Women of weak floor. Why women - weak floor

Myths of female happiness, or as a fairy tale to make the fair Ardzinba Victoria Anatolyevna

Women - weak floor

Women - weak floor

A certain stereotype of the distribution of roles in family life implies a strong man, the owner, such a dominant male and a weak, submissive woman, a harness-trouble. Such a distribution of roles is due to the fact that all the activities of the men are extended outside the house, and the circle of women's duties is outlined inside it and aims to "maintain fire" of the home. If the spouses somehow change roles - society begins to condemn and make fun of such a family, calling a man with a repeater, and a woman is an authoritarian fragment.

This ridicule is felt in fairy tales, for example: "Morozko", "Tinch-Havroshchka", "Cinderella", "Tale of a fisherman and a fish." From the part it may seem that in these fairy tales a wife having power over her husband is happy. He performs all her whims and desires. It creates the illusion that it is comfortable to live with the "repeater". But in the same fairy tales, we see that the husbands do not please them, they still remain unhappy, irritating and angry: "An old woman is still scolding:" Durachin you, a diverse! ""

The man-podkinnik is depicted by a quiet, silent, unnecessarily timid, that is, not manifesting his strengths, his masculinity. The powerful wife all the time "kicks" and drives, provoking that he manifest himself as a "real" man. Sometimes the spouse is trying to object to his wife, but her stern look and the post of "Hands in Boki" stop these pitiful attempts: "Silent, silent!" "He immediately exclaims and shall carry out the order." Not getting the desired result, she infuses and is even more in him. About any love can no longer be anything, the family "nest" begins to resemble the field of Brahi.

So, in fairy tales, stepmothers are depicted by power, ruthless and also insidious. They are forcibly put on their orders in the house (in such plots there is a hidden matriarchy). And this is an explicit home-building in society! What was the reason for this "flutter"? Since the life of the woman was limited within the family, the change in the status (for example, marriage) changed its position with the dysfunction on the hostess at home. In such a status, a woman who captures all the nuances of the character of a man and feeling in itself and unbridled energy could really become a full-fledged hostess in the house, literally "driving" under himself a man.

So who is actually the owner in the house? In the fairy tale S. M. Marshak "Old woman, the door to close!" It is clearly shown how the spouses are fighting for leadership in the house and that it turns out. Before the festive day of the old woman, as it believes the Radious Mistress, it began to "cook, stew and oven", that is, was passionate about the economic hassle. Nothing says that the old man did at this time, but he suddenly became cold, and he asked his wife to close the door. What could answer this absorbed woman? "I'm just the door and close, there is no other thing!"- sounded in response. Husband, not wanting to surrender, started a prosperity, and then offered the game "Molchanka" - who first will say the word, he will go to close the door. Apparently, both spouses were obsessed and therefore were silent all evening, not wanting to lose. Wife for the sake of a dispute threw cooking. So they were sitting in silence, darkness and cold, while thieves were not climbed into the house. Asking "Who lives in a house?"And without having received a response, they took everything they could, up to the pies and other dishes prepared for the holiday.

The old man with the old woman was so fascinated by the struggle and so sought to defeat at any cost that did not pay attention to the real threat - robbery in their own home. They did not realize that the damage was not only made by their material well-being, but also harmonious family relations. The first woken the old woman, which, apparently, could not serpently criticize her culinary talents. When the thieves, leaving, began to discuss what "The raw cake", the old woman could not stand and screamed: "Not! My cake is not raw! "The dispute was played, and the old man said to the victorious: "Old woman, close the door!"

Having lost everything, the old man still proved that he could win a dispute, not seeing the senseless struggle could destroy family life. Fighting for the position "Who is the owner in the house," many people think that such leadership is the essence of happiness. But what else should happen to see all the meaning and danger of the war of the sex?

The Russian saying says: "The man is head, a woman - neck: where the neck will turn, there is a head and looks." A man makes a decision, but a woman can competently "deploy" the situation, consciously leaving towards "the background", as if by chance, pointing to the direction they need, providing a man to take responsibility for himself. It is very important - to move aside in time, because at this moment a man gets the opportunity to show its best qualities. After a while, a man suddenly begins to understand that he got on the hook of a languid look, a tender smile and ingratiated voice, but, as they say, the neck has already turned in the right direction.

