What to give parents for the anniversary 33. What to give for a stone wedding (33rd anniversary)? What to give your husband for a strawberry wedding

The beautiful number 33 is also considered lucky, and if two people have lived together for 33 years, then this is all the more a happy date, and it will definitely bring many pleasant surprises with it.

This anniversary is called solidly - a stone wedding, and what an accurate wording it is! Indeed, over 33 years of marriage, the union of spouses has really become a stone - it cannot be destroyed, and no external hardships and fluctuations are terrible.

Nothing will disturb the indestructible stone union now - there is every reason to believe that the spouses will remain together to the end. But this does not mean that such a wedding date should be ignored!

By the way, it is also called a strawberry wedding, because the couple is not only strong, but the relationship of the spouses is still sweet, like strawberries. Jealousy, secrets, claims - all this is gone, the spouses have matured over 33 years of marriage, have become wise and have learned to appreciate each other.

They understood what true love is. That this is not romance and passion, but disinterested care, understanding, support.

A stone or strawberry wedding does not have strict traditions regarding the celebration, this date is often not celebrated at all. But what is a wedding without congratulations and gifts?

Whatever the date, this is an important day, and it is a must to celebrate the strawberry anniversary. You can’t skip family dates and forget how important and valuable it is that 33 years ago the family was born. Therefore, this day must be celebrated in a special way!

What is the strawberry wedding date?

Since there are no strict rules and traditions associated with this date, the spouses themselves decide how to celebrate this holiday. Venue, scale and format, number of guests - everything is arbitrary, at will. The most important thing is to be together and do only what is pleasant for the soul on this day.

1. Since the anniversary is called strawberry, you can spend it in this format. If summer, then go on a picnic to the river, take a bottle of champagne, fresh fruit and a basket of ripe strawberries with you!

Stay together, enjoy the silence and lack of fuss, in 33 years of living together, have you often been in peace and quiet, and enjoyed each other's company? Or take your children with you, and you can also gather a small group of close friends or relatives. A strawberry anniversary in nature is a great option.

2. A stone wedding can be celebrated in a solid restaurant, which is decorated in a stone, for example, medieval style. Order dishes cooked on stones, raise toasts to love and an indestructible family.

3. If you want peace and romance, go to a cozy little cafe. Take yourself on a trip to the past - sit in a favorite place that was meaningful to you in your youth when you went on dates. Sit at the same table in the same cafe, remember what you were like, what you liked. Go back to your youth for a while - it will be very nice!

4. Each anniversary can have a wonderful tradition - to fulfill what was planned or wanted for a long time. Over 33 years of marriage, many plans have probably accumulated - and many of them are forgotten, not implemented, left for later.

Remember what you have long wanted, and never fulfilled! Plant a tree in the yard? Go abroad or visit the mountains together? Whatever your plans and desires, it's time to put them into practice.

5. New plans are also a great thing. Your family has a birthday, which means you need to think about what you would like to perform this year.

Maybe you have long wanted to change something in yourself, learn something or acquire something special? Discuss it together, write it down - and do not put it off in a distant box.

6. You can celebrate 33 years of living together in the home circle, have a tea party, bake a strawberry pie. Take out photo albums, remember joyful moments, look through life again - it will be very pleasant. And also useful - because you both refresh your feelings, and understand how valuable each other is.

Strawberry Anniversary Gifts

33 years of marriage is a good date. Its names allow you to come up with many interesting gifts, from souvenirs to expensive things.

Everything should be symbolic and meaningful. Every congratulation, gift, every word - everything must be sincere and wholeheartedly, this is the main thing.

  • Spouses can, and even should, present something valuable to each other. It can be, for example, jewelry with natural stones. You probably already know which stone suits your soulmate, and you will be able to choose something worthwhile. Jewelry with stones will become a family treasure, and will be a very appropriate gift for an anniversary.
  • You can give a stone decor on this day. These are figurines of various types, and caskets, candlesticks, candelabra, coasters, and much more. Home decor is a universal gift, it is always valuable and will find a place in the house.
  • Stone decorations for the home can be given by children to their parents on their anniversary, friends and relatives. If these are figurines, then paired ones are better. For example, two doves, two flowers - something that symbolizes a strong union and love.
  • Expensive stone gifts are tables, bedside tables, gift decorative chess, decorations for a private house or yard. On this anniversary, it is not necessary to give expensive things, but if there is a desire, then there is also a choice.
  • In addition to stone, do not forget about strawberries, a symbol of a sweet and pleasant life. A husband can give his beloved wife jewelry in the form of strawberries - earrings, a cute ring, a pendant, hair ornaments.
  • You can buy bedding with strawberries - it is very romantic and beautiful, it will refresh the feelings of the spouses and become a symbol of sweet love. Home textiles with images of strawberries can be anything - blankets, blankets, rugs, curtains, tablecloths, napkins, table decorations.
  • A best friend or sister can give a woman a dress or sundress in strawberries for her holiday. A dress is a good gift, but only from the closest person. Also suitable are decorations with strawberries, a cosmetic bag, an umbrella, a handbag, a notebook or a notebook, souvenirs or accessories.
  • Fresh strawberries or strawberry dishes are a great addition to a gift. If adult children surprise their parents and bake a wonderful strawberry cake themselves, it will be chic, and the joy of parents will be simply indescribable! Even just strawberries in a beautiful basket, with a greeting card, will be a very beautiful and pleasant surprise.

