Highlights on the red carpet. Stars' naked dresses: the most scandalous celebrity outfits in history from Marilyn Monroe and Barbra Streisand to Beyoncé and Madonna. Pam hogg and her model

Curiosities happen to everyone, and the stars also suffer from what is commonly called flare - the accidental exposure of intimate parts of the body. And sometimes they do it on purpose.

Reese Witherspoon is the victim of an unexpected gust of wind.

Stacey Keibler, who came to the Formula 1 race in Monte Carlo, forgot one important detail before leaving - the dress must be buttoned! It was this omission that caused her to light up her pink underwear.

Lindsay Lohan is a girl without complexes. The lack of a bra is a matter of course for her, because she walked without panties, which means that the upper part of the underwear is useless. Still, it's good that she has long hair ...

In the Kardashian family, everyone except men and young Kendall and Kylie wears Spanx shapewear underwear. For example, Khloe Kardashian in a light dress and tight panties:

Britney Spears and her boys at football. Short dresses tend to bully, it's time for the princess of the priest to learn this.

The plunging neckline is a nice look. LeAnn Rimes signed autographs to her fans and left little room for the imagination.

The Giorgio Armani dress is one size larger - all right, but half-naked breasts ... However, Emma Watson clearly hoped that the outfit could let her down, and stocked up on nipple stickers. The foresight of the actress was not unreasonable: Emma was not preparing for this exit, and the decision on her participation was made three hours before the premiere (the dress was sent literally half an hour "before").

Penelope Cruz on the set of The Counselor.

The day after the 2013 Met Gala Ball, Jessica Alba and her youngest daughter went for a walk. Everything went on as usual until Jess began to take off her jacket. The paparazzi managed to blink an eye and press the shutter button.

Rihanna in a transparent black dress was spotted leaving the club. If it hadn't been for the flashes, we wouldn't have seen anything.

One way to get attention is to show your breasts. Fashion model Joanna Krupa has known this for a long time and even appears with her husband in transparent blouses. He is not jealous, he is proud.

To appear without a bra at 55, you have to be either extremely confident or extremely stupid. Sharon Stone probably considers herself to be the first type of women, because her boyfriends are dozens of years younger, and this, you know, inspires confidence ...

The stars are always in the crosshairs of professional paparazzi cameras. And therefore, it is extremely difficult, even impossible for them, to look 100% at any second. Admit that you, in their place, too, would not be able to keep track of an unzipped zipper, a raised skirt or an overly bold neckline. It's good that our mistakes are not being watched so closely!

1. Khloe Kardashian

Sister Kardashian opened a side view of the chest. She doesn't seem to notice it at all.

2. Anne Hathaway

At the premiere of Les Miserables, the actress showed a little more than she planned.

3. Kane West

The rapper's fashionable pants tore right during the concert. As the performance went on, the little hole turned into a huge hole. However, the musician, apparently, did not object at all to the metamorphosis of his costume.

4. Jennifer Garner

The actress lit up the dragging pants, carried away by flirting on the red carpet.

5. Phoebe Price

Her bottom has the same exciting dimples as her cheeks!

6. Jessica Alba

Oh, those ventilation grilles!

7. Vanessa Hudgens

Not only men scratch their causal places in public!

8. Stacy Keibler

When you need to keep in mind so many important things, do you remember such a trifle as a zipper on your clothes?

Snooki forgot to pull up her skirt, and the paparazzi were already there.

11. Kelly Brook

The English model, actress and TV presenter has shown too much on the red carpet.

12. Victoria Beckham

What is it, the glamor icon wet the pants? Let's hope she just spilled a glass of water.

13. Kim Kardashian

Something tells us that Kim did not expect the skirt to be so transparent.

14. Nicky Hilton

I miscalculated a little with edges and cuts, it happens.

15. Chrissy Teigen

It must be too hard to follow such a blatant cut all evening. So I forgot a little.

16. Madonna

This is Madonna. She did it on purpose.

17. Kylie Jenner

Perhaps the girl should have taken care of a less translucent outfit. However, compared to other actresses in this collection, she looks almost like a nun.

18. Amber Rose

The beauty boasted of perfect buttocks. True, unlike Madonna, not on purpose.

