"Me and my body" Synopsis of GCD using health-saving technologies. Me and my body. The program of classes, exercises, didactic games. Methodological guide for teachers, educators, parents

Part one. BODY PARTS

You can start a conversation with a child about his body even when he is not yet able to comprehend his body, but is already able to understand what the parts of the body are called. Looking at the pictures, ask the child why he needs arms and legs, palms and fingers on the arms and legs. Explain to him that the flexibility of the body provides joints- movable joints of bones, thanks to which a person can make many different movements with his arms and legs. Practice with the children using the actions of the body parts. For this purpose, conduct games: “Who will run faster on straight legs”, “Take an apple from the table with a straight hand and, without bending your arms, bite off a piece”, “Draw with a pencil, putting it in your toes” etc. These exercises are interesting for the child, and he, trying to perform them, learns the need for just such a structure of his body. We also recommend creating problem situations in the process of training in order to learn the capabilities of the body and its organs. For example, children with their hands tied can be asked to draw a picture, tie their shoelaces, get dressed, perform some task alternately with their hands and feet, etc. Tasks of this kind lead the child to an understanding of the importance of hands and feet for a full life, to the realization of the need for a careful, caring attitude towards them. They also increase his mental and cognitive activity, help to learn the functionality of the upper and lower extremities: which tasks can be performed only with the hands, which only with the legs, and which are performed only if the movements of the arms and legs are coordinated. Approximate set of tasks: 1. Play a musical instrument (metallophone, piano, drum). 2. Draw a sun, write a word. 3. Cut out a square, a circle, an asterisk from paper. 4. Eat porridge. 5. Build a tower of blocks. 6. Run, jump, walk, stay... 7. Play ball. 8. Climb up the ladder. In the first part of the manual, children are also given an idea of ​​the great substitutive capabilities of the human body, using the example of people with disabilities. (For example: no hands - plays a musical instrument, draws, holds a spoon with his feet.) While studying according to our book, regularly spend physical education minutes with your children: turns with a tilt of the head; circular movements of the neck, torso tilts; hand jerks; jumps; squats. Such exercises allow you to consolidate children's ideas about the structure of the human body, develop motor skills, orientation in space, activate interest in knowing themselves, their bodies, their capabilities, and cause a joyful mood.

Part two. SENSORS

The picture material proposed in this part of the manual is aimed at studying sense organs: vision(eyes), hearing(ear), smell(nose). It will help expand children's ideas about these senses and tell them that, for example, eyes are needed in order to see, they come in different colors and different shapes. From the eyes of a person you can find out about his mood, as they are funny and sad, they know how to laugh and cry. And if you do not take care of your eyes, they see worse and you need to wear glasses. Looking at pictures with a child is best done in different forms. You can talk with the child on given topics, and in the process of communication, ask questions, ask them to talk about what he sees in the picture. Another option for work is to invite the child to tell about what kind of help the organ that is shown in the picture provides him. At the same time, it is useful to ask the child to remember and show how and in what cases he relies on the help of his senses or body parts. Accompany the children's answers with sayings, verses (“let's clap our hands, stomp our feet”, “ears on top”, etc.). After you are convinced of the child's ability not only to name and show his sense organs, but also to explain why a person needs them, proceed to the next step. Tell your child that animals have the same sense organs, but they differ from human ones in that, for example, a cat can see in the dark, but a person cannot; that an eagle can see its prey from a very long distance, but a person cannot, etc. But a person has come up with such devices that make up for these shortcomings: glasses, binoculars, a magnifying glass, etc. We advise you to play a game with your child "Who knows more about himself?". To questions like “What can my eyes do?” or “What organ helps me hear what the trees in the forest are talking about?” etc. - both children and adults answer. In this case, the children themselves choose a picture and begin the story. The next stage is mastering the ways of caring for your senses. Children, with the help of adults, draw up a set of rules for each sense organ: for the eyes - look at books in good light, draw without bending over paper, wash the whole face every morning and evening, and especially the eyes, etc .; for the ears - do not turn on the music very loudly, do not shout in your ear, wear a hat with ears in winter so as not to catch a cold, clean your ears, etc. And so for each sense organ. The conversation about the "enemies" of the sense organs is carried out with the help of pictures and explanations to children. You can talk about at least four main "enemies": dirt, temperature difference, external irritants, dangerous objects. And finally, you can talk with children about how bad it is for a person who does not have some kind of sense organ, and about how you can help him. At the same time, the child's attention should be drawn to the fact that these are very strong-willed people, they live, sometimes not being able to talk or not hearing or not seeing the world.


