Winter facial skin care at home. How to care for your face in winter

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Winter skin care

Winter skin care should include moisturizing, nourishing and protecting the skin from severe frost and temperature changes. In winter, you can carry out median peels and other anti-aging procedures with a violation of the integrity of the skin. Let's take a closer look at what kind of care your skin needs in winter.

The content of the article:

Harsh winter conditions lead to undesirable skin reactions, including chapped lips, frostbite and peeling of the face and hands, as well as decreased turgor and elasticity of the skin, which becomes dry and dehydrated. We can help our skin with proper daily care. The main task is to keep intact the hydrolipid mantle of the skin, which is the main protective barrier of the skin.

Winter skin care: rules and mistakes

Here are some helpful beauty care tips to keep your skin protected in winter:

1. Keep your daily skin care regimen in winter as gentle as possible. Alkaline cleansers should be avoided as they make the pH of the skin more alkaline and therefore more vulnerable to bacterial invasion, as the effectiveness of the acid mantle of the skin is greater with an acidic pH. To cleanse and remove makeup, use products that do not need to be rinsed off with water - usually milk or cream, which are applied and removed from the face with cotton pads. Then the face is rubbed with an alcohol-free tonic.

2. Do not use scrubs, gommages, peels without the need or prescription of a cosmetologist, as dead horny scales prevent the evaporation of water from the stratum corneum. In addition, with frequent cleansing, the hydrolipid mantle is disturbed, which leads to an increase in the water permeability of the skin from external influences (snow, frost, moisture). This does not apply to anti-aging treatments such as midline peels. For them, winter is the best time to spend, since solar activity during this period is the least, and, therefore, the risk of age spots is reduced to zero. But for these procedures to be carried out, the skin must be completely "healthy".

3. The skin should always be dry, especially before going outside. Dry your skin well after washing with water, it should be completely dry, as it may crack due to evaporation of water. This applies primarily to the corners of the mouth and the skin between the fingers. Apply protective balms to lips, and special creams to protect against frost on your hands.

4. The skin must be protected from frost in winter. It is advisable to apply a protective cream according to the type of skin (in extreme cases, any nourishing cream) 3 hours (at least an hour) before going outside. It is undesirable to use water-based moisturizers before going outside, as water freezes in the cold, which will damage the cells of the stratum corneum. It is also undesirable to use creams with hyaluronic acid, as it retains water on the surface of the epidermis.

9. In winter, you should do paraffin baths for hands and feet. These procedures will help you warm up, improve your well-being and mood, and also reduce pain in joints and muscles after using them. These procedures can be carried out at home, for this you need a paraffin wax and paraffin wax.

10. In the morning, as mentioned above, you should apply a protective cream, and in the evening, a cream according to your skin type and problem, it is advisable to apply moisturizing and nourishing serums under the cream.

11. Winter skin care must necessarily contain venotonics in the form of creams or ointments. Use drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, especially if you have rosacea, rosacea, or telangiectasia, since temperature changes place a large load on the walls of blood vessels.

12. Body care in winter should be aimed at protecting the skin from frost. Body lotions should be denser and more nutritious. It is good if they contain oils (shea butter or cocoa).

13. If you cannot do without frequent washing with water, then wash yourself with water at room temperature (22-25 degrees Celsius), since hot or cold water dry out the skin and put additional stress on blood vessels. Winter skin care can include cleansing the face with micellar water for dry skin or hydrophilic oil for oily and problem skin.

14. Choose decorative cosmetics with an oily base for dry skin. Avoid using moisturizing foundations and lip glosses as they can cause frostbite and dry skin. Foundation in winter should be thick and contain oils. It is advisable to use a liquid eyeshadow with wax, not dry and crumbly. Use a protective winter care balm instead of lipstick or under lipstick.

15. The skin becomes the most sensitive in winter, this is mainly due to large temperature changes when you enter a warm room from a frosty street or vice versa. Ideally, there should be gradual temperature equalization. As mentioned above, this is most important for people with weak blood vessels, but in people without vascular problems, the skin can become sensitive. Sensitive skin care is described in detail on our website.

Winter protective cream

The skin in cold winter becomes the most defenseless and prone to drying out and frostbite. Therefore, a protective cream should be applied to the skin in winter. Winter cream differs in composition and properties from summer cream, which is the main task of moisturizing the skin. In winter skin care, the main task of the cream is to protect the skin from hypothermia. There are winter protective creams for face and body care, as well as hand creams.

