Notes from the regional newspaper "Red October". Exhibition as a means of educating students

We will never forget this winter vacation....

On January 8, an excursion to the Estonian winter forest was held in order to conduct an entertaining and educational program “Snow fight or Snow fun”. This event involved 1st grade students and their parents. It turned out to be family entertainment, a kind of weekend hike. The program of this event included dog sledding, skiing from the mountain, fun winter starts, as well as hockey on the snow ...... Unfortunately, the weather interfered with our plans, and the competition of snow figures and the fortress had to be canceled, as well as the snow the battle did not work out, because The snow that day was not sticky. But this did not prevent all participants from having a great rest in the fresh air and getting a charge of good mood. The purpose of this event was: rallying the class team, developing motor and communication skills, improving health, promoting a healthy lifestyle.

All interested children and parents with pleasure and enthusiasm competed between the teams: "Hammer" and "Sharks", and with the result "Friendship won" they celebrated the victory with fried sausages on a fire with tea and juice. The parents of the children prepared a table, barbecue and other picnic equipment, especially the Solovyov family, who took over the organization of the feast.

In between meals, the children played ice hockey with balls and tried to score as many goals as they could against the improvised ski pole goal. At this time, sonorous laughter and joyful cries from the favorite winter fun of skiing from the mountain were heard from the mountain. There was no limit to fantasy and diversity, starting from ice-boats and ending with a special trough, everyone was happy to conquer the mountain one after another, and some arranged group trips by the "Engine" or all together. dog harness. We had no idea how friendly a husky can be, which earned the love of little children's hearts and delicious treats for their labors. At the end of this event, a snowmobile ride was organized for children, and a whole line of people lined up for those who wanted to.

The guys love to compete, love outdoor games, love sports, so all the events were interesting and fun. In addition to sports events, the guys received a large block of information on a necessary and important topic. The theme of health. A conversation was held with students on the topic "Healthy lifestyle, the impact of winter sports on health." With the help of riddles, we remembered the existing winter fun and put some of them into practice.

“Weekend hike” turned out to be fun, interesting and instructive.

    Neustroevs, Uralevs and Kazantsevs: “We still need to organize a summer “weekend trip”!”

    Pozdeevs (extract from Viber): “There are no limits to emotions))))) Thank you all!!!”

    Luchikhins (extract from Viber): “Everything was great! For the sake of such a rest, you need to postpone all business))))

    The Saifitovs (extract from Viber): “We had a great rest. Thanks to our teacher for being active with us! And many thanks to the organizers! We must repeat!”

    Mezentsevs: (extract from Viber): “We really liked it. Haven't rested like this for a long time. Thanks."

    Babenkovs (extract from Viber): “I liked it very much, everything is just wonderful.”

