8 years wedding congratulations postcard. Pictures - congratulations on the wedding anniversary

We celebrate not the first anniversary of our wedding,

We will gather the guests and happily greet them.

Today is a tinny wedding anniversary,

I and all want to congratulate you.

I want you to be a wonderful husband to me,

And children especially need you.

Be faithful, gentle and happy

And you will always be loved by me.

Read, remember my congratulations,

If you want, let him make you laugh.

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

We have been living with you for eight years

Let's arrange a festive banquet.

We will call all our friends as soon as possible,

To mark our, one might say, anniversary.

We will all dance until the morning,

And just chatting like a family.

We'll arrange a family evening

Accept, my dear, congratulations.

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

Today, husband, we have an anniversary with you,

Prepare for it as soon as possible.

After all, our wedding today is not easy,

And the wedding is very tough.

I have already prepared a bouquet for you

From cans and wrappers of all kinds of sweets.

And you give me a beautiful vase

Just look very carefully

Take beer cans in your hands

Hurry up and master something.

This is how we will make a joint amulet,

Don't sleep, wake up my hubby

Read my congratulations carefully.

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

My dear, how glad I am that you are,

Do you remember our wedding - on this day,

8 years ago, among brides

You chose the one next to you now.

May only joy be ahead

Let the island turn green of happiness

We will always walk side by side

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary,

I wish, of course, loving.

You are happy to be a hundred years old

You are like an amulet to me.

You keep me from all misfortunes

And you give a lot of happiness.

I will love you forever

As then - that in a wedding dress.

Said "Yes" at the altar

You are the "king" for me.

Everyone loves you, respects you,

You will achieve a lot, we know.

And eight years is not a time for us,

Catch my congratulations soon.

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

We're celebrating the eighth anniversary

Around smiles, joy and flowers.

I feel good that there is a man next to me

And that man, dear, is you!

Your shoulder is a reliable support

Your love is help from help.

We go downhill and uphill together.

Accept, darling, this is a congratulation!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

My good wife, dear

Today we have a tin wedding.

Lived together for eight years

But we did not have any major quarrels or troubles.

I will arrange a holiday, I will buy kitchen utensils,

And you, dear, do not think about anything like that.

I will invent a magic surprise for you,

It was comfortable for you and me.

I'll ask you to sing to us,

You will sing to us beautifully, very boldly.

And in the continuation my congratulations will sound.

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

Years run in a vicious circle

But autumn will not come in our senses.

After all, there is a reliable friend nearby,

And we are united by the number - eight!

And this congratulation is a guarantee

Together we will always be happy.

How love cannot live without parting,

So a star does not live without a constellation!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

Wife, please remember

Here to remember our love story.

After all, we met you beautifully,

You looked very happy.

Although, what in the past time,

As if everything has already passed

And so it has already left us.

Of course the opposite is true,

Let's make a turn in life.

You look so beautiful now

The same sweet and happy.

By my beautiful angel

I'll be yours forever.

I want to give you a promise

And this is not some kind of "muttering".

I promise not to make you cry

And I say this all seriously.

We lived together for at least 8 years,

I’ll also say I’m a little out of place here.

I will delight you every day

In the meantime, read my congratulations.

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

I congratulate my wife on the wedding,

And on this wonderful day, I wish.

So that the house is always strewn with flowers,

You have always been the mistress in it.

Beautiful and sweet, dear,

I congratulate you on your tin wedding.

I love you and that's the point

You can't do without a congratulation.

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

Our family is eight years old today!

There is no more beautiful wife of mine in the Universe:

Smart, kind, active, beautiful and gentle,

You, like a ray of the sun, always carry light!

Let our cell develop, grow,

Let it take its important place under the sun,

Let's strive together, go to your dreams,

We will come with you to the happy shores!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

Darling, let me

Congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

All the best in our destiny

Keeps only on you!

You are my light in the night

You are a bright candle flame

Shining star,

What always shines in the sky!

With you, sadness is not sadness.

With you, trouble is not a problem.

