What do you need to increase lactation. Several effective ways - how to increase lactation

The most important thing a mother can give to her child is breast milk. The baby needs it from birth, as it contains not only all the necessary substances for development, but also antibodies that protect against diseases.

It often happens that for some reason milk production drops, or it disappears altogether. Many mothers face a serious problem because they do not want to feed their babies with mixtures. Why is milk disappearing? And how to increase lactation? Let's try to figure it out.

Why is lactation decreasing?

The most common reasons for a decrease in milk supply are:

  • Irregular or poor nutrition of a nursing mother;
  • Stress, anxiety, negative emotions;
  • Chronic sleep deprivation;
  • Bad habits;
  • lactation crises.

In addition to these reasons, there are many nuances that affect milk production. For example, a mother eats well, gets enough sleep, has no bad habits, and the amount of milk is still decreasing. Maybe her body is in the process of the so-called lactation crisis? It is well known that the body of a nursing mother after childbirth experiences 3 crises: on the 3-10th day after the birth of the baby, on the 20-30th and on the 3rd month. This hormonal change can be dangerous for lactation and the quality of breast milk.

Another nuance is the presence of plentiful drinking. Most women forget that it is necessary not only to eat well, but also to drink plenty of fluids. It plays an important role in milk production and can increase lactation. Few people know that there are products that inhibit the process of milk production. These include smoked, spicy foods, seasonings for dishes, flour products.

So, the reasons for the decrease in the amount of milk are known. Now consider how to increase lactation and improve the quality of breast milk.

Mode and proper feeding

In many ways, the improvement of lactation depends on the mode of the nursing mother. If a woman is on her feet all day, sleeps poorly and does not rest, then normal lactation is out of the question. Lack of rest leads to exhaustion of the body, and it does not have the strength to produce milk. Therefore, the first thing a mother should learn to do is to observe the correct daily routine and rest more often.

Problems with lactation also occur in those women who do not properly breastfeed their child. First, feed the baby should not be on time, but on demand. This is the main rule that doctors recommend not to neglect. The more often a woman puts her baby to her breast, the more milk she will produce. If the baby began to groan, mess around, suck a fist - he urgently needs to be fed. Don't be afraid to overfeed your little one. It can be applied to the chest from 14 times a day.

Secondly, during feeding, you need to alternate the breast every 1.5-2.5 hours. Mom should look at the clock only in one case - to know which breast to give now. You should not pay attention to the fullness of the mammary glands. After 2-3 days, the baby will "pump" the required amount of milk, and the mother will not think about how to increase lactation.

Proper nutrition

It is no secret that proper, balanced nutrition of a nursing mother plays an important role in improving lactation. In choosing products, a woman should start from the fact that every day she loses 600-700 calories with milk. This does not mean that she should eat for two or follow certain diets. It is enough to refrain from pickles, smoked meats, exotic fruits, canned foods. Eat more food containing protein, vitamins and minerals.

Proven healthy foods for lactating breast milk:

  • Oatmeal and buckwheat porridge with fruits;
  • Walnuts, which also increase the nutritional value of milk;
  • Protein-rich eggs, meat and fish;
  • Raw and boiled vegetables: carrots, onions, pumpkin, radish;
  • Black currant;

To increase lactation, a woman also needs to drink two liters of fluid per day. This includes not only ordinary water, but also all kinds of drinks. For example, green tea or tea based on cumin, oregano, dill, anise, fresh and dried fruit compote, natural juices, whey, nut milk, oatmeal. Very useful is dill water, which is drunk not only to improve lactation, but also to prevent childhood constipation. Drinks are best consumed warm, but not hot.

Means of medicine

No doctor will give an unambiguous answer to the question of how to improve lactation. For example, medicines that increase milk production include exercise. Too much physical activity and sports will not give results and can only aggravate the situation. But light exercise will do the trick. For example, rotational movements of the arms and shoulders massage the breast area well. You can also use the Seitz massage, which is done in the shower. To do this, pour hot water over the chest and make circular movements with your hands from top to bottom and from the nipple to the periphery. The duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes.

Many doctors attribute the increase in lactation to sexual intercourse, and most women confirm this. Firstly, sex has a positive effect on the emotional state of a woman, and secondly, during the process, you can stimulate the mammary glands.

