The date of the beginning of the carnival varies each year depending on when the great post begins. How did the carnival holiday appeared and why it is celebrated

As the carnival is celebrated, what is the holiday, interests any modern person, when at the end of winter, massive walking is universally unfold. This period is designed to break the calm, which comes after the New Year and Christmas. The gray and sadness of the winter begin to bother and depart. It was at that time in the folk calendar there is a wonderful holiday of the carnival, which has deep roots, traditions and rites. Maslenic, or cheese, week annually celebrates at different times. This period is before the great post. Orthodox refuse to eat meat, but dairy products leave in nutrition. And the most delicious and festive product that can be prepared from milk is damn. Maslenitsa means a new period in the calendar year, the transition to the summer. And the scarecrow of winter is burned on the stake as a time that taught their own.

Excursions in the past

Where did the carnival come from? This question has no definite answer. The history of the origin of the holiday goes to our ancestors - the ancient Slavs. There are several options as the carnival appeared. Some historians believe that, while still pagans, Slavs celebrated this week. Our ancestors burned the scarecrow - the winter symbol. And now this pagan rite is present on the carnival festivals. Then the carnival was celebrated during the spring equinox. And this is our calendar on March 21-22. Now the date of the holiday varies annually. It all depends on the Easter, which is preceded by a great post.

Other scientists inclined to the fact that Maslenitsa could appear in honor of the ancient God of Veles, who was considered a patron of cattle breeding. He was given the debt Slavs, brought victims at the fire. Many rites and natural phenomena of this period talked about the revival of the Earth, which ancestors asked about fertility. The Nature itself was drunk by the earth with melted snow, walked asleep in the fields, and people helped her in this at the carnival period.

Christianity came to replace paganism. Orthodoxy timed to the celebration of Maslenitsa, as it was with many other holidays, the last week before the great post. They called this time the cheese week. Therefore, the holiday is cheesy, then the carnival. And although the Orthodox people have their own chronology of events this week, but it is also important as preparing for an important, longest and responsible post per year.

The last point of the oil pan is forgiven Sunday.

This day also has its own story, but here scientists converge in one - this is already connected with Orthodoxy. Sometime Palestinian nuns went to the entire post in the desert, where they prayed and fasted. Some of them could not return from their hermit. Before such a long 40 day period, they asked each other for forgiveness. Nowadays, no one goes anywhere, but believers ask for forgiveness from everyone who offended specially or unintentionally.


Maslenitsa is associated with pancakes. By the way, baked pancakes during this period originated in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. This Slavic peoples came up with such a symbol. And he stuck so much that no carnival walk could occur without such a culinary delight. Thus, the Slavs helped the Sun, the symbol of which is damn. Usually the weather during the spring equinox is very changed. It was told about it that this winter was struggling with the spring. Here are our ancestors and helped the sun with a pancake warmth, and in spring - to appear faster.

The emergence of Maslenitsa is the very name of this holiday - in the folk calendar are compared with the period when the Cows had cows. Milk was a lot, but no meat was no longer meat. Therefore, protein food was obtained precisely from dairy products, and pancakes were made of milk, and fed with milk, cottage cheese, sour cream.

If a modern person has to ask about the origin of the Maslenitsa, he is unlikely to answer. But everyone knows about this holiday. After all, it is so good on the carnival to come to a walk, meet with friends and acquaintances, eat delicious pancakes, drinking them in tea, and then still succumb to shared fun and go to dance near the fire, on which the stuffed winter. And in this stream, the fun few people are interested in how Maslenitsa occurred and why we celebrate it.

Yes, and the meaning of rites and traditions that the ancient people filled their lives have long lost their meaning. The cyclicality of nature for the one who has nothing to do with the land, no longer plays the role that the ancestors took her, fully dependent on the fertility of the soil. But because of this, the attractiveness of the festivities is not lost.

Holiday every day

The passenger week consists of special days, they have their name and purpose. Each of them was celebrated in his own way and was filled with a huge sense for our ancestors. The chronology of these days is also very interesting.

It was in Maslenitsa that the foundations of future family relations were laid, people put up with their enemies, they forgred them and asked for forgiveness.

  1. Monday - "Meetings". On this day they went to visit, stipulated the plan of the holiday. Completed all sorts of snow slides, swings, bolagans. Baked pancakes. And the first pancake treated the poor so that they remembered the deceased births.
  2. Tuesday - "Blash". These were wonderful brides - on the snow hills, from which the girls ride were invited. This option showed what the smallest and deft. Watching the bride is not just so, but with the hard intention to make a choice and marry this year.
  3. Wednesday - "Landca". Thanks to this day, the phrase "To the mother-in-law on pancakes appeared. The son-in-law was going to his second mom to enjoy, and she treated him with the most delicious pancakes.
  4. Thursday is a "fracture", or "rampant". On this day, the people diverged in might and. Bonfication of fires was added to mass rides on the sleigh from the slide. All this ended with very fun and solid feasts.
  5. Friday - "Lathetins of the evening." Already mother-in-law went to the son-in-law. True, he is not a pitch pancakes, and his wife is a daughter messenger, but the son-in-law was assigned an important role - he should have helped his second mom in every way, showing his location.
  6. Saturday - "Castle Sowing". The daughter-in-law was called to her relatives of her husband, Zolokov. Together we had time.
  7. Sunday - "Forgiven Day." In the seventh day were accompanied by carnival. And along with the wires, they asked each other for forgiveness, the traces of the carnival were removed to start fasting from Monday. Sunday burned in winter, or carnival.