How does this happen? The driven by the hunting instinct in achieving the goal, aspiring to her, as if horse in Shorakh, a man stops seeing and responding to surrounding events. This is where the woman comes to the rescue, who, seeing the variety of solutions, chooses the most appropriate and unfolds "head" in the right direction. This is ideal. It would be good here to remember the anatomy. Then it becomes clear that the neck is simply so, by itself, can not turn. We need an impulse sent from the brain located in the very head. Immediately the question arises: who whom and most importantly, where does it turn? If two loving people are described all the time, as a single organism, then they need to act together as a single organism. And if "the bad head of rest legs does not give", what can we talk about other parts of the body depending on this "bad head"?

With all the "unity and struggle of the opposites", striving for harmony in family relations, the woman still balances the man. But if the head becomes too heavy (the Omese is where to give?!), Then the neck, in the end, will not be able to maintain balance. There is a moment when even the most inflamed neck of the bodybuilder is not capable of holding this very head. The reasons for that abound. Equilibrium can be violated directly opposite requirements for a woman, for example: it should be weak and at the same time strong.

Near the weak woman easier to look strong, but when this very "strength" is missing, you immediately have to look around for a woman - Savior Mol! And then the forehead comes to the fore, which is able to endure all the lives of life: "In trouble - does not raise," will save. " Great and calmly, without any fuss, performs everything that a man cannot make. There is no choice at this moment, for if not she, then who? But, as soon as the difficult stage behind, the woman needs to go into the shadow, skipping a man on an extercane, who has already flushed feathers for the spectacular Gogol.

In the "fairy tale about Nur-hell-Dina and Mariam-Kusachnice" from the famous arch of fairy tales "Thousand and One Night" is remarkably described. Mariam fights for his freedom and protects the beloved. When the girl asks Nur-hell-din to help her in a fight, he answers a comic poem confirming his cowardice. Mariam is especially not surprised by such a revelation, and she does not have anything else, how to offer young people to hide behind her. However, Nur-Ad-Dean, rescued by almost under the women's skirt, expresses a hardness in judgment about how the beloved should dress - even escape from persecution, it is necessary to enter the city only in Izar (women's harenar) and the bedspread. This very "hardness" leads to the deposits - due to the search for the "necessary" clothes, the gangsters kidnap the gangsters and Nur-hell-Dina, it is necessary to drive her from captivity, all the time getting into trouble, and sometimes it becomes incomprehensible who save whom actually saves . It is also noteworthy that when lovers retell their misadventures of Califa, he exclaims: "How many people have to endure her husbands!"And what are we, women, can I answer this?

In the eall game "Hyperships-catch" woman tries to act on a par with a man. Considering fabulous images, comparing male and female characters, you can see that the woman passes no less tests on its path. For example, Ivan Tsarevich goes beyond the princess frog for thirty lands, but Maritre is launched in search of her narrowed - the finista is clear to the three-year kingdom. The girl does not even confuse a warning: "Before three pairs of iron shoes will escape, three copyright stones are breaking, three stone bread will be set up". It goes without thinking without fear of difficulties and deprivation. After all, it has been laid since childhood - to save, no matter what. You can remember Gero and Alenushka, saving their brothers at such a young age that sometimes they wonder how they had strength and courage to have such trials. Nastya from the fairy tale "Scarlet flower" sacrifices his freedom for the sake of his father's life. This is a manifestation of unconditional love - they love, without demanding anything in return, and are ready to sacrifice their own life for such love. These feelings manifest themselves not only to the bridegroom, but also to the fathers and brothers.

Sometimes a woman can say: "What to do? This is my cross! " - And this cargo carries, undermining power and health. You can say any way to say that men are well and comfortably settled, but in many ways women themselves allow such a state of affairs, supporting the myth of humility and female weakness, extinguishing themselves to exhaustion. Loading itself in a similar way, a woman not only cries his own life, but also prevents the development and self-realization of a man. He has no need to show resistance, strength and exposure when it makes it "weak floor". Sometimes banal non-knowledge prevents the potential to disclose the potential, detect the resource. In order for a man to show his strength, a woman does not necessarily be weak, enough to move aside, having freed him a field for activity.

