State sports clubs for children. The best clubs and sections for teens - list, features and recommendations. Benefits of additional education

In the private school "Helios" in the city of Mytishchi, priority is given not only to education, but also to the personal development of the child in all areas of activity. Unleash creativity, develop physical and intellectual abilities - all this is possible within the walls of our school thanks to circles and sections. Highly qualified teachers will help every child to show their potential and achieve success in what they love.

Physical development is important for children of absolutely all ages. After classes, it is especially important to throw out the energy that the young body did not have time to spend. This is how we have two sports sections:

  • ... A sport that is more suitable for boys, but girls can also enroll if they wish. In the lessons in the section, the basics of judo and sambo technique and tactics are taught, warm-up and physical exercises are performed.
  • ... In the section, their teams are formed depending on the age group of the participants. Throughout the year, the guys study the theory of playing and practice in practice, and also participate in school and outdoor competitions.

In addition to physical education, "Helios" pays special attention to the development of logical thinking. This is how the school section works. Classes are held twice a week, children are accepted from the age of six.

Mugs for children

In "Helios" there are also clubs where girls and boys can find activities of interest that will help to unleash their creative potential. We work in absolutely all directions, paying attention to art, languages ​​and educational games.
The art sphere includes such circles as:

  • ... In the classroom, the guys learn acting and public speaking, develop body plastic. Our teachers prepare children for performances in front of the audience, relieve complexes and constrictions in front of the audience.
  • ... In the classroom, children, if necessary, are taught to sing from scratch. In the form of play and developmental programs, the teachers put the voice, develop the clarity of vocal diction, select the appropriate repertoire for further performance on stage.
  • ... In the classroom, the guys are engaged in ballroom and sports dances. While studying according to the program, they learn to feel the rhythm, develop body plasticity and grace, train the muscle strength of the trunk and arms.
  • ... In the art studio, students, together with a teacher, master various drawing techniques, come up with themes and compositions for future paintings. In warm weather, the children have the opportunity to practice outside, drawing still lifes.

For students wishing to study languages, they pass in "Helios". Here, for the younger group, lessons are played in a playful way, the language is learned by counting rhymes and songs. For the older group, lessons in written and spoken English are held.
In circles (logical tasks are solved with the help of cubes, bricks and a constructor). Classes help to master the basics of grammar, develop speech, instill an interest in reading and writing.
In the "" circle, teachers help to develop attention and logic, teach to think outside the box. In the classroom, children sort out tasks, riddles, puzzles, play monopoly.

Additional activities for children

Working with students, it is possible that they may have difficulties in any area. At the "Helios" school, teachers are attentive to the problems of children, helping to find a way out of difficult situations.

This is how he constantly works with our guys, who will always support the person, help identify and solve the problem. The psychologist works individually and in groups, classes with him will be useful for both toddlers and adolescents.
Also for students who have speech defects or have difficulty in building logical sentences in school pass.

Every year new sections and circles appear in "Helios", we develop ourselves and develop our students. You can read more details about each lesson in the corresponding subsections of our website.

The names of the new Moscow courses for children sound like the disciplines of the magic school of Hogwarts. The first advantage of courses over classical art and music schools is that they can be changed every month, or even every week. Secondly, many programs assume that on weekends you will build satellites, draw models, and even swim with dolphins with the whole family.

Robotics and industrial design at "Roboskol" at VDNKh

In the second pavilion of VDNKh, four educational programs for children from six years old were launched. In basic robotics courses, each child creates a robot from scratch: constructs a model of it and programs a "heart" - a system of simple codes. The second program, called STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics), is a set of engineering lessons with constant experimentation. Industrial design class - for children with a craving for art. In the first part of the lesson, students will be told the history of modern design, in the second - they will be helped to create their own art project. The fourth educational program "Electrical Engineering" is designed for those who are interested in unscrewing the cogs in alarms and telephones. The child will be shown how technology actually works and will be taught to design new devices.

Classes are held from 16:30 on weekdays and from 11:00 to 20:30 on weekends. The cost of one lesson is 1,500 rubles. Monthly cost (4 lessons) - 5,200 rubles. Course (12 lessons) - 13 800 rubles. The "Robot School" schedule for the 2017–2018 academic year is available on the official website.

Pottery, turning courses and stained glass workshop at the Crafts Park at VDNKh

Children are admitted to the courses of the "Park of Crafts" from the age of four. The program can be composed by yourself from ten subjects. Among them are working with a potter's wheel and a lathe, modeling clay products, creating porcelain, burning dishes, and DIY home decor. How are these courses different from handicraft clubs? In the "Park of Crafts" teachers do not give students uniform samples and help the child to bring his own idea to a finished product. On weekends, parents join the children. The creators of the Crafts Park educational program note that the individual approach of creative courses is also convenient for children with special needs.