The pictures in this part of the manual are designed to work with children aged 6-7, since children of this age are already interested in “what is inside them”. From this question, you can begin to look at the pictures while talking with the child. Let's see what we have inside. But first touch yourself, me. What do you feel? Is the person soft or hard? Even in those places where it seems soft to you, if you press well, you can feel the hardness - this bones. All the bones together make up skeleton person. Now let's see how it is shown in the picture. Here is a skeleton, and on it muscles Well, they are soft. Why does a man need a skeleton? It helps us to "keep" our body and protect our internal organs. You see: inside the skeleton are lungs, heart. The skeleton protects them from blows. It is only thanks to the skeleton that our body retains its shape. Human bones are very strong, but with a sharp blow, an unsuccessful jump, or a fall, they can break. Therefore, you should be careful not to damage them. Here is a doctor in the picture, he examines the child, checks whether all his bones are in order, whether he broke any during the jump.

A very important internal organ - heart. The picture shows a human heart and shows how it, like a powerful pump, pumps blood throughout the body. Blood enclosed in long

tubules - vessels that carry blood throughout the body. That is why, wherever we cut our skin, blood immediately appears. This means we cut some kind of vessel. It is important to immediately stop the bleeding so that a person does not lose a lot of blood when injured. The heart is always working, even when a person is sleeping or resting. The work of the heart is checked by a doctor using a special device called a phonendoscope. (It would be nice to show the child a real stethoscope and let him hear how the heart beats.) In the next picture (p. 27), the child will see Airways person. Look at the picture with the child and show on him how breathing occurs. Let him take a breath with his nose, then "release" it. Remember with the child, if it was in his experience, how he was x-rayed. Tell him what lungs is a very important organ. A person breathes always, even when he sleeps. Observe the sleeping person with the child. Explain that it is easy to catch a cold in the airways. A person constantly inhales air into himself, and if it is very cold, then you can chill the bronchi, cause a runny nose and even get pneumonia. Therefore, you can not resist when adults say that you need to dress warmer. Other pictures of this series are considered in the same way. Then you can play games. Invite the child to compose a riddle story based on any picture, i.e. compose it so that the listener can guess which picture the child is describing. Can play the game "What do you know about..." You ask the child the question: “What do you know about the human heart?” or “What do you know about the human skeleton?” etc., and the child answers. Or another game "What would happen if..." What would happen if the skeleton ran away from the person? What if humans didn't have teeth? Would the brain stop responding to all signals from the body? What if a person's heart decided to rest and stop beating? If a person ate a lot of food? What if it's very small? Particular attention deserves the consideration of pictures on the topic “Help yourself” (p. 31). They should not be treated as medical advice. The purpose of these classes is to develop in children

the skills of a conscious attitude to your body, to your health.

Sections: Working with preschoolers


The presented methodological complex is intended to familiarize preschool children (4-7 years old) with the external and internal structure of the human body; formation of beliefs and habits of a healthy lifestyle.

The methodological complex is intended for employees of preschool educational institutions and institutions of additional education that provide natural science education for children. Its creation is based on the program of A.I. Ivanova “What can preschoolers know about a person”; section “What I know about myself”, included in the program of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences S.A. Kozlova “I am a man”, a course on pre-school preparation by M.L. Lazarev “Hello!”, the program of L. Bobarykina, N. Shumilova “Doctor Nebolit”.

Description of methodological material

In the last 10 years, there has been a trend towards the deterioration of the health of the child population around the world.