And time has passed, well, let it be!

We are with you forever!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

Our family has become tinned today!

Thank you, my dear husband,

For giving love and peace,

For teaching me to believe in happiness!

Our family is kind and bright

Let it prosper and grow stronger,

Let us be together for many more years

And keep the magical feelings a secret!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

My infinitely beloved woman

You are my wife for eight years,

By fate, dear, we are married

You are my tenderness forever.

And on our tin anniversary

I wish you happiness, good

I found my half

With you, I'm not afraid of trouble.

And on this bright, sensitive holiday,

I wish you happiness, my dear,

I am glad that I am your dear chosen one,

That we are together with you for centuries!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

Beloved, inseparable with you

Lived 8 years in love and happiness,

And the sun was not overshadowed by us -

Love protected us from adversity.

With you we have an alliance stronger than tin,

We'll pass a thousand more roads

And forever we will be with you together,

And this congratulation will be with us.

15 236

After eight years of married life, the couple celebrates the anniversary, which is called "tin wedding". According to psychologists, after eight years of marriage, spouses are drowning in everyday life. Therefore, it becomes difficult to keep love for each other, quarrels occur more often in the household mail. But over this period of time, the marriage became more durable, and the couple acquired the status of a strong one. Tin is a durable metal, so a traditional tin wedding symbolizes reliability. How to celebrate a tin anniversary?

8th Anniversary Celebration Traditions

Our ancestors also realized the significance of this date, so they invariably celebrated the eight years of their married life. Previously, such a wedding was celebrated in a circle of loved ones. The owner and the mistress carefully tidied up the house, laid a rich table. By tradition, heroes of the occasion put a tin bucket filled with vodka at the door or gate of their house. A tin can was placed next to it. Each guest drank vodka in front of the house and threw a shiny coin into the can.

The spouses also wondered about their future. On the eve of the holiday, the husband took the tin plate to the stable. In the morning, the couple checked to see if there was a trace of a horseshoe on it. The people believed that if a horse stepped on a plate, then the spouses would live together happily ever after.

Tin wedding: how to celebrate?

As a rule, the wedding anniversary of 8 years, or, as it is also called by the people, the poppy wedding, is celebrated modestly, but the wealth and prosperity acquired in eight years is demonstrated. Spouses invite only close relatives to the holiday, as well as friends who are able to share the joy of the couple. In a warm and friendly atmosphere, heroes of the occasion and guests taste delicious dishes and have fun. This is how an ordinary, tinny, merry wedding takes place. Let's take a closer look at how to organize such a holiday.

Choosing a venue for the celebration

Most people choose to celebrate this type of wedding at home. But a cozy restaurant or cafe is also considered a good place to celebrate. To decorate the room beautifully, use horseshoes, beautiful vases filled with decorative multi-colored stones and coins, poppy flowers. After all, as you know, this significant date is also called the "poppy wedding". It is advisable to hang bright pictures with symbolic flowers everywhere.

What to wear for spouses

A traditional tin wedding provides simple outfits for the heroes of the occasion. The wife is recommended to wear a modest dress, embroidered with gold threads, beads, and decorated with rhinestones. The husband will look great in a neat suit and shirt. As for jewelry, tin wedding rings and various steel jewelry are considered invariable attributes of such a wedding. After all, tin is a symbol of the eighth wedding anniversary.

Whom to invite

As a rule, this wedding is celebrated in the circle of close people, relatives of the spouses, who witnessed the beginning of their relationship, quarrels and reconciliation. It is imperative to invite witnesses who were present at the wedding eight years ago. But not invited guests have a place at the celebration. To do this, a couple of young people must dress up, put on tin rings and congratulate the spouses on the holiday. They are seated at the table opposite the heroes of the occasion.

What should be on the table

Guests should be treated to poppy pies, which the hostess must bake on her own. In addition, canned food in cans will be appropriate for the holiday. Choose sardines, sprats, and other types of canned food that are perfect for the celebration. Do not forget about sweets - they symbolize the relationship of the spouses. Therefore, sweets and birthday cake must be present on the table.