You can sign up for any lesson of the course separately, as for a master class. The cost of a lesson in a children's group is 800 rubles. The cost of a separate master class is from 500 to 2,000 rubles. The course schedule is available on the Crafts Park website.

Carpentry courses at the "Moscow Wooden School"

Vyacheslav Shvaikov (carpenter, designer) and Yekaterina Menshikova (architect), employees of the Mechanical Wooden Gears carpentry workshop, prepared three serious courses for children from 5 to 12 years old. Classes are held in the "Mother's Garden" club in the "Hermitage" garden. Course 1.0 - game lectures and experiments related to the study of the structure of a tree, cones and needles, the basics of design, the basic forms of things. In course 2.0, children create their first products, and in the third stage they learn the intricacies of finishing. It is not necessary to follow this sequence: for example, a five-year-old child can go to both the second and third programs at the same time.

The courses are taught by the founders themselves: Vyacheslav and Ekaterina communicate with students on equal terms and take their fantasies seriously. The children set the tasks for themselves: if the girl decides to make a tractor, and the boy decides to make a princess's house, the teachers will help the child draw up a plan of action.

Family workshops are held at the school on Saturdays: children teach mothers and fathers to make toys and dishes from wood.

The cost of one lesson is 1,500 rubles. The schedule is on the website.

Surgery, paleontology and detective courses of the "Smart Moscow" project

Smart Moscow is a two-hour course for children from 7 to 14 years old at the ZIL center. Each course is designed as a hands-on game. At Surgery, children perform operations on a toy parrot, at Paleontology, they find the remains of dinosaurs, and at the Scientific Detective program, they investigate a crime. The courses are held for two age groups: from 7 to 9 years old and from 10 to 14. In each lesson, up to 60 children participate, students are divided into four teams of 15 people each and distributed to closed laboratories. There are no team captains here - each child must conduct an experiment with his own hands so that his group will win. Teachers and developers of "Smart Moscow" - graduates of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov and Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

“The project began with lectures for adults, but gradually we realized that the popularization of science for children is a more promising and interesting niche for us,” says Mikhail Kneller, the founder of Smart Moscow, geographer.

Each child class ticket includes a parenting program. Mom and Dad are invited to a scientific lecture with a quiz (they promise prizes).

The cost of one ticket (one child + one or two adults) is 1 750 rubles. For groups of 12 people - 1 600 rubles. The schedule of classes is on the official website.

Young Astronomers Club at the Moscow Planetarium

To get to the children's classes of the Moscow Planetarium, you need to fill out a questionnaire, go through an interview and hope for an answer - the group recruits children who are already fascinated by the stars and know that Saturn has seven rings. The age restrictions of the circle are narrow: they accept children - pupils of 6-7 grades. Interviews began on August 20 and will run until October 1. The first lecture of the course is scheduled for October 3rd. The course is non-commercial, you cannot get to classes outside of the interview for an additional fee.

The program of the first course of the club includes working with different types of telescopes and observing variable stars from the roof of the center, studying the history of the origin of the solar system, the basic history of astronomy and the laws of motion of celestial bodies.

Detailed information about the club can be found.

In the children's center of the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center for schoolchildren, there is a theatrical studio of the professor of the acting department at the Institute of Culture Inna Waxenburg and the After school program (like an after-school group, only with lunch in the museum cafe). On September 19, the museum is launching a second course for directors from 8 to 12 years old "Kinoproekt 8".

The program includes eight classes on Tuesdays (from 16:00 to 18:00), at each child will master one of the stages of film production. The first lesson is trial and free, its topic is script drama. In the next lessons, students will be explained why modern styles and genres are needed, they will teach how to handle a professional camera and work with actors.

After the theoretical part of the course, each child will draw up a scenario of the author's study, in which he will play himself. The teachers promise not to influence the student's idea - only give advice on its implementation.

The museum posted the works of the first-year students on Vimeo.

Subscription for a month (four classes) - 4,000 rubles. Project recording is limited. You can register on the website.

Storytelling and literary courses at the Dahl State Museum of the History of Russian Literature

The Weekend Tale studio at the Dahl Museum has two educational areas for schoolchildren - Literary Creativity and Storytelling. The creator of the literary program, writer and screenwriter Valentina Degteva came up with courses for children from 10 to 13 years old who do not like to read. In the classroom at the Weekend Tale studio, small groups (five to seven people) shoot films (there are master classes on silent films), draw cartoons with new twists of well-known plots and prove in debates who is right after all, Pechorin or Grushnitsky.

If parents come to the courses with their children, they participate in the process: they play as costume designers and stage decorators. If you are not afraid to embarrass the child, Valentina will give you salted dough and offer to mold a figurine.