Maslenitsa is not only a Slavic holiday. It is widely noted in many countries.

And each people have their own traditions that must be executed during this period. I met the spring with all sorts of games, holidays, festivals not only in Russia, but also far beyond. After all, spring for many peoples is a period of awakening, and some at this time began a new calendar year.

For example, in Scotland baked pancake pellets, which make in an interesting way: take flour, clamp it between the palms and lowered into the water. The resulting cake bakes. In England there are competitions with pancake runs. The hostesses with frying pan, on which they lie pancakes, rush to the finish. During the movement, they must turn their damn several times. In Poland, a bachelor becomes the object of ridicule. His women will sing and fed, and then pull the hair.

Russia could always boast the holidays on a wide leg. Only here it could happen that historians described. In the royal yard, there were always playing, fun, but there are several facts that surprise. So, Empress Ekaterina II, when I was waiting for my grandson, on the carnival festivals crossed with his subjects of 150 rare diamonds. And Peter I went on one of the carnival on the snow on the ship, which was dragged by horses. Following him, Hondola was king.

Despite the modern rhythm of life and the lack of communication and unity with nature, many are known not only by the history of the holiday and where the carnival came from, but also the main rites and traditions that were so important for our ancestors. And in the period when "spring with the winter is fighting," and the Orthodox are preparing for the great post, eat pancakes, go to each other, come to massive walking, and then Sunday ask for native and friends forgiveness. There is a deep meaning in this.


Maslenitsa celebrate the people began ancient times. Ancient people have always rejoiced in the spring and believed that she had to help "come", so they helped as they could and drove the evil winter. Maslenitsa is given even not one day, and some seven. This is the time before the great post. The name has received his holiday as a result of the fact that in front of the post, any dairy products can be equipped with a carnival week. This holiday is like the border between the outgoing winter and the coming spring.

Maslenitsa week.

It is divided into two components - a narrow carnival, which comes from the first three days of the week and wide on which the remaining days have fallen out. From Monday, on Wednesday, it is customary to clean at home, to do the economy. From Thursday to Sunday, all the work must be stopped and meet a wide carnival, having fun before dropping.

What is the number of Maslenitsa in 2015? Celebration date.

There is no accurate date of this holiday. Every year she falls on different days. The date of the carnival is constantly shifted depending on what days a great post falls. In 2015, Maslenitsa we will celebrate, starting on February 16 and ending February 22.

Maslenitsa in the coming years:

  • In 2015 - February 16. Celebration: from February 16 to February 22.
  • In 2016 - March 7. Celebration: from March 7 to March 13.
  • In 2017 - February 20. Celebration: from February 20 to 26.
  • In 2018 - February 12. Celebration: from March 12 to March 18.

Traditions of carnival.

In the tradition of the holiday there are elements of paganism. At the end of the passenger week, the straw stuffed winter is burned on the square, folk dances, dance and festivities are arranged.

Generally accepted on the carnival furnace pancakes. Damn also carries its significance in this holiday. Damn Round and Yellow as Sunny. Eat damn - it means enjoy the sun, its warmth. In general, in the passenger traditions everything is connected with the circle. In order to quickly spend the winter to people need to drive away dances. In the villages, it was even customary to bargain a horse and a cheerful company to go around the village several times in a circle. It is still accepted on the carnival to light up wooden rings and roll them from the slide. In older tests of Maslenitsa It was believed if a person is badly having fun, he will be unhappy all year.

Probably each of us with a lust expects an excellent national holiday, called Maslenitsa. Each self-respecting mistress strives to lose as much pancakes as possible, start cheese, honey, cottage cheese, sour cream, cabbage, mushrooms, etc. Here the fantasy flight is unlimited. In addition, women are fussing from the stove to tamper a lot of stunning eggs and decorate the table with stewed vegetables, fish, sweets, pie, couch, baked pike, caviar, sinks. Moreover, with the onset of the last days of winter, most rises the attitude, a desire to have fun, get out of the "shackles" of the cold and take walks, communicate with friends with an eye on the eyes.

Modern people with great pleasure continue to observe the rituals and traditions of Maslenitsa, make incredible acts - caress on a wooden pillar, jump through the fire, arrange loud festivities. Why this happens, what is devoted to joyful days and in the kitchen. Find out about everything in order, and in addition, a couple of other excellent prescriptions pancakes, preserved from our great-grandparents.

History of Maslenitsa

The great artists and writers were devoted to this holiday, the best directors were filmed about him. Recall at least a stunning picture of Custodiev "Carnival". How beautiful it is. So I want to be in the world that reflected the artist and enjoy the true Russian winter, incredible disorders made precisely on Russian traditions. But before you deepen into your fantasies, we study the history of many-sided and our, only the Russian holiday of Maslenitsa.

Immediately it should be noted that the Orthodox religion, the celebrations described by us, have nothing to do. This holiday is given by us by our great-grandchildren who worshiped the pagan gods. Perhaps this is one of the few manifestations of paganism that has been preserved with the transition in Orthodoxy. In order not to arise any disagreement, our church included a holiday in their list, but called the period of celebrations of the cheese week (meat suite). This period of time takes place before the start of the next great post.

When Maslenitsa arose

There are several versions of the emergence of special celebrations. Judging by one of the interpretations, this week could not have meat dishes, but was still allowed to use dairy products. The people of celebrations, who lasted for seven days, were called differently: the kaverochka, cvor, jerking, cheerful, honest, honest carnival, sugar mouth, etc.