As for drinks, a tin traditional wedding involves a hot drink, be it tea or vodka. It is believed that such drinks warm the cold relationship of the spouses, who have already become bored with each other for eight years of marriage. Therefore, do not forget to stock up on a sufficient amount of alcoholic beverages, tea, coffee.

If you used to ask the question: “Tiny wedding, how old?”, Now you can not only answer it, but also indicate the main organizational aspects of such a wedding.

Celebration scenario

In order for the long-awaited tin wedding to take place without force majeure, every detail of the celebration should be carefully thought out. It is advisable to use a pre-compiled script. He describes the entire course of the holiday. An important anniversary in the life of a spouse is considered to be 8 years of marriage, which is easy to find. The following describes the approximate course of events during the celebration.

The wedding begins with a traditional feast, at which guests congratulate the couple and give the spouses symbolic gifts. But the meal begins only after the owner of the house has heated a little kvass from a tin ladle. Then, he must hand it over to the mistress. This symbolic ceremony means the unity of the spouses, the willingness to share food in both joy and sorrow.

Then the entertainment program of the evening begins, that is, dances, competitions, songs. For a tin wedding, contests such as creating stylish clothes from clean, empty tin cans, and tin material games like this are suitable. Active pastime should be diluted with reading poetry, telling interesting stories from the family life of the spouses.

It is advisable to capture the moments of this event in a photo or video, so that at any time there was an opportunity to refresh in your memory the bright memories of the evening.

What to give for the 8th anniversary of married life

The eighth anniversary of family life is a serious date, because the spouses have been around for a long period of time. Relationships can be called real work. Therefore, gifts for this anniversary should be luxurious and match the name of the holiday. Consider what kind of presentations the soul of the spouses will enjoy:

  • The medal, on which the names of the husband and wife will be minted, will be a real surprise for the couple.
  • Kitchen utensils, as well as tinware, will be a wonderful present for the hearth of the spouses. In addition, the tin does not rust for a long time, so the hostess will be delighted with such dishes.
  • Mirro essential oil is a real treasure for beauty and health. It has soothing and relaxing properties.
  • Funny SMS with congratulations before the start of the celebration will amuse the couple. A regular postcard with sincere wishes and funny inscriptions is also suitable.

A couple should choose a present based on their personal preferences. Then the gift will delight them for a long time, and remind them of you.

Tin wedding greetings

Traditionally, on the anniversary of the couple, they wish happiness, a river of love, a bag of money, prosperity. But to make your congratulations sound original, you should look at the unusual wishes for the spouses for a tin wedding.

You will find worthy wishes for such an event in this video. Review it so that the spouses will remember your congratulations for a long time:

Having well noted this significant date, the spouses will feel renewed feelings, and the guests will have a great rest and rejoice for a couple. In addition, organizing a tin wedding is not at all difficult if you follow the traditions and customs.

Have you already celebrated such a wedding with your other half? Leave your impressions in the comments to the article!

For eight whole years you have been together
We have survived many storms.
Everyone went through the stages with honor,
All the nonsense went out of my head.

Tin wedding
8th anniversary.
For a family holiday -
A good reason.

Now you got to the "tin" -
Eight long years you have been together:
Soul to soul, one after another.
The husband is a friend, the wife is a friend.
You will live the same for many years
In happiness, joy, without troubles.
Succeed and rise
Just hold on to each other.
Children will be healthy
They study well at school!

Let the thrill, tenderness, caress
Will decorate a lasting marriage
Warmth, comfort and strength
Let him give you a hearth.

For eight years you have been a husband and wife,
You with the wedding of Tin
Congratulations so sincerely!
We don't know a better pair!

You are successful and beautiful
So kind and not lazy
Let fate laugh at you
Everything works out great!

Eight years have passed you together,
The term seems to be short.
Let it bring good news
To your souls every moment.

Congratulations, relatives.
Happiness to you on the earthly path,
So that no trouble, no elements
Didn't destroy your home!
For everything in the world to be
Great at your place.
And love has always kept
Stock of new joys.