Storytelling courses are accepted from 5 to 13 years old. Here, children are taught to put together logical stories from chaotic fragments, explain how to present an idea so that it can be understood, give examples from classical and modern literature.

The cost of one lesson is 500 rubles. The cost of a subscription for six months is 3,400 rubles. The schedule of classes is on the official website.

Virtual reality technologies, 3D modeling and industrial design at Laba on Myasnitskaya

On August 30, the Laba coworking space opened on Myasnitskaya with courses for children from seven years old. The creators of the project are the founder of the Museum of Soviet Slot Machines Maxim Pinigin and the architect Nikolai Mikheev. The idea of ​​Maxim and Nikolai is to show schoolchildren that valuable new ideas are born at the junction of several sciences. “Here you can realize any idea, from a satellite to a stool, in the material world,” says Mikheev.

On September 1, “Laba” launched ten directions of courses for schoolchildren: 3D modeling and 3D printing, fascinating programming, industrial design, VR / AR (virtual and augmented reality technologies), animation, creation of architectural projects from scratch, modeling of ships, cars and aircraft.

The program schedule is specially designed so that the student can try all directions. The idea of ​​a child's graduation project can combine three disciplines at once.

Adults can also attend classes. The cost of the courses does not depend on age.

The Lab has all the necessary equipment for architects, designers, furniture makers and jewelers (for example, milling and laser machines, cutting plotters and 3D printers). While the child is building the spaceship, you can complete your work.

The cost of six lessons is 11,000 rubles. The schedule of classes is on the official website.

Lecture hall for "young Cousteau", school for a young coach and swimming with dolphins in the "Moskvarium"

If a child revisits the film about Willy the killer whale for the third time, enroll it in the school of the young coach "Moskvarium" at VDNKh. Children and adolescents from 8 to 17 years old are united in groups of 5-7 people. The professor of oceanology gives them excursions around the entire aquarium, and the leading trainer of bottlenose dolphins talks about the intricacies of communicating with animals. At this time, children watch the training of killer whales and walruses. The second part of the course is practical. Students play with dolphins on the platform, rehearse commands and overcome fear. Then each is given 10 minutes to swim with the dolphin in the large pool.

All participants who decide to swim with animals receive a young coach diploma.

In their free time, parents can join their child - the Moskvarium program includes family swims with dolphins (session for four - 25,000 rubles).

The cost of one day of classes in a children's group (4 hours with lunch) is 10,000 rubles. Details about the project can be found.

Programming, the logic of Minecraft codes and the creation of mobile applications at Moscow Coding School

In order for a student to spend time at the computer usefully, it is enough to choose one of the three courses of Moscow Coding School - "Programming for Children: Applications" (from 11 to 14 years old), "Gadgets with Alexander Bratchikov" (from 10 to 14 years old) or "Programming for children: Minecraft "(from 10 to 13 years old). The first educational program is for those who have never programmed. After six lessons, the child can download their own application on the iPhone from the AppStore. Students are clearly told how to create a competent design and translate an idea into a prototype, and then a working sample of the application. The "pass" to the course is a MacBook with Xcode loaded.

Alexander Bratchikov, a well-known web developer and a Strelka graduate, leads the gadgets business. In the classroom, Alexander explains to children in understandable language why mobile phones and computers work the way they do.

For the third year on a children's computer, you will have to download the game Minecraft - for educational purposes. Students will influence the actions and emotions of the characters using the Phyton programming code.

The cost of one course is 14,999 rubles. A detailed schedule and recording - on the official website.


Reviewed by Julia

We work in the center with the whole family: parents in a group of 18+ at the same time with children in a group of 5-7. Every time we go to class as if it were a holiday. This center is just a godsend for us: 1) Family subscription, 2) you can start practicing from any level of training - everyone is given essentially an individual task. I started with zero preparation. 3) Simultaneous workout for the whole family - no one gets bored in the corner. 4) flexible training schedule - you can go to your age group on any day, to any coach. 5) I especially want to note the discipline in the classroom. The trainers are smiling, polite, but consistent.
For six months, the children have noticeably strengthened and tightened up. If in the CYSS they train with the capable and focus on the strong, then here they train with everyone and rejoice in overcoming themselves even in small things. Thank you for the joyful sport!


Reviewed by Olga

I would like to thank the wonderful coach Radmir Gareev! Thanks to a well-structured training process, the son happily goes to classes, and then with no less joy and pride, returning from training, declares: "I did well today!" The son became more interested in a sports lifestyle, which immediately affected his physical development. Both children and parents are very happy with the result of the lessons! Many thanks!