Features of the composition of the winter protective cream

It is good if ceramides are included in the cream, they fill the space between the superficial cells of the stratum corneum, thereby reducing the loss of moisture from evaporation; for the same purpose, silicone is used, which is included in many cosmetic skin care products in winter. The film created by silicone protects the skin from frost, hypothermia and water evaporation.

The best winter face cream should be oil or fat based. Such creams restore the hydrolipid balance of the epidermis, create a protective film on the skin surface, increase the elasticity and softness of the skin, and help retain moisture. At the same time, the skin receives nourishment and hydration. The preferred oils for moisturizing are primrose, black currant, apricot, avocado, almond, grape seed, cocoa and shea.

The protective cream may contain animal fats: badger, mink, sperm whale, shark, goose and cod liver oil. They will protect the skin from hypothermia and frostbite. The skin will not react as sharply to changes in temperature.

In addition, the protective cream contains vitamins that increase the protective functions of the skin and are antioxidants.

Remember! The skin will look healthy and beautiful if you take proper care of it, and winter will bring you only positive emotions.

On April 17, Moscow will host the Mesopharm conference "Scientific approach to aesthetic medicine. Actual issues and industry trends."

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In addition to lethargy, apathy and problems with immunity in winter, you can face another nuisance - increased sensitivity of the facial skin. Due to sharp temperature changes, piercing cold wind and too dry air in heated rooms, it becomes painfully dry, tight, constantly peels off and causes considerable discomfort.

Cold circulation slows down and the production of sebum, which protects the skin from drying out and damage, is reduced. This leads to the fact that the skin becomes dehydrated, dull and loses elasticity.

To avoid all these seasonal misunderstandings, or at least keep them to a minimum, follow the simple tips and tricks listed below.

How to care for your skin from the inside

It is necessary to take care of the skin of the face not only from the outside, with the help of cosmetics, but also from the inside, with the help of a well-balanced diet. What we drink and eat has a huge impact on the condition of our skin, so it's worth paying attention to your eating habits first.

Drink plenty of water

The human body is on average 70% water. Without maintaining the body's water balance, it is impossible to imagine its normal functioning. It is also impossible to imagine that the skin will be radiant, hydrated and supple without giving it something to nourish from the inside.

No matter how trite it may sound, but first of all we will recommend. How much, how and when is up to you. Do not forget about at least a couple of glasses a day to make up for the lack of fluid.

Watch your diet

A healthy and balanced diet has a huge impact on the condition of the skin, so avoid overly fatty foods and foods high in sugar.

Make sure your diet contains enough omega-3 fatty acids, which enhance the skin's ability to protect itself from external damage. To provide the body with this acid, you need to eat more fatty fish (salmon, sardines, halibut, tuna). If you don't like fish, you can replace it with fish oil capsules.

You should also take a closer look at other foods containing omega-3: nuts (walnuts, pecans, almonds and macadamia), oil (olive, flaxseed, corn, sunflower, rapeseed, soy), tofu, pumpkin, avocado, spinach.

Eat foods rich in antioxidants to improve skin condition and speed up its regeneration process. Most often these are bright vegetables and berries: peppers, beets, beans, cranberries, raspberries and black currants.

Don't forget about vitamins

It feels noticeable in the body during the winter, so make sure you get them in the proper amount.

We are especially acutely lacking in vitamin D, which we get both from food and when exposed to direct sunlight. You can fill its deficiency with the help of mushrooms, fish oil, tuna, sardines, liver, caviar, butter, cream, egg yolk, parsley.

However, remember that it is best to consult with a specialist before taking any vitamins or nutritional supplements.

How to care for the outside of your skin

To keep your facial skin looking healthy and not losing its elasticity in winter, you need to slightly adjust your regular skin care program and use more gentle cleansers.

Wash your face properly

In order not to harm your skin in winter, remember a few basic recommendations:

  • do not wash your face with too hot water, so as not to dry the skin;
  • avoid using soaps with a high alkaline content;
  • use the most gentle cleansers (soft foams and mousses, oils for removing makeup);
  • Choose cleansers that are free of alcohol and sulfates so as not to break the protective barrier of the skin and not cause dryness and flaking;
  • do not rub your face and give up products that wash it "until it squeaks." This disrupts the lipid barrier of the skin.

Find the right moisturizer for the season

Your regular moisturizer is unlikely to be very effective during the winter. Even if you are the lucky one with flawless skin, hydration, protection and nutrition will definitely not be superfluous.

Whatever type of skin you have, heed the universal advice: for the winter, you should choose a thicker and more saturated cream based on an oily (oil) basis instead of water.