If none of the methods helps, the mother can always resort to medications and remedies. These include:

  • Dietary supplements made on the basis of the mother's milk of bees - "Apilak", "Femilak", "Laktogon";
  • Vitamins in the form of emulsions and tablets for lactation;
  • Teas to increase milk production;
  • Homeopathic preparations that preserve lactation during stress and nervous strain.

The use of any medications should be agreed with the doctor. Only an experienced specialist knows which of them can increase lactation and not harm the child.

Folk remedies

There are many folk remedies that help increase the amount of milk. Here are some of the most common recipes for increasing lactation:

  • Soften a few cumin fruits and mix with a glass of sour cream. Boil for three minutes. Ready broth to take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Mix grated carrots with hot milk. After cooling, add some honey. Consume during the day;
  • Crush a few pieces of walnuts and pour hot milk over them. Insist up to 6 hours. Take a decoction of 0.5 cups in the morning and evening;
  • According to 2 tbsp. l. fruits of dill, anise and oregano pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day;
  • Grate the radish on a fine grater, add a little boiled water and honey. The resulting slurry is 3 times a day for 3-4 tbsp. l.

On the Internet and in specialized literature, you can find many similar recipes that answer the question of how to increase lactation. But they should be treated with extreme caution. The fact is that a child may be allergic to any product, which will lead to serious consequences. It is best to consult a doctor before using traditional methods.

To increase lactation, it is not enough to sleep well, eat well and drink plenty of fluids. The main rule for mom should be one thing - you need to feed the baby on demand. This means not by the clock, but when the child himself wants it. Gradually, the mother's body will adapt to the needs of the crumbs and will produce as much milk as needed.

If the decrease in lactation is associated with hormonal processes or any diseases, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe the necessary drugs and prescribe a set of procedures. A woman should remember that often problems with milk arise due to stress and nervous strain. Be optimistic and everything will be fine!

It is a crucial period for both mother and newborn. Sometimes young mothers are faced with the fact that, while eating breast milk, the baby gains weight poorly, often being naughty. This, most likely, indicates violations in the mother's diet, or an elementary lack of milk. It was then that mothers face the problem of how to increase the lactation of breast milk so that the child has enough and does not need to be supplemented with various mixtures.

Lactation and the menu of a nursing mother

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the diet of products and the lifestyle of a nursing mother.

The menu for the day must include:

  • Meat (poultry, fish);
  • Milk or dairy products (1 liter);
  • Cottage cheese (100 grams);
  • Cheese (30 grams);
  • Vegetables (500 grams);
  • Fruit (300 grams);
  • Butter (20 grams);
  • Vegetable oil (25 grams).


  • A large number of foods rich in carbohydrates (sugar, bread, confectionery);
  • Any alcoholic beverages;
  • Allergenic foods: chocolate, coffee, nuts, caviar, citrus fruits;
  • Spicy spices and additives (onion, garlic, pepper).

How to increase lactation folk remedies

How to increase breast milk lactation with the help of various folk remedies, many mothers learn from their mothers and grandmothers. There are several ways that can really help.

1. Increase the amount of fluid you drink through the use of vitamin drinks from various herbs. Helps improve lactation cumin, fennel, anise, nettle and some others. Here are some easy recipes to make.

For a drink from cumin seeds (15 grams), you need one liter of water, one lemon and one hundred grams of sugar. Seeds are poured with hot water, peeled and chopped lemon, sugar are added to them. All this is cooked on low heat for 5-10 minutes. Strain. Drink chilled 3 times a day.

Anise infusion is prepared without adding other products. Seeds are poured with boiling water for an hour. The resulting infusion is cooled. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. In the same way, an infusion of dill seeds is prepared.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Tea with milk. It is better to drink before feeding, about half an hour before.

Special teas for breastfeeding, which include fennel, cumin, lemon balm, anise, provide a double benefit for stimulating and increasing lactation. (See and special)

2. Increase the frequency of feeding and breastfeeding. Feed the child on demand, without taking a break at night. Feeding a child at night is the key to long-term and high-quality lactation for the entire period of feeding. It is better to refuse strict feeding by the hour.