Environmental problems, various negative household factors, chemical additives in food, poor-quality water, accumulated irritation in society associated with an unsatisfactory economic situation - these are just some of the factors that aggressively affect the health of a preschooler.

The very concept of “health” has always been considered as complete physical, mental and social well-being, as a harmonious state of the body, which allows a person to be active in his life, to achieve success in various activities.

To achieve harmony with nature and with yourself, you need to learn to take care of your health. since childhood , preserve it, strengthen it, join a healthy lifestyle. It is especially important to know this for children living in the Far North.

To realize the importance of this problem, preschoolers must first of all get acquainted with what the human body is, with the features of its structure, functioning and life.

In this way , goal This methodological complex can be formulated as follows:

familiarization of preschool children with the external and internal structure of the human body; formation of beliefs and habits of a healthy lifestyle in a preschool educational institution.

This goal is realized through the following tasks:

- to form ideas of preschool children about the state of their own body and the functioning of the human body;
- to form a positive self-awareness, a value attitude towards one's own life and the life of another person;
- to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about nutrition, hardening, daily routine, cultural and hygienic skills;
- develop the ability to see the causes of health problems; the relationship between natural health and human health;
- to develop a free, healthy personality with a sense of dignity and respect for people;
- develop interest in experimentation, self-observation, self-examination;
- educate the need for a healthy lifestyle; love and care for your body; admiration for its capabilities.

The implementation of this complex includes the following Components:

- value - the formation of a value attitude to human life, responsibility for one's life and health;
- gnostic - specially selected and adapted to the perception of preschoolers material for the study of the human body;
- developing - formation in children of an active position aimed at self-development;
– practical – practical implementation and application of the known.

- scientific - the proposed material corresponds to the modern approach to promoting a healthy lifestyle among preschool children;
– realism and accessibility – the volume of ideas about the structure of the human body is adapted to the perception of children of preschool age and corresponds to their age-related ability to acquire knowledge; excessive simplification and complexity are not allowed;
- value attitude to life and health - it is brought to the consciousness of children that life and health is a huge value and it must be treated reasonably, observing all the necessary rules;
- businesslike and entertaining - the material is presented in an entertaining, playful way, contains business information useful for practical activities.

The methodical complex consists of three blocks.

The first block “Your amazing body” designed for children 4-5 years old. In it, for the first time, children get acquainted with the fact that all people on Earth are different and unique, they learn what a complexion is, why people have different skin colors, eyes and hair, nose shape; learn to carefully observe the face, determine the mood and well-being of a person by it; receive the first information about the parts of the human body and their functions; get acquainted with the skin, hair and nails; penetrate the mystery of birth; learn to identify people by gender; get acquainted with the sense organs; learn experimentally to navigate in the scheme of their own body (Appendices No. 1, No. 4).

The second block “A small country inside you” designed for children 5-6 years old. As you probably guessed, he tells children about the internal structure of the human body. Here are the topics of the lessons from this block: “What I am made of. Cell”, “On what everything rests. Skeleton and muscles”, “Look with all your eyes!”, “Listen with all your ears!”, “Heart and blood circulation. Great Worker and Magic Rivers”, “Breath. In the Land of the Lungs, or the Journey of Airmen”, “The Brain is the Central Computer”, “Digestion. About the amazing transformations of food in the human body” (Appendices No. 2, No. 5).

The third block "Secrets of your health" designed for children 6-7 years old. He invites children on a journey through the magical land of Microbia, through the Kingdom of the Tooth, to visit the Queen Cold; tells children where diseases come from; about such topical diseases as scoliosis and flat feet; introduces the specializations of doctors who help us monitor our health; talks about the relationship between natural health and human health. At the end of the year, children take an exam to Dr. Nebolit, i.е. in the form of KVN a final lesson is held (Appendix No. 3, No. 6).

Classes for the implementation of the complex lasting from 20-30 minutes (depending on age) are held throughout the academic year 1-2 times a month and represent free cognitive-experimental activity. Further, the information received by the children is consolidated and tested in everyday life in games, in the classroom.

any other types of activity, on walks, in free independent activity during the day, in the form of original tasks in the developed by me notebook "I study the human body."

