What to feed a child during a cold? Rules for the nutrition of a child with orvi at normal body temperature. Nutrition for measles

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 6 minutes


A common symptom of SARS is a cold, which is always accompanied by fever. The only question is how much temperature rise your child has. It depends on how and what to feed a child with SARS.

  • The correct behavior of parents in this case is patiently offer the child appetizing light meals and do not insist on obligatory meals. It must be understood that it is more productive to spend the forces of the body on resisting the disease, but on the assimilation of food.
  • Children usually refuse large or solid foods, so you can offer light vegetable broths, vegetable or fruit purees , freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks, compotes or plain water.
  • Replenish fluid better every 30 minutes .

What to eat with ARVI for a child: foods and dishes that need to be included in the diet

  • low fat yogurt perfectly satisfy hunger and restore intestinal microflora.
  • Fruits and vegetables , especially baked ones - the perfect treat for a child. Baked apples, pears or pumpkin are extremely healthy and do not create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  • Food rich in protein , For example - lean fish or meat, dairy products , helps to restore strength and immunity spent on the fight against the virus.
  • Kashi- just the perfect food for a sick baby. They contain the necessary vitamins and minerals to maintain the body's natural defenses. The most valuable in terms of composition - buckwheat and oatmeal . They can be boiled in water or milk, depending on the wishes of your child.
  • Citrus excellent substitute for ascorbic acid, due to the high content of vit. C in combination with bioflavonoids. Especially useful grapefruit juice and fruit . It reduces fever and improves appetite.
  • Vegetable or fruit puree help to quickly assimilate the beneficial substances of the fruit. To please the baby, you can combine different colored vegetables and create colorful side dishes.
  • Fresh squeezed juices you need to cook with a predominance of fruits. Drink immediately after mixing.
  • Herbal tea with lemon, warm milk with honey, plain water, cranberry juice, rosehip decoction - Invite the child to choose. Drinking plenty of water is extremely important in the treatment of colds. It thins phlegm, removes toxins and prevents dehydration.
  • Dairy products with bifidobacteria restore normal intestinal microflora and increase natural immunity.
  • If a child has a sore throat, avoid sour, spicy or salty foods .
  • If the baby is coughing do not give him crackers, cookies and sweets . They irritate the mucous membrane and provoke an unproductive coughing fit.

During the period of exacerbation of colds, you need to carefully monitor the proper nutrition of the child, because insidious viruses attack weakened children with reduced immunity. The correct diet for ARVI in children is aimed at speedy recovery and prevention of re-infection .

ARI is a disease of any age, but children are especially susceptible to respiratory diseases. Having found a temperature in the crumbs, we foresee problems with the appetite, behavior and mood of the baby.

It is necessary to take care of replenishing the vitamin reserves of the child's body, which are greatly depleted during illness. If the child is only breastfed, the mother should regularly take multivitamin complexes in a therapeutic dosage, especially vitamin C. Even as prescribed by a doctor, children are given vitamin preparations and fortified drinks.

Why do babies not want to eat?

During illness, the baby changes, or even completely disappears appetite. The child refuses both the main food and the goodies. Why is this happening?

  1. If, due to a profuse runny nose and swelling of the mucous membrane, the nose is blocked, the baby has to breathe with an open mouth, but how to do this while eating? It is especially difficult for babies who find it difficult to get milk from their mother's breasts.
  2. The high temperature interferes, against the background of which a half-asleep child cannot work for a long time at the dinner table or even in bed (if food is served there).
  3. It is painful for a child to swallow due to a sore throat.
  4. The baby may not smell the pleasant smell of food (this can last from 10 to 14 days).
  5. Side effects of the medicine you are treating for acute respiratory infections appear, such as nausea, taste changes, heartburn, abdominal pain, or diarrhea.
  6. The child wants a certain product that is not currently in the house.

How to feed a baby

If your baby is exclusively breastfed, it is very important to maintain full lactation, because there is a clear chance of rejection of the breast. In the acute period of the disease (the first 2-3 days), accompanied by a high temperature, a violation of the general condition, intoxication, the appetite may decrease in the crumbs. Just offer the breast more often, and supplement your baby between feedings, even if you haven't done so yet. As a drink, you can give bottled baby water, special baby teas, a weak rosehip broth. However, do not bottle feed your baby. Otherwise, after recovery, there may be problems with breastfeeding, because the baby will have time to appreciate all the “charm” of receiving liquid from a bottle during the illness. Drink should be from a spoon, in small portions and often.