Do not miss family dates, they are so important for happiness and harmony in the house. Let the stone wedding strengthen the family and make it truly indestructible, and let the strawberry anniversary bring sweetness to your life together!
Author: Vasilina Serova

A wedding is one of the happiest moments in everyone's life. On such a day, two people who love each other unite their hearts, creating a new family.

This day comes to an end, and then each year flies by faster than the previous one. In each such new coming married couple celebrates the anniversary of the wedding. Each year spent with each other brings spouses even more wisdom, love and understanding.

The older the family, the stronger it is.

Each anniversary has its own name, one way or another, symbolically or more clearly explaining why the anniversary is named that way.

Features of a stone wedding

Here are some ideas for a good holiday:

Gifts for a stone wedding

It is not customary to give something very expensive for such a wedding. Souvenirs, household items and simple attention and care from family members will be enough.

But do not forget that your gifts should reflect the symbols of the holiday.

gift for husband

  • Confectionery. This is the easiest way, and the cutest. You can bake your own strawberry pie. Sweet tooth will definitely appreciate this gift! Alternatively, you can make cupcakes with strawberry filling, cookies in the shape of berries.
  • Watch. It will not be entirely clear to remind you of an anniversary, but any man will appreciate this gift.
  • Wineglass. It is desirable that it be engraved. Original and the recipient will love it.

Gift for wife

  • Eau de Toilette. If the wife loves sweet aromas, then strawberry eau de toilette is the best! Or find her favorite perfume that she bought during your candy-bouquet period.
  • Tea. Tea with dried strawberries, a box of good chocolates with strawberry jam will be the perfect gift.
  • Decoration. All women love jewelry, especially if the beloved man bought it. And the strawberry-shaped pendant will be the perfect reminder of your love for her.

Gifts from friends

  • Figurines, candlesticks;
  • Bed linen in a strawberry theme;
  • Tableware. A service with strawberries will be to the liking of any couple.

People who have lived together for so long are worthy of respect and we greatly admire them.

33 years of marriage - a stone wedding. It often happens that the longer spouses live together, the less romance remains in their relationship. Celebrating an anniversary allows you to stir up feelings, cheer up and bring variety and brightness to everyday life. To do this, you need to know what traditions and attributes it represents and what to give your spouse.

History and traditions

Since ancient times, the number 33 has been considered significant in the life of any person. For 33 years of living together, partners learn to understand each other from a half-word and half-look. Such a long union resembles a stone that is incredibly difficult to destroy and which is not afraid of any adversity. Perhaps that is why 33 years is called a stone wedding.

However, this anniversary has another name - a strawberry wedding. This means that the marriage is not only strong, but also sweetness appears in the relationship between partners. Left behind jealousy, discontent and claims. The couple gained wisdom, began to treat each other with understanding, learned to value their relationship. Passion and romance were replaced by the realization that love is also respect, care and support.

It should be noted that in each country there are certain traditions associated with the celebration of a stone wedding. Despite the different mentality and cultural heritage, there is something in common between all traditions, confirming the fact that only a loving couple can go such a long way together.

33 years of marriage is called a strawberry or stone wedding.

In China, the 33rd wedding anniversary is celebrated with great pomp. Preparations for the holiday begin months in advance. They prepare a luxurious table, invite many guests. In some old documents, the 33rd anniversary of marriage is called the "Anniversary of the Fire Dragon." In order for the spouses to continue to live happily ever after, they must bring 33 gifts to the dragon. It can be fruits, wines and other dishes. The celebration ended with the launch of 33 air lanterns.