19. Janet Jackson

Perhaps the most famous spotlight in show business. Perhaps because he was one of the first. Or maybe because it happened on the air, and minor children could see Janet's right breast. This exposure cost the channel a $ 550,000 fine.

Amber is the owner of luxurious forms that she does not consider necessary to hide from others. However, the guests of the next music award did not expect such a frank outfit even from her: Rose was walking a real Iron Curtain.


Rihanna also often wears rather provocative outfits, but this one at one time surprised even the most loyal fans of the singer.

The actress became one of the “pioneers” among fans of “naked” dresses back in the 90s: during a passionate affair with Marilyn Manson, Rose appeared on the red carpet arm in arm with her lover and in a dress ... made of shiny threads.

Miley Cyrus

It seemed that Miley would not surprise us with anything, but we still gasped when we saw a plastic case with imitation Skittles sweets glued to intimate places. One of the most scandalous "naked" outfits of the stars.

Bleona Kereti

"Why, I have everything covered," - could well object to the moralists of Bleon. Indeed, the thongs and nipple stickers are in place.

Irina Shayk

Irina unexpectedly amazed the guests of the Oscar afterparty with her candid Versace outfit, featuring a spicy insert detail that made everyone wonder how the model wore this dress.

Lady Victoria Harvey

Not quite an aristocratic outfit from Lady Victoria, however, did not make a lot of noise: the shocking British woman more than once, more than once, introduced colleagues and fans into a stupor with her eccentric taste.

Jamie Alexander

Jamie is beautiful, no doubt about it, but the one wrong move dress looks dubious. (some kind of unsuccessful copy-paste of the shake dress ...)

The young singer, it seems, decided to rely not only on her vocal abilities, but also on external ones.

Nicole "Coco" Austin

We still did not understand what shocked us more in the image of Nicole: a mesh dress on a naked body, a jewelry "fence" around the neck or a face twice more tanned than everything else.

pysy: I don’t understand why shayk was so hayal, they didn’t see others on the campaign :)

20 most revealing Oscar outfits

Which of the stars went down in the history of the film awards with their scandalous dresses [photo]

1. Irina Shayk, Oscar-2015

Wearing this dress from the latest collection of the fashion house Versace requires a perfect figure and remarkable courage. And that, and the other Ira does not take. After parting with Cristiano Ronaldo, the Russian woman is in the status of an enviable bride. And, looking at her, we can say with confidence: the model will not remain alone for a long time.

2. Rita Ora, "Oscar-2015"

Irina Shayk was not alone in her desire to attract attention: the British singer Rita Ora showed an equally daring outfit. The guests of the Vaniti Fair party did not fail to note that Rita had no underwear, and they also counted all of her numerous tattoos that showed through the transparent fabric. Having starred in the most scandalous picture of this year "50 shades of gray", Rita apparently decided not to be modest and picked up a dress to match the picture.

3. Barbra Streisand, Oscar 1969

There is nothing new under the sun: if today's divas imagine that their transparent outfits are a revolution in the world of evening fashion, then they are deeply mistaken. In 1969, Barbara Streisand came out to receive the coveted statuette in a black transparent suit embroidered with sequins. The outfit looked especially impressive from behind.

4. Cher, "Oscar-1987"

Cher has always had a bold approach to her own wardrobe. Each appearance of the singer at the Oscars brought a lot of joy to the audience, who wondered: why did the artist take it into her head to dress like that? In 1987 Cher received a Golden Statuette for Best Actress for Enchanted by the Moon. At the same time, the star was adorned with a translucent dress in an oriental style - as if she was going to dance a belly dance.

5. Cher, "Oscar-1986"

A year earlier, in 1986, the singer attended the Oscar in an equally wild outfit: the creation of designer Bob McKee consisted of a skirt and a lace top, as well as a headdress decorated with feathers.

6. Elizabeth Hurley and Pamela Anderson, Oscar 2001

Bosom friends Pamela Anderson and Liz Hurley set the heat at the 2001 Oscar party. Pammy showed up at the afterparty in a denim skirt and a white shirt that did not hide her size 4 silicone bust. And Liz wore a dress embroidered with rhinestones that fitted her body like cellophane to a sausage.