If the baby is bottle-fed, then it is recommended to feed him with sour-milk mixtures during illness, and not fresh ones, they are easily absorbed and absorbed by the body, improve appetite, and normalize the intestinal microflora. The latter is important if the baby is prescribed antibiotics.

How to feed older babies

If a child who receives complementary foods falls ill with ARI, then it is advisable to increase the number of already familiar fermented milk products in his menu. But do not introduce kefir into the baby's diet if he has not tried it before. Remember the most important rule: no experimentation with new foods during illness. You should not try to increase your appetite with foods that the child did not receive, otherwise, in addition to respiratory diseases, you will also have to treat intestinal or allergic ones.

During illness, not only babies, but all children should drink plenty of water. You can offer weak tea, fruit drink, compote. From juices it is better to exclude too sour and too sweet, because they cause irritation of the oral mucosa and increase coughing. If the baby has vomiting or nausea, then the drink needs to be cooled quite a bit.

In the acute period, let's keep all dishes warm in liquid or semi-liquid form. Vegetables and fruits are boiled until soft and wiped, mashed potatoes or soufflé are prepared from meat and fish (even if the child eats cutlets). It is very convenient to use specialized canned food for baby food with a delicate texture during illness.

With difficulty swallowing or sore throat, spicy, salty and sour foods should be excluded. But sweets are quite acceptable, especially mint ones.

With a strong cough, do not give crackers, cookies, nuts, sour and very sweet fruits or berries. Make sure that during a coughing fit the child does not choke.

As you recover, baby food should become more complete and varied. To make it easier for the body to fight infection, it now especially needs high-protein foods. Therefore, a child can be given cottage cheese, meat puree, egg yolk, as well as children's canned food based on meat and poultry in slightly larger quantities. However, despite the advice of grandmothers, save the crumbs from broths - this product is strictly not recommended in the nutrition of young children!

Menu for a sick child

There are no special pills that kill viruses, but there are many improvised means that help to cope with a cold in 3-4 days and prevent the disease from dragging on. And of course, the most important thing is proper nutrition.

  1. Tip 1. Give your child “live” vitamins 3-4 times a day: offer freshly squeezed juices. They have antipyretic properties and powerful antiviral activity, contain a “shock” dose of vitamin C, which causes the adrenal glands to produce anti-inflammatory hormones in the blood. Children can drink up to 300 ml of juice per day.
  2. Tip 2. Increase the amount of yogurt in the child's diet - a lactic acid diet enhances the nonspecific protection of the child's body.
  3. Advice 3. You can also give herbal preparations: a lot of ascorbic acid in rosehip infusion with mint or chamomile. Pour boiling water over 2 tablespoons of rose hips and 1 tablespoon of mint or chamomile, insist and drink throughout the day.
  4. Advice 4. Not without reason, our mothers and grandmothers are advised to feed the child with chicken broth: it contains the amino acid cysteine, which helps thin nasal mucus, makes breathing easier, and prevents the development of bronchitis, otitis media and sinusitis.
  5. Tip 5. Give your child alkaline mineral water (only without gas). By the way, it can also be used to rinse the nose, as well as gargle.

A wonderful remedy is a milk broth of sage, which contains the herbal antibiotic salvin, which prevents the development of infectious complications. On the second or third day, bacteria can join the cold, causing bronchitis, sinusitis and tonsillitis.

Broth: pour half a glass of milk 1 dessert spoon of sage, bring to a boil and stand for 10 minutes over low heat, strain and bring to a boil again. It is better to drink such a drink at night.