Tips for choosing a good winter cream:

  • look for the following inscriptions on the cream jar: oil-based (oil-based), for sensitive skin (for sensitive skin), barrier repair and lipid replenishing (restoring the lipid layer and protecting against dehydration);
  • the cream must contain components that retain water in the skin: urea, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, silicone, sorbitol, oils;
  • give preference to creams that contain antioxidants and form a protective film on the skin.

You need to take care of your skin not only during the day, but also at night. Serums, sheet masks and natural oils are considered ideal winter remedies. Try products containing jojoba, almond, avocado, coconut, or argan oil.

What to buy:

  • Moisturizing cream for dry skin with carrot oil, collagen, urea and elastin CHRISTINA, 1 740 rubles →
  • Moisturizing cream with avocado oil and aloe extract Health & Beauty, 1,140 rubles →
  • Moisturizing cream with sunflower seed oil and hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid HOLY LAND, 2 300 rubles →
  • Moisturizing cream for normal skin with collagen, urea and calendula oil CHRISTINA, 895 rubles →
  • Soothing cream with panthenol, shea butter and almond NEW LINE, 889 rubles →
  • Moisturizing cream for men with jojoba oil Weleda, 880 rubles →
  • Moisturizing cream for dry skin with a complex of ten natural oils A'PIEU, 679 rubles →
  • DERMALOGICA revitalizing cream with silicone and borage seed oil, 3,585 rubles →
  • Moisturizing cream with plum seed oil, almond oil and WELEDA fatty acids, 1,098 rubles →

Say no to scrubs and peels

In winter, the skin of the face is especially sensitive to various kinds of chemical influences and friction. The use of peels, cleansing masks, scrubs will only unnecessarily irritate the skin, which is already going through hard times.

Therefore, in winter, the use of abrasive peels (scrubs) and masks should be limited to once a week or should be abandoned altogether. Instead, you should pay more attention to moisturizing and nourishing masks.

Take care of your lips and skin around your eyes

In winter, areas where there are no sebaceous glands - the lips and skin around the eyes - especially need protection. Due to dehydration, harsh winter winds and dry air, they are primarily at risk.

  • do not forget to carry hygienic lipstick or balm with you, which will contain wax or vitamin E - they contribute to the rapid healing of microcracks;
  • avoid matte lipsticks as they tend to dry out the skin, go for glossy ones. If you nevertheless decide on a matte lipstick, then before applying it, be sure to moisturize your lips with a protective balm;
  • take care of your lips at night. Apply shea butter or coconut oil to them if you are not allergic to them;
  • the most important thing: do not lick your lips in the cold, even if you really want to.

To keep the skin around your eyes healthy, replace your regular cream with a more nourishing oil-based cream first. Before going to bed, you can do moisturizing or nourishing masks for the skin around the eyes, as well as use special patches.

What to buy:

  • Revitalizing lip balm with panthenol La Roche-Posay, 1,570 rubles →
  • Moisturizing lip balm with hyaluronic acid, lacquer wood wax and shea butter, cocoa and almond LOGONA, 420 rubles →
  • Protective lip balm with shea butter, beeswax and vitamin E Aphrodite, 288 rubles →
  • Regenerating eye cream with hyaluronic acid, vitamins E, F and C Ecocraft, 680 rubles →
  • Make Up Factory nourishing lip balm with cocoa butter and camphor, 640 rubles →
  • Eye cream with shea butter, jojoba and KLEONA hyaluronic acid, 475 rubles →

How not to harm your skin

In order for the skin of the face to be completely safe in winter, you need to know how to behave correctly in some everyday situations. Taking a shower correctly, properly preparing for a walk, creating a suitable temperature regime in the room is just as important for the skin as beauty care and nutrition.

Protect your face while walking

If you have a long walk or it is very cold outside, you should use a cold cream or a special cream designed for harsh weather conditions. Typically, these creams can be found at drugstores. In consistency, they are more like an ointment.

Half an hour to an hour before going outside, apply the cream to the skin so that it has time to be absorbed and begins to protect the face from environmental influences. Remember to pay attention to your lips and apply a protective balm or lipstick on them.

If no weather anomalies are observed or you just need to go outside for a while, then you can use an ordinary moisturizer for the winter period.

If you are going to ski, play sports or go for a walk, and it is sunny outside, then it is worth protecting your skin from the sun's rays as well. Yes, in winter they are much weaker than in summer, but this does not mean that you should neglect the use of a protective cream. For the winter season, choose a cream with a sun protection factor of 15 or higher.