During the celebrations, incredible traditions were made - rushed on the horses, who tried to decorate the most expensive and beautiful dressing. Sanya rushed through the streets, and ahead of the same "Troika", which was immediately taken to personify great artists on their canvas. The youth of Kutila, sang songs, the carousel was launched. At the squares, awesome fairing of the fair of the fair were arranged at the richy of the fair, where it was possible to purchase goods at a rush price. At the still preserved snow and ice cover, the slings were descended on large, degraded with beautiful ornaments Sanya. Snow "sitting were arranged, built fortresses and cities from snow and ice.

As Maslenitsa passed

In 17-19 centuries, a crowd of not only adults was gathered in the center of the square, but also children. These seven days had to be the most generous per year. The defender handed out candy, patties, toys. And in the center of the square, the scenes were installed on which ideas were held. The main characters were rummed - Maslenitsa and her satellite of the governor. Of course, the plot for the comedy was the days of Maslenitsa, her treats. She said goodbye and promised to return next year. Other performances may also occur on the scene, which reflected the works of great creators, stories based on real events.

Despite the past centuries, the celebrations in the carnival week did not stop. And the main promise remained - the desire to drive the winter. In order to come faster, warm days came, sang the best songs, turned to God Yaril and asked him to prove themselves to be a sunny disc and his rays. The symbol of festive celebrations was straw large scarecrow, which was put on a female sundress. On the last day of the festivities or burned "buried", putting a large pancake in his hand.

Why exactly pancake

Many are interested in the question - why damn it is a symbol of the carnival. After all, they are baked throughout this week all the mistress, and in incredible quantities. We have already mentioned the fillings, they are also a huge amount. Fortunately, the Russian land is rich in the gifts, and people have always differed in high hard work and had everything they need in their compound. But back to the pancakes and the history of their elevation.

The tradition of bakeing them appeared since ancient times, it was from the era of paganism. Worshiping the gods, people appealed to the main of Pantheon - Yaril. And he was nothing but the sun, which heats the Earth with his rays and gives it the lives of everything alive. With his bright arrival, the winter was inferior to the throne in the spring and launched arable land, the bread was sown, people filmed heavy Tulup and rejoiced to warm air. And what is so like a form look like our warm sun? And what can you taste, enjoying it taste? Of course damn. A subtle loaf, in which except flour, eggs and milk is nothing, it was preparing in both rich houses and in the poor skews. Thus, the hostesses tried to embody the image of Yaril with her own hands and treated their creation kids, friends, relatives. In addition to wheat, buckwheat, corn, oat colts were used for the manufacture.

Representatives of the poor class, without having reserves of meat and milk, and derived products, invested as a filling, manna, pumpkin, pea porridge, etc.

Customs on Maslenitsa

There were customs that were customs that were mandatory performed in every home. For example, the first manufactured loaf needed to give a poor person to remember the deceased from this house. If there was not a beggar, asking for a challenge nearby - threw the product through the window. And while the carnival week lasted - soft bread dried throughout the day and week, changing the fillings, refueling. Every new day of the solemn week had a certain meaning, and rites were made, designed for this day.

Before the onset of Carnival on Sunday, it was necessary to go on a visit to relatives, expensive friends and neighboring neighbors. It was also necessary to invite guests to itself and cover a rich table. It was the last in front of the strictest post "Free" day when natural meat was used. He was called "Meat Sunday". Even existed a funny belief - the father-in-law goes to the son-in-law to achieve meat.

Monday - Meeting

The day of meeting the holiday is called "Meeting". In the daytime, all people were going to walking. Large snow slides, fortresses, city of ice and snow were erected. The people rode the carousels, huge tables were covered on the squares of the markets, samovars were boiling, poured out of herbs, pouring honey, cream, etc. The kids are mastered by a straw doll and put on Sarafan, Kokoshnik. The dwarf from the morning went through the courtyards and sang songs, and they, in turn, were treated pancakes and sweets. So lasted until the middle of the day, then everyone fled to snow hollys and rode on homemade sleigh. An exception was adults, they had the right to such pleasures only from the middle of the passenger week.

Tuesday - Blash

This day was intended for the marriage. It was on Tuesday that weddings were arranged in the villages, and after the rich feast, all the newlyweds and those who have just joined, went to skiing off the slides. Naturally, the loaf continued to bake and ease with the people. Also on the day of pleasing, young people looked at the opposite half and chose a couple.

Wednesday - Lakaka

This day can be truly considered the moment of the "great" truce, the mother-in-law "called" the son-in-law is specifically "called" the mother's scene. No wonder there is a saying "To the mother-in-law on pancakes." The youth should be in the outfits that put on the day of their own wedding, and the unmarried girls rode from the slide. And above the idle guys who have not been able to find a couple last year, all have fun and teased. They came up with all sorts of punishment, and the guys had to spill off.

Thursday - ragble

He was also called a fracture, rampant, quarter, wide. This is a central event. On the squares, all honest people were gathered, satisfied, fist fights, spinning all the swings and carousels, the snow fortresses and cities were siege. Remember the artwork of the art "Taking the Snow Mountain" Surikov. From the clothes they put on what came to mind. And scarecrow from straw - Maslenitsa raised to the highest slide.

Friday - Teschina evening

On this day there is a reverse story. There is a turn of a son-in-law to treat his beloved mother-in-law by pancakes. He calls a relative in the house and covers a rich table. But products and adaptations for the preparation of pancakes gave mother-in-law: frying pan, row, flour - a whole bag, butter. Thus, due respect to relatives from his wife was given. And the festivities continue, the people triumph, drink, teas and ride on the carousels.

