Increased fetal movements at 29 weeks gestation. What do the movements say (29 weeks pregnant)? Necessary research. Analyzes

Your baby's weight is about 1170 grams. In the uterus, it is already becoming cramped, so you can feel the elbows and heels well, resting against your tummy and under the ribs.

For the term “ pregnancy 29 weeks "stirring visible on the surface of your tummy - you can already see protruding body parts. Ah, what a fun guessing game you will have in the next few weeks!

29 weeks pregnant
- the period of preparation of your baby for birth. Your own temperature the baby already knows how to control, because 29 weeks pregnant promotes even greater accumulation of subcutaneous fat.
His kidneys work intensively - the crumb excretes about half a liter of urine into the amniotic fluid every day. The immune system is already working. Your child is already quite proportionally folded, his hair grows, his eyes are able to focus.

29 weeks pregnant
- the time of intensive work of the adrenal glands in the baby, now they produce the male sex hormone, reaching the placenta, it turns into estrogen. All this is an excellent stimulation of the production of prolactin in the mother's body (it is thanks to him that you produce milk).

It seems to you that the uterus is growing by leaps and bounds. If you meet expectant mothers whose term is 29 weeks pregnant, for example, on forum, everyone will almost unanimously begin to complain that the uterus is compressing all internal organs, so you have to constantly run to the toilet, suffer from heartburn and shortness of breath.

It happens that 29 weeks pregnant may induce labor. If you suspect that labor has begun, drop all your business and immediately lie on your side. Call your doctor right away for advice on what to do. Quite often, it is enough to lie in bed so that the contractions are interrupted and premature birth does not occur.

The 29th week of pregnancy is the period when one of the most significant complications may occur - late toxicosis. It is characterized by edema, the appearance of protein in the urine and an increase in blood pressure. So that this complication does not arise, it is recommended, first of all, to monitor your weight. Further, it is necessary to control the proportions of the drunk and emitted liquid - per day - no more than one and a half liters. In addition, you need good nutrition, but you should not salt the food.

29 weeks pregnant
can cause another trouble - fainting in your own bed. This happens in the supine position - the uterus presses on the inferior vena cava, the pressure drops and as a result - fainting. That is why, dear future mothers, rest only on your side.

29 weeks pregnant
- a period of increased work of your kidneys. After all, they have to remove residual water and other waste from the blood. Working more actively, the kidneys reduce the formation of edema.

29 weeks pregnant
makes some pregnant women panic: tests are out of order again! 29 weeks pregnant showed in urine ketone bodies! In most cases, ketone bodies are found in diabetes mellitus, some infectious diseases, poisoning, diet without carbohydrates. This can be a sign of late toxicosis.
In any case, this means that mom and baby are lacking in nutrients. Therefore, a deeper examination and consultation with a doctor is necessary. But don't worry! A strict diet prescribed by experts often helps.

for the term “ pregnancy 29 weeks»Is prescribed only as prescribed by a doctor, there is no need to carry it out with a normal pregnancy.

29 weeks pregnant belly aches
? This can even be observed normally, for example, when the baby is actively moving. For the term “ 29 week of pregnancy "this means that the uterus comes to tone.Of course , in no case should such pains be constant or get worse. In this situation, contact your doctor immediately.

Belly at 29 weeks pregnant
seems crowded to you. In order to alleviate your situation, you should always take a comfortable position, eat right, rest as soon as you feel tired and engage in stretching physical exercises. Don't forget about bandages and stretch marks!
The placenta is no longer as dense as it used to be, so you cannot eat smoked, spicy, pickled. The only thing that can allow you in large quantities 29 weeks pregnantthis is fresh air.

Your breasts are getting ready to feed the baby, a translucent sticky liquid - colostrum - is released from the nipples. Your baby will suck it until milk begins to be produced. Catch the passing moments!

Your 29 weeks pregnant must certainly stay on photo! Experiment! Selected photo can be made in black and white, artistic, with carefully selected backgrounds. Take pictures in a natural setting too! After all 29 weeks pregnant can also be different: cheerful and mischievous or peaceful and calm, let all your moods be reflected in photo!

