the snacks are usually served seafood (fish, shrimp, mussels), sausage, cheese, meat, cutting from fresh vegetables.
  • The menu of the wedding table should include several salads. Let it be better in a little bit, but much than one big bowl with one salad. Olivier, herring under a fur coat, Caesar with chicken, salads with mushrooms, vegetable variations are popular in Russia. You can mix only 2 ingredients, for example, a chicken bean, tomatoes with cheese.
  • Tartlets with various fillers are also popular. It is always satisfied and tasty. Inside, you can put almost anything.
  • Stuffed vegetables and eggs will also enjoy guests.
  • For hot, meat is definitely served. It can be a steak of fish, pork or beef with a garnish of rice or vegetables, cheering from chicken. Despite the beautiful name, Julien is simply prepared. To do this, you will need only chicken fillet, milk, cheese, oil and seasonings. It turns out very tasty, satisfying and cheap.
  • Do not forget that in addition to alcohol there should be non-alcoholic drinks, such as fruit juice, mineral water, carbonated water.
  • A cake is usually served for dessert. You can make a sweet table to which guests will approach and take sweets. Candy, cupcakes, cakes, cookies are suitable for treating. Be sure to serve tea or coffee.

Calculation of the wedding menu for 1 person

The main rule of a successful holiday - everything should be tasty and everything should be enough. But at the same time it is undesirable to remain a large number of untouched food, because young people spent money for it that could spend on something else.

When calculating food and beverages, consider not only the number of guests, but also the duration of the holiday. The longer the banquet lasts, the more you will eat and drink. The average wedding lasts 5 hours. In this case, the optimal option will be 1.5 kg of food per guest. Cold snacks, salads and meat with a side disk should be approximately equal proportions, you can make more hot, but less salads. On average, there should be 250-300 g of food for each of the points per person, that is, 250 g of lettuce, 300 g of snacks, 400 g of hot, etc.

Fruit and cake should also be 200 g per guest. If there are small children, you can reduce the volume.

Drinks should be in sufficiency. This is what is not spoiled for a very long time, and if unsoldered alcohol remains, it can be left to another celebration. Strong drinks (vodka, brandy, whiskey) are taken at half the bottle per person, impoverished - on a bottle on a person, of course, children are not taken into account. Champagne does not need a lot, they drink it only at the very beginning, so take 1 bottle on three. Non-alcoholic beverages should be more, especially in the heat, about 1.5-2 liters per person.

Wedding menu: how to make

When choosing dishes, be sure to take into account your budget, season, number of guests, the duration of the feast. If yours, and guests invited a lot, there are several tricks that will help everyone to feed and save.

Be sure to specify which products are not eating, if they have food allergies, whether vegetarians are present. Allergic from someone from guests can seriously spoil the event and scare young. But vegetarians - the people are unfall. Dishes from vegetables will cost inexpensively, besides, they are pretty tasty, meatyads, too, with pleasure they taste.

Do not forget about age. Children are undesirable many spices, and representatives of the older generation will not appreciate the new-fashioned dishes by the type of rolls, Chinese salads and the carpaccio.

  • Wedding menu for 15 people. This is a modest wedding, where only relatives and relatives are present. Such banquets can be quite arranged at home, prepare themselves. You can cook 5 different salads or 2-3 lettuce, but a few dishes so that everyone is convenient to take. Salads must have different components. It is not necessary everywhere to put only chicken or mushrooms in the case if someone does not like something. Be sure to 2 hot, for the sake of saving you can take a chicken. For snacks, any sandwiches, cheese and meat slices are suitable. For dessert, you can offer a traditional cake, cakes, chocolate, ice cream, fruit jelly, cupcakes or any other sweets. Guests will delight fresh coffee, cooked in a coffee maker.

  • Wedding menu for 20 people. Place 20 people are already more difficult at home if you do not have a cottage. Most often, modern newlyweds prefer to rent cafes and restaurants. No need to cook, wash the dishes, serve food on the table. In order for all those present it is convenient to take food, distribute each dish for 3 plates. It turns out that for every 6-7 guests will have to salad, cutting, etc. Then it will not be necessary to run to the other end of the table for the desired snack. Consider half the guests. If men are more than women, increase the amount of food. It must be 3 lettuce, several plates with various snacks: vegetables, cheese, meat, sausage fish, as well as 2 hot (better meat and fish) and desserts. For such a number of invited it is better to have at least 10 bottles of wine and as much stronger drinks, as well as not less than 5 liters of juice, not counting soda and mineral water.

  • Wedding menu for 30 people. This is still a small wedding, but already requiring the rental of the banquet hall. If you want to save, choose more budget products, and not reduce portions. For example, you can replace pork chops on chicken, instead of red fish choose cheaper varieties, pancakes will cost inexpensively, if you choose the filling easier, canapes and various snacks will also help save. The chicken can be cooked as you like - the legs on the grill, stuffing, bake, fry, stew. Hot can be both portion and shared, on the dish. The cake must be large enough to have enough guests. Total weight - not less than 7.5 kg. In the summer, instead of a cake, ice cream can be presented with fruit.

  • Wedding menu for 40 people. Lunch for 40 people will no longer. It is advisable to lay snacks into small plates so that everyone can try everything and did not pull far beyond meal. Among the snacks there may be eggplants, fish and meat assorted, pickled vegetables, olives, mushrooms. Among the inexpensive salads "Metropolitan" with chicken breast, potatoes, cucumber and green onions. For hot, you can serve pancakes with meat filling, chicken juliented, tobacco chicken, baked pike perch. Instead of a cake, you can make a pyramid from the Madfins, which are depicted initials of newlyweds.