Also, to avoid chapping, dryness and redness, try to cover as much of your face as possible with clothing or a special mask if you exercise.

Take a shower right

No matter how warm the thoughts of a hot shower or bath may be in winter, it is better to drive them away even on the way, if you do not want to harm your skin. Avoid hot water and try to wash with lukewarm water to maintain your skin's natural moisture levels.

In addition to observing the temperature regime, there are also strict time frames: it is recommended to spend no more than 5-7 minutes in the shower in winter to avoid drying out the skin. After leaving the shower, the skin of the face must be moisturized with a cream to restore the moisture balance.

Create a healthy indoor climate

In winter, due to central heating, the air in the premises becomes very high, and this negatively affects the condition of the skin of the face. To feel more comfortable, follow these guidelines:

  • Get a humidifier and keep the air humidity between 30% and 60%;
  • try to keep the room temperature between 20 and 23 ° C;
  • ventilate the room regularly.

What is the bottom line

  • Remember to drink clean water and eat a balanced diet.
  • Take a shower and wash your face only with warm, but never hot, water.
  • Don't lick your lips or rub your skin.
  • Refill your cosmetic bag with the following products: chapstick or balm, mild cleanser, oil-based moisturizer, nourishing and protective creams.
  • Do not use water-based products or products with a high alcohol content.
  • Use sunscreen if you are outside for a long time in sunny weather.

With proper facial care during the colder months, you won't have to urgently revive it before spring arrives, so try our simple tips.

The changing seasons and cold periods do not go unnoticed by our skin. Over the years, women are increasingly thinking about how to protect their skin at such a difficult time for her. Why does the skin lose its elasticity, smoothness and firmness in winter? And why does a face require special care in cold weather?

The effect of winter on the skin of the face

  1. Frost and wind are the strongest skin irritants. At low temperatures, the skin dries out, becomes wrinkled and insensitive, irritated.
  2. Dry air in the rooms where you live and work dries out your skin significantly. The epidermis loses life-giving moisture, which is why microcracks appear, and wrinkles become even deeper.
  3. When you go outside, your skin experiences an abrupt change in temperature. Such changes have a very detrimental effect on the elasticity and condition of the skin.
  4. In winter, the blood vessels narrow from the cold, so the skin does not receive enough nutrition, oxygen, vitamins and trace elements from the blood.

All these reasons convince us that in winter the skin needs special care, intensive nutrition and enhanced protection.

Here are a few rules that you need to follow in order to look well-groomed and spectacular at any time of the year.

  1. In addition to decorative cosmetics in winter, use special products that create a thin barrier on the skin and protect it from frost. Such funds can be used not only by women, but also by men and children, so that the frost "does not bite".
  2. To keep the skin moisturized and elastic in winter, you need to monitor the air in the room. To do this, you can install or simply hang a wet blanket on the radiator. It will provide the necessary humidity in the room for several hours. And drink plenty of water to replenish fluid loss.
  3. In winter, you need to make nourishing masks from natural ingredients as often as possible. They usually include cosmetic oils, fruits, vegetables, herbal teas, eggs and honey.
  4. During the winter, the condition of your skin can change. If in other seasons you suffer from oily skin, in winter it may become normal or combination. And if the skin is healthy in summer, it often becomes dry during the cold period. Therefore, cosmetics must match the current state of your skin. Visit your beautician regularly to assess your current skin type.
  5. In winter, UV exposure is minimal, so cleansing procedures can be done more often. Enjoy a variety of scrubs and steams.
  6. In order to prepare the skin for the winter period and "train" it a little, you need to regularly do "contrasting washing". To do this, pour warm water into one bowl and cold water into the other. Then rinse your face alternately from each bowl. Such washing will make the blood vessels stronger and they will be less prone to the appearance of "red stars" on the skin.

Opening and cleansing pores
To prepare the skin for applying masks, you must first steam it. This will deeply cleanse the epidermis, as well as open the pores for beneficial ingredients. For steaming, you need to prepare a herbal decoction. To do this, you need to take one tablespoon of chamomile, string, nettle and calendula. Prepare a saturated decoction from herbs, pour it into a wide container (for example, a basin), cover with a towel and steam your face thoroughly. After this procedure, you can apply any of the following masks.