I listen to the history of the client who applied for psychological advice. Galina is a quiet, modest middle-aged woman. Married, has three children - two daughters and younger son. To feed such a big family, Galina works in two works. Came to consult in the hope of "normalizing" the atmosphere in the house.

"You see, Andrei, my husband, a man is very emotional. If something does not suit - instantly explodes. So can't stay for a long time for any work,- tells Galina, as if apologizing tone. - I understand that he has a difficult character, I try not to annoy him, especially when he has difficult moments in life, for goodbye. Just sometimes there is no strength to endure all these attacks. But what to do is my cross, I can do as I can. The girlfriends could have been convicted at all time, but I can't leave Andrei - he would disappear without me. "

Galina, being the main breadwinner in the family, can not spend a penny without the knowledge and harmony of her husband. She got used to assume that her husband was head and he needed to obey. In children with the father of the relationship, by and large, do not fold. They are afraid, and when "dad is not in the spirit," they try to get across the eyes less. Recently, due to the lack of work, it often dwells in a bad mood, "waking up" at home. The younger son, the first grader, suffers from Enurrez.

"Husband believes that it does not have a disease, I simply bring up a child incorrectly. Andrei wants to make a "real man" son and strong enough with him communicates. Sometimes, as the shrink, the son is already shuddered. Well, what can I do? Once it tried to argue that we were not in the army and in front of him, and not a soldier, but only all spoiled. Husband such a scandal arranged! Now I try not to interfere with male education. With the girls, the husband is quieter, but still keeps them in rigor. He says that "do not dismiss".

So, if, on the advice of girlfriends, I will be learned, how do children without male education prove? And I will not raise them all three. And my husband does not drink and does not walk and does not always sit without work, so it is impossible to prevent any particular complaints. Well, Garknet, it happened, but I never raised my hand, "- Galina looks at me with a questioning look.

According to her, it becomes clear what mixed feelings it is experiencing. She tries to be a good wife and mother, but in response it does not receive any support and gratitude. Her love turned into a "cross", which should be carried, despite everything, and she herself became a sacrifice. She not only can not withstand her home tyrant, but not even able to protect his children from him. Enuresis, who suffers from her younger son is a disturbing signal. Of course, there is a mass of theories and hypotheses regarding this disease, but to exclude the psychological factor, nevertheless, it is not worth it. The son is afraid of his father and does not feel support from the mother. Galina "does not interfere in male education", not aware of what fruits can bring like "Mushtra." Daughters, in her words, the husband does not tear (and thanks!), But how to deal with family scenarios? What example of a family model see children? Galina does not think about the fact that girls, matured, subconsciously can look for themselves in her husbands of such despots. Thinking that she retains the family for children, Galina "lays out" in them a negative example of a family relationship, where the father is tyrant, and the mother is a victim. It should not be forgotten that the victim "leaves" from life is usually the first. Yes, and in two works it is easy to undermine your health. Then it certainly will "raise" her children.

Pottakaya husband and thinking that "carries his cross," she corvested by his permissiveness and absence of unsubsion. A husband who did not realize himself in work, begins to "play" on the family, who redeem all his annoyance and anger on weak, that is, on those who cannot confront him.

Galina, working on two works, bringing the main income into the family, however, can not imagine how to grow one three children. Maybe "to feed" them will be much easier when there is no such a fucking? And "Family atmosphere", to build it came, will become more relaxed and healthy? In this situation, Galina needs to look from the part of his life and the lives of their children and answer one of the only question: "She and her children of such a lifetime are worthy of?"

Men, similar to Andrei, always feel good, the duality of the requirements for women, and skillfully use it. On the one hand, they need a good mistress in the house - hard work and the bad, conquering strength and will, but on the other hand, they need support and support due to the inability to be implemented in society. Easy to host your own impotence on those who, in view of certain factors (upbringing, temperament, weakness, mental strength), can not give them a decent story, they feed their loyalty. It is about such that in the proverb: "Well done among sheep, and on a well done - and sheep himself."