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation informs that the 5th Moscow International Exhibition "School" will be held in Moscow in the cultural and exhibition center "Sokolniki" from 12 to 15 April 2001.
Exhibition organizers: Ministry of Education of Russia, educational center "Bachelor", cultural and exhibition center "Sokolniki" with the participation of the Russian Academy of Education, ministries and departments involved in the problems of education.
The exhibition "School" is the most representative educational exhibition in Russia. In 2000, educational institutions and educational authorities from 60 constituent entities of the Russian Federation took part in the exhibition, presenting the experience of innovative work of 900 institutions and centers.
In his greetings to the exhibition “School”, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin noted that “… holding the largest educational exhibition in the country “School” can make a real contribution to determining the prospects for the development of our education. A variety of models of educational institutions are presented here - from a renovated rural school to a gymnasium or lyceum. I am convinced that the holding of the exhibition will give a noticeable impetus to the reasonable and competent reform of our school and will help develop its best traditions. I wish the organizers, participants and guests of the exhibition new interesting ideas, meetings and experiments. Prosperity and success to you in your noble work.
Exhibition "School" in 2001 will be held for the fifth time.
The purpose of the exhibition is to demonstrate modern trends and prospects for the development of Russian education in the 21st century, to raise the level of education, to combine the achievements of fundamental sciences with pedagogical practice, to showcase innovative projects and developments that can ensure the potential development of educational institutions.
Sections and participants of the V Moscow International Exhibition "School":
“Russian Education in the 21st Century” (expositions are formed by departments and departments of the Ministry of Education of Russia, scientific institutes of the Russian Academy of Education);
“Education in the regions of Russia. Prospects for Development” (expositions are formed by the educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, educational institutions of the regions of Russia and represent innovative educational institutions, the experience of innovative teachers, developers of software and scientific and methodological support for the educational process);
“Advanced scientific and information technologies are the foundation of the education of the new century. Achievements of Science for School” (expositions of the Russian Academy of Education, scientific centers, higher educational institutions and school textbooks of a new generation, samples of products of publishing houses and bookselling companies, multimedia programs, scientific and information support for the educational process);
"Professions of the future century" (development of the system of vocational education; educational and industrial complexes; "school-university" of the future; "trade fair", "crafts fair");
“The upbringing of student youth is one of the priorities of the educational policy” (the system of additional education; tourism, sports and recreation; expositions of houses of creativity, museums, libraries, theaters; music, art and sports schools; firms engaged in educational tourism);
"School of the Future" (firms engaged in design, construction and design; production of educational equipment, furniture, office equipment, stationery, educational and educational games; school collectors; enterprises - manufacturers of toys; companies - manufacturers of children's clothing and school supplies);
“The culture of peace, its formation by means of education. Common international educational space” (UN and UNESCO international funds, human rights organizations, foreign investment programs and projects, UNESCO associated schools, Russian and foreign international schools and centers, colleges, universities).
The slogan of the exhibition “Everything about education, everything for education” is intended to demonstrate the universality of the exhibition, to attract a wide range of participants to its exposition.
The thematic program of the V Moscow International Exhibition "School" provides for seminars, symposiums, consultations, business meetings and negotiations, exchange of work experience, presentations and open days of educational institutions.
The best author's educational and educational programs, innovative pedagogical and educational projects, textbooks and educational, methodological and visual aids, books for children and youth, samples of modern products to support the educational process participate in the competition for the title of "Laureate of the V Moscow International Exhibition" School ". The winners are awarded diplomas and laureate badges.
By the opening of the exhibition, a catalog is published in Russian and English, which is distributed by the organizing committee of the exhibition at other Russian and international educational exhibitions, fairs, congresses and conferences.
The Organizing Committee of the exhibition "School" expresses the opinion that, since independent participation in the exhibition of individual educational institutions, as practice shows, in many cases is limited by their financial capabilities, even if they wish to participate in the exhibition, the formation of a regional collective exposition (stand) can provide significant savings , which will allow you to fully present the achievements in the field of education in your region, will provide an opportunity to participate in the exhibition to a larger number of educational institutions.
We invite you to take part in the preparation and holding of the exhibition "School"!

Today, preschool educational institutions are actively restructuring their own work in accordance with the new regulatory document - the Federal State Educational Standards.

The use of innovative pedagogical technologies opens up new opportunities for educating and educating preschoolers, and the project method has become one of the most effective today. Project activity, like no other, supports children's cognitive initiative, develops creative thinking in children, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation, provides the child with the freedom to choose activities and methods of action that stimulate the development of children's activity and creativity, and helps the child successfully adapt to the changing situation of social development. Work according to the project method is a relatively high level of complexity of pedagogical activity, which implies a serious qualification of the educator; a tutor who owns the design technology can teach a child to design.

In accordance with the work plan of the education department, the district information and methodological center 06.02. In 2015, a review competition "Palette of Pedagogical Projects" was held, which was held on the basis of MBDOU No. 12.



Projects are interesting and necessary

Today, preschool educational institutions are actively restructuring their own work in accordance with the new regulatory document - the Federal State Educational Standards.