Reviewed by Olga

Since September, my son has been in a group led by Dmitry Kalyuzhny. The child is engaged with great pleasure and does not want to go to classes to anyone else. The result was visible within a month. The perfect combination of discipline and ability to understand and communicate with children. Thank you so much for your professionalism.


Reviewed by Olga

I would like to express my gratitude to the coach (Chervony Pavel, Troitsk.). I found a common language with my son from the first lesson. The son is engaged with pleasure. The result is already visible, which we have not seen after training in other sections .. Highly professional and competent coach. He skillfully combines exactingness and correctness. My son walks with pleasure. I really like visiting the Center, all the employees are very polite and correct, pleasant atmosphere. Thank you very much!


I would like to thank the coach Anna Roslyakova from the bottom of my heart for the individual approach and professional training! Trial classes were leaving at the beginning of summer and the son was happy to wait for autumn to return to training on an ongoing basis. Classes are held in a pleasant atmosphere, good discipline and appropriate age and individual load. It is very pleasant to watch the progress of the classes and see the real result after each workout! Thanks a lot for your work!

When a child is in elementary school, it is not difficult for parents to come up with useful activities outside the classroom. It's quite another matter when a child becomes a teenager. At the age of 10-16, his ideas about life change, and it is no longer so easy for adults to persuade him to sign up for English or dancing.

We tell you about 5 useful and unusual circles that your teenager cannot refuse.

Travel to the Rhythm Project

Journey to the Rhythm is a drum school that teaches how to play percussion musical instruments (marimba, djembe, congo and others). Instead of boring traditional lessons in a music school, team trainings, concerts, communication with peers and teachers await the child here. Playing percussion instruments is a great opportunity to liberate yourself and throw out aggression in a peaceful way.

The school was organized by Pyotr Glavatskikh, a graduate of the Moscow State Conservatory, a graduate student at the Higher School of Music in Stuttgart, and a diploma winner of international competitions. He believes that playing the drum will help the child not only express emotions, but also give the opportunity to feel and cope with the rhythm of routine work, which is very important for a teenager.

The nearest metro station: Voikovskaya.

Theater Studio "Classics »

The Center for Theater Arts under the direction of Alexander Tattari is unlike other theater studios. A child who comes to the studio immediately finds himself on the big stage of a professional drama theater. Teachers of several directions work with him at once: choreography, vocals, acting, stage speech.

Studying in the studio, its pupils often take part in social projects. For example, the play "A Dog's Life" is played, after which all the funds raised from ticket sales go to help shelters for dogs. The New Year's musical "Buratino" is shown annually by the studio participants for children with special needs and disabilities. Thus, teenagers learn not only acting, but also kindness, humanity and responsiveness.

The nearest metro station: VDNKh.

Children and youth club "Zuid-West"

You can open new locations not only in the virtual space, but also in the real world. Invite your teenager to try out the Zuid-West Club, which is a water-based exploratory adventure. The club is part of the Moscow Center of the Russian Geographical Society. Everyone who has crossed the threshold of secondary school (from grade 5) is accepted to participate.

The club's classes are held in classrooms in winter, and in the warm season - in the field: at the water base in Strogino, in ecological camps in the Moscow region, Crimea, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Here they study maritime business, provide tourist training, acquaint with the history of navigation, geography, landscape science, hydrobiology, botany, zoology. Teenagers participate in historical, cultural and ethnological research in Russia.

Nearest metro station: Troparevo.

Courses "Policent"

The only way to tear teenagers away from their home computer is to invite them to make a new gadget with their own hands. All children 10-14 years old will have such an opportunity, who will enroll in the courses of the Polytechnic Museum "Polisent".

Ionocraft course (10-14 years old)

Ionokraft is an aircraft without propellers and fuel, without any rotating parts, absolutely silent, using high voltage.

On the course, children will learn how to create their own ionocrafts, understand many concepts of electrostatics, learn how to create electrostatic motors and batteries, and also master other skills in research and design work.

UDK 3D Game Creation Course (11-14 years old)

The course on creating 3D games on the Unreal Developmental Kit gaming platform is a good compromise between the children's interest in computer games and the study of complex technologies for creating and managing the gaming environment.

Unreal Engine is a game engine developed and maintained by Epic Games. It allows you to create modern games with realistic graphics. It employs professionals who program 3D worlds for different gaming platforms.

Now even children can learn to program games! They will learn the skills they need and be able to create their first PC or iPhone game themselves.

Cyber ​​Physics Course (10-13 years old)

The course consists of a series of practical tasks for creating things that work on their own: they study the world, make decisions and act - move, exchange data, control other devices. The Arduino platform is used as a basis.

Students create devices that read data about the outside world from a variety of sensors, process information, exchange data with a PC and other devices, and control displays and movement.

Quadrocopter Creator Course (11-14 years old)