Exercises for the development of mental abilities. The development of mental abilities in adults: exercises and recommendations

Exercises for the development of intellectual abilities

The development of thinking, logic, memory, attention, observation, perception, verbal and non-verbal intelligence. Burime, limericks, riddles as a means of intellectual development. Logical tasks, questions on the development of logic are given. Exercise-warm-up in the procedure of group training. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants play the game as if they are "thoughtholics" and want to be cured of it. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants are shown a table with 25 letters for a short time, then from memory they should make words from these letters. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants find analogies in unrelated things. The exercise is aimed at developing wit and intelligence in general. The exercise will help to reveal intellectual abilities, actualize hidden potential and develop wit. Development of skills and habits to compare different kinds of objects, phenomena. The exercise will allow you to somewhat develop the intellect by increasing the objective power of thought. The exercise is intended for individual use. It will help you learn how to make a verbal portrait, quickly memorize the appearance of other people, their characteristic features. Develops visual memory. It's not easy to think without a mat. But it is necessary if you want to increase your intelligence. The procedure of group psychological training. Aimed at the disclosure of intellectual abilities. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants memorize various poses. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants come up with hieroglyphs, write down their thoughts with them. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants are looking for an extra four-digit number. The procedure of group psychological training. It is aimed at the development of observation and visual memory. The exercise will help increase your intellectual level due to the development of combinatorial abilities. It never hurts to look at the world through the eyes of a fool: on the one hand, this will increase your respect for your own intellect, for your achievements in the intellectual field, and on the other hand, it can help expand your worldview, find new, useful truths in a wide variety of fields of knowledge! The procedure of group psychological training. Participants train in abstraction-concretization. An exercise to develop observation, the ability to quickly assess the personal qualities of other people. The exercise is intended for the development of conceptual thinking and intelligence in general. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants try to remember the algorithm for performing actions with numbers. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants offer multiple interpretations of the same story. A little exercise will help to develop the flexibility of thinking very effectively. The exercise will help develop intellectual abilities through the disclosure of analytical abilities. Exercise develops observation, intellectual abilities. The procedure of group psychological training. It can be used both in intelligence trainings and as an intellectual warm-up of other trainings. Participants choose rhymes. The exercise will help develop observation, the ability to understand people, understand their problems. The procedure of group psychological training. Each participant receives a secret instruction on how to behave; others have to guess. The exercise is aimed at the development of observation. A well-known exercise aimed at developing intellectual flexibility. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants solve anagrams: not only letters are mixed up, but also words. The procedure of group psychological training. The exercise is aimed at revealing intellectual abilities, developing the ability to understand people. The procedure of group psychological training aimed at developing intellectual abilities. Develops the ability to think logically and rationally. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants come up with superpowers for themselves. The exercise is aimed at developing fluency of thinking. The procedure of group intellectual training. Participants deduce various amusing conclusions from the given axiom that "everything is relative." The procedure of group or individual intellectual training. Participants put things in order in the words of proverbs. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants compete among themselves - who will come up with the longest hiatus (a series of vowels in a meaningful sentence). The procedure of group psychological training. Participants pretend to be chess pieces. The procedure of group psychological training aimed at the development of intellectual abilities. Well suited for the emancipation of the group, getting to know the participants among themselves (to start the training). It is necessary to leave only those words that designate something similar objects, and one word "superfluous", which does not have this feature, should be excluded. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants are divided into 2-3 teams, they collectively count in their minds. Intellectual empowerment. Exercises aimed at developing memory through expanding the amount of memory, mastering special techniques of memorization and recall. A few exercises for the development of memory in adolescents. Development of voluntary attention, as well as individual characteristics of attention. The development of imagination, fantasy. Development of analytical and combinatorial abilities. No one will be superfluous to develop their imagination. A good imagination allows our memory to work more efficiently and effectively, and is also a reliable support for our thinking, allowing us to operate with complex images. One way to develop the imagination is through poetry. Changing habitual temporal relationships. Changing habitual spatial relationships. Changing habitual community ties. Several games for the development of visual memory. The main thing in the development of visual-figurative thinking is to teach how to create new images, to liberate imagination. This exercise, or rather a cycle of exercises, is designed to develop speed reading skills. Several games for the development of tactile memory. Several word games. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal intelligence. This technique will help in the development of original ideas, unexpected solutions to the problem. It is intended for uncertain situations in which all possible ways of solving the problem are not clear. Exercises aimed at developing qualitative perception. Development of verbal intelligence. Mastering the mnemonic technique. Development of attention and memory in the process of group training. The exercise is designed to develop memory, verbal intelligence. Development of intelligence in group training. Development of verbal fluency. Formation of the ability to operate with words, accurately express thoughts. verbal fluency. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of conceptual thinking. Development of associative thinking. Development of intuitive perception of the probability of events, tactical abilities. Development of verbal intelligence: restoration of word order in proverbs. The development of concentration. The development of concentration. Development of conceptual thinking. Development of logical thinking. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants come up with a verbal description of the monster. Development of concentration of attention, imagination. Development of verbal intelligence, imagination. Development of verbal fluency. It is necessary to generalize and limit concepts. Development of conceptual thinking. Development of verbal fluency. Development of critical thinking, attention, sense of language. Development of conceptual thinking. Development of attention, sense of language. The development of attention. The development of the imagination. The task is aimed at the breadth of thinking, a comprehensive analysis. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal fluency. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal fluency. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal intelligence. Intellectual empowerment. Development of logical thinking. Formation of installation for a comprehensive analysis of the situation. The task disciplines and deepens thinking. Development of verbal fluency.