Prepare almond milk for your baby: pour 50 g of almonds with boiling water for 10-15 minutes, drain the water, free the almonds from the peel, crush in a mortar. Boil for 10 minutes in 100 ml of milk or water, cool and strain. Add honey or sugar. Give your child 2-3 tablespoons of milk a day. Such milk activates the immune system and restores strength during the period when the child has no appetite.

medicine on a plate

Products that are desirable to use with a cold:

  • tomatoes, greens, boiled vegetables - pumpkin, carrots;
  • nuts (several pieces a day);
  • lean meat;
  • drinks without gas and caffeine;
  • fruits and dried fruits: avocados, dried apricots, raisins, bananas and apples (baked in the oven), kiwi, quince, figs, raspberries, currants, blackberries, sea buckthorn, lingonberries, blueberries.
  • citrus fruits (if there is no allergy): oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons;
  • lean fish, eggs, oatmeal, beans, peas, beans.

Foods banned until recovery:

  • raw vegetables, especially white cabbage, radish, turnip, rutabaga;
  • fatty (including dairy) products;
  • pineapples, too sour and too sweet fruits;
  • meat fatty broths, beef, veal, pork, lamb;
  • bread and pasta;
  • sweets.

How to alleviate the condition of the baby?

During illness, do not neglect the requests of the child. If it's not soda or chips, listen to the children's requests "Mom, I want ...". On the other hand, do not make lavish sacrifices of exotic and costly foods.

Try to follow the diet and medication, follow the doctor's recommendations or annotations. If the baby is worried about a runny nose, try to blow your nose first, drip, and then offer food. If rinsing of the pharynx is prescribed, then they should be performed after meals, and not before. Please note that all medical procedures associated with the pharynx - lubrication, rinsing, irrigation, examination with a spatula - may end in vomiting.

And be prepared to tinker with serving and interesting dishes - the result can exceed all your expectations: two-three-year-old kids love the joyful, bright look of the table with some surprises.

If you don’t know what else you can please your baby with, prepare potato zrazy for him. Potatoes are known to contain vitamin C, which helps fight infections and strengthens the immune system. And the soft texture of this dish will allow the baby to chew easily and not choke. Yes, it will take you a little time to prepare this dish. In addition, potato zrazy is a tasty and healthy dish not only for kids, but for the whole family.

What is better to eat to recover faster from SARS. Features of metabolism at the time of acute viral diseases.

The human upper respiratory tract is very sensitive to a wide variety of viruses that cause the so-called acute respiratory viral infections - SARS.

SARS, as you know, are the most common diseases in children and account for more than 70% of registered infectious pathologies.

The mechanism of development of the pathological process, with influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, is generally similar and therefore it is difficult to differentiate one virus from another according to the clinical picture.

A special place is occupied by the influenza virus - the causative agent of the most massive infection of our time among people. However, other viruses also cause diseases very similar to influenza. These are parainfluenza virus, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial, rhinoviruses, reoviruses, etc.

Viruses are the smallest known microorganisms, adapted to life and reproduction (reproduction) only inside sensitive cells. Outside the cells, they are not capable of independent activity, they do not have a metabolism. Viruses can only save themselves until the moment of contact with a sensitive cell, after which they seem to awaken.

After penetration into a sensitive cell, the main component of the virus - its nucleic acid - easily subjugates the main metabolic centers in the cell and causes them to synthesize the components of a new generation of viral particles.

These components are combined into whole virions (full-fledged viral particles), which leave the affected cells and penetrate into healthy ones. Thus, the process of development of a viral infection at the cellular level proceeds like an avalanche. At the same time, the mass of the affected cells dies, is rejected, the decay products are absorbed, poisoning the body and causing numerous general reactions.

In addition, against the background of cellular damage and poisoning of the body, the so-called secondary infection can begin - saprophytic - that is, caused by the body's own microflora - saprophytes - which, under certain conditions, against the background of a weakening of the body, for example, with SARS, acquire pathogenic properties.

All SARS are characterized by:

sudden start,

Rise in temperature (fever)

Symptoms of intoxication (poisoning) of the body,



Frequent lesions of the trachea,

Bronchial and lungs.

The human body is protected from infections by a number of mechanical, chemical and biological barriers:

mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract,

cell membranes,

environment of the gastrointestinal tract.

If these barriers are "taken", then in order to cope with SARS, the body needs to turn on defense mechanisms, namely, the response of the so-called immune system, or simply the immune response.