3. Breast massage. After feeding, try in the shower to massage the breast from which you fed. Massage should be done for 5-10 minutes under running warm water. Direction: in a circular motion from the nipple to the periphery.

4. Video

Drugs to increase lactation

There are several ways to increase lactation with pills.

  1. Multivitamins for breastfeeding mothers. Usually their reception is prescribed by a doctor who observed a woman during pregnancy. The duration of taking vitamins depends on the duration of the breastfeeding period.
  2. Homeopathic remedies. For example, a mammal. The drug is available in the form of granules, which must be taken 15 minutes before a meal. Can be used throughout the entire period of feeding.
  3. dietary supplements. Tablets containing various vitamins and nutrients (royal jelly, lactogenic herbs).
However, do not abuse pills and vitamins of industrial production. To increase the amount of milk, it is worth putting the baby to the breast more often, eliminating extraneous irritants during feeding, stress. Most importantly, don't panic and stay positive.

Not enough milk or 13 ways to increase lactation

Sometimes it seems to a nursing mother that she has low-fat breast milk or there is too little of it, how to increase lactation in the most difficult situations and make your milk high-calorie?

Breast milk is given to a woman by nature itself. Every mammal is able to feed its young. So why do we sometimes have problems with this? How to increase lactation of breast milk at home and keep it for a long time, ideally for 2 years, as recommended by WHO. But at least until 6-8 months, when the child gradually begins to switch to adult food? These deadlines are very important to meet for various reasons:

  • material (adapted milk and sour-milk mixtures are not cheap, and sometimes they need to be changed, since the composition may not be suitable for the child);
  • artificial nutrition often provokes stool disorders in a child;
  • bottle feeding at times increases the risk of intestinal infections in the baby;
  • the child will most likely need a dummy, and more than one year;
  • the immunity of the baby will be at a lower level than that of his peers who feed exclusively on mother's milk.

How to understand that the child does not have enough milk and you need to increase lactation

There are false and true signals. The softness of the mammary glands belongs to the false ones. By the way, this is a common misconception. Even among pediatricians. But if the breast seems empty, while the woman breastfeeds often and does not supplement the child, this does not mean anything. Apparently, the baby sucked out the front milk from mommy. But there is also a back. One that is rich in fats and nutrients. Due to which the child gains weight.

Babies often cry while feeding. Doctors again say that this is due to a lack of milk. Especially if it happens in the late afternoon, when the chest becomes soft. In fact, a child may cry because of an uncomfortable posture when feeding. For example, many mothers feed their children lying down. Moreover, they lie on their backs, and their heads are turned to their mother's nipple. Try to drink yourself in this position and understand the displeasure of the baby.

Another common cause of infant crying while feeding is lactase deficiency. With her, during feeding, the child also rumbles in the stomach. And there are violations of the stool - it is green, plentiful and frothy. Children with lactase deficiency suffer from gas formation, sleep poorly and gain little weight, as a rule.

Breastfeeding experts say that this technique will not show how much milk a woman has in her breasts. Very few people can express it completely. It is almost impossible to express milk from the posterior lobes of the mammary gland in this way. And few women know how to express fruitfully, correctly.

Another "research" that pediatricians often recommend is control feeding. But it can only be suitable for those children who are fed according to the regimen. For example, classically 1 time in 3 hours. By the next feeding, the babies have time to get hungry and suck well. But if the child is fed on demand, if he is small and weak, then in 30-40 minutes he can suck out very little milk, doze off at the breast. But after 30-60 minutes, eat everything that is due.

Another way to find out if a baby is hungry is to offer him a bottle of formula or his own expressed milk. Only necessary after feeding. If he sucks a lot, he will suck with pleasure, apparently, he really wants to eat.

But the best way is to count the number of wet diapers. Children of the first months of life should urinate at least 10-12 times a day. If you're used to using disposable diapers and don't mind spending a little more disposable diapers a day, get diapers that show a control line when they get wet. When a strip appears, you should immediately put on a new diaper, and put this one aside. Such a stripe is on diapers "Pampers Premium Care" and "Haggis Elite Soft", for example. The number of diapers used will equal the number of urinations.

If this option does not suit you, then try weighing the diaper before use and after use. Small children should urinate about 300-350 grams per day, no less.