  1. Nourishing honey mask. To prepare it, you will need a tablespoon of honey, yolk and a tablespoon of fat sour cream. Honey must be preheated in a water bath - it must be liquid, fresh and natural. Mix honey with the rest of the ingredients and apply to the skin. Leave on for 40 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  2. Oil care. To prepare this product, you need to take an equal amount of almond, peach, flaxseed and sesame oil, about half a teaspoon each. The oils need to be mixed and heated with steam. A mixture of cosmetic oils can be applied not only to the face, but also to the whole body. After an hour, you need to remove the remnants of the mask with a dry napkin and rinse your face with water. Regular oil care will leave the skin matte, firm and elastic.
  3. Fruit and vegetable compress. For this mask, you need to squeeze the juice of several fruits, berries and vegetables. The most effective are carrots, strawberries, cucumbers, raw potatoes, pears, and avocados. In the prepared liquid, you need to moisten a cosmetic napkin. If you do not have a ready-made napkin, you can make it yourself by cutting out the shape of the face from cotton fabric and making holes for the eyes. This compress should be kept for about an hour.

How to care for oily skin in winter

Oily skin looks unkempt at any time of the year. The following recipes will help you to deal with increased sebum production and eliminate the glossy shine of the face.

  1. Scrubbing. To prepare a natural scrub, you will need coffee, kefir, lemon juice. Mix a teaspoon of coffee grounds with a tablespoon of kefir and the juice of half a lemon. This mixture should be applied to the face and massage the skin in a circular motion. Lemon is a chemical peel that exfoliates dead skin scales, kefir gives the skin a matte finish, and coffee, like a brush, cleans the skin of excess sebum. Rinse off the product after 30 minutes.
  2. Protein-oatmeal mask. Grind oatmeal to flour. Mix flour with two whipped whites, achieve a homogeneous mass, and then apply the mask to problem areas. Rinse off the mask only after it dries. Oatmeal in tandem with protein reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Chamomile ice. Often, oily skin is accompanied by enlarged pores. To get rid of this, you need to prepare chamomile ice. To do this, pour a saturated chamomile broth into an ice mold and freeze. Use this ice to wipe your face. In the morning, such rubbing will give you vigor, and in the evening it will soothe your skin after removing your makeup.
  4. Mask for oily and problem skin. The following recipe is suitable for those who suffer from oily skin, acne and comedones. Mix a tablespoon of cognac with a teaspoon of aloe juice and regularly rub the prepared tonic over your face. This remedy will dry out the skin a little and eliminate inflammation.

Advice. With oily skin, you should not wash your face with soap, and also use hot water when washing your face. This can provoke increased work of the sebaceous glands.

How to care for combination skin in winter

Combination skin care should be as precise as possible. Prepared masks, lotions and tonics should only be used on problem areas. Combination skin in winter needs to be cleansed, nourished and restored.

You cannot use the same cosmetics for the whole face. You need to buy two types of cream - for oily and dry skin and apply them only to certain areas. Combination skin is most commonly characterized by oily skin on the chin, nose, and over the eyebrows, and dry cheeks and temples.

Milk nourishing mask. To prepare this product, take 3 tablespoons of milk, mix it with a teaspoon of honey and grated apple. This mask perfectly nourishes both dry and oily skin, so it can be used for mixed skin types. Wash off the mask with water 40 minutes after application. After rinsing, the face can be rinsed with herbal decoction.

Potato mask. Boil and crush the potatoes. Add a little milk, yolk and a teaspoon of almond oil to the mixture. The prepared mixture should be applied hot to the face. This mask not only nourishes and moisturizes the skin. It relieves the epidermis from fine wrinkles, and also tightens the double chin.

When we are young, we look the way nature created us. However, in adulthood, we look the way we deserve it. Therefore, it is very important to protect your skin during the cold season in order to maintain the beauty and elasticity of your face.

Winter is a wonderful time of the year. She is very beautiful, it smells like a holiday and tangerines, a joint vacation, skis and sledges, a snow woman and hot mulled wine. But for the skin, this time is perhaps the most difficult period. Therefore, she needs proper care in order to preserve her beauty and not allow frost to provoke any irreversible changes.

In the cold season, the skin of the face suffers from sudden changes in temperature. It is believed that the most destructive for the condition of the dermis is dry air from heating batteries. Much more dangerous is a sharp temperature drop from very warm to cold. In people prone to rosacea, this situation can cause the appearance of new blood vessels and stars on the face. Often, a sharp change in temperature in winter provokes the development of acne. The dermis rapidly loses moisture - through the open pores, water molecules begin to quickly evaporate, and in the cold they crystallize, destroying cells. Therefore, winter care should be very gentle. It still consists of cleansing, toning and moisturizing, but it also includes the use of protective products.