The development of intellect in man influenced his formation of Homo sapiens, which separated the human race from the animal world. This is how civilization began to form. An individual living in modern society has the possibility of independent development of intellectual potential, and maintaining the brain in good shape throughout life.

Intelligence: what is it

Intelligence is the mental ability of an individual, which is characterized by relative stability. Translated from Latin - comprehension, awareness. Reason allows not only to imagine, think, feel, perceive. The brain has a number of properties:

  • brain teaser;
  • prognostic;
  • analytical;
  • critical;
  • deductive;
  • ability to concentrate.

The capabilities of the brain are opposed to instincts, patterns of behavior. This means that the intellectual potential is dynamic, it progresses according to the desire of a person.

Regardless of the initial amount of knowledge and thinking skills, any individual is able to increase and expand cognitive abilities to the desired level. The performance of non-standard tasks that "strain" the brain convolutions and break the stereotyped judgment contributes to the achievement of a high level of intellectual capabilities.

A high level of brain development makes it possible to adapt and understand how to act in a new situation. A person with intelligence clearly defines the problem and optimally solves it.

Types of intelligence

The division of mental abilities into certain types contradicts the famous test that determines the level of IQ. While the theory of differentiated intelligence states that each individual to some extent develops all intellectual variations.

By the way! Doctor of Psychology, D. Flynn, based on the results of large-scale world studies of IQ values, found that the coefficient has increased over 50 years.

The American psychologist Gardner identifies the following types of intelligence:

  • Spatial. A person easily navigates in space, creating routes and moves in an unknown area, situation. Often architects, drivers, designers, chess players own this type.
  • Musical. Predisposition to a clear differentiation of sounds, melodies, tones, rhythm, which is characteristic of musicians, singers.
  • bodily-kinesthetic. The ability to control the body, clearly balancing. Dancers, gymnasts, acrobats are endowed with this variety.
  • Linguistic. The ability to intuitively realize the correct spelling, pronunciation, meaning and compatibility of lexical units. Propensity to study foreign languages.
  • Logico-mathematical. A predisposition to finding the relationship between numbers, dates, facts, which is characteristic of scientists.
  • Naturalistic. The ability to find differences between natural phenomena, to distinguish the gifts of flora.
  • interpersonal. A person socializes in society, interacts well with people, capturing their mood.
  • Intrapersonal. The ability to recognize and feel inner experiences and emotions, to understand how to manage them.

According to this classification, each individual has an innate predisposition to certain actions. This tendency indicates the types of intelligence to which a person belongs. That is why one person cannot always contain several abilities.