And on this occasion, I wish:
You will continue to cherish each other.
Love, appreciate each other and to the brim
To fill the cup of the family with prosperity.

But already the segment is not bad!
There are many anniversaries ahead,
If only there was no dashing fate.
We sincerely wish you this.
We rejoice with you warmly,

And with a new hope we promise
That we will celebrate more than once!

Tin wedding, eight years old.

Your relationship is tin.
Yes, there is such a wedding!
There is a secret in it -
Eight years of friendly marriage!

I wish you to live with love:
Ardent, sincere, great!
Congratulations to you today
I'm with a tin wedding!

Happy 8th birthday of the family
We want to congratulate you!
To the wishes of love
What else to add?

"You are worthy of such a wonderful date" -
Both parents and matchmakers will tell you,
And everyone who knows you by sight,
Who was destined to see you!

Happy tinny to your wedding!
I wish I didn’t know troubles.
And with love and patience
Walk together arm in arm.

Bride and groom
Congratulations today
Flexible as tin
We wish you to be.

So that fate does not hit on the forehead,
You managed to bend down,
And give in in a dispute
To each other, to be able to.

We wish you strong
Holding hands
Cherished love
And they did not part with her.

Eight years of marriage
Very important years.
They harden the feelings
So that you always live
Only in love and respect,
In fidelity and beauty.

Tin wedding
Happy eight years
More joyful because the family
In the whole world, definitely not.

Tin is just a symbol of your relationship
At the age of eight of love.
Let your marriage grow stronger and shine
A twinkle of the family path.

The whole World will tell you about it.
Family - diamond, diamond, sapphire!
So take care of her
And with her everything that is given to you!

You have a tin wedding today,
Well, like the "first" dear,
Proven by experience, over the years,
Still with romance, flowers!

Eight is an infinite number
Also let your happiness be endlessly.
Living together all my life is destined
Two hearts that beat in unison

Eight years old - and a tin wedding
She got up on the threshold and stands.
Well, sit there - call her to the house!
Let the fun sparkle with sparks!

I congratulate you, dear ones!
I wish you well with tenderness!
I wish you happiness, of course!
And in the family - warmth!

Eight years of the wife together,
There is wealth and a baby.
The wedding of tin is coming -
Roof roofing material!

The rest is cursed,
Better - eight floors.
Every atom in us trembles,
So let us already

All who spoil your life!
Let the beginning of the first phrase
The letter "E" will serve us.

I'm not a poet
But I will say in verse.
You've been together for eight years.
We did it ourselves.
I want solemnly
To say in kind:
Live fun
According to the conjuncture.

I wish my friend happiness,
We are old friends with you.
May your family prosper
After all, 8 years is not a joke, I know!

So let your family be lucky
Your ship is moving forward
After all, you are a worthy captain,
You are a real hurricane!

Happy tinny wedding you, friend!
You have been keeping the family hearth for 8 years!
I congratulate you, dear,
After all, everyone is glad to see your happiness!

I wish you love and understanding
I wish you gentle trust in the family!
May all undertakings succeed!
I wish you joy and courage!

May family life be yours
Girlfriend, it will be like a fairy tale
So that, loving your husband,
She lived beautifully, without fear.

May all good things come
Always stay the same
You, of course, are lucky -
Just smile more often!

You have been with me for eight years
For happiness - only you are needed
My husband is the reward of my fate,
Dreams come true.

I love and respect you
I want to wish you health
Still, darling, I wish
Love and respect me!

I dedicate poems to my wife,
We have been living with you for eight years!
And I congratulate you, dear,
There is probably no happier family.

You always be the same beautiful
Let your eyes burn with joy
Cheerful, amazing and cute
Dear, stay forever!

Your relationship is tough.
Yes, there is such a wedding!
There is a secret in it -
Eight years of friendly marriage!

I wish you to live with love:
Ardent, sincere, great!
Congratulations to you today
I'm with a tin wedding!