It is easy to dissect weak, demonstrating its superiority. Moreover, it is possible to submit this as if this is done for the sake of its good. But to impose his will - does not mean to take care of someone. Caring is a disinterested manifestation of tenderness and participation. So really in order to encourage this man, you need to become weak, dependent and submissive? Sometimes public opinion prescribes a woman to be such in order for a man to make it easier to show their feelings. But then it says, rather, about the weakness of a man, not a woman, and there is no way about his strength and inevitable.

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The dual nature of the female start

The feminine start is at the same time order and chaos, light and darkness, positive and negative, male and female. This duality is a pair of "mother-woman". Due to the relative awareness factor, the mother acts in relation to children (regardless of the floor) as a male start. Therefore, you can call the male start in the woman's mother, and the female is just feminine.

In any relationship, including relationships with men, a woman can play the role of either a mother or a true woman. A woman who guides his own business, in solving business issues, manifests itself as a mother, that is, the male start. Similarly, a married woman who herself takes all the most important family decisions, also manifests itself mainly as a mother.

It follows, however, to understand what it leads to - in such cases, the spouse becomes not her husband, but son. From the point of view of the husband himself, the spouse is not his wife for him, but a mother, whereas he himself feels like a little boy.

The state of the stable described above is the main cause of the problems and the lack of happiness in most marriages, as a woman sooner or later gets tired of the execution of the role of the mother in relation to her husband, and the man in turn annifies when he all the time says what and how to do.
The number of possible outcomes of such situations is almost infinite. For example, a husband can get acquainted with younger women who are less likely to come to treat him as a son, and the wife is interested in a man who does not need parent's guardianship. As a result, the spouses are distinguished from each other. In trying to approve their masculinity, a husband can become aggressive and even walk to physical cruelty towards his wife, and a woman - to show more important power in the desire to make her husband become a real man. This can lead to a complete breaking of relationships, an outbreak of violence or just care (turning into a "little boy"). As a rule, such problems arise because the husband does not fulfill its genuine function of a man and the wife is forced to take on the role of mother.

Myth 1: Women - Weak Paul

The feminine occupies a negative position in relation to the male. This does not mean that a woman in something is inferior to a man, because the male and female began are equal, although they are opposite poles. The woman, being a negative polarity, not only balancing a man, but in all respects complements and supports it. Thus, when it is said that the woman is weak, meaning not literal meaning, and the role that she plays in the life of a man.
What does it mean to bawl a man? Since the feminine is negative, the woman sees a lot at all like a man. And instead of always agree with him, the real woman will express his own, other opinion. This does not mean that you need to deliberately object to a man, just the opinion of a woman usually opens up new faces that the man is already known. Moreover, she does not reject the point of view of a man, but, offering him a different perspective, a woman helps him overcome the limitations of views that sometimes arises due to excessive concentration on the problem under consideration.

A man is a hunter. He is inclined to be overly focused on his victim, and at times it is so narrows his thinking that he no longer sees the problem as a whole. The reason is that in a concentrated state, a man forgets about everything, in addition to the current task, "closes" on it and as a result no longer to see other options for its solution.

A man is always focused on the positive potential, as his goal is to sacrifice. And if, for example, he aims to search for a new job and finds a matter of the soul, it focuses solely on how to get this work, that is, neglects unforeseen circumstances that can be connected with it.

On the other hand, a woman in the nature of which to protect and protect, not only careful, but also suspicious. As a result, it always draws attention to any trick. However, these natural qualities of women challenge social conditionality and often bring different troubles on it: accusations of pessimism, irritability and essentiality. Unfortunately, men are often angry with wives in pessimism, refuse to support their ideas and undertaking. In fact, a real woman is never trying to undermine the faith of a man in herself, she just wants to open his eyes to the negative sides of the phenomena.

This man only welcomes these efforts. They do not harm him, but, on the contrary, give confidence in themselves, as they allow you to see the situation with both poles. Instead of angry with a negative woman's approach, a real man always listens to her opinion. Since none of us is entitled to think and decide for another, a woman only express her point of view, and the final decision man will accept himself. If a man appreciates the views of a woman, he will definitely take her opinion on the calculation. Many mutual relations of men and women ends in deplorable only because they did not have such a reasonable cooperation.