  • Wedding menu for 50 people in a cafe. It is not possible to organize a holiday of this scale at home, so it is better to entrust the serving and cooking professionals. You can make more snacks, put on tables different types: Liver with onions, fish in breading, sausage, meat, cheese, olives, beef tongue, stuffed prunes, kelid, sandwiches, stuffed eggs, salted fish. It is recommended to make a portion for convenience. In the role of second dishes, the cabbagels will be perfectly looking, stuffed with duck apples, roast with mushrooms baked on coals potatoes. Cake will have to do big and multi-tiered or offer cakes for every taste.

  • Wedding menu for 60 people in a restaurant. To save on a banquet, make a hot chicken and fish. This is the most fiscal option, and the chicken and the fish love everything you cannot say, such as mutton. "Caesar" with chicken, Meyerhold with tongue, apples and cheese, herring under a fur coat, vegetables salads are perfectly suitable for salads. Among the inexpensive snacks, pickled mushrooms with onions, a cheese plate, olives, a chicken roll, sausage can be distinguished. Cake can be made portion in the form of cupcakes or cakes.

  • Wedding menu for 80 people in summer. Summer is a gracious time for weddings. At this time, a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. If you have your own garden, it can be completely saved. To feed such a number of guests is not so simple. Salads should be at least 4 with various refills and components. You can make 1 or 2 vegetarian lettuce, for example, Greek. For summer, this is an excellent option. For a hot, a bird and a roast beef is suitable with a garnish of vegetables or rice, fried goose with stewed cabbage. The cake should be enough to all, so it will be big. It is desirable to have a dessert table with all sorts of sweets, if suddenly someone deems a piece of cake too small.

  • Wedding menu in summer per 100 people. This is already a big wedding, where the banquet will take most of the entire festive budget. If your guests will wait for the arrival of young, there must be a small bundle table with fruits, light snacks and champagne, then no one comes bored. The more you bring with you to the restaurant, the more savings will be. So, for example, some snacks can be done by yourself, and instead of a cream cake to serve a light fruit dessert or ice cream. When calculating 100 people, savings will be tangible. Cakes, sandwiches with caviar, meat rolls are suitable as snacks.

Wedding menu in nature

Summer wedding in nature has its pros and cons. Take on the nature of the waiters, put the tables and get rid of insects will not be easy. But what kind of beauty around, birds sing, fresh air. Usually banquets in nature suggest a small number of people, kebabs and a relaxing rest. Wedding menu for 60 people in nature will be thought out difficult, especially if you consider the difficulty of delivery of food.

The first rule of such a banquet - snacks should be fresh, and drinks are cold. You are on the street where there are no air conditioners, so take care of a sufficient amount of ice or portable refrigerators. It is better to refuse powder juices, replacing them with natural lemonade or simply water with ice and lemon slices.

There should be a lot of green, fresh fruits, vegetables, berries on the table. It is advisable for salads and snacks to choose a non-fat fish, chicken, so as not to overload the body of oily food in the heat. Tartlets, canapes from fresh vegetables and olives are also welcome. A kebab from any meat, ribs barbecue, steaks, fish, fissure is perfectly suitable for hot. Prepare in advance sauces for such a treat.

Cream Cake for Nature is not the best choice, preferably ice cream or fruit. For dessert, you can serve sandbags with jam or fruit mousam, souffle and, of course, tea.

To serve after strong drinks, the guests did not feel too tired on the heat, serve refreshing cocktails with ice and mint. It is possible to replace them with strong alcohol at all. Chilled saungry with fruit suitable as it is impossible. The smaller the alcohol be, the easier and the wedding will pass more fun. As you know, heat and strong drinks are bad.

Try to put more cold snacks on the table, they can often eat alcohol.

Menu for wedding in nature is somewhat different from the restaurant menu. First of all, the number of food. It's no secret that in the fresh air appetite is played by simply wolf, and if you add moving contests and incendiary dances to fresh air, it becomes obvious that it is not necessary to do with the usual number of food. Do not forget that the wedding banquet rarely lasts less than 6 hours, and the celebration of weddings in nature can be lazy until the morning. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare thoroughly.


The tables on the tables largely depends on the format of the event. It can be a wedding-picnic, or a buffet, or more familiar feast. In the hot season, the stop needs to be done on light snacks and drinks. And the other should be abundant. Wedding in nature implies more active games and contests than in a limited space of the banquet hall, so everything should be plenty. Hot dishes from the wedding menu in nature often include several types of barbecue - from poultry meat, vegetables, pork and beef.


The summer season is replete with fresh vegetables and fruits, and the prices for them are lower than in the winter and spring season, therefore it is logical that in the wedding menu of light snacks and vegetable cuts in the assortment. The organizers of weddings competently assure - all the dishes that can be drawn up, certainly be supplied in this form.

First, the area is saved on the table.

Secondly, guests will be much more convenient to take a few tartlets and canapes, rather than painting with a spoon in the salad bowl.

Thirdly, insect in the summer you can not go anywhere, and even in the presence of repellents and adjusted spirals around the perimeter, these omnipresent creatures will penetrate into dishes, whose recipe does not intend such exotic. Therefore, canape, rolls, profitrolles with various fillings and other compact and portion of snacks.