There are movements at the 29th week of pregnancy and every mother should already go on official maternity leave. Many women are already beginning to buy a dowry for the baby, and some zealously avoid it - they are afraid to jinx it. In any case, no one forbade anyone to go shopping during this period and just look after things, furniture and a stroller for the future, because it is such a pleasure!

29 weeks pregnant, wiggle, fetal ultrasound

At this stage, the baby continues to grow and develop intensively, but the uterus no longer grows so intensively. The child has already become strong enough, so his tremors are really quite noticeable.

Most often, the interpretation of an ultrasound scan during pregnancy at this time determines the position of the fetus, which will remain until delivery. It will already be hard enough for the baby to completely roll over. The cephalic presentation is the most acceptable option for the normal course of labor. This position makes it possible to go through childbirth as quickly and painlessly as possible.

If the fetus has taken a transverse position, or its buttocks are located below, then the doctor must suggest a special set of exercises that increases the likelihood of an independent coup.

A good pregnancy ultrasound will show that most of the internal organs of the fetus are fully developed and functioning on their own. Now the baby is actively gaining mass due to muscles and subcutaneous fats. Although closer to childbirth, he will double, or even triple his weight. Now the child cannot make any large movements, only push with his legs and arms.

Planned ultrasounds during pregnancy at 29 weeks will show that all 300 fetal bones have developed and are ready for childbirth. Over time, some of them join, so a person enters adulthood with 206 bones.

White fat, which is now accumulating intensively, is fundamentally different from brown fat in its purpose. Brown fat accumulates before white fat, since it plays a very important role in the thermoregulation process. White fat, in turn, is a source of energy. It will continue to be deposited in the baby even during infancy to ensure further intensive growth.

Ultrasound rates during pregnancy at week 29 are the adorable baby cheeks! Also, the doctor will be able to accurately determine the future gender of the baby. The doctor will give a detailed assessment of heart rhythms, physical activity, as well as the location of the fetus.

Changes in the mother's body. What to expect at week 29?

During this period, the volume of circulating blood in the female body is doubled.

Blood increases in volume due to plasma, therefore, the corpuscular elements become less and less in relation to the constantly growing amount of plasma. To a greater extent, this applies to erythrocytes (red blood cells). Erythrocytes are involved in the transport of oxygen, which is vital for the body of the mother and fetus, this is reflected in the movements at 29 weeks.

The increase in the volume of circulating blood, as well as the mechanical pressure of the uterus, often further exacerbate the problem of varicose veins: in the rectum, on the legs and in the uterus. In case of urgent need, the attending physician should prescribe safe treatment and give recommendations for the management of labor. You may need special compression stockings or knee-highs for childbirth.

An enlarged uterus can trigger heartburn. You should try to eat in small portions, but more often. Do not gorge yourself before going to bed! If all these tips did not help, then you should use medications, they will give relief.


It is recommended to control weight throughout pregnancy. In the 3rd trimester, the increase should not exceed (approximately) 50 g in 24 hours or 350 g in 7 days. By the 29th week, a woman should gain no more than 11-12 kg in weight. If more has been recruited, then together with the observing doctor, you need to choose a suitable diet. In no case should you do this yourself, since the fetus must receive the necessary complex of vitamins every day. Only a doctor can select a schedule, amount of food and food items needed for this period.

Childbirth at 29 weeks gestation

It is necessary to scrupulously treat the movements at 29 weeks and normal childbirth is still relatively far away - 12 weeks (3 months). But today, unfortunately, no woman is immune from their premature start. There are many reasons for this, here are some of them:

  • The gestational age was incorrectly determined;
  • Serious diseases of the expectant mother;
  • Previous abortion;
  • Intrauterine device not removed in advance;
  • Death of a child;
  • Malformations of the baby;
  • Insufficiency of the cervix;
  • Early interruption of the membranes;
  • Placenta previa;
  • Placental abruption;
  • Polyhydramnios;
  • Excessively large uterus;
  • Malformations of the uterus (for example, its doubling).