Men for various reasons often do not believe in their abilities of the hunter and the breadthor, that is, feel the uncertainty in their masculinity. This uncertainty is usually manifested in one of two ways. In the first case, a man begins to murmly defend his ideas. In the second case, whenever the wife emphasizes the negative side of the case, the man immediately agrees with her, that is, leaves her the right to make a final decision. However, in both cases, a man inadvertently deprives a woman confidence in himself: she is either afraid of expressing his opinion, so as not to cause anger and the insult of her husband, or makes all decisions on his own, after which the husband sooner or later accuse her in power. It is clear that both are bad.

In the absence of reasonable cooperation between a man and a woman, their relationship is divided into two types. In the relationship of the first type, the man's unsure in itself constantly suppresses his wife, which is deprived of the right to his own opinion. In the second case, a beless man behaves like a "little boy", and his wife plays the role of "mother" explaining to him that, how, when and where to do.

And although the solution to this problem seems fairly simple, in practice everything is much more complicated. To dance tango, you need two. To make a relationship with strong, meaningful and long-term, efforts should be made by a man and a woman. To do this, it is only necessary to understand that men and women consider problems from opposite points of view and, therefore, in different ways think.

When reasonable collaboration takes place between a man and a woman, a woman complements the man in the exercise of his destination, a man is only one thing: take advantage of both positive and negative to declare their rights to force. This force is manifested in self-esteem, self-confidence and, consequently, the implementation of its destination. In general, under force, the knowledge gained on personal experience, which can be used when solving current problems and problems, are useful in a practical sense. Knowledge is a real force, in contrast to the usual information (obtained from books or from other people), which is comparable to a shot at random, since it is not yet verified in practice.

Intellectuals usually say that information has no less power than practical knowledge, but such an opinion is based only on the assumption that the "force" is something external for them. However, genuine power lies inside, not outside, it cannot be lost or paved. A person with a gun can be called powerful, but only as long as he has a gun. If he does not become a gun - his strength will disappear.

Genuine knowledge is an understanding of himself, and with anyone who knows himself should be reckoned as it has a real force. So, if you simply read the information set out in this book, then just increase your information, but it does not add to your personal strength. On the other hand, if you use the information received and begin to apply them in practice, the result will be a personal experience, and the investigations of experience - knowledge of yourself and others. Thanks to these knowledge, you can change yourself in any direction.

A woman supports a man when he declares his rights to strength. The presence of a woman allows a man to accumulate a huge stock of practical knowledge about himself. Each of us has an internal twin of the opposite sex, but since we cannot communicate with this twin directly, we need its external reflection, the mirror on the physical plan. So a woman is a reflection of his own female twin for a man and the goal for him is to establish reasonable cooperation between them - because there is no point in arguing with part of himself or not to pay attention to it. Helping a man to declare his rights to force, a woman, of course, also uses a man to support his own internal male start. It follows from all this that a woman can get in touch with his inner male start, only supporting a man on the physical plane. Otherwise, it will suppress her inner male start, but what's the point of suppressing a particle itself?

Speaking with simple words, we can purchase integrity, just recognizing our internal twins and cooperating with them. Is it possible to achieve something significant in this life without achieving internal integrity? As for men, the negativity of the female pole is necessary to them in order to achieve clarity in matters of destinations, directions and image actions. Without the consent of both polarities, there can be no clarity. If we are not able to evaluate everything "for" and "against", positive and negative, remains at best one-sided - subjective, not an objective approach. As for women, a woman can maintain his inner male start only helping a man in the outside world, which means that she needs to obey the leading role of a life satellite. If a woman does not want to dominate his own male beginnings, to suppress him, she has only one choice: to transfer the brushes of power to a man on the physical plane. Only it can support the inner double. Any other image of the action will push it to the execution of the mother's role, and soon it will become a truth for any man.

Do you like to give men? This is your choice, but then do not complain about fate if your personal life is completely laid at all, and all the surrounding men show your hostility. If you want to become a real woman, you will quickly understand that it is not weak and gains genuine power when it allows himself to obey the leadership of a man.
Let's deal with what it means.