According to the statements of chefs in restaurants, the number of snacks, which occur to one guest is about 400 grams. Based on these numbers and the number of guests, you need to determine the total number of snacks, and evenly distribute this number by types of treats. That is, if you expect at least thirty people at your celebration, then the total number of cold snacks and salads should be at least twelve kilograms. Six species of snacks, two kilograms of each - that's all the simple arithmetic.

They are afraid that it is not enough - do more, but focus on vegetable snacks, the worst thing that happens to them on the heat - they are asked, but they will not be contacted.

An example of a menu with focus on light portion snacks.

Profitrols with salad fillings and tartlets with salads - also a great way to surprise guests, and at the same time save. After all, the base basket made of fresh sand dough in combination with a delicate salad filling perfectly quenched hunger, but the salad consumption is significantly lower than if he stood in a common salad bowl. Profiteroles are also satisfying and economical dish.

So, six species snacks:

  • Profitrols of two species - with a patental filling and cheese.
  • Canape on skewers in several versions (with vegetables and meat cutting)
  • Lavash rolls with vegetable filling and cheese loss
  • Mini sandwiches with different filling
  • Tartlets with salads 3-4 species.
  • Canapes without sinews with salt fish

Choosing salads for wedding treats, it is better to stop on proven taste combinations. For example, a combination of chicken meat, mushrooms and peas are loved by everyone, and quite deserved. Also remind the cooks that will prepare the treat that mayonnaise is a refueling, and not the main ingredient of lettuce, and it is not necessary to turn the dish in it. Salads in which mayonnaise in abundance is not always successful. In addition, mayonnaise on the heat can spoil faster than you can count on. It is better to use the easy options for this refueling, and in some dishes to replace it with a light sauce.


The format of the celebration requires freshly prepared meat on open fire or coals. Barbecue and kebab - excellent options for wedding in nature. Poultry meat, fish, baked vegetables, ribs are approximate options for hot in nature. You should also take care of a worthy accompaniment of freshly prepared meat. Several types of sauce must be present on the table. Sharp and not sharp sauces should be equally - not all guests will be fans of Adzhika and Chile.

From the usual side dish to hot in the form of puree and rice, you can refuse, replacing fresh vegetables and various pita and cakes. The meat can be chopped in the evening, and you can use fast marinades with kiwi and mineral carbonated water - then the meat will be ready for frying in a couple of hours.


For a wedding in nature, this menu item becomes the central moment. What you need to take into account. If you count on 30 people guests, then non-alcoholic beverages, such as lemonade, morse and compote, you will need about 60 liters, and purchased juices should be no more than a third of the range of drinks.

  • Compared to the wedding in a closed room, the quantity. Cool beverages should be increased twice minimum.
  • Juices and soda are badly quenched thirst, so it is better to replace them with natural lemonade and compotes.
  • Low-alcohol cocktails - the best alternative to alternatives for ladies.
  • Ice - indispensable and mandatory satellite of all drinks in nature.

As for alcoholic beverages, their number depends on the guests themselves - how much "drinking" is selected by the company. Alcohol in hot weather beats in the head stronger than in the cool, moreover, blood pressure rises, which is fraught with a sharp deterioration of well-being. In order to avoid the unpleasant moments of various origin, alcohol is better to acquire and use in moderate quantities. Eight liters of vodka and brandy, and fifteen liters of wine and champagne for a company of thirty people in hot weather - more than enough.

Dessert and fruit

Canapes from fruit instead of the usual slicing - an interesting and colorful dish. Seasonal berries and fruits can be diversified by exotic fruits mango, pineapple and kiwi.

Recently, many young couples prefer instead of a restaurant celebrating their wedding somewhere outdoors. It gives more space to select one or another wedding style, also provides many ideas for creating a unique family holiday. To hold a holiday in nature - it adds to the lives of people and yourself more adventures and positive emotions. But whatever style of the wedding does not support, it also requires much attention and worries at the time of cooking for this event. It is also important here to consider how to properly place guests, how to get to the ordered place, decorate it with any accessories and decorations. And of course, the most important issue remains the cover of various foods. This is an important point, as guests must be fed at the wedding. Moreover, the celebration of the weddings in the open air can even more resume appetite in humans and tables therefore should be covered. This article will reveal the main topic how to prepare a menu for a wedding in nature. It will be considered that it will be considered that it is advisable to purchase and put guests on the table, how to do everything right, and several tips will also be given on how to organize everything.

The long-awaited day of the open-air wedding will help embody the desires and dreams of any young couple. After all, there will be a large number of space for their ideas. But the most important thing remains unchanged, it is to organize a wedding process so that it is remembered for a long time.

To do this, it is important to plan a fully banquet menu, arrange the selected place for the celebration. At the time of preparation for the wedding process, it is necessary to consider several points:
Weddings in nature - this is a practically economical option, but before cooking it is important to plan your budget, which is planned to spend on a wedding;
The next step is to choose a place. The choice will depend, of course, from the preference of a young couple, but it is worth consulting with the parents. This is an unusual place that will cause to dress in differentness than always. When choosing a place to pay attention to the picturesque places of nature. It may be a river or a lake, near which you can put a large tent with tables;
The following is a choice of clothing. The wedding will be on nature should be warned all guests. They must come prepared. In comfortable and comfortable clothing;
You can make a wedding process in nature easily and simple. To do this, add a little imagination. Place balloons, lights, flowers and figurines that will give romanticity to this day.