The use of innovative pedagogical technologies opens up new opportunities for educating and educating preschoolers, and the project method has become one of the most effective today. Project activity, like no other, supports children's cognitive initiative, develops creative thinking in children, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation, provides the child with the freedom to choose activities and methods of action that stimulate the development of children's activity and creativity, and helps the child successfully adapt to the changing situation of social development.In project activities, children, together with teachers and parents, learn to answer the questions posed, using all types of activities for this: they play, experiment, model.A child can only benefit from activities that are performed with great enthusiasm. Therefore, the dignity of any project is determined by the degree of interest, the degree of heartfelt enthusiasm of the child in the fulfillment of the goal. Problem solving is at the heart of project learning, and only when a goal is set and there is a desire to solve it, the problem becomes a project.

Projects can be long-term and short-term, touch on global issues and the simplest ones. Project activities not only expand the horizons of children, but also unite the team of parents, children, and teachers.

Work on project method - this is a relatively high level of complexity of pedagogical activity, which implies a serious qualification of the educator, the educator who owns the design technology can teach the child to design.

In accordance with the work plan of the department of education, district

information - methodical center 06.02. In 2015, a review competition "Palette of Pedagogical Projects" was held, which was held on the basis of MBDOU No. 12. 10 pedagogical workers from preschool educational organizations took part in the review - competition: No. 15, Novy Urgal, No. 7, No. 8, No. 9, No. 10, No. 12, TsRR, Chegdomyn village.

The competition contributed to the improvement of professional competence, the development of the creative potential of teaching staff in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The projects submitted for the competition were different in terms of topics, content, duration:

The issues of moral, patriotic education of a small citizen of our country, and on the eve of the celebration of Victory Day, devoted their project to the team of MBDOU No. 15 "Urgalochka", "Let's bow to those great years." “It is very important today to correctly convey the essence of what is happening during the Second World War and evoke in a small soul a feeling of pride, compassion, reverence, patriotism ..”, with these words, senior educator E.N. Kuznetsova began the presentation of her project. She spoke about the progress of the project, interesting events held as part of its implementation: meetings with veterans, viewing illustrations, reading books about the war, excursions to the monument to those who died during the war. Participation of children in the project will helpto form a respectful attitude towards the participants in the war, home front workers,understand the importance of the holiday - Victory Day in the life of a Russian person.

Mom in the life of every child is a whole world that shapes his personality,and how important it is to help a child realize this. Mezentseva M.L. educator MBDOU d / s No. 8, brought to our attention the project “Congratulations to our mothers”. The purpose of the project was to introduce the holiday "Mother's Day". Children not only got acquainted with this holiday, but also participated in its preparation on an equal basis with their mother: they designed a photo exhibition “Different mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important”, learned poems, songs, prepared gifts. Children will understand that giving joy is just as pleasant as receiving gifts. They will learn to distinguish moral qualities through fiction, to realize their desires and abilities in making gifts, they will affirm that MOM is always warm, cozy, joyful.

“It is better to immediately ensure the safety of the child than to regret later” - this proverb became the epigraph to the safety project of Petrova V.A. educator TsRR, "A child in communication with strangers." Through various activities, children learned to behave correctly in various situations, together with their parents they created a safety corner, designed an exhibition of children's drawings "Safety in fairy tales", "Friends and strangers", "Meetings with strangers". Security issues were also considered in the project of O.N. Nabok. educator MBDOU No. 12 "Beware of fire!". In an accessible form, the children of the older group got acquainted with the rules of fire safety, the profession of a firefighter, as a result of the joint activities of children and parents in the group, a “No to fire” corner was created, where layouts, drawings, books, colorful pictures on compliance with fire safety rules were placed.

The team of kindergarten No. 8 "Rodnichok" submitted two projects for the competition: "Little Artists", the teacher of MBDOU d / s No. 7, Levchenko T.V. in the process of preparing the performance for parents, the children learned the basics of acting, made props, mastered the expressiveness of speech, self-realization. The main goal of the projects of Marchuk N.V., speech therapist MBDOU No. 7 “One, two, three, four, five - there will be toes to walk”, was the creation of finger paths in collaboration with parents. Corrective aids, activities with their use helped to create an atmosphere of cooperation between parents and a speech therapist teacher. The open lesson showed the interested attitude of all sides of the educational process.