Saturday - Wires (Castle Sowing)

This is one of the most beautiful traditions - young Snoch invited to his new home relatives and treated not only pancakes, but also by other disasses. And people raised their hands out of straw - Maslenitsa and carried the streets of the village and "buried: they collected a lot of flights, the stuffed and set fire to the top. Around the Big Campfire arranged rounds, sang songs. Despite the magnitude of the presentation, many people cried - after all, one another year left, holidays ended, and it was necessary to start care.

Sunday - farewell

On the eve of the post, everyone wanted to be cleaned of sins. People asked each other forgiveness and pronounced the following words: "Forgive me, please, if I blame for you in front of you." In response, the usual for all of us "God will forgive". The ritual was not a formal importance, really people communicated to each other insults, resentment, forgot about the troubles and row their hands. Also on this day it was necessary to visit the cemetery and "treat" pancakes of the departed, leaving them on the graves.

These days were very popular fortune telling. And, as a rule, the beautiful half is more interested in this occupation. So, the girls satisfied the following rites:

  1. Taking into his hands the first pancake, the girl walked on the street and treated the first guy who met on her way. His name meant that it would call her narrowed.
  2. Before bedtime, Device had to be postned for a towel window and pronounce words with a whisper: "I'm sorry, I'm walking with a towel!" She checked the next morning - if the towel turned out to be wet - then this year there was marriage. Dry - on the contrary, it is not necessary to expect.
  3. For the third rite, you need to assemble the branches of coniferous trees (pines, cedar, christmas trees, fir). Collect better in the forest and decompose at home on the floor. Invite a friend, tie to each other on the eyes of the shawl and choose the branch at rags:
  • if the maiden takes a thick branch with a thick foliage (needles) - waiting for marriage with a strong and solid man.
  • smooth and smooth surface foreshadows an attractive spouse.
  • if the thick and durable bark on the branch - the husband will be a secured person.
  • if the whole bark launched, the spouse will be a simple guy, perhaps a small employee, a fitter, a carpenter.

Should I believe fortune telling - decide for yourself. But hardly a towel or a fir branch can predict your future. In any case, the rituals were invented by people and they only need as entertainment. And you need to believe only in a positive one, no prediction should leave in the soul of precipitation of uncertainty.

For forgiveness, Sunday could last before the great post drink alcoholic beverages.

Best Recipes Blinov

So, before proceeding to baking pancakes, find out another story about Maslenitsa. The legend originates from the northern regions of Russia, where the winter has always been rich in snow and blizzards. So, on this story, her Majesty Maslenitsa appeared in the north, where the rules of Santa Claus. One peasant was looking for a havoy and saw a little girl, Maslenitsa behind the trees and asked to return warm days and joy for people. And she agreed and appeared before people not in the form of a little girl, but a strong, beautiful and ruddy beauty. She fascinated the people in the festivities with his infectious laugh, sat down dance and sang songs.

To make you nice to spend these days before the post, we offer a few best recipes for pancakes. Believe me, if you follow the recipe, then no damn will be com.

On milk

This is the most popular type of pancakes that do not take a lot of costs. For cooking, we need:

  • paul liters of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 grams of flour;
  • 2 table. spoons of lean oil;
  • 1 table. spoon of sugar sand;
  • pinch salts.

Ingredients need to get out of the refrigerator in advance so that they find the room temperature. In the bowl, beat eggs, add sugar, salt, pour milk and mix thoroughly.

Mix with a small portion of milk to the state of sour cream, mix the lumps until they disappear.

Pour into the main composition and brighter. Pour lean oil, mix and set aside half an hour at room temperature.

At kefir

The option is economical for ladies. You can also use skis milk. For cooking, we need:

  • floor liter of skyshest milk or kefir;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 grams of flour (wheat);
  • drinking soda (floor of a teaspoon), as much salt and sugar;
  • 4 spoons (cutlery) of lean oil.

Eggs to beat, pour kefir and mix carefully. The mixture must be heated to 60 degrees, so that after adding salt and sugar completely dissolved. The sifted flour gently pour into the composition and mix so that there are no lumps. Soda dissolve in a tablespoon of boiling water and pour into a bowl with a dough, then pour oil, mix and remove to the side for one hour.

On water

This is perhaps the most popular prescription pancakes. There are no milk in it, which is not suitable for physical indicators, kefir who can cause a bloody. In such a test, there is less calories, and therefore there are chances to keep the figure during the carnival period. So, we need:

  • floor liter of water;
  • 320 grams of flour (wheat);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 table. spoons of lean oil;
  • tablespoon sugar sand;
  • a pinch of salt.

Beat eggs, salt and sugar in a bowl, pour water (warm) and gradually introduce sainted flour. Beat until homogeneous consistency.

We learn the character of fillings

Of course, it's just pancakes to be touched - this is also a pleasure. But as much more nutritious and filtered pancakes with mushroom, cottage cheese, cabbage, sour cream. The people there are reference - the filling must match the male character. Let's find out how true it is.