Any of these calculations will be informative only if the child does not receive any additional drink, for example, he is not given water.

Looking at the number of bowel movements is not informative. A breastfed child with absolutely adequate nutrition can defecate both 1 time per day and 7. Or 1 time in several days, if the mother's milk is good, it is completely absorbed by the body.

Drugs and products that increase lactation of breast milk

What should you eat to get more milk? Unfortunately, the amount of milk does not directly depend on the products. You can eat a lot, but there will be no more milk from this. Milk comes in response to irritation of the nipples and their areola. The more often the nipples break out, the more the lactation hormone, prolactin, will be produced, and the more frequent will be the release of oxytocin, a hormone that promotes the approach of breast milk from the posterior lobes of the mammary glands to the nipples.

As for products, walnuts are usually recommended. Allegedly, not only will there be more milk from them, but also its composition will become better, fatter, more nutritious for the child. In fact, every woman's milk is divided into two types - anterior, low-fat - a drink for a child, and fatty - from the back lobes. In order for the baby to receive fatty milk, it needs to be kept at one breast longer. Try to give as much as possible only one breast per feed.

An increase in lactation may in some way be facilitated by an increase in the amount of fluid consumed. It can be ordinary water, sour-milk drinks. Summer watermelon. But you should not get too carried away with watermelons, as they increase appetite and contain a lot of sugar. You can drink coffee and tea, but in moderation and not strong. A lactating woman should consume at least 2.5 liters of fluid per day. This volume also includes liquid dishes - soups, borscht, etc.

But various folk remedies and methods that increase milk lactation at home should be used very carefully. Often, various herbs and spices are offered for these purposes, for example, fennel, anise, cumin. But the use of some of them can provoke the development of an allergic reaction in a child and change the taste of milk, which will also adversely affect lactation.
Drugs that increase lactation of breast milk also do not have scientifically proven efficacy and safety. These are common dietary supplements. And also often containing allergens. Is it worth the risk?

The reasons why milk disappears from a nursing mother and methods for resolving the situation

In order not to try incomprehensible methods and means on yourself, it is better to understand the causes of poor lactation and eliminate them.

1. Bad sleep. How trite it is. A woman should sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. If you can't get enough sleep at night, you need to sleep during the day. Let with the child. They say that 2-3 days in bed with a baby helps to significantly increase the amount of breast milk better than any dietary supplements.

2. Insufficient, unvaried nutrition. Of course, all the nutrients will still get into the milk. But mommy vitamins may not be enough. And from there fatigue and, as a result, weak lactation. Even if your child is prone to allergic reactions, try to make your food sufficiently high-calorie, varied and tasty.

3. Bad mood, stress. If a mother has a bad psychological state, then she is not up to feeding and not up to the child. Severe stress, such as, for example, the loss of a loved one, can almost immediately lead to the "burnout" of milk.

4. Rare attachment of the child. If the child is applied 5-7 times a day, lactation may begin to fade. Feeding "on schedule" is especially dangerous in the first weeks after the birth of a child, when lactation is being established. Do you want more milk? Attach the baby more often to the chest. Even if it seems empty to you.

5. Lack of night feedings. Sleeping well at night is a necessity for both mom and baby. But don't forget about feeding. After all, it is night feedings that help increase the amount of breast milk due to the production of the hormone prolactin.

To sleep was as calm as possible, you can put the child next to you. Sleep together. If this is unacceptable for you, lower the side of the crib and put it against your bed. Then it will be possible to give the baby a breast in a prone position, while not getting out of bed herself.

6. Frequent pacifier sucking. The more often the baby sucks on a pacifier, the less is applied to the breast and stimulates it. Remove the pacifier and let the baby breastfeed. In addition, the pacifier does not contribute to the formation of the correct bite in the child. And often, babies who suck on a pacifier begin to breastfeed incorrectly. This leads to an even greater decrease in lactation and lactostasis in the mother.