Proper making menu

The menu must be initially planned. Tables must be filled with a variety. Since the wedding in nature can be made only in the summer, it has the ability to put a large number of products. The most important thing should be a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, and of course beverages. Drinks should be melted by two liters of water per person. With hot weather, the use of perishable products is not recommended, as it will bring extra concerns. Prior to the beginning of the feast, all products should be closed, and removed into a cool place. It is still necessary for the flies and midges, which is unpleasant.

Cold and hot snacks

In nature, the wedding feast will be about nine o'clock. For this, guests must be fed. It is important that there are about three hot dishes, two of which will stand with shared plates on the tables. For example, it can be lully, kebab or baked piglet. For each person, one hot dish with the contents of approximately three hundred grams should be calculated. There must be a side dish and any baked meat. Cold snacks include various kinds of salads, footwash rolls and canapes. Cheese, fish, vegetable and meat plates should also be present. They are put by community dishes for convenience to guests to take what it wants.

Calculation of basic dishes

Crown dishes on the tables should be the main dishes that will be submitted to the waiters personally to each person. The differences in the main dishes can only be provided that there will be vegetarians among guests who do not eat meat. Therefore, it is advisable for them to prepare any separate dish. For all other guests, the main dishes are perfectly suitable for baked fish, meat of French, meat steak on coals. All this should be served to each person and necessarily with the side dish. It is also important that there are still salads to the main dishes designed for each person. It may be lightweight and spring salad.
It is necessary to think over the wedding banquet in advance so that during the offensive of this wonderful holiday there is no shortcomings. It is important to know in advance the number of guests and calculate specifically in humans.

Hello everyone and a good day! I am glad to our new meeting, my dear friends and readers! If you are planning a small wedding for 10-20 closest people and do not know where to celebrate the holiday, then this article is specifically for you. Mini Wedding in Nature is an excellent alternative to an ordinary cafe or a modest corner in the big hall of the restaurant.

Is your main event scheduled for spring, summer or warm autumn? Do you like fresh air and tired of urban fuss? Then, without thinking, organize a wedding mini-banquet in nature. And I will tell you what to do to rain and heat, mosquitoes and mites, spoiled food and banal boredom did not spoil your holiday. Let's start?

Pros and cons of mini wedding

The concept of mini is completely different for everyone. So, at the Caucasian weddings a minimum is about a person 100, rich massive walking with them - a national tradition, and I want to talk about a small modest wedding in nature for 10-20 closest and relatives.

Pluses of a little wedding

  • Stylish wedding cheap, saving at the restaurant and banquet room.
  • All guests are well acquainted - this is a guarantee of a cozy and fun mini-banquet.
  • Less guests to organize easier.
  • Only their own strangers will not find you.
  • Freedom and fresh air.

Minus a little wedding

  • Find a venue for the festival.
  • Dishes for a buffet and picnic should not be perishable.
  • Transfer There and back for guests in the event of a celebration location.

Where are you, where

This is me about an ideal place for your solemn event. First it may seem that there are few options, because the wedding is small. But do not hurry with the conclusions! Here you have original ideas for the incarnation of the wedding of your dreams.

Under a tutor on the edge

Well, maybe, of course, not quite under a tutor, and under a high spreader tree with a rich green crown. Polyanka leave, but it is desirable that it is not in more often the forest, and somewhere closer to the road or population. And the point is not in wild forest animals, by the way, they can also want to come to your light, like the lost loss in the park of the Elk Island in the north-east of Moscow. She frightened many picnic lovers, but good eyes still gave her tender nature. Oh, somewhere I suffered in Debresi! Returning.

To organize your cozy wedding, look for a beautiful picturesque place, desirable, in water. So you can increase the list of entertainment for your guests, and in the end, cool from the overaction of the feelings and the exhausting heat.

This option for holding a festive picnic style is ideal for, it is a wonderful idea for a modern wedding in nature.

In the village to aunt

In the wilderness In Saratov. By the way, maybe at the time when Griboedov wrote that Saratov was wilderness, so it was, but now Saratov - not the wilderness at all! But the idea to celebrate the wedding celebration in the village of relatives or, perhaps you have in the country, it is very interesting.

Pluses such an event, how much, just a small list:

  1. Thematic wedding in the style of A la Rus today at the peak of popularity, and the rustic interior is ideal for her scenery.
  2. Next will be a residential building in which you can hide from bad weather, without fearing to melt or melt from the heat.
  3. Banal amenities, pantry with the stocks of provisions and a local store in case something has forgotten.
  4. Perhaps your relatives did not go far from the generic estate - places for your celebration, and they will definitely congratulate you.
  5. You can stay with the night and on the second day to arrange the continuation of the banquet, if, of course, attening to your visit, the aunt will not ask you to dwell 30 acres. And on the other hand, why not help? Together, fun and fast, and, most importantly, then it will be that remember.

If you are the happy owners of the household plot and plan a budget little wedding, I recommend reading an article about the wedding in the country, details here.

Country wedding

In any city of our country, I am sure you can find a country hotel at the lake, a river tour user or a holiday home on the banks of the reservoir. A little bit off the city noise and relax in a quiet place with loved ones, and there is also a reason what the wonderful one is the birth of your family.