How to develop intellectual abilities in adults

The subconscious, as the most important element of intellectual activity, enters into the processes of mental activity only when there is a motive. A well-known Russian business coach, Maxim Potashev, claims that any motive or reward affects brain activity, activating it.

Psychologists say that the level of intelligence is directly dependent on the hereditary factor and the life experience of a person. Cognitive abilities in adults are improved by finding new solutions in an unfamiliar situation.

Interesting! One of the criteria for high intelligence is the ability to intuitively find a way out of a difficult situation.

To understand how to develop intelligence, you first need to stop watching stupid TV shows, serials that do not carry useful information. Constantly make your brain work: solve puzzles, crossword puzzles, create projects.

Oxygen is essential: brain cells are saturated with it, which contributes to mental development. Physical activity is also helpful.

From this it follows that for the development of reason, it is not necessary to memorize corny book rules and facts. It is necessary to solve problems creatively, finding the best option. Intellectual "baggage" increases as you grow older.

The famous Swiss philosopher Jean Piaget believed that the central link in mental development is the intellect. Children easily form the desired pattern of behavior for a particular situation, adapting to it. In the course of such interaction, the child becomes aware of the laws and rules of life.

Based on these conclusions, Piaget identified four stages:

  1. Sensorimotor (0-2 years). A newborn opens the surrounding space with the help of movements and sensory organs, establishes the dependence of personal manipulations and their consequences.
  2. Preoperative (2-7 years). An initial idea of ​​​​objects and their purposes appears. However, many types of experience are not yet available to the child.
  3. Specific operations (7-11 years old). The guys are able to logically manipulate objects, combine them into groups. There is no ability to generalize.
  4. Formal operations (12 years and beyond). A teenager is able to think abstractly, to imagine unrealistic objects. All mind operations are available.

There is a version that intelligence differs in men and women. According to psychologists, the female mind develops intensively up to a certain time, while the male mind gradually develops throughout life.

If a woman wonders how to increase intelligence, then she must answer it before the age of 35. The scientific community believes that the development of the mind and intelligence of older women does not progress. However, some theories refute this version.

Development of memory and intelligence

An integral part of increasing intelligence is the development of memory and speech. Because these mental processes interact with mental and mental abilities.

Memory is a mental function and one of the types of brain activity. The task of memory is to store and reproduce the impressions stored in the mind.

Neuroscientist, Nobel Prize winner - Rita Levi-Montalcini - at the age of 100 participated in scientific conferences, medical congresses. She claims that the human brain is neuroplastic: if some neurons die, then others begin to perform their functions. However, they require constant stimulation.

Make your brain function by keeping it engaged:

  • go in for sports;
  • keep things in the same place;
  • be observant;
  • learn poetry;
  • tell stories;
  • relate abstract ideas to concrete images.

Read more books written in complex language: you will have to make an effort to understand the text. These simple tips will help keep the mind “in good shape”.

Methods for the development of intelligence

The methods are complex in nature. In order to remember all the moments that happened in life in old age, it is necessary in youth. It requires a high degree of self-control, perseverance, willpower.

In addition, the intellect is influenced by the way of life and the quality of nutrition. Frequent stress and conflict destroy the neurons of the brain.

Reason in every possible way hinders the actions of a person for his development. After all, the main purpose of the brain is to store energy. Laziness and idleness contribute to intellectual degradation.

Curious fact! It has been established that the male brain "turns off" after sexual contact. This explains the desire to sleep immediately after intercourse.

Lawrence Katz created a technique that increases the level of intelligence development - neurobics. The essence of the training technique is to perform the usual actions in a new way:

  • vacuum the apartment blindfolded;
  • get to work on a different route;
  • read a book turned upside down
  • watch a movie without sound.

Receiving new impressions, the brain sends a signal to neurons, which are organized into groups to process new impulses.

When looking for literature that enhances intellectual potential, opt for these samples:

  • David Gaimon, Aerobics for the Mind;
  • Olga Kinyakina, "Brain at 100%";
  • Ron Hubbard, Introspection;
  • Alex Lickerman "Invincible Mind";
  • Harry Adler, "Techniques for the Development of Intelligence";
  • Edward de Bono, "Teach Yourself to Think."