8 years old: not a lot and not a little,
The nerves have become tinny
You don't notice small quarrels
That is why you are celebrating your wedding today.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
Live the way you want
Let a guiding star illuminate your path,
Let your wishes always come true.

Eight years already a family,
There was so much behind.
Dear, dear friends,
Never to be sad.

We wish you happy years
Always be one.
There is a lot of joy, coins in the house,
Be a strong, mature union.

Tin wedding, eight years old.
Eight means infinity
More expensive than all riches and all coins,
Love and fidelity lasting forever.

Of course, tin is not silver, not gold,
But the bonds of marriage are stronger from year to year.
May tenderness and love live in souls
And the house will only have good weather!

A more thorny path lies ahead.

But the hurt and the pain disappeared
A flock of quarrels passed by

Happy wedding day tinny you
I want to congratulate with all my heart,
You, like tin, bend to each other,
You strive to understand each other.

After all, the main thing in life is family,
And I tell you for sure -
That all good things will come
To the one who believes, knows, waits!

The birds brought the wedding on the wings,
You have been living in love and harmony for 8 years,
You are the coolest couple on earth
Let you be lucky always, everywhere.

May luck smile at you
May all dreams come true
You can't count the good news,
We wish you never lose heart again.

Eight years ago we entered
You are in your legal union.
How then we walked and drank,
Even I'm afraid to remember.

I only remember your loving look
The pounding of the heart was heard by everyone.
Your marriage is now tempered,
He is worthy of the best odes, poems, poems.

And behind exactly 8 years,
Mutual joys, smiles, expectations
And there is nothing more important in the world.

Without grief, quarrels, without any troubles!

Today is a holiday in your honor,
We present tin as a gift -
This is an ancient custom.

We wish you always
Luck smiled
So that trouble passes by
And the happiness lingered.

Eight years of the wife together,
There is wealth and a baby.
The wedding of tin is coming -
Roof roofing material!

The rest is cursed,
Better - eight floors.
Every atom in us trembles,
So let us already

Brand on your bright holiday
All who spoil your life!
Let the beginning of the first phrase
The letter "E" will serve us.

Congratulations on your 8th wedding anniversary!
And on this anniversary, your tin,
Love harder, I wish you harder
Each other is destined by fate!

Let love illuminate the souls with happiness,
Let troubles, showers drive away!
Let luck be on the way
So that you can always help each other!

Take a look all at the young:
Smiles never leave them.
They are two mischievous hearts
As tough as tin, but flexible.

Let the years together
They will multiply uncountably!
And let the family star
It shines for you!

A simple name for a wedding,
And behind exactly 8 years,
Mutual joys and tears and expectations
And there is nothing more important in the world.
And let the wedding be tinny today
Thunders enthusiastically across the whole world,
We wish you to live without knowing resentment,
Without grief, quarrels, without various troubles!

Tin wedding, eight years old.
Eight means infinity
More expensive than all riches and all coins,
Love and fidelity lasting forever.
Of course, tin is not silver, not gold,
But the bonds of marriage are stronger from year to year.
May tenderness and love live in souls
And in the house there is only good weather.

It is a great honor for all of us
Celebrate the anniversary with you:
You have a holiday today - tin!
And that's a good reason
Forget kinks, clangs
And the tin rumble is useless
Live avoiding squabbles!
Live happily and long!

How many years have you been together? Eight?
How did they go for you
We will keep silent and will not ask -
After all, love is in the eyes now.
May it continue in your life
The world will be beautiful where
It will be better than yesterday
Tomorrow is a lucky day!

Your marriage survived to a tin wedding,
The family's route was also difficult,
But you have overcome all the problems,
And they did not regret the decision to be together.
Kids grow up quickly
And they dream of a little sister.
We wish you happiness and prosperity,
So that all family affairs are resolved smoothly.

You took your wife seriously
Handsome husband! We are proud of this
And congratulations on Rose Day -
Happy wedding decade!
There is no limit to happiness in life:
We wish, let the heat or the blizzard,
Still love you for a hundred years
Children, grandchildren and each other!

