What should a bride put in her purse on her wedding day? What to put in the bride's handbag

bridal or bridal handbag It's more of a necessity than a luxury. It is not surprising that recently more and more brides prefer to carry weightless accessories with them, which carefully keep the secrets of the hostess. In addition, beautiful handbags can also add that very zest to the image, give the bride a special charm and sophistication, emphasize her taste.

photo: The bride's handbag is an attractive accessory to the wedding look

As a rule, wedding bags are tiny, but very attractive. The choice of such an element of the image is not an easy task, you need to determine several important points for yourself. First of all, decide on the style of the chosen accessory: it is one thing if it will be used only during the ceremony and another if the bride plans to use the handbag for other evenings as well. As a rule, handbags are chosen to match the outfit or a contrasting color. This is especially true for themed weddings, when accessories can be bright and unusual.

photo: This bride's handbag is suitable for a lace wedding dress

The size of the handbag is a personal matter for each bride: it can be large or small, made of leather or fabric. The fabric, of course, looks more elegant, although this option cannot be called practical. Leather, on the contrary, is very practical, but it is quite difficult to find a suitable option in the assortment of stores. The ideal option is a handbag made of dense material or leatherette.

When choosing a handbag, pay attention to its weight and size - first of all, you should be comfortable, because you will have to wear this accessory all day. The handle should be comfortable, if possible, refuse chain handles - they can catch on the lace of the dress and tear it. Handbags-reticules with a stylish handle or small clutches are perfect for a tight-fitting silhouette dress. Bags-bags or accessories stylized as flowers are harmoniously suited to more magnificent outfits - they are sewn from light materials: silk, satin, organza, decorated with beads, ribbons or flowers. It is desirable that the style and decoration of the handbag harmonize not only with the dress, but also with the veil and shoes. You can choose an accessory to match the bouquet - pink, pale green, white, purple - such a tandem will look very original.

photo: Wedding handbag should be in harmony with the dress and shoes

What to put in the bride's handbag?

A wedding bag doesn't have to contain a lot of things - only the essentials. A well-charged mobile phone, wet or matting wipes, and a handkerchief are sent here. It is advisable to have threads of the color of the wedding dress and a needle with you. Do not forget about a cosmetic bag with lip gloss or lipstick, powder box, blush, nail polish.

Do not put passports, tickets, a large amount of cash in a clutch bag. The holiday hustle and bustle can make you forget about everything in the world, so a light and inconspicuous handbag can be easily lost or forgotten, so give important things to your parents to keep. Gels, hairsprays, a comb, adhesive plaster, headache pills and other necessary little things are best left for storage to a witness or relatives, because they will make the bag heavier, or even not fit in it at all. But this wedding accessory should emphasize the tenderness and beauty of the bride, and not be an extra burden!

There is probably no other such wedding accessory that would cause so much heated debate and discussion on forums and pages of printed and online publications as a small and almost weightless bride's handbag. Is it necessary or not? Buy or do without? Such almost Hamlet questions are asked by many girls who are going to ring their lover soon, to the accompaniment of Mendelssohn's march, limiting his freedom, albeit invisible, but strong bonds of legal marriage.

Take care of the little things = achieve perfection

Before the wedding, the bride's efforts are aimed at making her image perfect. Sparing no effort and time, you pick up a dress and shoes, a veil and jewelry, achieving harmony in everything. Finally, everything you need is bought, and with good reason you can repeat the words of the charming Mary Poppins: "Oh, what a blessing it is to know that I am perfection ..." And now you have to puzzle again over whether you need this tiny, airy and an almost weightless little thing - a bride's fashionable handbag.

For some, this is a sophisticated and stylish accessory. The Swarovski crystals decorating the handbag shimmer in the sun with many rainbow lights, the finest laces tremble in the light breath of the wind, and the artificial flowers of marvelous beauty seem to have descended from the pages of a fairy tale.

Others consider this thing from a purely practical position. Where else, tell me, should the bride put a lot of necessary items - a mirror and a comb, cosmetics and napkins? And someone, on the contrary, believes that a newlywed, dressed in a luxurious wedding dress, does not need a handbag at all, since the bride’s hands are already busy with a bouquet, and they will have to walk a lot with a sweetheart. Where do you put your bag then?