Films can also be used as a means for brainstorming, which encourage creative thinking, erasing stereotypes.

It is impossible to become smarter in an instant. Being smart is a way of life, a constant search and overcoming oneself. This is a rather difficult, but at the same time pleasant path. And you can choose how to start it.

1. Exercise Regularly

This improves blood flow and oxygenates the brain, while good physical condition contributes to good mental health. Choose a program that is comfortable for your age and physical abilities. The main thing here is regularity.

2. Make sure you get enough sleep

Numerous studies have shown that sleep deprivation reduces concentration, short-term and long-term memory, problem solving speed, visual and hearing acuity, and slows reaction times. Especially for maintaining good mental health, the right combination of deep and REM sleep is important. Here again, physical exercises from Lifehacker will help you.

3. Eat a healthy, balanced diet

Your brain needs a certain amount of nutrients to function optimally. Diversify your usual menu to get enough vitamins, amino acids and carbohydrates. You don't have to buy supplements for this! We wrote earlier.

4. If you smoke - stop!

5. Reduce your alcohol intake

Alcohol in small amounts, especially when combined with socializing, may be beneficial for some brain functions. But excessive use can lead to acute and chronic impairment of its activity and cause irreversible cognitive impairment.

6. Learn new things regularly

Learn something new, such as foreign languages, playing musical instruments. Learn something you've always wanted to try! This contributes to the plasticity and flexibility of the brain. Learning math is a great exercise in logic and abstract thinking, and it improves concentration, mental stamina, and is guaranteed to raise your IQ by a few points. Use to learn something new.

7. Maintain friendships with smart and educated people

Make regular meetings with them and discuss a wide range of issues - complex intellectual discussions will give you new ideas and perspectives. You will understand how smart people think and express themselves and what you might need to change about yourself.

If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.

Alexander Zhurba, businessman and venture investor

8. Read at least one serious book a week and diversify your reading.

This will improve your vocabulary and verbal intelligence, as well as increase your knowledge and conversational repertoire. Reading must be!

9. Play challenging PC games

Shooters and racing at best develop reaction speed, but do not give you mental stimulation. Choose a game that involves complex rules, strategy, and requires certain mental skills. These are, for example, puzzle games Braid and Portal.

In multiplayer online games, Eve-online has, perhaps, the highest entry threshold.

10. Let go of limiting beliefs about your own intelligence.

Many truly qualified people tend to underestimate their abilities and suffer from a lack of self-confidence. Often the opinions of parents, overly critical (or even incompetent) teachers matter more than the stubborn facts of your success. Believe in yourself and start living a full life!

Each person has his own specific abilities: for some they manifest themselves to a greater extent, and for others to a lesser extent. Intelligence is determined not only by the abilities acquired from the moment of birth. It is the result of learning and further development of thinking through the analysis and synthesis of information received from outside.

Of course, an important role is assigned to the imagination. But still, it contains a certain set of abstract objects. With an increase in horizons, the development of imagination occurs, and memory training is carried out using various methods.

Intelligence and ways of its development

We often ask ourselves the question: how to achieve the development of our intellect? You can develop your intellect through exercise. The main thing is that you need to conduct classes regularly.

The following are ways to develop intelligence:

  • games and activities for the development of intelligence;
  • reading educational books;
  • fixation and analysis of information;
  • constant learning.

Let's take a closer look at each of the methods and consider additional information.

Mind games

In the course of any game, a person develops certain abilities. An excellent tool for the process of training the brain, its concentration, attentiveness, as well as the ability to plan subsequent actions are games of chess and backgammon. Thanks to the constant thought process, in addition to mental abilities, the ability to intuition also develops. Also, for the development of intelligence, there are specialized online games.

With Wikium you can organize online intelligence training according to an individual program

Games to improve memory and attention, puzzles

Another effective method is games for the development of intelligence and spatial-logical thinking. Puzzle games include: assembling puzzles and a rubik's cube, solving a crossword puzzle, rebuses and riddles. Thus, we see that games for the development of intelligence in adults are very interesting and exciting.