The awareness of the woman first should be part of the famous, and this is possible only with reasonable cooperation between a man and a woman. When a man includes a woman in his world, that is, in the famous, the natural negativity of a woman from the threat turns into a useful tool. As a result, a woman can focus on how to become a real woman, because she no longer needs to compete with a man. Once incorporated into the male equation (disabled), the woman acquires self-profit.

She does not try to achieve confession from men (which is practically useless), since those with pleasure listen to her and relate to her advice with great attention. The irony lies in the fact that if a woman wants to become an equal man, she first must move aside and give him a leading role. After that, he willingly and gladly takes it to the level of equal!

If it seemed to you with chauvinism, I really ask you again to think well. We do not establish the laws of this world. We are all just products of life, we are born in her men or women. We have the right to choose how to treat it. We have the opportunity to choose: either to act in advance by these laws, or make them work on us. Finally, we have the most important right of choice: to declare their rights to strength or embrace her.

Men who are trying to enslave women are achieved only one: suppress one pole of their complete awareness, remain unilateral and subjective. Since they lack objectivity, they are increasingly closed in themselves, which deprives them of inspiration and creative abilities, and ultimately turns into losers. Suppressing the inner female principle, the man deprives himself forces, instead of incorporing the unknown, he limits himself only to be rented, he himself (or more so small that he knows about himself). He does not know anything about his inner twin and therefore it is simply unable to turn on the unknown equation.

Refusing listening to the opinion of a woman, such a man loses clarity, his views are vague, and the goals are foggy. Without having nothing but the goals, which he himself really does not understand, a man loses the feeling of destiny and directions. As a result, he spends his life fruitless and meaningless.

Similarly, when a woman seeks to suppress men, she succeeds in realizing only one half of the female awareness - the one that is called "mother". A woman does not even suspect the existence of an internal male start, as well as about the true purpose and genuine role of a man. She does not respect men at all. This means that it does not respect their male start, a particle itself. Is it possible to appreciate your heart, but despise the liver? You either respect all your own organism, or completely despise it. Even if you sincerely believe that the heart is more important than the liver, dissemination of the liver will quickly lead to death. The desire to become a mother for all who falls into the field of her view will quickly turn out the powerful woman in the old cargu! Yes, she can get a certain power over people, but what will it give? Is it really "femininity"? Who do you think men are "little boys" who listen to their "mommy"?

Women are not at all a weak floor, but they are often considered weak, as a real woman consciously moves to the side and subordinate to the leadership of a man. However, when a real woman is inferior to the leading role of a truly man, he knows without doubt that she fell into a trap the stronger wolf trap. A real man perfectly understands what the innocent look of a woman, slightly bowed his head. Let her smiles affectionately, but in the depths of the soul he knows that it chose his leadership, waiting until he pointed her direction. She made her choice, and a man has no other way out. He knows that now it will be in one way or another way to track it down, pushing in the back, do everything that can make him declare his rights to force. Combined strength, he leads them both to the exercise that, as she feels, is the purpose of man and her inner male start. All this time, she will sincerely encourage and support a man, her faith will remain completely unshakable. What a man can withstand such temptation? Which man will come to mind about escape? A real woman may seem weak, but for this "weakness" its greatest power over the man and those women who exchanged a skirt on men's pants!

© Teun Maruez - "Women's and Male: Disclosure of the Mystery of the Female Beginnings"

Women are a weak floor. Is it true. The excellent article of Dmitry Seleznev, one of the best specialists in the field of gender relations.
Yes, it is very profitable to be considered weak in the modern world.

First of all, we will agree on what weakness we are talking. If about muscle strength, then, yes: in-average (but not always) women weaker men with muscle mass and muscular power. But is there a lot of automated and comfortable eyelids solve muscles? Drag the TV or other severity - here you need to have a strong body. Press the elevator button or turn the car's steering wheel equipped with a hydraulic agent - a child copes with this.

But to say that women are weaker than men physically - obvious bust, if not in general lies.

In Russia, women live longer than men at 14 years old! Think about this figure. Look around and try to compare the number of old men and old women over 60 years old, take a look at the older generation of our own relatives: how many living men are among them, and how many women?