Despite the fact that solar activity in winter is significantly lower, the intensity of ultraviolet radiation is very high. Therefore, it is recommended to apply products with a sun protection factor before going outside.

Features of winter care

Usually in creams intended for winter, a component such as glycerin is used. It is marketed as an effective moisturizer and softener. By itself, it is a trihydric alcohol, which is capable of forming a film that attracts water molecules to itself. Due to this action, the moisturizing effect is achieved. The film does attract water from the environment to the dermis, but if the air around is dry, the liquid will be drawn out of the skin, thereby drying it out even more.

Therefore, when choosing cosmetics, one should give preference to those that do not contain glycerin. Instead, vitamin E, shea butter, coconut, cocoa are perfect. You can also use creams made from naturally occurring fats. Usually these are self-made products, and there are quite a few such recipes, especially among residents of the northern regions.

1. Cleansing.

Cleaning should be done with soft gels and creams. Aggressive agents used in summer will not work. The most successful option would be milk - it gently dissolves excess fat, make-up and dirt, while not disturbing the natural hydrolipid layer of the skin. Foams and gels in this situation lead to the fact that the dermis quickly loses its protective layer and dries up, tightening the pores. From this, those impurities that were in the thickness move to deeper layers, subsequently inflamed and causing acne. Therefore, the cleansing phase of your facial should be very gentle.

2. Toning.

The tonic should not contain aggressive drying components. It is worth refraining from alcohols - they degrease, provoking dryness and flaking. For facial skin in winter, it will be ideal to use a toner containing acids - they exfoliate the upper layer of the dermis and even out its tone. But you need to apply such funds only at night, since their daytime use can cause hyperpigmentation.

If in the summer time the day cream should be lighter, then in the winter it has a higher density than the night cream. In severe frosts, do not neglect the use of cosmetics in the morning - it helps to strengthen the natural protection of the skin. Face cream for the winter may differ in action, depending on the type of dermis:

  • Dry, age-related, combined - meals twice a day.
  • Oily and combined, problematic - moisturizing at night and nourishing products for the day.

When exposed to low temperatures, water crystallizes and breaks the cell membranes. This leads to the death of the epidermis, which manifests itself in the form of flaking in winter. That is why predominantly nourishing creams are used for the day - the use of moisturizers can cause severe dryness.

4. Peeling.

Exfoliation of dead cells should be carried out in the same way, 1-2 times a week. Only for the winter is it worth using a mild scrub containing smaller particles. Beauticians recommend roll-ups as a great alternative. It can be applied to a steamed cover in the evening at home. Applying such a product just after cleansing may not give the desired effect.

Which cream to choose?

The "Winter Care" series face cream should be in every woman's cosmetic bag, regardless of age and skin type. It will help protect the dermis during severe frosts and protect it from premature aging caused by excessive dryness. Cosmetologists advise not to neglect the purchase of seasonal products.

  • Faberlic Zima protective cream against bad weather.

A product from a Russian manufacturer of oxygen cosmetics. Distributed through consultants. It has a low cost, but at the same time it is characterized by a pronounced effect. Absorbs quickly to protect and soften skin. This cream is perfect for all types when winter winds and frosts are raging outside the window. On a fatty one, it does not provoke excessive production of secretions and rashes.

  • Avon "Cold protection".

More widespread and popular cosmetics also did not bypass this segment. Avon offers a versatile cream designed to be used by the whole family. It is very convenient, but the composition contains glycerin, which causes discomfort when changing from low temperature to high. Also, the cream does not look after, it just performs the function of protecting against frost. The tool is perfect for family walks and outdoor activities. For permanent use, it is better not to choose it - according to reviews, it does not hold makeup at all.

  • Nivea universal moisturizer.

One of the most popular products for use in winter. Has established itself as a quality winter cream that effectively protects the dermis from drying out and peeling in cold weather. Not suitable for people with oily skin - it is not completely absorbed, leaving a sticky film.

  • Oriflame Winter Care.

Like similar options for other brands, it has a very affordable price. The composition contains glycerin, which reduces the absorption of oily skin. The smell is neutral, and the protective effect from it is pronounced. Great after 30-40 years.

Home remedies

It often happens that the face still succumbs to the aggressive effects of cold air. It begins to dry, peel off, a feeling of tightness appears. This condition cannot be left for a long time - in the winter season, the skin on the face is exposed to serious stress, which causes wrinkles. Therefore, there are special masks to stop dryness and flaking at home.