The position of the opponents of this wedding accessory is understandable. Basically, their arguments boil down to the following:

  • Purchasing a handbag is an extra expense. Indeed, the budget for a wedding for many is not rubber. And if the handbag is purchased in a bridal salon, it will cost a lot. On the other hand, where else can you get this stylish accessory so that it harmonizes perfectly in color and material with your dress and shoes? Of course, where you bought these things - in the bridal salon!
  • A handbag in which everything you need is collected, whatever one may say, is a weighty thing. Will the bride be able to feel comfortable carrying this heavy burden for at least half a day, and even hanging it on her wrist?
  • Even a beautiful accessory can be superfluous in an already created image. In this case, the overall impression will be hopelessly spoiled.
  • An excellent way out is to find hidden reserves. And this means that you can use, if necessary, the pockets of a newly-made husband, stuffing such necessary things as a mobile phone, a mirror, lipstick into them, or you can ask for help from a witness (mother, girlfriend), filling someone else's handbag with essentials.

All this is good, but think about how the bride will look from the side, who constantly rummages in the pockets of her beloved or is looking everywhere for a witness who has left at the most inopportune moment? And then, as luck would have it, a photographer appeared and captured for history a naughty curl that had come out of the hairstyle, stuck together eyelashes, a face covered with sweat and lips smeared from endless kisses.

Many watched the famous film "The Wedding Planner", where the brilliant Jennifer Lopez appeared before the audience as a successful wedding planner Mary Fiore. It was this girl who was responsible for ensuring that the event entrusted to her passed, as they say, "without a hitch." Remember what was in active Mary's purse? In addition to her personal belongings, there was EVERYTHING that could be needed not only for the bride and groom, but for everyone present at the wedding. The contents of all kinds of bottles and jars were sobering, helped to tidy up the appearance and get rid of a foreign object firmly glued to the arm with superglue.

In the event that such an organizer plans your wedding, the bride can not worry about anything. Everyone else should listen to the arguments of supporters of the purchase of a handbag for the bride:

  • If everything rests on a fairly modest budget, it is not necessary to purchase a handbag in a store - it is rented in the same way as all other things and accessories necessary for a wedding. In addition, after the wedding, the handbag can be sold or used to go out, complete with an evening dress.
  • The bag does not need to be loaded. Go through the list of important things and put only the most necessary things in your purse, and give everything else to the witness, who will be with you for most of the evening.
  • The bride should take care not only of her own appearance, but also of harmony in a pair with the groom. And the last one, with his pockets stuffed with all sorts of things, looks more like a character in some comedy than a prince from a fairy tale.

The famous teaser "A monkey without a pocket lost his wallet ..." comes from our childhood. To the delinquent kid, peers in chorus told a story about an unfortunate relative of a person, all of whose misfortunes were explained quite simply - the monkey did not have pockets where one could put the right thing.

Strange associations, the reader will say, but what does the wedding have to do with it?

Of course, these two events have nothing in common with the only exception - the wedding dress also does not have pockets, which leads to all sorts of inconveniences. The situation is easy to fix by buying a stylish fashionable handbag, which is always ready to help out its mistress.

However, before heading to salons and shops in search of a suitable accessory, we will make ...

A list of necessary things that a bride cannot do without at a wedding:

Set No. 1

  • Mobile phone
  • Mirror
  • Handkerchief
  • Napkins
  • Comb, hairpins
  • Lipstick or lip gloss, compact powder, mascara
  • Deodorant, perfume
  • hygiene products

Set No. 2

  • Thread, needle, pins
  • Medications (painkillers, sedatives, band-aids)
  • Nail file
  • Spare stockings (tights)

The first list consists of the most necessary items that the bride will definitely need during the day. It is this set that you have to load into your wedding clutch. And to fit everything, you should opt for samplers and mini-packs. They will definitely be enough for one day, and you don’t need more. Entrust the things collected in accordance with the second list to the witness. In the event of an emergency, you can rejoice at your forethought.