The psyche woman is much more flexible and more resistant to male. Women are easier to carry stress.

High-speed middle-aged is a purely male phenomenon. Women cry, and men all dig in themselves and bring themselves to heart attacks and heart attacks. I do not call for men cry, just voicing the facts.

Women have a tangible higher pain threshold than men. I believe that women are less sensitive to pain due to a childbearing function - a certain painkiller from the mother-nature. Women easier men carry high temperature during illness. This list can be continued, but I will not do that. My business is to expose myth.

Why is it so often talking about a "weak field"? Because it is advantageous for women to say it.

The myth of weakness is a universal chopper-corrupt, it allows centuries to exploit naive men and attract them to fulfillment of the most diverse work for a woman.

I do not want to do something yourself? And it is not necessary: \u200b\u200bafter all, there are plenty of men who believe in the "weakness" and ready to rush to help.

Nice to drive a steep jeep. But to put the poorest instead of a punctured wheel - it is not very nice. So, we must remember the "weakness" and entrust this business to her husband.

Shopping is a great pleasure for a woman. And to carry the bags and packages with purchased Baban junk for the "hostess" in the shopping center. "Real Man": After all, a woman is "weak floor."

I told about this manipulation in detail in the chapter "manipulation. I am a weak and defenseless. "

The myth of the "weakness" of the female is also a visual incarnation of the principle of double standards at the level of society: where women are beneficial, they are full-fledged citizens, but just looked at the horizon responsibilities or equal responsibility - women immediately call themselves "weak gender" Pressing on pity and require condescending relationships, special, easier conditions, etc. The former wife of one businessman from Nizhny Novgorod, a "weak woman", miraculously did not kill the ex-husband with an ax, cut off him two fingers and made a disabled person, and he pressed on his pity to his "depression" and poor health. The court won and gave the minimum term.

A conversation about special conditions for women in criminal penalties is still ahead. It is now important to understand that modern women have no reason to refer to their imaginary "weakness" and exploit patriarchal stereotypes. Women have long played "on the men's field": they work in the public service, leading enterprises, play sports, they are on a par with men, sit in parliament, serve in the police and so on. - And "weakness", as you can see, not a hindrance. Subtitle Turgenev Barynshni, rehabited by anemia and faint from each Chile, have long passed into the past (and whether they really were?), Before us - the creatures are arrogant, assertive, aggressive, dominant, long-suffering their femininity. Should men give them a place in transport? Personally, I am inferior only to the elderly, pregnant women and sick.

Knowing the "logic" of modern Babenok, very well imagine their sighty response to this chapter: "Oh, poor men, familiar, how!" Or "can you change the floor?"

Especially for them: no, no one whines, does not complain, does not envy. Just enough to lie about your own "weakness." Chose equality? - There is no reason to refer to the "weakness of the floor." You can not sit on two chairs. Want to be self-sufficient, independent and equal men - be. But forget about women's preferences, melting on "weakness", special labor conditions, early pensions, religions and other female benefits of Patriarchate.

I do not like? Then remember that you are women: be faithful friends and assistants to your men, give birth to children, take care of a man, his home. Serve a man and do not climb on the "male field." And then you will have a moral right to a special attitude - as a woman.

And one cannot worship two gods.

I want to contact men: Remember that the myth of the "weakness of the floor" is no more than a myth, comfortable Babskaya fiction, supported by the ascembly "glorious guys" (they are Alena, they are "real men's"). Where is the line between myth and truth? It is very easy to understand: what applies to the difference in muscle strength, you can / need to do for you and thank you (!) Women. Let's say, move the sister's cabinet. But to give up the turn of an extraneous aunt on the grounds that it is "weak floor", you should not. Do not turn off your head.

I even need to add particularly. Somewhere can be clarified, somewhere slightly argue, but why? In the main Dmitry Right. The only thing I would have reacted sharply to the attempt of female manipulation in style - "a poor man diverged, spare him." In such cases, a very good complete casing, like - "Unti-ways, offended a little girl, spare her." Acts perfectly.

And Lena about amateur

Oh, this "weak floor" ...