7. Gwyneth Paltrow, Oscar-2001

What is an Oscar without nudity? More than anything, Hollywood divas love to show off their charms on the red carpet most of all. Gwyneth Paltrow came to the Oscars in 2002 in a transparent outfit without a bra. Either the actress deliberately decided to attract the attention of photographers, or she simply “forgot” to put on a bra.

8. Sharon Stone, Oscar-2009

Sharon Stone in 2009 also riveted all eyes with a completely transparent outfit made of chiffon and black lace. By the way, at that time the star was already 51 years old, and she looked, I must admit, just stunning.

9. Jennifer Lopez "Oscar-2001"

Jennifer Lopez came to the 2001 Oscar in a dress with a chiffon top. And, of course, no underwear. The Latin American diva who insured her ass for one million dollars is definitely not a shy woman! The singer's outfit was not so bad - an excellent dress, if you do not take into account the bust of the pop star, persistently looming before the eyes of the photographers.

10. Jennifer Lopez, Oscar 2013

Since then, J. Lo has repeatedly given journalists a reason to walk through her Oscar outfits. In 2013, for example, commentators joked that during the ceremony, when Jennifer leaned towards the microphone, they could see her nipples. After a couple of hours, Lopez changed her clothes to go to a Vanity Fair party: the singer appeared on the red carpet in a shiny outfit with a V-neck to the waist.

11. Madonna, "Oscar-2011"

Standing next to her mom during the 2011 post-Oscar party, Madonna's daughter Lourdes felt uncomfortable. And there was a reason: you get nervous here when your parent poses side by side in almost the same panties and fishnet tights. However, after a couple of years, Madge will not soak it off: for example, she will take and take off her bra on stage in the midst of a tour.

12. Irina Shayk, Oscar-2012

Irina has repeatedly found herself in the center of attention of critics discussing the fashionable results of the Oscar. In 2012, the model came to the Vanity Fair party in a stunning gold dress that reveals her bust in all its glory.

13. Irina Shayk, Oscar 2013

Alas, the next year, the outfit of the Russian woman was not so successful. The only advantage of the white dress was the deep neckline, looking into which, many thought: "And what have we not seen there yet?" Irina complemented the failed dress with no less strange make-up.

14. Demi Moore, Oscar 1989

It is now Hollywood stars who are bashfully hiding underpants under their dresses. And back in 1989, celebrities proudly exhibited them for all to see. Take, for example, Demi Moore: the actress appeared in elastic knickers at the Oscars. Bruce Willis, who was accompanying his wife, modestly turned away - apparently, he could not stand such beauty.

15. Halle Berry, Oscar 2002

The famous Elie Saab dress with a sheer top and a full skirt has gone down in fashion history forever. In 2002, Halle Berry won her Oscar for Best Actress in Monster Ball. Holly became the first black artist to receive this award. At that time, Berry's outfit was more than bold: the charms of the star were covered from immodest eyes only by bouquets of flowers embroidered on chiffon.

16. Hillary Swank, Oscar 2010

That year, all the tabloids were talking about Hillary's bold neckline and flawless forms. Her black Armani Prive dress was very open not only in the front but also in the back - with a completely bare back.

17. Selma Blair, Oscar 2002

A knitted Versace dress with a fringe instead of a hem was chosen for the Oscars by actress Selma Blair. The brunette looked as if she had been diligently attending a macrame club all year and, at the prom, finally decided to show off her acquired skills.

18. Nikki Hilton, Oscar-2003

Even the outfit of her famous little sister fades against the background of Nikki's pink dress. So that's who Paris learned to wear a dress in the style of a rabid Barbie! In 2003, the Hilton sisters at the post-Oscar party were accompanied by their parents - and, I must say, under strict parental supervision, the girls behaved like real goodies.

19. Liberty Ross, Oscar 2013

The famous model and ex-wife of the controversial director of the film "Snow White and the Huntsman" was first published that year after the divorce. Forgetting to put on a bra under her dress, Liberty Ross, apparently, decided to show the prodigal hubby what he lost by cheating on her with Kristen Stewart.