Congratulations! Congratulations!
I wish you happiness, joy!
And I hasten to tell you:
"I am grateful to fate!"

Every day by your side
I melt under my beloved gaze
I am milling from my beloved eyes
I will burst with love now!

You are my best friend,
You are more important than a hundred friends
Not a day to live without you
How can I not love you?

What to wish you? - I do not know.
We are just starting to live.
Opening my heart to each other,
We are just learning to love.
What to wish you? May be
A bag of patience and warmth.
You will always help in difficult times
I would give my life for you.

What to wish you? Wish,
Good luck, happiness and love!
How can I live without you? - I don't know
Take my heart as a gift.

My ideal husband, my impeccable perfection, my impeccable conscience, my pure soul, my goldfish in the vastness of the sea of ​​love, my gentle knight and zealous protector! I congratulate you on our anniversary and thank you for the happiness to be by your side!

This important day for us
I want to say so much
I want to do so much
I have no life without you!
You are my loved one!
You are patience and strength!
Without you, I’m a day like a century
Life with you is easy, beautiful!
I say thank you
For your love and affection,
I give all of myself to you!
You are my dream and fairy tale!

Fate tied us with a knot, I was so happy all year with you! Beloved husband, I congratulate you and wish you joy in life for many years!

Honey, like a white swan I flew after you all year, we were thrown from the side in the direction of trouble and adversity. But we always walked holding hands, and all the difficulties were left behind! My love, I am grateful to you for this year of happiness!

You and I have built a fabulous paradise and abode of love ourselves, beloved! Today is the anniversary of this "construction", in which we had feelings in the foreground, awe in our souls in relation to each other! I am happy with you, for which I want to say thank you and congratulate you on our anniversary!

The anniversary happened
In our nice family,
You are the only man
You are given to me by God

A lot of happiness and hugs
I know it will be on this day
You my dear friend
Put on a suit with a tie,

Let's remember the youth of the past,
How good it was for us
And we will drive away the evil rumor,
Let's all be together for evil!

You two are three long years,
It's joyful to look at you
Together you can safely
Even fly into space

Trust each other
In everyday little things
Let there be no blizzard in the family
Let fear not settle

You keep your love,
Until the wedding is golden,
Live soul to soul
A whole century by one fate!

Happy 8th wedding anniversary, dear!
Remember yourself that happy day!
Let others marry now,
They only have everything that you have gone through.
Be happy and young as before
Do not get tired of love for each other,
Worshiping Faith and Hope,
Become a hundred times more friendly.

A tinny wedding today!
Long, difficult eight years!
You could save for them
There is a warm light in a wise heart.
And it will be warmed by that wonderful light
Your cozy, kind home,
This friendly family
You live okay in it.
With an eight year, solid date
We congratulate you!
To be a big, rich family.
We sincerely wish you!

Eight years: neither more nor less,
Sped - did not have time to blink.
And in the eyes something new has become,
A more thorny path lies ahead.
But the hurt and the pain disappeared
A flock of quarrels passed by
Because they found out - you are together,
And together you are not afraid of their swarm.

Tin wedding, eight years old.
Eight means infinity
More expensive than all riches and all coins,
Love and fidelity lasting forever.
Of course, tin is not silver, not gold,
But the bonds of marriage are stronger from year to year.
May tenderness and love live in souls
And in the house there is only good weather.

Eight years - although not the beginning,
But already the segment is not bad!
There are many anniversaries ahead,
If only there was no dashing fate.
We sincerely wish you this.
We rejoice with you warmly,
And congratulations with great love.
And with a new hope we promise
That we will celebrate more than once!

I wish my friend happiness,
We are old friends with you.
May your family prosper
After all, 8 years is not a joke, I know!
So let your family be lucky
Your ship is moving forward
After all, you are a worthy captain,
You are a real hurricane!