It happens that the causes of premature birth cannot be established. In any case, everything should take place under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Sometimes it happens that giving birth to a child at this time is the best way out of the situation.

For example, when the baby does not receive adequate nutrition, the doctor decides that there is no need to wear the baby. It should be noted that all these cases are very rare, so do not worry, unnecessary excitement is useless now! Of course, the longer the baby stays in the mother's belly from the measured period, the better. During this time, he will carefully prepare for a meeting with a completely different world. To do this, you need to check the perturbations at week 29.

At week 29, slight movements. Don't be alarmed. After all, premature babies need qualified medical care, modern equipment for full-fledged feeding and nursing. They require considerable financial costs and a lot of patience. After that, you will need a lot of attention, affection and warmth. Most importantly, a baby born at 29 weeks is able to survive. His immune system is already fully functional and capable of protecting the body.

29 weeks pregnant
29 weeks pregnant is the last working week! at the end of this week you will most likely receive the coveted sick leave and completely immerse yourself in preparing for the appearance of the baby. There are only 9-10 weeks left!

Week 29 is the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, it may be hard for you, but there is very little left, do not rush the time, enjoy these minutes of pregnancy. Rest, but do not forget about hiking, collect dowry for the baby, look after the crib and stroller. In general, completely immerse yourself in pleasant worries!

By the 29th week of pregnancy, a woman's weight increases by an average of 7 kg, someone will add less, someone a little more. Both are the norm. But it is better not to allow large increases, because this can make labor difficult. A large baby and an overweight mom is usually a difficult birth. Therefore, pay attention to weight gain, and if the cause of excess weight is not swelling, balance your diet. Limit flour, sweet and fatty foods. Lean on fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish. Weekly weight gain in the third trimester should not exceed 300 grams.

The movements of the baby at the 29th week of pregnancy become less active, but more noticeable. The amount of amniotic fluid is becoming less and less, and the weight of the child is increasing, it becomes stronger every day, there is nothing surprising in the fact that you now feel the movements very well. Sometimes, in a calm atmosphere, it seems that the belly is living its own life, dancing, you can even distinguish the elbows, heels of your baby. If you feel uncomfortable, try changing your posture, it often helps. Children move very actively when they lack oxygen, for example, in a stuffy room, walk more.

Old friends - heartburn and constipation - may come to the fore at 29 weeks gestation. Progesterone relaxes the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, plus, more and more filling of the abdominal cavity as a result - a slowdown in digestion - heartburn, gas and constipation. To prevent constipation, eat more fiber-rich foods, drink more fluids, and exercise more.

The growing uterus contributes to the appearance of another "pleasant moment" - hemorrhoids. Bloated blood vessels in the rectal area are normal in the second half of pregnancy and usually go away sometime after delivery.

Some may notice during this stage of pregnancy that lying on their back for a long time and standing up suddenly cause dizziness. You should not lie on your back for too long, thereby squeezing the vena cava and blocking your blood flow, just as you should not stand up suddenly, because now your fall from dizziness can harm your baby.

Your baby

The baby at the 29th week of pregnancy continues to do his job - to eat, sleep and actively grow to the delight of his mother. His weight by this week of pregnancy is already more than a kilogram - this is 1100-1300 grams. And its length is about 37 cm. If suddenly the baby is born this week, he may already be able to breathe on his own and to some extent keep warm. But it is better to let it wait for its due date), the baby begins to accumulate white fat and quickly gain weight. He already has round cheeks. This is designed by nature to provide your baby with the sucking ability it needs to survive. The legs and arms are still very thin.

Perhaps the baby is already correctly positioned in the mother's stomach - head down. But if this has not happened yet, there is no reason to worry. He still has a lot of time to take the correct position. The baby is already very similar to the newborn - all that remains is to gain weight and prepare the lungs. Hearing, taste, smell, vision are formed almost like a newborn. A baby at 29 weeks pregnant is able to distinguish between light and darkness, and even primary colors. True, he still cannot focus his vision, everything blurred before his eyes with colored spots. He is too farsighted, but his eyesight will improve significantly by birth. The kidneys work great and remove about half a liter of urine per day. Enamel appears on teeth hidden deep under the gums.