And let's briefly go through the points of the lists - how important is everything that is listed on them? For example, a mobile phone. It is he who heads the set number 1. Is it really impossible for the bride to do without a cell phone on such an important day in her life? However, in the event of any overlap, you can quickly contact the wedding organizer, parents, girlfriend. In addition, you probably have friends or relatives who could not come to the celebration. And they, no doubt, will want to congratulate you on a joyful event. Therefore, congratulations!

Wet and paper napkins will help out not only in the heat, allowing the bride to look cheerful and fresh all the time. A handkerchief will help to cope with excitement and brush away a tear that has come running from an excess of feelings. Cosmetics will quickly correct your appearance if necessary, so that you can still smile dazzlingly and carelessly into the camera lens.

Based on the above lists, each bride will make her own, individual list of necessary things. Just remember that it’s better to take something extra than to call a taxi and urgently go home, leaving the guests to drink and walk, just because your dress is slightly torn, or new shoes that you didn’t really have time to break in are terribly rubbing your feet .

They say that a women's handbag owes its origin to ... an ordinary pocket, where the courtiers of the French sun king Louis XIV wore everything - from gold coins to perfumes and powders. However, pockets were still not the best solution to the problem for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, and therefore at the end of the 17th century. wicker and knitted pouch-bags in the form of a bag, which was tightened with a cord, were born. Handbags of this kind still often adorn the wrists of modern brides or are attached to the belt of a wedding dress. Reticules, skillfully decorated with glass beads and beads, were also popular with noble ladies.

A century later, the same bag with a round bottom, tied with a satin ribbon or rope, much more elegant than its predecessors, due to the use of the most delicate fabric and lace, became known as the "pompadour", thus perpetuating the name of the mistress of the French king Louis XV who adored luxury. Apparently, Madame had excellent taste, because in our time, many centuries later, a rare wedding is complete without a small pompadour-style bag made of fabric matching the dress, trimmed with beads, rhinestones and lace.

Any girl will answer the question of what the bride's handbag should be like without hesitation. Well, of course - elegant, light and at the same time roomy, with a comfortable handle. But this is clearly not enough to go hiking in a bridal salon in search of the accessory you need.


In principle, there are not so many varieties of wedding bags, so any bride, having barely looked at the offered assortment, will be able to quickly find out what is dearer to her heart:
- handbag in pompadour style,
- clutch,
- reticule.

The pompadour style handbag has been detailed above.

Every woman knows what a clutch is: this elegant handbag is worn in the hand or under the arm, since its design does not provide for any handles or straps. In the theater, at a party or for walking around the city, a clutch is simply irreplaceable.

Ridicule is the favorite handbag of our grandmothers. Nevertheless, the vintage accessory is still a success and does not lose ground. An elegant vintage handbag looks charming on the wrist or elbow of its mistress.

In addition to your own preferences, you should also take into account the trends of changeable fashion. If a couple of years ago the first lines of the rating of popular styles of wedding bags were occupied by compact cloth bags, today a stylish clutch is in the lead. Reticules and pouches also find the key to the hearts of hostesses, because the main selection criterion is the matching of the handbag to the style of the event and the image of the bride.

The size

Miniaturity and spaciousness, it would seem, are two mutually exclusive concepts. And, nevertheless, this is exactly what the bride's handbag should be - small and weightless with a thin elegant strap. Therefore, even if in everyday life you prefer a solid bag of impressive dimensions, you should forget about it for a while, because such an accessory will attract too much attention to itself. And the bride herself, holding such a purse in her hand, is unlikely to give the impression of a fairy-tale princess.

Another common mistake of modern brides is the desire to fill a miniature handbag to capacity. In this case, the thing will certainly not look light and airy, despite its modest size. Therefore, when filling your bag, try to avoid the mistake of the hero of E. Uspensky's poem "Fisherman", who took a huge amount of unnecessary things with him for fishing. Your task is to collect the essentials so that they are at your fingertips.


The main rule to follow is that the shades of the handbag and dress must match. Since the leading color of wedding dresses is still white, white, beige and milky clutches, reticules and pouches are in fashion, and the latter are on a gold or silver lace. The summer riot of colors allows you to diversify the color palette of handbags, and in the hands of the brides there are soft green, blue, yellow and lilac accessories to match the wedding bouquet.