Rent a gazebo taking into account the number of invited guests, think about how you decorate it, and make an approximate menu. Or maybe you will decide there to stay on all weekends? Then do not finish and remove the cottage or a house, most often the territory with a gazebo, mangal and other amenities.

You will not need in a hurry and get to get ready to get home in the evening, you can conveniently sit on inflatable mattresses or sun beds, and everyone together to look for the constellation of a big bear. Romance, and only!

By the way, if you planned to spend? Specify from the administration, you may have a ready-made platform for this event, for example:

  • Near the swimming pool.
  • On the pier.
  • On the beach.
  • Surrounded by century trees.

A chic night symbolic ceremony with silver lights and flickering candles will be remembered by your guests for life, and your wedding album will be filled with fabulous photos.

Your holiday outside the city will be two in one: and painting, and a banquet. Great, right? How do you like this idea? And maybe you already know such a place? Share your story in the comments.

Organizational matters

Well, my dear, I hope you have already thought about where the celebration of your celebration will be. Then let's talk a little about organizational issues.

Wedding Picnic

What do you need to do:

  • We rent a tent or canopy to protect yourself and guests are not so much from the rain, as from the hot sun.
  • Buy, and better to take in. Pay attention to folding structures: table and chairs in one bottle.

  • You can make a platform in the style of Bocho, then you may need pillows for seating and kind tens of hemp. In this case, the site must be prepared in advance.
  • Buy plastic dishes, napkins.
  • Build the refrigerators to the products to be fresh. Look useful videos, how can you make such a refrigerator with your own hands.

  • Think up the lighting device. You can connect the garland from the battery, it will be functionally, fashionable and beautiful. Alternatively, prepare torches, just do not forget to stock fire equipment: fire extinguisher, shovel and water.
  • Prepare everything for barbecue: brazing, coal, skewer, grid, ignition and, most importantly, matches. And then suddenly no one has a light, but what a holiday on an empty stomach.
  • In advance to order the transfer services there - back, so that after the celebration, do not search for a taxi in a panic, which will wander in the dark on the forest in attempts to detect your clean.

In advance, care for satin bright ribbons an estimated platform for a picnic, so that no one is lost away from the city in the dark.

Country option

If you plan to make a wedding banquet at the cottage, then pay attention to the following items:

  • If there is no ready-made arbor, you need to organize a platform for a feast and dance, for example, in the garden.
  • Check for strength Furniture: Tables and chairs so that no leg is shaken.
  • Organize lighting and music.
  • Calculate so that everyone has enough dishes.
  • Prepare a zone for entertainment, you will learn about them a little later.
  • Warn your neighbors about your outlined holiday so that there is no misunderstanding.
  • If guests stay with the night, then prepare sleeping places.

Recreation center

If the wedding takes place on the recreation center, then you need to prepare in advance:

  • Find a suitable country club, a turbase or hotel complex.
  • To conclude a lease agreement with a gazebo or tent, taking into account the number of invited guests.
  • Agree on providing a mangal platform, perhaps everything you need for a kebab will be included in the rental price.
  • Specify the permission to decorate the site and the launch of the salute.
  • In case of field registration, discuss all organizational issues on this topic.
  • Organize a transfer or agree on parking places with the administration.

Decorating a wedding celebration

So you have already decided, in what style will be your holiday. Go to the next stage - decoration. To create a festive mood, you need to think about. Pick up to the tone to your event:

  • Linen tablecloths and napkins.
  • Cushions for seating.
  • Unusual color or classic white dishes.
  • Flower arrangements on tables.

In conventional tin or glass jars, wildflower bouquets will look gently and romantic.

  • Photowon from paper garlands or antique frames, rary furniture.
  • Perfectly suitable for decorating a gazebo floral mini-healthy, your photos in the frames on clothespins, ribbons.

An interesting element of the decor for wedding in nature can be cars. In the trunk, you can organize an improvised buffet or bar. What is not a wedding with a highlight!?

Perhaps some details of the decor you want to make with your own hands, catch a few ideas.

Consignments for a mini wedding

If you want to surprise the guests with something new, touch up the culinary books, there you will find the most delicious recipes on your home wedding.

And will feed? Of course of course! Just pride important nuances:

  • No mayonnaise and perishable products.
  • Protective grids-covers from insects.
  • In the case of a wedding in the form of a picnic in advance and cut vegetables and fruits.
  • For a buffet, use tartlets with a portion of salads, choose interesting recipes according to your culinary preferences.
  • For the preparation of a traditional punishment on the wedding, we split the vintage recipe for your grandmother. On hiking conditions on a picnic, he can replace you with a wedding cake.

  • If you organize a holiday on the database, you can order a buffet, so as not to spend time on cooking itself.
  • For a picnic, buy fresh meat and meat semi-finished products, vegetables and spices.
  • How much is food for a person? Calculate an average of 1 kg. Food and 250 ml of strong / 500 ml of light alcoholic beverages on the guest.
  • Do not forget about ordinary water, juices, places, kvass and other things.

If we talk about the financial side, the approximate price of such a banquet will be 1500-2000 rubles per person, although it all depends on your preferences.

Entertain guests

The key to a successful organization of any holiday, whether it is a banquet on an anniversary or a wedding, not only delicious treats, but also a good mood of satisfied guests. And for everyone it was misfortune, I collected for you the top -10 best scenarios for entertainment in nature.