30 weeks pregnant

30 weeks pregnant - and here he is the long-awaited maternity leave! It's time to start preparations for the appearance of the baby, collect the bag for the maternity hospital, the first aid kit for the newborn, equip the baby nest at home. Now you need to listen to music, read books, fantasize, introducing your baby, and be sure to walk every day. Often mothers notice at this time the first colostrum discharge from the breast - the harbingers of the natural process of breastfeeding.

You need to carefully monitor your health. In addition to the previous sensations, at the 30th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may feel:

  • numbness of the fingers. An unpleasant sensation of numbness and tingling in the fingertips is especially common after sleep. This condition, which is noted in more than half of pregnant women, is associated with excessive accumulation of fluid in the extremities, which leads to swelling of the wrists and circulatory disorders in the hands. Another reason for numbness, as well as soreness and tingling in the fingers and toes, can be the fact that at a certain position of the body, the uterus compresses the nerve endings.
  • sore feet and thighs (restless legs syndrome) is a sensory-motor disorder that manifests itself in erratic movements and twitching of the legs during an evening rest or a night's sleep when the woman is lying quietly. This condition can become a serious obstacle to proper rest, although it does not pose any danger and goes away without any treatment after childbirth. Restless legs syndrome is associated with a lack of iron, folate, and blood congestion in the veins of the lower body.
At a gestational age of 30 weeks, fetal movements are felt somewhat less often. There is less space in the uterus with each week of pregnancy, but the baby becomes stronger and stronger, and these movements are felt very clearly, almost painful.

Continue to control your weight gain. It is important not to miss the onset of fluid retention in the body associated with gestosis. Edema is one of the main symptoms of preeclampsia. You can notice their appearance on your own, shoes and rings become tight, fingers swell, and you feel it clenching your hand into a fist. It is worth complaining to your gynecologist if you add more than 500 grams per week or notice that you have become swollen.

Your baby

At 30 weeks of gestation, the baby can overcome the weight limit of 1500 grams, and the height is about 40-42 cm. The brain continues to develop intensively and increase in size, so the volume of the baby's head also increases. The flexibility and pliability of the bones of his skull not only allow the brain to quickly increase its volume, but also help the baby's head pass through the birth canal relatively freely. Such properties of the bones of the skull and their joints will persist for some time after childbirth.

The baby's liver accumulates iron, which will participate in the formation of blood cells in the first year of his life.

The behavior of a child at this stage of pregnancy is no different from that of a newborn: he plays, blinks when a bright light falls on his stomach, yawns and stretches. At 30 weeks of gestation, your baby still hears loud internal noises. The beating of the mother's heart and the noise of the blood flow in the vessels, the rumbling intestines create an even, stable sound background that accompanies the child all the time. Through it outside, the voices of people are heard, including mom and dad, mom's voice also resonates in her body, the baby hears it in a special way. Active children, while still in the womb, behave very actively, often move, push hard, and calm babies love to sleep even before birth.

31 weeks pregnant

At the 31st week of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus has already risen 8 cm above the navel. The skin on the abdomen stretches, becomes thinner, and can itch as a result. In many expectant mothers, the umbilical cavity begins to flatten. Weight gain from the beginning of pregnancy can be up to 12 kg. With the exit to maternity, the risk that you will completely stop moving increases, do not relax, if your health allows, take daily walks, the baby needs fresh air, do simple exercises for pregnant women, visit the pool, and preparation courses for childbirth.

However, it becomes more and more difficult to go for walks, legs quickly get tired and swell. Many expectant mothers at this time begin to develop symptoms of varicose veins. When walking and standing, the lower back bends forward to compensate for the weight of the abdomen. This leads to back pain and rapid fatigue. You should plan your walks in such a way that you can periodically rest, sitting or even lying down. To relieve the spine and improve the outflow of urine, expectant mothers are recommended to be in the knee-elbow position at least four times a day for about 10 minutes. To do this, you need to get on all fours, and lower your shoulders and head below hips. For convenience, you can place a pillow under your elbows. This position is also very useful for varicose veins of the vagina and hemorrhoids. It also helps to normalize the tone of the uterus and improves the supply of oxygen to the fetus, as it relieves stress on the uterine arteries and the inferior vena cava.