The ultimate goal of the immune system is to destroy the foreign agent(the process is called the immune response) , which may be:

pathogenic microorganism,

foreign body,

poisonous substance,

The regenerated cell of the organism itself.

The human immune system consists of many types of proteins, cells, organs and tissues, the interactions between which are complex and dynamic. With this improved immune response, the system adapts over time and the recognition of specific foreign substances or cells becomes more efficient. In the process of adaptation, immunological memory is created (we call it immunity) - which allows you to more effectively protect the body the next time you encounter these pathogens. The overall goal of this process is to maintain homeostasis (the constancy of the internal environment).

In humans, homeostasis is maintained by two immune mechanisms: temperature and antibodies. Therefore, the temperature at an acute onset should not be reduced in any case.

Features of the exchange with ARVI:

1. During ARVI, toxins are released in large quantities, primarily the decay products of damaged cells (and microorganisms). This means that we need to increase the flow of fluid that removes them from the body and speed up metabolism, including - to welcome the temperature (do not knock down).

2. Increased need for high-grade proteins and lipids.

Proteins provide the body with the amino acids necessary for the synthesis of the body's endogenous proteins. Lipids serve as a source of energy, provide its storage and participate in the formation of cell membranes, which means that they are necessary for the restoration of cells damaged by the virus.

But the matter is complicated by the fact that the assimilation of newly incoming proteins and lipids requires energy and the participation of enzymes produced by the gastrointestinal tract system, which, in turn, should not, in theory, do this, but participate in the defense system and the body's immune response to the disease.

Therefore, despite the increased need for the substances under discussion, it will be better, at least in the early stages of the disease, stop consuming them, relying on the internal reserves of the body, and then ensure the supply of easily digestible proteins and lipids that do not require long digestion.

3. It is necessary to provide the body with sufficient energy. Generally speaking, if a person ate right before the disease, his body has a reserve of the necessary energy in order to cope with the disease. Therefore, often, in the first days of the disease, energy from the outside with food is not required, given that its absorption also requires energy (with the exception of small children, whose reserves are small, breast milk is also a "medicine" for the child) . During the recovery period, easily digestible food will be required to replenish energy reserves.

4. As mentioned above, during an illness, we need to facilitate the process of digestion of food, since many of the enzymes involved in the digestion of food, in the absorption of carbohydrates, are also involved in the deployment of the body's immune response (including to protect against secondary infection, from bacterial attacks). Usually, a person who is ill with ARVI does not experience appetite, refuses to eat. In no case should you force him. If you want to eat, then you need to, choosing food, taking into account general nutritional recommendations for ARVI.

We know that there are people whose appetite increases during an illness (at a temperature). This does not always indicate that it is useful to them. Sometimes a person (child) confuses the desire to eat with thirst. Therefore, if you want to constantly eat, it is better to offer your favorite drinks to the sick person. It can be hot tea, and cold fruit drink, and tomato juice. Drinks are all different, they make up for various “deficiencies” that may be necessary for a given organism at the moment. If you still want to eat, choose easily digestible, healthy and non-irritating food.

"Heavy" food, such as meat, can be offered to the patient only when he is on the mend. It is also worth limiting the consumption of carbohydrates, especially the so-called "fast". Remember that after suffering ARVI, the need for protein foods increases.

5. The need for vitamins and trace elements involved in the immune system is increasing. First of all, it is vitamin C (ascorbic acid). It is used both for prevention and during the recovery period from SARS.

6. In addition to vitamin C, it is necessary to ensure sufficient intake of vitamins, primarily those not produced by the body itself.

Vitamin A is needed by the skin and mucous membranes (including the intestines) for recovery.

Vitamin E - stimulates the production of antibodies.

A lack of folic acid inhibits the immune response.

Pantothenic acid and B vitamins are responsible for the body's production of antibodies to fight infections.

7. Still - micronutrients are needed, from the lack of which the immune system suffers. These are zinc and selenium, iron and sulfur.

8. It is recommended to maintain the acidic environment of the stomach, which serves as a barrier to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the body. In a weakened state, this is especially true. It is also important that the entire gastrointestinal tract works properly, is not irritated, and is not subjected to heavy stress. - This is important both for the evacuation of waste products (purification), and for the production and optimal use of enzymes produced by the gastrointestinal tract in the immune response, as well as for the production of vitamins necessary for the body.