During classes with children, the following teaching methods are used: storytelling, conversation, self-observation, self-examination, experimentation (frontal and demonstration), play, logical reasoning, independent activity of children, observation, modeling, TRIZ, practical activities of children, demonstration of illustrations and photographs, productive activities, explanations, briefing, role-playing game, discussion, imitation of actions, creative activity, fantasy.

I really hope that the implementation of this complex will help children in the future treat their health as a value that must be constantly taken care of. I strive to ensure that they realize and remember folk wisdom for the rest of their lives: “Losing money is losing nothing, losing time is losing a lot, losing health is losing everything!”

List of used literature

  1. A.I. Ivanova “Natural scientific experiments and research in kindergarten. Man”, Creative Center “Sphere”, Moscow, 2004.
  2. S.E. Shukshin “Me and my body”, Moscow, Shkolnaya pressa publishing house, 2004.
  3. A. Barille “The human body”, No. 25, 2007.
  4. P. Bronstein “You and your body”, Moscow, ROSMEN, 2007.
  5. S. Bulatsky “Human Body” (encyclopedia), Minsk, UNION, 2007.
  6. M. Lukyanov “My first book about a person”, Moscow, CJSC “ROSMEN-PRESS”, 2007.
  7. T.A. Alekseeva, R.G. Apresyan “365 stories about a man” (encyclopedia), Moscow, “ROSMEN”, 2008.
  8. A. Claiborne "Man" (encyclopedia), Moscow, "ROSMEN", 2008.
  9. E. Prati “Human Body” (encyclopedia), Moscow, “Makhaon”, 2006.
  10. L.V. Belkin "Adaptation of young children in preschool educational institutions".
  11. N.Yu. Sinyagina, I.V. Kuznetsova “How to preserve and strengthen the health of children”, Humanitarian publishing center “Vlados”, Moscow, 2004.
  12. V.A. Doskina, L.G. Golubeva “Growing up healthy”, Moscow, Education, 2006.
  13. L. Bobarykina, N. Shumilova, program “Doctor Nebolit” (Internet resource).
  14. V.N. Volchkova, N.V. Stepanova “Summary of classes in the second junior group of kindergarten”, “Summaries of classes in the senior group of kindergarten. Cognitive development”, shopping center “Teacher”, Voronezh, 2006.
  15. L.G. Gavryuchin “Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions”, Creative Center “Sphere”, Moscow, 2007.
  16. V.V. Polyakov “Fundamentals of life safety”, “DIK”, Moscow, 1997.
  17. “Preschool Education”, No. 14 2004, No. 4 2007.
  18. “A child in kindergarten” No. 4, 2008.
  19. “Preschool Pedagogy”, September-October 2006.

· the program "Me and my body" by S.E. Shukshina. Purpose: through exciting activities and didactic games, to acquaint preschool children with the structure of the human body, the functions of various organs.

· the program "Fundamentals of Safety for Preschool Children" by R. Sterkina, N. Avdeeva, O. Knyazeva. Purpose: using various forms and methods of teaching, taking into account individual and age characteristics

and children of the originality of local and living conditions, to form in them adequate behavior in various life situations, life safety.

· the program "Talk about Proper Nutrition" by M.M. Bezrukikh, T.A. Filippova, A.G. Makeeva. The goal is to teach a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition in an exciting, accessible form for children's perception, to acquaint children with the benefits or harms of certain products.

· "Game massage" - methods of special hardening of children A. Umanskaya and K. Dineika. Purpose: prevention and correction of children's health in a playful way, improvement of the emotional and mental state of preschool children.

· non-standard health-improving and developing program "Igroplastics", developed by the author's team of preschool educational institution No. 383 of the Privolzhsky district of Kazan. Goal: development of opportunities inherent in children by nature.

The purpose of our program is the following: To form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers, to achieve a conscious implementation of the rules of healthy conservation and a responsible attitude towards their own health and the health of others.