Games and contests

  1. Prepare board games "Elias", "Crocodile", "Activiti", "Uno", "Mafia", such a format of entertainment will help combine and cheer even the most serious guests.
  2. In a rustic wedding you can organize a competition for sawing logs. Winners - on wooden medal. Just do not talk about it in advance, suddenly someone from the smart guests will bring a drink "Friendship" with you.
  3. In nature, freedom has to active games. Offer to play a fascinating Zarnitsa, improvised "town" or bowling, come up with a quest with the search for treasurely.
  4. You can offer guests to plant in memory of your day. And in the same place and look at the progressive seedlings in the same place.
  5. Choosing a country complex, see if they have tennis tables, volleyball or soccer sites. If you stop, you can always warm up at sports competitions.

Rest and music at the wedding

  1. If there is a reservoir near the celebration next to the celebration, then as a diversity you can go fishing, by the way, then you can cook a delicious ear. On the turbases, you can often rent a boat and catamarans for riding.
  2. Planning to fry kebabs? Why not organize a contest for the most delicious kebab. Only take care of meat, vegetables and skewers. Everyone will be sophisticated with dishes prepared by others, and the winner can be chosen on general voting. Although, in my opinion, everyone will win!
  3. For the holiday at home, offer close to prepare short interesting stories from the life of newlyweds. The evening memories of your acquaintance, engagement, joint vacation, funny cases will create a cozy and friendly atmosphere.
  4. Where without music? Perhaps one of the guests plays a guitar or accordion. And you can distribute to the guests tools from the girlfriend and inhibit the comic chastushki-congratulations to the young. Merry songs and romantic melodies will give a real flavor of the wedding day.
  5. In the evening, in addition to dancing under your favorite music from acoustic speakers, you can build a screen from the usual sheet to view the film about your acquaintance and a romantic comedy.

Open-air cinema, soft mattresses and pillows, warm blankets just in case and table with bunting snacks - featuring the idea to complete a small cozy wedding in nature.

Well, what do you tell? Something wanted to repeat on your holiday? If you share your ideas in the comments - it will be great!

Something for a snack

What, mini or maxi, was not your wedding, approach her organization creatively and with love.

As gifts for wedding guests, choose:

  • Straw hats.
  • Sunglasses.
  • Comfortable slags.
  • Warm blankets.
  • Paper Veter.

Still doubt, choose nature or not? Then here are you positive photos of newlyweds in unity with nature and freedom! What do you say? Caucasiously, isn't it?

Well, I finish at this. As you can see, not at all the mini it turned out an article about a mini wedding. Thank you for attention! If you like the ideas, then share a link in social networks with friends. Subscribe to updates and let's be friends! All of you are the most kind, light and present! Before fast fascinating meetings! Bye Bye.

The traditional celebration of the wedding in the restaurant Some newlyweds are considered irrelevant. In order to make a note of originality in this holiday, the bride and groom are planning to conduct their significant event in nature. Fresh air, limitless space, abundance in the menu will provide you and guests a good mood throughout the day.

The advantage of the wedding in the summer is that you can organize a celebration in nature. The long-awaited holiday in the open sky will help you to realize the cherished dreams in its design. And your wedding will be remembered for guests for a long time, if you correctly plan the celebration, prepare a varied banquet menu and come up with entertainment for those present.

  1. Counting budget. Wedding, organized in nature, will help reduce costs for this celebration. But before planning this event, financial calculations must be carried out.
  2. Choosing a wedding site. Consider with your parents holding a wedding in nature. If the older generation relates positively to this idea, you can proceed to the selection of space for the celebration. Prefer picturesque scenery near the river, lakes or organize a wedding in the field where you can place the tents.
  3. Clothing. To celebrate the wedding in nature, choose a short dress for the bride and a linen suit for the groom. Such clothes are considered comfortable, and in the summer heat you will not be discomfort. The bride is recommended to replace stiletto shoes for comfortable boats or sandals.
  4. Invitations. In invitations for the wedding, be sure to inform the guests that you plan to organize a celebration in nature. Your relatives and relatives should know all the nuances of the upcoming holiday in advance.
  5. Registration. Even if the wedding is scheduled for nature, it is necessary to pay special attention to the design of the celebration. If you dream about an exit ceremony, then the arch with live flowers will be an excellent addition to the wedding decor. All a solemn banquet can be placed under the dome of the tent.
  6. Weather. When planning a summer wedding in the nature of the menu, with regard to natural factors, to rain, wind or heat have not spoiled you a holiday. In case of deterioration of the weather, you must have a backup option, for example, a covered tent or a gazebo.
  7. Wedding menu. An important part of the whole wedding is a banquet. The feast menu must be competent and correctly melted so that the mood does not deteriorate from the tasteless culinary sings or a small number of food.

The planning of the summer feast and the menu in nature is complicated by the fact that the range of dishes should be chosen taking into account the hot weather. High air temperature limits newlyweds to use at the wedding of perishable products. Also cooked dishes need to be stored in a closed dish before the start of the banquet to avoid insects, midges, mosquitoes.