9. Finally, let's talk about yeast, which is found alive in fresh baked goods. It is believed that yeast, getting from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream, then into the intercellular space, can act on plasma membranes, increasing their permeability to pathogenic microorganisms and viruses. During illness, this topic becomes especially relevant, so I will recommend giving up bread, and especially strictly refraining from fresh sweet pastries.

Focusing on prevention and speedy recovery from acute respiratory viral infections, let's not forget to separately allocate proper nutrition in case of a bacterial attack.

From all of the above, having sorted through the products for their nutritional value, content and digestibility, taking into account the characteristics of metabolism and the needs of the human body with ARVI, I dare to offer the following recommendations.

1) Drink plenty of both clean water and compote. Dried fruit compote contains a lot of vitamins and microelements. Prunes compote has a laxative effect, cleansing the body of toxins. It is good to drink raspberry compote, it helps to sweat, reduces intoxication.

I recommend choosing drinks that contain the maximum amount of vitamins needed by the body (primarily - vitamin C) and micronutrients. These drinks are not fixing, easily digestible, do not irritate the mucous membranes (these are definitely not factory-made lemonades and sodas), sugar-free, sour, it is better to use it warm.

You can brew herbal tea and drink with lemon and honey. It can be tea from mountain ash, raspberry leaf, currant.

2) At first, do not eat the disease, especially if there is no appetite . It is better not to divert the energy of the body to the process of digestion of food and not to involve the gastrointestinal enzymes necessary for the immune response in this process.

3) Choose food that is easily digestible, boil rather than fry, it is better to serve it in a pureed form.

In an acute period, it is better to give up meat, milk (for many), hard-to-digest cereals, for example, corn, pearl barley, and legumes.

During the whole illness, it is worth giving up pork, lamb, fried foods, smoked meats, sausages, canned food, sugar (chocolate sweets), and rich pastries. It is difficult to tolerate what irritates the intestines: strong pickles and spicy spices, mushrooms, including vegetables with rough skin and coarse fiber - cabbage, cucumbers, radishes.

Suitable for nutrition in the acute period:

Not too fatty chicken broth

oatmeal jelly,

steam fish,

Eggs (preferably uncooked and not scrambled eggs, but a soft-boiled egg, egg yolk is useful)

Steamed vegetables (especially carrots with a spoonful of sour cream, broccoli, baked beets, peppers)

Live dairy products

Baked apples.

In the subacute period(when the temperature subsides), you can enter bone-meat ("on the veins") broth, vegetable soups (possible with dumplings), mucous decoctions with cereals in the broth. From cereals it is preferable to eat buckwheat and oatmeal, you can also rice. You should not eat millet, barley, hominy, barley porridge. It is good to add ground germinated cereals to the diet - barley, oats, wheat, semi-liquid, well boiled. If you really want bread - dried bread (crackers, biscuits). You can eat fish - red, herring, mackerel. Salads are better prepared from thermally processed (or not very coarse fresh) vegetables with lemon-oil dressing, cheeses are better rennet and "live" - ​​such as Suluguni, Adyghe.

For dessert, you can offer:

Berry and fruit mousses, including citrus,

Jelly on pectin, without sugar, with grape syrup, honey,

Rich fruit compotes,

fruit pastille,

Baked apples,

Nuts - cedar walnuts.

If the recovery process is in full swing and strongly drawn to meat, you can cook veal liver (slightly stewed with prunes), chicken breast, then introduce boiled and stewed meat.

Bon Appetit!


During illness, the appetite decreases, all the forces of the body go to fight the infection. How to feed a child during an illness so as to maintain strength and promote recovery

Rules for baby food during a cold

1. The key rule in feeding a sick child is not to force him to eat what he does not want. Except in those cases, if the attending physician insists on the use of specific products, justifying this with the individual characteristics of the baby's health status.