To achieve the set goals, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

to form in children an adequate idea of ​​the surrounding person (about the structure of their own body);

help the child to create a holistic view of his body,

Teach "listen" and "hear" your body;

to realize the inherent value of one's own and the value of the life of another person;

to form the need for physical and moral self-improvement, for a healthy lifestyle;

to instill skills in prevention and hygiene, first aid, to develop the ability to foresee the possible life-threatening consequences of their actions for themselves and their peers;

develop protective self-awareness, cultivate respect for the life of another person, the ability to sympathize, empathize with someone else's pain;

To acquaint with the rules of behavior on the street, in everyday life;

Teach your child how to handle substances hazardous to health;

To acquaint children with traumatic situations, to give ideas about the rules for caring for the sick (to take care, not to make noise, to fulfill requests and instructions).

to form the correct behavior of the child in the process of performing all types of activities;

The program reflects the issues of familiarizing children with health protection, personal hygiene rules, the structure of the body, rules of behavior in various situations.

For children 4-5 years old (middle group) the following tasks were set:

"I!". Continue to identify your name with yourself; introduce the external parts of the body; give an idea of ​​the ways of expressing one's states with the help of facial expressions and gestures (eyebrows are raised, lips are compressed, cheeks are puffed out); appreciate your body know the basic rules for caring for him; to establish connections between the structure of the organ and its purpose, between their condition and ways of taking care of themselves and the world around them. Learn to dress and undress independently, fasten buttons, lace up shoes, neatly fold and put away clothes in place; politely seek help from a peer or adult. Clarify the child's knowledge about the name, surname, age, home.

"Physical training!". Continue to form a stable habit of physical activity; to tell that a person is a living organism, in order to live, it is necessary to actively move, for this purpose the human organs are intended: legs, arms, torso, head. Talk about health (how you can know and change yourself, how to find your path to health); to acquaint with the prevention of diseases: self-massage, hardening, proper breathing, alternation of active movement and rest. With the help of an adult, establish a connection between the actions performed, habits and the state of the body, mood, well-being. "I will run like a dad to get healthy and strong." “I brush my teeth properly every day, which means they won’t hurt me.” To develop perseverance, purposefulness in caring for one's body, physical culture and recreational activities.

"Attention!". Talk about the rules of the road.

"Danger!". Tell about the rules of first aid for injuries and frostbite: the face is frozen in the cold - rub it easily with a scarf, but not with snow; cold feet - jump, move your fingers; wet your feet - change into dry clothes.

"My - to - holes!". Tell about the culture of food, the rules of behavior at the table, the sequence of dressing, washing, hygiene rules; teach rational ways of self-care. Learn to wash your hands, face, neck; after washing, wash off soap suds from the sink, faucet. Calmly sit down at the table, use a fork, spoon correctly, eat carefully, do not rush, do not be distracted, do not play with cutlery, do not stuff your mouth, do not talk with your mouth full, do not slurp, take bread, cookies from a common plate, but do not change what you have taken; do not interfere with other children; use a napkin, calmly leave the table, say "thank you". Talk about germs, prove the need to use soap and water. Teach them to take care of the health of others: when sneezing and coughing, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief; if you get sick, do not go to kindergarten.

Program implementation principles.

1. Availability:

Accounting for the age characteristics of children

Adaptation of material to age

2. Systematic and consistent:

Gradual presentation of material from simple to complex

Frequent repetition of learned rules and norms.


Accounting for the peculiarities of thinking


Integration of the program into different types of activities


Creation of a favorable environment for the assimilation of the norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle by every child.

Implementation conditions, forms, means and didactic techniques used in the program

The goal of our health improvement system was to create conditions that will help each child become physically and mentally healthy, multifacetedly capable, joyful and happy.

The following conditions have been created for the implementation of this program in kindergarten:

· music and sports hall, equipped with modern equipment;

· a physical culture corner in a group room. The benefits that are available stimulate the active movements of children, contribute to the consolidation of motor skills mastered in physical education classes. Each allowance remains in the corner for no more than 5-7 days, while it arouses interest in children and is used correctly by them, and then is replaced by another. Traces, classes, lines are "lined" throughout the group room.

sports ground (in the kindergarten area),

relaxation corner in the group room;

a medical office.