Your baby
By the 31st week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus mainly increases due to muscle and adipose tissue, and white fat accumulates, deposited on the face, arms and legs. The kid rounds up and does not look as thin as before. His most recently red and wrinkled skin is visibly smoothed and thicker, taking on a white-pink color. It continues to accumulate the subcutaneous fat layer and its skin becomes lighter and lighter, and the thermoregulation system is already able to maintain a normal body temperature. The pupils of the baby begin to react to light, and his gaze is now able to focus. During this period, the child develops a corneal reflex, which manifests itself in the fact that the baby's eyelids immediately close, protecting the pupil, if something, for example, his finger approaches the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye. In all children, the intrauterine eye color is gray-blue, and the iris begins to acquire one or another individual shade a few weeks after birth.

The baby sleeps most of the time. During this period of development, it is characterized by sleep in a fast phase, when the brain is actively functioning, and the child dreams. Nerve connections in his body continue to be actively improved, and nerve fibers are covered with a myelin sheath. It protects the nerve and increases the speed of transmission of nerve impulses. This allows the baby to perceive and assimilate new information.

The child's liver produces bile and begins to cleanse his blood of harmful substances.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the child's body becomes more and more adapted to life outside with each day spent in the uterus.

The amount of generic lubricant increases, it accumulates in natural folds, its task is to protect the skin from amniotic fluid and facilitate childbirth. A fetus at 31 weeks pregnant can do a lot. His reflexes for birth are becoming more and more perfect. He already knows how to perfectly suck and swallow, which is what he does, swallowing amniotic fluid. He feels their taste, and his appetite depends on what his mother ate, if she treats herself to sweets, the baby will swallow more often.

32 weeks pregnant
At the 32nd week of pregnancy, an ultrasound is prescribed, a gestation period of 31-32 weeks is a screening one, that is, when an ultrasound is performed for everyone with a preventive purpose. Since the amount of amniotic fluid has decreased, the baby has taken the correct position, which probably will not change. You can assess its height and weight and compliance with the gestational age, whether there is intrauterine growth retardation.

At 32 weeks of gestation, the placenta is also in its final place, migration is over and if there is a presentation, it will remain until delivery. You can also assess the state of the placenta, whether everything is in order, whether it is coping with its functions. The development of the placenta has long ceased, and it begins to age. Aging is understood as a decrease in the functionality of the placenta, and if the mother does not lead the correct lifestyle, smokes or has had ARVI, aging accelerates. This can lead to the fact that its function becomes insufficient for the full provision of the child, and he begins to suffer from a lack of oxygen and nutrients. This is called placental insufficiency. An important symptom of it is a change in the nature of the child's movements.

Your baby
At 32 weeks of gestation, the baby already weighs about 1800-2000 grams, and his height can be about 42 cm.

In the baby's body, the immune system intensively produces antibodies to protect it from environmental hazards in the first weeks after childbirth.

The nervous system continues to improve. The child's brain is fully formed, its cortex is covered with convolutions, cycles of activity, all nervous reactions and most reflexes have formed. When born prematurely at 32 weeks of gestation, a premature baby is quite capable of crying emotionally. The baby is already able to rejoice and be upset, feel pain and pleasure. Thanks to the development of special nerve endings, proprioceptors, which transmit information from muscles to the central nervous system, the baby is able to better coordinate his movements and be aware of the position of his arms, legs or head.

The child's endocrine system is fully functioning, and his adrenal glands begin to produce a special hormone, under the influence of which prolactin is produced in the woman's body, which is responsible for stimulating lactation.

The child's head becomes more proportional in relation to the body, and at this time it already has hairs; in blondes, they are usually more rare and thin.