A month before the scheduled wedding date you need to make an accurate list of invited relatives, friends. You should not accelerate to hundreds of people, but 20 do not come around, there should be fun and noisy in nature! Based on the number of guests, start making a menu for a wedding. Given that in your celebration there will be people with different taste preferences, when selecting an assortment of dishes, it is necessary to respect the balance between fish and meat snacks, sausage and cheese products, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

When making a menu for a wedding, the newlyweds cannot be navigated for a long time, how much it is necessary to order cold and hot snacks. The average duration of the festive feast in nature is approximately 9 hours. During this time, each person will be able to eat no more than 1.7 kilograms, if we consider all the provided treats. Therefore, it is important to correctly calculate cold and hot snacks, so that all participants in the wedding banquet are fed and satisfied.

When forming a festive wedding menu, it is necessary to plan cold snacks so that they are enough from the beginning of the wedding to the very end. These dishes are exposed immediately in the first half of the wedding banquet. To correctly calculate the treats for all guests, use the following calculation criteria for one person: 300 grams of salads, 400 grams of cold snacks. You can cook:

  • lavash rolls,
  • vegetable cuts,
  • salads
  • canape with caviar,
  • fish, meat, cheese slicing.

Hot snacks are served during a wedding together with cold dishes at the beginning of the feast. To correctly calculate the total number of such dishes, focus on the indicator for one person. You need to prepare stuffed pancakes, vegetables in a grain, cheese in deep fryer, pike perch, baked in foil, mushrooms with minishes in a proportion of 250 grams per person from the total weight of all hot snacks.

By organizing a wedding in nature, be sure to include the main hot dishes in the menu, which will become crown on the holiday table. A good option for such treats will be fish prepared on coals, or a meat steak baked in a wine sauce. Also add the menu of your wedding vegetable assorted, filed together on a dish with a young stuffed piglet. Calculate the total number of hot snacks can be able to from the indicator of 400 grams of delicacies per person.

A festive wedding banquet is customary to start with a solemn meeting of young, impossible without punishing. Then, according to tradition, this cake of the bride and groom cut on an equal amount, treating them all guests. In order for all participants in the banquet to try a loaf, you need to calculate the exact weight of the finished product. The mass of each piece of this solemn cake is approximately 150 grams: if you are invited to the wedding of 40 guests, then the loaf order weighing 6 kg.

In the Wedding menu, cake must be turned on. The confectionery masterpiece will be the final emphasis of your celebration. And in order for the cake to wait for the climax, without losing its form during the summer heat, it is necessary to organize its delivery to the place of the banquet in nature three hours before the start of the solemn removal. By ordering a confectionery, follow the following recommendations:

  1. In order for all invited to appreciate the taste of a wedding cake, it is necessary to correctly calculate its size and weight. To find out the right weight of the confectionery product, experienced confectioners recommend each invited guest to schedule 200 grams of the finished cake. For example, for a wedding of 50 people you need to order a 10-kilogram pastry masterpiece. For accurate calculation, use the standard formula: 200 grams of the cake * The number of invited guests \u003d the required weight of the finished product.
  2. The shape of the wedding cake will also depend on the calculated mass. The confectionery weighing up to 3 kg is recommended to arrange a round or square shape, avoiding the use of tiers. But if you have a cake from 5 kg, then you can already order a bunk dessert.

An integral part of the wedding is the presence of cool non-alcoholic beverages in the menu. Summer sultry heat, mobile contests, planting dances will constantly cause a feeling of thirst with newlyweds and invited guests. It is necessary to take into account the tastes of all those present so that relatives and friends felt care of each. Among non-alcoholic beverages, the optimal option will be used for the wedding:

  • fruit juices;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • mineral water with gas;
  • competitions from dried fruits;
  • lemonade;
  • morse.

Such an assortment in the menu will allow the guests of your wedding to choose a drink to your taste, which is easy to quench thirst in nature. Before making the menu of the required drinks, you need to calculate their number. Proper calculation will help avoid errors when buying an extra or missing drink. During a banquet at a summer wedding, one guest can have an average of up to two liters of fluid. Therefore, if the wedding is scheduled for 50 guests, then you need to purchase 100 liters of various non-alcoholic beverages. For example, enable in the Wedding menu:

  • 25 liters of compote dried fruit,
  • 25 l mineral water,
  • 20 l fruit juices
  • 30 l lemonade.

It is not worth the wedding to turn into limitless drinking of alcoholic beverages. Take care that invited guests can distract from excessive alcohol use and participate in competitions. Nature should not be a reason for the unleashed behavior of those present. Therefore, to accurately calculate the amount of alcohol, you need to stick to a simple calculation rule:

  • 1 bottle of champagne for two people
  • 1 bottle of vodka for three or four,
  • 1 bottle of wine for one (dry, semi-dry),
  • 1 bottle of brandy on three or four.

For example, for a wedding for forty person, you need to purchase:

  • champagne - 14-20 bottles.
  • wine - 20 white and 20 bottles of red,
  • cognac - 5-10 bottles.
  • vodka - 5-10 bottles.

If the wedding day is unbearable heat, then a strong emphasis on a strong alcohol is not recommended. Cook the light alcoholic cocktails that are associated with summer nature: Daikiri, Mojito, Pina-Colada, Punch harmoniously fit into the banquet menu, raise the mood to guests and make a wedding with a memorable celebration. Even the usual champagne you will be able to diversify in nature if you feed it in the cooled form with the addition of berries.