2. At a temperature on the first day, vomiting is possible: the disease disables the stomach, which is unable to hold food. In such a situation, it is better for the child to neither eat nor drink for 2 hours. Then, if he asks for a drink, give him a small sip of water. Look at the reaction of the body. If vomiting does not resume, you can give more water after 20-25 minutes. On the day when the body does not take food, a serving ofIt is permissible to increase it to half a glass, no more. If the child asks for food, give him a tablespoon of porridge or applesauce. Watch your body's reaction.

3. If the temperature is elevated, in the first two days do not offer the child solid food at all, only liquid or semi-liquid in consistency, simple and light: cereals, curd mass, applesauce. Then you can add boiled eggs, dry cookies, croutons to the diet.

4. From cereals, doctors recommend eating buckwheat and oatmeal. B vitamins, iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus, which are contained in them, are especially necessary for the child's body to recover. So that the child does not get tired of cereals, experiment with their preparation: cook them in water, milk, vegetable broth.

5. Exclude spicy and salty foods from the diet, especially if the baby has a sore throat: such food can irritate the sore throat and increase pain.

6. With a strong cough, do not give the child acidic foods, crackers and shortbread cookies.

7. In the first days of illness, give the baby fluid often, every half an hour or an hour. As a rule, at this time, children are more willing to drink juice and water. At elevated temperatures, children sometimes ask for milk. If it does not cause vomiting, then you should continue to give it to the child. At temperatures above 39 degrees, choose skim milk (without the top layer of cream) or skim milk, because. fats in milk are quite difficult to digest, especially during illness.

Drinking during illness should be more plentiful than usual. First, when the heat rises, sweating increases, which leads to the loss of fluid that needs to be replenished. Secondly, drinking plenty of water helps to remove the toxins that the infectious agent releases, and those that are formed in the body during the fight against the microbe, the so-called toxins.
During the course of the disease, give the child also mineral water, preferably without gas, so that it does not cause belching and heartburn, thereby not aggravating the baby’s condition with unnecessary problems.

8. As a rule, children refuse to eat meat, fish, poultry, fats (butter, margarine, cream) during illness. It is better to introduce these products into the diet after the temperature drops, at the stage of recovery.

9. As soon as the disease begins to recede, be sure to offer your child vegetables and fruits - they contain a large amount of iron and vitamin C, which help fight colds.

10. In the initial period of recovery, appetite may be further reduced, just the stomach and intestines are not yet ready to take food in normal sizes. After complete recovery, the appetite returns to normal.

11. In the first week or two after recovery, the child's appetite increases significantly. This is fine. The body is recovering, it needs to catch up. Get ready for it. However, you should not overfeed the child: increase portions after an illness gradually, offer the child dairy products and fruits as snacks.
If your appetite does not return to normal after two weeks, consult your doctor.

mommies will come in handy, but for me

What is better to eat to recover faster from SARS. Features of metabolism at the time of acute viral diseases.

The human upper respiratory tract is very sensitive to a wide variety of viruses that cause the so-called acute respiratory viral infections - SARS.

SARS, as you know, are the most common diseases in children and account for more than 70% of registered infectious pathologies.

The mechanism of development of the pathological process, with influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, is generally similar and therefore it is difficult to differentiate one virus from another according to the clinical picture.

A special place is occupied by the influenza virus - the causative agent of the most massive infection of our time among people. However, other viruses also cause diseases very similar to influenza. These are parainfluenza virus, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial, rhinoviruses, reoviruses, etc.

Viruses are the smallest known microorganisms, adapted to life and reproduction (reproduction) only inside sensitive cells. Outside the cells, they are not capable of independent activity, they do not have a metabolism. Viruses can only save themselves until the moment of contact with a sensitive cell, after which they seem to awaken.

After penetration into a sensitive cell, the main component of the virus - its nucleic acid - easily subjugates the main metabolic centers in the cell and causes them to synthesize the components of a new generation of viral particles.

These components are combined into whole virions (full-fledged viral particles), which leave the affected cells and penetrate into healthy ones. Thus, the process of development of a viral infection at the cellular level proceeds like an avalanche. At the same time, the mass of the affected cells dies, is rejected, the decay products are absorbed, poisoning the body and causing numerous general reactions.

In addition, against the background of cellular damage and poisoning of the body, the so-called secondary infection can begin - saprophytic - that is, caused by the body's own microflora - saprophytes - which, under certain conditions, against the background of a weakening of the body, for example, with SARS, acquire pathogenic properties.