To teach a child to love literature, to understand the book is an important and necessary task of kindergarten.During the project Nezamutdinova A.A. educator MBDOU No. 15, "A book in the life of children", the children joined the world of the book, staged works, designed a book center in the group. The children of the middle group of Shamanskaya I.V. educator MBDOU No. 8.

Probably every adult and child loves to look at the stars. Someone simply admires its beauty, someone dreams of something, someone wants to solve the mysteries that the cosmos is fraught with. To form a holistic view of space in children and solve riddlesspace helped the Klimova AA project. educator MBDOU No. 10, "The mysterious world of space." With the participation of parents, a reference book "Space Dali" was created, an exhibition of family art "Cosmodrome" was organized. During the project, children and parents became interested in the theme of the Cosmos: to find information together, share their knowledge, creativity with other children. The children saw how important the problem of space exploration is for the country and felt involved in it.

The influence of family education on a child is so strong that it can negate any pedagogical efforts of a kindergarten. The educators of MBDOU No. 9 understand that without the consent of the family, pedagogical influences lose all power. Only in combination with each other they create optimal conditions for the entry of a small person into the big world., Author of the project "Our group" Sinyaeva M.V. spoke about the joint work of the kindergarten and the family. The parents of the younger group took part in the joint activities of the kindergarten with pleasure, participated in the creation of a developing environment.

According to the results of the protocol of the review - competition, they were awardedDiploma of the Department of Education of the winners of the district review - the competition "Palette of Pedagogical Projects":

1 place:

Mezentseva Margarita Leonidovna, educator of MBDOU No. 8, Chegdomyn village;

Petrova Valentina Andreevna, educator of MBDOU CRR, Chegdomyn village.

2nd place:

Klimova Alexandra Alexandrovna, educator of MBDOU No. 10, Chegdomyn village;

Marchuk Natalya Valerievna, teacher - speech therapist MBDOU No. 7, Chegdomyn settlement.

3rd place:

Kuznetsova Elena Nikolaevna, senior teacher of MBDOU No. 15, Novy Urgal;

Naboko Olesya Nikolaevna, teacher of MBDOU No. 12, Chegdomyn settlement;

Sinyaeva Maria Vladimirovna, educator of MBDOU No. 9, Chegdomyn settlement.

2. Certificates of participants of the regional review - the competition "Palette of Pedagogical Projects" were awarded:

Shamanskaya Irina Vasilievna, teacher of MBDOU No. 8, Chegdomyn village;

Levchenko Tatyana Viktorovna, instructor in physical education, MBDOU No. 7, Chegdomyn settlement;

Nezamutdinova Antonina Alekseevna, teacher of MBDOU No. 15, Novy Urgal.

The implemented projects have become the starting point for the introduction of design technology into the activities of our institutions. The willingness of educators to implement the project method pleases, but there is always something to improve. We understand that project activities are the type of pedagogical work that will be in demand in connection with the implementation of federal state educational standards.

The article was prepared by: head of the RMO for the social and communicative development of preschoolers, senior educator of MBDOU No. 12 Bychkova E.A.


Create a title page. A report is a more or less free form of documentation. However, in some cases it is necessary to indicate where you are going to provide this document. Write this in the top right corner of an A4 page. Approximately in the middle of the title page, write the name "Report", and in the next line - "about such and such" (, exhibition, etc.). Write the location and time below. Format it all in the center.

On the first page of the document itself, write, was present. You can calculate them in different ways. Data on the number of delegates to the conference or meeting is in the minutes. If we are talking about a concert or an exhibition, you can offer guests souvenirs. By the number of pens or pens with a logo left after the event, you will accurately calculate how many guests you had. The number of participants in a folk festival or rally can only be established approximately.