Those who in everyday life prefer avant-garde bags with massive elements - buckles, chains and fasteners, should remember that such things will immediately make the image of the bride heavy and down to earth. Don't want to look like Madame Gritsatsuyeva at your own wedding? Give preference to light, airy models.


The ideal option is when the wedding dress and accessory are made of the same material, and the finish of the handbag echoes the elegant details of other elements that make up the bride's outfit. Handbags made of suede, velvet, satin, and leather are also widely represented in shops and wedding salons. All kinds of jewelry delights, made using metals, including noble ones, and decorated with semi-precious and precious stones, leave for those brides who have at their disposal a page boy who would carry such burdens behind them.

We combine the compatible

  • With the style of a wedding dress
    If you have opted for a dress in the Empire style or with an A-shaped silhouette, then you need to match your outfit with an elegant pouch on a ribbon called a pompadour. The clutch will suit both extravagant lovers of mini dresses and serious business women, in whose closet a stylish tailored suit is waiting in the wings. Graceful brides, whose chiseled forms are perfectly emphasized by a sheath dress or a Mermaid silhouette outfit, will look good with a luxurious reticule and a leather clutch.
  • With shoes
    Yes, it was precisely such a rule of beauty that noble fashionistas brought out back in the 17th century. Since then, the harmonious combination of a pair of "shoes - a handbag" has been considered a necessary condition for creating a stylish image.

    Moreover, it is also necessary to achieve harmony:

  • materials
    If the wedding is planned in winter, and the bride will put on a fur coat or boots, then the handbag can be fur, suede or leather, respectively.
  • color shades
    The color of the handbag tends to approach the color of the wedding dress up to a complete match. Your clutch or reticule should be devoid of bright elements that distract attention from the bride.
  • decorative elements
    Surely you have long picked up a set of wedding jewelry - earrings, rings, pendant or necklace. Then, when choosing a handbag, mentally correlate its decorative elements with a set of your bijouterie or jewelry. If harmony cannot be achieved, it is better to purchase a discreet handbag without jewelry.

And how are they?

Interestingly, in the hands of European brides, you are unlikely to see a wedding bag. And not at all because they distributed all the necessary things in the pockets of the groom or entrusted the witness to carry. Everything is much simpler - a wedding organizer specially hired for this purpose monitors the wedding ceremony. In the place where such a solemn event is held, a separate room is necessarily allocated for the bride - here the newlywed rests and puts herself in order. It is here that the same wedding bag is located, which is called "desktop", because it can also be located on the festive table next to the bride.

In the Russian expanses, such a tradition has not taken root, because even if young people are able to rent a chic establishment and equip a special room intended for the newlyweds, then where is the guarantee that valuables left unattended there will calmly wait for their mistress? But it is not uncommon for young people to go on a honeymoon right from the banquet, and therefore plane tickets and passports are also stored in the bride's purse. Therefore, it is still better, probably, to take care of acquiring a small airy handbag that accompanies its mistress everywhere. As they say, be careful and God saves.

More recently, wedding “bags” were the soloist in fashion - white, on a ribbon or a gold twisted lace. Now they are being replaced by compact clutches, in full accordance with the Spring-Summer 2011 trend, which proclaims the primacy of retro style. At the same time, designers increasingly prefer not so much perfectly white, but also milky beige, silver shades. A bright solution is a bride's handbag to match the wedding bouquet: lilac, lilac, pale green ...

A very controversial issue - labial lipstick or gloss, fragrances, thermal water, mascara… In terms of the number of kisses, a wedding day can exceed your entire life experience put together, and here you can’t overdo it with lipstick. On the other hand, you are used to the completeness of the image, and then these funds must be in your wedding clutch. Most likely, you may need both lipstick and gloss in equal measure. The first is for high-quality and vivid photos, the second is for a gentle and reverent image of a beloved and desired woman. In choosing a color (and taste!) Consult with, after all, he is a very interested person.