All SARS are characterized by:

sudden start,

Rise in temperature (fever)

Symptoms of intoxication (poisoning) of the body,



Frequent lesions of the trachea,

Bronchial and lungs.

The human body is protected from infections by a number of mechanical, chemical and biological barriers:

mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract,

cell membranes,

environment of the gastrointestinal tract.

If these barriers are “taken”, then in order to cope with SARS, the body needs to turn on defense mechanisms, namely, the response of the so-called immune system, or simply the immune response.

The ultimate goal of the immune system is to destroy the foreign agent(the process is called the immune response) , which may be:

pathogenic microorganism,

foreign body,

poisonous substance,

The regenerated cell of the organism itself.

The human immune system consists of many types of proteins, cells, organs and tissues, the interactions between which are complex and dynamic. With this improved immune response, the system adapts over time and the recognition of specific foreign substances or cells becomes more efficient. In the process of adaptation, immunological memory is created (we call it immunity) - which allows you to more effectively protect the body the next time you encounter these pathogens. The overall goal of this process is to maintain homeostasis (the constancy of the internal environment).

In humans, homeostasis is maintained by two immune mechanisms: temperature and antibodies. Therefore, the temperature at an acute onset should not be reduced in any case.

Features of the exchange with ARVI:

1. During ARVI, toxins are released in large quantities, primarily the decay products of damaged cells (and microorganisms). This means that we need to increase the flow of fluid that removes them from the body and speed up metabolism, including - to welcome the temperature (do not knock down).

2. Increased need for high-grade proteins and lipids.

Proteins provide the body with the amino acids necessary for the synthesis of the body's endogenous proteins. Lipids serve as a source of energy, provide its storage and participate in the formation of cell membranes, which means that they are necessary for the restoration of cells damaged by the virus.

But the matter is complicated by the fact that the assimilation of newly incoming proteins and lipids requires energy and the participation of enzymes produced by the gastrointestinal tract system, which, in turn, should not, in theory, do this, but participate in the defense system and the body's immune response to the disease.

Therefore, despite the increased need for the substances under discussion, it will be better, at least in the early stages of the disease, stop consuming them, relying on the internal reserves of the body, and then ensure the supply of easily digestible proteins and lipids that do not require long digestion.

3. It is necessary to provide the body with sufficient energy. Generally speaking, if a person ate right before the disease, his body has a reserve of the necessary energy in order to cope with the disease. Therefore, often, in the first days of the disease, energy from the outside with food is not required, given that its absorption also requires energy (with the exception of small children, whose reserves are small, breast milk is also a “medicine” for the child) . During the recovery period, easily digestible food will be required to replenish energy reserves.

4. As mentioned above, during an illness, we need to facilitate the process of digestion of food, since many of the enzymes involved in the digestion of food, in the absorption of carbohydrates, are also involved in the deployment of the body's immune response (including to protect against secondary infection, from bacterial attacks). Usually, a person who is ill with ARVI does not experience appetite, refuses to eat. In no case should you force him. If you want to eat, then you need to, choosing food, taking into account general nutritional recommendations for ARVI.

We know that there are people whose appetite increases during an illness (at a temperature). This does not always indicate that it is useful to them. Sometimes a person (child) confuses the desire to eat with thirst. Therefore, if you want to constantly eat, it is better to offer your favorite drinks to the sick person. It can be hot tea, and cold fruit drink, and tomato juice. Drinks are all different, they make up for various “deficiencies” that may be necessary for a given organism at the moment. If you still want to eat, choose easily digestible, healthy and non-irritating food.

"Heavy" food, such as meat, can be offered to the patient only when he is on the mend. It is also worth limiting the consumption of carbohydrates, especially the so-called "fast". Remember that after suffering ARVI, the need for protein foods increases.

5. The need for vitamins and trace elements involved in the immune system is increasing. First of all, it is vitamin C (). It is used both for prevention and during the recovery period from SARS.

6. In addition to vitamin C, it is necessary to ensure sufficient intake of vitamins, primarily those not produced by the body itself.

Vitamin A is needed by the skin and mucous membranes (including the intestines) for recovery.