  1. Just pancakes, blurred by butter. Such a product prefers restrained and calm personalities. They seek to be and communicate only with decency. Men with such taste, as a rule, good fathers and loving husbands, guarding the reputation and welfare of the family.
  2. With caviar prefer creative, smart natures. They are pragmatic, caring, family affairs and his well-being in the first place. They are not capable of romantic actions, if they decide to make a pleasant, then practical steps will be taken.
  3. With sour cream, gentle and sensitive types are tagged. Such men are very wounded, offended. Even carelessly abandoned word can lead to hysterics and damage. So be careful and decide whether it is worth taking your destiny with him.
  4. Honey love emotional and romantic men. Such a type will be able to create a holiday even from a banal meeting and will delight your half with pleasant surprises about and without. These men are alielomba and can give the last penny for a bouquet, just like their beloved was happy.
  5. With salmon prefer pancakes with extreme oriented. These are travelers, lovers jump from a parachute, etc. So life with such a friend is restless, now and then he will present another surprise in the form of trips to the highest mountain, or flight on Deltaplane.
  6. Men love from cottage cheese, who will remain children until the end of their days. They love everything sweet, and the spouse will be a mammy. Get ready - making decisions, pay bills, finding out relationships will fall on your fragile shoulders.

How to bake pancakes

And now we turn to the process that some owners have concerns. It is due to the label of women are ready to refuse to prepare such a tasty and light dish, like pancakes. And everything lies only in one - they stick to the pan, become a com. To get around all this, we suggest valid on the proven plan.

  1. The frying pan needs to be placed on fire and glow well.
  2. Lubricate with lean oil (thin layer, enough 1-2 drops and tassels).
  3. Reduce the intensity of fire half.
  4. Satisfied dough mixed, since the bottom is always formed.
  5. Take a small portion of the midst (it is better to use special for pancakes).
  6. In the pan that needs to be kept in an inclined position, pour the dough and turn so that it completely covered the surface.
  7. Bake with a maximum of 2-3 minutes, to flip a special shovel. After a couple of minutes, throw it into the prepared dishes.
  8. Lubricate damn with cream oil or cover a large lid so that the edges become soft and do not break.

The feast of Maslenitsa, beautiful for its flow, is not only walking and celebrations. People thus wanted to approach the secrets of the universe, to open the curtains of death. According to another version, the form of pancake reflects not the sun, but life, that is, existence without start and end. These days, people understood that the Earth should multiply his riches and in his songs melted the melting of snow, feeding the soil fertility.

Another sacral base of the holiday is the commencement of the departed. The TRIZNU included three components - crying about the victims and rich feast. It was believed that the dead came to each of the celebrations of people and invisibly took part in them.

Whatever it was - but Maslenitsa is a loved one and nothing like the world of Slavic's holiday. Let it be the remnants of the pagan time or the cheese week of Orthodox religion. The main thing is that it is delicious, fun and quite useful, of course, if you know the measure!

So far.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

The date of the beginning of the carnival varies each year depending on when the great post begins. The main traditional attributes of the National Celebration of Maslenitsa in Russia are pancakes and a walking. Let's find out what is the number of Maslenitsa 2018, the story of this wonderful holiday, the traditions of celebration and carnival rituals. And we learn how our ancestors in Russia were celebrated.

Maslenitsa is the last week in front of the Easter post. Every year the carnival is observed in different numbers, it all depends on the beginning of the Great Post and, accordingly, Easter. Maslenitsa is celebrated during the week before the great post. This week prepares people to the post and beginning of spiritual and physical cleansing. Maslenitsa always starts from Monday, and ends for forgiveness Sunday.

In 2018, the carnival begins on February 12 on Monday and will last until February 18 inclusive.

  • history of the holiday
  • Maslenitsa why the same is called and why bake pancakes
    • Maslennitsa: the meaning of the holiday
  • How to celebrate Maslenitsa
    • Traditional carnival rituals (fun)
  • Traditions and customs of Maslenitsa
    • What are the days of the carnival
  • Days of the Maslenic Week 2018: Values \u200b\u200bof each day
    • Narrow Maslenitsa
    • Wide Maslenitsa
  • Signs of Maslenitsa

In fact, Maslenitsa is an ancient pagan holiday. It is believed that the original carnival was associated with the day of spring solvent, but with the adoption of Christianity, she began to prevail the great post and depend on his deadlines.

In Russia, it was made to note the change of seasons. Winter has always been a difficult time for people: cold, hungry, dark. Therefore, the arrival of spring was especially rejoiced, and it was necessary to celebrate. Our ancestors said that a young spring is difficult to overcome the old insidious winter.

To help spring to drive the winter, arranged cheerful walking on the carnival. Saying goodbye to the winter, the ancient Silvy Yaril - the pagan God of the Sun and fertility. Yarilo was represented by Rusychy in the image of a young man, who was invented annually and the newly resurrected.

Yarilo, resurrected, gave people the sun, and the sunny spring warmth is the first step towards a rich crop. Before the baptism of Russia, Maslenitsa celebrated 7 days before the spring equinox day and another week after.

With the adoption of Christianity, the time of the Carnival celebrations moved and decreased for a whole week. Cancel the carnival and prohibit entertainment church did not solve, despite all the speakers and not very corresponding to the religious rules of tradition: this holiday was too significant for the people.

But the carnival week was quite harmoniously fit into Christian traditions. Maslenitsa began to celebrate the eve of the Great Post. For the week before the great post, meat is already impossible, but people and it is not particularly necessary, because the pancakes bake on the carnival.

They are quite enough to feel satisfied and not suffer from lack of meat food. This is an excellent opportunity for Orthodox to improve before the great post. But in the Orthodox interpretation, the carnival Sedmian is not so much a week of fun, as a week of preparation for the great post, forgiveness, reconciliation, this time to devote to good communication with relatives, friends, and beneficial to communicate.