Love Pork

Members: children of the preparatory group.

Number of participants: subgroup (6 people).

NOD form:"open" educational activity (OD) for educators.

Materials and equipment:

1. Sports equipment and attributes: massage tracks; gymnastic sticks (6 pcs.); scarves (6 pcs.); balls (6 pcs.); felt-tip pens yellow (red, orange) - 6 pcs. ; sheet A4 - 6 pcs.

2. Musical accompaniment: "Background music".

3. Jackets with buttons (or shirts) - 6 pcs.

Used Books:

Shukshina S. E. "Me and my body". The program of classes, exercises, didactic games. Methodical manual for teachers, educators, parents. - M. : School Press, 2009. - 96 p.


Teach children to take care of their health (health of the body, hands and feet). Prevention of flat feet.


1. To give children an idea of ​​​​the structure of the human body and that the hands are the helpers of a person, and the legs are his support.

2. Introduce children to the basic functions of the hands and feet.

3. Bring children to realize the importance of hands and feet for a full human life.

GCD progress:

To the music, the children enter the hall. They get in line. Welcome guests.


Guys, now we will go on an exciting journey - to a country called "Man". There you will learn a lot of interesting and surprising, unexpected and unusual. Each person is unique in their character, hair and skin color, spiritual qualities, spoken language and, at the same time, all people have the same body structure. So, go!

Sounds like "Fairytale Music" from the movie "Three Nuts for Cinderella". children behind the leading "snake" move along the hall along the massage paths. Suitable for chairs located at the smart board. They sit down on chairs. A picture appears on the screen with the image of a person and a table "The structure of the human body."


And here he is, Man! How similar he is to us! Guys, tell me, please, what does he have that we also have?


Head, arms, legs, eyes, ears, mouth. (children's answers).


That's right, kids! He has: head, neck, torso, arms, legs.

What is our body?

What can it do?

Smile and laugh.

Walk, run, tumble.

Our ears hear sounds.

Our nose breathes air.

Roth can tell.

Eyes can see everything.

Legs - run.

Hands to do.

Fingers grab tight

And they squeeze it tight.

To have a healthy body

We need to recharge!


Guys, would you like to do exercises and check what your body can do?



Good! Stand at arm's length. Watch carefully, listen and repeat after me.

Physical education is being held.

I have a head. Right, left - one, two (head tilts).

She sits on a strong neck. Turned-turned (head turns).

Then, the torso goes. Tilt back, lean forward.

Turn, turn (tilts, turns).

Everyone has skillful hands (jerks with hands).

Up down. Down-up (swinging arms with alternating up and down).

We need legs (walking in place,

To run, jump, squat, stand (running in place, jumping, squatting).

This is our body. You can do everything with him for five!

Children sit on chairs.


Well done boys! Sit down. So, as you have just seen, our body can perform many different movements: run, jump, squat, stand, walk, bend over, do what you love. The neck allows our head to be mobile. With the help of hands, a person can perform various actions. And to find out exactly what actions, I suggest you play.

The host, again, draws the attention of the children to the smart board. The task "What belongs to what?" is on the screen. Children determine which actions are performed by the hands and which by the legs.


Well done boys! And with this task you coped easily and quickly. Despite the fact that people have the same body structure, someone often gets sick, and someone is always alert and healthy. Why do you think this happens?

Children's answers.


Do people perform the same actions if one of them is healthy and the other is sick? To find out, I suggest you complete the task: "A person is healthy and sick."

The facilitator draws the attention of the children to the smart board. Two people are depicted on the screen: "healthy" and "sick". Invites children to determine what actions people perform while in two different states. The children are doing the task.


Well done boys! Determined right! But in a person's life, it also happens when some people are born without arms or legs, while others lose arms or legs due to injury. Such people are called "handicapped" or "people with disabilities". How do they live?

Children's answers.


To feel the difficulties that people with disabilities face in life, I invite you guys to participate in the exercise "Who will put it on faster."