6. The rapid growth of the child. When he acquires new skills, for example, learning to roll over. At these moments and in the future, growth spurts are observed and more and more nutrition is required. However, with regular feeding, the breast begins to produce more milk within a few days, according to the requirements of the child. The so-called lactation crisis is a temporary phenomenon. There are such growth jumps in the third, sixth weeks of a child's life, at 3.6, 12 months. Of course, the timing is very indicative and may vary from child to child. So, at 3 months, the baby learns to roll over, begins to distinguish many colors, people's faces, etc. At 6-7 months, he learns to crawl, sit, stand at a support. And closer to the year begins to walk.

There is another, rather controversial way to increase the milk of a nursing mother during lactation - this is pumping milk. Mommy feeds the baby with one breast, and after feeding, she expresses it literally to the last drop. And in the next feeding, milk comes a little more, exactly as much as she expressed. Expressing breast milk to increase lactation is an outdated and rather harmful method, since mommy can provoke excess milk in herself. The child will not be able to suck out so much, and lactostasis is formed - milk stagnation.

As you can see, there are a lot of nuances. For an experienced mom breastfeeding more than her first child, everything can be crystal clear. And for a primipara, the same lactation crisis may be the reason for transferring the child to mixed or artificial feeding.

If you are in doubt about the quality or quantity of your milk, visit your pediatrician and have your baby weighed. If the weight gain is slightly less than normal, just take measures to increase the amount of milk, start feeding the baby often, and very soon everything will work out.

  • How to Express
  • Breast pumps
  • Increased lactation
  • If a mother has doubts about the amount of milk that her baby sucks from her breast, you should not rush to buy formula milk. First, you should try the means to help enhance the production of breast milk in the female body.

    How do you know if you need more milk?

    To determine that the baby receives from the mother's breast an insufficient amount of milk for him, you can use the following methods:

    1. Counting the number of times a baby urinates per day. The diaper is removed for the baby and the number of diapers that the child has wetted during the day is counted. If there are 10 or more of them, and the urine is light, then there is no problem with the amount of milk.
    2. Weighing a child. It is recommended to carry out it once a month, evaluating the increase. A normal increase is considered from 500 grams. Weighing every day or before feeding, as well as immediately after it, is not an objective indicator.

    Weigh your baby monthly - the scale will show if the baby is gaining weight normally

    The main sign is the well-being of the crumbs. If the baby falls asleep at the breast and withstands at least 2-2.5 hours until the next feeding, he has enough milk.

    In the mother's breast, milk is produced in the amount in which it is required by a particular baby at the very time when the mother feeds the baby. The amount of milk cannot be judged by the volume of milk expressed from the breast, since the child is able to suck out much more milk than is obtained by pumping.

    Working out

    As the baby grows, the mother experiences periods when less milk is produced than the baby needs. Such periods are called lactation crises. Most often they are observed at 3-6 weeks after childbirth, at the third-fourth and at the seventh-eighth months of breastfeeding. They usually last three to four days and do not affect the health of the crumbs. During these crises, the baby begins to breastfeed more often, which acts as an incentive to increase milk production in the breast. And literally in one or three days the baby begins to receive milk in sufficient quantities for him.

    The female body itself adapts to the needs of the child and produces the necessary amount of milk.

    Factors affecting the amount of milk

    The true lack of milk production is determined in only 5% of women and is often caused by their health condition. In other cases, a decrease in lactation is caused by such reasons:

    • Lack of a positive psychological attitude towards breastfeeding.
    • Irrational nutrition.
    • Stress and adverse situations in the family.
    • Rare feeding.
    • Wrong application.
    • Scheduled baby feeding.
    • Unreasonable introduction of supplementary feeding with milk formula.
    • Feeding the newborn with water.
    • Use of a pacifier.

    Such factors can reduce lactation, but they are quite easy to correct, which will affect milk production and help avoid stopping breastfeeding.

    You don't need to worry if:

    • The child has not gained weight in a week. You should focus on the increase for a 2-week period.
    • The chest became softer and smaller in volume. This is a sign that the mammary glands are producing just as much "nutrition" as the baby needs. When the baby was born, the breast began to produce milk in excess, because it “did not know” how much food your little one needed.
    • If the baby was born large. Breast milk in the mother's breast is enough even for very large babies. In addition, breastfeeding helps prevent these babies from developing rickets and obesity.
    • The baby asks for breasts very often. This happens if the baby sucks out only the milk that comes first - the “front”. It is more liquid and rich in carbohydrates. If the little one asks to feed him earlier than after 1.5 hours, we advise you to give him the same breast for its more complete emptying and for the baby to receive “hind” milk rich in fats.
    • Expressed milk looks "lean". In fact, women's milk looks very different from the white and thick cow's milk we are used to. But the wateriness and pallor of women's milk does not at all indicate its "poverty". It is impossible to judge its composition by the type of milk.