Many wonder why the pancakes bake pancakes. It is not difficult to guess that they are a symbol in which a deep meaning is hidden.

The word "pancake" comes from the ancient "Mlin", meaning "polling". Indeed, because to prepare this dishes the main ingredient is nailed flour.

Dranias, Lavash, Burito, Matsa - all these treats are some kind of Russian treats. Moreover, they have one common feature - a round shape.

And here you can answer the most important question. Pancakes bake on Maslenitsa, as they are a symbol of the sun, happy days, good harvest and successful marriages, reports the site site. Agree, they really come to it: the same round, ruddy and hot.

Present generous sunshine. In addition, the pancakes are accepted to pour with foiled oil. In turn, it symbolizes the victims that were previously brought by mighty stone idols.

Eating pancakes also had its meaning. People believed that they approach the spring and warm days. With each piece, they seem to receive the energy of a bright sun. This dish really had a great importance for ancient, and his eating is a real ritual, which has become a good tradition for us.

Let's start with the fact that in antiquity this holiday was much more multifaceted than in a pre-revolutionary time. It was based on the cyclical perception of time for all pagan cultures, and the archaic was civilization, the more attention she paid to emphasize this idea of \u200b\u200bcyclicity.

Praslavyanskaya Maslenitsa was noted at the beginning of spring - on the day of the spring equinox, when the day finally dismissed at night an advantage. In the middle lane, in the territory of the current Russia, in Belarus and Ukraine - regions, where, in fact, oilseeds were born, - the last days of the first spring month were always unpredictable. Then the thaw will come, then frosts will be squeezed. "Spring is struggling with winter," our ancestors said.

And this is precisely on Maslenitsa, a certain line was held, to which the cold was dominated in the world, and after - he finally occurred warmth. Everyone again returned to the circles of their own, and this return of life was one of the main items of the celebration.

And where there is life, there is its multiplication. Maslenitsa besides the idea of \u200b\u200bcyclicity carries elements of the fertility cult. The land was resurrected, absorbed the last winter snow, poured by juices. And now people had to help her, give this process some sacred basis.

Speaking more familiar tongue, carnival rituals are designed to sanctify the earth, fill it with their forces so that it gives an abundant harvest. For the peasants, which constituted the basis of ancient Russian society, the crop was the main value, so it was not surprising that special attention was paid to the passenger ceremonies. The carnival was a kind of pagan liturgy, only the nature of God and her elements, which Slavs brought an improvised sacrifice here.

The third is an equally important point - the continuation of the kind. The fertility of the Earth finds its continuation in those who live on it and feed on its plants. If you eat that food that Mother's Earth gave you, then you should give life to another. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe cycle of life, her return and transfer to children was a key to pagan consciousness. Life in itself was a fundamental value, and everything else was only a means of achieving it.

And the last thing you can say about the sacred component of the carnival. This holiday was also remembered. The peasants believed that their ancestors that soul were in the edge of the dead, and the body - in the ground could affect her fertility. Therefore, it was very important not to angry the ancestors and honor them with their attention. The most common way to draw the spirits was triction - memorial acts that included sacrifices, mourning crying, abundant meals. It was believed that the dead were invisible in trictioners themselves.

In fact, the carnival was one of the attempts of a person to approach the secret of life and death, a kind of system, within which the entire space was perceived as an endless series of dying and resurrection, withering and heyday, darkness and light, cold and warmth, unity and opposites.

By the way, intimate relations, in contrast to Mediterranean and Western European cultures, were also perceived by the Slavs as something sacred as the source of the new life. And even the sweetness of the Socia was not the goal, but a certain sacred background, on which the new being originated. Now it's hard to believe it, but it is.

After the adoption of Christianity, the sacred filling of the carnival was practically disappeared, only his external entourage and that amateur, which is known for us by the works of pre-revolutionary writers remained.

Maslenitsa is a character of Slavic mythology, symbolizing winter and death.
According to Slavic mythology, in these days, Zima Marin and Chernobogo acquire great power, the whole world is still in the power of winter. At this time, finally, the spirits of darkness are having fun.

Carnival feast is a fun winter wires. Maslenitsa in Russia has always been celebrated wide and fun. He was considered the most cheerful and ragged Slavic holiday, which marked the beginning of agricultural work.

At the very beginning of the holiday, Maslenitsa solemnly met with chants on the hill (on the hill). Of the straw they did the stuffed "Maslenitsa", which was climbed into women's clothing, with a pancake or a pan in their hands. In fact, it was the scarecrow "Winter", he rolled him, and they were burned as a result, thereby finally accompanied the winter.

After that, the rite with the chucks, the people had fun of the winter all the carnival week - baked pancakes, rode from the mountains, having fun at the fair.

For the entertainment of the people in the passenger week, everything was: fairs, wooden theaters, bolads, masquerarads, circus, carousels, ice roller coils, fist fights, snowy towns, sleigh riding. People drank, went to visit, treated each other pancakes.

  • Sledging

The horses were harnessed in painted sleighs, covered with a carpet or bearish, decorated with colored ribbons, buboins and bells. Festively ranging bells and bubbers, having fun of the familiar sleeves with dressed people along the streets of cities and villages.

  • Skating from Ice Mountains

First, natural reliefs of the area were used to create an ice slide, the hillocks, the banks of the rivers, ravines, which were poured with water. Later on the central squares of cities began to build wooden slides, invented special sledges in the form of a boat on the shears.