In the United States, the tradition of celebrating the mystical 33rd wedding anniversary belongs to the Indian tribes, who treated this date with trepidation. The festive day began with the kindling of smoke with incense over each wigwam. The women prepared food during the day. In the evening, the whole tribe gathered together, and the festival began. Modern American traditions have not forgotten about a significant date either. On this day, the spouses exchange stone bracelets consisting of 33 stones, and strawberry cake becomes the main decoration of the table.

In Europe, 33 years from the date of the wedding is called the strawberry anniversary. For many Europeans, there is nothing nicer than a cozy house with a garden. And neat strawberry beds outside the window are considered a symbol of quiet maturity. Therefore, it is customary to celebrate the holiday in the family circle, surrounded by close friends and children.

What to give each other

For such a long period of living together, partners study each other so well that there are no problems with choosing a gift. Moreover, there are a lot of symbols associated with the 33rd anniversary of the union. Any pastry with strawberries fits well into the theme of the holiday. A beautifully decorated box with cakes or a cake with strawberries as a decoration will please the taste and delight the sweet tooth. You can continue the strawberry theme in bed linen or kitchen towels, handmade soap, cosmetics, handmade embroidery or felting, etc.

Those who prefer the second symbol of the anniversary can give their partner stone jewelry or figurines. It can be caskets, candlesticks, coasters, candelabra and much more. Such a gift will not only decorate the interior, but will also remind you of a significant day and sensitive relationships. An equally suitable gift for the 33rd anniversary is jewelry with precious stones. For an intellectual man, gift chess will be a great present, and if he is a connoisseur of whiskey, give him a set of special stones.

Guest gifts

When choosing a gift, guests invited to the celebration of a stone wedding should still start from the tastes of the couple, and not from the symbolism of the holiday. Opt for versatile items like home decor. If you decide to give stone jewelry, then look for paired figurines. For example, a pair of doves or swans. A good gift would be furniture with stone elements or decorations for the street and courtyard.

Don't forget the strawberries too. Give your spouses a still life with this berry, a blanket or a bedspread. Tablecloths, napkins and curtains with a strawberry print look good. An original gift will be a basket full of delicious berries and tied with a ribbon. Accompany it with a good bottle of champagne or wine.

If the wedding date falls on the winter season and it is problematic to get strawberries, turn on your imagination. Fill the basket with jars of strawberry jam, jam and syrup, add chocolates with strawberry filling, bake strawberry cakes. Such a gift will be not only original, but also appetizing. And if you accompany it with an interesting congratulation, then a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgood mood will be guaranteed to all those celebrating.

If you are the best friend or sister, give the hero of the event a sundress or a dress with a strawberry print. You can group and complete the gift with an umbrella, a cosmetic bag and a handbag. Delight your man with a flask decorated with stones, an exquisite ashtray or a tie decorated with a beautiful stone.

Ideas for organizing a holiday

Knowing what kind of wedding after 33 years of marriage, you can start preparing for the holiday. How to organize and arrange it depends only on the preferences of the spouses. Here are some ideas on how to make the event bright and memorable.

  • During the summer, plan a picnic on the river or in the park. Take a basket of fruit and strawberries, a bottle of champagne and relax together by the river in peace and quiet. Or gather a small company with children and friends and have fun from the heart, enjoying barbecue, fresh air and active games.
  • Throw a party at a cafe. Decorate the room according to the theme of the holiday. Inflate red balloons and draw dots on them, imitating strawberries. Make invitations in the form of berries, include strawberry dessert in the menu.
  • Organize a stone wedding in a restaurant. Decorate it in a medieval style. Order dishes cooked on stones.
  • Celebrate the event in your home circle. Bake a strawberry pie and make tea. Spend the evening looking through an old photo album and reminiscing about memorable events.

First of all, a wedding anniversary is a great occasion to be with your loved one and get together with friends and family. And don't let it be an anniversary. The main thing is that the event brings you joy and makes the day special and memorable.

Vika Dee

A wedding anniversary is always an occasion for a family celebration. The dates marking the years lived by the spouses prove the strength and union strength, and each anniversary has its own name, personifying a certain life stage. The more people live together in marriage, the more beautiful the name of the date.

The very first wedding is called calico, centenary (so far this has happened only once) - red (platinum).

As a rule, after about the 20th anniversary, the newlyweds celebrate only anniversaries. But beautiful double dates, for example, 22 years old, do not bypass any married couple. One of these dates is called stone or strawberry.

Which wedding is called strawberry or stone? After how many years is a stone (or strawberry) wedding celebrated? The stone anniversary of marriage is 33 years of marriage.