Availability mascara, contouring agent, cotton buds- most relevant for emotional natures, as well as all those who are under the power of feelings and emotions on this day (and simply - crying with happiness). Of course, it is better to choose a waterproof product. For luxurious volume, you can choose with the effect of false eyelashes, lengthening, with a shimmering effect and even colored to match your wedding accessories. However, after 5-6 hours of celebrations and walks around the city, your eyelashes can easily stick together, so put a special comb in your clutch bag that will fluff up your eyelashes at the right time.

Thermal water in microspray- Another hit of the bride's wedding outfit. Usually it is a spray with mineral water (any well-known cosmetic brand), an extremely convenient thing. It is applied even on, and on the hottest summer day it will help the skin of the face look fresh and young, it will not allow any overdrying or inflammation. As soon as you feel tired, try splashing your face (and maybe the face of the groom) with this magic water. The effect is amazing!

Photo: Depositphotos

Finally, let's take a closer look at the choice flavor. Summer wedding will, as a rule, be light and transparent, romantic and tender. Winter - fruity, vanilla, excitingly passionate, warm.

That's the whole simple bride's belongings! And so that the wedding bag does not turn out to be heavy, be sure to refer to the samplers of your favorite brands or purchase promo sets in mini-packs. This pleasant duty, by the way, can be entrusted to the bridesmaid.

As a rule, it is very small, and a lot of important things should fit in it. We already wrote about what should be in the bride’s purse in the article “”. But there are 3 things that, at first glance, must always be at hand, but in fact, if they are not there, then this will save her from many unnecessary troubles and worries.

What items should not be in a bride's handbag?

1 . wedding plan
While preparing for the wedding, you probably made up, in which you entered the important events of the upcoming day, scripts, names of specialists and their phone numbers. Undoubtedly, this is a very important thing on the day of your holiday. But don't keep it in your bridal purse and constantly check to see if everything is going according to plan! Entrust this list to the one you trust the most, for example, be sure she will keep everything under control, and you will stop worrying over trifles!

2 . Mobile phone
Nowadays, no girl can imagine herself without a mobile phone. But on the day of the wedding, you should not keep it with you all the time. After all, firstly, all your loved ones, from whom you want to hear congratulations, have already been invited to the wedding, and, secondly, the phone will take up a lot of space in your purse. Give the phone to a parent or . If you get a call from the person who couldn't come to your party, they'll let you know and you'll call back when you're not busy kissing your fiancé!

3 . Money
Forget about the fact that on the day of the wedding you will need to pay for something. Let your fiancé take responsibility for the expenses, even if it was you who agreed with the specialist. You can give your money to him or one of the parents. And do not forget that now you are one family, and it is likely that your husband himself will not want you to have to pay for something on your wedding day. Therefore, you should not take up space in a small wedding purse with a huge wallet.

Of course, the wedding plan, mobile phone and cash must be with you on the wedding day, you should not leave them at home. But by giving these things to your loved ones, you will feel much more comfortable and enjoy the most beautiful day of your life to the fullest!

Every bride wants to look perfect at her wedding. Particular attention is paid to the details, especially the handbag, which must be combined with the style of the whole image as a whole. Some girls believe that this accessory is optional, so they do not pay due attention to its choice. The handbag will never interfere with the bride; you can put lipstick, a handkerchief, a mirror and other little things in it. The right accessory will help make the image complete and harmonious.

What handbag should a bride choose for a wedding?

With a wide variety of bridal handbags, you can choose the model that best suits your style. An accessory made of the same material as the dress looks very interesting. If this option is not suitable, get a bridal handbag that will perfectly match the shade and color without standing out too much from the background of the wedding dress. For example, a short vintage-style outfit is not combined with an accessory complemented with sequins.

Rope pouch

A graceful and elegant accessory for the bride is a bag-pouch, complemented by a rope, thanks to which it will be convenient to carry it with you. There are several options for this model:

  • With handles in the form of tape, braid. It can be made of satin or delicate lace.
  • Clutch-handbag of the bride in the form of a small bag, complemented by pearls or rhinestones.
  • Product with a metal fastener on a string.
  • An accessory made in the form of a bouquet.
  • Bag-pouch, the main decoration of which is fresh flowers.
  • Crocheted product.
  • Handbag-pouch, made in the shape of a flower or a heart. Such models are usually made to order.