  • Yeast.

Suitable for owners of oily skin. Mix 10 g of dry yeast with the same amount of kefir and more acidic juice. Apply to cleansed skin for 10-15 minutes. Avoid the eye area.

  • Honey and egg.

Nourishes normal skin. The mixture consists of one chicken yolk and a teaspoon of liquid honey. Apply to face and leave for 10-15 minutes, avoiding the eye area.

  • Honey-olive mask.

A mixture of olive oil and honey is suitable for owners of dry cover. For preparation, you need to mix them in equal proportions and apply to cleansed face. The exposure time is 15-20 minutes.

The skin of the face in autumn and winter lends itself to the aggressive effects of low temperatures and wind. Often it dries up, shrinks, peels off. To avoid this, you need to follow a few simple rules.

  1. Gentle washing. At home, it should be carried out very gently, without the use of aggressive agents. This will normalize the production of natural secretions and prevent the appearance of blackheads and inflammation.
  2. Nutrition. Always moisturize after cleansing - this is the main rule of care. Before going outside, it is better to use nutritional formulations - they will help to avoid destruction of the upper layer of the dermis.
  3. Regular washing of hats and scarves is essential to prevent the growth of pathogens. When treating acne, the cap is washed at least once a week.
  4. The area around the eyes. On the eyelids, the skin needs special protection in winter - it is thinner and produces much less sebum. Therefore, a nourishing cream is necessarily used.
  5. Sun protection. A special feature of solar radiation in winter is exposure to rays such as UVA and UVB. Therefore, it is important to remember as a rule: give preference to products with the presence of an ultraviolet factor. This will help prevent excess pigmentation and protect the dermis from the aggressive effects of sunlight.

Do not neglect any stage only because of the weather conditions - the dermis always needs to be cleansed and nourished. The correct selection of products makes it possible to restore the protective functions of the skin and make winter care as simple and pleasant as possible.

Answers Evgeniya Smelyantseva, cosmetologist:

- Winter for leather - i-test for durability. The cold and cold wind on the street, hot air dried out by batteries in apartments and offices, a sedentary lifestyle - all this does not affect the appearance in the best way. During the winter months, the skin needs special care.

There are no all-weather care products. The colder it is outside, the fatter the cream should be. The best creams for winter are intensely nourishing, with an oily and dense texture. Winter creams should contain emollients (substances that form a protective film on the skin and help keep moisture underneath). For these substances to work, you need to apply the cream when the skin contains the maximum amount of moisture, that is, immediately after washing. If you are used to getting ready for work in 15 minutes, you will have to change your habits. Even a greasy cream should be applied to the skin 40-50 minutes before going outside, so that it has time to be absorbed and create a protective film on the skin.

But if life goes on in the "work - home" mode, then we continue to use summer moisturizers. It has been proven that talk about the fact that the water in the cream freezes in the cold and injures the skin is a myth. On the surface of the skin, the temperature is always above zero.

Look at the label of your cream: if it contains "long-lasting" fat-soluble vitamins A, E, F, lipoic acid, you are protected.

The best protectors of the skin are vitamins A and E (they not only nourish, but also help cells to regenerate). If their presence in the cream is not enough (the skin still peels off), you can buy these vitamins at the pharmacy (in capsules or in an oil solution) and add a few drops to any cream.

In winter, the skin becomes more sensitive. Sometimes, after washing with tap water, irritation occurs. In this case, you can use boiled water to wash your face, and then apply a tonic lotion with a calming effect. Better yet, wash your face with mineral water - it moisturizes and tones.

In cold weather, use dense products (foundation, compact powder) - they protect the face from frost. But there is a downside - they clog pores and can cause comedones and acne. Therefore, dense products should be used if you have to spend several hours in the air in frosty weather. For short dashes, a loose powder is enough, which masks imperfections and also protects the skin.

Dry cosmetics (shadows, blush, etc.) crumble in the cold and accentuate wrinkles. Therefore, it is better to use blush and eyeshadow with a creamy texture in winter. Lips should not be left unprotected in the cold. Even if you are against makeup, use chapstick or balm. But avoid moisturizing gloss - they dry your lips more. The best lipstick for winter is nourishing and dense. In cold weather, apply it on the lips every two hours.

In winter, the premises are hot and dry. A can of thermal water will help freshen up your face in the office. For dry skin, choose water with the minimum amount of salt; for oily skin, the most saturated composition will do.

Thermal water should be sprayed on the face every 3-4 hours, and then gently blotted with a napkin. If thermal water is sprayed and left to absorb, moisture will evaporate from the surface along with water droplets, and the skin will become even more dehydrated.