Why is the 33rd wedding anniversary called stone or strawberry? This means that the union of a married couple is strong as a stone, such a marriage cannot be destroyed, since the spouses overcame many family difficulties and finally got used to each other.

The strawberry in the title represents the sweetness of a relationship that is no longer based on romance, but on mutual trust and care for each other.

Such date is considered lucky and it is customary to celebrate it, despite the fact that the next anniversary will be in two years.

You can celebrate a memorable event both together and by arranging a family evening, inviting guests from among close people and relatives. Usually, by this time, the couple may have not only children, but also grandchildren, who will also probably want to know what kind of wedding grandparents had. Anniversary will be a great occasion in order to remember youth and beautiful days.

The celebration does not have to be magnificent and carried out on a grand scale, a modest dinner surrounded by friends and relatives will be more than enough. But the decision remains, of course, with the spouses. Spend this day alone, going for a walk to your favorite places or having a banquet in a restaurant with a host and a photographer, like at a real wedding - it all depends on the desire of the couple.

gems embodying the strength and inviolability of family relationships. A good option would also be ripe strawberries - both in pure form and in the form of desserts or jams.

Strawberry gift for a stone (strawberry) wedding anniversary

As a gift, a woman can be presented with a wonderful gold ring with rubies and diamonds.

Gold ring with rubies and diamonds, SL(price link)

A man will be pleased with elegant and stylish cufflinks with lapis lazuli.

Silver cufflinks with lapis lazuli, SL(price link)

How to celebrate your 33rd wedding anniversary

There are no special traditions for celebrating the stone anniversary, so you can turn to family customs and traditions accumulated over many years. Or try something fundamentally new, something that you have long wanted, for example, hiking in the mountains or going on vacation.

As noted above, the family's birthday can be celebrated as you like: in a restaurant or at home, outdoors or in a cafe, alone or in a noisy company.

If the anniversary falls in the summer season, then a picnic or holiday in the country will be a good way to mark the date, in a word - rest at nature.

An unusual solution might be to spend the anniversary in the same place where the wedding was celebrated 33 years ago, if possible, because for so long the couple could move to another city. However, nothing prevents mentally returning to the past and indulging in memories of youth.

But if the spouses decide to celebrate this day with a feast, then it is better to think over the scenario of a stone wedding in advance, starting with the list of guests and ending with musical accompaniment. celebration can recreate a 33-year-old wedding.

An invitation to celebrate 33 years of married life can be written on paper with the image of strawberries: looks unusual and tasty and is well suited for an informal event.

Strict such an anniversary does not require a dress code, although you can add a touch of red to your outfit and to the design of the hall. But the "young" can dress up more richly or repeat the outfits from the past, dressed as for the first wedding.

Strawberries, as a symbol of the event, should be present on the table, but not necessarily in the form of fresh berries

A tablecloth with a strawberry pattern or a cake with strawberries: you can safely connect your imagination to decorate the festive table. Figured candles in the form of strawberries or small silicone teapots-berries - everything that is somehow connected with berries can be used for decoration.

Candles in the form of strawberries for a stone (strawberry) wedding anniversary

Unusual sweet decorations can be obtained from berries if they are dipped in white and dark chocolate so that “outfits” are obtained - a pair of such berries will personify the bride and groom.

To the red tablecloths white napkins and dishes are suitable, flower vases and glasses for drinks can be red. The place of each guest can be marked by sticking a card with his name in a large strawberry or writing names on small stones.

You can decorate the room for the celebration in red and white tones interspersed with green, inflate balloons in the shape of strawberries or put pots of berries. Strawberry theme dilute with interspersed stones- for example, put glass vases with decorative pebbles or candles designed to look like a stone.

The bouquet on the table can be both floral (roses, gerberas and red asters are suitable for the holiday), and berry

If you want to move away from the berry theme, then you can turn to another symbol of the anniversary and arrange a celebration with the participation of stones. Heart shaped stones on the table, stone figurines as table decorations and so on. You can choose any color scheme, starting from the selected stone.

Stones in the form of hearts for a stone (strawberry) wedding anniversary

Menu at the request of the perpetrators of the evening: it is not necessary to add a lot of strawberry dishes, just a dessert with berries or another dish with strawberries is enough. In the case when strawberries for some reason are not the most welcome guest on the festive table, you can choose traditional family feasts.

A cake for a stone (strawberry) wedding should not be exactly strawberry, after all, not everyone loves these berries, and some of the guests may be allergic to them. But easy fruit and berry dessert perfect for a festive occasion. An anniversary cake can also be funny if you order a dessert in a pastry shop in the form of a huge stone or cobblestone, decorating with the numbers 33. Such a cake will be an original gift for a stone anniversary and will pleasantly surprise guests.

