Sheared breasts. Strizhenova struck on the spot with her huge breasts to the navel. Photos in a swimsuit

The beach season is about to start. Anticipating the bikini celebrity fashion show, WomanHit presents its own hit parade of the owners of the most seductive forms.

Anna Semenovich.

Gennady Avramenko

Anna Semenovich
Size: Fifth.

About his dignity: “It is a family jewel. I inherited it from my mother."
Throughout her career, Anna has been haunted by questions about the naturalness of her breasts. Defending her forms, the artist recalls the past: either she will post photos on the Web from the time of her sports career, or she will publish family pictures with relatives, where it is clearly visible: Anna’s big breasts are a family treasure. The singer constantly has to make excuses: how could she skate professionally and win medals with such breasts? He says that he had to wear slimming underwear. But most of all, the artist is depressing by the fact that many fans directly associate all Anna's successes with the size of her bust. However, it must be admitted that curvy forms provided the artist with lucrative advertising contracts and, of course, added male fans. But breasts have not yet brought personal happiness to her mistress.

Anfisa Chekhova
Size: Fifth.

About his dignity: “I am not only my chest! There's a soul underneath it!"
According to the TV presenter, she was always terribly complex about her breasts and was embarrassed to meet men who did not take their eyes off her bust. But over time, Anfisa realized that breasts are a virtue that should not be hidden, but emphasized. And the biggest admirer of Chekhova's outstanding breasts is her son Solomon, who recently turned one year old.

Masha Malinovskaya
Size: Fourth.

About his dignity: "I have always had large breasts."
At the dawn of her career as a TV presenter, Masha talked about good heredity in terms of the bust, a rich gene pool and the special air of the city of Smolensk, in which she was born. Later, other stories appeared: about forced plastic surgery, allegedly due to a sharp loss of breast shape. Malinovskaya does not hide her love for plastic, which, in fact, is perfectly visible on her face, and considers it a natural necessity to maintain her beauty. Nevertheless, the capital's socialite was not afraid to feed her son Miron with her outstanding dignity.

Ekaterina Strizhenova
Size: Fourth.

About his dignity: “I didn’t like a lot about myself, but my shortcomings do not poison my life.”
Catherine has always been distinguished by a miniature figure and an outstanding bust, but rumors about the origin of her breasts are constantly circulating. The TV presenter herself is partly to blame for this, who first talks in an interview about the loss of breast shape after the second birth, and then talks about the fact that harmony with herself, separate nutrition and fitness allow her to look great.

Masha Rasputina
Size: Fifth.

About his dignity: “I have my own breasts, not silicone!”
The singer constantly insists that her beauty is natural, and her breasts are grown in natural conditions and on the products of the Siberian village. Masha is happy to tell how she maintains her physical shape. She sits on a constant diet, which includes freshly squeezed juices, herbs, vegetables, fruits and nutritional supplements. And also - compulsory sports. Rasputina has a personal trainer with whom she has been working for about ten years. The singer's workout includes stretching exercises, strength training and yoga. Despite all efforts, fans for some reason do not believe in the artist's assurances about the naturalness of her beauty.

Arina Sharapova
Size: Not commented.

About her dignity: "It is not clothes or forms that make a woman attractive."
Two years ago, for her anniversary, the TV presenter noticeably lost weight. But gossips were more interested in another fact: how, with the loss of 10 kilograms, Arina's chest did not decrease at all? Sharapova prefers not to respond to these attacks. In her interviews, she admits that she once injected Botox, but the experience was unsuccessful. And she is generally afraid of plastic surgery half to death and will resort to them only in a critical case.

Irina Pegova
Size: Fifth.

About his dignity: "I will never have a 44th size and volumes of 90-60-90."
Irina is called the owner of the most luxurious bust in Russian cinema. At the same time, the actress herself says that big breasts give her trouble: you have to buy not the clothes that you like, but the ones you can fit into. In addition, with such volumes, Irina, in her opinion, seems much larger and older than she really is. Pegova is constantly trying to lose weight, monitors her diet and is seriously involved in sports. And she does all the stunts in the movie herself. In the film "Space as a premonition" there is an episode in which the heroine of Irina, having run a cross, finished first and tore the ribbon with her chest. Film critics considered that this was the first worthy erotic episode in the history of new Russian cinema.

Hope Meikher
Size: Fourth.