20. Heidi Klum, Oscar 2013

Another star "divorcee" who decided to show off her beautiful forms is Heidi Klum, who had just parted ways with the singer Silom and was left with four children in her arms. At the post-Oscar party of the Elton John Foundation, Heidi caught the eye with her gold Julien MacDonald gown.


In recent years, stars of the first magnitude from Beyoncé to Rihanna are increasingly appearing on the red carpet in completely transparent outfits. We decided to recall the history of this trend: where did the fashion for nudity come from, how the evolution of "naked" dress went and why the modern fashion industry is raising nudity on the shield.

1. Marilyn Monroe in the first "naked" dress, 1962

After the outfits of the guests of the last Oscars, the CFDA awards and the Met Gala on the red carpet, the fashion industry began to rethink nudity: Beyoncé, Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez and Kendall Jenner were simultaneously dressed in naked dresses at the Costume Institute Ball in Los Angeles. , giving a direct marketing signal for the future development of fashion.

2. Beyonce at the Met Gala 2015

To say that it was they who introduced a new round of nudity fashion is like attributing it to Cher in the image of the Shamakhan queen (the Oscars in 1988), Kate Moss in the early 1990s, or Rihanna, who appeared at the recent CFDA awards in a translucent dress embroidered with 230 thousand Swarovski crystals, showing chest and courage at the same time.

3. Marilyn Monroe in the first "naked" dress, 1962

The history of "naked" dresses in the general public dates back half a century - in 1962, Marilyn Monroe appeared on the anniversary of John F. Kennedy in the first such dress: the outfit of designer Jean-Louis Berzault, the father of all couture in Hollywood, strewn with six thousand diamond sequins, was sewn on the body right before the actress came out.

4. Beyonce at the 2015 Met Gala

5. Barbra Streisand at the Oscars, 1969

Seven years later, Barbra Streisand, who then thundered in the film "Funny Girl", decided on a bold experiment. At the Oscars in 1969, she wore a skin-tight sheer jumpsuit that thrilled the public when the actress took the stage to collect her Best Actress statuette.

6. Cher, 1988

In the late 1980s, singer Cher, the main queen of outrageousness, became the ambassador of "naked" dresses. There were two high-profile exits: the first - in 1988, when she appeared at the Oscar in the form of the Shamakhan queen, and the second three years later.

7. Cher, 1991

The appeal to nudity is all the same edgy 1960s and 1970s: without suede, bell-bottomed trousers and fringes, but in their deepest manifestation. Take the sexual revolution of the sixties or the ideology of the seventies California nudists. In that era, public nudity was equated with sincerity and was a kind of protest against wars (for example, in Vietnam). And the hippies, whose looks in the spring-summer season are promoting brands from Chloe to Saint Laurent, have completely abandoned clothes, challenging irresponsible consumption.

Naked dresses can also be interpreted as fireworks from the 2000s: designers today are promoting this vulgar decade of glamor as actively as the era of hippies and rock and roll. Lurex, extended sharp nails, panties with a thick elastic band crawling out from under jeans, tons of sequins, leopard print, impressive neckline and deep slits in skirts are the main fragments of the beginning of the millennium.

The most talked about red carpet dress of the 2000s was the Versace outfit, in which Jennifer Lopez came to the Grammy ceremony. His cleavage area ended below the navel: the singer managed to outmaneuver herself 15 years later, having come to the recent Met Gala ball again in Versace, but several times more frankly.

Partial exposure of recent years is the lot not only of stars on the red carpet, but of the entire fashion industry. Remember at least the provocative show of Rick Owens in Paris with models in cardigans, tunics and trousers with cutouts in the chest and groin area (there were no underwear under them), the fall-winter 2015 show at the brands Saint Laurent, Acne, Gucci, Jacquemus or Lemaire female breast bags.

Following the catwalk, transparent things began to appear in seasonal collections - for example, asymmetrical tops of the British duo Marques Almeida, tulle dresses in the spirit of metroshock at Meadham Kirchhoff, or baroque coat-dresses made of transparent organza at Simone Rocha.

It is logical that the trend for nudity followed the healthy lifestyle trend. If you have a toned body, why not brag about it? Men who are sportive are saved by the gym, selfies in the mirror and dietary supplements, and women only need a naked dress.