In order for the wedding, organized in nature, was at the highest level, you need to make a banquet menu in advance. Even if the celebrations will pass in nature, it is not necessary to be limited to cold snacks. The full-fledged wedding menu should include hot meat dishes, sandwiches, dessert. The approximate banquet menu of the wedding in nature includes the following treats:

1. Cold and hot wedding snacks:

  • footwash,
  • sausage, meat cutting,
  • smoked fish,
  • tile
  • meat salad to choose
  • vegetable salad,
  • sauces
  • bread,
  • liver with onions
  • greek salad,
  • vegetable kebabs,
  • sudak under vegetables,
  • swine bokings.

2. Basic hot dishes for wedding:

  • stuffed duck
  • baked chicken fences
  • steaks or kebabs,
  • chest with cheese
  • fish steaks
  • pilaf.

3. Desserts and drinks for the wedding in nature:

The celebration of the traditional wedding takes place for two days. Continuing to celebrate the celebration in nature, it is worth considering that the selection of dishes for the second wedding menu should not be so diverse. For a summer wedding, turn on the assortment of skewers, grilled vegetables, 3 types of salads, 5 snacks and two main dishes. The beginning of the feast in nature can start with the treats with hot solickens, spilled into portioning dishes for each invited.

Three days before the expected wedding date, it is necessary to purchase the meat that you will use on the second day for the preparation of kebab. Please note that each guest will require a minimum of 250 grams of pork. For example, for a wedding for 40 people you need to purchase 9-14 kg of meat. It is advisable to buy vegetables and mushrooms in parallel to treat guest-vegetarian guests. An excellent replacement option will be a vegetable kebab from eggplant and sweet pepper, cooked on the barbecue.

Significantly save the budget of the newlyweds will help a menu consisting of dishes cooked personally. If you plan to independently organize a wedding in nature, we offer several options for the original snack recipes, hot and desserts for the wedding menu. The proportions of the ingredients in the proposed dishes are designed for a wedding of 20 people.

Roots with red fish and cheese in Armenian legaws

To prepare portion rolls, the following components are needed:

  • armenian Lavash - 4 large leaf,
  • soft melted cheese - 300 grams,
  • bunch of dill
  • fillet of red trout or salmon - 400 grams.
  1. Put the table with a thin leaf of the Armenian lava and spread the thin layer of soft drown cheese on top.
  2. Then sprinkle with chopped dill and lay out thin plates of red fish fillets.
  3. Roll into the roll and put in the refrigerator. Before feeding to the table, a ready snack must be cut into small pieces.

Appetizer "Rafaello" for the open-air wedding

  • crab sticks - 300 g,
  • melted raws - 6 pcs.,
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp,
  • salt - pinch,
  • boiled egg - 4 pcs.
  1. Melted cheese, eggs rod and mix with mayonnaise, salt.
  2. Then we form small balls, and we decorate with grab chopstones from above.
  3. Insert on the plates and submit to the wedding table.

Fried shrimps with garlic sauce for a wedding

  • 20 tiger shrimps,
  • 5 tbsp. olive oil,
  • salt - 0, 5 teaspoons,
  • parsley - beam,
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp,
  • creamy oil - 150 grams,
  • 4 garlic teeth,
  • pepper - to taste.

Dish cooking process:

  1. Tiger shrimps penetrate with wooden skewers and fry in olive oil by adding lemon juice, salt and parsley greens.
  2. Then you prepare the sauce. To do this, the butter needs to melt and mix with extruded garlic, pepper and salt.
  3. After that, each sinking with shrimps we water garlic sauce and serve to the table.

Chicken liver with bacon for wedding in nature

One of the main dishes in the wedding menu is considered a chicken liver with bacon. For cooking you need such ingredients:

  • chicken liver - 1 kg,
  • bacon - 20 plates,
  • ginger - 200 grams,
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp,
  • salt, pepper - to taste,
  • red wine - 3 tbsp.
  1. Chicken liver must be washed, salt and pepper.
  2. Then we take the bacon plate and wrap in each chicken liver, fixing the toothpick.
  3. We lay out the obtained envelopes on the baking sheet, watering with top with a special sauce. For its cooking you need soy sauce to mix with grated ginger and wine.
  4. We put the roaster in the oven for half an hour and serve to the table in the hot form.

Light fruit salad with wedding sauce

For this dessert, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • apple - 10 pcs.,
  • kiwi - 5 pcs.,
  • pear - 5 pcs,
  • banana - 5 pcs,
  • walnuts - 200 grams,
  • orange - 1 pc.,
  • fruit yogurt 2% - 0.5 l,
  • sugar powder - to taste.

The process of cooking fruit salad consists of several stages:

  1. The necessary ingredients cut into small cubes, mix and lay out into portioning dishes.
  2. Then yogurt and sugar powder whipped with a blender and water the resulting fruit salad sauce.
  3. Each pile is on top of decorating walnuts and serve in a cold form.

Lemonade with orange lemon juice for a wedding

For a summer wedding in nature, the recipe for fruit lemonade will help thoroughly thoroughly. To cook it you will need:

  • water without gas - 6 liters,
  • oranges - 3 pcs.,
  • lemon - 2 pcs.,
  • sugar - 8 tbsp,
  • a few mint leaves.
  1. From oranges and lemons, press the juice and pour into the cooled water.
  2. Then the zest of all citrus is cut into small cubes, and then add to lemonade.
  3. At the very end of cooking, they dissolve sugar in water.
  4. Ready lemonade must be pouring into jugs, and on top to decorate mint leaves from above.