Specify the purpose of the event. It can be educational, enlightening, entertaining, etc. Tell us about who performed and with what numbers, what questions were asked, how the audience reacted. The report on the conference resembles the minutes, but differs in a more free form of presentation. In the report on the opening day or concert, write what this event was dedicated to, who its main character is, what he spoke about. If the event consisted of several parts, give a brief summary of each. Of course, there is no need to describe in detail how each break went, but the fact that the conference consisted of a plenary session, sections and a buffet table can be mentioned. Also, do not forget to tell us about who, in addition to the artist, spoke at the opening of the exhibition.

Write what props you used. Was it prepared on time, did you have enough allocated money. Don't forget about technology. Attach an estimate.

Give a brief analysis of the event. Did everything planned go well? Determine what worked best and what needs to be worked on. Specify what conditions are necessary for such events to be held at a higher level in the future.

Indicate whether representatives of the media were present at your event and who exactly. Data can be taken from the member of the organizing committee responsible for working with the press. If we are talking about a conference, summit, scientific seminar, etc., the data must be with those responsible for registration. It can be pointed out that following the results of the event, such and such materials were published in such and such mass media.

Exhibition of children's creativity, as a result of the work of students of the children's association

Demidova Olga Borisovna, teacher of additional education, MUDO "House of childhood and youth of the city of Cheremkhovo".
Material Description: This material is intended for teachers of additional education of children's associations of fine arts and arts and crafts.
Target: acquaintance with the work of the children's association "Young Artist".
Tasks: reveal and develop the potential artistic abilities inherent in the child.
Awaken children's interest in creating diverse, unique and original works
Students of the children's association "Young Artist" are successfully engaged in various types of creativity. Their work can be seen at exhibitions of various levels.
The organization of exhibitions is a painstaking and time-consuming business, everyone knows this at least once in this work.
The exhibition is the point from which the child will take a step to achieve new goals.
For children-viewers, this is an opportunity to see their friend from a different point of view, and for someone, an incentive to try themselves in this type of activity.
Each participation of a student in an exhibition is the acquisition of a certain experience, access to different levels of exhibition activities.
Main types of exhibitions:
Thematic exhibition

Final exhibition
The first demonstration of students' works takes place inside the creative association. At the end of each lesson, an exhibition is organized, the work is analyzed and evaluated. Summing up provides for reflection, a collective analysis of products as a whole and an assessment of the crafts of each child.
Lesson Application "Lamb".

Lesson Application "Traffic light"

The next stage is the design of thematic exhibitions of students' creative works in the arts and crafts room, which is the result of the joint work of children and the teacher. Do-it-yourself creative work will be the best example showing the assimilation and consolidation of the program.

Students of the children's association "Young Artist" under the guidance of a teacher organize exhibitions on the basis of schools where classes are held. All visitors are surprised by the variety of techniques: plasticine painting, quilling, origami, trimming, decoupage. The purpose of the event: to attract children to the children's association.

City exhibitions are held within the framework of social partnership:
In the central library "February inspiration".

Students took part in the open regional competition-exhibition of children's art creativity "Singer of a small Motherland", where the work "Bird cherry" by Babina Anastasia took 1st place.

The works were exhibited at the Children's Ecological and Biological Center at the exhibition "The Necessary from the Unnecessary".
In the regional competition-exhibition of arts and crafts "Baikal Star" in the recreation center "Khimik", Usolye-Sibirskoye.

In the regional festival of children's folk art "Solar Circle" in D.K. "Miner"

In the regional exhibition: "The second life of things" in Angarsk.
At the end of the school year, the final exhibition of students' creative works is held in the House of Childhood and Youth.

Viewing of the work is carried out so that everyone can see: how each child mastered the program, what he achieved during the school year. This form of work allows you to visually assess each child and, in general, show the level of children's association.
At the end of each exhibition, students receive certificates, diplomas, diplomas of the participant, gifts. An analysis of the event is carried out, where the participants discuss the results and share plans for the future.

Purposeful work shows a high level of development of creative imagination. This form of work has shown its effectiveness. This is a great opportunity for a child to show their achievements, hidden talents.