As the subcutaneous fat grows, the fluff that covers the child's body becomes unnecessary and gradually falls out. Sometimes this process does not have time to complete before delivery and continues in the first days of a newborn's life.

The baby at 32 weeks of gestation has almost completed its development, only the lungs are ripening. Childbirth at 32 weeks of pregnancy is no longer so dangerous, even those newborns who were born in not the most favorable conditions survive, for example, in preterm maternity hospitals that do not have departments for nursing. Their only significant problem is the need for heat and oxygen therapy, since the lungs have not yet matured. However, lung maturation can now be helped by injecting an artificial surfactant into the baby's trachea immediately after delivery. This substance is necessary for the expansion of the lungs after childbirth, and is normally produced by them in sufficient quantities by 35-36 weeks of pregnancy.

Around this time, the baby occupies the position in the uterus in which he will be born. Most often this is a head-down position, however, in some cases, the presentation of the fetus may be different. However, there is still time before childbirth and the baby can still take the correct position.

How big is your baby this week? He or she now weighs about 1.4 kg and is about 43 cm tall. Even though the baby is approaching actual length at birth, the baby is still overweight. In fact, over the next 11 weeks, your baby will become more than 2 or even 3 times heavier in weight. And, as it grows and gets stronger in your womb, you will feel less leg movement and more often elbow or knee pushing.

What Happens at 29 Weeks of Pregnancy?

Unsightly but harmless veins or just swollen blood vessels often appear on the surface of your body for the first time during pregnancy, especially if your mom or grandmother also suffered from it. You may have a mild form of this condition (that is, mild soreness and swelling of the blood vessels) or a situation of moderate severity in which bulging blue veins appear and hurt, usually from the ankle to the thigh. How can all this unbearable sinewness be relieved? Above all, try to control your weight and avoid hard work.

Counting fetal movements, contractions at the 29th week.

Have you counted how many times your little one kicked today? Once you've passed the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy, you owe it every single day. If you don't know yet, then this is necessary in order to make sure that everything is in order, both in the morning and in the evening (2 times a day). It is best to do the counting while lying down, as babies are more likely to kick when their mom is lying down.

If you can't lie down, then sit down and start counting any movements, including somersaults in your stomach, until you reach 10. If within an hour your little astronaut went on a break and stopped counting, do the same: have a snack and try again. The fact is that the appearance of sugar in the blood contributes to the increased activity of the child. Just remember that less than ten movements in two hours is a serious cause for concern. Most likely, everything is fine, but it is always better to play it safe than to regret later about carelessness and inaction.

  • Photos of tummies:

Symptoms and pain in the 29th week of pregnancy:

Constipation: We have already talked with you that pregnancy hormones provoke relaxation of the muscles in your intestines, and this automatically leads to the fact that the digestive system can become blocked. One way to get things back on track is to eat yoghurts with probiotic acidophilus (read about) as it helps digestion and detoxification.

Accidental headache: For headaches (or even migraines), it is strongly recommended that you go to a quiet and dark room with a cold compress on your neck or forehead. Read during this period, you will find the answers you need.

Hemorrhoids: If veins in the rectum have already begun to bulge as a result of increased pressure and blood flow to the pelvic area, you cannot avoid discomfort and irritation in one interesting place. Try using gentle tissues or soaking soft toilet paper in warm water, and drinking plenty of fluids to keep your stools free.

Forgetfulness: Unsurprisingly, your brain feels especially hazy these days, as pregnancy hormones are wreaking havoc in your head; in addition, the volume of brain cells decreases during the third trimester. Try not to take this temporary state to heart, otherwise you will become even more inadequate.

Itchy stomach: Your stretched belly makes your skin dry and irritated. Try applying a moisturizer and compressing oatmeal soaked in a warm bath to relieve unbearable itching.

Skin, hair and nail changes: Yes, your nails may grow faster now than ever, but they can become dry and brittle. Start trimming them regularly.

Difficulty sleeping: If heartburn is preventing you from sleeping at night, don't eat too much or even snack before bed. Also, avoid coffee and chocolate in the evening, as these antidepressants will definitely keep you awake.

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