Vitamin E - stimulates the production of antibodies.

A lack of folic acid inhibits the immune response.

Pantothenic acid and B vitamins are responsible for the body's production of antibodies to fight infections.

7. Still - micronutrients are needed, from the lack of which the immune system suffers. These are zinc and selenium, iron and sulfur.

8. It is recommended to maintain the acidic environment of the stomach, which serves as a barrier to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the body. In a weakened state, this is especially true. It is also important that the entire gastrointestinal tract works properly, is not irritated, and is not subjected to heavy stress. - This is important both for the evacuation of waste products (purification), and for the production and optimal use of enzymes produced by the gastrointestinal tract in the immune response, as well as for the production of vitamins necessary for the body.

9. Finally, let's talk about yeast, which is found alive in fresh baked goods. It is believed that yeast, getting from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream, then into the intercellular space, can act on plasma membranes, increasing their permeability to pathogenic microorganisms and viruses. During illness, this topic becomes especially relevant, so I will recommend giving up bread, and especially strictly refraining from fresh sweet pastries.

Focusing on prevention and speedy recovery from acute respiratory viral infections, let's not forget to separately allocate proper nutrition in case of a bacterial attack.

From all of the above, having sorted through the products for their nutritional value, content and digestibility, taking into account the characteristics of metabolism and the needs of the human body with ARVI, I dare to offer the following recommendations.

1) Drink plenty of both clean water and compote. Dried fruit compote contains a lot of vitamins and microelements. Prunes compote has a laxative effect, cleansing the body of toxins. It is good to drink raspberry compote, it helps to sweat, reduces intoxication.

I recommend choosing drinks that contain the maximum amount of vitamins needed by the body (primarily - vitamin C) and micronutrients. These drinks are not fixing, easily digestible, do not irritate the mucous membranes (these are definitely not factory-made lemonades and sodas), sugar-free, sour, it is better to use it warm.

You can brew herbal tea and drink with lemon and honey. It can be tea from mountain ash, raspberry leaf, currant.

2) At first, do not eat the disease, especially if there is no appetite . It is better not to divert the energy of the body to the process of digestion of food and not to involve the gastrointestinal enzymes necessary for the immune response in this process.

3) Choose food that is easily digestible, boil rather than fry, it is better to serve it in a pureed form.

In an acute period, it is better to give up meat, milk (for many), hard-to-digest cereals, for example, corn, pearl barley, and legumes.

During the whole illness, it is worth giving up pork, lamb, fried foods, smoked meats, sausages, canned food, sugar (chocolate sweets), and rich pastries. It is difficult to tolerate what irritates the intestines: strong pickles and spicy spices, mushrooms, including vegetables with rough skin and coarse fiber - cabbage, cucumbers, radishes.

Suitable for nutrition in the acute period:

Not too fatty chicken broth

oatmeal jelly,

steam fish,

Eggs (preferably uncooked and not scrambled eggs, but a soft-boiled egg, egg yolk is useful)

Steamed vegetables (especially carrots with a spoonful of sour cream, broccoli, baked beets, peppers)

Live dairy products

Baked apples.

In the subacute period(when the temperature subsides), you can enter bone-meat ("on the veins") broth, vegetable soups (possible with dumplings), mucous decoctions with cereals in the broth. From cereals it is preferable to eat buckwheat and oatmeal, you can also rice. You should not eat millet, barley, hominy, barley porridge. It is good to add ground germinated cereals to the diet - barley, oats, wheat, semi-liquid, well boiled. If you really want bread - dried bread (crackers, biscuits). You can eat fish - red, herring, mackerel. Salads are better prepared from thermally processed (or not very coarse fresh) vegetables with lemon-oil dressing, cheeses are better rennet and "live" - ​​such as Suluguni, Adyghe.

For dessert, you can offer:

Berry and fruit mousses, including citrus,

Jelly on pectin, without sugar, with grape syrup, honey,

Rich fruit compotes,

fruit pastille,

Baked apples,

Nuts - cedar walnuts.

If the recovery process is in full swing and strongly drawn to meat, you can cook veal liver (slightly stewed with prunes), chicken breast, then introduce boiled and stewed meat.

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