Reading books

This way of development is affordable and powerful. By regularly reading educational books and not taking a long break between readings, you do not allow the brain to relax, the learning process is constantly going on, and as a result, it is constantly “growing”. It is worth noting that well-read people do not experience difficulties in communicating on various topics.

Recording and analysis of information

Conducting an analysis of any information and various ideas should be done not verbally, but in writing. Thus, information is better absorbed and remembered due to the activation of several parts of the brain at the same time. In addition, the concentration of textual information is significantly increased (3 times or more). The result is a deep synthesis of information with the subsequent adoption of the right decision.

Continuous learning

To feed your intellect, you need to come up with a completely new activity for yourself that you have not done before. You should set aside a certain time for this activity, thereby favorably influencing brain activity.

A positive correlation has also been established between IQ and human musical ability. Start taking the time to study music to further develop your abilities.


Rest is an important condition

If a person experiences a lack of sleep, then his body and brain cannot concentrate on anything, and therefore it is scattered. According to the results of the studies, scientists were able to establish that fatigue contributes to a multiple decrease in the level of IQ in humans. To activate mental abilities before important events, it is enough just to go to bed earlier and devote more time to sleep.

Breaking standards

By changing the daily monotonous, jagged and automatic actions, we do not contribute to the tension of the brain, since in such situations it works "on the machine", the cognitive process is minimized. This suggests that you need to change your daily habits and behavior. For example, to activate brain activity and give impetus to a new bundle between brain neurons, try opening doors with your eyes closed, rearrange furniture from one place to another, and change your route from home to work and back.

Physical training

Due to physical activity in the human body, the formation of protein (neurotropic factor of the brain) occurs. It is the protein that is responsible for the development of neurons, which are the basis of intellectual abilities.

Improving physical education will be useful not only for the brain, but also for the whole organism.

There are many more factors that affect intelligence, and ways to develop it. We have only touched on some of them. We can definitely say: an active life position and a healthy lifestyle will help you both in the development of intelligence and in achieving life goals.

We are born in order to improve ourselves and no matter what your initial data is, everything can be brought to perfection: you can develop an ear for music by playing music, you can develop your body with the help of physical education, you can develop culinary talent, coordination, and much more. But most of us are more interested in another question: how to develop your intelligence. The fact is that the ability to think with your head is also not innate, otherwise the losers would never have turned into world-famous scientists.

What is the intellect

The size of the brain, and the number of convolutions, are given to us from birth, but in fact, these indicators do not play a special role: an elephant or a whale has a larger brain than a Nobel laureate, surprisingly. For that, it is in our power to increase the number of neural connections in the brain, and this will only positively affect the functioning of the brain. But intelligence can be different, for example, analytical, logical, critical, predictive, deductive. The ability to figurative and abstract thinking, as well as the ability to concentrate, affects its development. Intelligence can be evidenced by the ability to distinguish cause from effect, and the speed of performing various operations, and the depth of the mind, and erudition ... why do we need all this? Yes, just for a more comfortable survival, both in an office environment or in a dangerous jungle. Either way, exercise your brain. Exactly how, let's find out.


Yes, do not think that games are for children. Firstly, any game teaches the right attitude to life: we enjoy the process itself, not the results, and besides, we learn to be friends with rivals. What kind of games does the brain need?

Firstly, there are many applications on the Internet, so if you have a free minute, it is not necessary to look at photos of cats. There is, for example, a memory simulator that is based on the N-back task, there is the Einstein game (a collection of tasks for the brain), there is the Brain of a Genius game. By the way, all these entertainments significantly increase IQ, which has been proven by experiments.

Crossword puzzles are also needed and this is not killing time. But it's better if they are serious.

"What where When?" and company. In all more or less large cities there are intellectual leisure clubs and fans of intellectual games. One should not think that only the children of Anatoly Wasserman or Alexander Druz are taken there - everyone is taken there and this is an excellent and interesting social circle. Sometimes talking to smart people is as useful as reading books. By the way, fans play mind games not only in the club, but also at a party, on buses, in the courtyard at the entrance. Here is the answer to how to become smarter.

Tetris. So what? Experiments prove that this toy increases the amount of gray matter. Those who played it for three consecutive months and 30 minutes a day noticed positive changes in their critical thinking, information processing and reasoning skills.