    It is not necessary to draw conclusions about the lack of milk, based only on your feelings.

    What to do if there is not enough breast milk?

    The first action of the mother, who began to worry about the insufficient supply of breast milk to the baby, should be to check the correct application, as well as the correctness of the feeding regimen.

    More frequent attachment of the baby

    Between feedings should not be more than two hours in the first months of a baby's life (at night - more than three hours). Mom can apply a sleeping baby to her breast, especially at night, because it is night feeding that stimulates the production of hormones important for lactation.

    In addition to frequent applications, nursing mothers are advised:

    • Feed the baby from each breast for a long time. So the baby will receive milk from the posterior sections of the gland, and due to the complete emptying of the milk, more milk will arrive.
    • Change breasts during feeding so that the baby does not quickly fall asleep. Also periodically let the baby burp air. So your baby will remain alert throughout the feeding and fully empty the chest. In addition, you can give the baby both breasts, then walk with the child for 10-15 minutes, preventing him from falling asleep, and again give both breasts.
    • Don't forget about physical contact. Mom needs to be naked to the waist and attach a naked child to her chest. As a result, more hormones responsible for lactation will be released from tactile sensations and stimulation of skin receptors.
    • Avoid bottle feeding and pacifier use. The baby suckles them differently and may "mix up the nipple". The result can be a painful grip on the mother's breast and ineffective sucking.

    It is frequent nightly applying crumbs to the chest that best stimulate lactation.


    The right diet for mommy will support her body and become a good basis for long-term lactation. At the same time, you should not greatly increase the volume of portions. The quality of nutrition and sufficient intake of nutrients are more important.

    Read more about the nutrition of a nursing mother to increase lactation in another article.


    Sometimes it is enough for a mother to simply increase the amount of fluid she drinks during the day. You can drink plain water, and tea with the addition of milk, and various drinks that contain lactogenic components. On sale now you can find special teas for women who are breastfeeding, for example, instant drinks from Hipp.

    It is noted that drinks from carrots contribute to lactation. You can drink carrot juice, adding fruit and berry juices, honey, cream to it. You can also pour a finely grated vegetable in the amount of 3-4 tablespoons with a glass of hot milk and drink immediately.

    Drink more fluids throughout the day


    The breast that has just been given to the baby should be massaged under running water in a warm shower. The breast should be treated with water for 5-10 minutes, while the movements of the jet should be circular and directed from the nipple to the outer borders of the mammary glands.

    You can also do a breast massage with castor oil. After lubricating the palms with oil, grasp the chest and make circular rubbing movements. In this case, you do not need to press hard on the chest. Also, avoid getting oil on the areola area.

    Breast massage before showering or hand feeding stimulates breast milk production


    Before going to bed, a nursing mother can make a bath for the mammary glands. Having poured hot water into a large container, you need to bend down to it as low as possible and lower your chest into the water. Keep the chest in hot water for 15 minutes, then wipe it, put on underwear made of natural fabric and immediately go to bed.

    Breast milk is the best food for a baby. It is optimal in content, minerals, as well as nutrients. With breast milk, the baby receives maternal immunoglobulins, which protect him from infectious diseases. WHO recommends breastfeeding children up to two years of age. But sometimes mothers are faced with such a problem as a decrease in the amount of milk produced. But this is not a reason for despair, because there are ways to increase lactation.

    Why did lactation decrease?

    Reduced breast function is called hypogalactia. Insufficient lactation is primary and secondary. O primary hypogalactia they say when, from the first days after childbirth, an insufficient amount of milk is produced by the mother. A similar problem is rare and is associated, as a rule, with endocrine disorders.

    When, after childbirth, milk is produced in an adequate volume, and then decreases, they speak of development secondary hypogalactia. This is the problem most women face.