0 0

"Congratulations on the 8th wedding anniversary"

Unexpected news -
Anniversary is just hard!
Lived in marriage for 8 years,
Having accumulated credibility.
For advice to you not in vain
Friends are turning
It's time for you to write a book,
After all, the people must know:
Where your secret lurks
How to live together for so many years?
Share your knowledge with the world,
For the edification of youth!

We have been living with you for eight years
Let's arrange a festive banquet.
We will call all our friends as soon as possible,
To mark our, one might say, anniversary.
We will all dance until the morning
And just chatting like a family.
We'll arrange a family evening
Accept, my dear, congratulations.

"Happy 8th wedding anniversary"

We will make you a pleasant surprise
After all, you deserve, of course, a prize.
Lived in love for eight years
And along the road of happiness only walked.
We wish you a glorious celebration of this day,
Your glorious tin anniversary.
We wish your love to triple
And tune in to glorious victories.

Congratulations, wishes,
Take you to the wedding.
Eight years as a spouse,
And you got used to each other.
Tin is strong by itself,
The update is worthy.
So that the feelings do not fade away
Don't be indifferent.
Keep relationships,
Take care of the sanctity of marriage!

"Congratulations to a tin wedding 8 years old"

Eight years by all laws
You are one family!
Sweet life for two lovers
I wish today:
Eat a lot of chocolate
And at the same time do not get fat,
As much money as you need
A must have!

Each passer-by will get drunk from the bucket,
In the family so that happiness will be poured.
And we will throw all of us into a mug of coppers,
So that there was prosperity, your house was full.
We congratulate you on our tin anniversary
And we hand over the molds for muffins, Easter cakes.
So that there is peace, comfort, coziness in the house,
The spouses should always be waiting for the guests.

"Congratulations on a tin wedding 8 years in verse"

We celebrate not the first anniversary of our wedding,
We will gather the guests and happily greet them.
Today is a tinny wedding anniversary,
I and all want to congratulate you.
I want you to be a wonderful husband to me,
And children especially need you.
Be faithful, gentle and happy
And you will always be loved by me.
Read, remember my congratulations,
If you want, let him make you laugh.

Sometime eight years ago
You did not know such happiness.
Didn't know that fate would unite you,
You don't need anything else now!
Together you are the best reward
Congratulate you on your tin wedding?
Believe me, I'm very happy about that,
And the words of love sound to you.
So be happy forever
Let the troubles go around
Live your life carelessly!
To make your children proud of you!

A simple name for a wedding,
And behind exactly 8 years,
Mutual joys and tears and expectations
And there is nothing more important in the world.
And let the wedding be tinny today
Thunders enthusiastically across the whole world,
We wish you to live without knowing resentment,
Without grief, quarrels, without various troubles!

You will put tin dishes on the table today,
And, of course, you will bring pleasure to the guests.
And let each of the bucket take a sip,
In the family, so that a new curl appears.
We praise your family very much,
And we praise your strong relationship.
And then you value your love,
And then you will avoid family quarrels.

We're celebrating the eighth anniversary
Around smiles, joy and flowers.
I feel good that there is a man next to me
And that man, dear, is you!
Your shoulder is a reliable support
Your love is help from help.
We go downhill and uphill together.
Accept, darling, this is a congratulation!

You have been together for eight years.
You meet the sunset, dawn
You protect the house from harm
Keep the vow faithful.
You look after you with love -
There is no more expensive happiness in the world!
We congratulate you, friends!
You have a great family!

You have been able to stay together for 8 years.
We want to congratulate you and say:
We wish you without deceit and flattery
Good days and joy again.
We would like to congratulate you on this day.
We wish you success, we say:
May your sorrows leave you forever!
Let the thunderstorms turn into light smoke.

Eight years is already a lot,
You value each other,
And sooner still the beginning
Lay a new life.
We wish you inspiration,
We sincerely congratulate you,
The goals of all realization
We wish again!

Years run in a vicious circle
But autumn will not come in our senses.
After all, there is a reliable friend nearby,
And we are united by the number - eight!
And this congratulation is a guarantee
Together we will always be happy.
How love cannot live without parting,
So a star does not live without a constellation!