Chess, poker, checkers, preference. Also interesting communication and the opportunity to develop the rudiments of logic. Those who are good at chess or checkers may well try the game for a while.

Feed your brain

The right diet will help heal memory. Therefore, we focus on:
  • Walnut.
    The basis of the erudite diet, and there is also so much lecithin that five nuts a day is enough to quickly activate the memory;
  • Fish. Protein is! Plus iodine and omega-3s. These substances give the energy needed to transmit an impulse to cells;
  • Spinach. There is a lot of lutein here, which saves brain cells from aging;
  • Pumpkin seeds. Again, omega-3s, and also zinc, which helps you think faster than ever.
  • Sage. It not only soothes and relieves inflammation, but also does not allow the amino acids responsible for memory impairment to clear up. Drink sage tea!
  • Coffee. Of course, it is important not to overdo it with this drink, but with the right dose (up to 4 cups of a natural drink), the release of norepinephrine and dopamine is stimulated, which will help maintain concentration. If there is no coffee, caffeine tablets, green tea, chocolate, cocoa, energy drinks or Coca-Cola are suitable.
  • Pills. And there is nothing wrong with them, especially if you need to work with your head a lot. We are looking for Phenotropil, Deprenil, Allertec or Phenibut in the pharmacy. The latter, however, does not act too quickly. Also, dietary supplements with ginkgo biloba, ginseng root, guarana or eleutherococcus will be very useful.

Learn, learn, learn

This does not mean that you need to get a second, third, tenth diploma. If the soul and mind are not drawn to such knowledge, then there is no need.

There are free courses on the Internet, for example, knowledgestream.ru, you can also start an unusual hobby and achieve perfection in it, sign up for ballroom dancing: this style of dancing, by the way, teaches not only to successfully communicate with the opposite sex, but also to think with your head - everything you still have to think about every movement, about what you need to do in a second, and you also need to learn to improvise. And of course, it’s impossible not to, without which the brain will simply wither. So, there are sites where Russian and English texts of films or books are placed in parallel. This is it!

Well, don't forget to read. You can, you can fight with your inner voice by singing something while reading, you can listen to an audiobook while cooking borscht. If the reader's voice doesn't match your inner voice, try the method of humming while reading...

And finally, if there is a free minute, we don’t look at photos of cats, but open Wikipedia and study a random article. Or we are looking for an answer to the question that has long worried, but the hands did not reach.


Indeed, keeping a personal diary allows you to save intelligence until old age and is a vaccine against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, as well as senile insanity. What's the secret? Yes, it's just an opportunity to learn how to formulate your thoughts correctly. Why is a personal blog better than a diary? Yes, by the fact that many people read it, which means that we try not only to express our thoughts correctly, but also think about what would be interesting to write tomorrow, and also about how to respond to sharp comments from readers ...

We train memory

Without it, erudition is unthinkable, by the way.

  • The simplest thing that can be done with memory for its own good is to learn poetry from a third of an hour a day. Most likely, you have not done this since your graduation, but you memorize everything at the speed of an Estonian tortoise, but the results will please you with time.
  • Going for groceries, we re-read the list several times and remember not the names, but imagine the route through the store. Having skimped, try to estimate the price of everything at once as accurately as possible. If everything worked out, reward yourself with nuts or spinach.
  • You also need to develop a sense of numbers. It is difficult to explain what it is, but if it is there and you can estimate by eye how much and what you have, the brain works better. When pouring coins from your wallet, try to say how many of them, but not counting. It is equally useful to pack things in a small bag - this is how the brain solves difficult problems. That's why you need to travel!


  • Listen to the classics. Better than Mozart, and even better a sonata in C major or a symphony 40. Whether or not there is a Mozart effect is not easy to say, but the classic really relaxes and puts the mind in order;
  • Develop intuition by trying to guess what the interlocutor will say in the next few seconds;
  • Walk. Where without fresh air.
  • Engage in physical education. It is better if it is weight lifting or running. These exercises promote the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a protein that develops neurons.
  • Drum on the table. The sense of rhythm also affects the brain positively.
  • Get enough sleep and rest.
  • Read! It's always fashionable.