In cold weather, skin cells actively develop a sebaceous secretion to protect against wind and frost - the skin becomes more oily and denser, and due to the rich composition and dense texture of the winter cream, black spots and pimples may appear.

At the same time, cleansing the skin in winter should be more delicate than in summer. The scrub should be with perfectly smooth particles that do not injure the skin - for example, with wax granules. You can use a delicate gommage. Alcohol lotion is best replaced with a soft foam or cleansing milk. Do home exfoliation 2 times a week. If the skin is dry or combination, clean it with oatmeal soaked in boiling water (pour a tablespoon with boiling water, let it brew for 5-10 minutes and apply on the face with cleansing circular movements). For oily skin, you can use coffee peeling (mix fresh finely ground coffee grounds with sour cream in a 1: 1 ratio and rub into the skin for 3-4 minutes). After cleansing, apply an intensely moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Remember: if you have inflamed flaky skin or acne, you should not do home peeling - this can only make matters worse.

Winter acne is usually the result of improper care. First, greasy winter creams and cosmetics clog your pores. If the skin is not cleaned in a timely manner (or not cleansed enough), inflammation and subsequent acne are almost inevitable. The second reason is using a moisturizer before going outside. Because of this, microcracks will appear on the skin, and if an infection gets into them, inflammation occurs.

But not before going to work and not with cream! In winter, the skin especially needs moisturizing treatments. Stock up on intensely moisturizing creams and masks. The most effective ones are with hyaluronic acid, retinoids, antioxidants. If you feel like home moisturizing isn't enough, consider a salon treatment - professional moisturizing masks or hyaluronic acid injections.

Even if you are a staunch opponent of the bath, in winter it is worth visiting the steam room at least once a month. This is not only a wellness but also an effective cosmetic procedure. Hot steam opens pores - natural cleansing of the face takes place, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, improves blood supply and microcirculation of the skin, trains blood vessels, smoothes fine wrinkles. And cleansed skin is most susceptible to the effects of cosmetics.

Hair in winter is dry, brittle, electrified. Dry hair is most electrified, so in the winter months you need to regularly carry out moisturizing and regenerating hair masks (use professional ones - home remedies do not give such a quick effect).

Wash your hair no more than 2-3 times a week and do not overuse hair dyes (this deprives the hair of the protective layer). Avoid products that make your hair dry, such as a hairdryer, and do not use products that contain alcohol. Instead of nail polish, use a soft foam and get a moisturizing toner that will prevent static electricity from building up.

By the way, to eliminate static electricity from your hair, use natural bristle combs with wooden handles. Well, the best remedy for electrified hair is an ionic hair dryer with an antistatic effect.

And although a hat kills any hairstyle, in winter you cannot leave the house with your head uncovered. In the cold, vasospasm occurs, due to which the hair follicles receive less nutrition. If this happens all the time, hair begins to fall out.

According to statistics, 75% of people over 30 years old have experienced cold allergy symptoms at least once in their life. She has a great many manifestations. Cold urticaria (itchy blisters), cold dermatitis (redness, peeling of the skin), cold rhinitis (sneezing, nasal discharge - symptoms disappear as soon as a person moves to a warm room), cold conjunctivitis (tearing and burning eyes in the cold). Cold allergy symptoms usually appear after a prolonged infection or long-term antibiotic treatment. The main recommendation for cold allergies is hardening. The effect of hardening procedures is similar to the effect of allergen-specific immunotherapy, when a patient is injected with gradually increasing doses of an allergen to which a hypersensitivity has been established.

It is believed that the body stores fat in winter. In any case, women who gain on average 2-4 kilograms on average during the winter soothe themselves with this. In fact, research by scientists has shown that cold weather is the best time to lose weight. It turned out that for 10-15 minutes of a simple stay in the air at a temperature of -15 ˚С, the same processes occur in the body as during active physical exertion for an hour in a warm room. Therefore, the main thing in winter is not to be lazy, to go out more often, then in the spring you will not have to starve to fit into your favorite skirt.

It is known that hands freeze in winter more than all other parts of the body. Therefore, in winter, even in a light frost, you cannot show yourself on the street without mittens or gloves. To get rid of dryness and flaking, 1-2 times a week before going to bed, treat your hands with a scrub (the same oatmeal soaked in boiling water is suitable), generously grease with nourishing cream and go to bed wearing cotton gloves - moderate heat enhances the effect of the cream.