About his dignity: “If there is silicone in my chest, then I have had it since birth!”
Nadia, like most of her colleagues, claims that she inherited her breasts. It turns out that her grandmother has a sixth breast size, and she is very surprised at all the gossip and conversations that arise around her granddaughter's bust. The singer also categorically does not like it when men look at her breasts. And the best compliments, according to Nadezhda, she receives from her ten-year-old son.

About a week ago, Ekaterina Strizhenova and her husband Alexander went to Karelia. There, in the clinic, a popular TV presenter goes through a detox program to get rid of excess weight and cleanse the body of toxins. According to Strizhenova, it turned out to be extremely difficult to force her husband to go with her to the clinic in order to pass all the tests and be examined by doctors. “After all, men believe that everything is okay with them until something falls off (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved. - Approx. ed.),” Strizhenova explained.


The result was not long in coming. Catherine boasted that she got rid of a few extra pounds. "Here I stand in front of you, a simple Russian woman ... satisfied! In a week with hydromassages, body wraps, a bathhouse, aqua aerobics, press therapy and detox, I lost 2kg 900g .. Of course, this is not so much (2 years ago in #luciano for 7 days was minus 5kg ), but still nice. Now the main thing is to keep the result!" - announced the satisfied presenter.

February 22, 2010, 05:47 pm

Today, the stars are in fashion with magnificent breasts. Some actresses in their desire to look more sexy just do not know the measure! The TV presenter of the "Ice Age" Anastasia Zavorotnyuk continues to amaze fans with her ever-increasing breasts. She insists that these are her native forms, however, as they say, the eyes do not lie! At the ice show, Nastya once came out in such a super-open neckline that the audience forgot about the skaters! And some chuckled: the bust of the "beautiful nanny" will soon overtake the Persian Anna Semenovich! Did the actress go too far with volumes? We asked a professional, president of BEAUTY PLAZA, plastic surgeon, doctor of medical sciences, professor Alexander Teplyashin about this. - Zavorotnyuk has an extremely revealing neckline that the audience forgot about the skaters! And some chuckled: the bust of the "beautiful nanny" will soon overtake the Persian Anna Semenovich! Did the actress go too far with volumes? We asked a professional, president of BEAUTY PLAZA, plastic surgeon, doctor of medical sciences, professor Alexander Teplyashin about this. ene silicone breast. The fact that she has an artificial bust is not even noticed by doctors. Very poorly done, the implants are too visible. It is considered ideal plastic when the implants are not visible. Even artificial breasts should not have sharp outlines, but retain smoother, sexy forms, Teplyashin said. - By the way, that is why surgeons in the West are switching from silicone to a more advanced biomaterial. We use it too. After all, silicone implants are visible even at airports during inspections! Hollywood stars had a scandal about this - after all, this is how all their tricks become visible! And someone can sell a "photo" from the light. And biological implants are not visible. - And what are these biological implants? - This is a new word in technology, although it has been used in the world for more than 40 years. The special shell is very soft and very durable, inside - carboxymethylcellulose, it is made from seaweed, agar-agar. Such a viscous jelly, in medicine it is used as an anti-adhesion drug. Actress Natalya Bochkareva I don't think it's too smart to hide the fact that you've had plastic surgery. And the patients of our clinic often talk about it openly. So, he doesn’t hide that the actress Bochkareva has increased her bust ... Angelica Varum The singer Angelica Varum, in my opinion, the result is too noticeable, says the plastic surgeon. After plastic surgery, everyone noticed that the wife of Leonid Agutin began to wear transparent dresses, and huge necklines that did not hide the slightest detail of the singer's gorgeous body. Irina Dubtsova ... singer Dubtsova. And well done! By the way, Dubtsova's story was filmed on video, and clients can see it! Oksana Fandera ... and actress Oksana Fandera. Ekaterina Stirzhenova Ekaterina Strizhenova. If she was operated on, then successfully. Outwardly not noticeable. Looks very stylish. Katy Topuria Also, the soloist of the group "A-Studio" Katie Topuria increased her breasts, which she does not hide. Alena Sviridova Singer Alena Sviridova. In my opinion, she also underwent breast plastic surgery. The star herself says that she decided to correct the size after giving birth. When asked why only correct, and not build something global for herself, the singer admitted: - In general, I am against improvements in appearance. What God gave, he gave, why deceive nature? I can understand when girls make the second size from the first or the third from the second. But when it reaches inhuman dimensions, it already looks ugly and stupid. Elena Sparrow The parodist Elena Vorobey made a plastic face, nose correction, enlarged the bust. Anna Semenovich Elchin Velievich Mamedov, a plastic surgeon, in whose track record almost the entire Russian beau monde told about the operations of Semenovich and Kudryavtseva. - I think that Anna did breastfeeding. The criterion is not even the size, but the uncharacteristic fullness of the breast relative to its size. Natural breasts in this case should sag. Anna is helped to keep her shape by implants. Lera Kudryavtseva - Lera, like Anna Semenovich, I do not exclude breast augmentation, - says the plastic surgeon. Irina Saltykova According to rumors, singer Irina Saltykova acquired new breasts with the help of a surgeon ... Lada Dance The sexy star of the TV series "All Men Are Their Own ..." has become one of the silicone "pioneers" in Russian show business. Thanks to Ladin's desire and the efforts of plastic surgeons, her breasts now look their best. The diva herself assures others that she, of course, did nothing of the sort. Masha Malinovskaya
Masha Malinovskaya did not give the audience the opportunity to compare what she had "before": Masha appeared on the blue screens already with the 5th size. However, the scars that are visible in the cutouts of sometimes excessively deep dresses convince us that this beauty is not real. Masha Malinovskaya Also a note of plastic from Masha Rasputina. In addition, she also went too far with volumes. Alsou At 21, Alsou "renewed" her breasts, turning from a fragile girl into a girl with very magnificent forms. The singer is considered one of the youngest stars who have increased their "wealth". And here is the result - a permanent man, Yan Abramov, immediately appeared nearby with the most serious intentions.