Clutch embroidered with rhinestones or pearls

A small but roomy clutch bag will be an indispensable addition to the image of the bride. An accessory made of airy fabric, complemented by rhinestones, pearls, sequins, with a metal clasp, with or without a chain. Each girl will be able to choose the perfect model for herself. A clutch bag is an exquisite detail of a delicate image of a bride. The main thing is that it fully matches the style of the wedding dress.

Handbag decorated with fresh flowers

This accessory should attract attention, but not become the center of attention. The bride's handbag, decorated with flowers, looks very interesting and stylish. Almost always, this element is complemented by rhinestones, pearls of different sizes, beads or crystals. But the decor with flowers looks more festive, bright, natural, fresh and elegant. If you choose this model of handbag, make sure that the flowers are in harmony with the wedding bouquet. It is very important to maintain one style.

Handbag-envelope on a chain

Thanks to the unstoppable flight of fancy of fashion designers, a huge number of different variations of bride's handbags in the form of an envelope, complemented by a thin chain, have recently appeared. Such an accessory can be worn both on the shoulder and in the hands. The envelope bag looks stylish, restrained, elegant, feminine and goes well with almost any bride's dress.

For the manufacture of such a product, a wide variety of materials are used. For example, soft fabric, substitute or genuine leather, elastane, delicate lace, woven material. A handbag will help in creating a complex or simple, glamorous, seductive or strict look. And the main emphasis in the image will fall on the handbag-envelope.

If you want to use this accessory in everyday life, choose the option made of matte soft white leather. Such a product is universal, and will serve you for several seasons. If the wedding is held in autumn, it is recommended to complement the image of the bride with stylish gloves and a scarf. An envelope handbag on a long chain will add glamor to its owner. Rhinestones, large beads, sequins, natural or artificial flowers can be used to decorate this accessory.

The image of the bride should be thought out to the smallest detail, and things that you may need during the day should be put in your purse. This is not just an accessory, but a functional element of a wedding dress. Be sure to bring cosmetics with you. Even if professional makeup was done in the morning, it may need to be adjusted during the day. The bag should contain:

  • powder;
  • mirror;
  • mini perfume bottle;
  • cotton swabs;
  • ink;
  • napkins;
  • lipstick or lip gloss.

It is advisable to take wet and dry wipes with you, they will help to quietly remove a tear and not spoil the makeup, wipe the groom's cheeks after numerous kisses from the guests. When choosing a compact powder, it is best to give preference to a mattifying one, which will gently mask the oily sheen that appears on the face during the day, especially if the wedding is held in the hot season.

Be sure to take a gloss or lipstick with you, with which the created image will be complete and harmonious. Lipstick should not be too bright or pale. If you are very emotional, you should have a handkerchief and cotton buds in your cosmetic bag. Crying brides look very touching, but smeared makeup will look ugly in the photo.

Each girl at her own wedding should look like a real princess, and be surrounded by an exciting, sensual aroma. To do this, put a bottle of perfume in your purse. In order not to carry a whole suitcase with things, purchase a sample of your favorite fragrance in advance, a mini-package of perfumes will do. Some of the necessary things or cosmetics should be given to your mother, witness, close friend.

Be sure to bring some medicines with you. A wedding is an important day for every girl, so put a plate of activated charcoal and universal pain pills in your purse. We must not forget about the bactericidal patch, because new shoes can rub the skin a lot, and the bride limping by the end or even in the middle of the wedding looks depressing.

Where to buy and how much

In order not to miscalculate with the details of the image, you first need to choose the style of the bride's dress. Only after that accessories are selected (earrings, bracelets, shoes, neck jewelry, handbag). You can buy an indispensable thing for the bride - a handbag, in the following stores:

If there is no time or opportunity to go shopping, boutiques and bridal salons in search of a handbag, check out the range of online stores:

Photo of wedding bags for the bride

To be the ideal of beauty at your own wedding is the dream of every girl. To create a feminine, stylish, harmonious and sophisticated image of the bride, you need to choose the right accessories, including a handbag. It is important that this element is combined with the style of the dress. Look at the photo below for a selection of the most elegant and fashionable models of wedding bags for the bride and groom.