    The following reasons can lead to insufficient lactation:

    • Breast pathology: mastitis, cracked nipples;
    • The use of medicines (gestagens, androgens, diuretics);
    • Violation of the feeding regimen;
    • Long breaks between feedings (ignoring night feedings);
    • Maternal malnutrition.

    We recommend reading:

    How to increase lactation?

    When a woman goes to the doctor with a problem of worsening lactation, the doctor will recommend to establish a day and rest regimen, apply crumbs to the breast more often (including at night), and decant after feeding. Compliance with all these conditions is very important to maintain full lactation.

    As auxiliary methods of stimulating lactation, women resort to traditional medicine. These recipes have been known for a long time and are passed down from generation to generation. Despite the fact that no scientific studies have been conducted to study the effectiveness of traditional medicine, many women claim that they really work. The main thing is to consult a doctor before using them, because the components of these folk recipes - certain foods and herbs, can provoke an allergy in a child.

    Products that increase lactation

    A woman's nutrition definitely affects the quality and quantity of milk. Mom's diet should contain enough protein. Preference should be given to such products:

    • Low-fat meats (200 grams per day), especially weak broths and soups prepared from them;
    • Cottage cheese (150 grams);
    • Ryazhenka or (200 grams);
    • Hard cheese (30 grams);
    • Cereals (, "Hercules");
    • Vegetables (, salad).

    There is also an opinion that mushrooms can increase lactation. Pregnant and lactating women should definitely refrain from using them. Mushrooms are great! It is also not recommended to lean on the pair. This product can cause allergies and indigestion in a child.

    To maintain normal lactation, it is important to drink at least two liters of fluid per day, including soups, compotes, fruit drinks. Sweetened uzvar made from dried fruits is capable of increasing lactation.

    Folk remedies for lactation

    One of the most popular products used to increase breast milk is. The root crop must be thoroughly washed, cleaned and juiced from it. To improve the taste, it is allowed to add cream, milk (one tablespoon per glass). Take this drink should be three times a day for half a cup.

    You can use carrots differently: cook carrot-milk porridge. The root crop must be grated on a fine grater. Pour four tablespoons of grated carrots into a bowl and pour a glass of milk. This portion of porridge should be eaten two to three times a day.

    Traditionally, they used to combat hypogalactia. This is a very high-calorie product, the use of which can saturate a woman's milk with protein and fats. It turns out that nuts improve the quality of milk, respectively, the baby is saturated faster. Many women claim that eating nuts can increase the amount of milk produced, although there is no scientific evidence for this phenomenon. You can use pine nuts. But we must not forget that nuts are allergens, you need to be careful with them. Mom can eat one or two walnuts and observe the reaction of the child after feeding with milk. If the baby reacted normally, a woman can eat four to five walnuts a day.

    Plants for lactation

    The most accessible plant that can increase lactation is tea. Nursing mothers can drink weak or. The drink should be warm, it is recommended to add a little milk. Tea should be drunk half an hour before feeding. You can make nettle tea. To do this, pour a teaspoon of the plant with boiling water, cover the glass with a lid. You should drink half a glass of this drink twice a day.

    In traditional medicine recipes to improve lactation can often be found. The plant can be used to make a drink. To do this, a teaspoon of the plant must be poured with a glass of boiling milk and insisted for two hours. This drink should be drunk twenty minutes before meals.

    To increase the amount of breast milk, prepare an infusion of dill. To prepare it, one tablespoon of chopped dill seeds should be poured with a glass of boiling water, it is best to do this in a thermos. The drink should be infused for two hours. You need to drink this tea half a cup twice a day. In the same way, you can prepare an infusion of cumin, anise.

    Increases the volume of milk. You can make tea from the plant: pour a tablespoon of fennel fruit with a glass of boiling water. Cover the bowl with tea and leave for two hours, then strain the broth. Drink two tablespoons before meals three times a day.

    Important!When using certain plants, food, mom needs to remember that they can cause an adverse reaction in the baby. You can use traditional medicine recipes only after prior consultation with your doctor. Any new prescription should be applied carefully, monitoring the reaction of the child. And if within three days the baby did not experience adverse reactions, then you can use this remedy more often.

    Grigorova Valeria, medical commentator