First of all, we will agree on what weakness we are talking. If about muscle strength, then, yes: in-average (but not always) women weaker men with muscle mass and muscular power. But is there a lot of automated and comfortable eyelids solve muscles? Drag the TV or other severity - here you need to have a strong body. Press the elevator button or turn the car's steering wheel equipped with a hydraulic agent - a child copes with this.

But to say that women are weaker than men physically - obvious bust, if not in general lies.

In Russia, women live longer than men at 14 years old! Think about this figure. Look around and try to compare the number of old men and old women over 60 years old, take a look at the older generation of our own relatives: how many living men are among them, and how many women?

The psyche woman is much more flexible and more resistant to male. Women are easier to carry stress.

High-speed middle-aged is a purely male phenomenon. Women cry, and men all dig in themselves and bring themselves to heart attacks and heart attacks. I do not call for men cry, just voicing the facts.

Women have a tangible higher pain threshold than men. I believe that women are less sensitive to pain due to a childbearing function - a certain painkiller from the mother-nature. Women easier men carry high temperature during illness. This list can be continued, but I will not do that. My business is to expose myth.

Why is it so often talking about a "weak field"? Because saying it Profitable Women themselves.

The myth of weakness is a universal chopper-corrupt, it allows centuries to exploit naive men and attract them to fulfillment of the most diverse work for a woman.

I do not want to do something yourself? And it is not necessary: \u200b\u200bafter all, there are plenty of men who believe in the "weakness" and ready to rush to help.

Nice to drive a steep jeep. But to put the poorest instead of a punctured wheel - it is not very nice. So, we must remember the "weakness" and entrust this business to her husband.

Shopping is a great pleasure for a woman. And to carry the bags and packages with purchased Baban junk for the "hostess" in the shopping center. "Real Man": After all, a woman is "weak floor."

The myth of the "weakness" of the female is also a visual incarnation of the principle of double standards at the level of society: where women are beneficial, they are full-fledged citizens, but just looked at the horizon responsibilities or equal responsibility - women immediately call themselves "weak gender" Pressing on pity and require condescending relationships, special, easier conditions, etc. The former wife of one businessman from Nizhny Novgorod, a "weak woman", miraculously did not kill the ex-husband with an ax, cut off him two fingers and made a disabled person, and he pressed on his pity to his "depression" and poor health. The court won and gave the minimum term.

A conversation about special conditions for women in criminal penalties is still ahead. It is now important to understand that modern women have no reason to refer to their imaginary "weakness" and exploit patriarchal stereotypes. Women have long played "on the men's field": they work in the public service, leading enterprises, play sports, they are on a par with men, sit in parliament, serve in the police and so on. - And "weakness", as you can see, not a hindrance. Subtitle Turgenev Barynshni, rehabited by anemia and faint from each Chile, have long passed into the past (and whether they really were?), Before us - the creatures are arrogant, assertive, aggressive, dominant, long-suffering their femininity. Should men give them a place in transport? Personally, I am inferior only to the elderly, pregnant women and sick.

Knowing the "logic" of modern Babenok, very well imagine their sighty response to this chapter: "Oh, poor men, familiar, how!" Or "can you change the floor?"

Especially for them: no, no one whines, does not complain, does not envy. Just enough to lie about your own "weakness." Chose equality? - There is no reason to refer to the "weakness of the floor." You can not sit on two chairs. Want to be self-sufficient, independent and equal men - be. But forget about women's preferences, melting on "weakness", special labor conditions, early pensions, religions and other female benefits of Patriarchate.

I do not like? Then remember that you are women: be faithful friends and assistants to your men, give birth to children, take care of a man, his home. Serve a man and do not climb on the "male field." And then you will have a moral right to a special attitude - as a woman.

And one cannot worship two gods.

I want to contact men: Remember that the myth of the "weakness of the floor" is no more than a myth, comfortable Babskaya fiction, supported by the ascembly "glorious guys" (they are Alena, they are "real men's"). Where is the line between myth and truth? It is very easy to understand: what applies to the difference in muscle strength, you can / need to do for you and thank you (!) Women. Let's say, move the sister's cabinet. But to give up the turn of an extraneous aunt on the grounds that it is "weak floor", you should not. Do not turn off your head.