  • Trade fairs

In the market area, the fair, near the ice sludge, was unfolded, the trade of hot tea from samovarov, cakes and pancakes. The Balagan (Theater) was located immediately, the crowds were having fun.

  • Taking a snowy town

People were erected by a snowy town-fortress with towers and gates. The participants of the future battle were divided into two groups. One group precipitated the fortress, and her defenders were fighting off in snowballs. Such snowy battles also went merrily.

  • Fist battles

On the last day of Maslenitsa, the people were going to look at the marketplace - to look and participate in the fist battles "Wall on the wall". At first, the participants were divided into two groups and got up against each other. And the fights ended in that everyone was fought in the same heap, without disassembled native native nor friends.

Pancakes are the main attribute of Carnival. Round and hot, they personify the symbol of the sun. Pancakes in the passenger week baked and eaten in large quantities.

The pancakes remaining after the holiday were given by the poor or pet.

On the last day of the passenger week (on the eve of the spring equinox), a rite was held: with songs and sentences on the streets there was a cheerful procession of rude people with the straw chucks "Winter-Maslenitsa", which was honored and invited to return to the next year, and then hid out for the sidelice and burned on ritual fire. At the same time they called spring. The rite was carried out on the hill (on the hill).

Further, the rite was accompanied by a common fire on an elevation for a village or near the river. In addition to firewood, every old man - lapties, harrows, wals, brooms, barrels and other unnecessary things, pre-assembled by children across the village, in order to get rid of the old - open the road to a new one.

Children also accompanied the carnival. They did a doll from straw or thin twigs. Multicolored flasks of fabric and ribbons were imposed on the head of the doll. This doll was throwing this doll on the bonfire, on which adults burned a large stuffed carnival.

In addition, children blew into clay whistles, whose sound reminded the singing of birds - this is also a rite of spring binding. Such clay whistles are sold at the oil fairs and now.

Estimation of the centuries of Maslenitsa was considered a joyful holiday. This holiday week was associated with a pleasant chime of bells on the top three and delicious pancakes. Tea drinking and folk walking are also an essential attribute of this holiday.

Many believe that Maslenitsa is a pagan holiday, however, it is not. In fact, this week should be used to achieve reconciliation with neighbor and prepare for repentance before Most High.

Maslenitsa is the time to communicate with your friends and relatives.

This holiday has several names. For example, a cheese week, because at the tables of cheese in these seven days is simply abundant, or meat-supersonal week, because people refuse to eat meat.

At the village, this holiday is celebrated with a big sweep. Bathing in worm and skating on sleds together with fist battles are very common here.

Maslenitsa is the time of fun. If you meet this holiday in a different way, then, according to believing, the whole year will not be joy in your home, and you will live poorly. The most important treats of this week are pancakes that are preparing hostesses in every home every day. They are relying a lot of fillings. You can add cottage cheese, raspberry or other jam, honey, cheese.

Maslenitsa falls for a week preceding the great post. Therefore, at this time, a person takes the soul on the eve of a severe and long-lasting great post. And there is nothing galloping in that at this time to enjoy, taste a wide variety of dishes and not deny yourself anything. Unrestrained passenger currency and fun are treated as a magical foretention of future well-being, prosperity and success in all business, home and business endeavors.

Even pancakes, an indispensable attribute of Carnival, had a ritual value: round, ruddy, hot, they were a symbol of the sun, which brighter everything brighter, lengthening days.

There were centuries, life changed, with the adoption of Christianity, new, church holidays appeared in Russia, but the broad carnival continued to live. She was met and accompanied with the same unstoppable loosely as in pagan times.

Every day of the cheese week has its name:

  • Monday - meeting,
  • Tuesday - Blash,
  • Wednesday - Nakompa,
  • Thursday - ramp
  • Friday - daffs evening,
  • Saturday - Zolovkina gathering,
  • Resurrection - Wires, farewell, forgiveness day or kiss.
  • First Day - Monday - Meeting

From this day, the bake of pancakes began to go to the family. Before kneading the dough on the first pancakes, the older woman in the house, went outside, after the stars already appeared, and went to the river, lake or just a well, looked into the water and asked for a month to look into the window at home and pour on Opara: "Month you month, gold your horns! Look in the window, burst on the pione! ".

By tradition, the first pancake was taken out on the porch and said: "Our honest thing is, here for your souls in a blink!" - And after that, they gave the homeless that he was prayed for the dead relatives.

In the evening, the whole nurse was invited to the house, and the daughter-in-law was sent to her home, in order to visit them the next day.

Also on Monday, from the old and unnecessary women's clothing, they built the scarecrow, which was first carried away throughout the village, while sang and danced, and which then put in the midst of the central part of the city or at the highest point.

  • Second day - Tuesday - Pigs

On the second day of Maslenitsa, it was customary to walk on guests, attend various fairs, where the crumbs arranged various performances, and also ride on sledding. Wasted brides were very common, in order to play a wedding after the great post.

  • Third Day - Wednesday - Landscape

On this day, very lush tables were covered in homes. On Wednesday, the mother-in-law closed the son-in-law and treated pancakes. It was considered that if the mother-in-law and the son-in-law is in good relations, it is just a good and old tradition of treating pancakes, and if mother-in-law and son-in-law were in a quarrel, then it was a good reason for reconciliation.

  • The fourth day is Thursday - ragble. Frame a fourth. Wide Thursday

From the fourth day, all the work on the house and the celebration of the Carnival began in full force. The most common entertainment were: fist fighting, skating on sledding, swing, people competed in eating pancakes and other food.