Children go to the center of the hall. The exercise is performed in pairs. One child puts on a jacket and fastens the buttons with two hands, and the other with one hand. Then, the children change places. The results are compared.


So guys, how did you feel when you did this exercise? What difficulties did you have to face?

Children's answers.


You see how important hands are in a person's life!

Handles can get everything.

You can hold in your hands:

And a toy, and a blade of grass,

And a heavy chair in the back.

You can swing your arms

You can play with cubes

Draw, dig sand,

Break off a piece of bread

Cat petting, hugging

Or help your mom. (S. Volkov).

Take care of your hands and do not pass by people who need help! And now, answer the question - Why does a person need legs? Feet?

Children's answers.


Human legs perform supporting and motor functions. Without legs, a person cannot move or stand. Remember the boy whom the girl Zhenya met from the fairy tale "Flower-Semitsvetik". Why did he refuse to play with the girl?

Children's answers.


That's right guys! The boy's legs were not healthy and he could not run. What should you do to keep your legs strong and healthy?

Children's answers.


That's right guys! Every day you need to do exercises in the morning, do physical education and sports. To be able to take care of the feet, avoid dangerous situations and injuries, as well as apply therapeutic and preventive gymnastics. The feet of our feet especially need such gymnastics! And, now, I invite you to go to the Health Clearing.

Children go to the center of the hall and, under the guidance of a teacher (leader), perform exercises for the prevention of flat feet.


1. "Walking on toes and heels"(hands on the belt, head raised):

One, two, three, four, five

On socks we go for a walk,

And now we're walking on our heels

Higher nose, straight shoulder blades!

2. "Nimble Legs"

The children are on the floor. Gymnastic stick between widely spaced legs. At its end, on the right, is a scarf. Children take it with the fingers of the right foot, pinch it and transfer it to the left foot without touching the stick. The movements are repeated in alternation with the words:

I'll take a handkerchief with my foot

I'll take it to someone else

And I carry, I carry, I do not sleep -

I won't grab a stick.

3. "Not an obedient ball"

Children, sitting on the floor, roll the ball between the soles of the feet, with their knees as wide apart as possible. Neither the ball nor the feet come off the floor.

4. "Seated Football"

Children sit on the floor opposite each other. Grab the ball with your feet and throw it to the partner sitting opposite.

5."Not an ordinary drawing"

Put a felt-tip pen between your toes, draw the sun. At the same time, the foot of the left foot stands on the sheet, as if holding it. First, with one foot, draw a circle and rays extending from it. Then, circle this pattern with the other foot. Present the drawing to the guests present.

At the end of all exercises, the children stand in a line.


Guys, our journey to the country with the beautiful name "Man" has ended. Did you enjoy traveling?

Children's answers.


What do you remember the most?

Children's answers.


Would you like to continue your journey?

Children's answers.


Although you and I are not octopuses,

But we need legs.

Just two, you don't need many.

We were already waiting for the road.

narrow forest path,

In winter, the hill is icy.

Skates, two silver brothers, -

We are invited to ride.

And the stairs to our attic

Nothing can wait for us.

And let us get a little tired,

But again the legs are calling somewhere! (N. Knushevitskaya).

We will definitely be back, and now they are waiting for us in kindergarten! Goodbye!

The host and the children say goodbye to those present and leave the hall along the massage paths, just as they first came in. Sounds "Background music" is the same as at the beginning.

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Operator AND means that the document must match all the elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the way in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search based on morphology, without morphology, search for a prefix, search for a phrase.
By default, the search is based on morphology.
To search without morphology, it is enough to put the "dollar" sign before the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, put a hash mark " # " before a word or before an expression in brackets.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthesized expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one was found.
Not compatible with no-morphology, prefix, or phrase searches.

# study


Parentheses are used to group search phrases. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For an approximate search, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word in a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
You can optionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1, or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

The default is 2 edits.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Expression relevance

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the sign " ^ " at the end of an expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the given expression.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To specify the interval in which the value of some field should be, you should specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
A lexicographic sort will be performed.

Such a query will return results with the author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to escape a value.