Ekaterina Strizhenova was remembered by many as the host of the Good Morning program on Channel One. But she is also a popular actress. She has more than 45 roles in various films and TV series. Best of all, she succeeds in the role of romantic young ladies and strict mothers. She and in life brings up two daughters Anastasia and Alexandra. Like many popular people, Ekaterina loves to be photographed, maintains her page on Instagram.

Ekaterina Strizhenova often appears on the covers of magazines. She became the heroine of publications in the publications "Caravan of stories", "Good advice", "Women's secrets" and many others. However, professional studio photo shoots with her participation are almost impossible to find.

More often, her photos appear on the network, where she poses at social events and the set of Channel One.

Filming in the nude

You will not find real nude photo shoots with Ekaterina Strizhenova. The actress tries to maintain the image of a mother and a serious adult woman. However, at the beginning of his career, everything was different.

She had to undress several times on the set. For the first time she starred naked in the film "Escape to the End of the World", then there were many more similar shootings.

Nude Ekaterina Strizhenova in the movie "Casanova":

But most of all, the audience remembered candid shots from the film "From 180 and Above" by Alexander Strizhenov. Many photographs were taken from him, in which the actress appears in all her glory in a tight-fitting translucent top.

Photos in a swimsuit

Ekaterina does not like to share candid photos. In her profile on the social network there are no pictures in a swimsuit. All photos of the presenter look more than modest.

There was a period in her life when she recovered significantly. But she quickly pulled herself together and regained her ideal shape. The low carb diet helped.

According to Strizhenova, she has no beauty secrets. She just leads a healthy lifestyle: eats right and pays attention to physical activity.

At times she gets tired. Then she arranges a day of rest for herself. She visits a beautician, does massage, various spa treatments. After that, she enters the business everyday full of strength and energy.

Katya met her husband Alexander Strizhenov on the set of the film "Leader" in 1984. She was then 16 years old. In 1987, the couple got married.

They became the happy parents of two daughters. The eldest Anastasia was born in 1988. Today she is already married and lives in New York. The youngest daughter Sasha was born in 2000. She followed in the footsteps of her parents, and is now actively engaged in an acting career.

Recently, news about the breakup of a star couple has often begun to appear on the network. Catherine always answers this:

“Strange, five minutes ago we were fine.”

At the same time, she does not deny that conflicts arise in the family, but for more than 30 years of marriage, the spouses have learned to quickly resolve them.

In 2018, Anastasia Strizhenova gave her parents a beautiful grandson. The boy was named Peter in honor of his father. Anastasia spends all her free time with him and uploads touching photos of the baby to the network.

Now Strizhenova is less and less likely to be seen on TV. The role of the host in the program of the First Channel "Time Will Show" was subjected to mass criticism of the audience. But the channel's management left Katya in this program.