  • Fifth day - Friday - Teschina in the evening.

For Teschin in the evening, mother-in-law went to his son-in-law on pancakes.

  • Sixth day - Saturday - Zolovkina gathering.

On this day, the daughter-in-law covered tables with various disasses and invited her husband's sisters for a holiday. If the girl was not married, then she invited his girlfriends to visit her friends. If the girl was engaged, then she gave her native gifts.

  • Seventh day - Sunday - Forgiveness Sunday, Carnival Wires. Casel

On the last day of the carnival, the stuffed and all the food, which remained after the holidays, was dispelled on the field or above the river. It was believed that the dispelled ash wakes sleeping land. In the evening, a special forgiveness rite was held in the church, people asked for a sorry and then kissed, it was done in order to start a great post with a clean soul and heart.

According to the old customs at the table on the last day of the carnival, it sits seven times, by the number of days of the holiday. In the seventh time, the family should be sitting at the table in full. The food that remained after dinner was not cleaned, it was covered with a white tablecloth, and then sheep the fur skin, it was believed that the whole year in the family will not be disagreement.
Before sunset, people were going and walked on the cemetery, bowed to their departed close and left pancakes on the graves.

On the last day of Carnival, alcohol drank very little and was taken to fall asleep until midnight.

On Monday morning, they went to the bath (Clean Monday), the great post began.

According to the traditions of the ancestors, the carnival must be carried out very rich and fun, people should not be missed for treats, i.e. How to carry out the carnival and the year will pass.

If the pancakes at the hostess turn out beautiful and lush, then the year will be prosperous and rich in the harvest, and if they stick and do not work out - then wait for the year of trouble.

The more pancakes in the house bake on the carnival, the richer in the house will become, and if there are little pancakes in the house, it will not be a crop. It was believed that each baked pancake was associated with the Sun, i.e. One pancake is one sunny day, and the more pancakes, the more sunny days. But at the same time, too much pancakes are also bad, as there will be drought, and if it is too small, then there will be bad weather, and the crop does not rush, that is, there must be a golden mean.

  • In the middle of the carnival, the mother-in-law should necessarily call their son-in-law on pancakes, and if the pancakes like the son-in-law, then the year will live in peace and mutual understanding.
  • On the carnival always built swing in the old days. They swinging on the swing, and who took off above, the family and the harvest will be more than others.
  • The same with roller skiing, who will turn on all the slides, and Len will grow the longest.
  • If rain was raining on the eve of Carnival, then autumn promises to be full of mushrooms, and if frost, then summer will not be hot and the crop will be good.
  • Who on the carnival on the treats will be missed, he will go broke in the year. It is believed that it is unexpected guests bring happiness to the carnival to the house.
  • If you throw out old things on the carnival, then this year there will be new new clothes.
  • If a person be able to forgive, then in his life will be able to start a new one.

Carnival is celebrated every year in different numbers because this holiday is always preceded by an Easter post. And the one, as a rule, begins seven days before Easter, and the date of Easter itself is calculated along the lunar calendar every year in different ways. Find out when this holiday begins this year from the church calendar.

On the eve of the great post, the believers celebrate the carnival, preparing themselves to physically and spiritual cleansing. This holiday begins on Monday, and completes his farewell resurrection.

Well, everything is simple.

Because the carnival is "tied" to the bright holiday of Easter.

And since the date of Easter is calculated and each year can fall on different dates, respectively and the carnival changes the dates of his celebration.

At first there is a carnival, then a great post follows, then Easter.

Carnival symbolizes winter wires and a spring meeting.

Why is Maslenitsa every year at different times (different dates)?

Maslenitsa is the most beloved winter holiday. He is always waiting with great impatience and celebrate with a big sweep.

Maslenitsa is a holiday that does not have a fixed date of the celebration. Every year, the carnival falls on different dates. This is due to the fact that the date of the Great Post is changing annually, as well as the date of the celebration of Christ of the Resurrection. And since the date of Easter every year is different, then the carnival can be celebrated both in February and in March.

This year Easter will be early, therefore the holiday of Carnival Buda is rather early.

In fact, the answer lies on the surface, the holiday of Easter and Carnival is connected and it is celebrated in late February or early March of the month of each year before the post, which is timed to Easter.

And every year the deadlines change. In antiquity, this holiday fell out for the days of equinox in the spring.

The last day of the holiday, and it is celebrated for a whole week, falls on Sunday and it is called forgiven.

Therefore, all week is treated with pancakes, having fun and walk on guests, because after Sunday, there are strict days for those who hold the post.

Easter is celebrated every year in different ways, and therefore the carnival has the days change.

To solve the riddle, you need to remember how our distant ancestors lived. Maslenitsa, remind, the pre-Christian holiday, as well as Christian prescriptions in many celebrations and posts are based on the Torah covenants and more ancient traditions. And so, in ancient times, a person barely mastered agriculture, noticed that the yield of his crops depends on the Sun and the Moon.

He began to live on the calendar, who asked the shining. The main milestones of the year are the beginning of field work, the beginning of the hunting season, celebrated the holiday.

So remember it easier, and the tribes need psychological discharge. Maslenitsa - Russian Wires Wires. When spring fell, they calculated and calculated the sun.

This holiday coincided with the beginning of the Great Post - the period, when the cattle of Jews Religion proceeded to clog cattle that matured, and take milk from calves and goat. Significant dates coincided in the year, as the solar calendar of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth is one for all its inhabitants.