It's time to celebrate your anniversary,
To make it even tinier.
After all, tin is not metal yet,
But he gives one more family point.
You walked hand in hand for eight years
Traditions are all safeguarded by you.
You have reached this milestone
Let there be no blizzard in the relationship.
Happiness may lie on your shoulders with a shawl,
Will save you initially too.
Let the family talisman keep
It will instantly shield you from trouble.

It is a great honor for all of us
Celebrate the anniversary with you:
You have a holiday today - tin!
And that's a good reason
Forget kinks, clangs
And the tin rumble is useless ...
Live avoiding squabbles!
Live happily and long!

8 years living together,
And besides, we know
That they live in happiness
They respect each other.
Let the eight not be afraid
To turn into infinity.
For this you just need
Always stay close.
And love and respect,
And multiply the family
For children and for income
In your future years.

You have already lived together for eight years.
And your anniversary is hard.
After all, it was not in vain that they baptized her,
And when - probably countless.

And on this occasion, I wish:
You will continue to cherish each other.
Love, appreciate each other and to the brim
To fill the cup of the family with prosperity.

Eight years of marriage
Very important years.
They harden the feelings
So that you always live
Only in love and respect,
In fidelity and beauty.
If keep this -
You will be on top.

On this day I want to congratulate you on your tin wedding anniversary. And I would like to wish your love, your happiness and prosperity to be endless, like an inverted symbol-number of your anniversary. For 8 years together, you have achieved a lot, have managed a lot, may you succeed in the future, may your plans be successfully embodied in reality, may love become stronger and stronger every year.

Tin wedding
8th anniversary.
For a family holiday -
A good reason.

Bride and groom
Congratulations today
Flexible as tin
We wish you to be.

So that fate does not hit on the forehead,
You managed to bend down,
And give in in a dispute
To each other, to be able to.

We wish you strong
Holding hands
Cherished love
And they did not part with her.

You have a tin wedding today,
Well, like the "first" dear,
Proven by experience, over the years,
Still with romance, flowers!

"You are worthy of such a wonderful date" -
Both parents and matchmakers will tell you,
And everyone who knows you by sight,
Who was destined to see you!

Such a pair as yours,
Nowhere to be found - this time!
And two - "You are an ideal family" -
I will tell you this, because not only me!

The whole World will tell you about this ...
Family - diamond, diamond, sapphire!
So take care of her
And with her everything that is given to you!

Tin wedding
Happy eight years
More joyful because the family
In the whole world, definitely not.

I'm on your anniversary
I wish you glorious days
So that they just become
All are relatives to each other.

Let the thrill, tenderness, caress
Will decorate a lasting marriage
Warmth, comfort and strength
Let him give you a hearth.

Now you got to the "tin" -
Eight long years you have been together:
Soul to soul, one after another.
The husband is a friend, the wife is a friend.
You will live the same for many years
In happiness, joy, without troubles.
Succeed and rise
Just hold on to each other.
Children will be healthy
They study well at school!

Tin Wedding is crowning you today,
Happiness is unearthly, joy promises.
Love each other as you once did
Be cheerful you, joyful, rich.

Happy anniversary! 8 years you have been together
You keep your hearth, bride and groom!
Children are growing up, everything is in order at home,
Let everything go on beautifully, smoothly!

With eight years your union
Congratulations today!
In a tin wedding, let
Happiness will be, we wish you!

May prosperity and comfort
They will be forever in your house,
Let the years run sweetly
"Bitter!" - we will tell you together!

Tin wedding - not a lot, not a little!
The time has come to congratulate you on the holiday,
May the feeling of love in hearts not fade away
And the house will be joyful, bright, wonderful!
Tough is a way of life, but it is inevitable,
May happiness in the family be boundless!

For eight years you have been a husband and wife,
You with the wedding of Tin
Congratulations so sincerely!
We don't know a better pair!

You are successful and beautiful
So kind and not lazy
Let fate laugh at you
Everything works out great!