Add to this the favorite music of the married couple, and the feast will turn out to be perfect. Can be compiled playlist from the couple's favorite songs from their youth, which will add a nostalgic touch to the celebration.

Cake for a stone (strawberry) wedding anniversary

Thirty-three years of family life is a wonderful date, a moment in the life of spouses when difficulties and sorrows are behind, and only joy and happiness are ahead. The 40-year milestone of marriage, which is called the ruby ​​wedding, is approaching, after which, according to popular belief, the marriage cannot be destroyed.

True or false, in any case, a wedding anniversary is a great an excuse to reminisce about the years we spent together and step into a brighter future.

Let the 33rd anniversary be not an anniversary, this is not a reason to refuse an evening with your family, and once again remember all the past years with their joys and sorrows, confessing their love to each other like the first time.

March 23, 2018, 13:49

33 years of the couple's life together is quite enough time to talk about the inviolability of the union. During this time, the couple overcame a huge number of trials and difficulties together. Therefore, the 33rd anniversary bears the name “stone wedding”, and the chosen symbol perfectly reflects the strength of family ties at this stage of life together. What tradition of ancestors accompanies this holiday and what is customary to give for 33 years of marriage?

About the celebration

It was not customary for our ancestors to celebrate 33 years of marriage with a wide feast. In honor of such an event, a family holiday was planned in a narrow circle of relatives and best friends of the family. Sometimes a married couple even celebrated this event alone with each other.

When they live together for such a period as 33 years, the couple enters an amazing period of second youth. By this point, children are adults and usually live their own lives, separate from their parents. The spouses are still relatively not old - about 55-60 years old. This is a great time to enjoy life.

The best gift that adult children can give to their parents on this anniversary is a vacation package for two. After all, they gave you so much strength and love that now they have the right to count on the opportunity to relax in solitude.

If the parents' well-being allows, it is better to choose an interesting route so that the couple gets new impressions, visits places where both of them have never been before.

If you feel that active rest is already too difficult for father and mother, you can give a ticket to a sanatorium with full board: accommodation, meals, necessary procedures. Such a gift can be made not only by children, but also by other close relatives of a married couple.

Stone Anniversary Gifts

The choice of gifts for this holiday is quite wide: there are a huge variety of stones for every taste and wallet size. And simple, and precious and semi-precious.

From a simple stone, such as granite, you can choose a beautiful figurine, a small vase, and other decor items as a gift for a couple. All kinds of stone boxes look good, and sometimes you can even find paintings made of various stones.


A wonderful souvenir is a tree in which semi-precious stones of various colors are used instead of leaves. Such a gift symbolizes many different periods lived together by a couple.

From a stone such as malachite, you can find a variety of different products on sale: from ashtrays to glasses.

Even a photo frame decorated with stones of various shades will be an unusual and at the same time practical gift. Show your imagination, and the couple will be grateful to you for such a memorable gift for their 33rd wedding anniversary.

In addition, it is not forbidden to make other gifts, useful and practical things for the family. Curtains or tablecloths, linens or crockery, appliances or furniture. It all depends on your financial capabilities. But even if you decide to choose a practical gift for a couple for 33 years of marriage, be sure to add to this a small talisman stone with wishes for long life and health.

For older children who are already living independent lives, it is important to understand that the age of parents is approaching retirement. Perhaps expensive purchases will soon become too expensive for the couple. Now you have to take care of your parents, and what better opportunity to do this than their wedding anniversary?

Ask your mother or father what is missing in the house from large purchases. Perhaps it's time to change the washing machine or the vacuum cleaner has started to act up. A large purchase that parents are unlikely to accept at another time can be given as a present for their 33 years of marriage.

How to congratulate each other?

It is better for loving spouses to choose personal items made of stone as a gift for each other. It will not be difficult for a man to make a choice - there is a huge amount of women's jewelry and jewelry made using various stones.

It may be a little more difficult for a woman to make a choice, but there is also a way out:

  1. Tie pegs often come with small stones. If a spouse uses this style of clothing, you can’t imagine a better gift.
  2. Also, cufflinks made of any stone are perfect for suits and shirts.

If the spouse is not a fan of classic clothes, even a keychain made of stone can be a way out. The main thing is that a small memorable souvenir remains with a loved one.

And besides, no one forbids the spouses to make some other gifts to each other. A symbolic stone gift will simply emphasize the event itself, and as the main gift, you can choose what your beloved half has long dreamed of. Who knows her tastes and desires better than you?